#ikerev harr silver
theotomeasexual · 1 month
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why are his casual outfits just so baby girl??
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ikerev-slut · 1 year
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My Ikémen Romances. And my ex. Too beastly for my love and feeling of sanctity of life. But fuck is he hot. I'll take the womanizer who doesn't want to be king. Thanks.
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cloudcountry · 7 months
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i lvoe zero so much
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tiny-woooden-robot · 2 months
Collecting all my birthday messages… because of the time difference, I missed Nokto's 😭
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corpiote · 4 months
look at him😊
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
Happy Together - Harr Silver x Reader (Ikemen Revolution)
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A/N: Part of "A Series of Firsts" event hosted by @aquagirl1978 and my New Year, New Celebration event.
Pairing: Harr Silver x Reader
Prompt: first celebration & forehead kisses
Word Count: 438
Tags: fluff; reader is referred to as "Alice"
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“Hey, Alice, we’re home!”
You nearly dropped the plate of apricots in your hands when you heard Loki’s voice. Quickly, you carefully placed the dish on the table and muttered to yourself. 
It’s too early. Why are they back so soon?
Rushing out of the kitchen, in an attempt to keep your surprise still a surprise, you found Loki lingering near the doorway.
“I’m sorry, Alice,” he whispered. “I tried my best to keep him out. But he kept saying he wanted to come back. And there was no convincing him otherwise.” Loki hung his head as he spoke, clearly annoyed with himself that he couldn’t keep Harr away as you had asked him to earlier that morning. 
“It’s okay,” you said softly while patting his shoulder reassuringly. It was Harr's first birthday that you were celebrating with him and you had wanted everything to be perfect. This was only a tiny snag in your plans and easily fixable. “The cake is already baked and frosted. All I had left was to decorate it with the apricot slices.”
When you heard another set of footsteps approach, you dashed back into the kitchen to finish decorating the cake. 
“Loki,” Harr called out when he entered the tree house. “What got into you to run ahead like that?” 
“I, uh…”
You peered out from behind the door, spying on the two of them. Harr let out a quiet laugh, clearly not believing the story Loki had made up. Your heart warmed as you watched them, more father and son than teacher and student. Your heart held so much love for them both; they truly were your family here in Cradle.
“Where’s Alice?” Harr asked Loki.
Without waiting to hear Loki's response, you ducked back into the kitchen and finished decorating the cake. You centered it on the table so that it would be the first thing Harr saw when he entered the room.
As you were putting the final apricot on the cake, you felt a familiar figure behind you. His body still cold from being outside, he wrapped his long arms around your waist, sending a delicious thrill down your spine.
“I missed you,” he murmured, as he pressed his body against yours, seeking your warmth.
Twisting in his arms, you turned to look up at him, eyes wide with adoration.
“Happy Birthday, Harr,” you said softly as you smiled at him. “I made you a cake.”
Returning your smile, he dipped his head and brushed a kiss upon your forehead. 
Tagging: @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @alixennial @redheadkittys @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @kisara-16 @kpop-and-otome @ikehoe @lordsisterxotome @lucyw260 @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu
“I can't wait to eat it,” he said. “And I can't wait to celebrate with you later. Alone.”
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xxsycamore · 13 days
@yarnnerdally asked: And last but not least! Harr - 🤭 - Whisper something embarrassing in their ear (MAKING THIS MAN BLUSH IS PEAK)
I can't believe it took me so long to come up with something when making this man blush is so easy 😭 The last one of your requests!! Hope you enjoyed, dear Ally ❤
[🤭] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛 '𝚜 𝚎𝚊𝚛, 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘𝚘…
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With the dynamically changing weather that is typical for this time of the year, it's no surprise that your date with Harr gets canceled last minute. Going to the lake with those dark clouds gathering overhead doesn't sound like a good idea anymore - but luckily there's a brand new, better-sounding idea that you both agree upon - simply staying in and enjoying the stormy weather from the couch.
