#ikemen vampire drake
weird-profiterole · 6 months
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✨ Wip of Drake ✨
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klutzyroses · 7 months
Ironic, Poetic And Beautiful
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Drake x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,094
Summary: Y/N is pregnant with Drake's baby and she can't help but think if he understands the irony of that. And if he'd be okay with it.
Tags: Female reader, fluff, Spoilers for Drake's route, pregnancy, morning sickness, post Drake's route, reader having a lot of thoughts while cuddling
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The beautiful woman moaned tiredly, leaning back against the man she loved as he sat on the couch, catching her breath while the nausea subsided. She had not really wanted to kick off the morning by throwing up while Drake held her hair back, but the little one inside her had different plans. At 12 weeks, the morning sickness was very much going strong, in fact, it was kicking her ass like she owed it money. That was part of the reason she had agreed to live in the hideout that Drake once shared with his companion, Galileo Galilei. Mostly to be close to him and also because there was little sense in staying so far away from the father of her baby. And both the residents and Drake himself agreed that it wouldn't have been in Y/N's best interest to be traveling back and forth all the time…mostly because the previous carriage rides had sent her nausea and aches through the roof. Thus she packed her things and was living out the pregnancy with her beloved sailor and the father to be. She sighed in comfort as his hand rubbed soothing circles into her soft belly, his voice low in her ear.
“Feel better, little fawn?” His silky voice sent pleasant chills down her spine and calmed her nerves as she relaxed against him further, opening her eyes to look up at him with a faint but genuine smile. 
Her smile was returned, aquamarine eyes softening as the early morning’s soft gold rays reflected from the windows into the limpid irises, bringing out the warmth and love in his gaze. Her heart melted at the sight. There was once a time when Drake’s eyes were cold and empty, dark like the bottom of the sea, piercing like ice shards. She once shivered and quaked under that sharp gaze, but now, he looked upon her with care, like she was the precious treasure he had expressed that she was. And now she carried his child within her, a testament of their love and how far Drake had come, from the destructive, hateful pirate that he once was. She giggled to herself, she was sure that he himself wasn't entirely aware of his own growth. He'd always had such little faith in the kindness of others, as well as his own, even if she could see it plain as day. She knew that because she remembered how wonderful he was when she told him she was pregnant. At the time, she genuinely feared that he would run for it. Vanish out of her life, passing through it like a storm, leaving her in pieces.
'He's done it before, after all…' The melancholic thought struck her briefly, but dissipated when she thought of his reaction. She had never seen such a bright smile on his face as he picked her up and spun her around, his eyes brighter than the sky that day. It was then that she had realized that her fears, while not unfounded, were in fact, unnecessary, because he had fully accepted her and their baby, claimed them both as his own. She had since promised herself to trust him more. She bit her lip to keep her smile from growing larger, to little effect as she cuddled closer to him, listening to his heartbeat.
“Mhm. We’re okay now. Sorry…” She murmured, a bit sheepish, as she had woken Drake up with her retching earlier that morning and he had found her curled up on the floor, her hair a complete mess and her face pale. Not her finest moment, but she got cuddles out of it so...
“Whatever you’re apologizing for, it's okay, little fawn.” He shook his head with a wry smile before placing his hand on her stomach, feeling the beginnings of a bump starting to peek through.
“Hey kid, you’re being too rough with your mom, having her be sick everywhere.” He teasingly tickled her belly slightly, making Y/N laugh and squirm.
“Be nicer to her. Okay, Baby Drake?” His voice took on a softer tone, his thumb gently caressing her. Y/N blushed sweetly as she was soothed by his presence, by his touch, by his warmth, by his love as his words took pause in her mind.
Baby Drake. First born of Francis Drake, the dhampir and…last of the pureblood family. How funny fate could be. Remembering how she once witnessed the life of her beloved, she understood why family was a touchy subject to Drake. After seeing the frankly shocking way his supposed family treated him and his mother, she had been very hesitant to tell him of her pregnancy. But seeing how much he already cared about his child, she was confident that the hatred so prominent in the prejudiced household would not spill onto her baby. Thank goodness for that, though she herself could not help but note something funny about the whole thing.
In his pursuit of revenge, Drake had stolen the spear used to kill his mother and wiped the purebloods that shared his name off the map. None was spared if she recalled. She had witnessed him putting an end to the head of the family- who she wouldn’t have minded getting into the ring with, she had a pair of boxing gloves waiting, but that was probably the hormones talking- with that spear. Effectively ending the Drake lineage…save for himself. The only one remaining of the family of purebloods, a dhampir, the ‘stain’ on the noble house. She had to wonder what they would think of the fact that he was expecting a child…
Okay, she knew fully well what they would think of it, and what they would do about it, she saw it with her own eyes. She tensed up, feeling a wave anxiety at the idea of anyone putting her child through what Drake was subjected to. It made her sick to her stomach- for the second time that day- to even imagine it, though it wasn’t plausible. The Drake family was gone.
'But is it really?' The thought suddenly occurred to her as she glanced down at her stomach. Francis Drake was the last Drake…but that wasn’t quite accurate, was it? Her baby was a Drake. So the way she saw it, Drake ended the bloodline…and started it anew. She wasn’t sure what her child would be. Human? What was the half of a dhampir called? Either way, the noble purebloods, who so loathed the humans that were beneath them, were to be survived only by a hated dhampir and a human. The only way anyone would ever know the name ‘Drake’ existed was because of the dhampir child they persecuted. She felt a hint of smugness snaking in her chest. Oh, the irony.
“Irony of what?” Oh. Had she said that last part out loud? Y/N looked up to the inquisitive gaze of the pirate with a slightly embarrassed smile.
“Ah…sorry, I was just thinking out loud…it’s nothing,” Her vague answer prompted Drake to tilt his head curiously, making her internally swoon from how sweet he looked, so sweet that she couldn't resist pressing her lips to his cheek, softly kissing it.
