#ik most ppl here have already been tagged in this haha but i still wanted to tag you guys
arriettvs · 4 years
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
ahh thank you so much!! And ty jill @kikisdeliveryservices and diana @baskrvilles also for sending this to me!! You guys are too kind <3
@celiabowens I don’t interact with people on here much but when I finally did, I have been so blessed to be friends with you gio! you are such a talented graphic designer and it’s so fun just bouncing ideas off of each other and getting sneak peeks at ur new stuff. I love that your blog has a combo of so many things I love, like lit/aes but also anime and it’s just *chefs kiss* seriously what more can one ask for
@kikisdeliveryservices i seriously love all your blogs so much jill alskdjflka gotta follow them all!! the aesthetics for all of them are just so soft and pretty and on point.. your gifs are always so pretty and I love that you put kind comments in your tags! It’s such a nice thing to do for positivity in the community. I think we’ve mostly interacted thru tag games so far but i’m really hoping to get to know you better (as a fellow bujo enthusiast as well)!
@baskrvilles hi diana!! we’ve only just become mutuals recently but it makes me so so happy that you sent this to me <3 your graphics and colors are just the best! I’ve always really liked the nekoma third years coloring and how soft it looks - I had no idea that it was yours!! gonna rb it again now lmao but i really hope to get to know you better!! and also can I just say how much I freaking love the name of your queue tag omg 
@naoamaya I think you’re one of the oldest mutuals that I have on tumblr julia lol and i have just loved your blog so much from day one!! You’re always such a source of positivity loveliness in the tumblr anime community, and i love the idea for creatorsweek you had earlier this summer! thank you for always being so wonderful XD 
@zuura even though we haven’t interacted a whole ton, i feel like you always have such a kind presence!! the fact that you always add nice comments onto your tags is just <3 <3 <3 to me it makes content creation feel so much more worthwhile to see little compliments like that, so tysm!! I hope to get to know you more :D 
@akaashikeji hi zira! I will always remember how a few months back when I was in the depth of bokuaka hell you recommended those amazing fics to me lollll so tysm XD anyways you are such a talented gifmaker!! the colors are always so on point and beautiful and matching ahhh... how do you do it... always can’t wait to see more content from you and to get to know you better! 
@kagehjna ilayda! even though we haven’t talked much, i’m super happy we’re mutuals and that we just very often rb things from each other haha. It always makes me happy to see you pop up in my notifs. I feel like your blog just always has so much good contentTM.. it just has everything that I’m into!! anyways always stan kagehina!! i love them sm XD 
@sadysayo hi sofia! I think you’re one of the mutuals I gained right after i came back to tumblr after a long time, so your blog will always have a special place in my heart <3 I love your edits and gifs so much! the colors are always so bright and lovely... and also thank you for always playing the tag games/tagging me! I hope I get to know you better and interact more!
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
Hi, I really loved your post with the monsters as Birds of Prey! Was wondering if you had any thoughts on the Foxes as Marvel or Mcu characters? I feel like I could see Dan as Carol Danvers and Andrew for sure is Jessica Jones, idk about the rest.
oh wow old post!!
haha unfortunately i’m not really a comics person so i don’t feel like i can really give the best analysis possible, but i have seen most of the mcu movies and bits and pieces of the netflix show so i’ll try my best. also im using dc characters too bc i want to
1. Dan: I think your instinct with Dan as Captain Marvel is spot-on (at least uhhh,, based on the movie lol sorry comics ppl). Her direct, forceful powers and fighting style are definitely reminiscent of dan’s no-nonsense leadership approach. similarly the themes of overcoming sexism and acceling in a male-dominated industry in the captain marvel movie is pretty much the same as dan’s story establishing herself as the first female exy captain (tho sports is way more valid than the military). plus there’s a lot of emphasis on love and friendship between women that dan is ALL about. also lashana lynch would be a god tier dan wilds fc. Dan could also def have that lawful good Okoye from Black Panther energy. Loyal, disciplined, no-nonsense leader. no powers except discipline. no hair. also danai gurira in 2012 with the dreads and the sword and the cape on TWD was definitely part of my middle school sexual awakening
2. Kevin: Aquaman. this is based pretty much exclusively on the fact that jason momoa is my #1 kevin fc and also that Pasifika kevin is phenomenal and mandatory, actually. otherwise i think he has a decent amount of stick-up-the-ass cyclops energy. or dick grayson nightwing energy but i don’t have any evidence for why. kinda looks like him tho
3. Andrew: andrew gets the most characters bc he’s my favorite. i think ur jessica jones instincts are absolutely correct, both in her storyline (i only watched the first season) and her powers. i’ve seen some powers au and the tendency seems to be giving andrew like,, psychic powers or the like, and i don’t really agree. andrew is a very direct character. he’s pragmatic, he confronts problems head on, and he doesn’t muck about in details. to me this really translates best into physical powers like super strength that help u big punch straight thru all ur problems. also i def think andrew would be not just a solo hero but a mercenary (or a detective) because he’s not altruistic enough to be a standard vigilante. he doesn’t care enough about other people to hang out on rooftops all night waiting for Crime to occur. there’s a price for that.  which brings us to the NEXT andrew hero: deadpool. maybe in personality more of a drugged andrew but the superpowered mercenary is really a perfect fit for andrew. also, healing powers have a decidedly tragic poetry to them on andrew. already he’s self-destructive, if he had a healing factor his concern for his own well-being would be so beyond rock bottom it’d be in the earth’s core. even worse when you remember that with a healing factor, as opposed to indestructibility, you still feel all the pain. which brings us to Wolverine and X-23, who have the same thematic points as deadpool but are much more of a personality match and they have knife hands, which i really think andrew would appreciate. ending that sadness train and onto another tho, andrew’s aesthetic and Vibes fit the Winter Soldier just SO well (just that movie tho, not really civil war or anything past that) and a reinterpretation of the captain america story using the twinyards would be incredibly interesting. and finally, one last hero that would work really well for andrew: rogue, only remove the angst around not being able to touch people, andrew would love that. one touch and their comatose? baller. don't fucking touch him.
4. Matt: Shazam. I didn’t see the shazam movie but my dad and brother did and they said it was very funny and all the trailors looked like it had a lot of fun himbo energy and i really think that fits. in terms of matching himbo disaster energy i think i’ve heard good things about comics hawkeye (not mcu). thor?
