#im Rubbish lmao why do i let myself feel like this
illfoandillfie · 4 years
Out of Context
Request: First of all, congratulations on 1,000!!!! Could you do a a sequel to Interloper where maybe an interviewer is giving her shit for having once been a groupie and Bri Rog and Deaky defend her and have amazing sex after at like their hotel 😂-foursome anon (I’m back)
Interloper / Snapshots From Before (Prequel)
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Brian May x John Deacon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+), gangbang/foursome, oral sex (m and f receiving), anal sex, tit fucking, light choking, slightly dom reader, cheer up sex, some spanking, double and triple penetration
Words: 6,145
A/N: This was another request from back at my 1000 follower celebration last year. It’s been sitting half written in my drafts since then and I finally felt inspired to finish it lmao. Foursome anon I hope you’re still around and you see this!!
Blurb Advent: Day 10
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Taglist:  @vee-ndetta​ @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​​​ @deakyclicks​​​ @jennyggggrrr​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​ @hannafuckingsucks​​​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​​​ @queenmylovely​​​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​ @johndeaconshands​​​ @borhapbois​​​ @stardust-galaxies​
Doing press wasn’t easy, especially when interviewers insisted on questioning you all separately. You preferred having at least one of the boys to back you up. They’d been dealing with the whole interview process for so long now they knew how to avoid answering things they didn’t want to, knew how to deal with rude reporters. But it was all new to you. Perhaps that was why this particular interview had gone so badly. There was no Freddie to make the right snide comment, no Roger to get pissed off on your behalf, no Brian or John to squeeze your knee comfortingly or take over when you go tongue tied.
Things between you and the rest of the band had been going much better since Freddie had locked you in that room together. It didn’t happen overnight, there were still lingering tensions. But any badmouthing they did of you was out of your hearing which you much preferred. Gradually, as the tour wore on, there were less tensions. They got used to having you around, began including you in their games of scrabble and their not-quite-awake conversations over hotel breakfasts. Until one day, in the final leg of the tour, when Freddie admitted to you quietly that he hadn’t overheard any whispered comments for nearly a week. “And here I was thinking we’d never get there.” “Oh hush, darling, I told you from the beginning they wouldn’t hate you forever. Sure they took a little longer to come around than I had anticipated but it all worked out in the end. And now when you tell them the execs have asked for another full album featuring you, they probably won’t kill you.” They hadn’t, of course, though you’d worried for the safety of everyone involved in making the decision. Roger looked as if he were a second away from punching the first person to talk to him.
They took less time to calm down though, especially after they saw how nervous you got before the first interview. Your agent had decided some preliminary press would help build excitement for the album before the songs were even written. Calls were made, journalists were found, and before you knew it you were facing a crowd of people vying to ask you their questions, cameras flashing the whole time. It was a lot. More than pushing you into the deep end, you’d be thrown to the bloody sharks. Any lingering ill will the boys had for you vanished after that. They’d all thankfully been there too, had drawn the attention to themselves rather than let you struggle to answer everything on your own. After that they’d kept an eye on you during the smaller interviews. Mostly the reporters were happy to talk to you all together and, as long as you said one or two things about how excited you were to be working with Queen again, and how much fun touring with them was, you could get away with letting them take lead. But every now and then you got stuck with some jackass who wanted to quiz you solo. And this interview, this horrid interview, had been one of them.
Roger pushed the magazine away from himself, letting it slide as far down your kitchen table as it would go. “She’s a fucking bitch that reporter.” You looked down at the magazine, still open to your interview, the headline alone making your stomach turn. “No, sorry, that’s an insult to dogs. She’s a fucking cunt.” “Rog,” “No, that’s an insult to vaginas. There is no word strong enough for that poor excuse for a journalist.” “Roger, sit down.” Roger shot Freddie a dirty look but sat down anyway, his knee bouncing with restless energy, “Sorry. I’m just pissed off.” “Yes, we gathered that, thanks Rog,” “She took everything I said out of context, you have to believe me.” “We do, Y/N, we do,” John said softly from beside you, rubbing circles on your back. “It started well, I swear. Just the usual questions y’know, what’s it like working with Queen? How does it feel to be singing next to Freddie Mercury? Were you nervous about touring with them? Can you give us any hints about the new album? All the things that usually come up that Freddie coached me on how to answer, and I was doing fine. I had my prepared answers and there was no stumbling over words or anything like that. I thought I’d finally got the hang of it all and then she asked me to elaborate on what it was like working with you. I’d already told her the usual thing – it was fun and y’know blew my mind and all that. But then she asked how it compare to being your groupie.” “You didn’t answer her did you?” “Christ no, Brian! Jesus what do you take me for?” Brian held his hands up in apology. “I told her that it wasn’t relevant, but she kept asking, one question after another thrown at me and no matter what I said she didn’t stop. All sorts of stuff, like which of you was the best shag, and if I’d only wanted to be your groupie because I hoped it would lead to my own album, and if I was still offering my services,” you made air quotes around the words, “accused me of using you for my own gain and asked if you were the first band I’d tried it with or if you were just the only ones gullible enough to let me. I tried to tell her no and that I wasn’t going to answer those questions but she just kept going and then she told me to get used to the attention and left. I guess she didn’t need my answers to write a whole article about it.” “Which of us is the best shag?” Brian repeated the question though you suspected he wasn’t just checking he’d heard you correctly. The others all fell quiet, waiting to see if you’d answer. “Really Bri? That’s what you got from that?” “Right, right, sorry, not the important part. Look, it’s not as bad as you think it is.” “Bri’s right, love,” Roger said, much calmer than he had been before, “there’s nothing of substance in here. Like this quote, as for the fun Ms Y/L/N mentioned was had on tour, one can’t help but wonder just what she meant. Could the stories about nights spent playing boardgames be covers for debauched, drug-fuelled, orgies the likes of which would make a pornstar blush, I mean, there’s nothing there. It’s all conjecture and anyone worth a damn will see right through it.” “But some people will believe it,” “Maybe, yes,” Freddie said, “but it’ll blow over. We’ve all been in the same place you are at one time or another. If anything this officially makes you one of the band.” “Yeah, Y/N, it’s all just spiteful rubbish.” “Thanks guys, but I think I might just call it a day, go back to bed. Stay if you want, I don’t mind. But if you leave lock the door behind you.” You stood and headed to your bedroom.
The four boys stayed quiet until you were out of your room but you heard their hushed voices and hissed comments through your bedroom door as you pulled off your jeans and unclasped your bra from under the baggy jumper you wore. It took about five minutes before there was a soft knock on your bedroom door. “Y/N, can I come in?” You contemplated feigning sleep. “I know you’re not asleep.” You sighed and sat up, hugging your knees to your chest, “Fine, Roger, come in.” “Freddie’s gone to make some calls,” he said, standing just inside your doorway, hands in his pockets. “Calls about what? It’s out there now, there’s no getting it back.” “No but we need to make it clear to other journalists that those kinds of questions won’t be answered in any future interviews, and hopefully we can make sure that parasite never gets to come anywhere near us again.” “Isn’t that mean to parasites?” Roger chuckled, “getting over it already, see,” he sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on your covered knee, “I know this sucks, and I get that you’re ashamed, but I promise it’s not as bad as it feels right now.” “I’m not ashamed.” “What?” “You said I’m ashamed of it but I’m not.” “Oh. I thought-” “I’m a bit embarrassed because obviously I’ve never told my family what it is I got up to when I went to all those concerts and now they’re all going to know, lord knows some of them will believe the worst of it. And I’m pissed off that I didn’t stand up for myself more. I just let her keep cutting me off and talking over me when I should have told her to fuck off or at least called her out for being a prudish arsehole who probably only attacked me because she’s jealous I’ve fucked three quarters of Queen. And I’m annoyed that you’ve all been brought up in the article, and she’s questioning whether your good people just because you sept with me. I mean does she expect you all to be virginal saints or something? It’s just frustrating and yes, upsetting. But I’m definitely not ashamed.” “Huh, okay then.” “What?” “Nothing, just, we assumed you regretted sleeping with us.” “Lord no. It wasn’t planned, like she was insinuating, but seeping with you definitely helped me get my foot in the door with this whole music thing. And even if it hadn’t done that, it was still fun as hell and made me feel good. If I wasn’t fucking you I would have been out having mediocre sex with guys I met in pubs and I don’t care how much of a slut it makes me seem, but I’d rather fuck a whole band every single night and actually get off than have a disappointing drunk lay with a guy who’s never heard of the clitoris. Fuck, I’d still be doing the whole groupie thing now, and be perfectly happy with it, if Freddie hadn’t heard me singing that day. That night at the after party, that was heaps of fun.” “Give me a second would you,” Roger stood and walked to the door, giving you another glance before he turned the corner. You watched the doorway, not quite sure what to make of his behaviour but your questions were answered soon enough when he reappeared with Brian and John following. “So apparently we misread the situation,” Brian said, taking the seat Roger had just vacated. John sat cross legged at the end of your bed while Roger flopped onto the mattress beside you. “I can’t believe you’d think I regretted being your groupie. Have you met me?” “In our defence you seemed very upset, what were we meant to think?” “I had a shitty interview and got called a whore in a very public way, of course I’m upset. Doesn’t mean I regret anything.” “Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, we should have realised. But we have a proposition for you. We actually thought of a way to cheer you up when we first saw the magazine this morning but then when we got here you seemed so sad and we didn’t want to make you more upset or uncomfortable,” “What Brian is trying to say is that we have an idea we think you might like.” “Jesus will you two stop beating around the bush?” “Shut up Rog, I’m getting there.” “Y/N,” Roger said cutting off the others before they could waffle any longer, “Would you like to fuck us again?” You almost choked. “Zero tact. What he means is, we thought we could cheer you up. All three of us, entirely focused on making you forget that magazine.” “Wait, I’m confused,” you massaged the bridge of your nose as you tried to catch up to them, “you saw an article that called me a whore and thought it would cheer me up to, what, be your shared fucktoy again? Yeah it was fun but-” “No, no, no, that’s not what we mean,” John said, “you’d be in control of how it all happens. It wouldn’t be like last time.” “So, you’d be my whores?” “I guess?” “The point is,” Roger chimed in, “we want to make you feel better. If that means making you cups of tea and buying you a box of chocolates that’s fine. But it could also mean you having three cocks and all the orgasms you can handle.” You looked from Roger to John to Brian and then back again, trying to work out if they were joking or not. But they all seemed sincere enough for you to actually think about their proposition. It wasn’t what you were expecting to hear from them, and it hadn’t crossed your mind until they mentioned it. But now that they had, you had to admit it sounded fun. Last time had been fun and that was when you’d been passed around and used mercilessly, so having them all again, but with a bit more say in how it happened, could only be better. Plus, part of you wanted to prove how unashamed of your groupie history you were and what better way than this? “Okay, I’m in.”