“Are you going to tell me what’s on your mind, or do I have to get it out of you?” His eyes narrowed slightly as he gave a sly smile, his fingers hovering on her sides with the silent threat of tickling. She squeaked.
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you!” She huffed as he smirked at her. He always won. She hesitated for a second, it wasn’t exactly a happy subject, how was she supposed to bring it up?
…Oh well. Might as well rip the bandaid off.
“I was thinking about your family…Or, the Drake family. The purebloods, I mean.” She finished awkwardly as Drake’s expression gave way to surprise. She quickly spoke to clarify.
“I mean I…remembered what happened with…your mother…” She faltered when Drake’s expression grew blank, but pushed on. “And I couldn’t help but think about what they’d think if they saw you now…and that it’d be kind of…funny, in an ironic kind of way?”
“Ironic how?”
“Well…you, kind of…well, you got rid of them all.” She sighed, no point in skirting around it.
“And?” It didn’t really seem to faze him either way, seeing how his expression didn’t even stir. She occupied herself by looking down at her belly, which still had his hand on it.
“You’re the ‘disgrace’ on that family name, right? The mistake? Well…I think it’s funny that the child…the dhampir they thought was a flaw, is actually the only reason the name ‘Drake’ lives on.”
“...Huh?” His unreadable face became written with bemusement. She lifted her gaze to meet his.
“You wiped out the Drake family. That makes you the last one. But nobody would even know that last name if it weren’t for you. In the future, you’re the one who’s stamped in history, not them. You’re the one who made something of yourself. They were just a noble vampire family. Big deal, plenty of those out there. But you? You earned your greatness. It’s Francis Drake you find in the history books. Drake is your name, you just claimed it from the people who denied you. And I think that’s funny. Poetic actually.” She placed her hand over his, on her stomach, where new life grew inside her.
“And if that weren’t enough, the next generation of ‘Drake’ is going to be carried on by dhampirs and humans. That’s hilarious. You’ve permanently soiled their precious bloodline for centuries to come. That’s the ultimate revenge. And you, Francis the dhampir, accomplished that…” She smiled at him sweetly, a hint of mischief in her sparkling eyes as she tapped his nose with her finger. 
“By putting your baby…” She squeezed his hand on her stomach. 
“In my belly. So I guess what was on my mind, in essence, was just that…You’re incredible, Francis Drake. Thank you for being you, so incredibly you.”
“.....” She was met with silence and the stunned look he sent her way. She began to feel her face turn red. She got carried away. What business did she have to talk about his personal trauma in such an audacious way? She could only imagine how offended he-
“Pfft, hahahaha!”...Why was he laughing? She pouted as the broad shoulders of the pirate shook with badly suppressed snickering, moving away from him in a huff as she glared at him, indignant.
“You…you really thought of all that in 10 seconds? Your mind really wanders, huh?”
“Stop laughing at me!” He chuckles as his laughter dies down to beguile her with a smirk.
“And here I thought my revenge ended when I ended them…You just made it so much better. I never even thought of that.” Drake reached over, cupping her face and stealing his love for a kiss, which she readily melted into. He pulled back to look into her eyes, teasing.
“You’re more vindictive than you look, little fawn. Who thinks like that?”
“You do!”
“Heh, guess I do. I’m rubbing off on you, then.” He stole her lips once more, making her giggle as the expecting couple laughed between playful, mirthful kisses.
“So in other words, you’re my revenge, huh?” She blushed at the question, but bit her lip to suppress an ill-concealed smile. Not originally what her point was about, but she liked the sound of that. His happiness being the greatest revenge to those who hurt him so much.
“Yes…that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Her answer made a softer smile appear on his face as he kissed her again, much softer, much more loving and heartfelt, pulling away and pressing his forehead to hers, pulling her onto his lap as he enveloped her and their unborn baby in his embrace.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you. You and Baby Drake. My treasure, my beautiful revenge.” His tender whisper made her heart sing as she wrapped her arms around his neck, sinking willingly in the safety and comfort of his arms.
“We love you too, my incredible, fearless pirate…”
And she always would be there to make sure his never ending vengeance continued. That he would always be happy, that their child, and any future children, would be loved by their family, the real family she was building with the fearsome pirate.
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baby-bunny-san · 1 year
What?!! Right after Sueharu?
Cybird you left my heart relentlessly unsettled 🌚
Drake is quite... interesting, as I have to admit it. I feel the vibe of Motonari and Silvio in him 🤤
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soraarchives · 10 months
high tide came and brought you in
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on sinking ships you showed up just in time
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candied-boys · 2 years
You're joking?! Drake calls us a fawn?!?! I'm melting!!!!!!!
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memoria-99 · 6 months
Ikemen Vampire: Guys before the plastic surgery
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ROTTEN [affectionate..]
as much as I hate them, I do love them. also Jude is pirate adjacent. you're telling me you can't see that man running a ship?
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yanderepuck · 6 months
Handing flaming hot cheetos to everyone in the mansion to see who survives
Napoleon: he can have a handful and he's fine. He's eating one of the small .99 cent bags
Mozart: mainly doesn't think it tastes good, but also holding back a cough
Leonardo: he's dowing the entire bag without realizing it. I feel like he'd dip them in something but I have no clue what
Vincent: tearing up a little. He likes some spice but he likes a flavorful spice. Hell eat a few more though just to be sure
Theo: straight up doesn't like them. He wasn't expecting them to actually have a kick either
Arthur: he's holding back a choke and tears as best he can. Please give him milk
Isaac: is choking and crying. Boy is gasping and can't handle it. Stereotypical British boy
Jean: immediately sip it out. Hates it. Don't you dare give him that again. He's now searching for milk
Dazai: also eating the bag shamelessly
Shakespeare: he's so confused by chips to begin with that now making them hot is overwhelming him. British boy number 3 is down. Doesn't like how it stains his fingers
Comte: what do you think? Man is eating so much cheese and bread to get that spice out of his mouth. He's handling it worse than Jean and Isaac.