Of course, stormy weather makes for a good cuddle session. You even skip making tea to add to the coziness of it all, perhaps because Harr's arms were too comfortable to leave once he sat down next to you, or because the conversation started to flow way too easily. You love listening to him - love the sole part that he opens up like that to you. Even making tea and snacks is a waste.
Neither of you notices how the darkness of the sky is less to be blamed on the stormy clouds anymore and rather it has just gotten late.
"I'm hooome, I made it on time before the rain came- oh. Sorry, I'll go to my room now~"
Both you and Harr raise your heads from where you were cuddling on the couch, with you laying ontop of him - and you stay like that even as Loki goes upstairs, mirroring each other's expression when you finally meet your gazes.
"What was that about? Maybe we should check up on him. He's no good with this type of weather."
While Harr tries to analyze the situation, your intuition gives you the answer and you feel a rush of embarrassment run through you. Loki walked on you lying on the couch with Harr, with the lights off...
You can either keep this to yourself or spare Harr the awkward scenario where he approaches Loki about it. You slide upwards a little closer to Harr's ear and tell him that... well, that Loki probably thought the two of you were making out.
It's dark. You barely make out Harr's features where you lean over him, the shadow your frame casts down on him adding to the obscurity of his expression. Yet you can swear you see Harr blushing up to his ears...
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∎ (REQUESTS CLOSED) Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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duckyfann9871 · 2 months
And at last I see the light… 🎵
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And it’s like the fog has lifted…
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hhoneypop · 10 months
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@hhoneypop. — “ i'm just content with time well spent. . . ”
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Ikerev & Zombie Apocalypse?
Of course, anon dear! I'm so, so sorry this took forever to get back to you but if you're still reading, I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons I thought of for this AU!
Okay, so we're going into this with me forewarning everyone. By it's very nature, a zombie apocalypse AU is going to get dark, gritty, angsty, and probably a little fucked up and as I love getting the chance to get angsty and dark, you know things might get fucked up here and there with some of these headcanons. If that is not your cup of tea or something you think might bother you, it might be better for you to stop reading.
So now that we have that out of the way, if you're still reading, let's get this all started. So, in my head, this AU is less of an actual alternate universe. I still very much see this set in Cradle, with the same universe existing of Magic and the Magic Tower and the different armies. However, I don't see the armies as still really fighting each other - they are at peace and the Magic Tower, though definitely still shady as fuck and definitely still up to no real good, isn't thought of as an absolute threat. Everything seems good and peaceful and that's part of the real set-up of this AU.
So, to get to the real meat of this AU. So, everything is nice and peaceful. Life seems idyllic. But then things start to change. The Magic Tower, still headed by Amon Jabberwock, is doing what the Magic Tower always does - experimenting with the Magic Crystals, seeing what can be done with them. Their latest experiment is working with the crystals and humans to see if, by ingesting bits of the crystals and thus integrating them into the human body, they can enhance the boundaries of what a human body and mind can do. The experiments seem to be well-meaning, are sold as looking to find cures for aging, for disabilities, for anything bad that can possibly happen to a human body or mind. What they're really after, or at least what Amon wants them for, is to create his own army of superhuman soldiers to conquer Cradle, though not even his followers are really privy to that fact.
Too bad the experiments seem to be failing. Most of the humans experimented on are dying…and then things seem to change. Things start to appear to be going well and the Magic Tower rejoices and gets inspired to really test even further limits of the experiment. The long and short of it though - these new Crystal infused humans? They're super-strong, seemingly impervious to all harm except complete decapitation to sever the connection of brain and body, with superhuman senses…oh, and they all go insane. Like, their brain goes bad - all limiters are taken off and they start to act solely on impulses and basic desires instead of any rational thoughts or logic. They're extremely violent if threatened at all or if something stands in the way of one of their wants. They experience extreme hunger at points and if food isn't readily available….well, humans are a source of meat too. They crave sex, food, shelter, warmth, liquid. Some of them retain enough of their personalities to have cravings for things they especially loved before the experiments as well.
The worst thing? Though they start as mindless, they quickly seem to link up into some sort of hive-mind and they start enhancing their numbers. If they don't outright kill, they forcibly turn others into beings like themselves by forcibly feeding them crystals. If the person survives this, they join The Hive.
