silverfang · 1 year
Last night I was playing a game and my brother was near, and then we were talking about a character then I said "imagine a pig talking" which he then started laughing, and when I asked why he said to me his exact line of thought:
*in a black void a pig slides into view in a "french girl" pose* and the pig says "oink oink meu chapa" which translates to "oink oink my dude" *the pig proceeds to slide back the same way he came*
And after that I was the one laughing. A bit more happened, like, another woman smoking before beating up said pig, but that's another story
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judyprincess · 11 days
Too Pink For me- Logan Howlett + 18
03: First Canva
Hello, my little readers! Just a heads up that for those who have already read Chapter 1, it now includes an illustration where I've shown the real design of Rosellina so you can have a better idea. As an illustrator, I'll be creating illustrations for each chapter, or at least most of them, featuring the most important scenes.
Kisses, Judy. ✨️
ilustratation of the first chapter: Ororo (storm) and Rosellina, frst meet:
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Logan's strange behavior lingered in Rosellina's thoughts for a while.
What a peculiar man, she thought as she followed Ororo, keeping her in sight through the corridors.
Even so, Logan's roughness toward her wasn't enough to dampen her curiosity. She gazed around the mansion in awe, her eyes gleaming as they explored every corner, anticipating the spaces ahead thanks to her keen vision. She could hear laughter and teachers giving lessons as she passed by a classroom. Many walls were bare, and she couldn't resist the urge to imagine them filled with color, though the mansion held its own charm in its old, stately architecture.
Nervously, she fidgeted with her hands and occasionally smoothed her dress, as if trying to fix some crease or imperfection. Ororo glanced back over her shoulder, smiling at her reactions.
"Relax," Ororo said softly, her voice warm with reassurance. "Aside from Logan, I can promise you everyone will like you."
"Thank you, it's just... I've never lived with so many people before, or been around this much company," Rosellina replied quickly, flashing a small, embarrassed smile as she quickened her pace to walk beside Ororo.
Ororo felt a pang of sympathy, a dull ache forming a knot in her throat. She had seen so much over the years-most mutants who grew up alone were shunned, filled with so much anger, so much pain, that it often turned them away from kindness.
But Rosellina was different. She had grown up in a place where people adored her, yet still, she was alone. Why did she seem so happy? Ororo wondered. She was so full of color.
"This is the professor's office. He's eager to meet you," Ororo said with a smile as she opened the door.
Ororo pushed what seemed like a part of the wall, revealing a large, spacious office adorned with bookshelves and ancient artifacts. In the center stood a grand polished wooden desk, and behind it sat the man Rosellina had been told about-the head of the school, Charles Xavier.
"Buongiorno, Rosellina."
Rosellina blinked in surprise, realizing his lips hadn't moved. No, that greeting had come from inside her head.
"Buongiorno, signore. Are you... in my mind?"
She responded through her thoughts, confused, and Charles couldn't help but let out a small, amused smile.
"I believe you've just discovered my ability," he replied, and Rosellina's surprise quickly turned into a wide, excited smile.
She had known about other mutants, but seeing someone with such incredible abilities was astonishing.
"That's amazing, signore," she laughed softly, her excitement shining through. It was written all over her face, the joy of discovering the powers of others. Strangely enough, it made her feel at home.
"Well, I don't think mine could be better than yours," Charles remarked, entering the subject of abilities.
"Your father told me you possess great talents, capable of captivating even the most skeptical person," he said, stepping closer to Rosellina, echoing what her father had said about her. "Not to mention your remarkable beauty," he added kindly, meeting Rosellina's gaze.
Rosellina didn't fully express herself-not out loud, at least. But her heart was so treacherous, so talkative and nervous, sending those hopeful thoughts and desires straight to her mind.
Does he really think that? Does my father truly think that about me?
Rosellina thought, a small, betraying glimmer of emotion appearing in her eyes.
Charles couldn't help but feel a surge of sympathy. He let out a soft chuckle, charmed by her reactions. He could see everything going on in her mind, and he had never sensed a mind quite like hers-constantly walking along a path of flowers. Her thoughts were so beautiful, her desires so sincere. There was no anger, no pain, nothing negative to be found within her. At least, not while the persistent sunlight kept the storm at bay, a storm that never seemed to come.
"Would you allow your emotions to show me what I'm sensing in your mind?"
The older man asked gently. Rosellina nodded and made a graceful bow.
"It would be my pleasure."
Charles found himself drawn to her eyes, those bright emeralds that seemed to grow more intense the deeper he gazed into them. Before he realized it, they were no longer in the office-they were standing in a field of flowers. Charles looked around, feeling the breeze, the warmth of the sun. Even his mind was conjuring the scents that filled the air. In all his years of encountering mutants, he had never seen anything like this. He was amazed. Of all the mental powers he had witnessed, this was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and exotic.
A delighted smile spread across his face as he turned to Rosellina, who stood before him, smiling softly. He nodded several times.
"You have truly remarkable eyes. I can see why your father speaks so proudly of you."
He didn't hesitate to let his words drift toward her on the wind, and Rosellina smiled proudly, nodding in return. His words filled her with such joy that Charles could see a glow in her hair, as it seemed to deepen into a more vibrant pastel pink.
