#illustrator: melinda gebbie
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source: The Femme's Guide to the Universe, written by Shar Rednour
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levitymonger · 7 years
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titleleaf · 4 years
I have finally read Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie’s Lost Girls and let me tell you, I have both Thoughts and Opinions (dun dun dun) but first and foremost I have the burning, burning desire to redraw these characters wearing about 18 more layers of undergarments than they’re depicted wearing at any given time. When did I become such a porno underwear snob? 
(cut for talking about body types, pretentious pornography, don’t reblog this shit and don’t @ me i reserve my right to be a snot about anything and everything on the internet)
Also if you’re going to richly illustrate a three-part series that in large part concerns the sexual adventures of a mature woman, and a series that ostensibly lauds the pornographic literary genre for its ability to plumb taboos of gender and age and to celebrate difference, you should learn how to draw naked bodies that aren’t flawlessly plump and pert with nary a wrinkle. “But older women aren’t sexy!" Neither is fucking and sucking the Tin Man, and you made me read that for a whole chapter. 
I’m just saying, if Dorothy is ~18, if that, and Wendy is a married woman with a child, and Alice is pushing sixty with a long and eventful life behind her, they might plausibly have differing physical characteristics when depicted totally naked besides different hair color. 
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eddycurrents · 7 years
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For the week of 13 November 2017
Quick Bits:
Babyteeth #6 opens the floodgates of story after getting through the initial hurdle of getting Sadie and Clark out of imminent danger. Donny Cates gives us more depth as to what’s going on broader picture of the world and introduces us to the cult geared to protecting and raising Clark.
| Published by AfterShock
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Black Science #33 has the shit hit the fan as the confrontation between Grant and Kadir reaches its peak and then reality breaks. The mix of mad science and philosophy from Rick Remender on display here is wonderful, seeing a representation of Platonic ideals mapped onto quantum realities in a kind of unfurling of Gnostic cosmology is impressive. So too is Matteo Scalera’s art. He and Moreno Diniso really get to cut loose this issue and it looks wonderful.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Bloodshot Salvation #3 gives a revelation to the “soon” timeline of what’s happened to Ray, while in the “now” we get a confrontation between Ray and Daddy, Colin King helping out Magic, and Project Omen causing complications. I probably sound like a broken record, but Jeff Lemire, Lewis LaRosa, and Mico Suayan are doing some great things with this series.
| Published by Valiant
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Brilliant Trash #1 is an interesting take on superheroes. It’s a mix of government conspiracy and potentially mad science, told from the perspective of a journalist looking for a story in the appearance of a V-like figure, Lady Lastword’s, final speech and death. Tim Seely’s got something interesting here. Priscilla Petraites’ art is also quite nice, kind of a mix between Jamie McKelvie and Phil Hester.
| Published by AfterShock
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Dark Fang #1 continues the trend of not naming the protagonist in the body of the first issue. The solicitation copy and end piece are what’s needed to piece together the full premise of the series and name of the protagonist. That said, Miles Gunter does have a decent story here. It’s environmentalism through the lens of a centenarian vampire, Valla, who was friends with a fish until modern industry destroyed her ecosystem. But first, earning money as a cam girl and getting caught up in society’s obsession with cell phones and the internet. The art from Kelsey Shannon is a definite plus.
| Published by Image
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Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #2 is every bit as fun, humorous, and action-packed as the first issue. Declan Shalvey has a great feel for both Wade and Logan and Mike Henderson’s art is truly wonderful. Only two issues in and this is just a fun, must-have wild ride.
| Published by Marvel
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Evolution #1 is a very strong debut issue with multiple voices brought together by the singular visuals of Joe Infurnari. Infurnari has a style that is a bit Tom Mandrake and a bit Bill Sienkiewicz and it is absolutely perfect. If you like David Cronenberg’s early horror films, even just a little bit, you owe it to yourself to at least check this out.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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The Family Trade #2 continues Jessa’s investigations into Berghardt and Mikkaelsen despite the protestation and outright prohibition by her Family. Her technique of getting close by blending in as a simple cleaning woman is a nice touch. The end, though, suffers a bit in who exactly Jessa is speaking to. I think it’s supposed to be her uncle, but I’m not sure.