Sebastian: doesn't mind them but is really only eating a smaller bag not a big family sized bag. But he might if he's distracted enough and that's the bag he had
Vlad: handling it better than you thought. Is also enjoying a small bag of them.
Faust: made a weird face when he first tried them. Not because it was too spicy. But because he thought they tasted bad. Took him a while to get the taste out
Charles: had to eat a few to figure out if he liked them or hated them. He's still not sure so every time you offer him one he will take it and go through all those stages again
Drake: British boy number 4 is actually handling it well. He likes the flavor because well...he's been on a boat for too long and just wants flavor. He's not eating a big bag but he doesn't want the small bag
Galileo: choking. He didn't enjoy that at all. He tells you it's because they taste bad but that tear at the corner of his eye tells you it's the spice
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
Spoilers ahead. Not proofread. Rush translation.
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Mitsuki: "I have so many things I want to ask you and talk about."
Through my blurring tears, his profile looked pale, and the hand I brushed against my cheek felt cold.
At that moment, as I fervently wished for his awakening, his fingertips moved slightly.
Mitsuki: "Galileo!!"
His eyelids slowly opened, revealing his amethyst eyes.
His gaze wandered for a while, then he tilted his head and looked at me.
Galileo: "You..."
Mitsuki: "You've regained consciousness! Thank goodness, I'm so glad."
Feelings that cannot be put into words well up from the depths of my chest, overflowing as tears.
His cold fingers brushed against my cheek, awkwardly wiping away my tears.
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Later, after some time had passed,
Sailor: "Hey, Drake! You should be doing the new guy's job."
Drake: "Aye, aye, sir!"
Drake: "But first, let me finish this drink."
Sailor: "Hey, that's my wine!"
Drake laughed as he deftly avoided the sailor who tried to take back the bottle.
Drake: "Haha! Never let your guard down. There's nothing Captain Drake can't steal!"
Sailor: "Who said you're a captain? You're just named after some big shot in the English Navy."
Sailor: "By the way, are you from England?"
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Drake: "No, I'm from France now."
The sailor tilted his head in confusion as Drake laughed softly and turned his gaze to the open sea.
The horizon stretched out endlessly, with no land in sight, but he thought of the place where his comrade and Mitsuki were.
Drake: "For someone like me who never had a place to call home, it's strange to think I now have a land to return to."
Drake: "Maybe after I sail around the world, I'll show my face there again."
With those words, Drake raised the wine bottle towards the sea.
One day, sometime after Galileo awoke, I visited the mansion.
Mitsuki: "Wow, this bread smells delicious! Thank you."
Sebastian: "I'm glad you like it."
The warmth of the freshly baked bread brought an involuntary smile to my face.
Though I still resided in the hideout, I would occasionally visit everyone.
Napoleon: "How's Galileo doing?"
Mitsuki: "His health seems to be improving a lot. He can even get up and go for walks now."
Even after narrowly escaping death, his body was still being ravaged by the founder's miasma.
But ever since he woke up, he's shown signs of a steady recovery.
Napoleon: "I see. I was worried, but I guess this is a miracle."
Mitsuki: "Yeah."
(It's a miracle Galileo himself created.)
(His strong will, even at the cost of his own life, must have led to this fate.)
I was just letting Napoleon and Sebastian know I'd drop by again when I heard some quick footsteps approaching.
Isaac: "Mitsuki, wait."
Mitsuki: "Isaac?"
Isaac came up to me, fiddling with his hair as he spoke.
Isaac: "I don't know what that guy plans to do next, and this is just my wish, but..."
Isaac: "Please tell Professor Maury we're waiting for his return."
Mitsuki: "----!"
Napoleon: "A school where Newton and Galileo teach? That would be a competition of wisdom."
Sebastian: "I feel like attending university myself."
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Isaac: "Don't tease me. That's all I wanted to say. See you."
Mitsuki: "Thanks, Isaac! I'll be sure to let him know."
(I hope Galileo and everyone can build a new relationship.)
With such hopes, I couldn't help but feel excited.
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I found myself lost in thought after leaving the mansion and walking down the main street.
(As Isaac said, what will we do now?)
What came to mind was the moment Galileo woke up.
Galileo: "Did I survive?"
Galileo: "Even though I was ravaged by the miasma and stabbed by Drake's knife?"
He gazed at his palm in wonder, as if he couldn't believe he was still alive.
Mitsuki: "Everyone at the mansion and the old castle did everything they could to help you."
Mitsuki: "And Comte said that perhaps it was because you were a dhampir that you were saved."
Both the miasma and the knife are dangerous for vampires, but Comte suggested that perhaps Galileo's human side helped save his life.
(Although the truth is unknown, as long as Galileo is alive, that's what matters.)
Galileo: "After trying to destroy the world and being rejected by it, did I survive again?"
I took his hand in mine as he muttered self-deprecatingly.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, let me tell you again."
Mitsuki: "I love you."
Galileo: "........."
Mitsuki: "Even if the world rejects you, I will continue to seek you."
(I want to accept every part of you.)
Mitsuki: "I'm not asking you to respond to my feelings. I just want you to stay alive."
Galileo: ".........."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(He didn't say anything back then.)
I wanted to stay by his side and support him to make him happy.
(But what are Galileo's thoughts on the future?)
When I returned to the hideout, Galileo was by the window, gazing outside. He turned to face me as I entered.
Mitsuki: "I'm back. Look, Sebastian gave me some bread."
Galileo: "Mitsuki."
His rich, low voice called my name, and his eyes captured me.
Galileo: "I want to talk with you for a bit."
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He led me to the garden.
