#im a sucker for a flirty blond man
sydsaint · 7 months
I'm a slut for a cocky blond man. <3
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Summary: The reader encounters Logan's charisma firsthand when he attempt to get a meeting with Nick Aldis.
"You know I bet that you're used to flashing that pretty-boy smile and for people to just start falling over you, huh?" You stare across your desk at Logan Paul.
"Well I mean, it is a nice killer smile," Logan replies with a grin. "And don't kid yourself, YN. I can tell it's getting to you." He winks at you.
You scoff and roll your eyes at the current US champ. Logan came strolling into the office around 10 minutes ago wanting to talk to your boss, Nick, about something or other. The only problem is, that Aldis is on an important call and asked not to be disturbed.
"You can keep giving me those puppy dog eyes all you want, Logan." You remain firm on not letting Logan through the door. "But it's not going to work on me. Nick will be done with his call soon. You can wait like everyone else." You insist.
"Oh but I'm not like everyone else, am I sweetheart?" Logan replies. "I'm the best US Champion of this era. Not to mention the co-owner of the premier energy drink company, Prime. And an accomplished social media star." He rattles off his accomplishments with a grin. "Plus, I'm handsome."
You scoff and roll your eyes. "Full of yourself is more like it." You clap back at him. "You can be as famous as Vince McMahon himself, Logan. And I still wouldn't let you through the door." You flash him a smile.
"Come on, YN!" Logan whines. "What's it going to take for you to let me in to see Aldis?" He asks you.
"How about an appointment?" You reply with a grin. "Or maybe perhaps, Nick coming out of his office to greet you?" You taunt him.
Logan bites the inside of his lip. It's not every day he runs into someone that can keep up with his nagging and persistence with such bravado. Especially not someone as gorgeous as you.
"Hey, did I see you drinking a Prime when I came in earlier?" Logan asks you. "A Cherry Freeze, right?" He scans your desk for the bottle.
"I might have been, yeah." You keep your answer vague. "Why?" You quirk a brow at the blond.
Logan sits down at the chair in front of your desk and takes his phone out. "You're obviously a fan if you're drinking one." He points out. "So you should let me put you on our PR list. It'll get you monthly shipments of whatever your favorite flavor is. Plus you get first access when new flavors drop." He explains.
You sigh and hold back the smile daring to grace your lips. You know that Logan is just buttering you up to get what he wants. But being on the Prime PR list sounds like a dream come true considering how much you drink the stuff.
"Alright." You sigh and pull out your phone to give Logan the information he needs to add you to the list. "This still doesn't mean that you're getting in to see Nick." You add.
"I know." Logan surprisingly nods. "I guess I can wait a little bit. The view in here is pretty nice."
You look up from your phone at Logan's comment about the view. "Really?" You laugh. "You've resorted to hitting on me?" You chastise him.
"What can I say?" Logan shrugs. "It's not every day I meet a girl as quick-witted and pretty as you are, YN." He winks at you.
"Mhm." You hum and shake your head.
The phone on your desk rings and you answer it. Logan watches you intently as you listen to the brief call before hanging the phone up.
"Mr. Aldis will see you now." You hang up the phone and gestured to the door off to the side of the room.
"He can wait for a second," Logan replies with a sly grin. "I've got something more important going on right now." He insists.
You can't help but laugh. "Oh, yeah? After all that whining? What could be so important?" You ask him.
"Getting you to go out with me," Logan replies. "So, wadduya say, YN? Dinner? My treat?" He asks you.
You gaze at the egomaniac in front of you. 'Damn, he's good.' You think to yourself. But Logan flashes you those soft puppy dog eyes from earlier and you know that you can't turn him down.
"Sure, why not?" You accept the offer. "You've got my number. Now go see Nick before he changes his mind." You gesture to the door.
"Yes!" Logan cheers with a grin. "Just you wait, YN. You've never had a stellar night out until you've rolled with me, sweetheart."
You giggle as Logan struts off to his meeting. "I'm sure." You watch him walk off.
You already know that you're about to be in for one hell of a first date. That's a given. Now you just have to get through the rest of the work night.
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milksnake-tea · 6 months
Hi hi hii!
May I have 2, 4, and 7 with Aventurine for the ask game? Have a nice day!
