#im abt to drop off the face of the earth again btw
me-asterisk · 11 months
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some incredibly self indulgent belated halloween art, ft simon as… simon. @alouvrr got me into infinity train. it’s really good!
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
hi!! 💗
i was wondering if you could do a yuji drabble wherein he walks into our dorm and we're just BAWLING and he goes to comfort us thinking it's serious and is like "it's okay.. you're bf is here.." bc he SUCKS as comforting people (LMFAOO) and then after a while when we calm down we tell him (still crying..?) that one of our favorite MALE (heskeske) characters died in an anime and he just gets all dramatic and jealous and then gets gojo-sensei in on the situation 🤭🤭 like a whole AITA 💀
this request is a bit short and not so explanatory, but idc how you write it since it's yuji and i'll read ANYTHING abt yuji. 💋
ASK AND YOU. SHALL. RECIVEEEEE. (Recive it unedited.)
Here we go.
Yuji who sucks at comforting you only to getting jealous over 'guy'
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Yuji knocks on your door, he wanted to drop off some of the books he borrowed from you only to get no response. It was weird because he knew you were in your dorm...
"NOOOOOO" You yelled making Yuji panic
"Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?" He said as he burst open your door only to see you balled up on your bed crying into your pillow while muttering random sentences hysterically.
"He was-HIC- so-HIC-"
"Calm down Y/N are you okay?!" Yuji asked scanning your body for any inguries
"NOO IM NOT" you shouted throwing the pillow in your arms at the T.V infront of you before going back to crying.
"Shhhh calm down what if Nobora hears you?" he said with an awkward look on his face.
You stopped everything and stared at him.
"You monster-" you said before the tears rolled down your cheeks again.
"Do you not care?" you said through tears with your lip quivering.
"Okay, okay, i'm sorry but I can't help you if I don't know wats wrong." he said rubbing circles in your back in an attempt to soothe you.
It was no use because you really started to cry now.
"What's going on? I heard someone crying" Gojo asked sticking his head in the door way of your dorm.
"First he-he, and now Yuji, MY OWN BOYFRIEND DOSEN'T CARE ABOUT ME"
"I DO!" he retaliates
Gojo scans the room laying his eyes on your T.V seeing the end credits of Demon slayer playing. His face went white.
"No- Don't tell me-"
You nodded your head up and down aggressively while sniffing into a tissue
"RENGOKU-SAN" Gojo yelled grabbing the T.V by the screen watching the credits go by.
Yuji finally realized what this was all about.
"Are you kidding me?" He turned to you stiffly.
"Y/N...He's not real, your crying over someone who's not real-"
You and Gojo both froze
"Yuji, clearly you don't understand the gravity of the situation" Gojo starts.
"You see when someone with a pure heart and soul dies, no matter if they are real OR NOT, its a hard loss. Its like if they killed the earth worm man in the first Human worm movie."
Yuji turns his attention back to you
"You didn't even cry this much when I 'died'" Yuji mumbled
"THATS COMPLETLY DIFFERENT!" You said offended that he would even consider bring that up right now.
Mean while Gojo laid on your floor muttering the lyrics to the end credit song while crying.
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AUTHORS NOTE: some of this totally isn't based off a personal experience. Anyways I hope this is close to what you wanted anon. And thanks for your request. reblogs are welcomed btw.
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verritytorres · 6 years
calron fake dating au - unfinished outline
·      still not fully clear on why they fake date but we getting there
o   call announces it for shits n giggles at a party on Thursday night (drunk? to celia the gossip queen?) then morning after everyone’s like “oh congrats on finally dating aaron btw!” “what”
o   aaron’s pissed at first cause that’s actually a shitty thing to do also he’s been pining for going on two years now do u have any idea what this does to his Heart
o   that is, until something happens that convinces him
§  some bully fuckers in the locker room after soccer practice like “who we gonna get today, chad?” “well everyone in here is off limits so--” aaron chimes in “what do you mean… off limits” “look youre a respectable guy so we treat you right, always have. teammates honor and all that. so we get at other people instead” (cue Dark Aaron) “and who are these other people” “that scrawny guy hunt for example” “oh, you mean call hunt my boyfriend?” “your…what?” “you heard me. if you fuck with him, you and I might have a problem. and nobody wants that.”