5. Aaron: Mr. Fantastic. now this might be a stretch but aaron is a character who uses a skin-deep veneer of anger to cover the fact that he’s actually quite pliant and bends to other people’s wills. and he’s a doctor or w/e. he could alse be like,, antman. he’s smart right? hank pym not paul rudd. katelyn can be wasp
6. Seth: Arm Fall Off Boy. no i will not elaborate.             ..... ugh fine, but i'm using my favorite piece of superhero media of all time: x-men evolution, the one where they're all teenagers in public high school. seth can be lance alvers/avalanche who’s a bit of a jerk and has a lot of issues with authority and has a rivalry with cyclops very reminiscent of seth with kevin, but still there’s the recurring theme that he’s lashing out because of low self-esteem and a bad situation and he’s a surprisingly sympathetic character who i’m very fond of. his power is earthquakes but i think the name makes that pretty self-explanatory
7. Allison: Iron Man. cocky, bitchy, and rich rich rich. sounds like allison to me. then to elevate it a level higher: emma frost, rich bitch extraordinaire. also if allison had telepathic powers she would be unstoppable. plus one more bitchy, morally-gray blonde (but chaotic this time): Harley Quinn
8. Nicky: Okay so I do wanna give a quick shout-out to Northstar, the first openly gay comicbook superhero, who’s a speedster which I’d actually say fits Nicky pretty well. However, if i had to choose a superhero to represent nicky in presence and powers it would have to be Jubilee from x-men (... from what i’ve heard lol. i’ve never actually consumed any of her Media hahaha anyway) she’s a joyful, energetic presence and her powers are setting off fireworks which i think is a good balance of nicky being a supportive cousin-parent AND a chaotic train wreck garbage trash man. also gonna throw in johnny storm for a cheap 'flaming' joke
9. Renee: Thunder/Blackbird from Black Lightning bc she’s a fufkin lesbian lol. (i don’t watch the show but i do follow nafessa williams’s tag). now the fr ones i’m gonna do together because to me they have the same Vibes so i chose them for the same reasons. Wonder Woman and Storm who to me have the same  reserved, impartial, regal energy. honestly ethereal and somewhat otherwordly, and quite literally goddesses. also op as hell.  black widow and her “red in my leger” looking for redemption story also fits thematically.
10. Neil: okay lazy answer first: the flash or quicksilver. get it? because they run fast? and neil run too? yea i like to think i've proven myself to be better than such a surface level interpretation but worth the mention ig. so for srs now, mystique and her shape changing powers would be an interesting interpretation of neil's identity issues, but i wanna push it a step further. nightcrawler would actually be possibly the MOST interesting hero to apply to neil 1. because powers still very movement go fast place to place 2. because of the thematic focus on neil's unusual looks and the lengths he goes to hide them, very much in line with the way nightcrawler will use a hologram-projector in order to look human, yet in both cases it's only a surface-level illusion, and 3. his parentage. here, mary would be mystique, which i also think works very well considering mary seemed to be the far more effective chameleon on the run than neil, and also fits with her place as a morally grey character, as mystique herself is often a villain or an antagonist, with her own agenda and shadowy motives. then nathan matches well with nightcrawler's father: azazel, a literal demon, and also where kurt gets his appearance. it's a shockingly coherent narrative between the three of them. then, to also give neil some powers that aren't contingent on his fucked up geneology and rather on his own merit and abilities, Black Canary and her sonic voice parallel the way that neil began to anchor his identity and take ownership over himself through his voice and his sick roasts
and 1 extra, wymack: batman, on account of his altruism, his dedication to second chances, and his many, many adopted children
anon, ik it's been a sec since you sent this, so i hope it gets back to you. i had a fun time with it and it prompted like,,, 7 different au s that i'll never write
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stray-tori · 4 years
An Innocent Sin & the good gay flashback ft. my descent into madness
I wasn’t sure if I should post this but I mostly want it archived so here we go. This is from like,, September?
So. “An Innocent Sin” is a dumpster fire unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t remember why I decided to read it. maybe I was crazy. Either way... I read it. It soon started to touch upon (very very outlandish) sexual abuse which I thought was interesting. (the angst, not so much some of the wack circumstances surrounding it)
ANYWAY. at some point... we have a flashback. And not just that. It has a gay character.
And it turns rly gay. which mind you, is still in a het smut manwha (that has a “gay” side couple, but still!)
And it destroyed me.
For those who want to read it because I genuinely think the flashback is a decent bit, it’s all the bonus chapters between chapter 77 and 78 I think. There’s a part before that too, but idk where exactly anymore. (It’s on lezhin! or your platform of choosing)
I don’t THINK you’ll need any other knowledge to get the flashback bit? but it’s been a while.
Below the cut (rip mobile users), you can read all of my amazing reactions (all of these were text messages, for context - but I took most of the replies and convos about other things out). Post is also tagged as long post. :))
(i’m serious, this is fucking long)
Here I am. Liking the gay flashback character. Feck. Main dude is still straight but idk it's cute pff
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This is a mess. The girl white hair likes, likes black hair, maybe, but thinks white hair is attractive
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What just happened is sth I'd like to know too pff He's so cute tho omg. Watch me melt Can we stay in this flashback before everything got perverted af and before white hair gets assaulted all the time I would send an eyebrow emote if I could Context: he's asking he says it again
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Ik it's not mutual but loookkk he's so sweet. He's kinda rude in present time, can't we stay in this flashback forever
I never asked for gay, never expected gay but I got gay
This story is trash why am I still reading it shdhhd
He caught his mom cheating. And now she's forcing him to watch??? What is thissss Well adoptive mom But still sudhdidu what Bitch how dare YOU exist
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Save my babyyyy
Yay sister that's not yet a rapist to the rescueee
This flashback is actually just nicer in every way let's just stay here This is a super long flashback btw Idek anymore what triggered it
Okay I think I'm gonna make the sensible decision and let this dumpster fire rest and just go sleep
It was very wild. I kinda wanna see white hair get therapy but it has 90 chapters and I'm at like 30... So I'm very concerned this is gonna be very dragged out. Idek if it's even finished ahahsududi - but I do kinda wanna see where it goes and see more cute Noah (white hair) so. Here we are.
