#ikemen vicent
vvvavaaa · 2 years
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Vincent's also very pretty ihihihi
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qshara · 3 years
Arthur: Uh oh, someone's in a bad mood
Vincent: It's actually "Van Gogh" ^^
Arthur: I think she knows
Theo, behind a chair: Take this, duivel!
Theo: Jean, you said this was going to help me...
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intomybubble · 3 years
one of the tears of themis cases involves stuff about vincent van gogh and his brother theodorus and i am literally unable to picture the anime vampire version from ikemen vampire whenever theyre mentioned and i hate everything
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manunelle · 3 years
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I haven't drawn since long ago, so I decided to try drawing and coloring Vincent...
I still can't draw profile faces very well...
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dealwithwarlords · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire and their Godly parents
Inspired by Percy Jackson.
Mozart: Apollo
Son of the God of light, of sun, of music, of truth, of poetry, and arts. May not be a leader but set trends. I will start with the most obvious fact and that is Mozart’s talent for music, as all of us know Apollo’s children are exceptional for the arts in general. Mozart is not someone that tends to laugh frequently but as a good children of Apollo, you can hear the sound of what it could be beautiful Bells when he does, and a smile as warm as the sun. Because of his prolonged time on practicing he sometimes has little to none sunlight, that makes him really moody (more than he already is) so taking some walks or playing with Schelm in the garden are necessary for his health even if he claims to not need it.
Not all of Apollo’s children are blond, some of them have physical traits that are related to the sun such as freckles, warm skin subtones, and even if their hair is black if you see it in the sun light you can see a golden or brownish reflection on their hair, in Mozart’s case if we see carefully there’s also warm subtones such as beige, and pink :
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While other white haired characters have cold undertones like blue:
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Because of Mozart’s incredible fair skin it’s easy for him to get freckles. Apollo’s children are lie detectors, as they say, you cannot cover the sun with your thumb, Mozart knows from miles away when someone is lying.
Apollo’s children are scary when they get mad, be aware of what they could do when they lose control, just like Mozart, it may seem like he’s always angry but he actually isn’t, when he’s angry you will know.
Apollo’s kids are naturally over dramatic, they turn everything into inspiration for music, plays, etc. remember that time when Mozart said that dry things like cookies are his “worst enemy”? Just because Marie Antoinette gave him a bunch of them, he didn’t know what to do and decided it was a good idea to stuff everything in his mouth...
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To what MC finished laughing because ... bruh 😂
Isaac: Athena
Goddess of wisdom, handicraft, knowledge and warfare. Children of Athena are gifted with a sharp and brilliant mind. Do I have to say more ? Isaac is a genius, he has an incredible hunger for knowledge, and curiosity that makes him discover the most incredible things in this world. Children of Athena enjoy reading a good book and most of the time you can see them lost in their thoughts.
We know that Athena’s children can be street smart and book smart, the majority likes to be street smart since they already have a facility to keep info from books, but in the case of our apple boy he’s chosen to be book smart, this kind of children tend to have difficulties to relate to others and create deep bonds since their brilliant minds make them feel detached from the world that surrounds them.
Napoleon : Zeus
Natural leaders
Children of Zeus are the leaders struggling with the pressure of being leaders. Since they are such a reliable people, their friends usually seek for them when they need help, maybe they are not as wise as a child of Athena, but their empathy makes them good advisers too. They’re strong and resilient.
Serious but yet humorous
Children of Zeus are prideful, they like to tease others but when the tables turn they don’t really know how to react (not like they are doormats but more like in a teasing way something like pikachu face: “you ... you just teased the son of the lightening.. right in front of my salad” that kind of reaction. It’s actually kind of cute 😂
They can be flighty or warm, depends of the person they are dealing with and their mood.
Physically traits could be grey, blue or in some cases green eyes. Children of Zeus usually have gray hairs since a young age.
Arthur: Dionysus
God of wine, madness, ecstasy and theatre
Children of Dionysus are sociable, charismatic and the life of the party. The ones with all the connections. They’re the friend that everyone references when they say ‘I know a guy’ and we all know that Arthur knows or at least recognizes a lot of faces in Paris.