§  later, aaron texts call “I’m in.”
§  “sweet. what changed ur mind?” “That’s not important.”
·      the only person that knows is tamara bc helou its tamara they don’t keep secrets from each other
o   STUDY SESSION AT THE GABLES FRIDAY AFTERNOON (they all in the same regular algebra class cause theyre gay and therefore not great at math):
§  t: yo btw have you guys dealt with the whole “youre dating” rumor? if anyones been giving you a hard time tell me so I can eliminate them off the face of the earth
§  c: actually, aaron and I are just gonna roll with it
§  t: wait. youre actually gonna date?
§  c: NO no no no we’re gonna fake date. scam the fuck outta the school also it’s a bit too awkward to go back on it now for me so
§  t: (turns and gives aaron a Look cause she knows this fuckers been pining forever) are YOU on board with this?
§  a: (busies himself with his hw to hide his blush) yeahsurewhynot
§  t: (looks up and shakes her head) this is gonna end badly, calling it now
o   t: math is acephobic. im asexual and its inconveniencing me
·      Saturday! aaron goes over to the hunt household to hang out like he usually does
o   alastair loves him
o   alastair: so when did this happen?
o   call, who is sitting knee-to-knee w aaron on the couch like he always does: when did what happen
o   alastair: (gives him a Look) the watsons came in this morning. Brenda told me the news, im just surprised you didn’t tell me
o   call:…..what news…….
o   alastair: you two are dating, right? which im totally fine with btw, i had a boyfriend back then too, and im really happy for you, youre both mature enough that I don’t have to give the whole speech—
o   call and aaron are looking at each other in Horror
o   call: OKAY THANKS DAD WE’RE GONNA WALK HAVOC NOW BYE (nyooms outta the house with aaron and havoc in tow)
o   out in the park
§  c: so I guess we gotta find out how to sell this whole (gestures between himself and aaron) thing
§  a: (snorts) thing?
§  c: yeah thing. if my hermit dad knows, then we can assume just about everyone in town knows too. which is not the idealest
§  a: why’s that?
§  c: cause then we gotta act all coupley to everyone or else they’ll be like “wait a minute…are they really dating??”
§  a: well, not with everyone. tamara knows
§  c: yeah, that’s one person in a whole townful of people
§  a: we spend the majority of our time with tamara though
§  c:….point. we still gotta sell it to everyone else
§  a: it cant be that hard, just hold hands a little here, drop some compliments there
§  in reality aaron doesn’t wanna do Big Couple Things or else he might literally spontaneously combust. its possible, hes read abt it
§  c: oh come on, no one gonna buy that. we gotta pull out all the stops
§  a: (cursing silently) like?
§  c: hugs. general lack of personal space. kiss on the cheek, maybe. pet names.
§  a: (calming his crazy heart) oh. I see.
§  c: as long as youre alright with it, of course! I don’t wanna do some creeper shit and like accidentally assault you
§  a: nonono I get it im alright with it. (pause) we should uh..have some signal, though
§  c: signal?
§  a: in case one of us goes too far or something. nothing too obvious, but just obvious for us to notice
§  c: hm. ok, how bout asshole?
§  a: (bursts out laughing) asshole????
§  c: (grinning) yeah, asshole. I never call you an asshole, you never call me an asshole. so if you say “youre a bit clingy there, asshole” I know I should back off
§  a: that- that hardly sounds affectionate
§  c: well duh you gotta say it in an affectionate way. like this (sticky sweet voice, batting eyelashes) “asshole”
§  a: (still laughing) okay. asshole it is.
§  theyre both quiet ntil aaron speaks up. “I do have one request”
§  “which is?”
§  “this is gonna sound weird, please don’t ask but…don’t kiss me. not unless I tell you to.”
§  call looks at him like ??? then says “sure, man. nix on smooches. you wish you had a taste of these bad boys, though.”
§  aaron turns away bc hes a blushy boi. “youre making it weird.”
