#ikemen vampire francis drake
workbyrui · 1 year
Most of the folks I know are crushing on Galileo, but I'm drawn more towards Drake. Ugh, why are you so gorgeous??😤
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klutzyroses · 4 months
Ironic, Poetic And Beautiful
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Drake x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,094
Summary: Y/N is pregnant with Drake's baby and she can't help but think if he understands the irony of that. And if he'd be okay with it.
Tags: Female reader, fluff, Spoilers for Drake's route, pregnancy, morning sickness, post Drake's route, reader having a lot of thoughts while cuddling
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The beautiful woman moaned tiredly, leaning back against the man she loved as he sat on the couch, catching her breath while the nausea subsided. She had not really wanted to kick off the morning by throwing up while Drake held her hair back, but the little one inside her had different plans. At 12 weeks, the morning sickness was very much going strong, in fact, it was kicking her ass like she owed it money. That was part of the reason she had agreed to live in the hideout that Drake once shared with his companion, Galileo Galilei. Mostly to be close to him and also because there was little sense in staying so far away from the father of her baby. And both the residents and Drake himself agreed that it wouldn't have been in Y/N's best interest to be traveling back and forth all the time…mostly because the previous carriage rides had sent her nausea and aches through the roof. Thus she packed her things and was living out the pregnancy with her beloved sailor and the father to be. She sighed in comfort as his hand rubbed soothing circles into her soft belly, his voice low in her ear.
“Feel better, little fawn?” His silky voice sent pleasant chills down her spine and calmed her nerves as she relaxed against him further, opening her eyes to look up at him with a faint but genuine smile. 
Her smile was returned, aquamarine eyes softening as the early morning’s soft gold rays reflected from the windows into the limpid irises, bringing out the warmth and love in his gaze. Her heart melted at the sight. There was once a time when Drake’s eyes were cold and empty, dark like the bottom of the sea, piercing like ice shards. She once shivered and quaked under that sharp gaze, but now, he looked upon her with care, like she was the precious treasure he had expressed that she was. And now she carried his child within her, a testament of their love and how far Drake had come, from the destructive, hateful pirate that he once was. She giggled to herself, she was sure that he himself wasn't entirely aware of his own growth. He'd always had such little faith in the kindness of others, as well as his own, even if she could see it plain as day. She knew that because she remembered how wonderful he was when she told him she was pregnant. At the time, she genuinely feared that he would run for it. Vanish out of her life, passing through it like a storm, leaving her in pieces.
'He's done it before, after all…' The melancholic thought struck her briefly, but dissipated when she thought of his reaction. She had never seen such a bright smile on his face as he picked her up and spun her around, his eyes brighter than the sky that day. It was then that she had realized that her fears, while not unfounded, were in fact, unnecessary, because he had fully accepted her and their baby, claimed them both as his own. She had since promised herself to trust him more. She bit her lip to keep her smile from growing larger, to little effect as she cuddled closer to him, listening to his heartbeat.
“Mhm. We’re okay now. Sorry…” She murmured, a bit sheepish, as she had woken Drake up with her retching earlier that morning and he had found her curled up on the floor, her hair a complete mess and her face pale. Not her finest moment, but she got cuddles out of it so...
“Whatever you’re apologizing for, it's okay, little fawn.” He shook his head with a wry smile before placing his hand on her stomach, feeling the beginnings of a bump starting to peek through.
“Hey kid, you’re being too rough with your mom, having her be sick everywhere.” He teasingly tickled her belly slightly, making Y/N laugh and squirm.
“Be nicer to her. Okay, Baby Drake?” His voice took on a softer tone, his thumb gently caressing her. Y/N blushed sweetly as she was soothed by his presence, by his touch, by his warmth, by his love as his words took pause in her mind.