Children of Dionysus are not only party people, they are really clever too, people usually don’t give them credit for how smart they really are, but they prefer to keep that intelligence hidden ‘cause they don’t want to intimidate anyone, after all the party needs to continue !
They are the ones you can always count on to have a good time. The best telling jokes and reading the atmosphere of a room. they are the ones you call when you’re upset and just want to forget about reality for a night.
Stubborn, determined and chaotic nature.
Most of Dionysus children are empaths, that’s how they can feel the mood so well and make everyone have a good time, nevertheless if they don’t have a control over this ability it can be bad for their health, appropriating other people's problems or feeling guilty if they cannot help their friends as a good “host” would do.
Another thing, Arthur really seems to enjoy alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, etc. besides coffee.
Talking about physical traits Dionysus children rock semi long hair, this chill and laid back appearance is the signature of the god of party and wine. Even when they wear formal clothes you can see this relaxed look on them.
I remember one time I read a post where it said that Dionysus children often have the nicest shoes in the room (idk why? 😂) BUT DUDE that’s true, there was also other post where you guys were talking about who had the best taste in shoes and guess who was one of the best fashionistas 👌👌😂
Also, olive undertones, in hair, skin, etc. if we see Arthur’s hair for example, sometimes it doesn’t appear to be entirely blue, it also has olive undertones:
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Jean: Hades
God of the underworld
Talking about children of hades we can see that they are not only the “quiet ones” but also people with a sharp intuition. They observe everything and everyone, quietly. Tend to hold grudges and feel out of place, they stay a lot of time inside their heads and because of this children of hades usually have a hard time finding their “meaning in life” or “their place in this world”. Since they are deep they have a difficult time relating to others, meanwhile everyone is talking about the trends of the year, children of Hades are in other Chanel .
They like to be by their own, or maybe with someone that actually understands them.
I think most of the time people only focus on their “dark personality” and forget to appreciate other traits like the incredible willpower that they have to achieve anything that attracts their attention.
Physically talking, as we all know, children of Hades have dark tones in their hair, eyes and skin tone. There’s something cold in their appearance that makes them look intimidating and mysterious
Vincent : Apollo
Do I really need to explain this one ? 😂😂
I will just cover some facts that relate to Apollo’s children since Vincent is like the PERFECT example of what is being an Apollo’s child.
I think Vincent has a BIG potential to learn any instrument that he likes, also archery but I doubt it since he wouldn’t like to hurt anyone.
Is easy for Children of Apollo to tan, just imagine our angel with a beautiful sexy tan 🙌🏻😫✨
also, Apollo’s children are healers, and Vincent wants not only to help but if possible heal everyone’s suffer, as we can see in his route, he wants to help MC with her anxiety to return to her time nevertheless he’s never too pushy and waits until MC feels prepared to open up to him.
Apollo’s children are people pleasers, in a mini drama, Vicent tells Leonardo that if there was a girl in the mansion he wouldn’t know how to behave, since he only wants to give a good impression.
Leonardo : Hephaestus
Children of Hephaestus , Their minds are constantly working on something and their ideas running wild.
They have SO many ideas that they have dozens of project running AT THE SAME TIME, they can even compete with children of Athena.
Some of this children may not be geniuses but out of their curiosity and hunger for knowledge is because they can become worthy opponents to the other god or goddesses children.
Masters on none, but master of many.
They also got that freaking cheeky smile of their father.
Intelligent, good looking and good jokes.
Physically talking children of Hephaestus have strength in their upper body, just like their father, they have enough strength in their hands, arms and back to carry or forge any metal and turn it into a weapon (or any creation but you get me) what usually makes them have (on males) big shoulders or backs and in females, they have shorter but stronger fingers.
Comte : Aphrodite
Who was the one that fell in love in the middle of war ????
YUP this guy ☝️
Children of Aphrodite are hopeless romantic, they find beauty and love in the darkest places and times. They are the ones that you go for advice (not the kind of advice you would go to Athena, but one that helps your heart to find a solution).