·      Monday rolls in
o   call is in Zombie Mode making himself coffee on his antique expensive coffee machine (the best Christmas gift ever thanks alastair)
o   alastair, making pancakes: shouldn’t you bring an extra to school today?
o   sleepy call, pouring himself a solid triple shot of espresso: whaddya mean
o   alastair: if youre gonna be dating aaron, you gotta treat him right. bring out the big guns, you know
o   call, suddenly wide awake: what????
o   alastair: I will not have that boy deprived of real boyfriend privileges
o   so call leaves his house with two coffee cups
o   he walks over to where he knows aaron is at the time (music room, playing piano)
o   before he heads in he looks inside and just. stares at aaron playing the piano. gay descriptions galore
o   aaron hits a wrong key and swears
o   c: well that’s a big word
o   a: (practically jumps out of his seat, swearing again)
o   c: and that’s an even bigger one
o   a: oh, its you. good morning, call
o   c: morning, snookums
o   a: (smiling tentatively) snookums? is that really the best you can do
o   c: that’s just scratching the surface, and also its Monday morning so im not at my peak. anyway i brought you coffee
o   a: thanks. already “pulling out all the stops” I see
o   c: I plan to be an especially doting boyfriend (glances at the door, sees a few people staring at them) I..gotta get to my locker (kisses his cheek, aaron goes rigid, call whispers at his ear) we got an audience. see you at lunch
o   aaron sits there for a while after call leaves staring at the ceiling and asking himself why
·      lunch in the magisterium high caf
o   aaron, biting calmly at his sandwich: what don’t you get
o   jasper: there are at LEAST a dozen guys in this school ready and willing to go out with you and you go with CALL
o   call, resting his head on Aarons shoulder, much to Aarons chagrin: its ok dude you can just say youre jealous
o   jasper: YEAH A LITTLE. Aarons like…the best catch out here. the golden boyfriend. the guy that would tell your parents “yes sir ill have him back by nine thirty sharp :)”
o   aaron: I wouldn’t say that to alastair
o   call: yeah you would (turning back to jasper) who are these dozen guys? I gotta know whos planning to fight me so I can know their weaknesses beforehand
o   jasper: kai hale, for one
o   aaron: hmm. he is kinda cute
o   call: HEY
o   jasper: definitely cuter than hunt
o   aaron: is there something particularly wrong with call?
o   call: takes one to know one
o   aaron, shrugging and finishing his sandwich: maybe I like trash men
o   call laughing his ass off, jasper groaning: youre killing me, stewart. youre literally causing my cells to stop functioning
·      study hall w aaron and tamara
o   t: (has been frowning at him for the past 10 mins)
o   a: okay you clearly want to talk about something so out with it
o   t: are you sure about this thing with call?
o   a: what, the dating thing?
o   t: the fake dating thing
o   a: right. its fake. yeah im fine
o   t: we both know that’s a lie, aaron. we don’t lie to each other
o   a: (sardonically) yeah well. ive been lying to him since we were freshmen
o   t: having a crush isn’t lying, per se, but that’s besides the point. im worried about you, man. I don’t want call to hurt you accidentally, and then consequently be hurt himself by not knowing how he hurt you, cause then ILL be hurt by best friend collateral drama
o   a: I get it, tamara
o   t: then I reiterate: are you sure about this?
o   big internal monologue
o   a: yeah. im sure.
o   it’s the fall festival since its October theres pumpkins everywhere and haunted houses and candied apples and hay bales and rides and its lit
o   the iron trio+jasper go always
o   theyre walking around, aaron looking at the decorations, tamara call and jasper arguing abt which haunted house to visit first
o   c: the mansion is the obvious choice just sayin
o   j: but theres a haunted hospital ffs
o   c: ive been in enough hospitals to know for a fact that they are all haunted so that doesn’t excite me as much as a MANSION
o   t: how bout…we happy medium at…the graveyard one
o   a: how bout we don’t go to any of those and just go to the roller coasters instead
o   t: aaron, I love you, but youre a weenie sometimes. you can wait outside if you don’t wanna go
o   a: im not leaving you guys alone! (catches calls eye, glances at jasper, call nods a lil, aaron drapes his arm round calls shoulders) who am I to let my boyfriend into that scary place alone?
