#ikag gossip
tuiyla · 2 years
This is going to be really long but I need to get this out. One of the most ridiculous things about IKAG to me is that the show directly contradicts all of Finn's attempted justifications for the outing even though we're supposed to be on his side. His main arguments are that the whole school already knew, Santana was his first which meant something so he didn't want her to be suicidal, and that she bullied him into it.
As far as the whole school knowing, Sue specifically says that the pizza guy's niece overheard Finn in the hall which led to her telling her uncle about Santana. If she already knew, she probably would've told him earlier, so the explanation for the ad's existence directly contradicts Finn's argument that everyone at school knew Santana was a lesbian. Pizza guy's niece didn't know and it's fair to assume that other people didn't either. She and Britt had been making out for guys' attention for years, so I doubt anyone other than the New Directions took any of the gossip about Santana being a lesbian too seriously. And ND only took it seriously because of Brittana's interactions in Glee and watching them perform Landslide.
Obviously the caring about Santana because he lost his virginity to her thing is contradicted by the first thing Finn said after they had sex which was "I don't feel anything because it didn't mean anything". Then, the outing her to keep her from being suicidal bullshit is contradicted by the fact that Karofsky literally attempts suicide as a direct result of being outed only a few episodes later!
Speaking of Karosky, they had Kurt tell him in season 2 that he doesn't believe in bullying but he doesn't believe in outing either. So, Glee acknowledges that bullying is not a justification for outing even when the bully sexually assaults someone and threatens their life. But Santana says a few more insults to Finn than normal and all of a sudden it's okay? And Finn was trying to insult her back the whole episode, like the "assless JLo" comment that didn't work. So, it wasn't even Finn being upset about being insulted, it was Finn being upset that he was shit at insulting Santana back. Their interactions in the episode don't support this idea that some fans have that Finn was some innocent victim that Santana continuously tormented.
Obviously there would be no good reason to out someone even if their arguments made sense. It just blows my mind that the show clearly understands the ramifications of outing someone but still expects us to be on Finn's side. It's honestly one of the worst examples of their hypocrisy and misogyny, and I will never not be pissed about it.
I have so many things to say on this topic but you covered much of it and said what needs to be said so I'll just add one main point, or rather a conclusion I guess. I'm glad to be able to provide a platform for this and that you chose to share it.
There are many, many things I find absolutely appalling and deeply insidious about IKAG but one of the main things that just piss me off so so much is this retcon. What you're also describing here is IKAG's retconning of the actual Mash Off scene where Finn outs Santana. And I have a hard time stomaching the scene itself but I realize that IKAG retroactively makes it so much worse with this absolute bending over backward trying to find a reason for the audience not to write off Finn as the homophobic, vile asshole that he is. Because they have to retcon it for their precious hero, don't they? Since the Mash Off scene shows a calculated, cruel speech in which everything Finn says is deliberate and aimed to hurt. But then IKAG turns around and does all that you described, desperately trying to whitewash Finn while also doubling down on him being a fucking despicable person - not intentionally, but come on. Blackmail? Saying Santana matters because he fucked her once? What the actual fuck is this.
It's an incredibly half-assed and offensive attempt to whitewash the act of outing someone. That's why IKAG doesn't make sense even if we accept its own twisted sense of logic. It can't; what it says Finn did and how it tries to justify it is simply not true. Finn deliberately outed Santana. He wanted to hurt her and so it did, but Glee didn't even have the fucking guts to follow through with that so instead we get Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. It's the worst case of having your cake and eating it. Santana is: outed in a vile manner, framed as though she had it coming, and then we can't even follow that logic and have to be told it's somehow for her own good.
Somehow, above all, that's what makes me despise IKAG the most and causes me the most emotional upset. That they had Finn act out of anger and do something so horrible and then they couldn't even stick with it. No, they had to center him in IKAG and try to find any stupid excuse as to why he just wanted to help, actually. DIsgusting. The single most stomach-churning thing that happened on this already questionable TV show. The number of people I had to convince to go back and actually watch the freaking scene of Finn outing Santana because, as a result of IKAG's retcon, they misremembered it as an act of passion in retaliation to her bullying. But it wasn't an outburst and it wasn't for any of the stupid reasons IKAG tries to come up with. It was cold, it was calculated, and it had exactly one goal:
Hit her where it hurts most and then kick her while she was down. And you're right, the show turns hypocritical by not condemning this action but didn't you know? No one cares about lesbians. Glee certainly doesn't when it can prop up its mediocre excuse for a male lead instead. Queer stories? They matter not when we can handwave them away.
