miqomonkly · 1 year
So, I saw a post the other day mentioning that it's okay and even cool to have our characters suck at something. This was hard for me, partially because I can't help but see the WoL as a highly adaptable "I can do whatever I set my mind to" London of individual, and partially because Lyanna is my baby and I don't want to make her life harder than it is. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense; our characters aren't perfect, and that's totally fine because it makes them more human and relatable.
So, with that being said, here's a little I'lyanna Zahn lore:
It's an interesting flaw for her; her father was a merchant, so certainly she knows how to trade?
And she does! She can easily tell when something is over or underpriced, and she does not hesitate to call it out.
No, her REAL struggle comes with budgeting and finances.
I'lyanna has tried everything she can think of; she's read books, attended seminars and talks, hells, she's even sat down and watched Tataru make her own files and planners... and it just escapes her!
Now add to this that she's trying to raise her own fashion boutique... well... 🥹
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miqomonkly · 1 year
🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at?
I'll answer this as a kind if tease:
During Stormblood, after her second defeat to Zenos... something happens to her. And it debilitates her quite severely.
So for a good chunk of time, she is "technically" out of commission during the Far East part of the story. She spends a great deal of time resting in the House of the Fierce while her companions seek a way to cure her "condition."
More to come later... stay tuned.
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miqomonkly · 1 year
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
There are several things that can trigger nostalgia for Lyanna.
The scent of warm citrus - orange, to be precise - is often a huge trigger for her. It reminds her of the orange creme sweet rolls her mother used to bake when she was young. This is, naturally, a bitter sweet memory, and she still hasn't decided if she likes it.
After EW, I'lyanna visits a number of acquaintances from her travels; these include a number of the custom delivery characters, like Zhloe. During her visits, she'll spend some time watching over Khloe and T'kebbe as the play while Zhloe works. Seeing the two Miqo'te play together often brings memories of her sister, T'odinh, to the fore; the antics they'd get up to around camp; their sleepless nights under the stars, counting them all as the drifted into slumber; the training time they spent together, making it fun despite the difficulty and monotony. These memories always warm her heart, but only her closest friends know about them.
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miqomonkly · 1 year
Hi idk which one to ask! 😅
✘: Who do they detest the most? Do they typically avoid this person or antagonize them?
💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why?
💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen?
There are just so many good ones, yeah? XD
X: (Couldn't find the emoji) There are several people Lyanna outright despises, though most of them actually deserve her ire.
Lord Lolorito: Outside of his dealings surrounding the Bloody Banquet, I'lyanna finds the man wicked and conniving. She has a modicum of respect for him only so far as his business management capabilities; beyond this, she sees him as nothing more than a greedy, scheming villain. A necessary evil that she wishes she could expunge from history.
Tedalgrinche de Dzemael: Considering her close relations to House Hallienarte, including but not limited to her tutelage in Machinistry under Stephanivien, it's natural that many in House Dzemael night consider her a nuisance. Tedalgrinche's effort to discredit and shame the Manufactory, however, have earned him a particular place in the Miqo'te's blacklist. Even after their victory against Veri Seren, Lyanna makes sure to keep a wide berth from him... lest a "stray" gesture mar his ever so perfect Visage.
Baroness Melisie: Again featured during the Machinist storyline, Melisie is an inquisitor who seeks to besmirch the name of the Hilda's Hounds and the newly founded hierarchy of Ishgard. Her lack of empathy towards the lower class and her willingness to go as far as heresy to see her goals accomplished fills I'lyanna with a rage even she can't quite describe. Thankfully, after thwarting her plans, the Temple Knights took her into custody and away from the Miqo'te'a wrath.
Ilberd Feare: I don't think there needs to be a reason listed, but on top of being an accessory to murder, his efforts led to the betrayal of friends and colleagues, and caused far more damage then he could even realize. Add to that his orchestration of the murder of hundreds of his own countrymen... well...
Professor Erik: This man... while I'lyanna respects and appreciates him for the work his has done towards the study of aetherology as well his assistance in the trials she and Widargelt faced in their Monk training... she also will be the first to tell you he is an arrogant, stuck-up, inconsiderate soul... mostly, anyway. His nonchalant insults and demeaning behavior of those with "lesser minds" will never cease to infuriate I'lyanna, and she will always call him out on it... though the way in which he brushes such insults aside makes her even more furious. There are several instances where she has been held back from outright clocking the man across his jaw.
💧: For the longest time, I'lyanna would avoid Pearl Lane on Ul'dah like the plague. Even before Ala Mhigan refugees tried their luck at making a living there, it had always been known as a rather seedy place. Lots of dark and unsavory things were believed to have happened along it's street, and I'zahn wasn't about to let his daughters go anywhere near it, even if chaperoned.
These days, it doesn't scare I'lyanna to go down Pearl Lane... but even now, she still feels a hint of trepidation when she does.
💔: The greatest heartbreak she's experienced to date has been the loss of Haurchefant, the one man she truly felt she had fallen in love with. And of course, losing her family was certainly heartbreaking.