Outside the illusion, Ororo leaned against the wall, arms crossed, smiling as she watched Charles, lost in the beautiful vision Rosellina was showing him.
Rosellina felt the urge to cry, but out of happiness. Ordinary people didn't know about her powers, only her talent for painting. Hearing such kind, warm words, as comforting as the sun in her beloved homeland, and knowing that her father spoke of her so fondly despite their distance, filled her heart.
She had never thought her father didn't love her-quite the opposite. Despite her loneliness, there had never been room in her small heart for negative feelings toward the man whose presence was so often absent. His letters were always so brief, containing only the necessary information. But to know that he truly thought of her, cared for her, and spoke of her so genuinely beyond his written words, was deeply comforting. Rosellina looked up slightly, trying to stop the tears from betraying her joyful eyes. The illusion broke with that movement.
"Don't cry, my dear," Charles said with an understanding tone. "There will be better moments worthy of those happy tears," he assured her. "We will take good care of you."
The Italian girl turned to him respectfully and nodded.
"I believe your words..." she said softly.
Rosellina took her time explaining her abilities to Charles, or at least what she knew about them so far. Charles made small notes and deductions as he listened. She did her best to give him demonstrations of what her eyes could do, though some abilities she mentioned weren't always under her control. These were the most important to Charles, as Rosellina, being a mutant who directly affected the mind, needed to understand the full extent of her powers and learn to control them responsibly as soon as possible.
In the end, it was agreed that Rosellina would take lessons with Charles, sometimes alongside Jean, who was still learning to master her own abilities.
"Rosellina," he called.
"Yes, signore?"
"You have extensive knowledge of languages, art, and history thanks to your photographic memory," he began, introducing his proposal. "Since you'll be taking some classes with me a few days a week, I would like to offer you the opportunity to teach the younger students. I believe no one is more qualified in the arts than you," he finished, presenting his offer fully.
"Huh? You want me to teach at the school?"
Rosellina wasn't opposed to the idea but was clearly surprised by the suggestion. Charles nodded slightly, confirming her question.
"Not only can you teach them with words, but you have the ability to show them far beyond what they can imagine," Charles continued, giving her more confidence. "I'm sure the children would love your classes."
Rosellina felt a small wave of excitement. Art was what she was most passionate about, out of everything she had learned from her books. The idea of teaching it to the younger students filled her with a sense of joy.
"Well, I suppose... I could try," she said timidly, fidgeting with her hands.
"You'll do great," Ororo chimed in, offering even more encouragement.
Feeling a bit more confident, Rosellina nodded and looked at Charles.
"I'll do it," she said with a more assured smile.
Charles nodded, pleased that she had accepted without any hesitation.
"After this weekend, you can start at your own pace. Ororo will introduce you to the other teachers and help you with your schedule," he said, glancing toward Ororo, who nodded in agreement.
Rosellina listened carefully, and just as Ororo was about to mention the tour of the facilities, Charles interrupted her, seemingly anticipating her kind offer.
"Logan will show you around tomorrow. I believe you've already met."
Charles remarked calmly, looking at his papers, fully aware of Ororo's glances from behind Rosellina. The weather mutant was silently mulling over all the potential issues with this unexpected choice of host for the Italian, hoping Charles might read her mind.
But it seemed Charles had chosen to block out any psychic interference-or perhaps he was simply ignoring her entirely.
"I think that-"
"I'll also ask him to show you the mansion's attic. I'd like you to have that space in case you ever want to work on your paintings in peace."
Charles interrupted Ororo again, as though he weren't hearing her mental complaints about the situation.
"I don't want to be a bother..." Rosellina murmured with a nervous laugh, recalling her recent encounter with Logan.
Of course, she wasn't going to tell Charles what had happened-perhaps he already knew. She wasn't sure. But she wasn't going to be the one to refuse the offer either. She didn't have any real issue with Logan; she found him more curious than anything else.
"Nonsense, he'll be delighted," Charles assured her, resting his chin in his hands and looking at her with a warm smile.
Ororo raised an eyebrow at Charles's comment, struggling to keep her thoughts about his statement to herself.
On the other hand, Rosellina, somewhere in his words, could almost swear there was a hint of mischief. She mentally shook her head; this man seemed like nothing but a kind soul to everyone.
"Well, if Logan is willing..." Rosellina said, not wanting to contradict Charles any further.
He knows him better than I do, right?
She thought to herself, not wanting to dwell too much on something that was probably just a misunderstanding.
"Great, I'm glad we all agree on this," Charles said, nodding in approval.
Charles cut Ororo off before she could even voice her complaints, as if he had anticipated her every move.
"I've asked Rogue to take you to your room, as it's next to hers on the second floor," he added, completely ignoring Ororo's look of disbelief. "I believe you've already met her; if not, she's delightful, and you'll get along well."
Ororo stared at Charles, looking like she was about to explode. She knew very well who was on the other side of Rogue's room.
Rosellina tried to recall if Rogue was the girl with the striking silver streaks from the entrance.
