#a lot of the things like the homoerotic tones and the (waves at this post) are critiques and ways to view capitalism and the way companies
mrswhymrhow · 1 year
im going to say this once. there is a lot of fascinating. implications between the family member sin succession that certain (coughincestcough) fans like to dig into in weird ways but it is actually something fascinating and done so well. they arent actually engaging in that but theres so much to say about it. the way shiv is "marrying her father" and having her baby in a way tlaking about capitalism and the way a lot of times these sort of families do have histories of engaging in incest to "keep the family line pure" and all that. romans jokes about it. the way business is equiviliant to fucking in the show. its all fascinating. and now i wont talk about it again bc i dont trust anyone to be able to have this sort of conversation in a normal way on here and i dont want to with msot of you
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Hi! I saw your post about your favorite ridiculous moments in the Hardy Boys books and you mentioned how one of them was how they describe Ned Nickerson and I'd absolutely love to know more about how they describe Ned/your opinion/reaction of that if you don't mind?
Ok I realized Ned is only in three of the books I have, so if you want a part 2...give me money you're gonna have to wait until I can. It was pretty much a joke, but also entirely serious.
I don't have the Captain America reference that I specifically made a joke about, but I know that it's on Tumblr.
Overall, sometimes in the way that Ned is described is supposed to be like a jealous thing (When it's the Hardy Boys narrating), but it's really easy to not see it that way. Like they do like Ned and they are friends with him. Just wanna preface that because these can be read as either platonic or romantic. But also I'm slightly giving it the same treatment they give Nancy and the Hardy Boys, cause why should it be different? You know?
Also that personally I believe all of them are bi (I'm not projecting). Ignoring the sexist versions of the Hardy Boys (primarily Joe), they're way too good to be straight men. Also Ned specifically does not have that many Straight Man Traits™ and that he's entirely willing to be a damsel-in-distress. Ned's technically gender-nonconformative role is not really an important part of this conversation, but I think it should be talked about more.
Anyway I'm rambling. Here's what I'm calling evidence.
Shock Waves
First thing is actually sort of on Ned's side. Joe has a melted set of Iola's keys (remember in this spin-off she was fridged via terrorist bombing) that goes missing. Ned immediately starts looking for them when he sees how upset Joe is about losing them.
The (flirty) banter. It's written the same way banter between Nancy and Frank, Nancy and Ned, or even Nancy or Joe is written. Minus blushing. And the only reason I'm calling this significant because they write banter that's 100% meant to be platonic with a different tone (and adjectives). The Cousins interaction with the Brothers and the Alliteratives have a noticeably different tone (sometimes).
In Chapter Five, Joe found a gold coin and assumes treasure. Nancy and Frank doubt it. Joe tries to defend himself. Ned seemingly comes to his defense. "'I'm not so sure,' Ned piped up. Joe smiled "I knew somebody would have to be on my side'" Ned's response is kinda long but he jokes that Long John Silver was returning the coin to Davy Jones. Joe does not appreciate the joke, but jokingly warns them that if they aren't nice, they won't get a cut.
In Chapter Eight, Frank wants to drive the Oldsmobile. "'Good luck starting it,' Ned said. Frank smiled confidently. 'You just don't have the knack, Nickerson.'"
I should note, the last name thing is usually used in Files (sometimes Mystery Stories too) when couples are flirting with each other. I think like there's a few instances in sport settings where it's probably platonic. Here, questionable. There isn't much use of Marvin or Fayne. Drew and Nickerson on the other hand...
In Chapter Eleven, this may not be the best example. Frank gives Ned a "Thanks a lot buddy" when he and Nancy got separated from the group.
I only mention it because Ned returns the buddy later on when Frank "saves" them all from an explosion. "'We owe our lives to you, buddy,' he said with an admiring grin." If we're really deeply examining the words to find the slightest bit of homoerotic intent in an excessively heteronormative book, Ned's admiring grins don't go to many people other than Nancy. I would know.
While investigating a sunken ship, they all end up apart from each other. There's an explosion in the area where Ned is. The Hardy Boys (specifically Frank) forced Nancy to stay in the water in hopes that Ned wasn't caught in the blast. Nancy assumes Ned is dead, it's three explosions. Probably wouldn't survive if he was there. The Hardy Boys immediately search for Ned, once it's safe, in the hope that he was alive. He was obviously.
Throughout the entire book, I don't even think it's an exaggeration to say that the Hardy Boys spent more time with Ned than they did Nancy. Like a lot of the time they (intentionally) split up, Ned is always with them. Even without Nancy once or twice.
Which I find funny, because it feels like Frank is trying to get Ned's attention and not hers. Nancy's like I hope I don't make jealous because of the tension between me and Frank" and Frank is putting himself with Ned and like any opportunity. That may not be limited to this book, which is why it's last.
