#ikevamp vicent
vvvavaaa · 2 years
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Vincent's also very pretty ihihihi
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sunshineyuuji · 2 years
Surprising Facts (pt.2)
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IkeVamp suitors with an s/o who randomly says interesting facts (pt.2)
Characters: Vlad, Theodorus Van Gogh, Vincent Van Gogh
Warnings: first grade English (lol), ooc suitors?, gn!reader/fem!reader
Notes: Guys, I got another request OMG! I'm jumping like a child who sees something they like (/⩾ ω\). So @vanadeyeira asked me if I could make this prompt with Vlad, Theo, and Vicent and who am I to deny? So here I am writing this at 5:30 am (Nov 16) and God knows when I'll finish lol. Anyhow, hope you enjoy! (Update: I finished this today at 10:00 am lol)
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Vlad has been alive for centuries, darling, so he knows quite a lot.
But like Le Comte, he's not fully aware of things from the modern era so you might as well surprise him with "modern" facts.
"The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world."
"Vatican City?"
"You'll know in... a few years, hehe."
He's not surprised you know so much. Actually, he's happy!
Just... try to keep the creepy facts for yourself.
"There are around 150 bodies of dead hikers on Mount Everest and they're used as landmarks."
"Interesting way to use a body..."
Could gladly hear you all day telling him random facts and also explaining. He just loves listening to you.
Especially when talking about flowers.
"Is this... a gardenia?" You asked, looking at the flowers Vlad gifted you.
"It sure is." Vlad smiled at you.
You looked at the flowers with a smile and carefully picked them up.
"Did you know that gardenias mean love, purity, and refinement?"
Vlad chuckled softly and kissed your hand.
"I do, that's why I chose to gift you them."
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Theodorus Van Gogh
"Did you know women can lactate without being pregnant?"
"You're getting on my last nerve, hondje."
Now what's with the random information?
Why are you telling him that? He didn't ask, so why are you telling him?
He doesn't get annoyed over the fact you know stuff, he's annoyed because you say it out of nowhere and he can't expect what you'll say.
“Did you know that buttermilk doesn’t contain any butter?”
“Ok, that’s it. Get out.”
There was a period of time where you stopped telling him the random information you know.
He got genuinely worried and rushed into your room.
You explained it was because you knew it annoyed him so you decided to stop.
“...You’re way too silly, hondje.”
It may catch him off guard, but it’s you who’s telling him. How can he say no to you?
Even if he says it annoys him, he secretly hears and tries to remember everything you say.
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Vincent Van Gogh
"You know, neuroscientists say that love is as strong as illegal drugs."
"Oh? Well then, guess I'm always high for you."
He either chuckles or asks more about what you're talking about.
Loves hearing you talk. That little sparkle in your eyes and the excitement you have when explaining is adorable to him.
Though he's always interested in what you say, he shows way more interest when you talk to him about art facts.
"Apparently, studying and pursuing art is closely linked to improved reading and math skills."
"Huh, really? That sure is interesting... I wonder how people associate reading and math with art."
Getting a little more romantic, he sits you on his lap while you continue to tell him about random things you know about art and other stuff.
"I could listen to you all day, sunshine. I can never get bored when I'm around you."
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qshara · 3 years
Arthur: Uh oh, someone's in a bad mood
Vincent: It's actually "Van Gogh" ^^
Arthur: I think she knows
Theo, behind a chair: Take this, duivel!
Theo: Jean, you said this was going to help me...
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manunelle · 3 years
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I haven't drawn since long ago, so I decided to try drawing and coloring Vincent...
I still can't draw profile faces very well...
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ikevampharem · 3 years
What if a Karen came through the door in ikevamp....