"She's waiting for you by the stairs, don't take too long. I'm sure you're very tired from your trip, you should go rest and eat something," Charles suggested cheerfully, motioning with his hand for her to leave the room and meet the other girl.
Rosellina blinked several times before nodding her head gratefully.
"Yes, of course. I think I could use some sleep," she said, still sounding nervous. The situation felt strange and curious to her. Yet her innocent heart only led her to believe she was overthinking it and that the man was simply being kind and charitable. Besides, she would be lying if she said she wasn't already feeling sleepy after her long flight from Italy, where she hadn't slept a wink.
"Thank you so much for your kindness," she added before turning and giving Ororo a friendly wave as she left.
Ororo didn't even have time to say anything before Rosellina had already exited the room.
"Were you saying something, Storm?" Charles asked as if the woman hadn't been trying to interrupt for the past 10 minutes.
Ororo looked at him in disbelief.
"Is your telepathy failing you, Professor?"
"I think it's working just fine, if you ask me," he replied disinterestedly, returning his focus to his papers.
Ororo could almost feel the mockery from where she stood.
"Professor, normally I don't question your decisions, but I'm not sure you made the right choice. I could've done the tour, or Hank," she expressed, placing one hand on her hip in frustration over the choice of candidate for the simple task.
"Are you worried about Logan's behavior at the entrance?" Charles mentioned, to which Ororo raised both eyebrows indignantly.
"Oh, so you do know what happened. All the more reason for me to object," Ororo said, not holding back her feelings.
"You're worrying too much, Storm. You're bringing the storm faster than you should," Charles dismissed the matter lightly.
"Professor, Logan doesn't like Rosellina. Not even the charm of the girl had any effect on him. They're from completely different worlds," Ororo expressed her concerns.
"Besides, you know very well that this is the kind of thing Logan hates doing the most. He'll only have more reasons not to like Rosellina. Knowing him, he'll refuse and say Scott should do it, claiming it's not his job."
She concluded, laying out everything that could go wrong, while Charles simply continued looking at his papers, unfazed. After a moment, he set the papers aside and looked at Ororo, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Oh, believe me, he'll agree. One way or another."
Ororo looked confused.
"Besides, Logan needs a little color and joy in his life. All he ever thinks about is war and the blood of the past. Maybe Rosellina will finally bring him some good cheer."
"Allow me to doubt that," Ororo murmured under her breath, turning her head away and shaking it.
Unaware of the conversation, Rosellina met Rogue at the stairs just as Charles had indicated.
"You must be Rogue," Rosellina said with a kind smile.
Rogue didn't hesitate to return the smile with equal warmth.
"Yes. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I see Storm was eager to get you to the professor," she said, a little embarrassed for not having mentioned her name sooner. "Shall we go up?"
"Of course."
Rosellina noticed that her luggage was no longer there, remembering that Jean had mentioned earlier that everything would be arranged in her room. Without further delay, Rosellina followed Rogue upstairs.
"Storm...did you mean Ororo?"
Rosellina asked, curious after hearing a nickname for the woman she had initially known as Ororo.
"Oh, yes. Right, you wouldn't know." Rogue chuckled at the small situation. "Mutants tend to give each other nicknames, usually when we become part of the X-Men, it's like... you know, superhero aliases."
Both of them laughed as Rogue gestured dramatically when saying "superhero."
"Got it," Rosellina said, now understanding the reasoning behind the nickname. It made sense-during the flight to America, Ororo and Jean had talked about their abilities. To Rosellina, Ororo's ability to control weather seemed unique. It wouldn't surprise her if she was one of the most powerful mutants in the school.
"Even I go by the name Rogue," the girl with the white streaks mentioned, glancing at her.
"I see... Does that mean I should too?"
"Oh no, not at all. It's completely up to you. Not everyone has to have one," Rogue quickly intervened to avoid any pressure on the Italian. "Besides, if I had a name as beautiful as yours, I wouldn't hide it. It sounds like a princess's name."
Rogue openly complimented Rosellina, and she felt the blush rise to her cheeks. Rosellina was used to hearing people murmur about her, always from afar, under gazes filled with admiration but fearful of being overheard by the subject of their admiration. People always showed her a respect she hadn't asked for, as if they felt unworthy of saying such words openly without her permission. This custom, shaped by an old-fashioned and distant village, likely made her more susceptible to such unexpected, open, and sincere compliments.
Deep down, though, they filled her heart, but her cautious and shy nature kept her humble in front of those who praised her. After all, she wasn't someone worthy of such words that could easily inflate a person's ego, or was she?
It was something she would always debate with herself.
"What is your name?" Rosellina asked, wanting to know the real name behind her companion. "Your real name."
Rogue hesitated, sighing slightly. But Rosellina gave her a sense of trust that she couldn't quite explain, as if she wanted to tell her everything. In the end, she relented.
"Anna Marie D'Ancanto," she finally said.
Rosellina's lips stretched into a smile, and her eyes sparkled slightly.
"You say mine sounds like a princess, but yours sounds like a countess from my beloved Europe in its younger years."
For the first time, Rogue felt that her name was beautiful. She smiled, looking at the ground as they continued walking toward the rooms.