Baby Drake. First born of Francis Drake, the dhampir and…last of the pureblood family. How funny fate could be. Remembering how she once witnessed the life of her beloved, she understood why family was a touchy subject to Drake. After seeing the frankly shocking way his supposed family treated him and his mother, she had been very hesitant to tell him of her pregnancy. But seeing how much he already cared about his child, she was confident that the hatred so prominent in the prejudiced household would not spill onto her baby. Thank goodness for that, though she herself could not help but note something funny about the whole thing.
In his pursuit of revenge, Drake had stolen the spear used to kill his mother and wiped the purebloods that shared his name off the map. None was spared if she recalled. She had witnessed him putting an end to the head of the family- who she wouldn’t have minded getting into the ring with, she had a pair of boxing gloves waiting, but that was probably the hormones talking- with that spear. Effectively ending the Drake lineage…save for himself. The only one remaining of the family of purebloods, a dhampir, the ‘stain’ on the noble house. She had to wonder what they would think of the fact that he was expecting a child…
Okay, she knew fully well what they would think of it, and what they would do about it, she saw it with her own eyes. She tensed up, feeling a wave anxiety at the idea of anyone putting her child through what Drake was subjected to. It made her sick to her stomach- for the second time that day- to even imagine it, though it wasn’t plausible. The Drake family was gone.
'But is it really?' The thought suddenly occurred to her as she glanced down at her stomach. Francis Drake was the last Drake…but that wasn’t quite accurate, was it? Her baby was a Drake. So the way she saw it, Drake ended the bloodline…and started it anew. She wasn’t sure what her child would be. Human? What was the half of a dhampir called? Either way, the noble purebloods, who so loathed the humans that were beneath them, were to be survived only by a hated dhampir and a human. The only way anyone would ever know the name ‘Drake’ existed was because of the dhampir child they persecuted. She felt a hint of smugness snaking in her chest. Oh, the irony.
“Irony of what?” Oh. Had she said that last part out loud? Y/N looked up to the inquisitive gaze of the pirate with a slightly embarrassed smile.
“Ah…sorry, I was just thinking out loud…it’s nothing,” Her vague answer prompted Drake to tilt his head curiously, making her internally swoon from how sweet he looked, so sweet that she couldn't resist pressing her lips to his cheek, softly kissing it.
“Are you going to tell me what’s on your mind, or do I have to get it out of you?” His eyes narrowed slightly as he gave a sly smile, his fingers hovering on her sides with the silent threat of tickling. She squeaked.
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you!” She huffed as he smirked at her. He always won. She hesitated for a second, it wasn’t exactly a happy subject, how was she supposed to bring it up?
…Oh well. Might as well rip the bandaid off.
“I was thinking about your family…Or, the Drake family. The purebloods, I mean.” She finished awkwardly as Drake’s expression gave way to surprise. She quickly spoke to clarify.
“I mean I…remembered what happened with…your mother…” She faltered when Drake’s expression grew blank, but pushed on. “And I couldn’t help but think about what they’d think if they saw you now…and that it’d be kind of…funny, in an ironic kind of way?”
“Ironic how?”
“Well…you, kind of…well, you got rid of them all.” She sighed, no point in skirting around it.
“And?” It didn’t really seem to faze him either way, seeing how his expression didn’t even stir. She occupied herself by looking down at her belly, which still had his hand on it.
“You’re the ‘disgrace’ on that family name, right? The mistake? Well…I think it’s funny that the child…the dhampir they thought was a flaw, is actually the only reason the name ‘Drake’ lives on.”
“...Huh?” His unreadable face became written with bemusement. She lifted her gaze to meet his.
“You wiped out the Drake family. That makes you the last one. But nobody would even know that last name if it weren’t for you. In the future, you’re the one who’s stamped in history, not them. You’re the one who made something of yourself. They were just a noble vampire family. Big deal, plenty of those out there. But you? You earned your greatness. It’s Francis Drake you find in the history books. Drake is your name, you just claimed it from the people who denied you. And I think that’s funny. Poetic actually.” She placed her hand over his, on her stomach, where new life grew inside her.
