#ill miss you roman and your weird way of sexually harassing your sister. ill miss it dearly
mrswhymrhow · 1 year
im going to say this once. there is a lot of fascinating. implications between the family member sin succession that certain (coughincestcough) fans like to dig into in weird ways but it is actually something fascinating and done so well. they arent actually engaging in that but theres so much to say about it. the way shiv is "marrying her father" and having her baby in a way tlaking about capitalism and the way a lot of times these sort of families do have histories of engaging in incest to "keep the family line pure" and all that. romans jokes about it. the way business is equiviliant to fucking in the show. its all fascinating. and now i wont talk about it again bc i dont trust anyone to be able to have this sort of conversation in a normal way on here and i dont want to with msot of you
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