They like luxury and aesthetic stuff, Comte with all the money that he has could be living his life like Leo, relaxing, giving little attention to appearances, etc. BUT NO
DADDY COMTE NEEDS TO WEAR HIS DIOR PAJAMAS AND RELAX IN A ROMAN BATH THANK YOU. It’s not like he’s superficial, but he just likes to pamper himself.
Children of Aphrodite have charm speak, Idk you but every time Comte speaks is like velvet for my ears. Most of the time people only see Aphrodite’s children as superficial, not so intelligent and unnecessary at battle but they are dead wrong, actually they are really observant and can be manipulative since they understand and almost feel others people emotions and intentions.
Even though their mother is the Goddess of Love, they can hide their emotions pretty well
It is known that Aphrodite’s children can speak fluently French and Oh look at that Comte is French, coincidence ? I DONT THINK SO.
Theo: Ares
God of war
Children of Ares are topically seen as this really short-tempered guy /girl but there’s more about them. I’m gonna start with the basic personality traits, Children of Ares are stubborn as hell, does it reminds you of Theo ? 😅 they are also really protective of those they love, it may not appear like it but they don’t like injustice, so when they see someone that’s being a jerk they fight with everything they got, sometimes they exaggerate tho.
HATES GOSSIP they like to say thing straight to the point and don’t have filter, sometimes they may seem rude but they are just saying the truth
Doesn’t take shit from anyone
Determinant and never gives up, they also give (its rare but they do) advices when they see you really struggling with something, an example of this could be when (in Leo’s route) MC had a hard time deciding what to choose between staying in 19th century France or coming back to her time with Leo, to what Theo noticed her struggling and gave her a brief but nice advice.
Children of Ares are aware that they intimidate their siblings, that’s why they become silent and prefer to stay in their cabin, but if you want them to open up to you, a nice smile and kind personality would be a great combo to go with them.
Children of Ares are really intelligent, after all their father is also a strategist.
Shakespeare: Hades
Again ... do I have to explain this one ? 😂
Shakespeare is deep af. Children of Hades see the deepest and darkest things in life, that’s why they tend to feel depressed, but because of that they also can see the brightest parts. This contrast usually is embodied in an artistic way, it may be in plays, dancing, singing, stories, etc.
The goth friend
Children of Hades are one of the kindest siblings among all God and Goddesses out there since they know what loneliness feels like.
guess who feels like that ? YUP Will does
they like to be alone but not lonely.
Dazai: Dionysus
Dionysus was known to be a Reckless, crazy god that resembled freedom and fun. Children of Dionysus are usually found smiling for ... no specific reason, some could say is even scary or suspicious, like if they were drunk 😅.
Dionysus has parties where everyone dances and can fall into madness and ecstasy. Dazai is a sensual man, he has this aura that is just so appealing and comfortable to be with, but he is still a mystery, just like his father. Dyonisus was a god that usually doesn’t get in other’s people problems but it is known that he has a lot of powers, and the majority remains a mystery to humans.
Dazai is someone that craves to feel and be loved, but is scared to be rejected for who he really is, instead of that he prefers to show the “clown facade” that everyone likes, after all is easier to have “company” in a party full of people that you don’t know but they don’t really care about you than opening up to someone and being vulnerable.
People usually describe children of Dionysus as “crazy”
They are normally underestimated, but they have an incredible ability for the arts, they create the most crazy yet deep monologues.
These people tend to get obsessed over things they like, this is somewhat bad for them since they can get addicted to things like alcohol, tobacco, etc.
Talking about physical traits, Dazai is like the perfect definition of a Dionysus child, chill appearance, medium long hair, PURPLE HAIR, likes (maybe a little too much) alcohol, smooth voice.
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Sebastian : Demeter
Goddess of agriculture, fertility, nature, and seasons.
Children of Deméter have this motherly figure in their group of friends.
Natural protectors.
Great cooks
They can be really strict at scolding their friends, family etc. but they just want the best for their loved ones.
Children of Deméter aren’t really aggressive, but don’t get in their wrong side which would be trying to hurt their family, because they go havoc.