This man has a strong chokehold on me-
- 🪽
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nah bro i totally get you that damn blonde im telling you .... him and his little >:3 are permanently etched into my brain .... THANKS FOR THE ASK !!! <3
2. What do you think their love language is?
My first thought was initially words of affirmation or acts of service, but now that I'm thinking about it, I think Aventurine would be a sucker for physical touch. The thing is, I personally believe that Aventurine is heavily touched starved, and a huge part of it is self-inflicted. There have been many times where he wanted to hold your hand, or lean onto your shoulder, or just have his hair played with, but he holds himself back because 1.) it's unprofessional and 2.) does he really want to deal with the implications of his actions? Even with friends (or the closest things he has to friends), he wants to be physically close to them, but he doesn't let himself be. The first time you held his hand, he stiffened like a block of wood. When you hugged him, and held him in his arms, he didn't know how to react - but it wasn't long until he closed his eyes and let himself slump against you.
4. What's an unpopular opinion you have?
i cant believe i have to say this BUT HE IS NOT A WHORE !!!!! Can he be clingy? Yes !! Can he be intentionally irritating and annoying? Yes !!! Can he come across as flirty? ABSOLUTELY. But what he isn't is someone who gives himself away at the drop of a hat. Intimacy and companionship, whether platonic or romantic, is something he desires, absolutely. But that doesn't mean he'll give it to just anyone. He has to respect you, he has to like you, he has to know you inside and out to ensure that you won't take advantage of his vulnerability.
I acknowledge that Aventurine often invites people to stab him in the back, but he does it with the prior knowledge that they'd likely do it, so he isn't surprised about it. But when it comes to true companions, not the "friends" he collects like chips, he needs to be able to trust you in all of your entirety. Yes, he has a very low view of himself, but it's not to the degree where he'd willingly use his body in that way to get what he wants.
7. What kind of person do you think Aventurine wants in a relationship?
The real question is whether or not he'll allow himself the liberty of getting into a relationship in the first place. But if I'm going to be honest, I see Aventurine as someone who values honesty and self-reliance, and admires those who are true to themselves and their ideals despite it all (example: Topaz and Dr. Ratio, both of whom he respects and admires as colleagues). So when it comes to being in a relationship, he doesn't want to stress himself out with the mind games; banter, sure, but he doesn't need another person to tip toe around.
Aventurine would want someone who isn't afraid to ask for what they want, or tell him off when he needs to be, yet is genuine, kind and earnest. He also would want someone who could at least take care of themself - as harsh as it sounds, he can't always be there to protect you, and he needs to know that you'll be okay even if he isn't there (also because he finds strength, both intellectual and physical, to be pretty attractive).
It's kind of sad, though. The kind of people Aventurine finds himself attracted to are often the type who end up disliking him.
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2k follower event if you want to participate !!!
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nctdreamsquad · 8 years
Produce 101 S2 Top 15
Hello! As so many others are making their lists of the trainees they will be supporting I thought it would be fun to make my own too. Since the competition hasn’t fully started yet, I’m allowing myself a top 15 and will narrow it down throughout the show. However, let’s wish all the boys good luck! 
1. Park Sungwoo
Company: HIM Entertainment
Age: 30 years old
Trainee Period: 3 years 3 months
Rumored Rank: Unknown
Why I Like Him: Park Sungwoo. Dear Park Sungwoo. It was before I knew any of the boys and had watched their intro videos. The minute I saw the 10 sec fan cam of Sungwoo trying to be taller for the group picture by going on his tippy toes and then getting caught and smiling bashfully, I knew. This was going to be the trainee that I will sell my soul for to have him debut. This thought was only confirmed when I watched his introduction video and saw him cutely pose like other celebrities knowing he looks dumb while doing it. I will go to the ends of the earth to have this cutie in his yellow hoodie debut.
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2. Woo Jinyoung
Company: HF Music Company Entertainment
Age: 21 years old
Trainee Period: 11 months
Rumored Rank: A-Class
Why I Like Him:  I cannot explain how much I love Woo Jinyoung. Going purely off of visuals, his dusty rose hair and chunky braces make him so adorable. Also, his colorful outfit and red beret in his intro video (Go Watch It!) was to die for. The even better part is that underneath all this cuteness is a skilled rapper. The way he cooly starts with a nasally “No, No” made him a sure bet for my Top 11.He hasn’t been ranking very high in the support systems, so please go out and support our cute little rapping fairy!  