“Do we need to set any ground rules?” Brian asked. “You all know my safeword,” “Saxophone,” You laughed at the chorus of eager voices, “Yes, exactly. Other than that I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Not like this is new exactly, is it?” “Well, no, I s’pose not.” “Exactly. And if there’s anything I don’t want I’ll tell you. So you’re,” you pointed at Roger, “going to kiss me now, while you two undress,” “Getting right to it, excellent,” Roger laughed, as he pushed himself closer to you. He didn’t waste any time, leaning in to kiss you right away. It started off a little too soft for your liking but as soon as soon as you made it clear how into it you were, kissing him back harder and pressing yourself closer, Roger reciprocated. His hands wandered down to your chest as you felt Brian and John get up, following your orders, their clothes left where they landed on the floor. Roger’s hands were soon replaced by Brian’s as he knelt behind you, and you found your head being pulled around so he could kiss you too. Roger took the opportunity to undress as Brian and John caught you between them. You couldn’t tell who was removing your clothes, only that once your jumper had been pulled over your head John was kissing you. He leaned back, tugging you along so Brian could pull your underwear off, his hands caressing your bare bum. “How do you want us?” John asked, brushing your hair back behind your ear. “Um,” you looked around at the three very naked bandmates waiting for your word, “One of you is going to eat me out. Don’t care who but I am going to cum.” “Yes Ma’am,” John laughed, lazily saluting you before rolling you onto your back and shuffling down between your thighs. You were taken by surprise when you felt his tongue run between your lips, expecting nips on your thighs and the teasing puff of his breath as he hovered just out of your reach. But he was clearly taking the job of cheering you up seriously. Brian and Roger weren’t any different, settling into the spaces on either side of you, their light touches only enhancing the feeling John had set off. You felt their fingertips on your breasts and in the ends of your hair, tugging just enough to send a shiver down your spine but not enough to make you gasp in pain. “So what would you like from us, love? What dirty little fantasies are going through your head right now?” Roger tapped his finger on the middle of your forehead. You opened your mouth but a small oh as John latched onto your clit replaced the words you’d been intending to say. “Think we’re going to need a little more than that, Y/N. C’mon, tell us what you want. Do you want us to just take turns fucking you, filling you up over and over and over.” “Or are you thinking more along the lines of last time? Taking two at a time because one cock isn’t quite enough for you now?” “Try three,” you managed to get out as you slid a hand into John’s hair to hold him in place, “want you all at once.” “Jesus,” Brian swore, dropping his lips to your neck. “I’ve been a piss-poor groupie considering the stories that reporter’s peddling. Everyone’s going to think I’ve been taking all three of you at once constantly, but we’ve never actually done that, have we? Might as well embrace my slut title and change that,” “Let us work up to it, Love” Roger said softly, recapturing your lips as he rolled your nipple between his fingers. You whined, partly from Roger and Brian’s attention and partly because John raised his head, your hips rising slightly at the loss. “Guess I should start stretching you out then,” he said offhandedly as he licked his fingers, the same way you’d seen him do a hundred times before while playing. You couldn’t stop the moan that rose up in your throat, the sound only making John chuckle against you as he lowered his head and resumed his focus on your clit.
It only took a few more minutes to have you swearing through your first orgasm. The two fingers John had inside you enough to send you over the edge as they brushed against every sensitive spot they could reach. Your neck tingled where Brian had marked it and your nipples were stiff peaks, extra sensitive to cool air after he and Roger had delighted in torturing them with teeth and tongue and fingertips. “How was that?” John asked, slowly withdrawing his fingers when he was satisfied you’d finished. “Fuck,” was all you could say, the three boys laughing, John dropping a kiss to the inside of your thigh. “Think you can handle more?” “Actually Bri I think I might be done,” “Oh. Really?” “I’m kidding.” “Thank Christ. I’m so fucking hard there’s no way I could get my pants back on anyway.” You laughed and pushed yourself to sit up, “Poor thing. I suppose you can use my cunt for a bit.” “Classic guitarists always getting first go,” “Shut it drum boy, I was about to offer to blow you but if you’re going to be like that,” “No, no, I didn’t say anything.” “He did Y/N, I heard him, blow me instead,” “Ignore Deaks, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” “Like a couple of – oh!” you were cut off as Brian grabbed you round the middle and wrenched you onto your hands and knees, “children. A little warning next time please,” “Sorry,” Brian leaned forward to kiss your back as his fingers trailed up the inside of your thigh, “but if I didn’t move this along we’d be stuck arguing about who gets to blow who forever.” “N-no we wouldn’t,” you stumbled over your words as Brian’s long, talented fingers pressed into you, “I made up my mind, Rog in my throat.” “What about me?” “Don’t worry Deaks, you’ll get your turn. If you want you can spank me though, or bite me or pull my hair or whatever else you can think of. You know my limits. Also we’ll need lube so if you want to go digging through my bathroom draws and find some you can. Might be a reward in it if you do.” “Spankher, please,” Brian nearly whined, “always makes her cunt so tight.” “Think I’d rather claim that reward thanks” “Alright then I’ll spank her,” “Guys! Can you stop arguing. I have holes enough for all of you, that’s kind of the point of this. And, Brian and Roger, if I don’t get both of your cocks deep, deep inside me within the next thirty seconds I will kick you both out and let John have his way with me on repeat.” A moment of silence accompanied your statement. You saw Roger, eyes wide, look over at John and then to Brian, and could only assume they were returning his dumbfounded look. “Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven,” Roger blinked as if waking from a daydream and hurried to kneel in front of you, one hand gliding over the length of his cock as the other reached for your hair. Your mouth fell open in a gasp as Brian suddenly filled you, holding your hips tight as he bottomed out, which gave Roger enough opportunity to push himself towards the back of your throat. There was a shift in the mattress as John got up but you were a little too preoccupied to hear the door open and shut or the sound of him rummaging through your bathroom. You only realised he’d returned when a sudden, loud spank hit you and you knew Brian’s hands were still occupied with your hips. For their parts, Roger and Brian were keeping you busy, skewered between them, not sure whether the noises coming from your own throat were moans or gags or wordless begging. Brian breathlessly laughed as John spanked you again, “So fucking tight. Bit harder?” “Y/N?” You made an assenting humming noise and nodded as much as Roger’s cock would allow which John rightly took as permission and so hit you again, harder than the last.