| Published by Image
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Fence #1 gives me the impression that everyone, even the protagonist, involved in competitive fencing is an asshole. That’s not necessarily a good impression of the sport, and gives a poor outlook on who to “cheer” for in the endeavour, but it may be an accurate depiction. Especially since many sports seem to be populated by jerks.
| Published by BOOM! Entertainment / Boom! Box
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Generation Gone #5 is a suitably insane conclusion to the first arc of this series. It’s violent, angry, and explosive - kind of like how you’d expect kids to react when they find out that the world is designed to see them fail. André Lima Araújo’s art has just been fantastic on this series.
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Hawkeye #12 is a team-up issue between Kate and Laura (All-New Wolverine) with Gabby and Jonathan in tow as well, illustrated by guest artist Michael Walsh who is easily proving he’s a force to contend with. This issue looks great and is fun as hell.
| Published by Marvel
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Jenny Finn #1 now in colour. If you haven’t read this masterpiece of Lovecraftian lit from Mike Mignola and Troy Nixey before, now’s a good time to do so. If you have, especially since this has been reprinted and repackaged a few times before, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want Dave Stewart’s colour. There was something to be said for the original black and white, although the colour version’s not bad.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Kill the Minotaur #6 is both an expected and unexpected conclusion to the series. Ariadne and Theseus’ confrontation of the Minotaur is suitably epic. I can’t say much more than that because they’d be massive spoilers, so enjoy this amazing artwork from Lukas Ketner.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Killer Instinct #2 does what I was afraid the first issue was going to do and dumps a lot of characters with intricate backstories from the game on us in one go. Where the first issue mainly focused on one character to ease us into the world, this issue gives us more of the Coven, a bunch of characters fighting over the Killer Instinct Tournament, and Jago. While the Jago and Tsar bits are fairly well executed, the central bit over Ultratech is a bit of sludge. As I said in response to the first issue, I’ve never played the game and know little about the world, so this felt a bit like being dropped right in the deep end. The art from Cam Adams is still nice, though.
| Published by Dynamite
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Maestros #2 quickly installs Will as the new Maestro and he begins making sweeping changes to the multiverse’s society, trying to bring concepts like equality and freedom to a world that only seems to know subjugation under magical will. It’s an interesting exploration of sociopolitical ideas from Steve Skroce and naturally it brings about severe pushback from those previously in charge. And betrayal.
| Published by Image
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Mech Cadet Yu #4 features the cadets first full on confrontation with the Sharg and it’s about as exciting as you would expect. Takeshi Miyazawa’s art is just wonderful and it’s really nice to see Yu thinking on his feet during the battle to ensure the continued survival of the entire team.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1 is interesting. The relationship between Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has certainly been in the zeitgeist lately, this one doing something different and focusing on the end of Houdini’s career, long since the two had their falling out. Cynthia von Buhler sets up Minky looking into Houdini debunking spiritualists at the request of Doyle fairly well, but the main enticement is von Buhler’s art. She has a style that reminds me a bit of Melinda Gebbie and it works incredibly well for the smoky, pulpy atmosphere of the story.
| Published by Titan / Hard Case Crime
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Misfit City #7 lines up the dominoes in this penultimate issue. Overall this has been a great series and I’m excited to see how it ends. That being said, I wish there were more. The world needs more girl adventurer books and this one has been excellent.
| Published by BOOM! Entertainment / Boom! Box
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Ninja-K #1 is a damn fine new direction for Colin King, looking deep into the past of the Programme, dealing with the history of Ninjas A through L, and putting forth a mystery as to who killed Ninja-D and appears to be targeting the other remaining operatives. Christos Gage gives us a compelling mix of mystery and spy thriller that’s only topped by Tomás Giorello’s incredible artwork. Damn fine work.