-Part 2-
When Karen came out of the door after speaking with Comte she was suddenly pulled down on someone's lap. Leonardo who was sleeping by the door peeked one eye open and smiled his lazy sexy smile. Karen was now straddling him and his arms were around her hips. Sebastian came out of the door and saw them and literally screamed internally. (you know that "oh God no please stop meme? Ya like that)
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....If you think Karen Slapped half -asleep- smiling Leonardo across the face then DING DING DING
You are Damn right 😤
Sue Sebastian scolding her low-key threatening her that she can't just go around and slap every other person while she is yelling back at him saying he aSsAulTed her and Comte trying to calm her down because poor baby just wants to eat his baguette in peace (someone give him a baguette 😭❤) Leonardo is just sitting there staring at all of them in extreme confusion wondering why the fuck did some random ass women slap him while he was half asleep someone tell him
Comte managed to calm her down and Leonardo walked up to Karen and introduced himself while Karen is still salty that he didn't apologize her.
Karen stood at the door of the dinner hall. She was meet with several confused and intimidating faces coughTheocough. She was literally awestruck by the size of the hall. Meanwhile Sebastian went and gathered the rest of the residents.
The people in the hall were staring at her in a weird kinda way it's because of those modern clothes
Isaac : H-Hey! I don't know who you are. but you are holding up a line behind you
*the rest of the residence standing behind her waiting for her to move her ass*
Karen : *turns her reptile eyes at Isaac and literally looks like she is saying I dare you to question me you peasant *
Isaac : *turns his gaze away * w-w-whatever.
Karen actually decided to let it go (fortunately for Isaac). She sat down next to......Arthur
Arthur : Well Hello there pretty little bird *insert flirty wink*
Let's not forget that Karen looks like a very basic modern attractive girl (imagine Mean Girls™) EXCEPT the Can-I-speak-to-your-manager haircut.
She just stares at him and looks him up and down Arthur thinks she is checking him out. Then she looks at everyone then looks at Sebastian and goes What is this cosplay shit? ¿?
Sebastian ignores her.
Vicent : Oh a new guest? Welcome ✨✨
Karen : *actually smiles for the first time cause he seems nice*
Comte : You people should introduce each other.
Karen : Hi I'm Karen.
Vincent : Oh my bad! I'm Vincent Van Gogh and *pointing at Theo* this is my brother Theodorus Van Gogh.
Isaac : I'm Isaac Newton. A physicist.
Theo :Hi.
Mozart : *sighs* I'm Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I'm a composer.
Arthur :*grinning* I'm Arthur Conan Doyle. I'm a mystery writer
Theo : What is this Hondje doing here?
Karen : Excuse me? What did you just call me?
Theo : Hondje (boy don't you-) *shoves a syrup covered pancake
Arthur :*mischievous grin*He called you a dog .
Theo mutters snitch under his breath
Karen : ....You called me a why?
*Sebastian in the background shaking his head left and right vigorously cuz he can see the future *
Vincent sensing her anger : Theo ! I told you before you should be kind to girls!!
Theo disapprovingly :*ok sorry broer "
Vincent : Don't say sorry to me, say it to her.
Theo : ugh I'm sorry Hondje.
Karen : okay-WAIT WHAT.
Napoleon rubbing his temples : Oh boy
Theo : well ....cuz you look like one?
Arthur & Napoleon : "sounds of choking whale laugh*
Mozart: Hey
Mozart : Hey
Mozart : HEY
Karen *finally looking at Mozart* :WHAT?
Mozart : Shut yo flat ass up
Karen staring at him for twenty seconds with a red hot shocked angry face while he is eating like he didn't just insulted her.
Sebastian *placing a plate of food in front of Karen* : Dinner is served.
Karen starts eating because she needs that energy to start a fight.
Isaac to Leonardo & Napoleon : Who is this women?!
Leonardo : Dunno but she slapped me for no reason.
Napoleon : She came through that door
Leo : From the future? Didn't Sebas say people from the future are much more kind and open minded?
Sebastian *walking by* : They are. But I was talking about normal not....this.
Isaac : Oh well looks like I just need to avoid her.