It was an intoxicating feeling, taking two cocks at once, all the while wanting more and knowing you’d have it before long. Brian fucked you hard and precise, as if his goal was to split you open from the inside out. Had it just been him and you alone you would have found yourself creeping further up the bed. It had happened a few times before, leaving you either hanging off the edge of the bed, or with your hands over your head and pressed against a wall in an effort to keep from banging your head. But all he managed to do was push you further onto Roger’s cock, making you gag and choke more often. Roger didn’t seem to mind that though, giving as good as Brian, firmly gripping your hair so that you couldn’t even attempt to move off him. The added impact from John’s hand just made you shiver and moan. He was the one who sensed you were getting close though, reaching under you to rub your clit and give you the extra push you needed to get over the edge. Brian wasn’t too far behind you, groaning as he tried to keep fucking you, his hips faltering as he twitched inside you and spilled his seed. You felt his hands on your backside as he spread your cheeks, leaning down to spit on your arsehole before he pulled out of you. Once Brian was finished with you, you tapped Roger’s thigh and he pulled back. “You okay?” he asked, stroking your cheek with a knuckle. “Brilliant, just thought that since I can move a bit easier, I’d take over. You look like you were close.” “Fucking yes I was close,” You giggled as you readjusted your position to be more comfortable, once again taking Roger’s cock between your lips. This time you pushed yourself lower, taking him deeper, making Roger swear above you. You pulled back again, hollowing your cheeks until you sank down once more. A strangled moan seemed to catch in Roger’s throat and it spurred you on. You reached out to cups his balls, massaging them in your hand as you took him as deep as you could and hummed. The hum turned into something akin to a squeal (though slightly muffled and choked off at the end) as the sticky cool of John’s lube covered finger teased your arsehole, tracing circles around it before slowly sinking into you. The sight seemed to be enough to finish Roger off, one hand on the back of your head to steady himself as he shot his load down your throat, pulling out towards the end so the last of it dribbled down your chin. “Now me?” John asked, pushing a second finger in with the first as Roger let you go. “Stretch me out a little more and then yes,” “Oh, no, I’m not ready for that yet. I want your tits.” “What?” “Your tits, Y/N. Turn around,” His fingers left you and you were free to move, shuffling on your knees to face him. John pressed down on your shoulder pushing you to sit back on your knees and adjusting your angle so he could slide his lubed up shaft between your breasts. He pushed them together with his palms and slid them up and down his dick as he rutted against you, spreading the sticky lube over your chest. With a slight smile at John, you  dipped your head a little and kissed the tip of his cock as it moved towards your lips. “Fuck, been waiting so long for this,” he groaned, “gon-na make a mmm-ess all over you.” He gave up on speech as he neared his released, communicating exclusively in grunts and increased speed until he finished, covering your chest and sternum in ropes of cum that dripped down your skin.
You laughed as John fell back. The hardest you could remember laughing in a while. “What’s so funny?” Brian asked, reaching out to rub your shoulder. “Just thought what that reporter would say if she could see me now, naked and dripping in spunk,” you managed to get out between giggles, “her face would be fucking priceless.” The boys laughed along with you, glad you could see the funny side of the situation with the article. “Does that mean you’re feeling better?” “Yes Rog, but I’m still not done with you.” “What did you have in mind?” “Well,” you crawled over to where Roger was sitting, leant back on his hands, and placed your hand on his throat, tilting his face away from you a little so you could lick a long stripe from his jaw to his temple, “I meant it when I said I wanted all of you.” “Never doubted it, love,” he sounded a little breathless. “Just let me know when you’re all ready to go again. Not you Rog, I can see you’re ready.” “I’m good too Y/N,” “Yeah, same,” “In that case,” you shifted your position, lining yourself up with Roger and sinking down on him, squeezing his throat a little harder as you adjusted. “John, you still got that lube?” “Yes, uh, yeah here,” there was the sound of a cap flipping open and you leaned forward encouraging Roger to lay back so you could give John better access. “Hey, Rog, can you spread your legs a little wider,” “S’pose so, just don’t kneel on my bollocks or anything,” “God give me a second, the thought of that just made mine try and jump up inside me,” You giggled as John shuffled closer, using his fingers to spread some more of the lube over you and to keep stretching you out. “What about me, Y/N?” “I haven’t forgotten you Bri. I want every inch of your cock shoved so far down my throat I can feel you for a week. Just let me get used to the others first, yeah? Still feels kinda odd having two of you at once since we’ve not done it much.” Brian nodded, contenting himself with running his fingers through your hair as he waited. John, having pulled his fingers from you and slicked up his dick with more lube, sank into you slowly, his hand on your back to keep you bent forward. It suddenly felt hard for you to pull in a new breath as you tried to adjust to the feeling of both of them, especially when John gave an experimental thrust, fucking you slowly to make sure it felt okay for everyone. Brian talked softly, reminding you to breathe and telling you how well you were doing, until you were better in control of your lungs and ready for more. “Are you sure you want me as well?” “Yes. Lets show that parasite just how far I’ll go, huh?” Roger laughed, “that’s the spirit.”
Brian didn’t need more convincing than that, though it did take a little trial and error to find the best way to accommodate all three of them. Brian tried perching his arse on the headboard but Roger whinged about “seeing nothing but Bri’s ballsack flopping about. And I know you see things when you’re gangbanging but that is too much.” In the end Brian stood next to the bed by Roger’s head, enough to the side that Roger’s view wasn’t impeded but still close enough so that the angle wouldn’t strain your neck. He gathered your hair into a messy ponytail as he pulled your mouth onto his cock, letting you work yourself further down his shaft as slowly as you needed, checking in with you every now and again to make sure you could take more. The other two were mostly still as you adjusted to Brian, though once or twice they’d given a small thrust or shifted slightly and made you whine. Once you had Brian buried as deep in your throat as he could go you paused for a few seconds and then pulled back again, strings of saliva breaking on your lips. “How was that?” “Good,” you gasped, “New. Kinda weird but very fucking good.” That didn’t really explain anything but you weren’t sure how to describe the nearly overwhelming fullness, the sudden heat, the tension in your belly which you couldn’t pinpoint as either anticipation or nerves or just because you were stretched open on three cocks. “And that’s without us doing anything,” “I know,” you grinned, “I’m excited. Why didn’t we try this sooner? But now you guys can cut loose. I’m not sure I’ll be much use in like riding you properly or whatever. Just don’t know my brain can focus on keeping both of you in my holes while I’m thinking about blowing Bri well. So, just fuck me however you can and we’ll see how it goes.” “Don’t worry, we’ll make you feel good,” John said, rubbing your back softly. “Yeah, course we will, love. And if ends up being shit then we can just take turns instead,” You nodded and took a deep breath before leaning forward to take Brian again. You controlled the pace once more, bobbing up and down his shaft, sucking on his tip, as the other two figured out their rhythm. It was a strange sensation to start. It felt clumsy and more than a little awkward, especially when John mentioned how he could feel Roger inside you. But that eased as they adjusted and worked out how best to fuck you. John held your hips as he plunged into you, each thrust harder than the last as his confidence rose and he found out what you liked most. Roger’s hands moved over your skin rather than staying in once place, palming your breasts and teasing your nipples between his fingertips before sliding down your side to grasp your waist and then back up to your breasts. You were rocked on his cock with each of John’s pounding thrusts, which only made you moan around Brian’s. You let instinct take over there, one hand stroking from his base up to meet your lips as you swallowed him deeper. His hips jolted when you whined or moaned and before long you dropped your hand away from his shaft, instead grabbing his arse to keep yourself steady. He pulled you off him again and you could feel the spit on your chin. “Forgot what a fucking incredible cocksucker you are.” Brian groaned, “But can I take over? Fuck your throat?” “Yeah, okay,” You had time for another breath and then you were pushed down again, right to the base. “There we go,” he groaned, pulling on your hair, “Gonna make you feel so fucking good.” Your hum was choked off and ended in a gag as Brian ground his hips into your face. That seemed to be the tipping point though. The moment all three of them forgot about awkward views or who was positioned where and became entirely consumed with fucking you deep and hard. You were glad to let them lead, grabbing you, pinching and pulling and squeezing every inch of you they could reach. And all the while spearing you on their dicks, keeping you in a cycle of mounting pleasure as they found all your most responsive spots inside and out. You felt your orgasm building again, the heat rising, getting more urgent as you got closer and closer. The sounds you made were muffled by Brian but that didn’t stop you making them, moaning with every pounding thrust. As you neared the edge Brian pulled you off his cock so they could all hear you properly, their encouragement mixing in your lust addled brain and creating a wall of noise that pushed you over the edge with a loud cry. And yet they didn’t stop. Brian waited until your orgasm was reduced to aftershocks that made you wince and whine and then cut off your air as he entered your throat again, resuming the long, deep strokes that made you gag until he came, holding you down as he emptied himself completely.