"You're very kind, Rosellina," she said later, glancing at her with eyes full of gratitude. "And I like your Italian accent, it's refreshing."
Rosellina laughed at the compliment.
"Well, I think... Italian speaking habits are hard to shake."
"Do you do the gesture when you talk?"
Rosellina turned, confused.
Rogue suppressed a laugh, biting her lips, unsure if it was appropriate or rude to ask, but her curiosity got the better of her.
"You know, the gesture." Rogue brought her fingertips together and moved her wrist up and down, mimicking the famous Italian hand gesture.
Rosellina's eyes widened in realization, and she couldn't help but burst into a sweet laugh. She hadn't known that the gesture was so famous on the other side of the planet. It was a pretty common gesture when someone saw something slightly odd and wanted to question the person about it. But it was actually a very versatile gesture.
"Oh, you mean la pigna," Rosellina tried to stop laughing. "It has a history, believe it or not-it's said to come from ancient Greece."
She explained, maybe because, to most people, it was a rather amusing gesture to watch.
"We don't use it for everything..." she said, not really noticing her hands while speaking. "I think."
Rogue was dying to one day see that gesture naturally come out of Rosellina-it seemed like European culture was deeply ingrained in her.
"Did I do something wrong this morning?... It seems like Logan hates me," Rosellina blurted out after a while, once they reached the door of the room. She didn't want to dwell on the matter, but after all, Ororo had told her not to take it personally. Still, she'd never had an encounter like that before.
Rogue held back a smile, as if she had been waiting for this topic.
"I don't really think he hates you; it's possibly the opposite-you're very beautiful. Even he must have noticed," she explained, trying to avoid a misunderstanding.
"Do you think so?" Rosellina responded, not entirely convinced.
"Normally, Logan is like a caged lion in the mansion; he can't sit still. He tends to get grumpy easily, but don't worry. You just caught him at a bad time," Rogue encouraged Rosellina not to avoid her interactions with Logan. Rosellina nodded at her words-maybe it was just as Rogue said. After all, she seemed to know him well.
"Are you two close?"
"You could say so. I promise he's not a bad guy," Rogue assured.
They were just about to finish their conversation when they heard footsteps and saw Logan approaching his room, which was to the left of Rogue's and across from Rosellina's. Rosellina fidgeted with her hands.
I don't think he's still mad at me.
She thought as the man stopped, looking at both of them before specifically addressing Rogue.
"I don't want any slumber parties, Rogue. My hearing is very sensitive," Logan said, seeing them in the hallway.
"Logan, Rosellina's room is this one. The professor said it'd be fine if she stays next to mine," Rogue replied with an innocent smile, as if she herself hadn't asked Charles if Rosellina could take the empty room across from hers.
Logan looked baffled by the revelation.
"Is this a joke?"
A heavy silence followed before Logan glanced at Rosellina with that stern look again.
"I'm no trouble. I'm very quiet, I promise I won't disturb you," Rosellina assured in a second attempt to be kind.
Maybe they had just started off on the wrong foot.
"Of all the rooms in the damn mansion..." Logan muttered under his breath.
Rosellina blinked several times. What was his problem?
"Don't be so grumpy, Logan," Rogue teased, lightly punching his arm with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood.
"Too much pink for me," Logan grumbled before turning around. "I need a beer," he muttered to himself as he walked away. He didn't even give Rosellina or Rogue a chance to say anything else before disappearing again.
"What were you saying?" Rosellina asked with a sigh of mild frustration, referencing Rogue's earlier claim that Logan didn't hate her.
"Well, I must say I don't understand that attitude," Rogue admitted, confused by Logan's dislike of Rosellina, though she found the situation amusing. She had never seen anyone put Logan in such a bad mood with so few words. The only one with that natural talent was Scott.
"Anyway, don't worry about that now-you look tired," Rogue suggested, encouraging her to head into her room and rest.
"I have so many more questions, but the professor said you needed sleep, so I'll give you your space," she added, signaling a farewell that would last until the next day when they'd see each other again.
Rosellina smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes, thank you so much for everything, Rogue."
Rosellina always emphasized the "R" in Rogue's name, something that Rogue found endearing. Her unique accent brought Rogue joy whenever she said her name. For Rogue, it was undoubtedly the beginning of a friendship.
"I barely did anything, no need to thank me. We'll see each other tomorrow and talk more," Rogue assured.
Rosellina nodded again, clearly happy.
"Yes, we'll see each other tomorrow."
Rogue smiled and waved goodbye. Rosellina stood in the hallway for a moment before entering the room. She looked around-it was the kind of room you'd expect in a mansion, spacious and lovely, with a rustic feel from the wooden decor. She smiled to herself as she closed the door behind her, leaning her back against it. Thinking about everything that had happened in the last 48 hours, she sighed deeply, finally allowing herself to give in to the nerves, excitement, and passion that she had been holding inside since she knew she'd be coming to this place.
Everything felt so natural. She felt so many new emotions, but... they were wonderful. They made her feel even more alive. She never imagined she'd tell someone she'd see them the next day just to continue chatting and getting to know each other better. That kind of thought had never crossed the mind of someone so solitary in her own world.
