foxyappleart · 2 years
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miqomonkly · 1 year
Hi idk which one to ask! 😅
✘: Who do they detest the most? Do they typically avoid this person or antagonize them?
💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why?
💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen?
There are just so many good ones, yeah? XD
X: (Couldn't find the emoji) There are several people Lyanna outright despises, though most of them actually deserve her ire.
Lord Lolorito: Outside of his dealings surrounding the Bloody Banquet, I'lyanna finds the man wicked and conniving. She has a modicum of respect for him only so far as his business management capabilities; beyond this, she sees him as nothing more than a greedy, scheming villain. A necessary evil that she wishes she could expunge from history.
Tedalgrinche de Dzemael: Considering her close relations to House Hallienarte, including but not limited to her tutelage in Machinistry under Stephanivien, it's natural that many in House Dzemael night consider her a nuisance. Tedalgrinche's effort to discredit and shame the Manufactory, however, have earned him a particular place in the Miqo'te's blacklist. Even after their victory against Veri Seren, Lyanna makes sure to keep a wide berth from him... lest a "stray" gesture mar his ever so perfect Visage.
Baroness Melisie: Again featured during the Machinist storyline, Melisie is an inquisitor who seeks to besmirch the name of the Hilda's Hounds and the newly founded hierarchy of Ishgard. Her lack of empathy towards the lower class and her willingness to go as far as heresy to see her goals accomplished fills I'lyanna with a rage even she can't quite describe. Thankfully, after thwarting her plans, the Temple Knights took her into custody and away from the Miqo'te'a wrath.
Ilberd Feare: I don't think there needs to be a reason listed, but on top of being an accessory to murder, his efforts led to the betrayal of friends and colleagues, and caused far more damage then he could even realize. Add to that his orchestration of the murder of hundreds of his own countrymen... well...
Professor Erik: This man... while I'lyanna respects and appreciates him for the work his has done towards the study of aetherology as well his assistance in the trials she and Widargelt faced in their Monk training... she also will be the first to tell you he is an arrogant, stuck-up, inconsiderate soul... mostly, anyway. His nonchalant insults and demeaning behavior of those with "lesser minds" will never cease to infuriate I'lyanna, and she will always call him out on it... though the way in which he brushes such insults aside makes her even more furious. There are several instances where she has been held back from outright clocking the man across his jaw.
💧: For the longest time, I'lyanna would avoid Pearl Lane on Ul'dah like the plague. Even before Ala Mhigan refugees tried their luck at making a living there, it had always been known as a rather seedy place. Lots of dark and unsavory things were believed to have happened along it's street, and I'zahn wasn't about to let his daughters go anywhere near it, even if chaperoned.
These days, it doesn't scare I'lyanna to go down Pearl Lane... but even now, she still feels a hint of trepidation when she does.
💔: The greatest heartbreak she's experienced to date has been the loss of Haurchefant, the one man she truly felt she had fallen in love with. And of course, losing her family was certainly heartbreaking.
As far as "unique" heartbreaks, I don't currently know of any. Sorry to disappoint...
Thank you for asks! 🧡🧡🧡
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vampirerocks · 2 years
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ilyfelsing · 2 years
Atila: Me desculpa, Anna. Me procura quando você voltar, por favor.
Ilyanna: Estou entrando no jato agora. Quando eu voltar a gente conversa melhor. Pessoalmente.
Atila: Isso. Por favor, volta inteira.
Ilyanna: Prometo que vou. Eu sou boa agora.
*nenhuma mensagem chegou mais*
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sniperct · 4 months
After the Kitty (and Illyana and Rachel) cameo in the xmen 97 finale what story lines do you want to see the show do with her (them) ?
Not Dating Piotr, please we escaped that please don't bring it back its buried its done, they are never ever getting back together, but I'll accept and awkward exes turned into friends kind of thing.
I'd love to see them set up Excalibur. That comic, with cross time capers and all of that, would make a FANTASTIC cartoon. Plus we'd get more Nightcrawler which is always a bonus! I've wanted an Excalibur comic for 84 years
We know Ilyanna has her demon form thanks to Morph so there could be some fun stuff with Limbo. Did they ever do that virus plotline? I haven't seen x-men 92 in decades.