It starts in the Tower. Amon willingly joins The Hive, makes himself the Head of it. Dalim, being a Disciple of the Tower, is in this initial first attack by these creatures. Terrified and no longer trusting in Amon, Dum does do the right thing in the end and tries to ensure that the experiment dies in the Tower, that none of the infected escape the Tower. He helps get other Disciples out but unfortunately, he succumbs to an attack by several of the infected and gets forcibly recruited into The Hive.
The infected surge out of the Tower and it's not too long before the peace of Cradle is completely shattered and things become a full out 'zombie apocalypse'. The armies each do their best to fight The Hive and protect the citizens but still steadfastly refuse to join forces with each other until much later on in the story.
I see Jonah as being one of the first to die. It's not because he's not strong and more than a capable fighter. It's because he's just genuinely someone who doesn't have a lot of common sense. His death comes in the first wave of the infected out of the Tower. He chose bravery and doing his duty but, after seeing other soldiers downed and even seeing some be forcibly infected, his ego and lack of common sense really did him in and he gets slaughtered and eaten.
Though he'll last throughout most of the story, I do see Lancelot dying. It's his death that inspires the two armies to join forces and come together, actually. The thing is, as a magically strong person already, the Hive (and Amon, their leader) didn't want to kill Lancelot. No, they became almost obsessed with changing him, with making him a part of the Hive. Though Lancelot was strong and clever enough to hold them off for a long time, while saving someone else whilst in the midst of battle, he was left vulnerable for long enough to be force fed what was needed to ensure he would eventually turn. Though the only one who was aware of this was Kyle, who steadfastly maintained that they would find a way to save Lance, Lancelot knew what needed to be done. He told Sirius and Harr the truth of what had happened and begged his two best friends to do what needed to be done - to kill him.
Sirius was the one to actually end up doing the deed. He'd already lost most of his family and by that point, had seen enough other people die. He'd been so strong up until that point and he'd inspired so many people to keep going with his never give up attitude, his optimism that things would get better, and his hard work. But after that, after being forced to kill one of his oldest and dearest friends? He sure kept trying, so hard, but the fact of the matter was that after that, Sirius really started to give up. Another major story event really did him in and he almost recklessly charged into the next major battle with The Hive and was taken down. Those close by at the time said he seemed almost relieved as The Hive killed him.
That other major story event? It has to do with Harr. Harr was a Magic Tower Disciple who had abducted his position the second the Tower started experimenting on humans. It was just something Harr could not handle, could not get behind, so he left. He did his best to keep his eye on things with the Tower though, worried about what might happen. When the worst does happen, Harr feels immense guilt for not having done more to stop this from happening. He becomes obsessed with finding a cure for those infected, with stopping this with as little bloodshed as possible. Loki helps him, as does Kyle, who also becomes obsessive about finding a cure.
As the days and weeks go by though and they seem to be getting nowhere, Kyle starts drinking harder and harder and becoming more and more reckless in his efforts to learn more about the infected. He needs test subjects and by the time the armies manage to trap and transport an infected person to him, not only have they suffered major casualties, but the infected in question is normally dead as well. Kyle becomes tired of seeing people die and being helpless to stop it and he directly goes out into the field. Dead infected specimens aren't helping; he needs a live one and becomes bound and determined to get one. While trying to do so, Kyle gets captured and changed.
The newly infected Kyle is feral and attacks his former comrades, killing Loki. Between Loki's death and Kyle's change, combined with watching Sirius kill Lancelot just the day before, Harr cannot handle things anymore. It's too much and his brain just can't deal. Harr takes a dive, head first, from the place this all started - the Tower itself. He's dead upon impact with the ground, quick and painless, but dead nonetheless.
Because the idea, while horrible, was too delicious to resist…I really do see Dean being brutally savaged and beaten to death by his own infected brother. The sibling rivalry had carried over enough in the infected Dalim's mind for the need to kill his brother to be a major desire of his.
Now, I have always kind of headcanoned that Mousse has narcolepsy. Obviously he doesn't have a route so I don't know for sure if that is canonically true but I see that being his undoing in this AU. He gets infected in his sleep very early on in the story.
