biomic · 3 months
My Birthyear is Zyuranger....I don't know what Ultraman I would be though and was Rider even doing anything in 1992?
kamen rider was mostly being creepy and wet in 1992
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I'm not sure if you finished the Knuckles series but I have a question...more of a worry actually. You think after this, Knuckles will move in with Wade?
I have watched it, and I honestly don't think he's going to move in with them.
But, with the way the ended the series, it made it seem like he was going to be with the Whipples (which he shouldn’t, that family is too hectic for him to live in) but at the same time they didn't exactly answer that.
The two just rode off into the sunset out of Reno, and the show just ends with no follow-up on what happened afterward when he eventually got back to the Wachowski’s.
There wasn't any closure on that part for Knuckles' character arc, and that's quite a shame cause I was excited to see what they would end up doing for that.
But they didn't, and it made it feel empty and incomplete in that aspect.
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asktehkoopz · 6 years
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((OOC: Part 1/2))
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freakova · 5 years
How do I get my friends to understand that what is happening in the UK is NOT fine and anyone who isn't white and rich is basically DOOMED to a life of poverty. I have a little brother with asthma. We can NOT afford £500 for a pump if they get rid of NHS and my friends and even parents say it will be fine. It won't because Boris and his cronies are greedy fucks! help me! Freaking out!
I’m real sorry you have that weight on you, man. Honestly, it’s like this country doesn’t realise how fucking lucky we are to have the NHS, the cost for health is INSANE; when it’s dangled around by these snot balls like a weapon...it’s scary.
I do wish you and your bro all the best. Don’t give up. ❤️
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On Valentines Day, Bowser and the kids usually send a BIG Valentines Day card to Peach. They all sign it and most of the kids add cute drawings and Wendy puts a lot of glitter on it. It's always the biggest card Peach gets that day!
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aquarterasian · 6 years
Are people STILL hating on Maho Girls?! Jesus! It's been 3 YEARS! They need to get over themselves! Maho Girls was great!
Starpre has the same writer as Mahou so I’ve seen a lot of people already writing it off because of that. its best to just ignore it, its probably never going to go away, but it still annoys me so much
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andrea-odown · 7 years
"I really need you" MikeXNancy
Thanks for your prompt, @ilovegamesandtoons! I hope you like what I did. :)
(For these four word-prompts. Want a story, too? Just drop me an ask. ^^)
“Are you even serious!?” Nancy calls out, and Mike takes a step back, just in case.
Okay, he knew from the start that Nancy probably wasn’t going to like it, but he didn’t expect that the first thing she’d do would be yelling at him.
“Sweetheart, calm down,” he says, holding up his hands in a soothing manner. “It’s no big deal, really.”
“No big deal?” Nancy repeats. “No big deal!?”
She inhales sharply, and Mike takes another step back.
“You want me to be just some sort of a nice accessory!?” she calls out.
“No, Nancy, that’s not what I-”
She doesn’t let him finish.
“Yes, I know I like the finer things in life, but this doesn’t mean I am some sort of a doll you can show around!”
Mike wants to interrupt her there, tell her that this is not what he meant, but given her state of rage, he’d better let her finish first. She should calm down after that.
And so he listens as Nancy goes on how she’s not some sort of an accessory and what on earth Mike is thinking, until her voice gets lower and lower until she finally stops with a sigh.
Mike lets out the breath he’s been holding.
He lets a few moments pass, just in case that Nancy has something more to say, but she stays silent and looks at him, so he thinks it’s safe to speak up.
“Can I say something?” he asks.
If he’s learned one thing about angry women, then it’s that you better ask before you talk to them.
Nancy presses her lips into a thin line, but nods.
Mike smiles. Or he tries to. It’s just a weak attempt, but it’s better than not trying at all.
His smiles usually have a positive effect on Nancy.
“Okay, look, sweetheart,” he starts, “I do not think you are some sort of an accessory. You are smart, you know how to stand up for yourself, you know so many things some stupid doll would not know.”
Nancy’s face softens a bit, and Mike works on his smile a little. He knows he’s doing a good job when Nancy’s face softens even more.