As soon as the other two didn’t have to worry about giving Brian access to your mouth they adjusted your position, John pushing on your back until you were bent over. Roger attached his lips to your throat as they simultaneously fucked into you, the change of angle pushing Roger’s cock against you in a way that had you seeing spots. You cried out again as Brian lay a slap on your arse. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” John grunted as he came too, unable to hold out any longer though he didn’t withdraw from you either. His hips slowed a bit and he whined softly but he kept fucking you. “Rog,” you panted, trying to get him to finish too. “You’ve got another one in you, c’mon love,” You whined but nodded, the familiar sensation already tightening in the pit of your stomach. Again the three of them encouraged you, John wrapping his hand around your waist to find your clit, Brian reaching under you to squeeze your breast as his other hand came down on your arse again. They gave you no option but to cum, shivering between them. Finally Roger let go too, moaning into your ear as he filled you up.
It took a moment to disentangle everyone, John being careful not to go too fast and hurt you, but finally you were able to collapse together, sweaty and panting, spread out over the room. “So, cheered up now?” Brian asked from where he’d lain down on the carpet You peered over the edge of the bed at him, “Think so. Thanks for that, it was fun.” “Any time, love,” Roger chuckled from the end of the bed, patting your knee, “and I mean that.” “I’m not you groupie anymore,” “Never said you were,” “Then what?” “What Rog means,” John cut in from where he’d spread out on you window seat, “is that if you ever need cheering up or to let out some frustrations, we’re here. We’re happy to help,” “Does your help always involve a gangbang?” “Not always,” Brian laughed. “Well, a lot of the time,” Roger added with a wink. “I’ll keep it in mind,” you chuckled, “I’ll have to face my family at some point and there’s a high chance I’ll leave upset and frustrated so, we’ll see. Wonder how Freddie’s getting on with those calls.” “I’ll go give him a ring and find out,” Roger said, half groaning as he stood and stretched. He didn’t bother grabbing any of his discarded clothes before he left. “I’ll take Rog his pants,” John sighed as he got up and replaced his own underwear, exiting the room with an eyeroll, Roger’s underwear pinched between his thumb and pointer. “And I’ll...stay here?” Brian said, “unless you need anything?” “Nah, I’m going to jump in the shower. Let the other two know that’s where I am, would you?” “If you’re doing that, can I have the bed?” “Sure Bri,” you laughed, “as long as you promise to change the sheets when you wake up.”
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dreamled-archive · 7 years
HMM NVM im not in the mood !! i give up !
#ミ☆┋ ɢᴇᴛ ᴏɴ ᴜᴘ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ʟᴀɴᴇ (out.)#negative tw#i know it's not that deep but both attempts at posting a starter call flopped n my starter call on another blog flopped so im not feeling#Great About Myself Or My Blogs Haha#i'd like other ppl's starter calls instead more often but i feel like ppl arent interested in my blogs so it's like?? im afraid to like shit#in case ppl find it annoying it's a vicious cycle#i just hate feeling shit about my ocs but u kno what !!!!!#most of my attempts to start shit? Flops#stuff's..........okayish on kael but my other blogs? Nah !!#i kno ppl dont find my blogs interesting idk i guess thats the curse of not following trends / ditching my ocs to make blogs that follow#trends instead every 2 months#the curse is ppl getting bored of u super quick I Guess#i kno it seems like i'm being overdramatic but ?? how many memes did i reblog over the last week only to get 100% ignored#idk man nobody actually gives a GENUINE fuck about mio as a character#ppl dont give a fuck abt my characters in general & i constantly feel like im wasting my own time#except i love writing these characters so i keep at it but it's???????? draining ??? bc i dont feel like ppl care#this should be way more fun than it is hahaha !!!!#oh well at least im bringing back a canon muse so ppl'll be interested in SOMETHING i do !!!#im Rubbish lmao why do i let myself feel like this#maybe i should just avoid posting starter calls bc i always just starting feel awful when they flop
0 notes
miraimisu · 7 years
Ask a Writer!
Tagged by the lovely @i-masshiro​, thanks babe! Love you tons, such a sweetheart D’: 
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It doesn’t mean anything in particular! An old best friend of mine helped me pick it up when I was struggling with new decent nicknames. This is the one I use for all my accounts now.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favorites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
These Stones We Skip, definitely. It’s got like 90 comments (half of them me responding to those, so it’s narrowed down to 45 haha) +2k hits, 100 kudos more or less, and a bunch of bookmarks! I’m super happy with how the fic is being read and that people like it this much! Also if anyone waiting for an update is reading pls forgive me I’ve been busy I promise I will update pls don’t sue ;;.
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Actually, I think all my icons are Uraraka icons, excepting the one I got for FF.net which is actually Asuna from SAO. Last time I updated the page I was heavily into SAO so... pretty self-explanatory. My love for Uraraka needs no explanations either.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I do! And most of them are an incredibly fun bunch of them. Long, usual commenters are my shit, not gonna lie. Although I have lost some of them as my updates have become slower, but I hope they come to read someday.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Not really, unless it’s for some kind of reference. There was this line I hit where my style got smoother and a bit more polished, but from there below it’s kind of rubbish and I can’t read anything. All good things I write I can’t usually read because of self-awareness.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
None and none lmao, I always drop kudos but I don’t think I have ever bookmarked anything, nor subscribed to because I don’t really have much time to check out stuff-- and when I do, I totally binge read it.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Fantasy AU because it’s consumed my life now.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
I got 10 subscriptions on AO3 and 60 bookmarks!
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I would like to someday find the strength to write something venty someday, as I recently found out I somehow write much better and feel more satisfied when I vent my anger on writing. Something that doesn’t happen really often, but it happens and it’s great therapy!
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Tons of things, most particular. I would like to become less paranoid over people not seeing my scenarios, thus making my style less complex to the untrained eye. Also, fighting scenes make me cringe because I suck so hard at making them depsite having clear pictures in my head /cries. 
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I am now very focused on Kacchako and iirc ir used to be a rarepair? but I think it will break out of that zone soon.
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
3 on AO3, and 31 on FF.net. 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Tons of them that sounded great in my head. It’s that small snapping process of realizing a powerful story is too weak to be posten, and kinda let it rest.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I keep them in my head and plan to write them. Only the fantasy AU for kacchako has made it out of my head, lol.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes, and it was a wonderful experience.
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
Weirdly enough, from DeviantArt! I would usually go there searching for art pieces and found some deep small fics, whose authors would usually have a FF.net account. I only knew of AO3 last year, but I think I read one a bit before that. Not exactly sure when.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
Not at all, there is too many talented people in this damn kaccha house  (⁎˃ᆺ˂) they are all so good jdskak
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
People usually call me Mira, but use others for Discord. 
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Lots of them! Every author that lies in my recs gallery has inspired me in one way or another. Though that place is kinda outdated so I may have to add some more, but all my friends have inspired me overall. They are all wonderful writers and artists and it’s amazing to be so surrounded.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t feel pushed to write queality straightaway, and always read other stuff to build new vocab and structures. Everytime you read, you will most likely learn something new as every author’s view gives you a new perspective on things. I have found it to be a great practice!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Plot, always. Everytime I am listening to music and come up with a new snippit, I jot it down anywhere I can. Google’s Keep is a pretty nifty tool for this!
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Well, I only got maybe two! One of them was pretty lukewarm and more of an advice that I followed, and it was a good one despite the harshness of it. On the other hand, I got one comment that told me they were giving up on my story because it was too thick style and lore wise, but I didn’t mind at all tbh-- I already knew I was facing these kinds of risks when I started writing long things like these.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Fighting scenes in general kind of take a lot of time for me to work with, and same with some simply dialogue bits that I am like: and what now!? D:
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
My fantasy AU! pls if sb is reading Im sorry I will update soon don’t press charges thank
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I usually jot the deets down and push it aside until I am done with my main thing. It’s probably my best habit when it comes to planning, lol.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Not really. I usually try to plan when I wanna update, divide my chap’s aproximate word count and split it in days!
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Oof, definitely. Mostly because my English has improved along with my writing and that helps. A lot.
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I did write one in Spanish that got lots of good feedback and invested readers, and I had a blast writing its lore and characters.