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3. Choi Junyoung
Company: STL Entertainment
Age: 22 years old
Trainee Period: 3 years 7 months
Rumored Rank: C-Class
Why I Like Him: The minute I saw him I knew I was going to like him. His quirkiness with doing BAP’s One Shot iconic dance move and following it with the mosquito dance. The way he knows he’s being extra as hell but has to be for us to remember him. Also, I’m just so captivated by his face because he looks like a who from Dr.Seuss, with the sleepy eyes and snubbed nose. He didn’t show much of his rapping, but I liked the swagger he had while doing it and would definitely support him so I can see more. And you should too! So go out and vote for Choi Junyoung!  
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4. Yoon Yongbin
Company: Banana Culture Entertainment
Age: 23 years old
Trainee Period: 1 year 2 months
Rumored Rank: D-Class
Why I Like Him: The minute I saw him I knew I was going to like him. I don’t even think I can describe how much I love Yoon Yongbin. The first time seeing him I was shocked at his extremely round, deep-set eyes. They instantly drew me in and made me want to know more about him. He only got more interesting as his introduction video went on with him having a cookie in his pocket and then throwing confetti all around himself. I can’t wait for the show to start so I can go crazy on the voting page for him. So let’s be great national producers and vote for Yoon Yongbin!!!
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5. Choi Jaewoo
Company: RBW Entertainment
Age: 21 years old
Trainee Period: 1 year 4 months
Rumored Rank: B-Class
Why I Like Him: Personally for me, I think Choi Jaewoo is one of the most attractive trainees that I have seen. I thought it was really interesting that he made his own little dance/song to show to us. It was great how he added in the “Choose Me Please” to make the dance a little more flirty/cute. I also loved his outfit, the whole black outfit with a silver chain made it chic looking. I can’t wait for the show to start so I can start voting for him, but until then we should all vote for him on 101maboy. So go out and vote for Choi Jaewoo!
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6. Seong Hyunwoo
Company: The Vibe Label Entertainment
Age: 22 years old
Trainee Period: 4 years 7 months
Rumored Rank: B-Class
Why I Like Him: Hyunwoo packed a lot into his introduction video which probably made him a lot more memorable. He referenced Goblin, showed some of his rap, and my personal favorite. Name dropped himself as many times in so many ways as he could. I immediately started laughing when he jumped in front of the camera to scream his name. And then pulled out a poster that was under his shirt (How long did he have it there?) to show his name again. Hyunwoo showed he can be very charismatic and I can’t wait to see him interacting with the other trainees once the show airs. 
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7. Han Minho
Company: It Entertainment
Age: 21 years old
Trainee Period: 1 year 9 months
Rumored Rank: C-Class
Why I Like Him: Honestly, he is me as a trainee. The way he weirdly enters into his introduction video (which you need to watch) is something I would do. The way he motions when his talks and the little clap for himself is just so endearingly cute. It makes me want to support him and see him do well. Now, his rap isn’t the cleanest out of the bunch but I think with some hard work and even harder support he could make it far. 
P.S His red coat and purple hair just make him too cute to not vote for!
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8. Im Youngmin
Company: Brand New Music Entertainment
Age: 23 years old
Trainee Period: 1 year 2 months
Rumored Rank: A-Class 
Why I Like Him: I had watched all the introduction videos before they were subbed, so I could only understand bits and pieces.However, the second Youngmin pulled out the llama picture; I knew he was going to be a favorite. His cute, inviting smile really pulled me in and I loved how easy going he seemed to be. I liked how he gave off really chill, cool vibes but you can also see how cute he can be. He showed he can do a variety of things and I think that will help him gain support, so go out and vote for Im Youngmin!  
