#im also dreading that this will mean taking x rays and i HATE getting x rays done. im so bad at it
carcarrot · 11 months
clawing and biting like a cat that does not want a bath
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Together (USWNT x Reader)
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Request: team x reader where r gets hurt (needs crutches) during practice and the team is of course really worried for her and r stops eating and is upset and takes it out on the team the rest of camp (because she doesn’t think she can make it back in time for Tokyo) but it gets resolved after reader is crying and team is there to comfort her? (maybe some christen x reader) could you also do at the end where the reader either gets named to the roster/ the first game since injury?
You stared unseeingly at the hotel room ceiling, the doctor's words rolling endlessly through your mind. It was an accident, you knew that and you still loved Ali, but the situation fucking sucked. It wicked that her tackle had been late. It sucked that your ankle had gone in the opposite direction of your body. It really sucked that you had needed surgery to fix the compound fracture that had resulted in the collision. And it Really Really fucking sucked that you would “be lucky to walk without a limp for the rest of your life, much less run around on a field,”. 
You were only 22, and the doctor had basically but a death sentence on your career. The only reason you hadn’t been sent home was that your team moms Kelley and Alex hadn’t made the argument that there was no one there to take care of you. It would have been easier if they had let you leave. Then at least you would have more time to figure out how to tell them that you were never going to play soccer again. 
A knock sounded from the hotel room door, and you glanced at it for a few seconds, before retiring your attention to counting the texture in the ceiling, contemplating what the fuck you were supposed to do with the rest of your life. 
The knocking stopped for a second, before starting up louder. Maybe if you didn’t respond, they would think you were asleep and leave you alone. You didn’t want visitors right now anyway. No one else deserved to have the rest of their camp ruined with your sour mood. You needed to make them hate you so it wouldn’t hurt as much when you left. When they stopped talking to you because you weren’t useful anymore. When you lost the only family you had ever had. 
But the telltale click of the door lock told you that the women would not be so easily deterred. You didn’t bother to look at the women as they slid into bed beside you, Kelley on your left and Alex on your right. 
“What ya looking at kiddo?” Kelley asked, nudging your shoulder softly. 
“Just thinking,” You shrugged, your eyes never leaving the ceiling, even as Alex drew circles on your cheeks with her fingers, sharing worried looks with Kelley. Their little ray of sun was even more cloudy than it had been when they left earlier. One of them should have stayed with you. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Alex asked, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear, trying to coax you to finally look at her. 
You bite your lip, your eyebrows furrowing as you try to get the words past the lump in your throat. 
“I can’t play,” 
You could practically feel Alex’s eye roll at the statement. And you frowned. She didn’t understand that this wasn’t just a temporary thing. 
“Don’t worry about that right now sweetie. Just worry about getting better,” She murmured, using a careful finger to tilt your head so you were making eye contact with her. You stared into her concerned blue eyes, praying that she couldn’t see just how much pain you were in. She didn’t need that burden. 
“Yeah ducky, just work on getting better and you’ll be tearing up the field with us again in no time,” Kelley added, propping her head on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes, nodding slightly. 
Normally they would have attacked you with tickles to get you to smile, but this time they didn’t. They simply sat up and offered you their hands. Even they had given up on you already, what was going to happen when they found out that you were useless to them now. 
“Now, dinners ready and you already skipped lunch today,” Alex said softly as you stared at their hands in discontent. 
“Wasn’t hungry,” You grumbled. The truth was that you didn’t want to confront your new reality. You wanted to stay in your little bubble and pretend that everything was going to work out fine. 
“Sure you weren’t,” Kelley laughed, growing tired of your resistance to them, and grabbing your shoulder to force you into a sitting position. 
“What we mean is that you’re not getting out of it,” Alex shot Kelley a disapproving look, but helped Kelley hoist you up. Her forehead wrinkled when you didn’t laugh at their antics, and instead just crossed your arms. 
“I hate you guys,” You huffed, pouting. 
“No you don’t, now, up you get,” Kelley laughed, kissing your cheek. 
“I can do it myself,” You hissed once you were sitting upright. You grabbed your crutches and forced yourself to your feet. The crutches rubbed uncomfortably against your ribs, but you ignored it. You didn’t need any more help. You didn’t need to give them any more reason to leave you. 
“Stubborn as always,” Kelley sighed, opening the door for you, and you held in your groan. They probably wouldn’t even miss you. 