yeahhh like i was down for the sexual abuse angst but then the mother killed the adoptive son's mother bc the dad had a thing for her?? and it was someone a person studying with white hair knew and so he's investigating and I'm like how did this turn into a crime organisation kind of plot
hhhhhhh i... i appreciate these horny things also tackling abuse but it always kind of gives me weird vibes to have both, especially when its very horny. And when people are horny to people who've been abused. Idk but I'd assume... you might try NOT to tie them up if they're frequently bondaged during their assaults. I'm just.... disjdksdj hello?? am i weird?? why are they fine with it???
also this manwha is so wild, theres this murder mystery investigation thing and then theres just a couple doing honry stuff sprinkled in between and i'm like OKAY
they rescued a guy in their basement and he's understandably very traumatized and they're trying to question him cut to our main couple trying bondage which i still dont understand bECAUSE HE'S A RAPE VICITM WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS the ones questioning arent the main couple of course but idshkjds
like im glad he's somehow okay with all this horny stuff despite his trauma and im glad he can be happy and have a nice relationship but DO WE NEED THIS MUCH OF IT he's very cute tho
i like that even when i try other stuff lezhin recommends me it still has large amount of gay in it
[mei: i mean... that's pretty great, if you ask me]
I mean I agree, I'm enjoying the gay eheheh these tonal whiplashes there's not even that much white space between the panels fhjd nvm it just turned horny goddamn it can there be 1 chapter without fucking? okay, there were the flashbacks
WE ARE BACK IN FLASHBACKS but im not getting the gay relationship, sad
OH WAIT AM I GETTING GAY COMFORT bc thats very good too
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OH NNOOO this turned sad very quickly
I'M :((((
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different species confirmed
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I rly like them :((( I like the current girl too but it's just..... very horny with her. the flashbacks are nice [current tori edit: she’s very unloyal idk why i said I liked her] im weird HHHHH RIPPP 
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someone help him he looks so saddddd
not sure if thats the most healthy relationship but I'LL TAKE IT
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AWWW black hair's mom cooks mild food for them bc Noah can't eat spicy food :((( im soft
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i feel like theyve done much more bonding than noah's current relationship. I mean yes I think its cute when she comforts him, too, but they rarely do anything besides be horny together
best buildup, honestly
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the position is hornier than I'd like later here goes hope it stays cute
D-did someone just respect the word "stop"??? I am amazed
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i think you might uh. have some trauma stuff too so yknow
Dohye is a little dramatic in his reassurance but it's all rly cute so I'm :(( I like them a lot pls stay like this getting invested in flashbacks is always like: ik it wont stay but pls stay like this
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chapters ending in "i wanna touch him" is never good. I'm scared. Oh okay he didnt do anything. PHEW. He's already better than the girl, can't they just end up together lmao
[Noah was jealous]
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w-why do you look so evil dohye haukdhjs
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oh. oh no. the horny is starting. pls dont... just be cute forever
DOHYE NO YOU WERE SO DECENT WHY ARE YOU LYING ABOUT KOREAN TRADITIONS TO GET HIM TO DO STUFF HORNY STUFF TOO NO PLS STOP I JUST- WHEEE TvT the manwha is actually less visually horny in the flashbacks but im not sure if its bc its BL which isnt rly the genre of the manwha or if its bc they're still kids basically, which... I'd respect the latter, tho I'd prefer it to be like this constantly haha
okay. he's not respecting stop anymore, but it's also more of embarrassed nature more than "no i dont want this stop" so maybe i can forgive it. Still losing points, but he hugged him and it was sweet so HHHHHHHHHHH NOT SURE HOW I SHOULD JUDGE THIS SITUATION
They [Noah’s family] forbid him to visit his friends house I AM DEVASTATED
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understandable they're a rapist, a fucked up murderer mother and a father with a thing for younger women so
tho he dont know any of that but yknow he's so pretty just fucking end me on the spot
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they are boyfriends and ik from the future that his sister is gonna ruin it allll she has those drugs that make visual imaginations feel like they rly happened to the person (dont know if thats real but holy fuck its terrifying) and she's used it before to say that Noah assualted her. and im pretty sure shes gonna use it again bc there was a panel of Noah remembering Dohye being uhhhh intimate with her and thats why Noah began to hate him and im so sad im not ready for it. bc he's denied it in the future and i honestly couldnt see it happening even before that or she drugged Dohye, i guess thats a possibility too
[current tori: oh girl, it’s neither and it’s wack]
which if, btich you gonna die even more enough rambling, more reading. this makes me so sad but also spicy
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on the manwha note, he thinks Noah doesnt like his family bc he's adopted and doesnt feel comfy which....... fair enough i suppose. and he's so cute im gonna melt just looK AT THIS 
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OH MY GODDDD he ate like ice and gum and all that, and Dohye assumed it was bc of the more spicy food and got rl worried, but he was just trying to get the smell out of his breath bc he wanted to kiss him ukhsdjs HOW CAN YOU BE SO CUTE HELLLOOOOOOOOO
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look at them. LOOK AT mY BABIESSSS
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how am i ever gonna care about the main couple again aww he-he wanted to go to the same highschool as him :((( im sad bc i know its not gonna happennnnnn
[mei: also at this point, you're literally never gonna care about them. i don't even know the main couple that well and i honestly don't care about them whatsoever.]