“But you said-”
It’s usually not his style to interrupt a lady, but this is Nancy, his girlfriend, the female he loves so very much. He knows her, has known her for a long time. And that’s why he knows that it’s better to not let her finish this sentence now. It could lead to some more rage, and he doesn’t want that to happen.
“I said,” he cuts in, “that it’d be great if you could accompany to the dinner Mr. Moon is giving next week and be your charming self. That’s all.”
“And that-”
“And that means you get to wear a beautiful dress, have some fun, and talk to some important people in the music business along the way.” He sighs. “The thing is I want to work with some of these people. And that’s why I need your help. Because you are the most charming person I know.”
“You really think I could charm Nana Noodleman to help you with your new album?”
“Sweetheart, you could charm anyone!”
“But it’s Nana Noodleman!”
“Don’t tell me you aren’t up for a little challenge,” Mike adds with a smirk.
Nancy lowers her eyes. “I don’t know.”
“Please, Nancy,” Mike says. “I really need you.”
Nancy raises her gaze and says, “Okay.”
“Awesome!” Mike calls out as he runs up to her and pulls her into a hug.
Nancy leans into his hug, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Are you going to buy me a new dress?” she asks.
“Anything you want!”
“In that case,” Nancy says, and he knows she’s smirking when she says it, he just knows, “I want some jewelry as well.”
Mike only tenses up a little when he thinks of how much this going to cost.
“Of course!” he says.
Nancy might have a few doubts in her abilities, but Mike knows for sure that she’s going to do a great job.
Because it’s Nancy and she’s good at this.
And he loves her so very much.
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demico-art · 7 years
You got me into Classicloid and it's a good show. Only problem is that Kanae is always complaining and is kinda and grumpy. I'm only on episode 5 though.
Glad you’re enjoying it :) And yeah, that was my problem too, but I learned to like her. That’s just the way she is *shrug*
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ask-a-squeek · 8 years
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(( Being given the opportunity to grab as many delicious looking treats he wants without worrying about getting in trouble is considered some good luck in Tulio’s book. Also new friend. Congrats, Ethan ))
(( Also this was meant to be up on St. Patrick’s Day but fell asleeeeep ))
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I feel like Sonic, Tails and Knuckles would like Amphibia. Mostly for the found family trope that they're oh so familiar with. Sonic likes Anne best, Tails likes Marcy best but he had to cover his eyes during THAT scene in True Colours. Knuckles would initially thing Sasha was "Dishonourable Friend" but loves her redemption in season 3 to her becoming a "Honourable and Strong Fighter"
Next thing you know, they end up making cheap, cosplays of the girls calamity forms and do little mini cover of No Big Deal. But man, none of them were able to stomach True Colors.
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tommysandwich · 8 years
I forgot it was your birthday! Happy Birthday Tommy. *gives you a present* It's a new tie. Also there's a coupon to a nice pizza place. Have a great day! P.S. Knowing your brother, you're his next stop. Be prepared. Don't be too harsh when you say you want something low key.
Tomato: *glares at Mod* Sketch has problems throwing reminders out there to people. Oh, well, at least there are a couple ponies wishing me well today. 
*holds up tie* Hm, it looks quite nice, I should wear it to the school’s next formal event sometime--don’t want pizza stains on it. Thank you. 
*looks at coupon and smirks* Well... treating myself and my friends to a birthday dinner should be fun. I know Cheese would be up for it, though if he tries getting the entire restaurant to sing the birthday song to me, I’m going to give him a good bonk on the head.  
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One of the Christmas traditions the Koopalings do is secret santa. They pick names and then get the person they chose a gift. Jr usually paints them pictures, Larry gives flowers, Wendy makes jewellery, Ludwig gives chocolate and everyone else just buys stuff. On Christmas eve they exchange the gifts and it's usually very sweet. Iggy has given a few prank gifts over the years but it's usually all sweet
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kuipernebula · 8 years
ilovegamesandtoons replied to your post “why is it when tep and I have conversations it’s either about the...”
You peaked my interest with Oersky porn.
fortunately for you all it takes is searching オレスキー on pixiv
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andrea-odown · 7 years
"Don't be an ass" MikeXNancy
Thanks for your prompt, @ilovegamesandtoons! I hope you like what I did. :)
(For these four word-prompts. Still taking requests. Just drop me an ask. ^^)
Mike can’t help himself. He bursts into laughter at the sight before him.