The ride to the dining room was spent in uncomfortable silence. Neither woman quite sure how to broach the subject of your foul mood. 
“Hey gimpy, need help with your plate,” Ashlyn smiled, clapping you on the shoulder and nearly knocking you over. Kelley glared at her, reaching out a hand to steady you. 
“I got it,” You grumbled, shrugging off their steadying hands and beginning to maneuver yourself towards the food table. You didn’t want to eat (what was the point) but if you didn’t, they would make an even bigger deal than they already were. 
They watched you struggle for a moment, trying to balance a plate and hobble along the food table. Ali sighed, standing and making her way over to you.
“I’ll help you, this is my fault after all,” she said softly, grabbing the plate before you dumped its contents onto the floor by accident. 
“I said I got it,” You huffed, looking away from the woman, frowning as Christen joined you. God, you weren’t a child. You could get a plate of food by yourself. Ignoring the good intentions of your crush, you ground your teeth toge
“Is this all you’re going to eat? You need to keep your strength up kid,” Kelley scoffed at your choice of three dinosaur nuggets. 
“Like it matters now? I can’t play so what’s the point,” You grumbled, ripping the plate out of Ali’s hand and struggling to the closest seat. Christen sat down heavily beside you, followed by Ali, Ash, Kelley and Alex. 
“I’m sorry Y/n,” Ali whispered. It killed her to see you so distraught. To know that she was the reason you were so upset. 
You glanced up from your nuggets, making eye contact with the woman. You took note of the pained crinkles by her eyes. She didn’t have a right to be in pain. You were the one who just had their future destroyed. 
“I know,” You shrugged halfheartedly, playing with your nuggets rather than eating them. 
“You sound super convincing,” Ashlyn rolled her eyes. 
“Well, what would you like me to say?” You snipped back, quirking your eyebrow up at her. 
“We’re not your enemy babe,” Christen soothed, rubbing you back. 
“I know I’m just-.” You huffed, shaking your head frustratedly. What were you? You were angry, sad, a complete and total washout now. What was the point? You paused, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. To do what needed to be done. It would hurt less in the end. “I’m tired and not hungry and I just wanna go to bed,” You finished, staring down at your untouched nuggets. Your hands fidgeted in your lap for a second before you reached for your crutches. 
Your fingertips brushed the dreaded walking device at the wrong angle, sending it crashing to the ground. Just like your dreams. You shoved your plate away, leaning as far as you could in your chair to retrieve the crutch, only for the other one to join it on the floor. You glared at the items, oblivious to the worried mother hens watching you fall apart over being unable to get them on your own. 
It was Christen who took potty on you, lifting the crutches off the floor and presenting them to you. “Let me help you,” she smiled sadly, and you grit your teeth. Your cheeks flamed red as you grabbed the items. 
“Aw kid, don’t feel bad, we all need a little help sometimes,” Ashlyn smiled kindly. The rage and embarrassment boiled inside you. They didn’t fucking get it. 
“Im not a fucking invalid. I don’t need your fucking help. I don’t need these or anything else,” You growled, throwing your crutch across the room and into the food fable with a crash, the other on suffering the same fate as you forced yourself to stand. Pain shot down your leg, but you ignored it, determined to prove to them all that you could do it yourself. 
The room sat in stunned silence. They knew you were upset, but you had never ever lashed out like this before. 
Christen was the first person to jump into action. She held her hands out as she approached you, as if you were a wounded puppy she needed to show she meant no harm. 
“Babe, don’t, you’ll just make it worse and if you ever wanna come back..-“ she tried softly, wrapping her arm under your armpit in an attempt to prevent you from putting weight on your injured foot. You shrugged her off, taking a bold (and excruciatingly painful step forward). What was the point. You would never see the pitch again anyway. 
“You just don’t fucking get it so you? I’ll never ever get to come back. That sloppy tackle made it so I’ll be lucky to walk normally again, much less kick a fucking ball,” You spat, tears finally making their way down your face. 
You could feel the weight of the teams putting gaze. The heaviness that filled the room, like a wave of realization crashing over them. You kept your eyes on the floor, you hand clenching and unclenching around nothing, eating for them to disown you. For the next logical step to happen. 
“Y/n,” Ali started, tears evident in her voice, but your venomous scowl stopped her. “I’m fucking useless now, so just fucking drop it, alright?!” 