“And if that weren’t enough, the next generation of ‘Drake’ is going to be carried on by dhampirs and humans. That’s hilarious. You’ve permanently soiled their precious bloodline for centuries to come. That’s the ultimate revenge. And you, Francis the dhampir, accomplished that…” She smiled at him sweetly, a hint of mischief in her sparkling eyes as she tapped his nose with her finger. 
“By putting your baby…” She squeezed his hand on her stomach. 
“In my belly. So I guess what was on my mind, in essence, was just that…You’re incredible, Francis Drake. Thank you for being you, so incredibly you.”
“.....” She was met with silence and the stunned look he sent her way. She began to feel her face turn red. She got carried away. What business did she have to talk about his personal trauma in such an audacious way? She could only imagine how offended he-
“Pfft, hahahaha!”...Why was he laughing? She pouted as the broad shoulders of the pirate shook with badly suppressed snickering, moving away from him in a huff as she glared at him, indignant.
“You…you really thought of all that in 10 seconds? Your mind really wanders, huh?”
“Stop laughing at me!” He chuckles as his laughter dies down to beguile her with a smirk.
“And here I thought my revenge ended when I ended them…You just made it so much better. I never even thought of that.” Drake reached over, cupping her face and stealing his love for a kiss, which she readily melted into. He pulled back to look into her eyes, teasing.
“You’re more vindictive than you look, little fawn. Who thinks like that?”
“You do!”
“Heh, guess I do. I’m rubbing off on you, then.” He stole her lips once more, making her giggle as the expecting couple laughed between playful, mirthful kisses.
“So in other words, you’re my revenge, huh?” She blushed at the question, but bit her lip to suppress an ill-concealed smile. Not originally what her point was about, but she liked the sound of that. His happiness being the greatest revenge to those who hurt him so much.
“Yes…that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Her answer made a softer smile appear on his face as he kissed her again, much softer, much more loving and heartfelt, pulling away and pressing his forehead to hers, pulling her onto his lap as he enveloped her and their unborn baby in his embrace.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you. You and Baby Drake. My treasure, my beautiful revenge.” His tender whisper made her heart sing as she wrapped her arms around his neck, sinking willingly in the safety and comfort of his arms.
“We love you too, my incredible, fearless pirate…”
And she always would be there to make sure his never ending vengeance continued. That he would always be happy, that their child, and any future children, would be loved by their family, the real family she was building with the fearsome pirate.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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🍕 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙃𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙀𝙮𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘼 𝘽𝙞𝙜 𝙋𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖 𝙋𝙞𝙚,
► A story about Italian vampires, secret admirers, and pizza.
Galileo x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 1,863 • characters: mc, galileo, francis, leonardo, napoleon, comte, dazai • tags: Pizza; Secret admirer; Romance; Cliché; Feelings Realization; Crack treated seriously  • masterlist
a/n: I don't know. I don't know.
I blame the English Ikesen twitter for informing me it's international pizza day (in a very creative way), which led to me going "haha three italians in ikevamp" which made me remember one very bad movie full of pizza and cliché, which led to me coming up with this. I don't even like pizza that much.
Idk if I should label this as crack, but don't take it seriously either way.
MC and Galileo's first encounter described in this fic is canon and you can read a translation of it here - many thanks to @cirillafionariannon
I wanted to try my hand at writing for our new two vamps, and this could also be an early Valentine's Day fic! Hope you enjoy!
Fun statistics!: the word pizza appears 33 times in this fic.
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Leonardo was in Comte's room, lounging around with a drink and listening about his friend's most recent trip to the 21st century. While Leonardo was a man with passion for knowledge, not everything that Comte talked in great detail about was to Leonardo's interest. Mind trailing off in random directions while supposedly continuing to be a good listener, he suddenly feels the need to interrupt his friend.
Waving a hand in the air and looking over the Gucci shades that Comte actually bought for himself, he motions a pause.