o   c: (smiling and rolling his eyes) its not that scary, but I appreciate the offer, sugar
o   aaron? oh yes he is dead
o   j: (GAG) youre going to give me diabetes with all these sweets
o   t: (mischievous smile) I dunno, jasper. ever since they started dating they’ve been acting kinda the same as always
o   aaron Tenses, call raises an eyebrow at him then turns to tamara
o   c: what were you expecting, rajavi? showers of pda everywhere?
o   t: oh come on, if any one of us is going to be That Couple its you two.
o   turns out the haunted whatevers are not open yet, they open at nightfall, so they head to the roller coasters
o   surprise surprise call hates roller coasters
o   “if I die I want you all to know that you are not written into my will therefore I owe you nothing”
o   hes clinging to aaron the whole ride and aaron is like if theres a god up above…….
o   then they reach the hay bales and jaspers like “im gonna head over to the bumper boats w tamara you guys can wait here or do whatever I guess”
o   “we’re just fine going with you guys??”
o   jasper looks at call weirdly and says “um, no youre not. you lovebirds need some alone time. get your 10 things I hate about you on in these haystacks.”
o   they get redder than the ripest tomatoes
o   they just stand there awkwardly for a while when call says “wanna head over to the carnival games” “please”
o   they walk over to the game area in a kinda uncomf silence until aaron breaks it
o   “what did jasper mean by 10 things I hate about you?”
o   call stares at him “are you serious right now”
o   aaron looks at him meaningfully
o   “oh my god. oh my god. have you never watched 10 things???”
o   “no?”
o   “oh my god. dude. its just like star wars all over again. we’re watching it, no excuses.”
o   aaron smiles at him “okay. whats it about?”
o   “well if I tell you that ruins the whole goddamn surprise, doesn’t it, pumpkin?”
o   he laughs. “it does, doesn’t it.”
o   they get to the carnival game: the hammer game. the biggest prize is a huge stuffed monkey
o   aaron turns to call grinning and calls like “you do know this game’s rigged right. theres no way you can win.”
o   but of course. aaron wins.
o   call is just gaping at him and whispers “you fucking beefcake you.”
o   aaron says “here’s your prize, boyfriend” and fucking winks
o   is call dying? we don’t know this aint his pov
o   c: it looks like you
o   a: thanks
o   call suddenly looks behind aaron with wide eyes and grabs Aarons hand so Aarons brain goes like WHAT…..
o   “heads up,” call whispers, “group of classmates at eight o clock”
·      call and tamara have always attended every one of aaron’s soccer games, but for some reason this one felt different
o   theyre cheering frm the side with their banners as always (banners say STEWART FOR SOCCER GOD and LUCKY NUMBER 8 and most recently THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!!! maybe that last one makes this different)
o   its also rainy as heck the banners had to be laminated this time (do not underestimate being friends w a rich kid)
o   they both in they raincoats while Aarons in full soccer gear in the RAIN rifp
o   but the team is falling behind so theyre like FUK OUR CHEERING ISNT WORKING WHAT WE DO
o   at halftime
§  t: lets get the fuck down there we gotta give him a pep talk
§  c: what r we gonna say
§  so they head down to where aaron is sitting, drinking from his water bottle
§  c: cant you just tilt your head back and stick your tongue out in this weather
§  t: shut up. aaron we are here to peptalk you. (INSERT PEPTALK IDK HOW TO PEP)
§  exit tamara
§  a: (wince) we’re that bad today, are we
§  c: yeah youre kinda sucking
§  a: well that’s not the supportive boyfriend comment I expected
§  c: doting. I said I was going to be doting, not supportive. and definitely not a liar
§  a: whatever. tamara’s pep talk helped, so I guess ill get my head in the game
§  coach rockmaple blows his whistle for the team huddle. aaron salutes call with two fingers before standing up to go and then call blurts “ice cream. on me. if you win the game, that is.”
§  aaron stares at him and then smiles. “you’re on.”