They could revisit DOFP I think. The OG cartoon used bishop, but we saw a future with rachel and we meet ... you know who ... at the end of the finale, so she exists and they could easily bring her in by incorporating her into one of the other plotlines they're developing.
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valthari-andari · 5 months
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Illyana (he/she)
DEITY OF: Renewal, Eternity, Energy, Invention, and Hope
REALM: Everlight/Deadlight
ASSOCIATED WITH: Chains, breaking of obstructions, clouds, infinity, deer, and doves.
SACRED PLANTS: Blue Yarrow, Jazbay, Heather
SACRED STONES/GEMS: Diamonds, Amethysts, Sapphires
COLORS: teal, blue, black
ACCEPTED OFFERINGS/WAYS TO HONOR: burning any of his sacred flowers and or Incense and prayering at shrines, aiding beggars and orphans, giving those who need it hope, fighting worshipers of Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Hermaeus Mora. Aiding and respecting followers of Arkay, and practicing magic.
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sopadeoliva · 5 months
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Sad warlock announces she's starting a band.
And yes of course she has a playlist.
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hezikas · 1 year
You Are the Right One
Dad!Aegon II Targaryen x Nanny!Reader (modern au)
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Summary: Following a devastating event involving his ex-girlfriend, Aegon is now a full-time single father to his daughter. However, with a jam-packed schedule due to his ongoing tour, he's struggling to balance his parenting duties with his high-profile career as a musician. To ease the burden, Aegon heeds his sister Helaena's advice and hires a stay-in nanny. But what he doesn't realize is that this decision will have unexpected consequences that will turn his life on its head.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen/Reader
Chapter 1 posted!
Sneak Peek
╰┈➤ Aegon had always been a busy man. He had risen to fame as a talented singer, earning a legion of fans worldwide with his soulful voice and electrifying performances. His schedule was always jam-packed with concerts, interviews, and tours, leaving him with little time for anything else.
But everything changed after a tragic incident with his ex-girlfriend. Aegon suddenly found himself the sole caretaker of his daughter, Ilyanna, with little experience in parenting. He struggled to juggle his duties as a full-time dad with the demands of his music career.
His sister, Helaena, noticed how overwhelmed he was and knew he needed help. She suggested that Aegon hire a stay-in nanny to assist him with taking care of Ilyanna. At first, Aegon was hesitant, but he eventually relented, realizing that he couldn't do it all alone. With Helaena's help, he hired a nanny and hoped that she would be able to help him balance his responsibilities as a full-time dad and a famous singer.
And that’s how Y/N came into Aegon's life. She was a young and enthusiastic woman who was in the midst of finishing her studies. Having lost her job as an assistant in a local pediatric clinic due to cost-cutting measures, it was obvious Y/N needed a new job. Despite her exceptional skills in handling children, her previous employer had to let her go.
With rent just around the corner and her savings not enough to last her another month, Y/N found herself desperate for work. With no plans to return to her parents' house, she scoured every job listing available, from waitress positions to anything that paid enough. Y/N prayed that she would find something that day, and the gods seemed to have heard her prayers when she came across a listing for a stay-in nanny with a generous salary.
End of sneak peek
A little note: To be frank, I hesitated to share this story because I lacked confidence in my writing, and often kept my ideas to myself. However, I decided to take a leap and post this light-hearted fic, inspired by my recent obsession 'The Nanny' - a book I devoured in just three days, and which helped me overcome my reading slump. The idea of creating a similar story, but with a dad!Aegon, had been on my mind for a while, and I felt compelled to write it down. *Fingers crossed* chapter 1 will most likely be posted within this week.
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theillyanarasputina · 3 months
Hey, I’m Wylie.
Hello, I'm Ilyanna.
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throughandover · 4 months
did a thing 🔊
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enbyleighlines · 10 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 1
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Alright, I did it! I started playing Path of Radiance! Starting out, I have a few goals for myself, namely:
No one dies
Get Ike and Soren to rank A
Get Ike and Ranulf to rank B
Max out Soren and Ilyanna's speed
Get Ranulf to his max level with as many capped stats as possible
Will I manage it? I haven't a clue, but here we go!