| Published by Valiant
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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #1 begins another pre-Hellboy, pre-BPRD series tying numerous disparate threads together and giving more backstory on the world. This first issue focuses more on Trevor Bruttenholm tracking down a decrypted Nazi message, but it could be about a talking head describing how to prepare an avocado because Christopher Mitten makes everything look amazing. Thankfully, though, the story isn’t bad either.
| Published by Dark Horse
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The Realm #3 reveals some chinks in the baddies’ armour as strong personalities clash. The artwork from Jeremy Haun is again one of the main drawing factors. This series just looks great.
| Published by Image
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Retcon #3 finally gets around to the premise that Matt Nixon and Toby Cypress were on about in the interview in the first issue. I’m thinking maybe for a storytelling point, they should have led with this, but it does give the series a better cohesion and purpose. This was the make or break issue for me and Crowley ripped from time to tattoo a baby won me over.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #8 continues Jocasta Nu’s infiltration of the Jedi Archive to retrieve an artifact from under the nose of the Grand Inquisitor. This issue gets a little...explosive.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #14 is Emilio Laiso’s debut on the comic and the artwork looks gorgeous. He did a great job on the Rogue One adaptation and it’s nice to see him back on a Star Wars title. Even if I’m going to miss the hell out of Kev Walker’s art.
| Published by Marvel
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #76 allows no rest for the turtles as they return home from Dimension X, also after the brief excursion with the Ghostbusters. Damian Courciero looks like he’s handling the art chores for this arc and it’s a welcome addition. He has a darker, somewhat more realistic style and it suits the chaos and destruction going on with the Earth Protection Force’s first contact with the Triceratons.
| Published by IDW
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Unholy Grail #4 continues this dark and twisted retelling of the Arthurian legend. Part of what really works about this series, though, is that it really isn’t that far removed from the other stories of glorious knights and magic, just given a different context,
| Published by AfterShock
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Other Highlights: Adrift, Alien Bounty Hunter #2, Amazing Spider-Man #791, Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #10, Bolivar, Champions #14, Curse Words #10, Defenders #7, Descender #26, Doctor Strange #381, Dreadful Beauty: The Art of Providence, East of West #33, Guardians of the Galaxy #147, Horizon #16, Incidentals #4, Incredible Hulk #710, James Bond: Kill Chain #5, Mage: The Hero Denied #4, Mighty Thor #701, Not Brand Echh #14, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #297, Postal #24, Punisher #218, Ringside #13, Secret Warriors #8, Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #3, TMNT/Ghostbusters 2 #3, The Wicked & The Divine #33, X-Men Blue #15, Zojaqan #2
Recommended Collections: Ab Irato, Goldie Vance - Volume 3, James Bond - Volume 1: Vargr, Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Star Wars: Captain Phasma, Luke Cage - Volume 1: Sins of the Father, Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie, Regression - Volume 1: Way Down Deep, Rough Riders - Volume 2: Riders on the Storm, Star Wars: Poe Dameron - Volume 3: Legends Lost, World Reader - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy knows that evolution is a mystery, full of change that no one sees. He sees the line in the sand.
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Lost Girls (2006)
Lost Girls is a graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Melinda Gebbie, depicting the sexually explicit adventures of three female fictional characters of the late 19th and early 20th century: Alice from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, Dorothy Gale from L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and Wendy Darling from J. M. Barrie's Peter and Wendy. They meet as adults in 1913 and describe and share some of their erotic adventures with each other.
Plot summary Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass (now grey-haired, and called "Lady Fairchild"), Dorothy from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (now in her 20s) and Wendy from Peter and Wendy (now in her 30s, and married to a man in his 50s named Harold Potter) are visiting the expensive mountain resort "Hotel Himmelgarten" in Austria on the eve of World War I (1913–1914). The women meet by chance and begin to exchange erotic stories from their pasts. The stories are based on the childhood fantasy worlds of the three women.
Source: Wikipedia
Alan Moore, the genius co-creator of Watchmen, has written a steamy, pornographic new three-volume graphic novel called Lost Girls, co-created with Melinda Gebbie.
Lost Girls tells the story of the adult selves of Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Wendy from Peter Pan, and Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, who find themselves guests at a little Austrian hotel at the brink of World War I. The three become lovers, and retell their fairy-tale origin-stories, showing how each might be an allegory for a much darker, pornographic life-history.