WAIT NO they're actually going to the same school awww ik it wont take long until sister fucks it up for them but for now theyre so sweet ohmygodddd
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cant he move in with them, fuck his family honestly
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dohye he's not a fucking pokemon iukhsdjs
oh. its. turning horny i am displeased with this development but i guess its natural for their relationship however COULD YOU DO IT AT HOME AND NOT IN SOME DUSTY SMALL ROOM how do ppl do this i like that the comments too are just "... is anyone still carng about the other girl?" sakjds
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this is the best 3 panels in existence.
h-he just took your hand dohye idk what to tell you
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[mei: "you blush at everything i do" god if that isn't me, idk what is]
awww its cute dohye is getting bonus points bc he invited Noah over while his mom wasnt home, they watched some sexual stuff and he DIDNT try to do anything what is this where can i get more of this
"well im not okay"
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they still didnt do much btw they're just kinda exploring and its honestly nice TvT I dont want this to ever endddd
[Dohye sees Noah’s sister and approaches her] N O
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this is the starttttt of something.......... TERRIBLEEEE 
:((( babyyyy
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Noah was drugged im sure. hes having dreams and waking up in pain and the sister is asking doyhe over I DONT LIKE THISSSSSSS OH HE DECLINED
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OKAY OKAY he saw him with her again but it was from behind and im not sure if it rly happened??? oh no this is terrible. Noah :((( poor child
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i am so emo about this
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[reminder he’s been abused TvT]
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[the sister: “Don’t you want to know why?”]
i will. murder someone he called to ask her to delete his number btw what is this manwha but this is just gonna make it that more tragic when whatever happens that breaks them apart :(((
he's such a good bf but Noah just wont TELL him his side I'M SO SAD
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It cant end im actually tearing up nooo you were so cuteeee and happpyyy
[*sister is telling dohye to come to the gym hall*]
what else is she gonna do she already teared [current tori: ahem... T O R E] them apart THAT'S NOT DOYhE. THATS NEVER HIM. OH MY GOD. is it a look alike??? damn, she's dedicated to just. ruining it, huh
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now he's switching SCHOOLS NO NOOOOO how will i ever find happiness againnnn NO they're misunderstanding further they're not talking properly i mean i get it but oh my god
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I'M :((( 
NO NOOOO pls make up in the future at least omg he tried to clear it up tooo ahhh i dont even have hopes for them getting back together but i just i want them to clear it up im crying first manwha to make me cry and it's this dumpster fire ahaha maybe a little too bc it kinda hit a little close to home i guess but goddamnn ittttt they were so cuteee and so happy and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
OH NO. Noahs getting drugged and assaulted. And he's realizing it happened before, he just forgot. I am. so sad it's not horny drawn either which i appreciate but MY HEART NO
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Im. gonna cry more 
Doyhe kept an eye on him im so emo :(( but he thought he was doing well enough and gave up.... Im im so sad no i want you to make up and get back together its all just a stupid........... MEHHHH will i ever find sth like this flashback again
[mei: p-probably not, no]
i am so devasted i dont even wanna go back to the main couple just fucking. i want this relationship back :(((( but i guess the investigation might end up somewhere so hhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh the baker manwha had a similar flashback feeling so. i just gotta find more of that haha
BUT THIS WAS SO SAD??? im so emo
[Dohye got kidnapped // the flashback commentary stops here but I think my descend into madness is pretty funny too]
its. actually rly smart to have another, more focused on them flashback, before the arc where he gets kidnapped by the rapist murder household so. good job. from a meta perspective but also NO but also. maybe theres hope for them making up at least after all :(((
[main couple kissing] this is. very weird now. but im glad he has someone, he deserves it but dohyeeeee
and switching to sex, YET AGAIN now i wanna see this EVEN LESS THAN I DID BEFOREEEE it's even.... a threesome now with one of the other characters why are you like this why can't you be. like in the flashback i am so upset HAHHHHH WHEEEZEEEE
I am just stop fucking jesus christ PLEASE I DONT WANNA SEE IT ANYMOREEEEE
im just stop the horny pls just tell me who that new guy is and why doyhe likes him so much
[mei: this manwha is a fucking mess but at least we got your lovely commentary out of it]
dhsuksj thanks i feel honored at least i got cute BL out of it before everything went [back] to shit
[mei: THAT TOO]
tbh im getting kinda mad about doyhe... i dont... feel like he'd just fall instantly for a guy who looks like Noah... but eh not my character
i just want closure for dohye at this point, fuck everything else ... not literally pls theres already too much of that
pls get it together for like 1 chapter is the investigation even still happening i am so confused save dohye plEASE wait what i have less than 10 episodes left Dont tell me this shit isnt even wrapped up yet
[Dohye is having a breakdown over the Noah double not coming to see him anymore]
yeah i this... doesnt feel like Dohye... at all... Even when Noah was rejecting him he was just kind of... taking it with some humor and maybe he was a little desperate and risky sometimes but... oh well... i do want him to get better but... im having a hard time believeing this development??? he never seemed overly anxious or anything. but who knows what else they did to him. Sister can still go fuck off tho
i mean. i liked the flashbacks a lot honestly??? it stayed simple and focused on the dynamics and less trying to balance smut with murder plots
okay i dont care bc dohye is currently getting assaulted nobody asked for this why i just. this is terrible. he was... so sweet. he doesnt deserve this. nobody does of course but jesus christ pls someone save him at least its not horny visually, one saving grace
ah... the assult is back to being depicted horny-ly thank you for nothing
[... removed some general confusion about the plot]
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i am. suffering i mean i cant stop but GOD
okay so apparantly. the sister. has just an arsenal of people who look like other people Dohye, then Noah... and even Noah's GF??? this is ridiculous??
one good message 
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did you feel the need to add that [actual tired rage]
im gonna die this manwha is gonna kill me im laughing but im suffering oh hes arrested great and thats the end and the last update was in january of this year
why AS IN NOAH IS ARRESTED nobody who actually did anything is arrested What is this why is this AHHH I at least wanted the complete-ness of finishing this but now I'M JUST SUFFERING
its an experience allright WELL
yup that’s it.
in my head, in a twist of events Dohye and Noah make up and are actual endgame. Something like that must exist out there but I won’t ask because it’d destroy the surprise and ruin the point.
That’s it.
Have a nice day.
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jvnckles · 7 years
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hello!!♡♡it’s me- jenny, your professional taehyung, bangtan, puppies & bubble tea lover!!ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I want to start off by saying thank you- thank you for always supporting me and for being so kind to me/being such caring friends whom I cherish a whole lot. 
And with that being said.. thank so much for helping me reach 1k followers!! asdfghjkl; i still can’t fathom how this happened.. this blog started out as a fandom blog for supernatural and then i abandoned it before deciding to revive it again a couple months ago and i think that’s one of the best decisions i’ve made in 2017. bc if i didn’t.. i wouldn’t have been able to meet all of you♡
i love you all so much but i’m sure you already know that but again, thank you for staying by my side and sticking to me through it all. i will continue to do my best to post quality content and be active. i purple you!!💜💜
bolded - precious & beautiful soul i love you v much
italicised - lovely mutuals
💜 -you hold a special place in my heart
🌹 - i appreciate your existence
🎀-your work is inspiring & i love what you create!