They have an amazing intuition, just like a good mother.
Their personalities are calm and collected, they may panic on the inside when something bad happens but never let it show.
Deméter children are so aware of the details they are the ones that give the best gifts since they know deeply their loved ones, what they like and what they don’t, again, like a good mother.
Faust: Hecate
Goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, necromancy and crossroads.
Children of Hecate are really intelligent and have an amazing memory, after all they have to memorize dozens of spells.
They usually have lots of books, since they have to know the functionality and sources of the magic they are using.
They may appear frightening since they face and aesthetic aren’t really welcoming sometimes, but they are actually pretty nice.
cunning and ambitious
Children of Hecate know how to handle necromancy, which makes them closer to death, that’s why talking about this kind of topics doesn’t scare them.
Children of Hecate can be obsessive, they can stay all day and all night practicing their witchcraft, PLS SOMEONE TAKE THEM OUT OF THEIR ROOM.
They have a different type of aesthetic, maybe is not totally GOTH but there’s something religious or spiritual there, they believe that there is a superior power in the world.
Incredibly good teachers. They may not be as charismatic as Apollo kids, but they are patient and good listeners.
Calm but can be sadists too so be careful.
Vlad : Nemesis
Children of Nemesis, as their mother, tend to hold grudges and is really difficult for them to forget those who wrong them.
They can go ExTrEMe lengths in their revenge, elaborate plans that doesn’t matter how much time they take, they will do it.
Maybe scarier than Children of Ares.
Yandere personality who ?
They are really observant and intelligent, they have the ability to find Achilles ankle of any of their enemies.
Manipulative, that gives them the ability to awake rage on the ones they want like allies.
Curiously children of Nemesis have a strong sense of justice and balance, and they will do anything to carry on with their ideals, even if that means taking extreme measures.
Physically talking there’s always red on them, and I’m talking about red hair, liking for red color, and oh ! Look at that, who has red eyes ??
Charles : Tyche
Goddess of chance, fate and fortune.
I really had a hard time deciding for this one, and I don’t know a lot about him but from what I’ve seen I can say he’s a Tyche’s child.
Children of Tyche are extremely friendly and enthusiastic.
very hyperactive
Smarter than they look, observant and empaths, also they like to prank people like a pixie would do.
Pretty smiles, and they giggle like a lot.
Usually green eyes.
Obviously they like to gamble or if the other participants doesn’t like to, Children of Tyche conform with just playing
They love nature and animals.
A kid in an adult body
Don’t let their cute smiles, dimples or freckles fool you, they can be manipulative.
Idk why but I imagine Tyche kids with fairy like features, maybe that’s why lots of them have a short height.
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micheldechevin · 3 years
Master List
Ikemen Sengoku:
Say Something Nice to Me: Yukimura x MC
Surreptitious Kisses: Yoshimoto x Mai (OC)
Care For: Yoshimoto x Mai (OC)
Ikemen Vampire:
In Which Leonardo listens and admires: Leonardo x Mc
Unanswered prayers: Faust x OC
Knuckle Kisses: Comte x OC
I'm Not Crying: Arthur x OC
Wanted: Leonardo x MC
Red Anemones Under the Weeping Willow: Shakespeare x OC (part 1 | Part 2)
Soupe à l'oignon: Comte x OC
Ikemen Revolution:
A Warm Nap: Harr x Alice
Elder Scrolls:
In the light of Messer and Secunda: Vicente x OC (NSFW)
Dusk and Dawn: Aranea x OC (NSFW PART 1)
Dragon Age:
Lines Of Regret: Solas x Lavellan
A Kind Selfishness: Morrigan x fem! Warden
Savior Complex: Anders x Lavellan (part 1 | Part 2 | part 3)
Blazing Sense Away: Michel x Trevelyan
Mr. Love Queens Choice:
Unexpected Call: Victor x MC
Stardew Valley:
A kiss Sooner: Elliott x Farmer
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qshara · 3 years
Ikevamp boys in a hotel
Room 1
Theo: Ugh, the bathroom smells really bad. William, was it yo-
Vincent: Oh, I'm sorry, my tummy hurt
William: I don't know which is funnier, the situation or that he is frozen in place looking for a way to blame me for this
Room 2
Dazai, sitting on the bed: It's time
Isaac sleepily: What? Don't tell me we're late for the tour-
Dazai: It's time -falls asleep again-
Isaac: Time for what?!
