#im actually writing up this post for the 7th time now because tumblr kept getting errors whenever i tried posting this
sobaology · 3 months
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you know where to find me,
and i know where to look.
been thinking a lot about knight, the song of roland, and roland's companion olivier lately. so i decided to make something extremely self indulgent. textless versions under the cut!
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does this even count as r1999 fanart anymore??? who knows!!! i for one am having fun with it. i apologize for the historically innacurate armor (since the song of roland is set in the frankish empire), i was following the reference i already had and favored experimenting with visuals over accuracy ^^; i had a lot of fun experimenting with silhouettes and negative shapes. these two make me very very normal (especially knight)
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solange-lol · 5 years
⭐ loading message!
i knew this one was coming lmao
Loading Message… aka my pjo chat fic that for some reason people still read even though now rereading it i cant get through the first 20 chapters without cringing. buckle up everyone because theres a lot to go with this one
the title on my google doc is “title unavailable” because i like naming my drafts really unhelpful things and then i can never find them again, but it gave me inspiration for what i would inevitably call the fic. also fun fact its single spaced size 11 font and over 117 pages long, which means it takes a good minute and a half to load before i can actually edit anything, and another 2 minutes to scroll all the way down to the bottom
loading message actually didnt start out as a pjo fic that i had intended to post. it started out as something i started typing during free time in my english class and i shared the doc with my friend from my class because she would read it and crack up and i love making people laugh so i just kept writing more of the most random shit and inappropriate humor bc we were rebellious, emo, newly-founded queer 7th graders and i ojhklknshbk i cant read the beginning i keep telling you that but i cant. anyway one day i decided to just post what i had written (the first 12 chapters) all in one night, to archive of our own and it just blew. up. 
literally the day after i posted it my friend (different from before) came up to me during lunch and she was like “i have to tell you about this hilarious pjo chat fic i read. it has all the characters and theyre all dating and reyna and thalia are together and rachels there too and its so funny” and i was like. hm. theres no way. but THEN she started talking about these really funny scenes in it and ofc they were completely identical to what i had written and i just started wheezing and i told her that I had written it and that was like an inside joke with us for a year until she stopped reading fic. she was actually a huge inspiration for a lot of the chapters (she shared a 5 page doc with me with so many ideas, i wish i still had it tbh) and this is actually sort of sad but right when we stopped being friends, the spark i had for that fic died out even though it had been a long while since she read fic. (i actually still wonder sometimes if she still keeps up with it. god i really hope not) 
anyway, that sad part aside, i met one of my really amazing friends now through it! val aka jayjay-graceless and i started talking through the comments of loading message, and once she started writing her own pjo chat fic (which, lemme tell you, rip ocean man is typing… it was so much funnier than mine) and eventually we got a tumblr and stared interacting on my blog at the same time annie and cj had been (for separate reasons, i was a superfan of cj and annie was a superfan of me) and boom alabanda happened so ty loading message for giving me a new friend after i lost one 
i keep talking about rewriting loading message at some point and maybe i will because every innuendo i ever made and that whole weird solangelo sex plotline that i hate still to this day, but idk. i kinda like the history of it all. loading message is truly my trash baby and even though i hate that my most popular fic by a longshot is a crack pjo chat fic, im so grateful for the people that support it (this is really sentimental, its truly  garbage but ty everyone who finds it funny ily)
if anyone has any groupchat name suggestions/chapter suggestions/etc please let me know! im always looking for new ideas!
also if you havent already checked out cjs solangelo-centric companion fic to it called message received, then please do!!!! its a million times better!!!!!!!
send me a star and one of my fics and ill talk about it
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tenrkarchive · 5 years
happy #rkfifth ! PT. 1
so, i’ve finally found some time to get around to this! rkfifth is a big thing for me, so i definitely wanted to write something for it!
i first joined rookies back at the very end of 2015 with rkjaehyung. he was a pet shop worker who managed to hit it off with a lot of people really quickly, but sadly he didn’t last long, and was soon replaced by a muse i still hold very close to my heart despite him not surviving long either. that muse was rkhansol/solrk. he was my first dancer muse who, in all honesty, wasn’t very nice to begin with. it took a special friend (rkbyxngjoo) to loosen him up and make him a lot less cold towards people he didn’t know. sadly, having been hit really hard by his first failure after trying to get signed, and rkbjoo’s departure, i let him go, and subsequently took a break from rp for a few months.
when i returned, i came back with rkhyukkie. he was another muse i cherished a lot (which was clear from how many times i brought him back over the years). to this day i still somewhat miss him, and have to stop myself from throwing everything away to bring him back. he started out as a playful, witty, and genuinely surprising (for me) at how he changed from me thinking him up, to him actually interacting with people. he fell in love, but he ended up being dropped too, then brought back a few months later, and once again didn’t last long. i realised there was something off with him, that kept me from finding a comfy way of writing him, to keep him a stable muse, so i left him alone for a while. 