✨-i hope we can get to know each other better!
☾-you make me smile!
✏️ - scroll to the end for a special message!
(if you didn’t get an emoji it doesn’t mean I love/appreciate you less! It just means we’ve probably never interacted/rarely interact ;; ) & i’m also gonna still tag new mutuals!♡
@4agstd🌹☾ / @97-ed /@aesthetcjeon✨☾ / @agust-rush💜🌹☾ / @jungkookio💜🌹☾ /  @apgujeon 🎀 / @b-taeh-s✨ / @baekeyes✨/ @bamlisa / @bangtanata💜🌹☾✏️ / @bangtanssea💜🌹✨☾ / @bbyboyjiminies / @bwisou 🎀 / @catladyjaebum✨☾ / @chanbaekaritz🌹☾ / @chimchurro🌹✨☾ / @chogiyeol-utopia / @clairelions💜🌹🎀☾✏️ / @comeherejimin 🎀 / @cryjeon💜🌹✨ / @cyphergguk💜🌹☾ / @cyphersjay🌹☾ / @cyphertaehyungie💜🌹🎀☾ / @daegucrew 🎀 / @deboracorrea25 / @deletaed🌹/ @dreamytaehyungx💜🌹☾✏️
@eatijn💜🌹✨ / @endearkim🌹☾ / @flowerjimin🌹/ @green-tae-latte🌹✨ / @gukbae💜🌹☾✏️ / @gwenchanamjoon / @hardcorehobi🌹✨☾ / @hihello-youngk / @hobijoon✨/ @hobislobster✨ / @hobisuki / @hoeseok / @honeyyjeon🌹 / @hopeworldbitch / @icetaelemonade💜🌹☾✏️ / @infivel💜🌹🎀☾✏️
@j1nsgf✨ / @je0n 🎀✨/ @jeonbus💜🌹☾ / @jeonisbored / @jeonsberry💜🌹☾✏️ / @jiinkookie💜🌹☾✏️ / @jimeenee / @jiminblackhair / @jiminiedimple / @jiminparke🌹✨☾ / @jiminparkl💜🌹☾✏️ / @jinandtxnic🌹✨☾ / @jjks 🎀 / @jjnkook / @jkks💜🌹🎀☾✏️ / @jungshiii💜🌹☾✏️ / @jvngkcckie / @kc-junghsk💜🌹☾ / @kkultae💜🌹☾✏️ / @kookiez💜🌹☾✏️ / @ktheaven💜🌹☾✏️ / @kthsv💜🌹☾✏️ / @lavendervantae / @liquidkook / @listentohopeworld💜🌹✨☾ / @longlivekookie✨ / @lovesmilk✨☾
@majinstic💜🌹☾✏️ / @megjin🌹✨☾ / @minkyungii💜🌹☾✏️ / @minsbutt🌹✨☾ / @misohobi🌹✨☾ / @mnkook / @mxxnlightjimin💜🌹☾ / @my-aerible💜🌹☾ / @namj94n💜🌹☾✏️ / @nochuie 🎀 / @omfgbts🌹☾ / @parkbagelboy / @parkjiminbiased / @pocketofjeonbunny💜🌹☾✏️ / @pocketofyoonmin💜🌹☾✏️ / @prince-seokpink💜🌹☾✏️
@rea1love💜🌹☾✏️ / @religion-agustd🌹✨☾ / @s-s-sugaplum🌹☾ / @samwol 🎀 / @sarangtaee🌹✨☾ / @seokjinstaehyungs / @seouljjk / @shook-kookie🌹☾ / @slayykook💜🌹☾✏️ / @sonatines🌹✨ / @soonyoung-my-love / @sugahyung / @sugahyungg🌹✨ / @sugaidc💜🌹☾✏️ / @sugashopedat / @sullii / @sweaterpawsjimin 🎀 / @taeboos / @taehyhungie / @taehyungtrsh💜🌹☾ / @taekookiesandcream/ @taesflower💜🌹🎀✨☾ / @taeshik💜🌹🎀☾✏️ / @taetle💜🌹✨☾ / @taetaetrashhh💜🌹🎀☾✏️ / @taetaez💜🌹☾✏️ / @taev-gucci🌹✨☾ / @taezever🌹☾ / @teacupjm
@ur-a-wizard-bts / @vanillalattaes💜🌹☾✏️ / @viatae💜🌹☾✏️ / @volandoentrelibros 🌹✨/ @wenhz💜🌹☾✏️ / @wowjeon✨ / @xseokjiin🌹 / @yoongitrsh / @yoonkia🌹☾ / @yourstrulytaebwi💜🌹☾
♡ @bangtanata - halo bubs hahahah ur sucha fun person to talk kek klo ngobrol ng pernah bosen gitu i suka bgt x)) apalagi bisa ngomong bahasa wakakak but bubs!! ur so talented i love ur drawings and your writing is so creative♡♡ keep doing what u do and semoga sukses yahh!!
♡ @clairelions - queen of gfx/edits/gifs hello♡♡♡ your creations always inspire me sm and i still look up to you :’> i still remember the day i freaked out when you followed back i stopped breathing for a bit lmao ;; but ur sucha sweet and genuine person!! ilysm chiara!
♡ @dreamytaehyungx - nareeee!! one of the most beautiful and cutest ppl i’ve seen on this site♡♡ every time you post a selfie i’m blown away and you’re so SWEET i just want to protecc you (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ ty for always tagging me in posts i love it sm it makes my day. i hope ur doing well ilysm!
♡ @gukbae - MY pRECIOUS BUN BUN♡♡one of my closest friends but i miss you so much ;; i hope you’re doing well and that life continues to improve as it goes on bb. you deserve the universe and so much more tbh you deserve everything good life has to offer. ilysm luna♡♡
♡ @icetaelemonade - hello kaneee♡♡ :> you are a cutie!! and thank you for tagging me in posts of tae asdfghjkl; i always get excited when i get tagged hahah i hope life is treating you well bc u deserve it!! and i hope you achieve great things in 2018!