The sunlight streaming down made the pure white flowers shine.
He knelt and gently caressed the petals of the red flowers.
Galileo: "Looking at this red flower brings back the sorrow of the dhampirs I've seen. Their pain still lingers in my mind."
Mitsuki: "Yeah."
Though I haven't dreamed of dhampirs recently, seeing the white flowers stained with the color of blood still hurts my heart.
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Galileo: "I wanted to save them. I wanted to do something for the friends and family I lost."
Galileo: "In the end, that wish didn't come true."
Galileo: "I thought that if I ended this world entirely, all the sorrow would disappear."
Galileo: "Carrying everyone's regrets and achieving destruction had become my reason for living."
He spoke as if reflecting on his past, then turned his gaze towards me.
Galileo: "But some time after I woke up, I saw a certain scene."
(A certain scene?)
What Galileo mentioned was an interaction I had with Miguel a few days ago.
Miguel: "Big sis!"
On the day I was visiting Mireia's grave, I ran into Miguel.
He is currently living with a pureblood couple, thanks to Comte's arrangements.
Mitsuki: "Miguel, it's been a while. Huh?"
Puppy: "Woof, woof!"
I widened my eyes in surprise as I recognized the brown puppy he was with.
Mitsuki: "This puppy..."
Miguel: "I found him a little while ago. He was wandering alone in the city, and I couldn't just leave him."
Miguel: "I brought him today to meet Mireia. His fur is chestnut-colored, just like her hair."
This puppy was the same one Sidereus had protected and whose injuries I had treated.
When I told him this, his blue eyes also widened in surprise.
Miguel: "Really? That's amazing! Both this puppy and I were helped by everyone."
Mitsuki: "Yeah. It's like a miracle that such small events connect in this way. It feels like a fortunate coincidence."
(No, this might be what we call destiny.)
Even if what we can do at the moment seems trivial, it eventually leads to new happiness.
It would surely help heal suffering and sorrow little by little.
Mitsuki: "Miguel, if it's okay, could you take this?"
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Miguel: "What is it? Wow, a bird made of paper."
Mitsuki: "It's an origami crane. I folded it, thinking of Mireia before coming to the grave. Normally, you would fold a thousand of them."
Mitsuki: "In my hometown, we fold them with wishes or to remember those who have passed. It can also be a symbol of peace."
I imbued it with a wish that no more sorrowful events would occur.
Miguel: "A symbol of peace."
He placed the origami crane with its wings spread on his palm and smiled gently.
Miguel: "Thank you, big sister. I'm sure Mireia will be happy, too."
Mitsuki: "I hope so."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(Galileo was there at that moment.)
Galileo: "Watching your interaction with the boy reminded me of my past conversations with my father."
Galileo: "As you said, the root of my desire was not destruction."
Galileo: "The hatred within me hasn't disappeared."
Galileo: "Humans and vampires alike are foolish, and the endless conflicts in this world will still fill me with indescribable anger. But..."
Galileo lifted his head and looked directly at me.
Galileo: "Will you stay by my side?"
Galileo: "You're the reason I'm alive."
Galileo: "Even if anger and hatred drive me again, with you by my side, I will surely remember my dreams."
Galileo: "Only you can lead me to my true desires."
His touch was as cold as always, but his eyes were filled with warmth, like when he gazed at the stars.
(His eyes are seeking me.)
Galileo: "I know it's selfish of me to ask you this after hurting you, and I know that my hatred and regrets still remain in my heart. But still, you need to choose. Will you stay with me or let go of this hand?"
I could feel his sincerity and earnestness as he revealed his innermost feelings. I grasped his hand firmly.
Mitsuki: "The answer is clear."
Mitsuki: "I already said I would continue to seek you out."
Why are tears welling up in my eyes?
Receiving his feelings, I spoke with a voice trembling with joy.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, I love you."
Mitsuki: "Please let me stay by your side. No matter what happens, don't let go of this hand."
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Galileo: "Mitsuki."
He stood up, his expression softening gently.
Galileo: "I love you, Mitsuki."
Galileo: "I won't let you go. My love for you is true."
As if to confirm our feelings, we gently kissed, surrounded by the beautifully sorrowful and ephemeral white flowers.
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Mitsuki: "What are you going to do now?"
I asked while snuggling close to him on the bed.
He hesitated slightly before speaking.
Galileo: "I can only live by seeking the truth. I plan to return to being a university professor and pursue academic studies as I did before."
Galileo: "Also, Drake will return to this place."
Mitsuki: "You're right. Hehe, Isaac will be happy."
He softened his expression, but he let out a faint sigh.
Galileo: "But I might fall into despair again, and my heart could be trapped by distorted desires once more."
Mitsuki: "When that time comes, I will accept it. All your anger, hatred, and sorrow."
Galileo: "Mitsuki."
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Galileo: "Thank you."
Galileo: "This time, I hope I can remember the true wish you made me realize."
Galileo: "I hope our journey from here can become a bridge between the human and vampire worlds."
Mitsuki: "I'm sure it will."
(You’re neither a heretic nor someone to be persecuted.)
(You’re simply a person who earnestly wishes for peace. That is who you really are.)
Suddenly, Galileo leaned his head on my shoulder.
His gesture felt like he was seeking comfort, and it made my heart race.
Galileo: "What about you? What will you do?"
Mitsuki: "What will I do?"
Galileo: "Yeah. I have no intention of letting you go, but..."
Galileo: "With the door, you can return to your original world—the country and time you were born and raised in."
(So there's a way for me to go back.)
Though I realized this when he mentioned it, my resolve didn't waver.
Mitsuki: "My place is already by your side."
Galileo: "........."
Mitsuki: "I can't imagine living in a world without you."
Mitsuki: "I'll be with you forever."
Galileo: "Forever, huh?"
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Galileo: "It's like an eternal vow."
He placed his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes.