Arthur, throwing a pillow: Newt, will you shut up? Its 3 am
Isaac: B-but
Room 3
Leonardo: Buongiorno, 'Le Comte'. How did you sleep?
Comte: I woke up many times in the night because someone was snoring too much
Leonardo: I don't snore
Comte: I was about to cover your face with a pillow
Sebastian: You snore too, Le Comte. I daresay you two had a snoring competition last night...
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qshara · 3 years
MC: Comte, do you have a favorite son?
Comte: Oh, ma chérie, of course not
Vicent: Hey Comte, can I buy new brushes?
Comte: Of course, my boy. Buy more paint and canvas if you want
Vicent: Thanks!
Comte: As I was saying, I love all my childre-
Mozart: Comte-
Comte: Sure you can buy a new piano
Mozart: Thank you
Comte: Anyway. All my children are valuable to-
Arthur: Hey-
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qshara · 3 years
Ikevamp boys and how they would react if MC suddenly transforms into a cat (in a nutshell)
Napoleon: Let's make a deal. I offer you protection and a bed. You offer me your company to sleep
Leonardo: Lumiere?
Arthur: Yes, I'm into you, but I'm not into being a furry
Vicent: Ooww, a kitten
Dazai: What should you use to comb a cat? A Catacomb!
Isaac: If it is true that all cats land on their feet, and the bread always falls on the side of the jam... what would happen if I tie a bread with jam on you?
Jean: Are you a baby tiger?
William: -"Don't approach Puck" in extremely elegant and complicated language-
Comte: Ma chérie! Or should I say ... Mon chaton?
Sebastian: I don't want a single scratch on the couches!
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qshara · 3 years
Isaac Home Alone (idk, I have nothing better to do vysyvsyvs)
In two days, residents will celebrate Isaac's birthday at a luxury hotel reserved by Le Comte. However, when getting off the carriages to collect the suitcases...
Comte, passing the suitcase: Give the bag to Isaac
Leonardo: Give the bag to Isaac
Vicent: Give the bag to Isaac
Theo: Give the bag to Isaac
Arthur: Give the bag to Newt
Dazai: Ai-kun, your bag
Charles: For the last time, I AM NOT ISAAC. You forced me to enter the carria-
Arthur: Hey, you are not our Newt
Vicent: Wait... Theo, you said you put Isaac in the carriage
Theo: I thought he was Isaac
Arthur: You must admit that they are very similar...
Dazai: So where is the real Isaac?
Leonardo: I think we left him at the mansion
Comte: Oh come on, don't be ridiculous. How could we forget the birthday boy? Hahahaha.... -faints-
[Meanwhile in the mansion]
Isaac, literally with the house upside down: This is the best birthday ever
Vlad, peeking out the window: I'm sure they said they wouldn't be around these days
Faust, also hidden: Hey, where did Charles go?
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qshara · 3 years
What if... Arthur turns into a cat?
Kitten! Arthur
(Dear me ... now I've gotten into a lot of trouble)
He knew it was a bad idea to mess with that suspicious-looking girl
He knew that messing with the "witch" was going to end badly. And here we are
Sitting in the middle of his room, was a baby kitten Arthur, with his big blue eyes looking at his, now giant, room and thinking about how to explain this situation to everyone
He went into alert mode when Le Comte opened the door and they exchanged glances. And he panicked when he began to purr unconscious when being in the arms of the man
Napoleon Bonaparte
"Mmmm .... Lumiere had kittens?"