You attempted to take another step, using the chair as support, and forcing yourself forward. You nearly collapsed as your full weight landed on your very injured foot. You were stubborn, and you were determined to give them a reason for you to stay. You wobbled, nearly keeling over from the pain, gritting your teeth to stop the anguished cry from threatening to spill out. 
You pulled yourself back upright, about to take another step away from the chair supporting you, but soft calming hands on your shoulders stopped you. “Y/n Stop. You’re going to hurt yourself, more, and then we’ll have even bigger odds to beat,” Christen murmured into your ear, hugging you back into her chest and supporting your weight as she sat back into a chair and pulled you into her lap.  
“Yeah kid, fuck what the doctors say. You’re amazing and so stubborn that I dare them to try and keep you down,” Kelley added, coming to kneel in front of you, her hand in your knee. 
“Plus you’ve got all of us behind you, no matter what,” Alex said, coming up behind her. A sob ripped from your throat. That was your greatest fear. That they would leave you. Your family only tolerated you when they wanted something when you were successful, so you thought your soccer family would feel the same. 
“You promise?” You asked softly. 
“Absolutely kid,” Alex and Kelley said together firmly. You nodded and allowed the women to hold you as you cried. You would all get through this. Together. 
You bounced lightly on your feet, cracking your neck as you waited for the match to start. There had been a tremendous amount of time and effort put into this moment. Hours upon hours of rehab, soccer training and therapy, but here you were in the starting 11 for the Olympic finals. 
“You ready baby?”  Christen hummed, her arms wrapping around you, kissing your cheek before resting her chin on your shoulder. 
You smiled, grabbing her hand. The woman had been instrumental in your recovery, and though it had taken you an embarrassingly, long time to ask her out, you had sacked up. You loved the woman so much that it scared you, and now she was your girlfriend (bum leg or not). “Always baby,” 
You had come a long way, and you had so much further to go. You would win like you always did. Together. 
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admiringlove · 4 years
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IX: aparecium; an incantation to always remember.
— you finally read all the other pages of his diary.
+pairing: miya atsumu x reader.
+genre: crossover(hq x hp); fluff; angst; frenemies to lovers.
+word count: 2.9k.
+warnings: FLUFF!! pls, if i don’t put fluff, some of my moots would cry(*cough* ray).
+usual customers(taglist): @babyworld @renee1414 @anotherhydrangea @seita @tobiosnoelle @weebslxt @tsukkiwaifu16 @loveusandoor @kozumebri @sarawrz @crackheadsara @kyuudere @cultsax @supernovaa-a @akaashikeijisan @b3llo-there @sugasloverr @kagebunshiin @tetsurolls @velvetfireworks @kritiiiii @1wai@seijohlogy​ @sweetrosemilktea @bellesowl @ems1des​ @akaashi-todorki @sakuric​ @irishhbamb​ @sweetsamus​ @cherriechurros @mxshimoo @bluebirdandcomrades @zukuroo @denki-core @sarahvvictoria​ @littlevoxine
+author’s notes: this is the last chapter(im def not sad) BUT i will be writing bonus parts!!
+navigation: previous, masterlist,.
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You stand in front of your apartment, sighing as you close your eyes, making your way inside your bedroom and begin to pick up the cardboard boxes with the help of your wand, moving them outside into the living room for someone(who is quite late, yet again) to take to your new home.
You tie your hair up, fixing your overcoat a little as you sigh, making your way to the smallest box, placed in the corner of the room. Just by looking at the stamp on top of it, you smile. 
The memories of your time at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
You carefully sit on your knees, your plaid skirt riding up just a smidge, as you open the carton in front of you. 
To say that it was filled up completely was an understatement because right now, a few books and photographs fell out onto your lap, making you chuckle. You picked up the photographs, settling with your back against the wall and your legs stretching out, as you looked through them one by one. 
The first one—one of your graduation ceremony, standing next to Shimizu Kiyoko(the current owner of the most popular Quidditch shop in London) who was beaming vividly at the camera with you, holding up your wands as a gesture that you had finally done it. Something that seemed almost insurmountable when you first started school, and now? You all were content, happy with your lives. 
The second photograph was one from the third year, your first time in Hogsmeade. You were in The Three Broomsticks, and a mustache of the froth from the butterbeer had formed atop your lips. Behind you, a certain fox pointed and laughed his guts out. 