As captivating as Van Gogh's starry night, as warm as Monet's rising sun, as mysterious yet thrilling as any work of El Bosco. Could her heart, which had been shielded in its own solitude, wrapped in its own illusions and longing for something like this, handle all the emotions of something that seemed so eagerly awaited, without her ever realizing it?
It felt... so good. So alive. It brought color.
The longing didn't exist under so much illusion. Perhaps because it was never achieved.
Can someone who has lived with nothing from the start, without realizing they needed it, truly long for something?
For those who believe they have everything, without the sins brushing the limits of their emotions, they don't see what they lack.
When something they never thought they would long for or need enters their life... mischievous greed sneaks in through the doorway.
Will you be able to live once it's gone?
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paginadepsihologie · 24 days
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Un jurnal ghidat, frumos ilustrat, bazat pe activitatea și experiența autoarei Louise Hay, plin de afirmații și de exerciții motivaționale despre iubirea de sine, fericire și arta de a trăi în recunoștință.
Descoperă 🔗 https://buff.ly/3yWci74
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hopernicus · 2 months
O retrospectiva Itaca
O idee excelenta!(sunt si eu acolo prin lungul sir ;)) Textul insotitor al parintilor revistei: “O retrospectivă a coperților Revistei Itaca, semnate de talentați artiști plastici români din Diaspora. Fiecare număr a fost ilustrat cu lucrările unui singur artist plastic român din diaspora. De asemenea, aici veți găsi numele editorialiștilor și ale poeților irlandezi invitați la revistă.Pe…
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spiritual123 · 3 months
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Rudolf Steiner
Ga-1 – Lucrările științifice ale lui Goethe
11: Raportul gândirii goetheene cu alte concepții
Rudolf Steiner discută relația gândirii lui Goethe cu alte concepții filosofice. El evidențiază faptul că influențele filosofilor asupra lui Goethe nu au fost esențiale în formarea concepțiilor sale, deoarece acestea au derivat dintr-o predispoziție naturală și o profundă religiozitate înnăscută. Goethe căuta să descopere aspectele sacre în natură și să se ridice la nivelul ideilor superioare, reflectând credința sa în idei și adevărul revelat prin manifestările naturii. Goethe a fost influențat de filosofia lui Spinoza, care susținea că divinitatea se regăsește în lume și că adevărata cunoaștere înseamnă a recunoaște divinul în natură. De asemenea, Goethe a avut o înțelegere profundă a rațiunii universale exprimată de Giordano Bruno. Relația lui Goethe cu filosofii nu a fost una de influență directă, ci mai degrabă de confirmare a propriilor sale idei. Goethe s-a raportat și la Kant, dar s-a confruntat cu opoziția fundamentală dintre gândirea kantiană și viziunea sa goetheană asupra lumii. Acest contrast se datorează faptului că Kant considera că lumea este un fenomen subiectiv, în timp ce Goethe căuta să descopere adevărul divin în manifestările naturii.
Textul discută contrastul dintre gândirea lui Kant și cea a lui Goethe în ceea ce privește cunoașterea și diversitatea senzorială. Kant consideră diversitatea senzorială ca fiind statică și vede rolul științei ca pe acela de a organiza această diversitate într-un sistem coerent, utilizând ideile ca instrumente metodologice. În contrast, Goethe adoptă un idealism obiectiv care pune accentul pe idei și concepte pentru a înțelege lumea naturală în profunzime. Ideile nu sunt doar instrumente metodologice pentru Goethe, ci reprezintă cheia către o înțelegere holistică a lumii.
De asemenea, textul analizează influențele filosofice asupra lui Goethe din partea lui Fichte, Schelling și Hegel. Fichte este criticat pentru exagerarea rolului creativ al conștiinței, fără a acorda suficientă atenție datelor senzoriale. Acest lucru nu a atras atenția lui Goethe, care era mai interesat de explorarea obiectivității în natură decât de abordările exclusive conștiente ale lui Fichte.
În această discuție filosofică, sunt prezentate câteva perspective importante:
Schelling a dezvoltat ideea că activitatea conștiinței reflectă esența naturii, percepută ca o formă solidificată a noțiunilor noastre. Această viziune a influențat gândirea lui Goethe, care a explorat natura ca o forță creatoare influențată de ideile noastre.
Hegel, la rândul său, i-a oferit lui Goethe o perspectivă profundă asupra procesului originar din natură, influențându-i înțelegerea asupra creației în lumea naturală.
Schopenhauer a prezentat o viziune alternativă, respingând cauzalitatea externă în favoarea unei evoluții interne a fenomenelor, într-o manieră similară cu abordarea lui Goethe. Totuși, Schopenhauer a rămas atașat la lumea fenomenală, spre deosebire de Goethe, care căuta explicații în interiorul fenomenelor înseși.
Dr. Adolf Harpf, în articolul său despre Schopenhauer și Goethe, evidențiază similarități între gândirea "imanentă" a lui Schopenhauer și abordarea "obiectuală" a lui Goethe, fără a sublinia diferențele fundamentale dintre ei.