As I was mesmerized by his happy smile, he gently stole a kiss.
Mitsuki: "Nn..."
He repeatedly showered me with kisses and touched the scar on my forehead. 
Mitsuki: "Ah, that's right. There's something I've been wanting to ask you."
Galileo: "What is it?"
Mitsuki: "When did you realize I was the child you saved from the accident long ago?"
Galileo: "That? I realized it the day you had a fever."
Galileo: "The story you told me about your lifesaver and the scar on your forehead matched my memory."
With a nostalgic, gentle smile, he began to speak as if unraveling memories from long ago.
Galileo: "Among the friends, family, and dhampirs I couldn't save, you were the one I could finally rescue."
Galileo: "That was a small light for the powerless me."
Galileo: "Even though I lived in despair and was consumed by destruction, somewhere in my heart, that light remained."
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Galileo: "Until it led me to this moment."
(The past connects to the present.)
Whether this encounter was a destined fate or a series of coincidences and choices we've made, I don't know.
(But now, you're alive before me.)
(This joy and this truth are everything.)
Once again, we leaned toward each other, sharing yet another kiss.
As he undid the buttons on my blouse, Galileo also loosened his collar.
The cold touch of his fingers gradually warmed, making my heart race.
Galileo: "Haaa, Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "Nnn. It's strange to think that I would meet the person who saved me back then again like this."
Mitsuki: "Actually, you were my first love."
Galileo: "Your first love? Even though you had forgotten my face?"
Mitsuki: "Don't mention that, please."
He let out a small laugh and lifted me onto his lap.
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Galileo: "Then, make sure you never forget what happens from now on."
Galileo: "Just as you sought me out, I will seek you."
His beautiful, amethyst eyes looked up at me, drawing me in.
I wanted to keep looking at him forever. I wanted him to look at me forever.
Mitsuki: "Please seek me, Galileo. Let me take in everything about you."
(And let me wrap you in my love.)
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Galileo: "I love you, Mitsuki."
Galileo: "Even if the world rejects me, your love will keep me alive."
Galileo: "Like the stars that revolve, this love is eternal."
Like the moon and the sun, which revolve and transcend time, we have met again.
Embracing all the sorrows and the newfound affection, I will always see the true you.
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Previous Part ╎ Masterlist ╎ Romantic End
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ana-thedaydreamer · 8 months
Ikemen Vampire - High School AU - Student Card Version
Vampire Academy - School Year 2019 - Arc 2 and 3 suitors
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Drama club & Literature Club member: Dazai Osamu - Fav Subject: Literature
Drama club president: William Shakespeare - Fav Subject: Literature
Student Council President: Abel, Comte Saint Germain - Fav subject: non particularly
Student Council Assistant: Akihito Satou - Fav subject: History
Chemistry club member: Johann Georg Faust - Fav subject: Chemistry
Drama club member & school medical clinic assistant: Charles, also a part-time model - fav subject: non particularly
President of Academy Displicinary Committee: Vlad - fav subject: Biology
New transferred student: Drake & Galileo - Fav subject: Geography (Drake), Science (Galileo)
Here are their student cards 😆
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niintendoqs · 5 months
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Ikemen Vampire sexuality and gender HCs 🫶 Waow I love LGBT+ HCs of the boys so much…
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reccyls · 25 days
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birthday event screen
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klutzyroses · 1 year
Kiss Me Under the Mask
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Drake x Fem!Reader
Tags: SFW, female reader, bit steamy, almost kisses, sexual tension
Word Count: 1808
Summary: He had only come here because he had a job to do, he hadn't expected to see her there. But now that she was there, he couldn't let her get away, could he?
Rewrite based on the Masquerade Event on the JP app.
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He feels amused when his companion gives him a slightly sullen glare as they went their separate ways. He expected nothing less from the secluded Galileo, really. Social events were far from his preference and he knew that even as he dragged him along. He was only able to be convinced because the sailor informed him that the vampires they were investigating would be attending. He found himself slightly glad for the covert nature of the event, allowing some secrecy between guests, the unspoken rule preventing the revelation of names and identities known to all, he was sure as he slipped his feathered hat onto his head. He, for one, thought this could be not only fun, but productive. After all, gathering information as to how the vampires operate amongst the people would definitely prove useful at some point. Even if not, he could definitely still enjoy himself one way or another. 
Between the swirling gowns, shining masks and soothing music, it surely would be no bore. Though he should at least make the effort to do what they came here for. The last thing he needed is his companion's icy glare directed at him before lecturing him for the next week. That said...Ah! There goes one of them now.
He remained at a distance, almost imperceptible amongst the crowds as striking blue eyes landed upon the man of similar height to his own, with black hair dipped in white. There was no mistaking it. He was with a woman though, in a gorgeous gown flowing about her as she twirled about like a graceful butterfly. He isn’t sure why but…hasn’t he seen this beauty before?
Even hidden by a white and gold flower laden mask, those beautiful gem eyes sparkled in the lights of the ballroom, the graceful smile of her sweet face brought a certain trembling maiden to his mind. But of course. He would recognize that young lady anywhere. And didn’t she simply look ravishing on this night?
Her dress fluttered around her like the petals of a dancing flower in the breeze of spring. Yes, she was truly a sight to behold…but she was with one of them. He can’t help the slight stab of unpleasantness flashing through him like an arrow. 
Bitterness? Or simply jealousy? Mm, yes that seemed to be it. To see her with such a beautiful smile in the arms of another, and a vampire no less did something nasty to his insides. But of course he does little but watch from afar, observing with eyes as blue as the sea. His sentiments only grew when she changed partners with a flirtatious man with azure hair. 
Another vampire? Pure coincidence or should he be concerned? The way she seems so comfortable with both….are they familiar with her? Do they know her? Are they…? All these questions with multiple possible answers.