§  everyones celebrating and grinning and cheering and call catches aarons eye and theyre smiling, smiling, smiling, and suddenly call finds himself right in front of aaron and aaron is cupping his face and its raining and it sounds like something out of a movie and his face is so close and aaron’s freckles are covered in droplets and so are his lashes and call never really thought about it but if he leaned in, tilted his head just a bit, they would be kissing, and call could pass it off as having an audience—
§  aaron pulls call’s face towards him and kisses his forehead, leaning his head to call’s ear to say “you owe me an ice cream.”
§  and call’s heart all but leaps from his body, he feels lightheaded, and aaron looks fucking beautiful like this, his eyes alight with triumph and joy and something else
§  he doesn’t think till he gets home that wanting to kiss aaron for real wasn’t part of the plan.
·      they first kiss at a party cause everyones like KISS KISS KISS so call (lightly drunk) cups Aarons cheek and leans in. aaron.exe has crashed is not working holy fuck this is the best thing ever and all those gay ass descriptors. everyone cheers in the bg
o   call is dronk, aaron is driving him home, call is being supper chattery and super flirty (think: drunk Laurent)
o   alastair is sleeping so aaron has to make sure call is quiet when going to his room
o   a: (a lil breathless cause hes basically carrying call) be quiet, your dad is sleeping right there
o   c: (winking with both eyes) what do I get in returnnnnn
o   a: oh my god
o   aaron finally gets him to his bed, drapes him on it and tucks him in, hes about to lean away when call grabs his shirt collar to keep him there
o   “aren’t you gonna give your fake boyfriend a proper goodnight?”
o   “youre drunk. i—we can’t—youre not yourself right now. goodnight.”
o   “mm. alright. you owe me a kiss, though.”
o   aaron huffs. he cant breathe right. and just because its 3 am and hes feeling reckless after kissing him tonight and call’s just about asleep and he probably wont remember this in the morning, he whispers, “sure.”
·      THE BREAK
o   Aarons leaning on his kitchen counter, trying to look casual but ultimately failing. call has a sneaking suspicion as to why hes acting this weird but by god he will not say it. its too embarrassing on its own.
o   “so.” aaron says. “you kissed me last night.”
o   fuck. dammit. “did i?”
o   “yeah, in the middle of the party. everyone was watching.”
o   call spots himself a loophole and hell if he doesn’t take it. “sweet. looks like drunk me was up for a show.”
o   “what do you mean?”
o   “well, it was a full party. this whole thing is build on other people believing we’re together
o   “’sides. it’s all just fake anyway.”
o   aaron stops, his hands fists. “right,” he croaks. “its all fake.”
o   “dude…you okay?”
o   “yeah. yeah im fine.”
o   “don’t lie to me aaron, i can see youre upset. spit it out.”
o   aaron takes a deep breath and quickly says “is it really all fake?”
o   call freezes. his mind replays last week’s game, and the subsequent breakdown he had because he likes aaron. and fuck. fuck. he swore he was being quiet about it.
o   “yeah,” he says after a while, forcing the words out. “it was always fake, that’s the idea.”
o   “lately, it hasn’t felt fake.”
o   call’s stomach drops. “if you ever needed to stop you could’ve just said—“
o   Aarons eyes are closed. “last night didn’t feel fake.”
o   because it wasn’t, because im a shitty human who fell for you and since I did this has all been horrible self indulgence, because I like you and you don’t like me.
o   “well it was, so I don’t know why youre making such a big deal out of it.”
o   call hates the things that come out of his mouth.
o   something in aaron seems to catch fire, his eyes fly open and he’s angry, call has barely ever seen him angry at him. “it’s a big deal for me, you kissed me”
o   “I didn’t—I didn’t mean to!”
o   “then if you didn’t mean to, why did you!”
o   calls head is spinning, he doesn’t know what hes doing at this point. “I was drunk, aaron, people fuck up when theyre drunk”
o   “I told you not to kiss me, but you went and did it anyway, do you have any idea how that felt—“
o   “I don’t, aaron, because I don’t feel the things you feel!”
o   aaron freezes completely, his eyes wide
o   “right. I forgot. sorry. right.”
o   theyre quiet, and call knows he fucked up. he doesn’t know exactly how, but he knows.
o   “I…I gotta go. bye.”