În final, se remarcă o conexiune între gândirea lui Goethe și filosofia lui Eduard von Hartmann, deși Hartmann adoptă o perspectivă idealistă, considerând ideea ca principiu obiectiv al lumii. Acest contrast este ilustrat și de faptul că Hartmann investighează detaliile științelor filosofice speciale, în timp ce Schopenhauer pune accent pe voință ca principiu central al lumii.
Textul compară viziunile filozofice ale lui Schopenhauer și Eduard von Hartmann. Schopenhauer vede voința ca esența lumii, în timp ce Hartmann pune accent pe idei ca principii obiective și active. Hartmann se aliniază cu idealismul obiectiv al lui Goethe, considerând ideile ca fundament al realității și ale adevărului obiectiv. El propune o abordare mai concretă a monismului, unde ideea este o forță activă ce include fenomenul originar și tipurile. Hartmann distinge între voință și idee, argumentând că voința necesită idei pentru a acționa și că existența trebuie să fie plină de conținut pentru a fi înțeleasă.
Textul abordează etica lui Eduard von Hartmann, care respinge căutarea egoistă a fericirii și promovează acțiunile motivate de dragoste și dăruire ca fundament etic. Hartmann consideră că egoismul este iluzoriu și nu poate aduce satisfacție reală, în timp ce iubirea și generozitatea conduc la împlinire și liniște existențială. Deși pornește de la pesimism, filosofia sa evoluează spre un idealism concret și o etică a iubirii. Hartmann recunoaște rolul semnificativ al iubirii în comportamentul moral și influența profundă a gândirii goetheene asupra propriei sale filosofii.
#Goethe #Steiner #Antroposofia #Антропософия #Anthroposophy #Anthroposophie
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conumarius · 5 months
Incorporarea Elementelor Vizuale instrument noopoetic de cunoastere a realitatii
Incorporarea elementelor vizuale reprezintă un instrument noopoetic semnificativ în procesul de cunoaștere a realității. Această abordare încurajează utilizarea imaginilor, simbolurilor și altor elemente vizuale pentru a transmite și a accentua înțelesul și profunzimea mesajului poetic. Iată cum acest instrument poate fi ilustrat: Simbolism Vizual în Descrierea Naturii: Poetul integrează…
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techstartro · 7 months
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alexsavescu · 10 months
Lansare de carte - "Catrene și caricaturi pentru oameni și figuri" (VIDEO)
După cum v-am informat, la sfârșitul acestei săptămâni, profesorul și scriitorul fălticenean Constantin Bulboacă și-a prezentat recenta apariție editorială. Este vorba despre volumul intitulat “Catrene și caricaturi pentru oameni și figuri”, ilustrat cu lucrări ale artistului plastic Radu Bercea. Galerie foto – Google Fălticeni Online Lansarea de carte a avut loc sâmbătă, 9 decembrie, în…
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kelemengabi · 10 months
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Eveniment, dublă lansare de carte, autori Veronica Balaj cu volumul O sută și una de poezii sub egida Editura Academiei Române, și Gabriel Kelemen cu albumul: KLMN CODEX, THE UNIVERSAL HERMETIC HARMONY PRINCIPLE, ilustrat cu 609 desene și 100 fotografii, în limba engleză, ce susțin demersul cosmogonic al originii geometriei universului, apărut la  EDITURA DE VEST, Timișoara, 2023.Osută ți
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inprimalinie · 1 year
Republicanii americani au confundat, chiar de Ziua Independenței, steagul Liberiei cu al... SUA
Gafă de proporții făcută de Partidul Republican din SUA, chiar de 4 iulie, Ziua Independenței. Georgiana Arsene Partidul Republican din SUA își felicită compatrioții cu ocazia Zilei Independenței. Cu 247 de ani în urmă, scrie acesta, strămoșii noștri i-au spus regelui George al Angliei: “Dispăreți!”. Și și-a ilustrat tweetul cu steagul Liberiei. Este un stat mic, dar mândru, din Africa de…
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leontiucmarius · 1 year
Unul dintre cele mai faimoase experimente științifice ar fi fost ilustrat greșit
Experimentele științifice celebre au fost explicate adesea pentru publicul larg prin desene sau ilustrații, astfel încât oamenii, indiferent în ce vremuri s-ar naște, să înțeleagă mai bine ideea din spatele teoriei. Astfel, Arhimede s-ar fi […] Articolul Unul dintre cele mai faimoase experimente științifice ar fi fost ilustrat greșit apare prima dată în Descopera. Această știre a fost preluată…
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suntaiciblog · 1 year
Anxietate și atacuri de panică - part 2
· Atacurile de panică în sine:
o Acum, poți discuta cu medicul de familie legat de niște suplimente naturiste de calmare a stărilor de anxietate și inclusiv panică. Eu am apelat la ele pentru că am vrut să iau cumva mai pe rând problema, nu să sar direct la psihiatru și tratament medicamentos. Pentru unii oameni psihiatrul și medicamentația a fost cel mai bun lucru, poți încerca și asta dacă simți că te-ar ajuta să gestionezi mai bine stările astea. Există totuși pe piață diverse calmante din plante ce te ajută și cu pulsul, tensiunea, etc., și merită discutat cu dr de familie despre ele, eu una m-am folosit de ele și m-au ajutat, to each his own.
o Hai să-ți arăt și tehnici practice de calmare a unui episod anxios sau atac de panică:
§ Poți lua un cub de gheață sau o compresă cu puțină gheață și s-o plimbi pe corpul tău, insistând în zonele de la încheieturile mâinilor și piept.