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I wrote a pretty dark fic once and it’s a fic I know I wrote well? but I am kinda ashamed of looking back at it.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Maybe working on something that is a little bit more professional, or just enjoying myself. Got no clue tbh.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
I think I can be pretty ominous in some parts and be very subtle with foreshadowing. The art of subtlety is something I worship everyday.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Trying to live up to those little scenes I had in my head, and writing them as good as possible. And description in general, sometimes. And word count consistency is something that worries me sometimes. Oh, and the endless fear of poking a plothole bigger than a damn blackhole.
33. Why do you write?
To make people entertained and happy if they want something to read!
I nominate the great artists and gals @animeniac​, @kacchanswife​, @hondaroo​, @kacchas​ and @liltoothbrush​! If you don’t reply I’ll press charges so hahaha! 
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/11/19 - Chat with Erika
Erika_XP💚: "Oh my lord I am so sleepy”
Slinky Stinks△: "Dudes”
Slinky Stinks△: "I can't stay up untyl 11/11”
Slinky Stinks△: "I'm too sleepy”
Xenquility: "Dude
Xenquility: "sleep now and wake up later”
Xenquility: "If you're gonna sleep do it early”
Xenquility: "Cause it's only 4:30 est
Erika_XP💚: "I was supposed to sleep a while ago but I cant actually bring myself to sleep I am so excited and worried”
Xenquility: "Probably a good while till jid starts”
Slinky Stinks△: "B r u h”
Slinky Stinks△: "I gotta go 2 school”
Xenquility: "o”
Slinky Stinks△: "I can just stay up and drink redbull tho”
Slinky Stinks△: "That was my summer plans for two weeks”
The Sun: "All who get cancer from my radiance weren't born to bear the gifts I give unto them. :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:”
Erika_XP💚: "Those things are rubbish”
Erika_XP💚: "poison really”
Slinky Stinks△: "I'm so brave, I sunbath WITHOUT CREAM”
Slinky Stinks△: "brUH”
The Sun: "Wtf is an erika”
Slinky Stinks△: "THAT COMEBACK WAS”
Slinky Stinks△: "LMAO XEN UR DED”
Slinky Stinks△: "SHE KILLED U”
Xenquility: "She uh”
Xenquility: "said”
Erika_XP💚: "Im sorry are you ok”
Xenquility: "ur mum”
Xenquility: "If that's a comeback I'm jumping off a roof”
Xenquility: "Why am I doing this anyways”
Xenquility: "What's life anymore”
Slinky Stinks△: "Shut up xen ur ded”
Slinky Stinks△: "She got chu”
Erika_XP💚: "I did not know my own strength on that one I feared I shattered you”
Slinky Stinks△: "Well then prepare for the day your skeleton gets freedom”
Slinky Stinks△: "It is uncomfortable inside a meat vessel”
Erika_XP💚: "I have delt with scarier”
Erika_XP💚: "I once watched the regiminis video but at 11:11 at night alone outside on my laptop”
Xenquility: "ok you do not exist”
Xenquility: "you are not real”
Erika_XP💚: "I think I passed out for a moment but I think  may have just woken up in time to make sure Tyler is ok”
Erika_XP💚: "@IIIII Tyler I am sure you are busy and can't see this but GOOD LUCK I have been saying prayers for you this whole day”
ADULT_LINK△: "just a uh”
ADULT_LINK△: "suggestion”
IIIII: "Jesus h christ fuck off”
ADULT_LINK△: "people tend to get annoyed when ya ping em needlessly”
Erika_XP💚: "I just wanted to make sure you were ok I am sorry”
Eevee Reborn: "Erika has severe stokholm syndrome”
Erika_XP💚: "Would you kindly sod off”
DensO Burton: "Oh god”
Ross the Claus 🎄: ":0”
Eevee Reborn: "Erika: exists”
Eevee Reborn: "Tyler: rabid foaming mad demon”
Xenquility: "It's like watching a disaster in slow motion”
DensO Burton: "Ok erika how do u imagine tyler's d”
DensO Burton: "Sorry”
Erika_XP💚: "I beg your pardon?”
DensO Burton: "Just a joke”
Erika_XP💚: "Sorry I am really socially awkward ^^;”
DensO Burton: "Don't worry it wss a BAD joke”
/Mr. Circle\: "i'm ashamed of the voice i read erika's messages in after "sod off"”
DensO Burton: "Lol”
/Mr. Circle\: "soteetos”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 10:56 PM: “ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴇᴇᴍᴇᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʀᴜᴅᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ.”
otherLiam 10:57 PM: "I’m surprised you joined us in here. Not worried about our chats being monitored?” 
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 10:58 PM: "sᴇᴇᴍs ᴘᴏɪɴᴛʟᴇss ɴᴏᴡ.”
Densgivin 10:58 PM: "Hey”
Ross the Claus 🎄 10:58 PM: "hey ghost”
Xenquility 10:58 PM: "Nice role….”
otherLiam 10:59 PM: "Anything interesting going on?”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:00 PM: "ɪᴛ ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ, ɪ ᴀssᴜᴍᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴅʀᴏᴘ ɪɴ.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:00 PM: "ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏʟᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴘᴇʀ, xᴇɴ?”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "Just the name”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "Mainly the /”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "and the \”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "Anyways, seems more than coincidental the "Time to drop in” is 11/11”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:02 PM: “ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇɴ.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:02 PM: "ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴛɪsꜰɪᴇᴅ?”
Xenquility 11:03 PM: "Very”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:04 PM: "ɪ'ᴍ ɢʟᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ɢɪꜰᴛ.”
Xenquility 11:05 PM: "Im dumb”
Xenquility 11:05 PM: "no surprise there”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:05 PM: "ɪ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴛʀᴀᴅᴇᴍᴀʀᴋ ꜰᴏɴᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ.”
Xenquility 11:06 PM: "Yeah I got it now”
Xenquility 11:06 PM: "My brain likes to act before I think”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:06 PM: "ɪ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴅɪsᴄᴜssɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʏᴇᴛ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴄᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʙᴀsᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴇxᴛ.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:06 PM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴍʏ ᴏᴡɴ ᴜɴsᴀᴛɪsꜰᴀᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ᴘᴀʀᴀɴᴏɪᴀ ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ.”
Xenquility 11:07 PM: "No, my original text was me snarkily saying "What gift?” before I realised it was the video”
Xenquility 11:07 PM: “I’m surprised there aren’t as many people here right now”
Xenquility 11:07 PM: ”(Everyone here raise your hand)”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:09 PM: “:raised_back_of_hand:”
Xenquility 11:09 PM: "Liam was here but has disappeared in the past two minutes or so”
Eevee Reborn 11:10 PM: "Hand”
Xenquility 11:11 PM: "Hey Ghosty, just to confirm, what day and year is it for you?”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:11 PM: "11/11 2019”
Xenquility 11:11 PM: "Good”
Xenquility 11:11 PM: "Should we be doing anything to help those in the past?”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:12 PM: "ɪᴛ’s ᴀʟsᴏ 11:11”
Erika_XP💚 11:12 PM: ”@IIIII  This is the pivitol moment I always assume. TYLER LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE OK”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:12 PM: “fucking stop”
IIIII 11:13 PM: "not only is it 11:12 but you are single handedly the most annoying little fuck to ever grace this group”
Erika_XP💚 11:13 PM: "Im just glad to know you are ok”
otherLiam 11:14 PM: "this has now crossed over into obvious trolling”
IIIII 11:14 PM: "were yuo expecting a fucking video?”
Xenquility 11:14 PM: "Can we just ban them at this point”
IIIII 11:14 PM: ”@Erika_XP💚”
IIIII 11:14 PM: “@Erika_XP💚”
IIIII 11:14 PM: ”@Erika_XP💚”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:15 PM: “ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜʏ.”
IIIII 11:16 PM: "Fucking a yuo dumb bitch dont worry there will be a video tonight its just going to be late now because I had to sit here and call you an annoying cunt for distracting me”
ADULT_LINK 11:18 PM: "oof”
Erika_XP💚 11:18 PM: ”@ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ I dont think he is usually like this I think he is just having a bad time considering the day. I will harden myself as well!”
ADULT_LINK 11:19 PM: “snrk”
Erika_XP💚 11:19 PM: "what is this short for?”
otherLiam 11:21 PM: "Assuming you aren’t trolling because I’m bored, it’s not short for anything. It’s the sound of someone holding in a laugh.”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "oh shit I missed soem shit”
otherLiam 11:23 PM: "not much”
otherLiam 11:23 PM: "mostly just ghostbabel joined”
otherLiam 11:23 PM: "and tyler yelled at erika for being annoying”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "well I also see someone got chewed out lol”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "astounding”
QuoteBOT 11:26 PM: "Ok erika how do u imagine tyler’s d”
ARGdov 11:26 PM: "ive heard its quite a lot for most to manage tbh”
ARGdov 11:26 PM: "so Im wondering too”
Erika_XP💚 11:27 PM: "Ok I get that I am annoying, I remind myself of this often. But I see no reason for all the awful aggression. I only excuse it because of who we are talking about here and considering the situation.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:27 PM: "ɪ sᴇᴇ ɪ ᴀᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ.”