o   aaron slams the door behind him, call hears the car door slam and aaron driving away before he manages to whisper “wait”
o   but its too late. hes alone.
o   well, not alone. havoc noses his waist and looks up at him with huge, worried eyes.
o   “come on, boy. lets go for a walk.”
o   he ends up at the park—the same park he first discussed the thing with aaron. he sits down under a tree and rests his head on his knees, havoc cuddling up to him.
o   he kind of drifts off, loses track of time. his mind is kinda blank right now. he knows that’s probably a shitty coping mechanism but what the fuck can you do.
o   he doesn’t want to do anything right now. he doesn’t want to deal with anything or anyone right now.
o   he doesn’t want to feel anything, because feeling is what got him into this mess in the first place.
o   he’s so wrapped up in his personal void that he doesn’t hear the footsteps behind him until he hears jasper say “you look miserable.”
o   call doesn’t look up. “fuck off, jasper.”
o   he does not fuck off. instead call hears leaves crunching  as jasper sits down next to him.
o   “he’s at tamara’s. been there for the past hour.”
o   “didn’t ask.”
o   “but you wanted to know.” calls quiet at this.
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undeadpsycho13 · 8 years
a cup of coffee to warm my icy heart
i know this chapter is one week overdue, and i hope u guys can forgive me.  i swear i had it done ages ago, just forgot to post it. also, its more than twice the length of the first chapter, if that makes up for anything.
thank you to @puzzle-of-life-reason-for-death​ for the reminder, this chapter is for you!! :D
btw, some chinese swear words are involved, and the translations are at the bottom. if u dont like them, rlly sorry, i just thought it might be fun, cause you know, both baits and an speak chinese canon, and so do i, so why not?
tell me if u dont like it, i wont include them in the next chapter
otherwise, enjoy~~ ^_~
The second time was not so much of an accident, but oh well, not-accidents happen all the time, don’t they?
The annoying door ringing speaker thing once again announced Baitsakhan’s appearance at Endgame.  A very pissed Baitsakhan.  A very pissed Baitsakhan who had not had coffee in the last three days and was currently dying of lack of caffeine in his bloodstream.  Red Bull was a poor substitute; he needed freaking coffee.  The darker, the better.  The scene from last week flashed back in his face, and Baitsakhan cringed a little on the inside.  He was not willing to make a fool of himself again.
He had surprised both his sister and An by staying away from coffee for four days, and then couldn’t help but get some coffee from The Starbucks.  At least he had figured out the barista’s name.  Hilal Ibn Isa Al-Salt.  He was awful proud of his memory; who on earth had long-ass names like that?  For once, he was appreciative of his unique, surname-less name.
But the Al-Salt guy’s infuriating niceness had gotten the better of him, and he had once again scared Baitsakhan away with a honey-bee-pesticide-banning petition.  Who cares whether bees died?  Screw them.
The absence of a sufficient amount of caffeine, however, was not his only problem.  The Phone Guy (as baitsakhan had deemed him) had texted him back, albeit the dire-sounding warning, with a outrageous reply of, omg so sry got the wrong # D: rlly rlly sry :(.  And then, of all the emojis he could have typed, he chose the freaking <3.
Needless to say, Baitsakhan was pissed.  No one, no one the whole damn world, was allowed to send him a heart emoji (save Sarangerel and An’s incredibly sweet girlfriend Chiyoko, but that as different), and yet this complete stranger had taken it upon himself (or herself, he added as an afterthought) to send him one.  This was an outrage.  He would not dignify this text with an answer, he thought to himself.
So, naturally, he just had to go to that nice coffee shop to calm himself down.  Just had to.  And it had nothing to do with wanting to the hot barista.  Absolutely nothing.
Seating himself at the table closest to the window, he took out his phone, absent-mindedly scrolling through his playlist.  
An indefinite amount of time passes.  
And then, out of the blue, a hand suddenly tapped him shoulder, and, startled, he whipped around, teeth bared, hands out in front of him in an offensive position, ready to gouge the offenders eyeballs out ––
The cute barista (Maccabee, his mind supplied) is, apparently, said offender.
Great, there’s another person who thinks he’s a psychopathic weirdo (not that he isn’t, but still).