♡ @infivel - SAYANGGG!! my #1 support system, the most talented writer out there, a lit dancer, i love you i love you i love you soooo muchh bubs♡♡ur always there for me when i have issues and such a dear and caring friend so close to my heart ilysm don’t forget tht!! excited to see u tmr in school again and geo case study buddies heheheh but overall ur wonderful queen of soft ranting aduh bikin gw emosi sumpah tpi gpp deh once in a while gua boleh nangis tntng tae ;; wkwkwk
♡ @jeonsberry - ASYYAAA♡♡ one of the sweetest people i’ve met on this site and also one of my first friends :’>> thank you for being such a caring friend and always tagging me in cute appreciation posts or anything rlly! i’m glad that we met bc you’ve been such a blessing♡ i hope life is treating you well and i hope it continues to present you with love and happiness ilysm~
♡ @jiinkookie - hi kattt!!♡ ik we haven’t spoken in a while but ur one of the first mutuals i’ve made on this site :’>> you’re so supportive and always hyping up my selfies ahikjglnalg tysm for showering me with love and kind words♡ you are very sweet and ily!!
♡ @jiminparkl - MY SNAPCHAT BUDDYYY!!! precious soul you are the cutest i s2g your messages make my day so much especially in the morning :’<< i always read your snaps when i’m otw to school and they make my morning easier♡♡ i love you so much jules i hope life isn’t too hard rn and i hope u have strength throughout all ur exams!! you got this bb!! ty for being such a caring friend and for being such a good listener and for being so patient/understanding :’>>♡♡♡
♡ @jkks - ryuuuuu~♡♡ one of my first mutuals/friends here!! you make lovely edits i love seeing them and if they ever pop up on my feed again i will hype them!! i hope life is treating you well and i hope u meet kookie one day ;>> ily!
♡ @jungshiii - MARTIIIIII♡♡♡ ighakjlndgjlakn so freaking talented with gfx and gifs i cri erytim they pop up on my feed. always posting good quality content- i will make sure to shower all of your upcoming ones with love ;>> you are so sweet and caring i can see that you truly love your mutuals. thank you for tagging me in cute posts & i hope life is treating you well bb ilysm!!♡♡
♡ @kkultae - lynnnnn!! the talented artist♡♡ and one of the cutest ppl i’ve ever seen ^-^  i love your blog sm tbh you deserve more and more love and i hope u do receive it soon!! you’re so easy to talk to and ur so kind :’>> i hope 2018 is filled with success and happiness♡♡ ily~
♡ @kookiez - sidddarrrrrr ;;;;♡♡ my first friend i’ve ever made on this site. i still remember the first time we spoke i was so nervous and shy i was honestly shaking uakjlnkga but you’re so sweet and soft and so freaking pretty!!! i cri- post more selfies and bless us *^* ♡♡ heheh but ty for being so kind from day one til now and i miss u bb!! i hope ur doing well ilysm as always♡♡
♡ @ktheaven - MY PURPLE SOULMATE HELLO!!💜💜(purple hearts just for u hehe) ty for being such a good friend and talking to me almost every single day and sending me so many cute posts on instagram?! i love looking through all of them and it makes me day :> we haven’t spoken much recently bc of rl situations but i hope life is giving you all the love you deserve and just positive vibes in general. your messages make my day, love♡♡ i love you so muchhhh nad xx ;;
♡ @kthsv - daNII my precious bubs♡♡ u are such a supportive and understanding friend ilysm :> your gifs are A+ quality and you are so talented!! i forgot how we first started talking but i’m glad we did bc we have become close since we first started speaking. you are one of my dearest friends and i hope life is getting better as time passes by bb♡ ilysm!!
♡ @namj94n - nissaaa ;> hahahah we live nearby each other even tho our we’re like countries apart iajlndglka i hope to see you soon bubs i’m so freaking excited i cannot wait!!! i’ll see you in around 2 weeks i think hehe♡♡ you are such an understanding person and so FUN to talk to!! i genuinely laugh whenever we chat it’s so funny whenever you tell me to put on body armour bc i always get injured but ik u say it bc u care :’>> ilysm u are precious!!
♡ @pocketofjeonbunny - HIIII BB♡♡ long time no talk but you are one of the sweetest ppl i’ve met ;;; your gifs are lovely too your colouring is always on point and you are GORGEOUSSSS!! your ig feed is a blessing whenever you post a selfie- you are stunning, the literal sun♡♡ the sun is sh000k. igajldkgna i hope to meet you soon when i go to oz :>> ilyy~~!!
♡ @pocketofyoonmin - ZAINAB MY PRECIOUS AND ETHEREAL ANGEL♡♡ you are so beautiful inside and out i’m so lucky to have a friend like you! so supportive too always commenting on my ig posts and making me smile ;;; the cutest. you slay me every time you post on ig and especially in selca tags!!♡ so freaking cute to see you next to your bias like i ship it hard- to the ocean okay. ikajlkngal but i love u so much i hope to meet u this summer bb!!!
♡ @prince-seokpink - kAEEEEE♡♡ one of the many talented writers ik and love. you are such a sweet person i love talking to you even though our timezones are whack and so wide hikjglnadlgkdan and yet we still find time to talk to each other :>> i hope to meet u one day so i can hug u ahhhh ty for being sucha good friend to me ilysm xx
♡ @rea1love - SUHHHAAAA♡♡ or is it suho? hmmmm >u< haha just kidding bb! you are gorgeous and you are also very fun to talk to~ we like similar groups and i think it’s cool we bias the same man in nct- we are confirmed to be soulmates lmfao asdfghjkl; but u are a cutiepie and u deserve the world ily♡♡
♡ @slayykook - HELLO BUBS♡♡ ty for being such a good friend and talking to me literally everyday even though we often reply each other late bc of timezones :’>> it’s nice talking to you and i wish nothing but the best for u♡♡ i hope life is blessing you endlessly and i hope happiness is all you’re having rn hahaha ily~~!