The truth is that he doesn't care much if there is another cat in the house as long as it does not interfere with his training
Ok, but it makes him very cute to see how the kitten tries to climb the stairs
When it comes to cooking, he always leaves leftovers for him
He doesn't know when he began to love the little one
Every night he kidnaps him to sleep snuggled with the kitten, while Jupiter looks out the window (with "jealousy, jealousy" in the background)
He doesn't like having another animal in the house. That means more dirt and noise
He almost had a heart attack when he saw the kitten jumping on his precious piano
When he went to grab him by the neck, he heard something that stopped him from throwing the animal into the hall
"Do you think purring will win my heart or something?"
5 minutes later, he has him curled up on his lap while practicing some soft tunes
Shit. The little thing gives itself to love
Leonardo da Vinci
"Eh? Lumiere? When were you going to tell me I'm a grandfather?"
It was not the first time that his cat had kittens, but they usually gave them up for adoption after a few months. It was strange that there was one left
The truth is that he doesn't care much as long as it doesn't bother the other residents
He finds it very funny how the kitten seems to be trying to tell him something. How adorable
The little thing usually wakes him up every time he falls asleep. It must be that he wants some milk
He built him a little bed, like a good grandpa, which he has in Napoleon's room
Vincent Van Gogh
Oooww what a cute kitty softsoftsoftsoftsoft
He likes to hold him and listen to his purr while he paints
He put paint on his paws and let him walk on a canvas
"Art? Your name is Art?"
The animal had started to write something on the canvas, but before it could finish, his paws ran out of paint
Now the kitten has a beautiful new name :)
Theodorus Van Gogh
"Don't move. They smell fear. If I stand still, his field of vision won't allow him to see me- no, wait, what animals did that apply to?"
Residents think it's very funny when Theo freezes when he sees the kitten in his brother's arms
His muscles tense every time he is in the same room
For some reason the kitten reminds him of someone. Will it be because of the blue eyes?
Sometimes you hear a scream from him because the animal is on his desk
He doesn't like the kitty. All he wants is for him to go away
Dazai Osamu
As much as he calls the kitten, he never comes close. What's more, it seems like he's avoiding him
He bought him toys, milk, tofu, dead mice and nothing
He had seen that the kitten sometimes tries to escape through the window or the door and always catches him before that. He's so small that he can get lost out there ;)
What would this city do without you, spongebob?
"Let me say, a kitten with the ability to write is a strange thing. Are you sure you are an ordinary cat?"
He knows who the kitten really is, but he wants to watch the world burn and he won't say anything
Isaac Newton
Oh kittens are cute
Or so he thought before he saw the mess he left in his room for running away from King
Still, he loves petting and feeding him. It kind of reminds Harry of
"Napoleon, Le Comte said it's my turn to play with the kitten"
The truth is that he put his work aside to play with the little thing because that relaxes him a lot
Jean D'Arc
So small... so soft
He wants to pet him, but he doesn't dare to approach because he thinks he is going to scare the little one
One day he was walking through the corridors and he felt a squeak under his boots
Now he's crying in the corner of his room, curled into a ball
"I stepped on the tail of the little friend. I'm a monster"
In compensation, he took the kitten to play with Sherry... yeah, although maybe that was not such a good idea
William Shakespeare
I mean ... he's never in the mansion so he'd hardly notice
Ok, let's say he wents to a tea party with Vincent and saw the little creature lying on one of the armchairs
He immediately tried to pet him
Nope. Bad idea. Now his hand is bleeding and the kitten has his tail like a brush
Ha... so cute
All residents pay more attention to the angry kitten than to his bleeding hand ????
"My, my, my. It seems your little friend doesn't like me"
Comte Saint-Germain
He knows
Somehow he knows that the kitten is Arthur and he's trying to hold back a laugh
Could he helps him? Yes. But he thinks this is a proper punishment for all his past naughtiness
Also, it is a lot of fun to see the desperation with which he tries to communicate with the other residents
The only thing he did is be a very funny kitty
"Mon chaton, are you enjoying your little punishment for annoying my dear witch friend?"
Okay. At first he hated the idea of ​​a new pet
Means one more mouth to feed and one more mess to clean
But when he found out the kitten sleeps with Napoleon... oh dear
That kitty deserves all the best treatment in the world. Fresh milk, candy, games every 3 hours
"Hmm? What are you doing on the shelves? Do you want Master Arthur's coffee?"