Dangerous Games
There really isn't much interaction between them in the book until the end
The Hardy Boys, primarily Joe, direct all the praise for saving the girls to Ned even though they all technically saved them because he was the one who discovered they were in trouble.
Seriously Joe does not waste the opportunity to praise Ned for his quick action. First there was, "If it hadn't been for Ned..." Followed by a "Good thing Ned was around" when Frank and Joe find out how the girls where locked in a burning building.
Again simple, but effective. People have claimed more with less, if we're being fair.
This last one is sort of on Ned's side, and I don't know why but the way he sort of like hypes on Frank a little bit when he and Nancy are talking about her mistaking him for Frank when he saves her from the fire. It just hits different.
"Frank Hardy's a detective. I'm not. Naturally, you thought he was the one who'd rescue you...You and Frank work so well together-it's like you're practically one person. He's a part of your detective life that sometimes take you away from me. I think maybe I resent that a little"
I know that looks like a pretty Francy heavy bit (and it is), but the second part of that speech makes me think a bit deeper. "Look, I can't change the way I feel any more than you can stop being a detective. Without that, you wouldn't be the Nancy Drew I know and love." Like that's a sweet sentiment and all, but English Major here I'm reading further into it. The way he compares Nancy and Frank as being so similar they are practically the same person, and then going on to say the qualities they share are one of the reasons he's attracted to and loves Nancy.
All I'm saying, is that if he finds detectives hot, what's stopping him from finding Frank attractive...Right? lmao
The Last Resort
Again there's not much interaction with the three of them because Ned only appear in the final chapters.
On the cover Frank is wearing an ugly snowsuit with yellow, pink, and blue on it. I normally wouldn't think twice about it, but considering it's so ugly it entirely matches the vibes of your bi (in this case pan) friend buying the ugliest oversized Hawaiian shirt and the thrift store and calling it the cutest thing they've ever brought.
I should mention that Nancy is also wearing a snowsuit featuring blue, pink, and yellow. However, her suit is not that ugly and therefore less noteworthy.
I'm not even sure if I'm counting that as a point or if I just wanted an excuse to talk about the ugly snowsuit and how I honestly want it for myself.
When Ned finally does arrive, after a little bit of an awkward exchange, The first thing Frank says after explaining that why he and Joe were there is, "Your being here is a real boost, Ned...This one has us all stumped" This could be seen as like a thing just to break the awkward tension, but I like to think there is some truth in that Frank does appreciate Ned's intelligence and his input on mysteries.
And if he didn't before, he would after this case because Ned kinda solves the entire mystery- or at least the important part they were missing.
The entire exchange of when Nancy suggests bluffing the villain, there's just something I love about it. May I suggest polyamory?
Ned: Nancy, bluffing can be dangerous. What happens if he doesn't fall for it?
Frank (grinning): But Ned, Nancy's a very convincing person.
Ned: I don't want her to get into trouble, that's all.
Frank: Me neither, but I think [REDACTED] will fall for a bluff. He's ready. Look at him, he's wound up like a coil
Nancy (touching Ned's arm): Ned, I don't see any other way. Do you?
I just like the two of them (mostly Frank) convincing Ned to go through with a dangerous plan. Also the way Frank is talking about Nancy to Ned, it's just like a vibe you know?
Moving on, I love any moment the three of boys work together to do something. Like combining their strengths to bust down a locked door and chase a bad guy in perfect unison with no prior planning. That doesn't have to be gay either, I just love them working together.
After a snowmobile crash, Frank does make it a priority to see if Ned's okay. Over a bad guy who was the only other person involved, but priority nonetheless.
Technically he tells Nancy to do it, while he sees if the bad guy is alive. But hear me out, Nancy (Ned's girlfriend) struggles to choose between seeing if Ned is okay or getting the bad guy. Frank (who is meant to be a love rival) thinks about Ned's well-being more decisively than Ned's girlfriend.
Que the "Nancy's a bad girlfriend" joke, I never really expected the punchline to be "Frank is a better boyfriend to Ned". I like it though.
This one is sort of a joke (as if all of this wasn't), but everyone either at breakfast or accounted for if they aren't besides Ned and Frank. They appear second to last (Joe is on the phone) together. I'm going to imagine they were alone together. Maybe that's why they seem to be in such a good mood.
That's all the moments that I'm calling evidence. Is it insane? Possibly. Do I care? No, this was mostly for fun. Also I kinda ship Ned with Frank. Like I've said, his entire character design was to specifically be the love interest to a detective. That accidentally makes him pretty compatible to multiple detectives.
Also a commentary on how somethings age to be somewhat gayer than intended. But it really isn't surprising for a queer like myself to find the slimmest of gayness in extreme heteronormative conditions.
Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this!
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sourcherrymagiks · 5 years
Carry on Countdown 2019
Day 18 - Crack!