Eevee Reborn 11:27 PM: "The fuck”
Xenquility 11:27 PM: "Actually you are needed”
ARGdov 11:27 PM: "nope”
Xenquility 11:27 PM: "We always need you”
IIIII 11:27 PM: "You were literally never needed”
ADULT_LINK 11:27 PM: "hi ghost”
ARGdov 11:27 PM: "as usual we are capable of tearing ourselves apart on our own”
ADULT_LINK 11:27 PM: "howsit goin”
otherLiam 11:27 PM: "okay hang on what is happening here”
IIIII 11:27 PM: "can you stop fucking larping”
ARGdov 11:28 PM: "Im lost”
ARGdov 11:28 PM: "if tylers fucking ooc why is ghost not ooc”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:28 PM: "ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ?”
otherLiam 11:28 PM: "That’s what I’m wondering”
Eevee Reborn 11:28 PM: "This went from trial of fire to full on…. dammnit, Dov’s watching”
ADULT_LINK 11:28 PM: "oof”
ARGdov 11:28 PM: "lol what did I do now”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:28 PM: "ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs, ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏ, ᴀᴅɪᴇᴜ.”
IIIII: "Oh trust me I would fucking love to dumbass”
otherLiam: "Is this ooc?”
ARGdov: "night, ghost”
Eevee Reborn: "Oof”
ARGdov: ".....if it is Im confused.”
otherLiam: "I can’t even fucking tell anymore.”
ARGdov: "but also if I start asking Tyler questions I feel like it'll annoy him more lol”
Erika_XP💚: "what does ooc mean?”
ARGdov: "out of character”
ADULT_LINK△: ":eye::eye:”
Eevee Reborn: "I'll ask him a question”
IIIII: "@Erika_XP💚 it means none of this is real and you are a stupid cunt brb”
ARGdov: "gosh”
otherLiam: "ok so he is ooc”
otherLiam: "but is talking to characters”
ARGdov: "weird”
ARGdov: "still dunno what you mean by this xD”
otherLiam: "by the way eevee, it’s become clear this is a troll”
Eevee Reborn: "You guys are brutal”
ARGdov: "this is certainly a new form of trolling tbh”
ARGdov: "acting like a fangirl who wants sempai to notice her”
ARGdov: "this is forwarding the field of trolling quite a bit, it used to be you barged in and called people slurs and made them mad”
Eevee Reborn: "Quick, let's play bolero of fire so Erikas epic trial of fire has a soundtrack”
ARGdov: "this is much more subtle”
ARGdov: "much more sinister”
otherLiam: "where’ve you been, trolling has advanced quite a bit”
ARGdov: "much more traditionally feminine”
ARGdov: "she deserves an award”
otherLiam: "i’m gonna laugh when it turns out this is just wolfcat on another screen”
Erika_XP💚: "I dont know where this "trolling" idea comes from”
Xenquility: "Honestly the wolf idea has come to my head a few times”
Eevee Reborn: "Feminine troll”
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 I present to you this honorary doctrate in trolling”
ARGdov: "oh my gosh”
Xenquility: "fuckdsf”
ARGdov: "this being Wolf”
ARGdov: "that makes a lot of sense”
ARGdov: "but also like”
ARGdov: "I dunno if he'd do that”
ARGdov: "after he got in trouble for gamejacking”
Xenquility: "They did  just freak out after being accused of being wolf”
otherLiam: "he totally would”
ARGdov: "they did yes”
ARGdov: "which makes me wonder if they are”
Xenquility: "Also wolf has never been online with her”
Xenquility: "Or interacted with her”
ARGdov: "shit yeah”
otherLiam: "lmao”
otherLiam: "good bit wolf”
ARGdov: "@Wolfcat WHERE ARE YOU”
otherLiam: "10/10”
ADULT_LINK△: "what iff....”
ARGdov: "you got us all lol”
ADULT_LINK△: "this is ALl canon”
otherLiam: "that’s a good fuckin bit”
ADULT_LINK△: "im :high:”
ADULT_LINK△: "fuck”
ARGdov: "thorin”
ARGdov: "you're always high”
ARGdov: "and you've lost track of the story”
ADULT_LINK△: ":eye:”
ADULT_LINK△: ":eyes:”
otherLiam: "we’ve all lost track of the fuckin story”
mfgreth: ":thinking:”
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 because you're wolf we're revoking your honorary doctrate”
Eevee Reborn: "Quick Dov, we need your wise ideas. Ideas that have NEVER lead us astray.”
otherLiam: “greth pls help”
ARGdov: "yes, listen to me”
ARGdov: "clearly I have always made the right decision in this ARG”
Xenquility: "We need to post a screenshot of the future to the past”
Xenquility: "bomb plans 8.9”
otherLiam: "brilliant”
otherLiam: "then we play the oath to order and summon all the giants”
Eevee Reborn: "We look Dov. Our overlord”
Xenquility: "Then song of storms 10 hours which we never turn off”
otherLiam: "but then we use the giant mask to make them bigger”
Xenquility: "then .root”
otherLiam: "then we >c_connect johnisdead.com”
Erika_XP💚: "who is wolf?”
ARGdov: "uh no we dont need to use the giant mask to mkae them bigger”
ARGdov: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWbkxaTU1Z0”
ARGdov: "we'll just use the rita repulsa method”
otherLiam: "damn u rite”
mfgreth: "You wan erika banned???”
Xenquility: "yes”
Xenquility: "please god”
otherLiam: "prolly a good idea”
otherLiam: "before tyler’s head explodes”
Xenquility: "holy shit the tags on the pumpkinpology video say "erika"”
Xenquility: "no jk”
otherLiam: "...holy shit there’s no way.”
Xenquility: "no”
Xenquility: "I'm kidding”
ARGdov: "ahahahhaha”
otherLiam: "fuck off”
otherLiam: "dont do that to a man when he’s already hurtin”
ARGdov: "in any case I need a magic wand to go make whatever the fuck grow”
Eevee Reborn: "Penor”
Erika_XP💚: "Why should I be getting banned???”
ARGdov: "because you're Wolfcat”
otherLiam: "because you’re either a troll, wolfcat, or way too young to play this game.”
mfgreth: "Im not gonna ban erika”
mfgreth: "I dont see a reason tbh”
ARGdov: "or alternaively because you are a naive nusiance and for once we're gonna nip a problem in the bud before it gets too large”
Eevee Reborn: "And being wolfcat is NOT a victimless crime”
Xenquility: "(They might not actually be wolfcat lmao)”
otherLiam: "I mean she literally poked tyler until he was forced to drop character
with weird fan worship”
ARGdov: "see the one thing is about her being wolfcat Im not sure about is”
ARGdov: "Tyler was super pissed at him literally yesterday”
ARGdov: "why would Wolf decide to try and troll him”
otherLiam: "im mostly memeing, i doubt it’s wolf”
Erika_XP💚: "Maybe you are naive actually, just last night I was linking one of you a video none of you had technically ever seen and now you are acting like this”
ARGdov: "Im pretty sure we had seen that video actualy”
otherLiam: "wat”
ARGdov: "just because it ws unlisted doesnt make you special”
Eevee Reborn: "Wolfcat likes to start drama. Big drama starter always. Yup”
ARGdov: "actually Im next to POSITIVE we have”
otherLiam: "What video was it?”
Xenquility: "Yknow if this is a troll they've succeeded”
Xenquility: "We're all fighting over nothing on 11/11”
otherLiam: "I mean, nothing’s happened yet.”
otherLiam: "Other than the Greths poking us”
Xenquility: "If they aren't getting banned we can't do anything about it”
otherLiam: "and GB joining”
mfgreth: "I can protect erika with communism”
otherLiam: "people cant even protect their own families with communism”
ARGdov: "this was the video”
Xenquility: "Yeah we've seen that”
ARGdov: "Im aware”
ARGdov: "Erika claimed she was the first person to find it”
Xenquility: "It's been on the ID channel for months”
ARGdov: "my point is literally just that she was wrong”
otherLiam: "Not only have we seen that”
otherLiam: "we’ve also solved the ciphers on it” 
ARGdov: "yup”
mfgreth: "Rood”
ARGdov: "look, if shes not Wolf, then idk what her deal is”
ARGdov: "because she clearly knows to some extent that this isnt real. earlier yesterday she asked if the issue was "gm stuff"”
otherLiam: "listen slinky’s a kid, but at least he just endearingly screws up instead of weirdly worshipping Tyler.”