The next picture was from the Shrieking Shack—where all of your friends had ditched the second last day of school and spent the whole day drinking and reminiscing the past seven years of nostalgic happiness. A boy held your hand with the fondest look in his carob orbs, and you returned it. 
You gingerly took the three photos, storing them in the photo album that had also fallen out of the box in the process of you opening it. Smiling, you took out some more mementos. 
Your broomstick, the Nimbus 2001, sat at the bottom, but you excitedly removed it and placed it on the ground, saying, "Up!"
It almost made it to your hand but fell down upon grazing your fingertips. You pouted, blaming the number of years it had passed since you had played Quidditch. Peering into the box as you placed the broomstick aside, you found something even funnier. 
Cheap, piss colored hair-dye that was almost ten-years-old. 
You chuckled, looking at it playfully as you opened the top of the bottle. The disgusting odor that came from it made you grunt as you immediately placed the cap back on top, never desiring to touch that thing ever again. And once more, you placed the item in your hand to the side, looking into the box to find more things that reminded you of your happiest years. 
You couldn't believe your eyes at what sat at the bottom of the carton. 
An empty notebook with a soft leather cover, with a grey quill by its side, sitting there and ridiculing you. 
You blinked twice, making sure what you were seeing was real. Hell, you even rubbed your eyes until you could see mindless patterns in the dark. You opened your eyes, the patterns making themselves sort of visible in plain sight, disappearing after a few milliseconds when you grabbed the brown book in front of you and whispered with your wand in hand, "Aparecium."
September 2, 20**.
I don’t know what I’m doing at this point. It’s been 3 years since I started loving her.  When I saw her walk into the train today, umm, yesterday cause it’s past 2 AM now… I felt so happy?? I mean, I know I tease her and all, she’s quite amazing. She’s got the brains for it all and insults me back even when I say something stupid.  I really dunno. 3 years and I’ve made 0 progress. I seriously need to re-think my decision about my love for this girl 'cause 'Samu says there’s no chance she loves me back. Dunno if I’ll be able to stop my feelings, though. I’ve liked her since my second year. Damn me, for being such a lovesick puppy.  And to think I colored my hair for her too. [Y/N] called it piss-colored. Out of all things, why the fuck would ya compare somebody’s hair to piss? That’s utterly disgusting. I wonder where [L/N] gets these dumb ideas. Damn her, that slug. Anyways, I have class in a couple hours. G'night. 
You immediately let out a hearty laugh, flipping to the next page when you remembered a certain encounter with the boy who wrote the diary. The day he told you he loved you, by the infamous Black Lake, he spoke of this particular page. He said that he addressed the nightly trips around Hogwarts, about how much he longs to be yours, about his happiness when he sees you, and your snarky comments that are just as, if not more, witty than his. 
September 4, 20**
Today was the third day of school. Also my first trip around Hogwarts with [Y/N] under my invisibility cloak. We snuck into the kitchens and got ourselves steak pies and treacle tarts, and then went to the Astronomy Tower where we ate them while laughing about nothing in particular. I love these little trips. They make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Dunno how to put it into words, but I really like spending time with her alone. It makes me really really really happy. I wish that someday, maybe when I'm all grown up and play for a known Quidditch Team and she's a DADA professor, we are still like this. Going around to aimless places, eating food, and laughing about the old times(or anything really, I just want to be with her even when I'm older). And just like always, she doesn't fail to throw dumb comebacks at me. I can't help but chuckle at them, because sometimes they really are offensive. Well, looks like it's time to hit the hay now, so g'night. 
You gasp as the page comes to an end, a hand on your mouth. He wasn't wrong when he said he wrote about you. You smile as a tear runs down your cheek as you flip to a random page this time, and you realize that it's written in his sixth year of Hogwarts. 
December 23, 20**
I stayed back for Christmas break this year and my dorm is all empty. So is hers, because she says she didn't want to go back home at all until the summer. I feel bad for her gran, that woman must feel lonely. 
You giggled at the line, grinning because you remember your grandma sending you a Howler, which yelled at you in the empty dorm-room for not coming home for the holidays. She said she missed you, and that your grandfather's health was deteriorating. She had also said that she knew why you didn't come back, and that it was okay, because she understood that you couldn't see another loved one go. The Howler ended on a sorrowful note, but everything eased back into its place because you remember the writer of the diary in your hands being there to comfort you when a dreaded letter came in after the holidays. You continued reading where you left off, wiping away the new wave of tears that had emerged from the memories.