"Forget about that, tell me if they made an International Pizza Day in the future yet."
"…Why, there actually is a day like that. It's the 9th of February, if I remember right."
With a little over a week remaining until Pizza Day, or Just Another Thursday as 19th century Parisians know it, Leonardo mobilizes the mansion into preparing something grandiose for the occasion.
"We're going to feed the whole of Paris with pizza."
MC blinks in apparent bewilderment. With the amount of crazy stuff happening around the mansion already, one would think that feeding the whole of Paris with pizza would find its place low in her list.
They're all gathered in the kitchen as if it's some kind of conference hall, with Leonardo using a blackboard to illustrate his schemes. So far he's drawn just one giant pizza taking all of the blackboard. He taps the chalk against the board.
"Think of it as a charity. While everyone would be free to help as well as consume, we'll prioritize those who are in need."
Dazai raises a hand. "Let me guess, you always wanted to invent a giant stove and this is your mastermind plan."
Leonardo enthusiastically points at Dazai with the chalk in his hand, "Esatto! But not exactly a stove. While fixing various gadgets for people in town, I had this idea of making a massive hot plate," he draws an oval under the oval supposed to be pizza, "which is a metal plate heated by charcoal underneath. Some of you will help me assemble it, others will get the word around town. And for those who are incompetent with cooking pizza…"
"I can give out a lesson or two." Napoleon says, with a raised hand. "I love the idea. I have volunteered in food banks a couple of times already around town. I'd be glad to help."
"Heh, Napoleon, knew you had that Italian blood still running hot in you. Alright then, it's settled."
MC is in her bed, staring a hole through the wall. Eating in bed is something she rarely indulges in, moreso if it's pizza, but she can't help it. As she chews with eyes squinted in deep concentration, she tries and tries to make just any connection between recent events and the possible reason behind all of this.
Just a couple of days ago, some white haired guy with a half-up hairstyle started coming to the mansion.
"Pizza delivery! Miss, that's for you. You don't owe anything. Enjoy! Bye!"
Wait, pizza delivery in the 19th century? It was strange the first time, and it's still strange the tenth time it happened. Some of the residents advised she don't eat it, but in the course of events (and hunger) she found out that's some damn good pizza. The best she had ever since she came here. And it was addressed to her. Is this a secret admirer situation?! Very strange.
Of course she suspected Leonardo. With his pizza hype recently it only made sense, but also that would be too easy. Placing the box on the nightstand, she sighs and goes over the possible leads in her head one more time.
The next day she takes Napoleon's pizza cooking class and conveniently stays behind until everyone else leaves the kitchen - namely Vincent, Mozart, and Jean. Napoleon takes the bait and praises her efforts at perfecting her pizza-cooking skills, being more than willing to give her some extra lessons.
Then they have clichéd and intimate dough kneading moment where he stands behind her and guides her hands; she pokes her nose into some private topics as carefully as she could, taking the conversation in the direction of love and cooking a meal full of love. Still, nothing she samples for the sake of learning tastes nearly the same as that same pizza delivered to the mansion's door every night.
Looking out of the window up at the moon that is nearly full, MC can't help but remember about a recent encounter with a strange man. It happened when she had to deliver some Blanc to Isaac who was working late at the university. In one classroom there was a white haired man with beautiful purple eyes looking through an old-fashioned telescope. There was something intriguing about him; about the shooting star they saw together, the timing, his comment about "still looking at the stars even in this day and age". The name he introduced himself with. All of it, full of mystery.
And yet the biggest mystery of her life currently revolves around pizza.
The man with white half-up hair approaches the merchant brig ship has recently docked at the Seine. Night has long fallen but the light inside is unmistakable; of course it's his friend baking pizza again. On his ship, nonetheless.
"Again, Galileo? That's the sixth time this week. I'm not going out this time. And please be careful not to burn down the ship, okay?"