§ Mișcarea. Poate nu te va ajuta atât de mult să stai jos, pe cât te va ajuta să începi să te miști, și atunci când simți că ar începe un atac de panică, dar și în timpul lui. Corpul tău primește adrenalină și intră în fight or flight și poate te-ar ajuta mai mult să scoți energia aia pe care o primești, făcând orice tip de mișcare.
§ Exerciții de respirație. Sunt enorm de multe pe care le găsești și online, însă cel mai simplu ar fi „respiratul în pătrat”. E o tehnică în care vizualizezi un pătrat și începi să respiri: 4 secunde inspiri, 4 secunde ții aerul în tine, 4 secunde expiri, 4 secunde aștepți, și începi din nou. Vizualizează fiecare pas pe câte o latură a pătratului, te ajută să te detașezi și să nu hiperventilezi. Asta, și respiratul adânc din diafragmă.
§ Știi cum, în unele filme și desene, atunci când se arăta o persoană ce medita, aceasta scotea un sunet lung de tip „OOOUMMMMMM” cu mult accent pe M-ul acela murmurat și prelungit? No joke, și asta ajută mult, mai ales la calmarea bătăilor inimii.
§ Tehnici de grounding precum: găsește în jurul tău 5 lucruri pe care le poți atinge, 4 pe care le poți gusta, 3 pe care poți să le miroși, și încearcă să și vizualizezi fiecare pas, sau chiar să interacționezi cu unele obiecte dacă ai posibilitatea. Poți face exercițiul acesta cu multe alte caracteristici, precum culori, forme, etc.
§ Tușitul te poate ajuta în cazul în care îți bate inima prea tare și asta ar declanșa un atac de panică. La fel și spălatul pe față cu apă foarte rece.
§ Pentru anxietate ce se poate transforma în atac de panică, un exercițiu de grounding foarte simplu, ca o meditație, e ilustrat într-un clip foarte folositor, am să-ți las link aici, începe de la 06:01 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_8Eix4iVmo&t=452s
§ În principiu orice înseamnă distragerea de la simptomele fizice te va ajuta mult și te va calma poate fără să-ți dai seama. Focusează-ți atenția pe lucruri dinafara ta și pierde-te în ele.
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monikajanikhnd1c · 2 years
Winterfest - Research
Margaret Mitchell
photographer based at Glasgow, multiple project exploring people's life. (some communities and children)Very natural portrait, real without illusion, no manipulation use what she see, using all aspect to create good image, plases all working together well.
early documentry
start with family,
social issue,
understand connection not for project, personal project, real life, reality,
following story, Like chaotic atmospher, sense of connection + chaos,
try working with construction, work not set up,
want to show how real life looks, themes: personal story, child, community,
she like that you need to understand photography - offer something back - want work involve other, not only go and photography, social strory,
Passage - book
research - start looking new people (tip)
images always represent the personal truth, she use film camera 50mm lens and wide lens for editorial work
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Peter Holiday
Mark Mann
Eliska Sky
Czech-born and London-based photographer and visual artist Eliška Sky creates bold, beautiful, thought-provoking work. As a visual artist and Canon ambassador, Eliška's work is bold, playful and engaging. It's also often surreal and driven by deep-rooted issues she's passionate about, including climate change and the environment. Her images challenge gender roles, fashion and form in a way that is both powerful and thought-provoking.
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Malcolm Dickson
Director at Street Level Photoworks Glasgow,
many exhibition, ilustrat asspect what we do like agency, colab with artist, partnership, - coursem workshop, book shop - more photography, good selection of book, webside platform, many info about exhibition, Photo_networks.scotland,
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Simon Murphy
Marilena Vlachopoulou
Jay Brooks
Albert Watson
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paginadepsihologie · 1 year
Un ghid ilustrat care îți va dezvălui o mulțime de curiozități și anecdote pentru a ști cum funcționează corpul tău pe dinăuntru!