Possessiveness and a hint of jealousy clawed at his chest as he cocked his head. His eyes no longer focused on the man but on her. A prickle of desire poked at him from the inside. He wants her to himself. He wants to claim her for himself. To steal her away. Ah, what a fun thought. Her dance with her partner ends and he considers taking his chance, but oh!
It appears the little fawn has run into a few…obstacles. A barrage of men block her way to her table, asking for their turn to dance with her. It didn’t come as too much of a surprise that so many wanted to steal a moment with a beauty like her. However, even with the mask, he can tell she was at a loss and uncomfortable. Well, he couldn’t ignore that, can he? Slipping the feathered hat onto his head, he moved swiftly from his surreptitious perch.
Y/N bit her red lips, nervously glancing around at all the eager hands in front of her. What was she supposed to do now, with all these masked men asking for her hand at once. She maintained a graceful disposition, but her mind was scrambling before her free hand, the one not pressed against her chest in alarm, was swept up by a warm, larger hand.
“Excuse me, miss, but would you allow this man who has taken your hand, to be your partner?”
Her heart skipped a beat when she met the gaze of the man cradling her hand like something precious. Those eyes. The mischievous smile. There was no mistaking who this could be. What was he doing here though? In her confusion, she nodded absently in response to his question, taken by him in that moment, completely oblivious to anyone else. She parted her lips to…she wasn't actually sure what it is she wanted to say or ask, so she thinks of the next best thing.
"Thank you sir, I appreciate that." It was a masquerade after all. While there was no doubt who this man was, she found herself wanting to indulge in this fantasy just for a moment. Like a princess taken by an unknown, masked prince, it sounded quite romantic, did it not?
Her words summoned a slightly larger smile from him as he led her to the centre of the dance floor, pulling her close to him. She could only pray he couldn't hear the sound of her heart. For a moment, she felt slightly timid, struggling to meet his eye at first, before lifting her gaze as he led her in a surprisingly elegant and graceful dance, her gown twirling around her from the fluid movements. He pulls her just a tad closer, not slowing even a moment to speak.
“You were dancing with a lot of guys earlier.” Her eyes bat adorably from under the mask, only to widen when he poses his question.
“Are they all your lovers?” That same prick of jealousy tugs at him yet again. He may be teasing…or he may not be. Either way, he will take her answer to heart.
“No…No, no, no, no, no! It’s not like that at all…!” Alright, that was too strong of a reaction. She knew it before she even finished speaking. Why she was in such a hurry to explain to him that she wasn’t spoken for was beyond her, as she feels herself flustered beyond belief. She clears her throat as she averts her gaze from his amused simper.
“I just…live with them…that's all.” That was better. Less panicked, more composed. A normal answer. She unconsciously gripped his shoulder harder than she meant to be, though he either didn’t notice or didn’t mind.
“Well, you seemed pretty close but…”
“Oh!” Her feet leave the floor as she was taken into the air by her waist, her arm coiled around his neck loosely, her gown swirling around them like a shimmering curtain. She soon felt his voice fill her ears.
“Seeing you dance with them, wearing that pretty smile…” His voice drops an octave, a sultry purr into her ear..
“Made me want to bare my fangs and steal you away.” She wasn’t looking at him, yet she knew that he had a lascivious smile on his face. She could hear it in the way he spoke. 
Like a seductive lover’s whisper, it sent pleasurable shivers down her spine as she flushed down to her neck. She turns her head to meet his crystal blue gaze, like falling head first into the ocean itself, she wanted nothing more than to fall right in and sink into the depths. His lips, indeed curved into a sultry, beckoning smirk, suddenly appeared to be inviting her, luring her into a trap she so willingly would fall into. His eyes flash with a desire as she, almost without fully thinking it through, leans deeper into his hold.
She was beautiful, enticing, alluring, utterly beguiling, like an innocent siren unaware of her charm. Her plump lips slightly parted, begged without words for some form of contact. Her eyes half clouded with want, her cheeks flushed as her breath became a little more shallow. Her racing heart caused her chest to rise and fall noticeably as her bust pressed against the edge of her dress. He wondered if she knew how incredible she looked in that moment. How he yearned to just take her for himself…
She simply couldn’t resist as he seemed to get even closer. The world around disappeared as her eyes fluttered closed. The ballroom, the music, the lights, in that moment she could only focus on the man in the mask cradling her to him with ease. She welcomed the light brush of his lips against hers, a soft caress against hers. Not quite a kiss, but not a peck either. She idly ran her fingers at the back of his neck, her eyes opening halfway to meet those mirror-like eyes as he brushes his lips against hers again. Sensual, yet teasing. Satisfying, yet maddening. She felt herself torn between wanting to press their lips together, and wanting this to continue. She opts to reciprocate, allowing a sweet sigh to leave her.
He paused, just for a moment to peer into her eyes, and leaned in again, this time with the intention of kissing her for real, to feel the soft pressure of her lips against his. With mere centimetres between them…
The dance ends and the spell is broken. She blinked out of her daze as she was back on her feet. She placed a hand on her chest as she looked to her partner, feeling her heart still racing from the stolen intimate moment. It’s only because of that, that she swoons when he removes his hat, placing it on his chest as he bows, displaying all the chivalry of a knight.
“Enjoy the rest of your night, your Majesty.” The playful mischief was back and she couldn't help but giggle inwardly, despite how flustered she felt and probably looked.
“Hihi…good night.” Her eyes refused to leave him until he had vanished amongst the crowd, whispering to herself as he left her sight.
“My masked prince…” With those words reaching nobody, she turned with a flair of her gown to meet Arthur who seemed to be awaiting her to take her back with him, her thoughts remaining with her masked sailor.
Yet, at the balcony, away from the lights, music and masks, the man of her thoughts stepped into the moonlight, his hand reaching and removing his mask to reveal a blank expression written across pale features.
“That little fawn…” To no one he spoke, words that reach nobody.