Okay, yes, he’s changed. It’s been a long time since he laughed at any of his friends, but this is just too funny!
He doesn’t want to laugh, but really, Meena almost falling of the stage when she starts dancing to her song? Who does not think that’s funny?
Okay, obviously everyone else. When he looks around, he finds Rosita staring at Meena with her hands clasped over her mouth, Johnny’s eyes are widened, too, Mr. Moon looks like he’s about to run on stage and help Meena out, Eddie has already run off to Meena’s aid - perfect stagehand that he is -, Gunter does some weird dance moves that obviously should help Meena to find her balance again, and Ash looks like she’s about to strangle Mike.
No one’s laughing.
No one, but Mike.
Mike decides that his friends have no sense of humor and turns towards Nancy.
And the look she is giving him makes the laughter get stuck in his throat.
A raised brow, a twisted mouth, that’s never a good sign.
“What?” Mike asks. “That’s funny!”
“No, it is not,” Nancy replies. “She almost fell off the stage.”
“Yes, and that’s what’s so funny about it! She almost fell off the stage!”
Nancy twists her mouth a little more.
“Mike,” she says, and he doesn’t like the sound of it. “I know that’s no choice of words for a lady, but,” - she takes a deep breath - “don’t be an ass!”
Mike’s eyes widen and his jaw drops.
Behind him, Ash laughs, and the next thing he knows, she walks up to Nancy and gives her a high five.
Now it’s Mike’s turn to twist his mouth.
“How is it okay not to laugh at something, but laugh at me?” he asks.
“Because you were being an ass,” Ash replies, and Nancy nods.
“I was laughing at something funny!” Mike protests.
“No, you were laughing at a friend!” Nancy explains.
“But friends laugh!”
“Together! But what you were doing, was, well… “ Nancy breaks off and Mike has the feeling that she doesn’t want to call him an ass twice a day.
Mike folds his arms over his chest. He still doesn’t get it. Well, not really.
Until Meena comes backstage, her ears put over her face, her eyes lowered, and with such a hurt look on her face, that it makes Mike flinch a little.
“Hey, sweetheart, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh,” he says, and he doesn’t even know why he says it. It doesn’t really matter, does it? He’s already laughed at her.
“It’s okay,” Meena says, her voice barely a whisper. “I bet it looked funny.”
“It did!” Mike confirms, the corners of his mouth already wandering up, but a little push from Nancy, wipes the almost-smile off his face.
“But that still doesn’t make it okay,” he says. “I’m sorry!”
Meena looks at him, removing her ears a little from her face, and smiles at him.
“Did you get hurt?” Mr. Moon asks.
“No, I’m fine,” Meena replies.
And then Gunter chimes in, giving Meena some advice on her moves, and Mike decides that he doesn’t need to hear every word of that, especially since the pig is hard to understand sometimes with his heavy accent.
So he turns towards Nancy. She smiles at him.
“See?” she says. “That’s what I would call not being an ass.”
Mike returns her smile and then pulls her into a kiss.
Behind them Ash makes some gagging noises.
Mike doesn’t get how that is okay while laughing at a friend is not, but to be honest, he doesn’t really care.
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demico-art · 7 years
ilovegamesandtoons replied to your post: You got me into Classicloid and it's a good show....
I guess. But she said she didn’t love her dad I think… Or was that a translation error….
She’s just annoyed with him, because he’s kind of an irresponsible dad who abandoned her. I doubt she hates him though.
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I feel the Wacholoski boys would like Bluey. Tails would generally like it (He's technically on the top end of the target audience) Sonic would think it's for babies at first but would grow to like it. Knuckles also wrote it off but one episode made him cry and he was hooked. They all say Bandit and Chilli remind them of Tom and Maddie and to this date, they're not sure about hoe to feel about that comparison
If anything, the Wachowski fam really does feel a bit like the Heeler fam in Bluey, they just into more dangerous, life threatening situations. But yeah, I can see them actually watching the shoe tbh, it’s such a wholesome comfort cartoon.
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