Yesterday, me and [Y/N] went around the castle under the invisibility cloak I gave her. It was fun because I always get to see this little smile on her face that only shows up during these trips. We also went to the forbidden section of the library just because we wanted to look at a few spells that are probably illegal. I did accidentally kill a rat practicing the second unforgivable curse, and [Y/N] helped me hide all the evidence by feeding the dead rat to the Hippogriff she had found in the Forbidden Forest. I swear, if someone saw the way I did the spell and couldn't stop until [Y/N] threw Expelliarmus at me, they would throw me in the deepest pin in Azkaban and I'd probably never be able to see [Y/N] again. Anyway, I have to go back out for dinner now. G'night.
You, again, laughed at the man's childishness. You recollect distinctly how scared he was, that he had almost pissed his pants in the Courtyard that night. You had assured him that nothing would go wrong and that your lips were completely sealed, because he was your friend of course, so you had quickly formulated a plan to help him. And yet again, you flip to a new page, one from the fifth year this time. 
July 15, 20**
 I hate this part every year. Ever since my third year, it sickens me to come back home for summer. I can't see her because she lives in Lambeth while I'm in Westminster with my posh family. It makes me a little angry sometimes that my family is well-known in the wizarding world because this means my summers are filled with whatever my parents want me to do. The train ride back home was definitely not quiet. It was so chaotic(mostly because of the constant bickering between me and [Y/N]) and Kita-san yelled at us at the end. That was the first time I've ever seen him get angry, so he was either really fed up or we were being too dumb. Anyway, I'm gonna miss Hogwarts a lot for the next month or so, because after that I get to see her again. Honestly? Can't wait for the sixth year. I hope she grows taller, because right now, she's quite the midget. I'll write her a letter or two, but I probably won't send all of them. G'night for now. 
You continue reading it all. Page by page, parchment by parchment, word by word, letter by letter until you finally get to the last page. The one he wrote on the graduation day, where he says that he wants to marry you someday. But you don't get to read it just yet, because he walks into the room with his booming voice and boyish grin.
"[Y/N]! Sorry I'm late, sweetheart! I apparated back home as fast as I could 'cause Coach saw me slack off a lil-"
"So ya actually read it all, huh?" he smirks, walking up to you and crouching down next to you, "Ah, the last page, have ya read it yet?"
"Not the last one," you smile, "—if only I'd read these sooner, we wouldn't have gone through all that mindless drama in seventh year, right?"
"Eh, 'twas kinda worth it in the end," he shrugs, sitting down next to you and placing his thumb on your chin, "Love, you've been crying?"
You shook your head lightly, letting out a small chuckle which to him sounded like the sweetest melody on the face on the planet, "Tears of joy, 'Tsumu. You were a cute teenager in love."
He smiles with his teeth on display, his fading blonde hair falling on his face with perfection as he whispers, "Only for you, darling."
"I'm glad," you mutter, closing in and placing a ghost of a kiss on his lips when you realize, "Wait, shit! We have to take all of this to the House! I'm supposed to leave for Hogwarts tonight!"
"Kiss me first, then we'll talk."
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"'Tsumu, you really didn't have to come all the way to Hogwarts to drop me off," you giggle, as the yellow-haired man intertwines his fingers with yours quietly, giggling along with you as he says, "Hey, now yer students get to see yer hot boyfriend that you've been with for the past eight years."
"My stupid boyfriend that did a lot of illegal things in school. You're not exactly a good influence, you know," you mumble, earning a little offended open-mouth Atsumu walking alongside you to your quarters. He continues faking the vexed expression, a hand on his heart as he says, "How could ya wound me like this, baby?" 
"I love you though, so it's justified," you say, opening the door and placing your trunk by the bed. He closes the door, leaning on it with his arms crossed over his chest as you set up your things in the room. When you turned around, you saw Atsumu looking at you with the most enamored look in his clove-infused eyes. You sighed, your shoulders immediately relaxing when your orbs land on him by the door. You step towards him, your beige trench coat trailing behind as you wrap your arms around his very muscular figure(now that he's a part of Nottingham Jackals as a Beater). 
"You're going to leave, aren't you?" you mumble against his chest softly, as he chuckles out, "Yer lucky ya get to stay in Hogwarts when I'm gone. Everything's gonna remind ya of me."
Before you open your mouth to retort, your boyfriend says, "Don't worry, slug. I'll send ya letters everyday. And I'll come to meet ya twice a month. Maybe you can even let me meet yer students."