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9. Im Woohyuk
Company: Blessing Entertainment
Age: 24 years old
Trainee Period: 3 years 3 months
Rumored Rank: C-Class
Why I Like Him: Everything about Im Woohyuk in his introduction video made me want to vote for him. His casual, boyfriend look with ripped jeans and a comfy sweatshirt. His silver, dangling earrings that make him look sooooo cute! He had a good rap that showed he had the charisma and flow to rap. My favorite thing about him is throughout his intro video, he just had a cute smile and easy feel about him. He’s definitely going to stay in my top 11 and I will do all that I can to make sure Woohyuk makes it and you should too!!!
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10. Kim Samuel
Company: Brave Entertainment
Age: 16 years old
Trainee Period: 5 years 3 months
Rumored Rank: A-Class
Why I Like Him: Usually I’m not the type of person to go for the fan favorites. I much prefer rooting for the underdog, Kim Sohye, was my number one during the first season. However, after watching Samuel’s introduction video I slowly started melting for his cute charms and melodic voice. He incorporated Whatta Man, Very Very Very, and Pick Me dance moves into his speech (extremely well btw). Everything about his speech on why we should vote for him and his stage presence just showed me how much Samuel has to offer so he had to be on my list. And he should be on yours too, so go vote for him when the time comes! 
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11. Kim Donghan
Company: OUI Entertainment
Age: 20 years old
Trainee Period: 1 year 6 months
Rumored Rank: B-Class
Why I Like Him: First off, he started his introduction video by rolling in with a tumble and then dancing to Call Me Baby so he definitely caught my eye from the beginning. He proves to be of the more extra trainees with smoothly putting on his sunglasses, then headphones, to end it with some hapkido tricks. Musically he didn’t show anything, but he was charismatic enough that I will watch for him when the show starts. Also, I’m a sucker for boys in small, hoop earrings.   
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12. Lee Insoo
Company: Independent Trainee
Age: 22 years old
Trainee Period: 2 years 8 months
Rumored Rank: B-Class
Why I Like Him: I had already known about Lee Insoo before I saw his introduction video. He had been one of my favorites on Boys24, another survival program, unfortunately, he was voted out and had to leave the show. The fact that he is still trying to debut and went on to another survival program is amazing to me. It shows that he really is passionate about his dreams and wanting to debut. On the matter of talent, I already know he can go far with being an amazing rapper (Vasco Approved). Also, he dressed up in a onesie and danced to the Pikachu Theme Song, why wouldn’t you vote for him?
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13. Jeong Sihyun
Company: GNI Entertainment
Age: 27 years old
Trainee Period: 2 years 7 months
Rumored Rank: Unknown
Why I Like Him: I don’t know why I always go for the older guys when it comes to my favorites but Sihyun stole my heart. On first glance, anyone can see that he’s handsome and has a charismatic feel to him. Sihyun really drew me in with him speaking Japanese and then singing a bit of Sing For You in Chinese. His introduction video was cute, but a little dull compared to the other trainees. So I hope he can show more of himself and how talented he is during the show. However, to help him along you should definitely vote for Jeong Sihyun!
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14. Son Dongmyung
Company: RBW Entertainment
Age: 19 years old
Trainee Period: 2 years 1 month
Rumored Rank: Unknown
Why I Like Him: I don’t even know where to start for this cutie pie. First off, he’s cute as hell with his blond hair and docile features. Next, he’s dressed up as Pikachu and has a mini Pikachu sewn onto his shoulder. His pitch to vote for him was just really cute? Also, his voice and whole personality remind so much of Doyoung from NCT, which made me love him even more. Son Dongmyung is an adorable human being that dressed up as Pikachu to get your vote, so please go vote for him.
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15. Kim Yongjin
Company: Wings Entertainment
Age: 21 years old
Trainee Period: 3 years 3 months
Rumored Rank: Unknown
Why I Like Him: Yongjin really caught my eye the moment he started talking in his introduction video. His high pitched voice and cat ears instantly made me remember him throughout the 101 boys. I liked how his personality was a little more cutesy and flowy than most of the trainees. I noticed a lot of the boys have tried to appear manly or sexy but he shows that he’s different than the typical male trainee. Also, the main point is that his rapping was out of this world. The minute he starts, I can tell Yongjin has a great flow, swagger, and is most definitely in the top 5 rappers on Produce 101. He’s not getting many support votes right now (which we should change!) but I think he will get more support once the show starts because of his talent. 
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