And frankly, anyone who even attempts to defend Finn without even bothering to watch Mash Off, where the actual outing takes place, can go get fucked. Because IKAG not only tries to lie, fucking lie to us and say Lady Music Week is somehow a good idea, but it also tries to retcon the cruelest act of the history of Glee. An example of blatant misogyny and homophobia and I will also never not be pissed about it. And I'll never not tell people who fail to demonstrate an ounce of critical thinking by buying Glee's retcon to fuck right off.
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ikaggossip · 5 years
Aesthetically, which girls would look the best together?
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Aesthetically? Don’t be so shallow, dollface. Why don’t you tell us who you want to see together instead? Nora x LitelyCatie x CharlotteIzabella x Reyna Zelda x Lizbeth
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afroditamorina-blog · 5 years
IKAG GOSSIP SENT A  D A R E : Ask the next five people you see for a threesome, the blunter the better.
“Listen, I usually don’t go around askin’ folks to fuck but uh, you tryna have a threesome or somethin’?”
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ikagrp · 5 years
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We’ve all got some pretty busy lives, and we never expect you to know everything going on in the rp. So this is your weekly update! For the week of January 28 - February 10.
Eden Cahyono
Min-Ji Yang
Sofia Monroe
Eileen Brooks
Alyssa Wynn
Bambi Bianchi
Lucinda Valcoure
Felicity  Katz
Please make sure you have replied to each of these! Spread the love!
Eden Cahyono, Eliza Young - 2/12
Alchemy Rose - 2/18
Audrey Sheckard - 2/20
Catie James, Tammy Carter - 2/28
Izabella De La Cruz, Corey Rogers  - 3/11
Julianne Mayfield - 2/4 @juliamayfield
Katerina Mackenzie Russo, Willow Turner, Zelda Amari - 2/8 @katcrinarussc
Cordelia Romanov, Delta Davenport - 2/7@cordeliaxromanov
Cassiopeia Franklin - 2/9 @cassiopeiafrcnklin
Charlotte Starr, Harley Carmichael, Joey Daniels, Reyna Santos - 2/10 @chiefharleycarmichael
Samson Bass - 2/10 @chiefharleycarmichael
Riley Eastwood - 2/10 @eastwoodriley
Eveleen McCarthy would like her Ex-girlfriend to join us! [INFO]
Billy Franklin would like her sister to join us! [INFO]
Nora Pond (Madelaine Petsch FC) would like her coworker/partner-in-crime to join us!
Delta Davenport (Dominique Provost-Chalkley FC) would like her sister to join us!
IKAG Map – If your character is not updated accurately, or has been misplaced on it, please tell us. We’ll fix it!
Added: @edencahyono , @yangminji , @sofiiamonroe, @ellicwrites
Hookups: Eve & Ruby, Cat & Iza
Task: Letters
Meme: Kid Meme
Gossip: Truth Or Dare
Confessions: Valentines
Birthday: Autumn Healy is now 26!
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ikaggossip · 5 years
Who would you like to see more of?
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Call me crazy, but I’d like to see more Eli. There’s something really enigmatic about her even though she just might be the bluntest person in the house. Riley is another because there’s no way she’s as innocent as she wants us to believe. If she is, someone needs to get in there stat. Corey is another if she can stop talking about NOLA for five minutes. My bet’s that she’s the more interesting Rogers. 
( @youngxeli , @eastwoodriley, @coreyrogers ) 
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ikaggossip · 5 years
Hey bitches, girls, and gays. I’m Buttercup, last but certainly not least of the gossip queens. I promise my feelings are turned off, hopefully the same can be said for your own. On that note, feel free to send in whatever your pretty little heart desires. We’re here to add some spice to your life. Remember, life is a game, there are winners and losers. 
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ikaggossip · 5 years
Hello my darlings! Allow me to introduce myself -- I’m Bubbles, the sweetest of your lovely little gossip queens! I’ve been told I don’t have a mean bone in my body, so expect nothing but niceness from me! I’m here to bring some brightness to your lives to make up for the sass and cruelty that my sisters tend to leave in their path, so stop by the inbox and let me do that for you!
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ikagrp · 5 years
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Welcome, Bonnie! You’ve been accepted as your first choice of Jung Eunbi as Jiwoo Shin. Please send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Also, please follow these tags: ikag starter, Ikag social, ikaghh, ikag important, ikag task, ikagfollow, ikagunfollow and   ikag event
hi, my name’s bonnibel but i go by any short hand of that (typically bonni or b ). typically go with she and her. ‘twenty-three" by iu plays loudly bc i’m twenty-three and its a bop. i’m in the weird part of indiana that’s in the central time zone.
i work, a lot. but i usually always have free time to be active and do stuff. it’s been a while since i was last in a group (ended badly )but i’m willing to try anything.
i started on facebook back in the great ol age of 2010 and moved to tumblr in 2014 and have been here ever since. i’ve had way too many blogs to count.