“I can’t believe she’s the treasure of those vampires…” The woman of his thoughts remained there as he moved silently in the night.
The cold night sea or the cooling evening breeze could not match the coolness of his expression.
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xxsycamore · 11 months
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Happy Halloween! Yes, this includes all 17 suitors. I'm no expert on the genre but I thought this might be fun! Some of them die. I'm sorry. Warnings: everything that can appear in a horror movie really, including mentions of death, mass murder, blood, gore, torture, cults.
If you feel like reading something more goofy where everyone lives, try Pumpkin Carving Competition At Saint Germain’s Mansion or maybe even “Welcome to Saint Germain’s mansion, please have a fang-tastic night.” 
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The "okay guys, we need a plan" guy and welp, he has a sword, he is willing to walk in front, why not trust him? 👍🏻✨He's totally the one to hide being infected because come on, how are they gonna get out of there alive if the leader is down? Has a dramatic scene where he's fighting off the transformation in secret. Ends up being saved by someone and survives.
Leonardo is the one you find along the journey, mistaking for an enemy at first as you get into his trap... when it actually turns out he's been there long before you, surviving all alone in this post-apocalyptic setting, adapted to it, prepared for every danger out there with gadgets he made himself! He might not stay alive until the end but plays a key role in the plot.
He tried to warn them not to do anything stupid... He's now stuck suffering from the group's bad decision-making. He doesn't even know how he ended up there. Mozart is that one character that you're supposed to hate for being an asshole. At one point he falls in danger that specifically relates to a fear of his, and when everyone expects him to sacrifice another person to save himself, he does the opposite. He seemingly dies right there, breaking everyone's hearts, only to be revealed at the very end that he managed to survive!
𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐀𝐂 (credits for the idea goes to @scummy-writes guys she can write a whole fic of those I swear,, it's been such a pleasure listening to her)
Isaac needs to be saved five minutes into the movie... which writes him off as the weaker one from the get-go. This is going to be bad if the situation comes to "we gotta leave someone behind or we all die here!" - but hey, DON'T LEAVE ISAAC BEHIND IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE! Because the next thing you know everyone falls into this deadly trap that only HE can figure the way out of, using his big brain skills. His worth has been proved! Everyone loves him now! And all he wants is to go back home and never go on a trip with these guys ever again!
I'm sorry, Arthur dies first. The others are trying to warn him about the cases of victims who've been sucked to a dry husk and he's like "later virgins, i have a date tonight". Yeah his date totally killed him. Bonus points if we're dealing with vampires here, because irony. It's fine though, he's still important to the plot after he dies, because we find his writing diary and he left important cues there while trying to escape from his killer. Maybe he even came close to the truth! He knows his mystery genre stuff after all...
Theo just does NOT believe paranormal exists, not even after witnessing it with his own two eyes. Worst part, he tries to convince the others too. "My broer IS NOT POSSESSED!" Uhuh! Okay Theo! You just saw cryptic images appear on his canvas without him even moving the brush but I guess he was just trying a new painting technique!! And he levitates too and his eyes are tar black but what do we know... Once Theo realizes the situation, he's out there swinging a bat (sexy), ready to beat the shit out of whatever caused this, and he's good at it. Don't worry about him dying.
Poor baby Vincent is every sinister ghost/demon's number-one target. Vincent listens to the voices. He sympathizes with them! He makes friends with them! Maybe he doesn't even need to be possessed at this rate... Same story with joining a cult, honestly. When their bad intentions begin to come to light, Vincent puts up a fight and is suddenly not as easy to control as they thought.
Jean might take some bullets from our main cast while someone shouts "IT WON'T DIE!" but it's fine he's used to it... he's been dead for quite some time and not just inside. Jean is probably the result of some sick experiment about making an immortal army of warriors and. It's sad. But it's fine because he joins the protagonists now! He's friend! I hope they apologize for calling him a monster. No, he doesn't die by the end of the movie, but at what cost?
"Oh, it was just Dazai." Of course it was, someone has to be that one idiot that scares the shit out of everyone until he becomes the boy who cried wolf. Which usually ends with death! I'm sorry Dazai. At least they can take him seriously now and pay some more attention to the strange things he kept on saying.
A very old-school villain! Bonus points if the setting is modern yet he still has a villain's lair and all that. There's something beautiful and tragic about him and he probably dramatically lets himself be defeated even if he had a chance to escape. Everyone will remember him. Mostly for the mental and physical torture, but still.
"But we have one hour left until the curse kills us all, how are we gonna get there on time?!" *sounds of safari jeep pulling over* "Someone ordered a ride?" - yeah. Comte is here to save the day with the power of money friendship. And not just that! Who is the one who suddenly remembers a family heirloom that is as old as time and suspiciously shaped exactly like the key they're searching for? I also want him to lose an eye or a limb for some reason... just for a little touch of gore maybe?
Gods, Sebastian is the only prepared one, bless him for that. He's read all about that urban legend while everyone's been busy denying its existence. He is not scared at all, too... you might wonder if he's just geeking out during all of this bloody mess or something. He's so important, please don't let him die please don't let him die... he died.
The villain's aide that infiltrates the protagonists' group. By the time his betrayal scene happens and he nearly kills three members of the group with a chainsaw, we get a glimpse of his trauma and that's the key to sucessfully talking him out of doing it, eventually disarming him and catching him. He manages to escape and maybe later returns as an ally! Yay!
Gods he's scary. I'm not watching this. Of course he's the killer, what did you expect? Has a tragic backstory of being used by an even more fucked-up killer in the past to do the dirty work for - and kept doing it even after getting rid of them himself, because that's the only thing he knows how to do. You can't fix him.
IT'S HIMMM he's the scary little boy from the photos and the same scary little boy that always shows up in the rose garden and his soul just won't rest in peace!! Shows up in his adult form plenty too, just expect his expression to twist into something horrible every second. He needs to be sealed forever somewhere and it would take three sequels to get to know what would actually defeat him once and for all.