When no one sees him, he sits in his room and strokes the kitten like he's a villain
She doesn't recall having a litter of kitten lately. That kitty is not hers
Mother instinct activated. Now is her son
Mamá luchona
She chases him around the mansion to clean him up or make sure he doesn't get into trouble
Sometimes you can see her with the kitten by the neck and meowing through the hall
(Have you seen my son? Look at my son)
It's hilarious to see when she scolds the kitten for climbing on the furniture, or when she drags him down the hallways for his bath time
When the kitten disappeared, she became suspiciously close with Arthur
a part two with the perspective of the other pets?
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qshara · 3 years
[Comte and MC are having their first date in the dining room]
Comte: And how's dinner, ma chérie?
MC: It's delicious, but ... don't you feel like we're being watched?
Comte: What makes you think that?
Sebastian: -cleaning the same lamp 15 minutes ago-
Leonardo: -reading a book that is upside down-
Arthur: -Serving a glass of water to Theo for the fifth time-
Theo: -returning the water that he serves to the vase-
Dazai: -looking at the wall as if it were a work of art-
Vicent: -painting and erasing the same line in a notebook-
Mozart: -sipping from the same cup 30 minutes ago-
Napoleon: -playing rock, paper or scissors 20 minutes ago-
Jean: -losing against Napoleon 20 minutes ago-
Isaac: -the only one who is really playing with his pet-
William: -peeping through the window-
-all looking "sneakily" at the couple while they eat in the dinning room-
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qshara · 3 years
MC: So, guys, how did your first time cooking dinner go?
Vicent: Oh, pretty good if I do say so myself
MC: Okay, what are we having?
Vicent: Alright, so for appetizers, we have a potato
MC: A whole potato?
Jean: Yes, mademoiselle. And then for the main course, we have grilled cheese sandwiches!
MC: These just look like big slabs of black...
Jean, proud: Because that's what they are!
Arthur: And then for desert, we have chocolate and coffe!
MC: These are just chocolate chips and coffe beans?
Arthur: They sure are!
Vicent: Oh, and the for drink, we have Holy water!
Jean: -lifts up a vase of holy water-
All three of them: Bon appetite!
Sebastian, to MC: I told you putting them in charge of dinner was a bad idea
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qshara · 3 years
[MC is talking to William]
Theo: Damn that guy! I'll get his way!
Arthur: Don't... You'd do the oppositte
Theo: Opositte?
Arthur, with a bad imitation of MC's voice, while hugging Vicent: KYAAA!! Theo is scary!
Vicent, concentrating on his painting: Uh?
Arthur, shaking Vicent: I said SOO SCARY!
Vicent, hugging Arthur: Uh! I'll protect you!
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qshara · 3 years
Random scenes of the Ikevamp boys with an old MC
《Oh yeah she's a grandma》
Napoleon: This is not really necessary
MC, weaving: But you told me you were cold last night
Napoleon, wearing vests, socks, hats, scarves and gloves, all made of wool: I don't think it's that bad
MC, lying on her bed: The light...
Jean: No, grandma! Don't go to the light!
MC: I want to rest...
Jean, on the verge of tears: Please don't leave me!
MC: No, honey. Turn off the light, I want to sleep
Arthur, flirting with a young lady: Did you come from heaven? Because you are a-
MC: -beats him with a cane-
Dazai: OW, OW, OW!
MC, pulling both of their ears: Next time you tease Isaac I won't be so merciful to you
Theo: -Sitting like a good boy in the dining room-
Arthur: And what's wrong with this one?
Vicent: I've never seen him like this
MC: Theo, my boy, did you tidy up your room?
Theo: Yes!
MC: Did you finish all the paperwork for tomorrow?
Theo: Yes!
MC: Good boy. You won a big and delicious plate of pancakes from grandma
Sebastian: Is he smiling?
Jean: I'm going for holy water
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qshara · 3 years
MC: You like chicken?
Theo: No
MC: And the curry?
Theo: Either
MC: Well, then you won't like what I did...
Theo: Chicken curry?
MC: No, I fucked your brother
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