Please keep this layout for us. So that it is easier for us to update everything.
FACECLAIM: jung eunbi/eunha Secondary choice: amber liu
NAME: eunha: jiwoo shin / amber: kenna shin
AGE: twenty-three
BIRTHDAY: december 4th, 1995
OCCUPATION: eunha: social media influencer/model / amber: tattoo artist. 
HOMETOWN:  eunha: beomil-dong, dong-gu, busan, south korea / amber: long beach, california
PETS: none.
Triggers: homophobia
describing jiwoo as she grew up was like describing the sun. always with a bright smile on her face and a laugh at the tip of her tongue. trying her hardest to make everyone around her smile as brightly as she could. an optimistic child that nobody thought would go very far. the world wasn’t all sunshines and rainbows. though nobody wanted to break the poor child’s heart just yet.
growing up, jiwoo had always felt different. at least that’s what she believed. never fancying the same boys that the other girls had gossiped over at school, but instead, she had always noticed the little things about those gossiping girls. in the country, the topics were never talked about. mostly frowned upon. jiwoo had no idea why this was and nobody could explain it to her. so, the small girl bit her tongue and kept herself silent. family dinners never talked about those relationships, an aunt or two asking when she was ever going to get a boyfriend. the thought never crossed her mind.
through her life, photography was always there. from the beautiful pictures she saw on tv to the pictures in the magazines. from the sights to the models. everything seemed to capture the girl’s attention. through the years, jiwoo had gone through probably a thousand disposable cameras until one day her parents gave the girl her first digital camera. it was one of the best gifts that she had ever received. promised to take good care of it. she treated the camera like a fragile little creature that if you shook to hard, would break.
through the years, the shin family took trips around the world. the trips filled the young child with so much glee. the beautiful sights and wonderful opportunities to capture beautiful moments on film forever. soon enough, jiwoo had a place to post her pictures. her social media sights grew from the amazing sights that she got to share. eventually, this popularity created more opportunities. with those opportunities came more chances for jiwoo to take photos. soon enough, she started to post pictures that included her face. some companies found out about her following, often asking her for promotional posts and ads.
but even with all the popularity she had been getting, jiwoo was slowly spiraling into depression. the country she lived in was not a tolerant place. though there was no way possible to be prosecuted for the actions, it was still not a legal act. jiwoo was slightly ashamed and rather annoyed by the lack of understanding and acceptance she would be greeted with. so she kept it a secret. telling no soul what she felt.
after a while, she finally able to leave behind the world she was used to. a world that kept her voice silent but accepted her gift. moving from her home in south korea, jiwoo set up shop in a city on another continent. though they were against the action, her parents had no right to refuse their daughter. with the excuse of schooling, which like most typical families in korea, was extremely important. they allowed to pack up her life and move away from them.
the new sights were amazing even though jiwoo had seen them before. she enjoyed the warm weather and beautiful people. after a while, the photography on her media seemed to be blooming even better than before and so many people were fascinated by her that even her modeling took off. it paid her well and she was happy. there was no judgment in this new place and she was finally able to be herself.
after years of living on her own, jiwoo went back to korea to see her family. though it was only a visit, she was happy to finally be able to be open to them and show them her real self. the bright sunshine girl was back and honestly, her parents couldn’t be happier. she told them jiwoo had be given an offer that she was going to accept. they promised to be supporting her as they tried their hardest to catch it all from their home.
with bags packed, the korean girl found herself on the first flight to london.
lowkey sorry that my biography is total shit but it was really difficult. bios are not my strong area and it’s now three am rip. all secondary information is listed for amber. also, this is a really cute idea for a group tbh
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ikagrp · 5 years
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We’ve all got some pretty busy lives, and we never expect you to know everything going on in the rp. So this is your weekly update! For the week of  February 11 - February 17.
Michelle Viola 
Ella Washington
Sam Rogers
Susie Matherson
Camila Reyes
Please make sure you have replied to each of these! Spread the love!
Alchemy Rose - 2/18
Audrey Sheckard - 2/20
Catie James, Tammy Carter - 2/28
Eden Cahyono, Eliza Young - 2/12 @edencahyono
Eveleen McCarthy would like her Ex-girlfriend to join us! [INFO]
Billy Franklin would like her sister to join us! [INFO]
Nora Pond (Madelaine Petsch FC) would like her coworker/partner-in-crime to join us!
Delta Davenport (Dominique Provost-Chalkley FC) would like her sister to join us!
Samson Bass (Amy Adams FC) would like her Friend + Classmate to join us!
IKAG Map – If your character is not updated accurately, or has been misplaced on it, please tell us. We’ll fix it!
Added: @michellecviola , @ellewashington
Hookups: N/A?