Xenquility: "I think we should just drop the issue for now. We're not going to be reaching a resolution anytime soon and to be fair, if this is a really young kid, we've kinda just mobbed on her like a lynch mob”
otherLiam: "this is clearly a plant from the lunar children”
ADULT_LINK△: "i bet yall bitches never seen THIS video”
otherLiam: "if you post rickroll”
ARGdov: "or its Raven”
ARGdov: "or Suxx”
ARGdov: "honestly I would buy it being Raven”
ARGdov: "...”
ADULT_LINK△: "and now nobody else gets to see the video”
ARGdov: "Im not sure if we have seen this”
ARGdov: "Ive opened it”
Xenquility: "oh my gid”
Xenquility: "I love this”
ARGdov: "oh my gosh”
ARGdov: "its a monica vid”
ADULT_LINK△: ":hylotl_eyes:”
ARGdov: "of course”
otherLiam: "tfw you will never have tyler because his heart belongs to monika sempai”
Xenquility: "Some say video 2 only appears once a year”
otherLiam: "just monika”
ARGdov: "always”
ARGdov: "just monika”
ARGdov: "only monika”
otherLiam: "Just Monika”
otherLiam: "Just Monika”
otherLiam: "Just Monika”
ARGdov: "smack Liam”
otherLiam: "neck snaps at 90 degree angle”
otherLiam: "runs at screen”
ARGdov: "pulls out fairy in a bottle”
ADULT_LINK△: ":honl:”
ARGdov: "heals you”
ADULT_LINK△: ":fairy:”
otherLiam: "dov have you played this dumb game”
Xenquility: "what the hell he gets a sledge hammer”
ARGdov: "I have but I didnt finish it tbh”
ARGdov: "but I know its deal”
Xenquility: "this usb is indestructible”
otherLiam: "takes too long to get going imo”
otherLiam: "act 1 should be like, a day shorter”
ARGdov: "eh, whatever”
ARGdov: "its god shit either way”
Xenquility: "LMAO I didn't see the "Game" part and I thought you were talking about the video”
ADULT_LINK△: "im gonna keep smoking and open my  f o u r t h  e y e “
ARGdov: "this reminds me”
otherLiam: "no im talking about ddlc”
otherLiam: "also man”
ARGdov: "I should keep palying Dream Daddy”
otherLiam: "it’s almost not 11/11 anymore on the ec”
ARGdov: "but it was so wholesome it made me gag”
ARGdov: "rip”
ARGdov: "somethings coming”
mfgreth: "Yeesh”
Eevee Reborn: "Me :sweat_drops:”
Eevee Reborn: "Now if anyone is going to obsessively fangirl over a hottie, jontron is it”
otherLiam: "he got married”
Eevee Reborn: "Jontron > Tyler”
ARGdov: "what if I wanna fangirl over someone else”
mfgreth: "Happy 11/12”
ARGdov: "Lestat the Vampire > Jontron”
ARGdov: "he can suck me any day”
otherLiam: "but something’s” 
otherLiam: "changed”
otherLiam: "Changed”
otherLiam: "Changed”
otherLiam: "CHANGED”
mfgreth: "Lestat is a punk bitch”
ARGdov: "or any night, I guess”
ARGdov: "well yeah and thats why hes great”
Eevee Reborn: "Lestat? But he's french.”
ARGdov: "I can forgive him for that”
Erika_XP💚: "11/11 is over @IIIII Tyler are you safe? I hope so”
ADULT_LINK△: "oh goddamn it”
otherLiam: "erika”
otherLiam: "stop spamming tyler”
Erika_XP💚: "Whatika?”
Eevee Reborn: "Oof”
ADULT_LINK△: "i had the song i wanted to hear earlier downloaded :dabeangery:”
ARGdov: "no one likes getting that manys pings”
Erika_XP💚: "Im not spamming him”
ARGdov: "also”
ARGdov: "NONE”
otherLiam: "he’s been pretty clear he wants you to stop”
ADULT_LINK△: "quit pingin him”
ARGdov: "Tylers not in character right now”
ARGdov: "in fact, do you know whats happened to Tyler in-game?”
Eevee Reborn: "Ben is real Dov, stop ruining the emersion”
ARGdov: "Tyler was kidnapped”
ARGdov: "and taken to another dimension”
ARGdov: "and we dont know whats happened to him”
IIIII: "I'll show you something real”
ARGdov: "so before you spam, read the fucking wiki for starters”
Xenquility: "LOL”
Xenquility: "She's gone”
IIIII: "Fucking stupid bitch”
Eevee Reborn: "what happened”
mfgreth: "What the heck”
ARGdov: "what?”
ARGdov: "no shes still here for me?”
ADULT_LINK△: "why u so aggresive over the dum fangirl”
ADULT_LINK△: "yeesh”
otherLiam: "she’s a troll”
ADULT_LINK△: "like i get she's annoying you but like”
ARGdov: "dumb fangirls tend to do that topeople”
ADULT_LINK△: "still, we didnt get this hostile towards raven”
ARGdov: "um”
ADULT_LINK△: "at least, not this quickly”
ARGdov: "we sort of did? after awhile?”
mfgreth: "Wow”
mfgreth: "Tyler”
ARGdov: "like I literally told her to fuck off”
IIIII: "What”
Eevee Reborn: "Is she kicked or something?”
ARGdov: "granted I didnt call her a bitch but still”
mfgreth: "Banned”
ARGdov: "no shes still here, Im p sure”
otherLiam: "man i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she really did kinda reach that point real fast”
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 testing”
Eevee Reborn: "OOF”
ADULT_LINK△: "she got kicked”
ARGdov: "oh ok”
ARGdov: "well”
ARGdov: "we did try and explain to her multiple times she was acting inappropirately but she refused to listen”
ARGdov: "so, even if we were pretty harsh on her overall the ban still seems deserved”
otherLiam: "just constantly pinging tyler and asking him weird shit”
ADULT_LINK△: "damn”
Eevee Reborn: "Wow, Tyler. Wow”
ADULT_LINK△: "fuckin brutal yall”
mfgreth: "Thats fucked up imo”
mfgreth: "I am not down with that”
otherLiam: "she referred to him as “my Tyler”.”
ARGdov: "and called him 'handsome'”
mfgreth: "Shes probably 12”
mfgreth: "Or 14”
ARGdov: "wait no she didnt but she said something close to that”
Eevee Reborn: "My tyler? Handsome? That BITCH”
otherLiam: "slinky is 13”
mfgreth: "What if she has some sort of spectrum disorder?”
otherLiam: "he doesnt act like that”
ADULT_LINK△: "she sounded older than 12/14”
ARGdov: "I was an obnoxious needy 14 year old and I wasnt this bad”
ARGdov: "you know”
ARGdov: "she may have been on the spectrum”
otherLiam: "what if she does? who cares? i hold people to the same standard of not being assholes.”
Eevee Reborn: "No, you've gotten badder”
ADULT_LINK△: "when i called her young she said something about who said she was young”
mfgreth: "I feel like yall are gonna do the usual fucking thing start speculating i was erika trolling like you did wolf”
mfgreth: "(Bs btw)”
mfgreth: "But im not cool with that”
mfgreth: "Im out.”
otherLiam: "that was mostly a joke”
ARGdov: "but even people on the spectrum can understand that when you're told "you should stop this" multiple times will usually stop”
ADULT_LINK△: "whys everyone bein so fuckin hostile tho jesus”
otherLiam: "wat”
ARGdov: "oh I dont think shes you”
ARGdov: "I mean”
ADULT_LINK△: "shes not mugen, she's just some random chick whos a bit odd”
Xenquility: "Wha-”
Xenquility: "Holy fuck”
ARGdov: "I dont think greths totally wrong tbh”
ADULT_LINK△: "aaaand greth left”
ARGdov: "Tyler got out of hand”
ADULT_LINK△: "goddamn it you guys who the fuck gave everyone angery pills”
ARGdov: "welp”
ARGdov: "wait shit”
Xenquility: "Welp”
ARGdov: "...oh ok right other people are mods”
/Mr. Circle\: ":angery:”
Xenquility: "If they're a troll, they sure as hell succeeded”
/Mr. Circle\: "this emoji is massive??”
ADULT_LINK△: "emoji's are bigger when alone!”