Karen : Didn't I just told you not to eat that ...abomination ??
Theo : You can't tell me what to do
Karen : :You can't eat that diabetic-
Theo : Watch me *shoves a syrup covered pancake piece in*
Karen tries to take the plate away from Theo.
Well now it's full blown tug of war where Theo is pulling his pancakes and trying to eat at the same time cuz he suspected that Karen might throw his plate and Karen trying to pull the plate away from him.
Dazai *making an entry through the window * : Sorry Comte! For being so late for the banquet -
Dazai is now staring at the circus in front of him.
Theo and a random angry woman pulling a plate of sickly sweet pancakes away from the other.
Isaac, Vincent, Arthur, Leonardo are trying to separate them.
Napoleon is using his food as pop corn and laughing at the scene unfolding before him as if he is watching TV.
Mozart eating his dinner with an angry face cuz he can't compose in his head.
Sebastian vigorously writing something down in a book while hiding in a corner.
And Comte is just staring far away in the distance probably regretting all his life choices that led to this day. And no he didn't got to eat his baguette
Dazai : Damn .
Everyone stops and stares at Dazai.
Karen : Who the duck are you now? Is this mansion full of degenerate males?!
Isaac : God help us
William who has been staring inside the mansion through the window this whole time.
Will : Thank God I hath moved out the best day possible. But can the new lady beest a valorous player? Only time will tell....
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micheldechevin · 3 years
Sorry if I'm late but, for the Fanfic Writer's Meme: 5, 11, and 18
you're not late Krys! lol
Fanfic writer meme
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Probably my Vicente Valtieri fic; its one of my only NSFW fics. its just my character x vicente but i think its good!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
I think right now? Yoshimoto Ikesen because I think he's really interesting character wise, however if we count unshared un published it's probably Darien Gautier from ESO
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I haven't gotten to while with fics I write but I did write a crack fic where MC explained Elder scrolls stuff to leonardo ikevamp so maybe that? lol
Thanks for the ask ily
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otomelavenderhaze · 5 years
After Vicent route gets out, how long do yu think we have to wait for another one? And what route are you waiting for?
I thought they would start releasing routes in two and two months, cuz Arthur's was released after two (or three) months of the game in... Vincent will come almost after 4 months or even more... There is no way to know when they gonna release the next one, that would Isaac's.
The issue is: they don't have only routes to translate. Ikevamp existed for 1/2 years before being translated. So there is a huge amount of side events, event birthdays, gachaa and everything else.
I'm sure that they're following a schedule too, it's simply too much to not follow a list at this point. I personally expect that next year we get 4 routes or more. But it can be less than that.
They have what, 5 routes ready and alot more to come in our way? It's a hell amount of content kkkkkk like all the characters have event birthdays all the year xD 11 birthday events per year!! And more coming!!
I need Comte's route. It's killing me knowing that is out already but I can't play kkkkkk I'm anxiously waiting for Vincent's for a while now, so I'm really happy that is coming out soon. I'm waiting for Dazai's, Vlad's and Faust's anxiously too.
From the ones that Cybird released so far in jnp... I dunno, maybe Theo's and Jean's mostly. Because they're such interesting characters, besides I want to see what Arthur's part in Theo's route gonna be. I can't wait for more bromance.
How about you anon? What routes are you anxiously waiting like me? 😂💕
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qshara · 3 years
Ikevamp boys in a hotel
Room 1
Theo: Ugh, the bathroom smells really bad. William, was it yo-
Vincent: Oh, I'm sorry, my tummy hurt
William: I don't know which is funnier, the situation or that he is frozen in place looking for a way to blame me for this
Room 2
Dazai, sitting on the bed: It's time
Isaac sleepily: What? Don't tell me we're late for the tour-
Dazai: It's time -falls asleep again-
Isaac: Time for what?!
Arthur, throwing a pillow: Newt, will you shut up? Its 3 am
Isaac: B-but
Room 3
Leonardo: Buongiorno, 'Le Comte'. How did you sleep?