after him, i had multiple muses, i also brought back rkhansol, who was now solrk. he was nicer, having been living life peacefully pursuing dance in the months i hadn’t rped him. he was still in love, and still living in a dingy little apartment though, but this time he managed to snag the boy, and eventually decided he’d rather not be an idol, but simply stick to dancing in other ways, so that he could have a more peaceful life with his boyfriend. 
after this point my memory gets hazy and i know i had rkshiah (who may have been before solrk but im super unsure on this one) for a while somewhere, but she didn’t have as much impact on me as minhyuk and hansol had. 
then comes december 7th of 2016, and this is where something frankly miraculous happened. tenrk was born. i’d been a very casual fan on nct since they debuted in april of that year, but hadn’t gotten truly deep into stanning them. on a whim i thought ‘hey this guys cute, i’ll rp him and see how it goes!’. i had no idea at that time that tenrk would become something so special to me. he started out very different. he was sarcastic, and liked to tease people. he liked sports, and was more creative than charismatic, but after i started stanning irl ten, tenrk became heavily influenced by him (without me even trying). he softened up a lot, and his attention moved away from creativity, and he became less of a cheeky, annoying teen boy, and more of a tender, sweet young man who loved nothing more than dancing and his friends. 
throughout 2017 i had multiple muses, all of whom i cannot remember (i’m so sorry to all of them). none lived long, because beside tenrk, none of them could really stand up to how important he was to me and how much i enjoyed writing him. towards the end of 2017 i had dahyunrk and rkdaniel, but later dropped dahyun and swapped daniel out for rkhyuk.
now, to this day i still adore rkhyuk, who was a more mature, calm version of rkhyukkie. in a way, he was rkhyukkie, but with a few changes in his past. he lasted quite a while, which was rather surprising to me after how rkhyukkie didn’t hold up well, but rkhyuk, sadly, went through multiple heartbreaks in his time here. people he cared about leaving took a toll on him and eventually he became lonely, and being an idol just wasn’t what he wanted anymore. he tried his hand in the mgas, but it only solidified for him how he didn’t care much for performing anymore. whether it was due to the sadness he was battling with, or him just having grown out of his desire to be an idol, i’m still not sure, but i do know i still miss him, and i still want to rework him as a muse and if possible bring him back one day to try and get him that happily ever after he always dreamed of. 
during the time i had rkhyuk lucas debuted, and as adamant as i was about not falling for someone so loud and seemingly heterosexual (lol im sorry down with the hets bois), his soft side quickly showed, and i fell for the tall goofball. yukheirk was born on march 7th 2018. he was one of those muses who seemed to hit it off well with people to begin with (though that died down a lot later on sadly). he was that typical hetero ‘no homo bro’ type guy, which was really just him hiding a deep fear for his suspected bisexuality. 
yukheirk went through a lot in only his first few months here. he dated two girls, kissed na jaemin (sorry donghyuck), had a sexual awakening and feel in love, all before his horrible accident that ended his skating career. he became rkxuxi after adopting the nickname sicheng called him as his official name, since the name he chose for his skating career, lucas, now brought only bad memories. he’s still recovering now, many months after the accident, but now he’s got the boy of his dreams, and is working towards full recovery, and a happier outlook on life. he has some exciting things planned, and a bit of a change of direction in a way, but you’ll just have to wait to see all that!
now, for my newest baby, who honestly, i’ve been neglecting a little (especially since i started working recently it’s taken up a lot of my time). on september 26th 2018, rkguanheng arrived in rookies, who i talked about a lot before actually bringing him in. for a while he was just for fun dm rping, but he seemed so different to my current muses that i felt it would be beneficial to me to bring him in. he’s not as easily pacified as ten and xuxi, and speaks up when someone does something that bothers him. he’s not afraid of ruining budding relationships by speaking up when someone’s done something that upsets him, and that’s what i like about him. ten and xuxi are more likely to grin and bare things in silence, guanheng, however, knows when something isn’t fair.
guanheng is the most focused muse i have - he’s a creative writer. currently not a great dancer (and i don’t think he ever really will be) which is so unlike my muses (i’m such a sucker for dancers). i really like him so far, and am excited to write for him more when i find the time to plot more and get him really going. 
but for now i think that’s the entirety of my history here at rookies. i didn’t really go much into depth on tenrk, but all i really can say is he’s been through so much over the years, and having just passed his two year mark (which i studpidly missed as usual), he’s my longest ever tumblr rp muse. writing for him is almost like writing a journal sometimes, because out of all my muses, he’s the most like me. i put so much of myself into him that i suppose that’s why he’s lasted so long. to lose him would be like losing 2 years of my life. he’s had heartbreaks, emotional rollercoasters, and became one of the first boys in rookies to debut. when i first came to rookies, all those years back in 2015, i never thought i’d be here today, with a muse lasting longer than 2 years, who’s debuted, and had such a long romantic storyline, but, here’s the proof.
this is only part one of my rkfifth post, and since this has gotten so long, i want to stop here and make another post to thank each and every person who has made my time here so amazing. 
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