The other whitehaired man doesn't as much as acknowledge the other's presence, too absorbed in his craft. The parmesan falls from between his fingers like a snowstorm over a tomato-red sea; in the next second he's at the cutting board; going left and right like a madman. Or like someone inlove.
The other sighs.
"I'm hearing something about a pizza charity in town. Basically everyone's gonna cook a giant pizza together and then give pieces away. Sounds like your thing, eh?"
Galileo's eyes dart towards his friend for a mere second, his hands never pausing.
"Where are you taking all my pizzas to, anyway? And I'm not participating."
"As you wish."
He exits the kitchen, opting for the company of the moon outside instead. The gentle lull of the waves make him crave a nap ever if it's technically close to his sleeping time. He notices the telescope nearby, unused by his friend in some time, which is awfully unusual of him.
"Man, this stress-cooking is going to ruin him."
The day finally arrives. The masses are buzzing around the square where Leonardo shows his invention that aims to leave everyone with a stomach full of delicious pizza, so long as there are enough hands to help. And they are. Soon the place gets overcrowded, the air smells like heaven, and the chilly February day gets as hot as a midsummer one.
All MC can think about is her secret admirer. With all the pizza being passed around and under her nose, she swears she's not crazy when she claims she didn't catch a whiff of That One Pizza. Will the whitehaired man be here today? Is it him, after all, stating that all he does is deliver it to her door, yet lying? No, there was no trace of such feelings in his demeanor; not the thrill of seeing her, nor the hope of learning something more about her in those short encounters. He was merely a proxy. But whose?
Defeated, the reason why the smile hasn't already left her face is solely the fact that she saw a lot of happy people today. Pizza really does bring people together; Leonardo was right all along. He was excellent at what he did, but he did it only with the people in mind; not a lover, much less her. She liked helping him today. And Napoleon too, who thankfully didn't think anything about her strange behavior the other day.
With the sound of street musicians who joined the celebration drifting in the distance, MC walks along the Seine, admiring the moonlight dancing on the surface. The noise and the hustle had gotten to her, so this little walk was welcomed, and it matched the feeling in her heart. The emptiness wasn't only there, though.
"Haha… I made so much pizza yet it seems like I didn't eat anything all day."
"I can see that. The growling of this belly of yours could be heard all the way here."
Eyes widening at the sound of that voice, she looks at the direction of a docked ship. The man exiting it seemed familiar, along with the voice, and it took just a couple of seconds to remember.
"Ahh, you're the…"
"The man with the telescope. I didn't think we'd meet again."
Right, this is the man who introduced himself as Galileo. The silence was awkward, his earlier comment not helping much, but she still felt good about seeing a familiar face. Though, they're barely more than strangers. Or maybe after having their second encounter, they're not strangers anymore?
MC stares at the fullmoon high in the sky, and surprisingly, so does Galileo. She giggles and breaks the silence.
"It's like a big pizza pie."
That's the single most absurd thing Galileo Galilei has ever heard in his life, being a person who devoted himself to astrology.
He scuffs at her remark, too taken aback to even say anything that won't ridicule her. He decides to spare her.
"So? Are you hungry? I've got some pizza on the ship."
Ah, pizza again.
"Sounds great."
Hoping for a distraction, she followed him on the ship. If anything, with all the pizza flavors she tasted recently, her palate would hopefully forget about the one that her secret admirer makes for her. What a silly story. She's sure it all ends tonight, the person likely pranking the whole of Comte's mansion in relation to the whole pizza cooking event or something.
"What a yummy smell. I must be really hungry. Did you make this yourself, Galileo?"
The man visibly tenses a little, possibly at the fact that she remembers his name. He should've given her a different one, after all.
MC bites into the piece, mind elsewhere. She wonders if she'll be sick of pizza ever since today.
The flavors clash in her receptors and realization hits all at once; she looks at Galileo.
This taste!
"It's you."