"'Tsumu, no-"
"Imagine! Children and teenagers, all of 'em love me to death. They'll love yer class, even more, when you make me meet 'em!" he exclaims, his eyes filled with curiosity, "Also, also! What about the third years? I wanna be there when the boggart lesson goes on-"
"'Tsumu, no. The school won't allow it. Although, my students do come and ask about you a lot because they like your Quidditch playing skills. They're not idiots like me, they won't fall in love with your stupid personality," you chuckle, pulling away from the hug, but still holding his arms with yours. He pouts, pulling you into a soft kiss, but immediately pulling away and winking at you, "I'm gonna see ya in a few weeks. Maybe I'll take ya on a date to Hogsmeade again, we can sneak into the Shrieking Shack again under that invisibility cloak."
"'Tsumu, I'm a teacher, not a student!" you laugh, but he simply says, "If anything, that gives us an excuse!"
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Miya Atsumu never expected you to be agitatedly running around in your green-room, trying to find things for your hair and make-up. He chuckles lightly because all the other people in the room can do is shake their heads and sigh at your frantic state. Your maid-of-honor, Kiyoko, tried to calm you down about half an hour ago, but it was to no avail. 
Atsumu sent Kiyoko a knowing glance, to which she and all the other bridesmaids stepped outside for just a minute. 
"[Y/N]," he says, his voice low but still soothing. You stop in your tracks, turning around and gasping as you looked at him—clad in sweatpants and a white shirt—and widened your eyes. 
"Dummy, you aren't supposed to see me just yet! Go away and wait at the altar!" you yell, walking over to him and attempting to shove him outside the room. 
Emphasis on the word, 'attempting'. 
"You look exactly like what you are right now, a slug. So listen to me, love. I need to give ya something before you start stressin' out all over again," Atsumu murmurs, placing his hands on your shoulders tenderly as he pulls out a book with a leather cover and hands it to you. 
You sigh, picking it up as you sit down by the vanity. Atsumu looms behind you, crouching down to whisper next to your ears, "Love, open the last page, will ya?"
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, turning your head to look at him with exasperation. He places a peck to your cheek, humming indulgently as an indicator for you to continue as he instructed. You sigh again, shoulders drooping low as you turn over the book and open it, and muttering, "Aparecium."
July 2, 20**.
I want to marry [L/N] [Y/N] someday. 
Miya Atsumu. 
From the last day of the seventh year, and Atsumu continues to explain to you that during the train ride back home when all of you were sleeping, was when he wrote the last entry of his diary, and never opened it again. Because he knew, that he meant every word scribbled on every page. 
You sat there, listening to the man with the messy faded blonde hair, losing yourself in his perfect brown eyes all over again. You felt as if you were diving deep into an ocean of pure chocolate, the sweetness and the slight bitterness getting the best of you as you drown—but voluntarily, because drowning was your intention. 
"I love you, Atsumu," you say out of nowhere, cutting him off. He stops abruptly, his eyes growing wide and his mouth forming into a pout. His lips form into the brightest smile ever, as if the rays of a thousand suns meeting at one point. His boyish grin melts your heart, as he presses his lips to your forehead and says, "I love you more, darling. Now, take a breather, will ya?"
"Oh, and before I go. Don't disappoint me today, slug. I've been waiting to do this for the past eleven years."
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
i’m not crying. yes. 
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lilacjaemin · 5 years
pairing: prince!jeno x gender neutral reader
genre: fluffy angst oh yes (plus lil commentaries hehe)
word count: 4.5k
summary: daisies symbolize true love – each daisy is really two flowers blended together in harmony, the center petals are one flower surrounded by the “rays” of another. they mean purity and innocence, one that swears a loyalty to love and a commitment to a shared secrecy. 