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Immediately I am so sentimental over the interactions between the Greil Mercs. Mist is so dang sassy, and I love it! I'm also going to try to get Mist and Boyd to an A support, but it depends on whether or not Boyd manages to keep up. In my experience, he tends to be a bit of a wild card; good on some playthrus, and terrible on others.
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Ahhh, the mercenary fort!! Also, how have I never noticed the small houses around the fort? Do you think that's where the mercs live, or do other people live there?
By the way, I adore the way the story starts off slow, introducing only 2-3 new Greil Mercs per chapter, to get the player invested in the dynamics of the group. To me, the Greil Mercenaries are really the emotional core of this game, so I'm glad that they give us so many various interactions between the characters before the plot even kicks in. It gives the player a sense of the Merc's values, as well as foreshadow the inner conflicts that will spring up later.
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There he is!!! That's my boy!!!
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Baby boy's first level up. We are off to a good start!! Let's keep that good luck rolling!!!
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It's my girl!!! I honestly didn't even realize how much I loved Mia until she showed up and I immediately had the goofiest smile on my face.
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And here's Ranulf!!!! I'm so excited to see him~
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I was so nervous starting this map. I remembered it being a LOT more difficult than it ended up being. Ike, Mia, and Soren were able to manage the left side all by themselves, whereas I had Titania, Boyd, and Oscar kind of take turns guarding the other two chokepoints, with Rhys offering healing to whoever needed it the most. Boyd did super well on this map, so I gave him the honor of killing the boss.
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As much as I adore PoR's writing, I do have one complaint, and it's this scene. I feel like the conflict escalates too quickly, but even more than that, it resolves itself waaaaay too easily. I adore Soren, but he was absolutely in the wrong here. Lethe did not have to forgive him right away. In fact, I would have preferred it if this conflict maintained some tension for the next couple of maps, before being resolved in a base conversation, the way they handled Jill's character arc.
Aaaaaand, that's part one! I am going to be tagging these posts as "leigh plays tellius", so I can keep an archive of them.
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foxyappleart · 2 years
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some old zine pieces from like 2019ish!!!
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miqomonkly · 1 year
💣: Did they ever get caught in a situation because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time?
As of current, the only event I can consider that even qualifies is the Bloody Banquet.
In her personal life, I'lyanna has always worked by the idea "if you work for it, it will come." She doesn't put much stock in fate (and yes, her current canon has her take up healing as an AST... Yes, I see the irony 😆) and believes that even the greatest faith requires the greatest effort. In line with this, she has always made sure that everything she does has been with intent, and normally, that intent follows the rules that she has been taught by her parents.
There are rare occasions, mostly in her youth, where her desires have over ridden her common sense, however. I believe I've mentioned it before, but when she was young (early tweens, maybe?), she did steal a piece of jewelry from the markets in Ul'dah. Naturally, she was uncharacteristically cagey while the caravan was preparing to leave; it didn't take long for her father to realize something was amiss and discover the pilfered trinket.
I'll find the story and link it here later, but for now, I hope this answers your question!
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vampirerocks · 2 years
Ilyanna: [...] Consigo cauterizar uma ferida direitinho agora.
Atila: Uau, uma artista na cura. Poderia salvar a vida de alguém.
Ilyanna: A sua eu acho que iria machucar, né?
Atila: Bom... é. Na verdade, eu me regenero sozinho ou morro de novo por um tempo.
Ilyanna: Ah, então não precisa da minha ajuda.
Atila: Mas ainda assim seu poder é fantástico. Quando eu ainda era humano, as vezes passava um frio do caramba na casa em Vermont. Só ficava torcendo por um fogaréu na lareira.
Ilyanna: Queria ter te conhecido quando ainda era humano.
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ilyfelsing · 2 years
Atila: Essa é a melhor decisão?
Ilyanna: Acho que sim. Não quero deixar de ser sua amiga.
Atila: Que bom, porque eu também não quero.
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sniperct · 4 months
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Also lets see, we've got Bobby, Piotr, Sooraya, Exodus, Ilyanna, Alex, and Emma, with fucking Wanda and Pietro offworld what the fuck
Also I can't read Angel's status but it looks like he's deceased and considering the end credits scene...
Dust is the biggest surprise here IMO but she was always one of my favorite of the New X-men and in hindsight maybe not super surprising...
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