#ill be revisiting mpub soon 100%
xxskycrystalxx · 4 years
Mystic Pop Up Bar Thoughts - Ep. 12 [FINAL]
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Ahh, the last episode of MPUB has aired, and I’ve finished it with a heavy heart, filled with emotions. The last episode has basically answered all the questions, theories, and hopes that we had, and ended the drama off as a masterpiece. I was going to right a full on review of MPUB, but I think my thoughts are enough review, so I’ll end off my last thoughts of MPUB with a small review.
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In the beginning of ep.12 it gave us more insight on the sacred tree, and further solidified the fact that Kang Bae IS Weol-Joo & Chief Gwi’s child. I wanted to see a bit more of the sacred tree, but we get what we get. Anyways, the sacred tree is rlly powerful and gave Won-hyung a run for his money in like .0001 seconds, the sacred tree clapped back! After the confrontation with Won-hyung, Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo bring Kang Bae back to his house, and Weol-Joo drops the baby bomb on Chief Gwi. His reaction is definitely not surprising, and his emotions are called for. I mean imagine finding out that you did have a child with the person you loved, but stuff went sideways and basically realizing that they’ve been there the whole time. After realizing that they’re both the parents of Kang Bae, their parenting radar went up, becoming protective parents, parenting 101. Then, of course, Won-hyung comes to mess everything up and kidnaps Kang Bae, while the whole squad puffs up and is ready to rescue him. Yeo-Rin stepped up big time and was being a g, while Chief Gwi, cool as always, brought out his glave and wreaked havoc with it. Can I just say tho, Chief Gwi is serving them looks. Give Choi Won-Young an Oscar, cuz he did an absolute stellar job as Chief Gwi. Once again tho, the drama showed off some amazing CGI effects and choreography! The fight between Chief Gwi & all the possessed people, was cool to watch + the fight with Won-hyung, and of course, cue the catchy action themed music to make it all the more epic! He was just completely bad*** in this episode!
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Then here comes the angst, like HEAVY angst. When Kang Bae was confronting Won-hyung we learn that he already knows that he is Weol-Joo & Chief Gwi’s child. I was a bit surprised at first that Kang Bae knew, but then he said he knew after he fainted and I realized that, that was the same for Chief Gwi’s mother. So it made sense. Then Won-hyung put him in the dream world so he would be able to exterminate him, while Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo are trying to protect Kang Bae from the outside, with Chief Gwi dying in the process. He’s done so much already, and here he goes getting impaled by his very own glave, protecting the ones he loves. Ouch. Uh like excuse me, I didn’t ask to be hurt like this. Out comes the waterworks. Then there’s that “I love you” confession before Chief Gwi died, and that hit HARD. Like I cried more on this scene than the other scenes I cried on. But srsly, you writers should’ve given them more happy moments together before they got ripped apart from each other and making us all sad over it 😞 He didn’t even say I love you back tho, what blasphemy!!!
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Going into Kang Bae’s dreamworld, Won-hyung is pushing Kang Bae over the edge when mama Weol-Joo comes in, real pissed. I mean the man she loves just died in front of her, and her child’s life is being threatened, who wouldn’t? She tried to push Won-hyung down, but he got a grip on her and dragged her with him, not before Kang Bae managed to grab onto Weol-Joo’s hand. The way Kang Bae was just crying and finally said “mom,” well thanks for that arrow. Weol-Joo letting go and falling into the darkness was just messed up, and my heart broke for this separated family. 🥺😭
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Then some time passed, Kang Bae still not over the fact that Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo is gone, but I’m glad Yeo-Rin was there to help him through it and provide comfort and love. I was really hoping for a happy ending for the three of them, and my wish was answered. Weol-Joo was back, and plot twist! It was her grudge that was solved, and was able to fulfill the 100,000 grudges quota, and honestly that was a good move, so good job writers! Yeomradaewang came through, and wanted to reward Weol-Joo with someone that a) took her punishment unconditionally & b) rescued her from the void/darkness. Can you guys guess who it is? MY BOI CHIEF GWI 🙌🏻 He comes in with a smile on his face and his arms open wide. The hug was the best reunion I could ask for, we don’t always need a kiss to make a couple/ship work or show how strong they are. The way they connect, work with one another, actions, and sacrifices is what proves their love for one another. Get a love story like this. Precious bby’s 💕 Also, this is just my way of interpreting how Chief Gwi was able to come back, but in the end, it talks about how the heavens can be moved by even little things, and honestly, I’m pretty sure all the self-sacrificing Chief Gwi did, was what changed their minds, and they were moved by his love and determination to keep his loved ones safe and being good to his promises.
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Their reunion was so heartwarming to see, the way Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo look at Kang Bae, like the adorable and loving parents they are, and Kang Bae is like “I’m home.” Ugh, my heart 😣❤️ I cried a bit here too, but who wouldn’t am I right? 😂 It was a good and happy ending, that I’ll take, and I’m glad the writers were able to do these characters justice and bring about MPUB to what it was.
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Btw, is it just me or did I not see this scene like anywhere in the last episode? I wonder if it’s a deleted scene or if I really just missed it in a blink of an eye, but Chief Gwi with those sunglasses... 😳 Just hits differently you know?
Anyways, wrapping up, MPUB was an overall amazing drama from start to finish. It had me engrossed from the first episode to the last episode, and the attachment I have with the three characters is saying a lot for me, since I don’t get attached as much. The only times I get attached to a drama and their characters is because I rlly rlly like it, and because I like it, it grows on me. The OST’s, cinematography, CGI effects, characters, story, and basically everything else was well done and crafted! The writers did an amazing job on the story, and being able to deliver plot twists and revelations that actually make sense, and for the actors and actresses that were able to make the drama for what it is. I mean, just spectacular performance to the main actors/actresses, especially Choi Won-Young! I’m really going to miss MPUB. It made me sad, happy, relieved, thoughtful, and surprised all at the same time. Chief Gwi & Weol-Joo is my fav couple at the moment, and them with Kang Bae is the most adorable and loving family ever, our found family/chaotic family trio. The only thing I’ll complain about is the fact that there was only 12 episodes. In all honesty, I rlly wouldn’t mind if there was a second season. I also wish they explored the sacred tree a bit more, and gave us a scene or two of Weol-Joo & Kang Bae finding out that Chief Gwi took her punishment instead, but that’s just me nitpicking out of an amazing drama. It was a wonderful journey to go through while watching MPUB, and I’m also thankful for the MPUB fandom. So very wholesome and filled with lovely people! Thanks to all who have read my thoughts and enjoyed my content! 💕
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