a/n: thank you to jeno for being my biggest muse!! oh also thank you to payton for helping me research flowers for this <3
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·     royal prince!jeno can’t wait to rule his people and his beautiful kingdom full of flower fields and forests
·     but he can wait a little longer to get married
·     and one night the royal family throws a dinner party and a ball filled with suitors for their son
·     but jeno can’t take the stuffy atmosphere and the hundreds of girls trying to dance with him
·     so he runs off to his favorite spot in his kingdom
·     these rolling hills covered in daisies
·     it’s this pretty valley that nobody else knows about sometimes he goes there when his royal duties are too much and he needs to get away
·     but when he arrives he stumbles across you laying on the hill stargazing, engulfed in the flowers
·     he had no idea anyone else knew about this place
·     he really doesn’t wanna be around any more people tonight but in the dim moonlight he can make out the features of your face
·     he’s never seen you around the castle, and by what you’re wearing you definitely didn’t just run away from the same ball
·     so he carefully approaches and asks if he can join you
·     you sit up, freaked out that someone found this secret spot of yours
·     the figure is in a white button up and a dark blue suit jacket with gold swirls
·     he looks expensive but his eyes are kind
·     so you say okay
·     when he sits down next to you, he smells of many different expensive perfumes, which you find weird
·     you ask what he’s doing out here because by the looks of his dark suit he probably should be at some ball
·     and he says “yeah i should be.”
·     what?
·     and that’s when you notice the gold coronet resting neatly in his hair
·     ohhhhh he’s the prince
·     you’re sitting on the ground with the prince
·     the future king jeno
·     o k a y
·     suddenly jeno thinks he hears something and he’s paranoid of his parents’ royal guards finding him and this spot so he turns to you like did you hear that??
·     and before you could respond, out of nowhere he grabs you?? and dives into the flowers
·     your hands against his chest preventing you from smacking into him
·     he’s pulled you super close, his breathing rapid and eyes closed
·     you’re a little frozen, still in shock the prince just tackled you
·     he waits, realizing he probably just heard a squirrel or something
·     the ~kdrama~ moment happens where he opens his eyes and finds himself staring into yours
·     time stops for a split second, the wind ruffling the grass and daisies surrounding you two
·     and then he regains his composure and helps you up again
·     “are you okay? im so sorry! oh, that was so weird and creepy i just cant get caught out here.”
·     you blink slowly, the surprise wearing off
·     “yeah im totally fine.”
·     well maybe physically, but your heart?? about to beat out of your chest!!
·     jeno reaches his hand out and brushes a strand out of your face, smoothing out the rest of your disheveled hair
·     you swore fire ignited from his fingertips
·     you have to change the subject before you lose it
·     “so…you said you should be at a ball right now?” you clear your throat and brush yourself off
·     “ah, my family is pressing me to find a suitable partner. lately it’s just been dinner after dinner, dance after dance, i hate it.” he sighs, laying back into the hillside
·     “you hate people trying to get your attention?”
·     “i want to marry once i fall in love, not because they would be a good ruler of the kingdom.”
·     “i see.” you whisper, laying down beside him
·     “ i love my family, i love this kingdom and i can’t wait to rule but i wish that one part of my life could be normal. i tried to have the most normal childhood i could manage. i did everything i could to grow up and feel like everyone else, but nobody else has to have arranged marriages, so why do i?”
·     you stay quiet, soaking his words in, watching the moon as jeno continues to your right
·     “love seems incredible. i just wanna experience it for real. i don’t want someone ive only met a handful of times before our wedding, no matter how extravagant the whole thing is. i’ve tried so many times to explain to my parents that i can rule by myself for the time being and then ill find a partner, but they won’t let me.”
·     you listen to his worries, the whole time not realizing that your hand had made its way to rest on jeno’s arm
·     it’s something you do to comfort others, but he turns his head to look at you and you immediately pull away
·     you start apologizing, saying how it’s just a habit you have, but he stops you
·     “no no it’s okay, it feels nice to have someone really listening to me.” he smiles
·     oh his smile is beautiful, it shines brighter than the moon above
·     “i never get to hang out with other people my age and not have a bunch of royalty stuff looming over my head.”
·     you were just in awe that the prince who has it all is unhappy and you feel so bad and just wanna hug him because honestly he’s so cute
·     you listen while he rants about his duties and how stuck up some of the royal advisors are and how every suitor he meets is in it just for the wealth, they don’t really care about the him as a person
·     he asks what your take on it is and you talk about your views on love
·     you’re saying how you think it’s the most beautiful thing and that you’ve seen it in your parents and you want it so badly, but it always feels like all of the people in town don’t want a serious relationship
·     “i want to meet someone that makes every star look pale in comparison. i come out here to look at the night sky and hope that somewhere, the one i’m meant to be with is looking at it too.”
·     and jeno nods
·     he completely understands
·     “my family says i’m crazy for thinking that way. but i work in a library, im surrounded by incredible stories of romance, how can i not hope for one myself?”