The man with the beautiful purple eyes hums at her, without a clue what she is talking about. He hasn't shared his pizza recipe with everyone other than Francis, the look of recognition on MC's face not making sense to him.
He would soon come to know; but not tonight.
With the assurance that she must be mistaking him for someone else; and with the need to help her get home due to the late hour, their second encounter soon comes to an end.
And for Galileo, who barely kept his composure in the face of the one he strangely fell hopelessly inlove with, he swears he'll make sure this time it truly would be their last.
Unless the stars have other plans for him.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran   @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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weirdwriter69 · 5 months
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Suck my PP
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soraarchives · 6 months
high tide came and brought you in
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on sinking ships you showed up just in time
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 6 months
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ana-thedaydreamer · 9 months
Happy (belated) Birthday Drake 🩵
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I'm super late...
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d-sakamaki01 · 10 months
JP) Ikemen Vampire
Francis Drake CG
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mcofthemansion · 7 months
Just a thing about our men! Always liked the song "Beautiful in White" but never really made a thing about it before and just wanted to edit our men in a lil' thingy with the song! Sorry that some images got grainy ;-; I never do this kind of stuff and I couldn't find the images I wanted of each guy...so apologies about some of them...
Hope you'll all enjoy!!! Huggies!!! Have a lovely day today!!! Here is your lovely wedding bouquet 💐 now go marry your man or men plural! XD
Tagging @yanderepuck @xxsycamore / @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @scummy-writes @oigimi @venulus @maries-gallery @violettduchess @lokis-laugh @spoopy-fish-writes anyone in the ikevamp community really!
Love you!!! Hugs!!!
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sevenai · 1 year
the classic confession of
“i’ve traveled across vast lands and seas and in those times, i’ve encounter many people. some old, some young, some good, some bad. these eyes have discovered so many things, things that others can only dream of. but though i found tales of glory and views of gold, you and you alone are my only treasure.”
with the merchants of ikemen series.
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ophelianated · 1 year
I just realized I forgot to post the Ikevamp one so here it is
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I know we've barely seen anything from the two new guys, but I can already tell that I'm not going to like Galileo much. His brand of tsun is not nearly as nice as the others' imo.
Drake on the other hand sailed away with my heart right after his JP introduction and until I learn more about his no doubt fucked up past and possibly fucked up psyche I'm keeping him just above the mentally ill squad. I have a feeling that even despite all that he's going to launch himself into the uppermost tier when his route comes out, but we'll see.
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yanderepuck · 1 year
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klutzyroses · 1 year
Kiss Me Under the Mask
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Drake x Fem!Reader
Tags: SFW, female reader, bit steamy, almost kisses, sexual tension
Word Count: 1808
Summary: He had only come here because he had a job to do, he hadn't expected to see her there. But now that she was there, he couldn't let her get away, could he?
Rewrite based on the Masquerade Event on the JP app.
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He feels amused when his companion gives him a slightly sullen glare as they went their separate ways. He expected nothing less from the secluded Galileo, really. Social events were far from his preference and he knew that even as he dragged him along. He was only able to be convinced because the sailor informed him that the vampires they were investigating would be attending. He found himself slightly glad for the covert nature of the event, allowing some secrecy between guests, the unspoken rule preventing the revelation of names and identities known to all, he was sure as he slipped his feathered hat onto his head. He, for one, thought this could be not only fun, but productive. After all, gathering information as to how the vampires operate amongst the people would definitely prove useful at some point. Even if not, he could definitely still enjoy himself one way or another. 
Between the swirling gowns, shining masks and soothing music, it surely would be no bore. Though he should at least make the effort to do what they came here for. The last thing he needed is his companion's icy glare directed at him before lecturing him for the next week. That said...Ah! There goes one of them now.
He remained at a distance, almost imperceptible amongst the crowds as striking blue eyes landed upon the man of similar height to his own, with black hair dipped in white. There was no mistaking it. He was with a woman though, in a gorgeous gown flowing about her as she twirled about like a graceful butterfly. He isn’t sure why but…hasn’t he seen this beauty before?