ADULT_LINK△: ":notzelda:”
ADULT_LINK△: "i love it”
ADULT_LINK△: "makes gif ones easier to see”
IIIII: "So tonight”
IIIII: "is finally the end”
ARGdov: "I do think Tyler got out of hand and honestly I probably did too, but, also....yeah she needed to get banned.”
ARGdov: "the end?”
otherLiam: "The end?”
IIIII: "I hope you are excited”
/Mr. Circle\: "the end?”
ARGdov: ".....nope now Im nervous”
otherLiam: "arg ends in a rickroll”
IIIII: "I have been for years”
otherLiam: "is this real? We’re really ending it?”
ARGdov: "no way”
otherLiam: "the final death of the id’s”
ARGdov: "its not ending like this.”
otherLiam: "jk i’ll fuckin start something if it really is”
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knittinganarchist · 7 years
the flower questions?? yeah bud do all of em go hard or go home
Ageratum: Are you friendly or wary of strangers?
I’m terrified of strangers but treat them unfailingly politely. It’s kinda the way your supposed to treat the fey; don’t trust them, but be very nice to them.
American Marigold: Is there anything you will not/cannot eat?
Keep your raw tomatos away from me pls. I don’t want their soggy soggy juices wetting my sandwiches/burgers/salads thank you.
Black-Eyed Susan: Have you ever given/received a black eye? Why?
I’ve never gotten or recieved a black eye because confrontation scares me and i avoid it At All Costs. 
Bleeding-heart: Do you open up freely with their emotions, or do you bottle it up until you burst? If you do hold it in, what is usually your breaking point?
I’m a big bottle of repressed emotional issues and worry 100%. My bursting point is usually after i’ve been too stressed for a couple of days and get over-tired, bc then i just start crying over something stupid, spill my guts to someone via text, and regret it absolutely the next day.
Butterfly-Weed: What is one thing that always makes you stop and admire, no matter what you were doing prior?
As someone who is both constatly distracted and looking for art ideas that a lot of things! Usually its either the outfits of people in town, or the sunset when im on the bus home of the evening. 
Common Yarrow: Do you easily blend in with the crowd, or do you wear/act so that you are noticeable and stand out?
Thats kinda tricky because i love wearing quirky opshopped clothed and ridiculous shirts, but i also kinda wear them in the hope that people wont bother me too much? I want to look cool, but not Too Cool.
Cornflower: Is there a color you don’t particularly care to wear? Is it because it clashes with your style, appearance, or any other reason outside of simple dislike for said color?
I don’t think theres a colour that i wouldnt wear? I dont wear a lot of green but thats more because i tend to gravitate to either warmer colours or crazy prints.
Creeping Zinnia: Do you listen into other people’s conversations, either idly or purposely? Has there been anything you learned from it? Have you gotten into trouble?
I absolutely do not. I feel so so terrible when i listen in and im so scared that they’ll say something very personal i should never hear. I wear headphones a lot of the time though so its not a huge problem.
Daylily: Do you have any daily routines/habits? Are they ingrained into you as a child or have they been recent additions?
I’m too scatterbrained to have too many daily habits, but the one that has carried over from my childhood is packing my bag the day before. For someone who worries a lot knowing im all ready for uni the next day, and having a vague idea of what i want to wear, is very helpful in helping me calm down before bed. 
Field Pansy: Have you ever gone and flown a kite before? Do you wish to do so if you haven’t?
Yes! There’s a big spare block up on a hill not far from my house, so when i was about 11 maybe(?) me and my neighborhood friends would make kites out of balloon sticks and rubbish bags, then ride our bikes up to the spare block.
Flowering Cabbage: Name one thing you keep, despite it being pointless or purposeless other than sentimental value or you simply cannot throw it away, and state the reason why you hang onto it.
Ummmm? Everything? I’m hopelessly sentimental. I’ve got clothes, books, letters, and dried flowers collected up simply because they remind me of happy times or people i care about.
Garden Impatiens: What causes you to lose patience? How do you react when you lose it?
Generally i have endless patience for others, but for myself? I’m constantly frustrated by my inability to concentrate for a long time, and when i’m trying to draw and it just Wont Work, usually that just leads to me just stewing in my annoyance for a few hours. 
Gooseneck Loosestrife: Is there anything strange or unusual you can do, or have noticed happening around you without an identifiable cause?
There’s nothing unsual that i can can do, although sometimes i wish that were true. Although i must say that art school has a ton of weird things i wish i could explain; like when you hear voices in a computer lab but you go in and its empty. Or the people who i swear i’ve never met before who stand outside the classrooms until you use your swipcard to let them in. 
Hosta: Do you enjoy the time out in the sun, or do you relax in the shade whenever you get the chance to do so?
I love the sun in every season except for summer, my pale pale skin cannot handle it at all so i stick to the shadows like a vampire. 
Ivy Geranium: Do you have any pets? If so, how are they doing?
I have a dog called Scruffy, who is cute but constantly a mess, and seven chickens all named after Doctor Who characters!
Japanese Bloodgrass: When was the last time you drew blood, either from yourself or from another? What was the reason?
I might have sliced my ankle shaving the other week because i was bopping along to the music i had playing and slipped...
Lady’s Mantle: What is one outfit you remember your mother/guardian wearing when you were a child?
My mum used to wear these striped tshirt dresses around the house all through summer, i actually got a few of these handed down to me!
Lambs Ears: Do you remember how old you were when the last time someone tried to censor their speech around you?
About 20mins ago... My mum was about to swear and just gave me a look before rephrasing hahah
Lavender: Is there a particular scent you are fond of? Do you smell this scent often or rarely?
I love lavender and rosemary in summer because it reminds me of the veggie patch that i planted near my back door a few years ago, but in winte hot chocolate and cinnamon are the best for feeling cozy.
Million Gold: How much money do you make, if any? How much money do you have currently?
I’m currently unemployed while i move out of home and settle in, but at the moment i’m housesitting so i think i get about $200 for the month, and then i dogsit again for someone else next month. Other than that my only income is from commissions..
Moss Phlox: Have there been any new friends you have made? What do you want to know about them the most?
Last saturday was my friend Katie’s birthday picnic and i met some lovely people there who i really hope i can stay in contact with.
Nasturium: Have you ever been the one to be told a secret? Did you keep it or did you share it with someone else? Was the secret worth being kept?
It’s not often people tell me secrets, but if they do tell me one i always keep it. I know how gross it feels to have someone betray your trust and i wouldnt do that deliberately to anyone. 
Ornamental Purslane: Do you wear any jewelry? Which ones are your favorites? Do you favor certain metals/gems/styles?
I don’t usually wear a lot of jewlery because i forget to change my earrings, and bracelets get in the way when im drawings, i used to wear a necklace all the time though. It was a teardrop shaped blue-goldstone on a silver chain, but my sister pulled it off when she was mad and it snapped. 
Rose Campion: If you had to fight, which one person would you chose to fight at your side? Would you pick them based on skill, on trust, or both?
I don’t know anyone personally who’d be any good in a fight so im going to have to say uhhhhhhh... either The Rock lmao bc he’d just punch danger in the face, or Ship ( @glumshoe ) because i just think he’d be prepared for even the weirdest stuff we could encounter.
Salvia-May-Night: What your habits/rituals you do when preparing for bed? How long do you usually sleep for?
The classic shower, facewash, text people who make me happy, and reluctantly set an alarm so i’ll get to class on time. I usually sleep fine all night no matter how early/late i go to bed, but i always wake up at 8am and have to check my phone to see if im late for anything.
Snapdragon: What sort of things would you hoard, if given the chance? Would you?
So so many things, its a good thing i dont have the chance. Books? Art supplies? Cool dresses? Pot plants? 
Snow-In-Summer: Would you rather have winter or summer? What are the benefits or reason to your preferred season over the other?
Autumn all the way. I love the coloured leaves and windy days, and its the perfect inbetween weather thats not too hot or cold.
Sunflower: Name one thing that will always make you smile.
Finding the perfect ugly/cool dress in the back of an opshop
Thread-leaf Tickseed: Are you an insect-magnet when you go outside, or do you insects generally leave you alone?
If im at home? for sure, i get a lot of beetles bothering me. But if im in the park at uni not so much for some reason.
Variegated Solomon’s Seal: What is one thing you wished you could seal away and never see/feel/use/etc again? Why?
99% of highschool to be honest, just a lot of Not Fun stuff.
Wheat Cockscomb: Name one thing you could do that you wished you could do, but cant?
Speak literally any language, i feel like it would open a lot of travel option up for me
Yellow Cosmos: What is your favorite constellation? Why? 
Cassiopeia! I just thought it was a neat myth, and also i used that as a name for a character in a grade 8 story story lmao.
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