He’s trying to avoid talking to me. That’s how it happens. There was kissing. Amazing kissing. Merlin and Morgana, he’s beautiful and when he kisses me back.....
But anyway. He’s also a stuck up twat who can avoid the shit out of anything. We were back in the room after the kissing (Great Snakes,that kiss though) and he was taking forever to hang his blazer up so he didn’t have to look at me or talk to me. What was I going to do but come up behind him and kiss his neck? I ask you, what else could I have done?
Which is how we came to stumble and fall into the wardrobe. And then straight out of the back. Into a drift of snow.
“Erm Baz, this is going to sound pretty stupid but I think we just fell into...”
I know that this is somehow his fault. Why does he always have to involve me in his ridiculous heroics. Although, to be fair, this is well outside of his usual remit.
“Snow, might I suggest we go back? From memory Narnia has its own set of chosen ones. Lots of them. They can probably get by without you”
“I’m not sure that’s how this works, the path has gone”
I look around and he’s totally right. It’s just us, in the snow, under a lamppost.
I can’t keep the petulant tone out of my voice as I say “But you are our chosen one, you belong to the world of Mages”
He laughs and kisses me. “Didn’t know you cared you big softy” I briefly toy with the idea of snapping at him but instead I pull him back into another kiss.
When I pull away to catch my breath and try to get a hold over my treacherous body, Simon gets up. I grumble a bit under my breath but then I decide to co operate a bit. Grudgingly. It seems very unfair that we are here and not snogging in our room. Even though I was the one avoiding the snogging (Why?, I’m such an idiot)
Snow’s sketching in the snow with a stick. It looks like nonsense until I’m standing right next to him. Then it hits me at once, he’s drawn a map of Narnia. From memory.
I must be staring at him because he starts laughing.
“I know you think I’m a thick urchin who’s only ever read cereal packets but I’ve loved Narnia my whole life”
“Me too, that part is not quite right” I alter the shape of the western forest slightly so it ends further from the frozen lake. “I would definitely remember if you were the hero in it. I suppose you do have a bit of Peter about you”
“Fuck off Caspian” he throws a snowball at me. I throw one back. Then I kiss him again because this is all unbelievable.
He’s sketching plot points out now, trying to work out the timeline.
“Right you gorgeous villain, we need to get to the camp here in time for the battle. There’s enough footprints and sled tracks here to show they’ve all been through fairly recently. I don’t think we can help at any point up until the end, do you agree?”
“I do, excuse me while I try to absorb the shock of you being a reader.” He lightly punches me on the arm, he’s blushing. “Is your magic working?”
We both laugh
“As well as it ever does, yours?”
I take out my wand and cast ‘lights out’ at the lamp post. It blinks off.
“Cool. Let’s get moving. Keep your wand out. I don’t want to draw my sword until I need it and I, Erm, can I hold your hand please”
“Come here” I grab his hand and before I can stop myself I’ve kissed his knuckles.
“I like this, you,like this” he bumps my shoulder with his.
I’m really excited. I dunno if it’s the Baz thing or the Narnia thing but I’m so amped up I’m practically skipping.
“So, Caspian then?” Baz asks with his eyebrow up.
“It’s possible that I might have been not entirely straight for a while”
“You think?”
“There’s no need for that tone you wanker”
Then I’ve got him up against a tree. This want is everything. I need to touch him, kiss him, press myself against him.
He doesn’t just let me, he right there with me, pulling my hair, licking my neck, moaning into my mouth.
He pulls away gasping “Right Snow, let’s get back to the mission and stop debauching the pristine Narnian forests”
“But I like it, I like you” I’m whining a bit.
“You aren’t completely intolerable either Snow”
We seem to have been walking forever. I slept about ten minutes last night. I would kill for some Turkish delight.
“In the books it doesn’t seem this far”
I moan to Baz
“Heaven forbid that the made up world is larger than the children’s book made it appear”
“I get your point, even though you’re a twat, but its hardly made up is it?”
He shrugs. I’m rubbing off on him. That makes me smile. I nearly don’t hear the crack of the twig, I’ve disarmed the guard before I’ve had chance to worry about my sword or magic. They aren’t the best written soldiers.
“Take us to either Peter or Aslan please” I ask the battered looking Narnian as politely as I can be arsed to. I’m not great at manners when I’m hungry and tired.
Peter is beautiful, not a patch on Snow obviously, but still. The two of them together are blinding. Simon offers our assistance and Peter accepts a little unwillingly. I’m not sure he would at all if not for the wonderful Lucy. She never sees herself as the protagonist so she doesn’t have the same struggle as Peter. To be fair I wouldn’t want to share my story with Simon bloody Snow if I already had three siblings and a lion muscling in on the action. Poor fuck.
The two of them spend the afternoon practicing, Snow is better trained and in great shape but Peter is faster and lighter in his feet. It’s glorious.