Oliver becomes very useful though. He devotes himself to making weapons and traps and fortifying buildings to become shelters. Though he doesn't go into battles himself and is very protected, he's such an important and integral part of everything.
I do see Edgar, Fenrir, and Seth becoming rather famous as front line warriors against the Hive. All or any of them alone become major targets of the Hive because of how many infected they take out and how integral a part of survival in this new world they become.
After Lancelot's death, Blanc and Ray become co-leaders, trying everything they can to gather and ensure the safety of all non-infected individuals. Blanc keeps an eye and really dedicates himself to ensuring the non-infected are safe and taken care of and that shelter, food, water, and basic needs can be met for everyone while Ray leads the more military side of ensuring continued life and safety for the survivors.
Zero ends up specializing in rescue missions, in getting groups of non-infected people to safety, and really ends up becoming Blanc's second in command. Luka, meanwhile, stays under Ray and does fight…Luka's biggest regret in everything though? That he couldn't save his brother. So he becomes foolhardy and reckless at times, taking risks he shouldn't, because to him, if he can save even just one more person…maybe that will take some of the guilt away, absolve him even a little. Even just a smidge.
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shuubah · 1 year
When fluff is life, and Luka the angel stands above all! 💜😤
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ikemen-obssessed · 11 months
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i find it so sad n funny how zero doesn’t remember harr at all but the stuff harr did for him as a kid formed his entire personality HES TOO CUTE
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shatcey · 5 months
I just fell in love with Harr's house…
It's so pretty and cozy, and… yes, messy, but it has a very warm atmosphere… The guest room is so nice… I would have lived there forever. And he calls it a storage room? It's too beautiful and empty to call it that.
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And the thought that Harr made it himself… Ahhhh… He's perfect. Handsome, smart, shy, adorable fatalist…
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Suddenly daddy Harr became my favorite…
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cloudcountry · 7 months
SUMMARY: you call some of the ikerev suitors a pet name for the first time.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: FIRST PIECE FOR IKEREV LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO um is zero's the longest?!??!?! how did that happen?!?!?!??!?!
also im . only including teh routes ive done so far AHJSDGJASH
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a soft “can you pass the salt, angel?” makes zero pause. his eyes are wide and his lips part, surprised at the sudden pet name. you’re gazing so lovingly at him, brows furrowed and pretty lips pulled up into a gentle grin. you’re so pretty. zero feels his hands shake as he clutches the tablecloth, his mind running haywire as he tries to process what you said. you’d wanted something, right? zero sucks in a breath when every else you said finally makes sense. salt, you want the salt. he feels heat rising to his cheeks as he grabs it, passing it to you. “uh, yeah.” he fumbles, your voice in his ears repeating the pet name over and over. angel, angel, angel.
“you’re so mean to me, jellybean.” you stick your tongue out at edgar, his usual serene smile plastered on his face. “oh? alice, if i didn’t know any better i’d say you just called me something new.” he grins wider, leaning closer to you as your face flames up. you’re just about to tell him that he’s imagining things and that the cheesy pet name did not just pass through your lips, but the words get caught in your throat when he presses his lips against yours.
“you’re working too hard, darling.” you muse, placing a gentle hand on kyle’s back. he’s completely zoned into his work, shut off from the rest of the world. of course he didn’t hear you. you’ve always found yourself expressing your concerns to yourself before making sure he has a nice bowl of soup to eat when he’s finally done for the day. you turn to make your way to the kitchen, but the loud slam of a book closing makes you whip around. “wait, what did you call me?” kyle asks, eyes now glued to your form. if you didn’t know any better, you’d think his cheeks were pink.
“welcome home, apricot!” you beam the second harr walks through the door. his heart jumps into his throat when you wrap your arms around him, face buried in his chest. his hands float around your back before he presses them to your clothes, hugging you softly. he averts his eyes from you as his cheeks burn up, your little nickname having much more of an effect than you’d thought. it’s so sweet that you pay attention to what he likes. he loves you so much.
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
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