Task: Letters
Gossip: Truth Or Dare
Confessions: Valentines
Blind Date Event
Birthday: Autumn Healy is now 26! Ada Pond is now 26! Cassiopeia Franklin is now 29!
Samson has changed FCs to Alexa Davalos and has been aged down to 36.
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ikagrp · 7 years
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Welcome Vee! You’ve been accepted as your first choice of Deborah Ann Woll as Shannon Kelly. Please send in your account within the next 24 hours. Also, please follow these tags: ikag starter , Ikag social, ikaghh , ikag important , ikag task ,  ikagfollow ,  ikagunfollow and  ikag event.
Vee, She/her, 20, PST
Wellll, I’m on about every other day I’d say.
Since the dawn of time.
NAME: Shannon Kelly AGE: 24 LOCATION: Adare, Ireland FACECLAIM: Deborah Ann Woll BIRTHDAYS: March 12th, 1992
BIOGRAPHY: Adare was a quiet town nestled in Ireland countryside. Nothing ever seemed to go on, besides the typical run of the mill gossip. Shannon grew up like all girls her age did, but unlike most girls who seemed to settle down just as their parents had before them, she dreamt of making it big as a professional dancer. However, her parents were old-fashioned through and through, and encouraged plenty of possible male suitors onto her. She declined them all – not just because she had other plans for her life but because she could not feel for men the same way she felt for women. Even when she was a little girl, she knew she was attracted to females alone. Yet, if her parents knew, they would abandon her. Unfortunately, when she was seventeen, this reality came true. She had been caught texting a crush of hers and was immediately forced out of the house that night, a few gross slurs tossed her way.
The following years became a bit of a blur. Shannon was pressed to find work, drop out of high school, and shelter to rest her head under. It was a sad ordeal when she came across a stripping club and sold her soul to the night scene, as a means merely to scrape by. After all, she was a great dancer, and maybe this would eventually get her someplace where she wanted to be. A ballroom dancer, or a ballerina. Both forms of dance appealing to her more than shimmying against a pole for lustful eyes. But she learned the art of seduction despite her awkward and bubbly nature to keep her spot, and it attracted the wrong crowd. She was offered a deal, one porn video that would make some big bucks. With her money tight despite stripping, she relented and went through with the act. And then another video, and yet another, until she had become a bit of a sensation in the industry.
Still, she kept up with her stripping job as her main source of income, and it was during a night at work when she received a devestating call. Her parents had been involved in a car wreck and both hadn’t made it, but her little brother Lochlan had been at home safely. She was his only family left, and child services were checking if she wanted him. Frankly, it took her a few days to get back and decide she did indeed. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her brother, but she hadn’t seen him in so long – since he had been five. He was now eleven years old and she was twenty-three. They were simply strangers. To make things worse, Lochlan never knew why his older sister had simply left their house, their parents saying it was Shannon’s choice to go. He resented her for leaving, but in a way, it was the depression from his parents’ death that tainted their already estranged relationship.
Nevertheless, after months of settling matters and being accepted as his legal guardian, Lochlan moved into Shannon’s flat with her in Dublin. The situation was a whirlwind for the girl and she strived to make it as best of circumstances for her younger brother. She ended up dropping from the porn industry and working extra hours in the club. He realized her remaining job, eventually, despite her trying to hide it and distanced himself from her even more. If anything, they were more apart than they had ever been since the separation. After one wild night involving a bad customer in the strip club, Shannon was stalked back home and involved in a scuffle in her own flat. Lochlan was there and tried fighting the man off, but it was a neighbor who had heard that came to their rescue and saved the two from an even more traumatic incident. At that moment, Shannon decided to move away.
They left to London. A new start, even if the redhead woman would continue to strip in the meantime at a new club – albeit a nicer, tame one. When the show moved to London, Shannon began to wonder if it were possible this late in the game to really change her life around, perhaps the publicity catching a dance company’s eye. Hesitantly, she confessed to Lochlan about joining, and he wasn’t exactly for her being gay because of their parents’ opinions. But he could only agree being that his sister was his legal guardian. It hurt Shannon more to know her brother didn’t accept her completely, but she hopes that being on the show will change his mind.
PARA SAMPLE Poof poof, amiright?
ANYTHING ELSE Her adopted kid aka her younger brother. Name is Lochlan Kelly. Birthday is November 23rd, 2004 and he is 12 right now.
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ikaggossip · 6 years
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Hey angels! I'm Blossom one of your friendly or not so friendly gossips. I guess that remains to be seen! But in the meantime, please tell me that you all have some salacious dirt to spill on your costars. Hell, even if it's about yourself, ain’t no shame in getting your name out there girl. I just know at least somebody has to be getting laid or doing something they're not supposed to right?
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