When Simon fights Edmund it’s a different thing. No longer a master class in heroic swordplay fought by two golden leaders. Now it’s like a cunning bar fight. Simon has to stop himself from head butting Edmond. When he throws an elbow at Edmond’s face,then stops before it connects, Edmond is not so polite and punches Simon in his exposed ribs. It’s very feral.
When they’re done he comes over and presses his sweaty lips to mine. I don’t know how I avoid making a scene.
Obviously it’s still a bit of a scene. Uncomfortable coughs and averted eyes abound. Then simultaneously everyone decides to ignore it and peace is restored.
I leave to speak with Lucy. She’s got magic and I want to see if I can help her use it. It doesn’t work like ours though. She can’t harness it. I advise her to go to Watford as soon as she can when she returns home. She probably won’t.
She gives Simon a small banner embroidered with a dragon holding a blazing sun. He tucks it into his pocket because the courageous fuck won’t wear armour. He kisses her head. I’m completely flabbergasted when she gives me one emblazoned with a flaming moon. I must be allergic to it because my eyes are watering.
After dinner we talk tactics. Simon keeps quiet about upcoming plot points and focuses on the battle. Simon and Peter lean over the map, blond hair and copper curls tumbling together as the argue over every inch. From his plan I deduce that Snow’s aim is to kill the witch while keeping all the kids well out of the way. This goes down like a sack of shit with Peter. It’s his story and he is the king. Gorgeous (and capable) as Simon is he can’t lead this army. They aren’t loyal to him. Also he won’t play by their outdated battle rules, fight in a line and die, because he knows better. They finally agree on enough compromises to keep everyone happy and save lives. A lot of lives.
In spite of the protests I hold my ground. I will stay by his side regardless of what he thinks he’s going to order me to do.
It’s fun. Really. I mean there is an impending battle but, Crowley, I’ve read that battle so many times. It’s going to be brilliant. I catch Simon’s eye and I know he feels it too.
I can’t fucking sleep. This is going to be epic. I’m traipsing around the camp looking for anything to take my mind off the combination of wanting to get into this battle and wanting to do unspeakable things to Baz.
It’s not the time though, right?
We still haven’t talked. It’s possible we’ve managed to bring a fictional world to life to avoid talking. But I’m going to tell him after the battle. Hopefully it will be dead romantic.
The battle starts off early and badly, not quite as badly as I remember because Simon is genius at this and Peter listened to about a quarter of his suggestions. Plus there are two of them.
The absolute confidence of them helps keep up the morale that’s been damaged by Aslan fucking off.
Simon hadn’t mentioned that he was the bearer of a flaming sword or that he had a particularly impressive brand of violent, pulsing magic so when he calls his sword, the fear it causes slams the first wave right back.
I cast quickly and use so much magic that I’m nearly spent in moments but I have taken down most of the ogres and a couple of hags. Peter, Edmond and Simon smash through line after line of the White Witch’s army. Simon is actually grinning, the prat.
I wait for Simon’s signal to disarm the White Witch. Then he’s on her in a moment with Edmond and Peter. She never stands a chance.
By the time Aslan arrives back with the girls there’s only cleaning up and healing to do. He growls at Simon and Simon shrugs at him. He turns his back clearly as pissed off as a magical lion gets.
“This was not your battle Mage”
“Explain how it just was then wise one?”
Simon is brillant at one liners, when he’s not fighting me. I guess it’s in the job description. Aslan grunts and continues back to his tent. What a prick. I guess he’s not willing to let the homoerotic subtext turn into the story.
It’s very clear we’ve outstayed our welcome.
That was mega. But now it’s time to go. I don’t want to fuck with these guys and I also don’t want Aslan to eat me.
It’s a pretty shitty deal those kids have got anyway. Kings and queens in one land but not able to stay. We hug them goodbye. At least I live where I live. Except for right now obviously.
I grab Baz and we set off back to the lamppost.
“That was amazing, you were amazing” I say to him
He looks at me like he thinks I might he taking the piss.
“You did an ok job yourself Snow. You’re not as pretty as Peter though”
I’m glad he catches me when I jump on him. “Take that back Pitch”
“It’s an objective fact Snow, he is more dashing, I just prefer you”
“You do?”
“Yes you attention seeking numpty, I have appalling taste so I prefer you to most people”
“Good. Because, well, I’m, I think I might be, falling, you know, for you” Merlin. I doubt he’s even going to understand that.
Then he kisses me and I know he does.
I’ve been kissing Snow for hours. We don’t know how time works here relative to Watford so we should get back. But it’s complicated there and easy here under a lamppost in a forest full of spring.
It’s also not our story.
Simon still has his own story to finish.
“Ready Sweetheart?”
“Not really love”
“Shall we do it anyway?”
“After you”
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