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bartholomaus · 2 years
Vlad Tepes este un mit. Mitul stapanului sangeros dar drept. Obsedat de libertate, independenta si dreptate. A carui scop a fost de a scapa Tara de turci si de infractori. Si aproape ar fi reusit de n-ar fi conspirat dusmanii (sasii, Matia Corvun, turcii). Omul real din spatele mitului (promovat relativ recent , cam incepand cu Eminescu) nu a fost vampir dar nici departe nu a fost. In realitate tipul nu era preocupat de dreptate. Nu ucizi prin suplicii teribile dupa bunul plac pe oricine a luat un mar din curtea vecinului. Si 10% din povestile sasesti denigratoare, daca ar fi fost adevarate si tot ar fi clar vorba de un caz clinic de sadism si paranoia. Argumentul cum ca in epoca cruzimea si moartea era intalnita la tot pasul si ca "tragerea in teapa" si tortura erau chestii cotidiene la toti principii, regii si imparatii Europei, e complet falsa. Tipul nostru depasise cu mult limitele acceptate in epoca. In plus, ceea ce şoca in epoca era nerespectarea vreunui cod juridic dupa care se faceau executiile. Deseori fara judecata.  Si nu vorbesc de prizonierii de razboi turci (mii, se spune) ridicati in jurul Targovistei, ci de cetatenii propriei tari. Nu tragi in teapa (incearca sa vizualizezi supliciul) pe nevasta unui taran pentru ca nu i-a spalat camasa acestuia. Ca nu o fi fost exact asa nu conteaza. Vladislav al 3lea Basarab (numele din buletin) era in stare de asemenea ispravi. Nu poti sa selectezi din povestile epocii doar ce-ti convine pentru a creea o figura glorioasa si imaginea unui justitiar plin demnitate (asa cum au incercat comunistii spre a-si justifica propriile orori). Multi  compatrioti agasati de ne-randuielile prezentului il citeaza obsesiv pe Eminescu: "...Cum nu vii tu, Țepeș doamne, ca punînd mîna pe ei..", visand la o dictatura dura cu ticalosia si hotii tarii ce ar pune ordine (Doamne! N-au trecut 25 de ani de cand tocmai am scapat de unul de asta). Insa majoritatea romanilor ignora pericolul care i-ar paste daca ar trai intr-adevar sub o conducere precum a lui Tepes. Practic orice cetatean putea muri oricand si pentru orice vina sau niciuna. Si nu oricum si cu matele sfredelite de un par de lemn ascutit care nu te omora pe loc. Ti-ai dori sa traiesti sub conducerea lui Tepes? Citeste si acest articol: https://printransilvania.ro/vlad-tepes-industria-farmaceutica-maghiara  
Eu cred ca si asta cu statul in Turcia l-ar fi afectat pe termen lung. El a stat ostatec in conditii demne de un print si avea domiciliu fortat intr-o cetate de pe tarmul asiatic al Marii Marmara. Restul sunt legende ...
Am ilustrat cu Djuvara o carte despre Tepes pentru copii in care vorbeste ff echilibrat si pozitiv despre voievodul valah. Eu spun ca acest personaj a abuzat extraordinar de pozitia sa, a subminat orice regula juridica locala care a existat inaintea lui inlocuind-o cu parerea personala si ramanad in ochii contemporanilor ca un tip pasionat de cruzime cum numai Tamerlan sau Gingis Han au mai fost. Imaginea negativa a ramas in memoria oamenilor pana tarziu in sec 18. Toate portretele sale din biserici au fost rase. De ce credeti ca nu exista absolut nici un portret al lui? Exista dovezi caun portret al lui Tepes ar fi fost in biserica Manastirii Argesului dar a fost sters la un moment dat.Vlad Tepes a devenit vedeta in comunism, deoarece comunistii (care au abuzat de putere si violenta) l-au legat de conceptul "nu se poate dreptate fara pedepse aspre (asa cum le dam noi)". Tepes, asa cum e cunoscut azi e un construct modern mitologico-nationalist tipic.
Ideea e ca Tepes a fost doar o vedeta negativa, o curiozitate, un ciudat. Nu a stralucit in mod special ca lider al Tarii Romanesti. A ctitorit vreo 2 manastiri, a fost un bun general, masacrand multi turci si bulgari din localitatile de pe malul Dunarii. In rest a stat la Buda, ca ostatic si "angajat" al lui Matias Corvin, s-a insurat cu o ruda de-a acestuia si a sfarsit lamentabil ucis de o conspiratie indeva pe langa Giurgiu. Inteleg ca ai fi fan sa facem asa ceva cu ticalosii nostrii. Ai sta in primul rand?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGQGtIhZ7oU
e corect ca nicicand in istoria ei, Romania nu s-a dezvoltat mai repede ca in timpul domniei lui Carol. E drept insa ca handicapul de a fi pornit cu o tara aflata in Evul Mediu, mai ales in mediul rural (90%din populatie) nu putea fi rezolvat nici intr-o suta de ani. Aici vorbim de vechiul Regat. Dar sa nu divagam. Corbeam despre Tepes: De ce si-ar dori romanii un fel de dictator sud-american amestecat cu Pol-Pot, dar cu un discurs patriotc?  
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zaturk · 2 years
Trupa Artificial Perception a Lansat Single-ul "A Path to InfernoTrupa"
Trupa Artificial Perception a Lansat Single-ul “A Path to InfernoTrupa”
Trupa bucureșteană de metalcore Artificial Perception a lansat un nou videoclip, alături de cel de-al treilea lor single, în anticiparea albumului de debut. Single-ul se numește “A Path to Inferno” și abordează tematica auto-distrugerii umanității din lipsă de interes și preocupare pentru propria planetă. Acest peisaj apocaliptic a fost ilustrat și în videoclip, care a fost realizat în…
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