♡ @sugaidc - you are my sunshineee my only sunshinee you make me happy when skies are gray ;;; i miss u so much lils. ik we talk outside of tumblr but i still miss seeing your name pop up in my notifs here :’> i’m so glad we started talking you are one of my closest bestfriends i love you so much my goal is to meet you one day!!♡♡ lt’s make it happen but for now let’s make a facetime call happen amidst our busy schedule ;w; ik life hasn’t been the best but you are strong and you will get through this! and u are also very pretty and a whole cutiepie which is always a plus♡ ilyilyilyilyily always!! xx
♡ @taetaetrashhh - ahgjlnalk momommomo♡♡♡♡ SUCHA SUPPORTIVE FRIEND AND A WHOLE BEAUTY ;; your makeup is goals can u pls teach me?? ;;; and ur also a talented writer like AGH you are a whole package i am cri 5ever ;; hahaha but you are such a sweet friend and the ask you sent in yesterday/couple days ago made me tear up srsly ur the best :< ilysm i hope life is treating u v well my love♡♡
♡ @taeshik - momo... i just realised today that you aren’t on tumblr anymore… but while you were here you were one of the nicest ppl i’ve spoken to and you very sweet & kind to me ㅠㅠ i’m sorry to hear things in real life haven’t been the best but i hope everything sorts out soon and you are filled with happiness to the brim♡♡ i love you bb! sucha beautiful person inside and out, keep being you :>
♡ @taetaez -  giiiOOOO where do i even begin?! one of my dear friends and one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met ;n; we don’t talk often but when we do i always feel bubbly and cheerful in an instant- you radiate positive energy and that’s what i love abt u♡♡ thank you for always tagging me in so many posts they srsly make my day and i often times only open tumblr to check if you’ve tagged me in anything :’>> i love them! pls continue to do so♡ i will try my best to tag u too~ i love you sososos much i hope life is treating u well bb
♡ @vanillalattaes - hiiii fahreen♡♡ ^-^ we haven’t spoken in a while but you’re one of the very first friends i’ve made on this site~!! i’m still a huge fan of your selfie gifset i will never forget that masterpiece iajlngldakn♡ you are so beautiful! i hope life is treating u well bubs and ily :> xx
♡ @viatae - viaaaaa!! my fellow tae enthusiast and stan♡♡ your instagram posts are A+++ quality i love them you slay in every single one and ur smile is the cutest omg ;^; i hope life is treating you well and i hope all is good. sending u all my love and good vibes~~!!
♡ @wenhz - anannannanannanaaaaaa ;;;♡♡♡ hi bb!! i miss u and i miss our long chats that are all in caps lock and i remember that long paragraph you sent me to help cheer me up when i got hate :’>>> ik you’re not on here often anymore but i hope everything offline is going smoothly and pls remember to take care of yourself and your health♡ i love you soooo muchhh i could never forget you and you are one of my dearest friends.
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kkukkung · 8 years
Im crying in the school bathroom rn I seriously love wonho so much I'm in pain why is he my ideal guy in every way he's so amazing and handsome and sweet but whO CARES BEVause he don't kno me haha am I right
big mood all the time im always in pain bc he rly................ doesn’t KNOW i would let him shave off my eyebrows if he wanted 2
tardy replies as usual under the cut!
(sorted from oldest to newest)
I wouldn't even care if wonho was a high maintenance boyf tbh I'd just sit and comb his hair all day and tell him he's pretty
hdjkfh this was so long ago but i think i was mostly kidding abt him being a high maintenance bf... like he would do so much giving? but i guess the only thing he’d need is constant reassurance that his s/o loves him imo jfdhgjk... i also think he’d b someone who either doesn’t settle down ever or does it very late in his life!
annie 🌹literary queen ❤️ literally crowned with a laurel wreath! not be drum attic but this midsummer nights monsta au is so!!!! give me sistar as the four star crossed lovers then drag me to h*ll and give me this doctor faustus au i'm itching for with kihyun as faustus and k.will as mephistopheles bc i love to watch my faves s*ffer but don't let me rip until i get my much ado about nothing au with the entire cast of starship ent and a lil cameo from giriboy!
(in refence to this monsta x as shakespearean archetypes ask!) fjdshgkjs shh i lov u... why is k will as mephistopheles so Accurate esp no.mercy k will lmao. um u should write all of these? in fact if... if anyone has mx literary aus.... hmu...... i’ll n*t
another thing about that incident is that it seems like the fan doesn't think Changkyun and Jooheon undersood them?? (an extension i guess they assumed they don't understand english very well) and that's pretty problematic. it seems to me that when they didn't respond the fan assumed they didn't understand and kept repeating it, as a joke. but they literally did That to the two with the most proficient english in the group... it's rly a mess all around. it's disrespectful through and through
(in relation to that gross “d*ddy” incident from a while ago) ik i feel like some intl fans think korea is a land completely culturally and linguistically alienated/divorced from the rest of the world or something and while cultural relativism is real to some extent... the idea that koreans are completely unaware of ~outside~ things is deeply racist. like mostly white ppl think that diasphoric poc are completely Different from them? when my mum went to the states 15 years ago some ppl literally asked her if there were newspapers in china lol...
i just randomly thought of monsta x as sesame street characters mostly bc i wanna see kihyun and wonho duke it out as bert and ernie (kihyun w/ the waste paper bin on his head and wonho asking 'where's the waste paper bin' and kihyun saying 'ask me that again and look into my eyes') and also minhyuk being elmo tbh...
JKGHKJDF PLEASe!!!! when will something like this b photoshopped... minhyuk as elmo is... spot on... i remember once elmo appeared on a now-discontinued late night talk show program i used to watch when i was in primary school and he was like “elmo likes wasabi, that’s why elmo has no eyebrows” and idk why ive never been able to forget this????? very lmh. also this made me think of a monsta x muppets au n minhyuk is the pic of ass-gape kermit.... next post of mine will b monsta x as kermit reaction pics
Hyungkyun is such an under appreciated ship. Like, they just get each other so well? Why do people overlook it. ㅠ.ㅠ Do you have a moment that made you ship them? How would you describe their dynamic?