... I'm sorry but there definitely is a lighthouse in this movie. And you can totally trust Drake! The poor guy's body just washed up for you to discover, tragically drowned-oh, wait no, he's breathing. He's totally not the same sailor who died around here many, many years ago. He's gonna keep you good company in the lighthouse alone for miles.
Galileo is the one who saw the Thing™ with his own eyes, while he was watching the stars one night ages ago. He dedicated not only his massive research but also his life to this, yet noone believes him. If he somehow manages to find that one missing piece that connects everything together, he will die a horrifying death before he can even share it with the main cast. Rip...
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @my-day6 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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soraarchives · 9 months
when you want one comfort guy but your mind is preoccupied by 2-3 and now you don't know where to go
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aquagirl1978 · 5 months
Nightmares and Dreamscapes - Drake x Reader (Ikemen Vampire)
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A/N: Whelp. I did it. I wrote about Drake and monster...something. Don't worry, there's no smut - I was not going there so I got creative. Thank @yanderepuck for poisoning my brain to the point that I wrote this, um...let's call it a crack kraken fic which could possibly be the most ridiculous thing I've ever written posted. If I even make one of you out there laugh, I'll be happy. Unlike Drake...
A/N #2: Disclaimer - I have not read any translations for Drake's route or his events. I am certain this will be wildly ooc and this was written as a joke between friends. I am sure Drake's deserves better, and one day I might write him a better. But that day is not today.
Pairing: Drake x Reader
Prompt: Drake has a nightmare. A very scary one. And it might have nvolved a kraken.
Word Count: 781
Tags: no actual smut, but Drake is...well...he's got some kinks.
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It was dark when Drake stirred in his sleep, awakening you from your slumber. He was mumbling incoherently, most likely in the midst of a dream. 
“No… No more…” His arms flailed in the bed, almost as if he was pushing something away. “Begone you vile creature!”
“Drake?” you whispered in his ear, rubbing your palm gently down his arm, hoping if this didn’t wake him, it would at least calm him. “Shhhh… It’s just a dream.”
When that didn’t seem to work, you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your body against his. “Drake,” you whispered in his ear, a bit louder this time, “you’re safe in your bed. In your home. Next to me, your lover.”
His body slowly stilled and the incoherent mumbling stopped. He turned in your arms and faced you; his silver hair was a complete mess, but he had the most adorable, embarrassed look on his face.
“Do you want to talk about your dream?” you asked softly as any caring lover would.
“Dream? It was a bloody nightmare! My God, it was horrible. Dreadful….” You listened as Drake described his nightmare – most of which involved a rather angry kraken – in far more detail than you ever cared to know.
“And then the Kraken finally let me go. Oh, it was awful. Please hold me.”
You took him into your arms, your fingertips barely touching him as you rubbed his shoulder. He rested his head in the crook of your neck, making soft whimpering sounds as he settled in.
You pulled back when you heard a different yet familiar sound. Worried he was dreaming again or something, your cause for alarm increased when you felt something wet on your skin.
“Are you….weeping?” Your hand flew to your mouth, preventing the laugh that was bubbling in your throat from escaping. You knew in your heart it was wrong to laugh at Drake right now, he was your lover after all. But instead, your mind kept imagining a giant – and ridiculous looking – kraken.
Drake looked up at you, teardrops glistening in his eyes. “You were not there. You do not know how….horrible…it was. It was truly frightening. Hold me again.” 
You tried your best to be a sympathetic lover. But try as you might, Drake did just remind you that you were not there in his nightmare, and clearly had no idea of how truly horrific his ordeal with the kraken exactly was.
“I know I wasn’t there,” you said, in your most soothing voice, “but…” Drake pressed his body against yours, causing you to pause, a familiar firmness pushing against your thigh.
“Drake?” you asked, truly confused as to how you would broach this touchy subject.
“Yes, my dear?” he replied sweetly in between sobs. 
You grimaced as if you just swallowed some awful tasting medicine. Here goes nothing. “Drake, are you, um…”
He looked up at you with the saddest puppy dog eyes. Maybe if you closed your eyes, you’d find yourself in a nightmare of your own and save you from whatever this was.
“How do I say this delicately…” you pondered aloud, “but are you…I dunno…excited right now?”
Utter confusion washed over his face. “Excited?"
You let out a very heavy sigh, “Really, Drake? You’re gonna make me say this?” He stared at you cutely; was he…batting his eyelashes at you? “Oh, for fuck’s sake…Drake, did the kraken turn you on?”
“What?! No! Absolutely not. That’s disgusting! What kind of animal do you think I am??” he shrieked at you, horrified. He then lowered his voice, his face hovering close to yours. “What would ever make you think that way?”
“Well, um….” Your gaze drifted down towards his hips. 
“Oh…that,” he said in a strangled voice. “Well, that’s rather embarrassing, isn’t it?”
You closed your eyes because maybe if you opened them, you’d wake up from this nightmarish hell. Right about now, the kraken wasn’t sounding too terrible.
You opened your eyes to find Drake staring at you. Nope, not a dream. Yet.
“Would you find me any less of a man if I did say that I did find the kraken…”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Drake.”
“Sometimes…when I’m out at sea…”
“No, Drake…”
“And I have no idea when I will see you again…”
“Go to bed, Drake.”
You rolled over on your side, hoping this would give him a much needed hint.
“Yes, Drake?”
“Did I mention they have tentacles?”
Drake soon found himself unceremoniously removed from the bed. He took his favorite blanket with him as he made a nest on the couch. 
“Well, that didn’t end well, did it? How disappointing.” 
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @wendolrea @randonauticrap @xbalayage @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @alydra @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @fang-and-feather @lunaaka @ikesenwritings
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