This is a remarkable trilogy. It's by turns filthier than a Penthouse Letter, erotic as Anais Nin, and beautiful and provocative as the best of graphic novels. The fine artwork and writing are beautifully matched, even seeming at times to vie for attention -- each trying to outdo the other for virtuosity.
Source: Boing Boing
(image via 1843 Magazine)
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Tomorrow Stories #3 Featuring Jack B. Quick, Boy Inventor by Alan Moore
Tomorrow Stories #3 Featuring Jack B. Quick, Boy Inventor by Alan Moore My rating: 3 of 5 stars An ongoing anthology comic book series featuring stories by Alan Moore and different illustrators. Readable but nothing great. 1. Jack B. Quick, Boy Inventor: Pet Theory (Kevin Nowland) - Jack is always experimenting and after just recovering from a nuclear strike on their neighbour's farm he gets a cat. He manages to get his cat to fly but he takes off and his experiment to clone the cat ends up with way more cats than needed. Luckily while the pigs at the neighbour's farm turn all "Animal Farm" on everybody Jack's cloned cats save the day. Totally insane! (3/5) 2. The Cobweb: Eurydice, A Retrospective (Melinda Gebbie) - This isn't a comic but rather a short story. A flowery, over-written story of the Cobweb rescuing a woman from the sewers and mobsters. Very melodramatic. however, the art is stunning! (3/5) 3. The First American and U.S. Angel: The Peril of the Pediatric Perpetrators (Jim Baikie) - This is just an absolute farce and downright silly. Obviously intended as humour but still, silly. (2/5) 4. Greyshirt: The Making of (Rick Veitch) - This is the origin story for Greyshirt, a man who once was a crook and now treads between the law and larceny. Looks like the first appearance of a new regular serial for the anthology. (3/4) By: [email protected] (Nikki in Niagara)
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mrmedia · 7 years
392 Tim Pilcher, editor, Erotic Comics
Today's Guest: Tim Pilcher, editor, Erotic Comics: A Graphic History from Tijuana Bibles to Underground Comix
Order 'Erotic Comics: A Graphic History from Tijuana Bibles to Underground Comix' edited by Tim Pilcher, available from Amazon.com by clicking the book cover above!
Tim Pilcher has a dirty mind! That’s what some people think, no doubt. He did just publish the second edition Erotic Comics: A Graphic History and it is filled with cartoon images of men, women, aliens and even a cat dancer engaged in all manner of physical intimacies. (If you have sensitive ears or are under the age of 18, please stop here. You might be offended by some of the content of this interview.) Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 left off and examines how the form has become an international publishing phenomenon by showcasing artwork that has inflamed desires, incensed censors, and caused controversy.
Order 'Erotic Comics 2: A Graphic History from the Liberated '70s to the Internet' edited by Tim Pilcher, available from Amazon.com by clicking on the book cover above!
TIM PILCHER podcast excerpt: "It's a natural progression of growing up for comics readers. Erotica is a fact of life. But anytime you put 'comics' and 'sex' together, people go, 'Oh!' Erotic comic is a genre, just as westerns, sci-fi or superheroes are. It hadn't really been written up; it's sort of a secret history."
Fully illustrated with rare art by Howard Cruse, Gengoroh Tagame, Melinda Gebbie, Hunt Emerson, Howard Chaykin, Giovanna Casotto (whose work graces the cover), Tom of Finland, Milo Manara, Junko Mizuno, this book covers everything: the erotic comics explosion in America in the mid-’80s; the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender comics scene; UK and European erotic comic creators since the ’70s; and the Japanese hentai phenomenon. Tim Pilcher Blog • Twitter • Facebook • Order Erotic Comics
Order 'Will Eisner: A Spirited Life' (2nd Edition) by Bob Andelman, available from Amazon.com by clicking on the book cover above!
  The Party Authority in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland!
Check out this episode!
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More illustrations from The Femme's Guide to the Universe.
source: The Femme's Guide to the Universe, written by Shar Rednour
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