Even hidden by a white and gold flower laden mask, those beautiful gem eyes sparkled in the lights of the ballroom, the graceful smile of her sweet face brought a certain trembling maiden to his mind. But of course. He would recognize that young lady anywhere. And didn’t she simply look ravishing on this night?
Her dress fluttered around her like the petals of a dancing flower in the breeze of spring. Yes, she was truly a sight to behold…but she was with one of them. He can’t help the slight stab of unpleasantness flashing through him like an arrow. 
Bitterness? Or simply jealousy? Mm, yes that seemed to be it. To see her with such a beautiful smile in the arms of another, and a vampire no less did something nasty to his insides. But of course he does little but watch from afar, observing with eyes as blue as the sea. His sentiments only grew when she changed partners with a flirtatious man with azure hair. 
Another vampire? Pure coincidence or should he be concerned? The way she seems so comfortable with both….are they familiar with her? Do they know her? Are they…? All these questions with multiple possible answers.
Possessiveness and a hint of jealousy clawed at his chest as he cocked his head. His eyes no longer focused on the man but on her. A prickle of desire poked at him from the inside. He wants her to himself. He wants to claim her for himself. To steal her away. Ah, what a fun thought. Her dance with her partner ends and he considers taking his chance, but oh!
It appears the little fawn has run into a few…obstacles. A barrage of men block her way to her table, asking for their turn to dance with her. It didn’t come as too much of a surprise that so many wanted to steal a moment with a beauty like her. However, even with the mask, he can tell she was at a loss and uncomfortable. Well, he couldn’t ignore that, can he? Slipping the feathered hat onto his head, he moved swiftly from his surreptitious perch.
Y/N bit her red lips, nervously glancing around at all the eager hands in front of her. What was she supposed to do now, with all these masked men asking for her hand at once. She maintained a graceful disposition, but her mind was scrambling before her free hand, the one not pressed against her chest in alarm, was swept up by a warm, larger hand.
“Excuse me, miss, but would you allow this man who has taken your hand, to be your partner?”
Her heart skipped a beat when she met the gaze of the man cradling her hand like something precious. Those eyes. The mischievous smile. There was no mistaking who this could be. What was he doing here though? In her confusion, she nodded absently in response to his question, taken by him in that moment, completely oblivious to anyone else. She parted her lips to…she wasn't actually sure what it is she wanted to say or ask, so she thinks of the next best thing.
"Thank you sir, I appreciate that." It was a masquerade after all. While there was no doubt who this man was, she found herself wanting to indulge in this fantasy just for a moment. Like a princess taken by an unknown, masked prince, it sounded quite romantic, did it not?
Her words summoned a slightly larger smile from him as he led her to the centre of the dance floor, pulling her close to him. She could only pray he couldn't hear the sound of her heart. For a moment, she felt slightly timid, struggling to meet his eye at first, before lifting her gaze as he led her in a surprisingly elegant and graceful dance, her gown twirling around her from the fluid movements. He pulls her just a tad closer, not slowing even a moment to speak.
“You were dancing with a lot of guys earlier.” Her eyes bat adorably from under the mask, only to widen when he poses his question.
“Are they all your lovers?” That same prick of jealousy tugs at him yet again. He may be teasing…or he may not be. Either way, he will take her answer to heart.
“No…No, no, no, no, no! It’s not like that at all…!” Alright, that was too strong of a reaction. She knew it before she even finished speaking. Why she was in such a hurry to explain to him that she wasn’t spoken for was beyond her, as she feels herself flustered beyond belief. She clears her throat as she averts her gaze from his amused simper.
“I just…live with them…that's all.” That was better. Less panicked, more composed. A normal answer. She unconsciously gripped his shoulder harder than she meant to be, though he either didn’t notice or didn’t mind.