But instead of freaking out at his overreaction, the guy laughs.  Who even does that after a near-death experience? (Okay, maybe he’s exaggerating, but there’s no denying this guy was weird.)
“Chill dude, just here to take your order.”
Met with Baitsakhan’s blank look, the guy raises a perfectly arched eyebrow.
“Look, I love having you here, but if you don’t order something, like, right now, I’m going to have to kick you out, ’cause I just got this job and I really don’t want to lose it.  You know, you’ve been sitting here for like half an hour doing nothing.”
Holy hell, he’s been wasting thirty minutes doing nothing?!  Scrambling up (in a very dignified way, of course), he says, in a voice he hopes is impassive,
“Sure, I’ll have an espresso or something, like that thing you made last time.  If you don’t remember, I’ll just have the thing with the most caffeine.”
Maccabee (again, this is all his brain’s doing, there is no way Baitsakhan would consciously remember people’s names, even super hot guys) laughs at that, shaking his head.
“Of course I remember, who would be able to forget the order of the cutest guy we’ve had here since I started working?”
The blond is nice to enough not show any visible reaction to the way Baitsakhan’s face burns a deep red color at his comment, and instead smiles a bit lopsidedly and turns to go.  Suddenly he pauses, turns back to face the noirette, and before Baitsakhan can do anything the older teen quickly winks, so fast it was almost missed, and continues on towards the counter.
For the next five minutes, until Maccabee comes back with his drink, Baitsakhan just sits there, eyes wide, mouth gaping like a fish, shell-shocked.  Even then all he can do is close his mouth and nod his head politely.
A buzz from his phone catches his attention, finally rousing him from his stupor.  For a moment, he thinks that it’s the Phone Guy again, but when he see’s "Asian Hacker Lovebird”, he smiles to himself and swipes the screen sideways to reply.  Though he would never admit it, An crashing into his life nine years ago really made his life better a thousand-fold.  He remembered first arriving in North America, a bitter, parent-less seven year-old, small for his age but savage and aggressive, despite the language barrier.  Oh, he learned English in his due time, but back then, really all he could say were a few basic swear words that immediately earned him half a dozen enemies.  The one person he gravitated towards was a kid in the year above him, a Chinese boy who was all glares and rule-breaking and rebellious behaviour.  Looking at his slim frame and lanky form, people would be led to falsely believe that An was all bark and no bite.  
They couldn’t be more wrong.  
Professional in at least ten different types of martial arts and an expert at (illegal) poisons and (illegal) hacking, An was definitely a formidable opponent.  Baitsakhan’s type of guy.  They were the perfect pair, both cold and haughty at school and in public.  No one needed to know they played video games together well into the night and had weird movie marathons on a regular basis and smiled until their face’s hurt and laughed until they couldn’t breathe.
He was a good friend, cynical, with a dry sense of humor.
Right now, however, not so much.
asian hacker lovebird: where r u????
asian hacker lovebird: baits
asian hacker lovebird: answer me child
asian hacker lovebird: ANSWER ME CHILD
im-not-smol: Piss off.
asian hacker lovebird: THE CHILD IS HERE
im-not-smol: Don’t call me a child.
asian hacker lovebird: i repeat where r u
im-not-smol: A cafe.
asian hacker lovebird: specify
im-not-smol: Endgame Cafe.
asian hacker lovebird: U MEAN!!!
asian hacker lovebird: LIKE DA 1 W/ DA HOT BARISTA U RANT ABT 24/7??!!!!
im-not-smol: Don’t you dare.
im-not-smol: 傻逼
asian hacker lovebird: oh no u did NOT just call me that
asian hacker lovebird: now i need 2 come 2 beat u up
asian hacker lovebird: it is a MUST
asian hacker lovebird: see ya in 2 min
im-not-smol: 王八蛋
im-not-smol: You can try. ;)
asian hacker lovebird: challenge accepted ur goin DOWN boi
im-not-smol: We’ll see about that.
asian hacker lovebird: ur “impecable grammar” rlly pisses me off
asian hacker lovebird: *imppecable
asian hacker lovebird: ugh
asian hacker lovebird: smthn watevr i kant spel
im-not-smol: It’s not my fault you turned autocorrect off.
asian hacker lovebird: when will u eva learn 2 txt like a normal person???
asian hacker lovebird: 好落后
asian hacker lovebird: just sayin
im-not-smol: Shut up.
asian hacker lovebird: look up
Baitsakhan raised his head, only to be met with the sight of a very distorted face right next to his head.  And of course he didn’t scream Jesus Christ and shriek like a little girl, what are you talking about?