As far as "unique" heartbreaks, I don't currently know of any. Sorry to disappoint...
Thank you for asks! 🧡🧡🧡
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miqomonkly · 1 year
💣: Did they ever get caught in a situation because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time?
As of current, the only event I can consider that even qualifies is the Bloody Banquet.
In her personal life, I'lyanna has always worked by the idea "if you work for it, it will come." She doesn't put much stock in fate (and yes, her current canon has her take up healing as an AST... Yes, I see the irony 😆) and believes that even the greatest faith requires the greatest effort. In line with this, she has always made sure that everything she does has been with intent, and normally, that intent follows the rules that she has been taught by her parents.
There are rare occasions, mostly in her youth, where her desires have over ridden her common sense, however. I believe I've mentioned it before, but when she was young (early tweens, maybe?), she did steal a piece of jewelry from the markets in Ul'dah. Naturally, she was uncharacteristically cagey while the caravan was preparing to leave; it didn't take long for her father to realize something was amiss and discover the pilfered trinket.
I'll find the story and link it here later, but for now, I hope this answers your question!
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miqomonkly · 1 year
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
What embarrasses them?
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
(have multiple questions bc i'm evil :3)
AHHHHHHHHH yes more excuses to write about my blorbo xD
As of current, she doesn't have permanent lodging (aside from her Free Company's cottage, but she's rarely there), so she'll more often than not rent a room at an inn. Her main routine involves much stretching to work out the kinks of the day; whether she was pummeling scumbags or just sewing some odd pieces, she likes to get the loose feeling in her muscles as she winds down.
While stretching, she'll have one of Ironworks Magitek kettles brew some chamomile herbal tea for her. By the time it's steeped, she'll be done and ready to settle into bed with her tea in hand. Some light orchestrion music also adds to the relaxation.
On especially tough or stressful days, she'll take a hot bath after her stretching.
I'lyanna isn't easily embarrassed in public (she likes to joke and thank Hildibrand for working that out of her). Social interactions aren't foreign to her, and she's usually cool when things get out of hand in most circumstances. However, having been raised outside of standard Seeker culture for the majority of her life, there are occasions where she can miss certain social cues among "her own people." When faced with these situations, she rather hastily excuses herself and finds somewhere else to be.
I'lyanna recognizes others are perfect, though she finds it easier when others are aware of their failings and shortcomings. Arrogant and willfully ignorant individuals sorely try her patience, and she finds she has to bite her tongue more frequently to avoid causing a scene. Her time spent in both Ul'dah and Gridania has shown her both sides of the spectrum, and she's far more patient bow than she was in her youth.
Lyanna doesn't see herself as arrogant, though that could be a flaw in itself. She isn't a perfectionist, but she can be hard on herself when she feels she isn't making the progress in areas of her life that she's actively trying to improve.
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miqomonkly · 1 year
How polite is your OC? Are they courteous and considerate of others? Or gruff and tactless? If they are polished in their manners then is this always a positive quality? Or perhaps something calculated and employed whilst engaged in political or social intrigue? If they are rough in their manners then is this always a bad thing? Or does their lack of external gloss actually reflect their honesty and integrity?
HOOFAH! Talk about a heck of a question! (Not complaining; I appreciate the ask! ❤️)
In most cases, I'lyanna can be considered polite company. She will speak what's on her mind but does so tactfully... well, as tactfully as she can, anyway.
Learning from her father, she has a knowledge of how to be dignified and respectful of others. Be they customer or fellow worker, a smile and a courteous welcome are always acceptable. Even the most testy customers can be won over if the service is warm enough.
However, should someone begin to lay a bit too heavily on personal slander - judgment of class, race, social standing, or familial upbringing - I'lyanna is quick to throw courtesy to the side. While still maintaining a sense of dignity, her words become sharp and targeted, aiming for the weaknesses in others' arguments. It is rare that she will outright insult someone on a basis of intelligence or other factors, but she can become very heated should the opposition tread that path.
Only once did she slander someone based on their heritage; a Sea Wolf Roegadyn fellow met her ire when she was in her early teen years, and she accused him of being "another soggy sea bandit." In this instance, it was her mother who reprimanded her and gave her a taste of "traditional" Seeker punishment. Since that day, she learned the importance of respecting others beyond their heritage and to look at those she met by their deeds, not their people.
This would be a valuable lesson for her, as more often than not, she has come afoul of those that refer to her as the "next generation of Ul'dahn entertainment." In those instances, there has been no polite discourse... and several a broken nose or jawbone.
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miqomonkly · 1 year
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Welcome, one and all, to my new online home!
Since the internet continues to fluctuate in terms of what websites will actually he good for creators like myself, I have chosen to land here to share my silly little Gposes with you all!
Here, you can expect to find cute glams, little bits of character lore and headcanons, and a lot of hype for my wonderful friends who create stuff 1000% better than my own. But most importantly, you will find a safe space to come and share your creative passions and wonderful works!
Let's work together and make this a beautiful place for everyone! ❤️
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