“Well, you seemed pretty close but…”
“Oh!” Her feet leave the floor as she was taken into the air by her waist, her arm coiled around his neck loosely, her gown swirling around them like a shimmering curtain. She soon felt his voice fill her ears.
“Seeing you dance with them, wearing that pretty smile…” His voice drops an octave, a sultry purr into her ear..
“Made me want to bare my fangs and steal you away.” She wasn’t looking at him, yet she knew that he had a lascivious smile on his face. She could hear it in the way he spoke. 
Like a seductive lover’s whisper, it sent pleasurable shivers down her spine as she flushed down to her neck. She turns her head to meet his crystal blue gaze, like falling head first into the ocean itself, she wanted nothing more than to fall right in and sink into the depths. His lips, indeed curved into a sultry, beckoning smirk, suddenly appeared to be inviting her, luring her into a trap she so willingly would fall into. His eyes flash with a desire as she, almost without fully thinking it through, leans deeper into his hold.
She was beautiful, enticing, alluring, utterly beguiling, like an innocent siren unaware of her charm. Her plump lips slightly parted, begged without words for some form of contact. Her eyes half clouded with want, her cheeks flushed as her breath became a little more shallow. Her racing heart caused her chest to rise and fall noticeably as her bust pressed against the edge of her dress. He wondered if she knew how incredible she looked in that moment. How he yearned to just take her for himself…
She simply couldn’t resist as he seemed to get even closer. The world around disappeared as her eyes fluttered closed. The ballroom, the music, the lights, in that moment she could only focus on the man in the mask cradling her to him with ease. She welcomed the light brush of his lips against hers, a soft caress against hers. Not quite a kiss, but not a peck either. She idly ran her fingers at the back of his neck, her eyes opening halfway to meet those mirror-like eyes as he brushes his lips against hers again. Sensual, yet teasing. Satisfying, yet maddening. She felt herself torn between wanting to press their lips together, and wanting this to continue. She opts to reciprocate, allowing a sweet sigh to leave her.
He paused, just for a moment to peer into her eyes, and leaned in again, this time with the intention of kissing her for real, to feel the soft pressure of her lips against his. With mere centimetres between them…
The dance ends and the spell is broken. She blinked out of her daze as she was back on her feet. She placed a hand on her chest as she looked to her partner, feeling her heart still racing from the stolen intimate moment. It’s only because of that, that she swoons when he removes his hat, placing it on his chest as he bows, displaying all the chivalry of a knight.
“Enjoy the rest of your night, your Majesty.” The playful mischief was back and she couldn't help but giggle inwardly, despite how flustered she felt and probably looked.
“Hihi…good night.” Her eyes refused to leave him until he had vanished amongst the crowd, whispering to herself as he left her sight.
“My masked prince…” With those words reaching nobody, she turned with a flair of her gown to meet Arthur who seemed to be awaiting her to take her back with him, her thoughts remaining with her masked sailor.
Yet, at the balcony, away from the lights, music and masks, the man of her thoughts stepped into the moonlight, his hand reaching and removing his mask to reveal a blank expression written across pale features.
“That little fawn…” To no one he spoke, words that reach nobody.
“I can’t believe she’s the treasure of those vampires…” The woman of his thoughts remained there as he moved silently in the night.
The cold night sea or the cooling evening breeze could not match the coolness of his expression.
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sortaotaku · 1 year
Happy New Year! 🎉🥳
We have a new Ikemen Vampire teaser and new characters! In JP.
They look good!
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New Character 1: Galileo Galilei (CV: Makoto Furukawa)
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New Character 2: Francis Drake (CV: Tasuku Hatanaka)
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angelicapocalypse · 1 year
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• Francis Drake •
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nightkarmaqueen · 1 year
What kind of vampire are Galilei and Francis? Pure blood? Demi? Lesser? If they’re Lesser Vampire, who might have resurrected them? Comte? Vlad?
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