Comte: I woke up many times in the night because someone was snoring too much
Leonardo: I don't snore
Comte: I was about to cover your face with a pillow
Sebastian: You snore too, Le Comte. I daresay you two had a snoring competition last night...
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qshara · 3 years
MC: Comte, do you have a favorite son?
Comte: Oh, ma chérie, of course not
Vicent: Hey Comte, can I buy new brushes?
Comte: Of course, my boy. Buy more paint and canvas if you want
Vicent: Thanks!
Comte: As I was saying, I love all my childre-
Mozart: Comte-
Comte: Sure you can buy a new piano
Mozart: Thank you
Comte: Anyway. All my children are valuable to-
Arthur: Hey-
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qshara · 3 years
Isaac Home Alone (idk, I have nothing better to do vysyvsyvs)
In two days, residents will celebrate Isaac's birthday at a luxury hotel reserved by Le Comte. However, when getting off the carriages to collect the suitcases...
Comte, passing the suitcase: Give the bag to Isaac
Leonardo: Give the bag to Isaac
Vicent: Give the bag to Isaac
Theo: Give the bag to Isaac
Arthur: Give the bag to Newt
Dazai: Ai-kun, your bag
Charles: For the last time, I AM NOT ISAAC. You forced me to enter the carria-
Arthur: Hey, you are not our Newt
Vicent: Wait... Theo, you said you put Isaac in the carriage
Theo: I thought he was Isaac
Arthur: You must admit that they are very similar...
Dazai: So where is the real Isaac?
Leonardo: I think we left him at the mansion
Comte: Oh come on, don't be ridiculous. How could we forget the birthday boy? Hahahaha.... -faints-
[Meanwhile in the mansion]
Isaac, literally with the house upside down: This is the best birthday ever
Vlad, peeking out the window: I'm sure they said they wouldn't be around these days
Faust, also hidden: Hey, where did Charles go?
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qshara · 3 years
MC: So, guys, how did your first time cooking dinner go?
Vicent: Oh, pretty good if I do say so myself
MC: Okay, what are we having?
Vicent: Alright, so for appetizers, we have a potato
MC: A whole potato?
Jean: Yes, mademoiselle. And then for the main course, we have grilled cheese sandwiches!
MC: These just look like big slabs of black...
Jean, proud: Because that's what they are!
Arthur: And then for desert, we have chocolate and coffe!
MC: These are just chocolate chips and coffe beans?
Arthur: They sure are!
Vicent: Oh, and the for drink, we have Holy water!
Jean: -lifts up a vase of holy water-
All three of them: Bon appetite!
Sebastian, to MC: I told you putting them in charge of dinner was a bad idea
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vvvavaaa · 2 years
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qshara · 3 years
[MC is talking to William]
Theo: Damn that guy! I'll get his way!
Arthur: Don't... You'd do the oppositte
Theo: Opositte?
Arthur, with a bad imitation of MC's voice, while hugging Vicent: KYAAA!! Theo is scary!
Vicent, concentrating on his painting: Uh?
Arthur, shaking Vicent: I said SOO SCARY!
Vicent, hugging Arthur: Uh! I'll protect you!
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qshara · 3 years
MC: You like chicken?
Theo: No
MC: And the curry?
Theo: Either
MC: Well, then you won't like what I did...
Theo: Chicken curry?
MC: No, I fucked your brother
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qshara · 3 years
Vicent’s route in a nutshell
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qshara · 3 years
[In the library]
Theo: Are you still upset?
MC: Hmp...
Theo: Can you stop acting like a little girl?
MC: Can you stop with the teasi- ...oh -smiles maliciously-
MC: Ahem ... OOF, HEY THEO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO RUDE! -messes up her own clothes and throws some books-
Theo: What... are you doing?
Theo: There's no way anyone would believe you
Vicent, open the door violently: THEODORUS VAN GOGH
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