it’s bc they’re intp x intj they don’t rly... Understand each other with minimal effort/real communication lmao it’s very efficient. both quiet lil darlings who aren’t emotionally That Open but enjoy their own little space together sometimes?? their dynamic is like... they’re weird in different ways but they’re v chill together. u can tell hyungwon is super fond of changkyun like he has this Expression when ck does anything at all.... i think these two rly love each other’s personalities bc they’re both kind/gentle/peaceful types and their overall ?? vibe is just highly compatible... they’re absolute darlings... v soft together... i can’t think of a favourite moment but i rly rly love their birthday messages for each other last year like changkyun’s message for hyungwon was like “ur rly cool bruh ur rly such a great person” and hyungwon’s message for changkyun was rly... just him obviously doting on him n finding him cute jksfdhg i lov them a lot :(
soyou: i know how to make hair pretty :))) knetz: dirty fckn iljin why can't she be out there being being PRODUCTIVE in society by having babies and learning how to be a good wife for her future husband ://// smh how dare she be successful now when i'm stuck doing what society wants me to do but also anonymously attacking ppl i don't personally know on the internet bc THATS respectable the irony of ugly knetz is so transparent
The whole thing about Knetz and wonho's "scandalous" past reminded me of something. As a PSA to those people who are so insistent and pushy that idols aren't allowed to have sex/date/be anything but straight: Fuck all of you. You do not own these people, and if you really cared about them you'd be happy if they were happy. Like tbh, if anyone that famous and busy could also balance out a relationship at the same time, I'd be so happy for them. It really bugs me how all idols are supposed (1/2)(2/2) have this squeaky clean innocent image where they have to look and act a certain way and have these stupid fucking dating bans because once they don't meet up to that image their success suffers. Idols already give up so much privacy, and the last thing they need is millions of people scrutinizing every little thing they do. I don't even know where I started this rant from, but basically, GIVE IDOLS PRIVACY AND DONT JUDGE THEM FOR THEIR PASTS OR FOR BEING IN RELATIONSHIPS OR WHATEVER
yeth ty for highlighting the gross obsession w purity and productivity (like the first anon said -- a very confucian sort of ideal)... i don’t rly have anything else to add here i think. also i would fight for soyou i fact i would fight lmh who said she was his ideal type in no.mercy era... she’s rly one of my faves and the way she was slandered for the hairdressing thing was one of the most ridiculous things knets ever did lmao honestly yuk
u a kihyun stan now👀👀👀
im a @fhiz​ stan it’s the same thing tbh
ahh so i saw your tags on that jh gifset! as one of the few jh stans (or maybe there are way more than i think there are lol) i rly love his "reversal charm." he has a lot of what i lack as a person: a strong presence and a lot of confidence! i respect him so much as a person alth i rag on him a lot LMAO. sorry if this is a bit long winded but i just rly wanted to put this out there ;;
this is rly cute i lov hearing ppl talk abt their faves lovingly it rly... Heals Me. i think it’s strange how underappreciated jooheon is in this fandom especially bc he’s usually the one who catches ur eye first bc he’s so hyped by starship as being a one-in-a-million talented rapper u know? and he rly shines in mvs and no.mercy but............. y does he have the least fansites jkfhdg ?? you’re v right abt the reversal charm thing but i feel like sometimes it’s very overdone like... on lots of shows he’s asked to do aegyo when rly he should be asked to... idk... rap or dance or something?? i actually think jooheon is the most serious member of monsta x sometimes bc he seems to have a sense that he’s.. the pillar of mx if that makes sense? and that’s why he’s always pushing himself and working tirelessly like he feels very Responsible for this group, more than anyone else. idk if that makes sense!!! i love him and i want him to... unwind a bit bc sometimes he looks so stressed and tired but he still feels the need to pretend to be energetic like my heart rly hurts for him :/ this got so emo im sry i do rly love to hear that u respect him sm i love jooheon stans :(
i can see what u mean about jooheon being 1 of the most masculine. (iirc u also talked abt kihyun being that in a post a while ago) like with his face and his physique he really is striking; his body=like that slim,upside-down Y that you'd learn to draw men w/ in Anatomy 101 , but i think.. ,--not that u asked, but,, i think the jury's still out on if he's comfortable w his masculinity with the way he acts feminine lyk misogynistic comedians Can sound like dead ringers for women,? idk & i take +
(not sure if there was a 2nd part to this? there’s nothing else in my inbox so i’m sry if there was and tumblr ate it) yeth i think i meant that his demeanor is the most ~~masculine~~ whereas i think kihyun is still the most... idk... mature-masculine?? if tht makes sense, and i definitely agree w u on that second point! i didn’t think of that at the time but now that i... do... think abt it... ur right and also the way he comes back from it by putting on the >swag demeanor again in an attempt to polarise it is definitely a bit 👀👀👀 he probably doesn’t want to risk his Manly Rapper Image for real u kno? that said it’s ingrained in kpop that behaving cute --> “girly” entails that sort of “comedic” high-pitched voice + compact body language etc.... like i’m not condoning that ofc but i definitely think it’s broader than this particular case! :/ hm
maybe i'd be doing better in school if i could major in kihyunology ;~; i stan him but i def think we still don't know much about him even after all this time after debut. especially when i look at him compared to wonho who wears his heart on his sleeve (bless him i love wonho sm, gotta protect this bun at all costs!!)...but ya it just makes me wanna learn more about him like who is the real kihyun??
i want to write a kihyun meta when i have time... i feel like i Get him a bit more these days but it’s also very hard to put into words bc u kno when u kinda sorta mb get some1 but it’s a feeling rather than anything conveniently expressable gkjdhfjk.... idk if anyone wants to send in some Kihyun Thoughts + Meta feel free! :>> i don’t think he’s actually... as complex as we sometimes make him out to be lol like his behaviour is actually kind of predictable? more on his later
wait is the february comeback actually true? ugh i'm so conflicted cuz on one hand i'm excited if there's really gonna be a full length album, but i also think they need more rest but then there's the matter of getting their first win and idk i'm super psyched but i'm also worried that the boys are being overworked
i still feel like they had a comeback like yesterday lol like looking at their schedules stresses me out bc they do so much..... im glad wonho got to go to his mum’s cafe recently tho! all we can do is have faith in them rn and when it’s time... stream, buy things if ur able to, spread the news and the hype etc. i am definitely Worried abt some things like the competition they’re up against but.... gotta have faith u kno... and i feel like all active idols are kind of... permanently worked very hard but i think currently only jooheon and shownu are a bit Overloaded. also has the date been confirmed yet... it’s february already...
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