The weird twisted face outside morphed into a wicked grin and the doorbell rang once again as another customer entered, tears of mirth still apparent in his eyes.  This new comer looked quite out of the ordinary, tall and dressed in nothing but black and silver, a face that was all harsh angles and sharp corners and pale skin.  A contrasting red teardrop tattoo stood out, leaking out of his right eye, and his strange hair style earned him quite a few looks from the other customers.
“You’re so stupid.”
“Shut up, you will speak of this to no one, understand?”
Most people would quake with fear at the aggressive tone, but An just rolls his eyes,
“Normal people don’t speak like ancient three-hundred year-old vampires, Baits.”
He drops down on the chair opposing Baitsakhan’s, leaning back and crossing his legs, stretching them out in front of him, a picture of complete ease.
“So, where’s the hot shot?” An says in a mock-whisper tone.  Baitsakhan glares at him before subtly motioning towards the counter, where Maccabee is leaning against it, his phone one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.  For a moment, An just stares, a small smirk on his face (not that the smirk ever disappears), whistling appreciatively.  And then, out of the blue, he shouts, so loud that he attracts probably the attention of everyone else in the mile radius,
“Hey there, aren’t employees not supposed to serve themselves?”
Startled, Maccabee looks up.  He sees An’s triumphant expression and Baitsakhan’s kill-me-now-please-just-shoot-me-and-save-me-from-the-torture one, and kind of gathers what happened.  A lazy smile slips onto his face.  He walks over, leisurely, still holding the half-finished drink.
“You’re right.  But… ”  He pauses for effect, and in that short amount of time An actually gets around to rolling his eyes again.  The boy really gets a lot of practice.
“I’m off duty.  Ais over there took over for me.”
He gestures at a red-headed girl who has somehow managed to escape their notice until then.  For a moment, a strange look flits across Baitsakhan’s face, but as quickly as it got materialises, it disappears.
An shrugs.
“Oh.  Good for you.”  He says awkwardly.
There’s an uncomfortable silence, like the type when someone ought to say something but nobody does, before Baitsakhan finally interjects,
“Thanks for the coffee, but I think my friend and I should get going.” Here he pointedly glares at An, who stares innocently at the ceiling.  
“How much is it again?”
Maccabee shrugs,
“Don’t worry about it, as long as you come again, it’s on the house.”
He winks suggestively.
Baitsakhan, of course, agrees.  After all, who could say no to a free cup of coffee, right?  And obviously, obviously it had no correlation to the fact that he actually wanted to come back to ogle the baristas.  Duh, no.
When he first visited the coffee shop, Baitsakhan never imagined he would meet someone like this who flirted blatantly and paid for his drinks.  When he first exited the coffee shop, he never thought he would come back again.  When he came back the second time, he never thought that this place would impact his previously non-existent love life.
Only when they are outside the door, Baitsakhan for the second time, An the first, and An is laughing at his lovestruck (Baitsakhan would deny this) expression that Baitsakhan realises that maybe, maybe a tiny part of him has fallen in love with Maccabee.
(Just a tiny part.)
CHAPTER INDEX (for your convenience)
1 | 2
so. how’d you guys like it?
here are the translations:
傻逼 = dumbass/idiot
王八蛋 = its like f    er (sry, i rlly dont like swearing in english in writing, i feel like ppl will track me down and yell at me)
好落后 = so behind (as in trends, like in the context of not caught up on the latest trends)
hope that cleared things up a bit, if not feel free to send me a quick message, and i’ll explain to you in detail.
anyways, any suggestions for the next chapter?? (i really need to change the texting usernames, any suggestions for the individual characters?? eventually all of the players are gonna get involved one way or another in the texting conversations)
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