·     he’s fascinated at the fact that you can date normally but don’t because you say there’s no one out there
·     jeno assures you there’s people out there, he has to meet with them constantly, he just never gets along with any of them
·     you talk about royal life into the late hours of the night
·     jeno is just so happy to have someone genuinely interested in his thoughts and feelings
·     he’s giddy, ranting about his plans for the kingdom and his goals for the future
·     you don’t know when you drift off, but you remember hearing his warm voice fade away
·     and you fall asleep on his shoulder
·     jeno doesn’t remember when he drifts off, but he remembers feeling your warmth at his side
·     when he wakes up at sunrise, jeno is like oh i‘m so dead they’re never gonna let me out of the castle ever again !!
·     but he looks at you, sleeping peacefully against him with daisies framing your face
·     he feels his heart do a backflip
·     is this how it’s supposed to feel? there’s not supposed to be a sense of dread pooling in his stomach like there is when a suitor walks in? interesting
·     gently waking you up, he tells you he has to run to get back to the castle
·     but he promises you he’ll do everything he can to come back to this spot to meet you and stargaze again
·     “i’ll be here.” you say sleepily, smiling at his messy hair
·     when he gets home his parents are like oh you are in so much trouble we threw that ball for you and you LEFT?? AND WE SEARCHED ALL OVER AND COULDNT FIND YOU?? WE THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDNAPPED??
·     and jeno is like um. oops? trying to contain his smile when he thinks of you and your soft hand on his arm
·     he gets read the riot act and is told if it happens again there will be serious consequences
·     and jeno never gets in trouble so this is big
·     but he’s willing to take the risk
·     for weeks he sneaks out and runs to the field each and every night
·     finding more reasons to love being in your company than there are stars in the sky
·     one night before dawn broke you stopped playing with the hem of your shirt
·     “i was thinking about what you told me the first night we met.” you say, eyes glued to the ground
·     “i know you’ll find somebody, and not just because you’re a prince. you will find someone who loves you for your heart, not just the riches.”
·     he stares at you, something in his eyes you couldn’t quite pin
·     jeno was glad it was dark, if not you would’ve seen the red dusting on his cheeks
·     “y-you’ll find someone too. i know it.”
·     its quiet for a minute and then very subtly, jeno grabs your hand
·     “is this okay?”
·     “of course it is. now can you tell me about the secret royal garden? i heard its incredible.”
·     you lay on your side and spend the rest of the night finding the stars in his eyes
·     another dinner is scheduled, this time with the family of a neighboring kingdom
·     this family has a daughter the same age as jeno
·     he knows in his gut that his parents want him to be with her
·     but he can’t shake the feeling of your hands in his
·     it’s where they belong
·     nevertheless, he fake smiles through the meal, tensing when she tries to reach for his arm across the table
·     after the disaster of a dinner, jeno sneaks away again
·     you can tell by the look on his face that he needs a hug
·     “i don’t want to be with her.” he breathes into your neck
·     “you’re sure you can’t talk to your parents about this?” you say, running your hand through his dark hair
·     “they don’t listen. i’ve tried, they just won’t listen.”
·     you hold him close, wracking your brain for a solution to this problem
·     but there seems to be none
·     jeno creeps back to the castle after spending the whole night wrapped in your arms
·     but the queen is waiting for him in his chamber when he opens the door
·     he’s banned from leaving the castle without supervision until he gets married
·     he’s never sent out unless it’s with a guard
·     he’s devastated and frustrated because he wants to sneak away to you but someone is always watching
·     he feels like he lost the one person who understood him the most
·     one day he goes into the castle library in an effort to get some peace
·     to his surprise, you are working in the front
·     you hear a gasp and when you look up jeno stands before you
·     “this library? you work in the castle and never told me!?”
·     “no, the town’s library is overstaffed because of the summer, so i took the job opening here. i always waited for you to come in and find out, but i guess you don’t use the library as much as i imagined.” you laugh
·     your heart is beating like crazy seeing him again
·     you bring him to your favorite little poetry corner, out of view of the entrance
·     huddled in amongst the books he takes hold of your hands
·     you can see him visibly relax when he feels your palms against his
·     “im so sorry, i tried so hard to go meet you but they have guards on me at all times. they won’t let me out of their sight.” he looks frantic
·     “jeno, i’ll wait however long it takes to be together. i still go to our spot every night, i still wait for you. i always will.” you reassure him
·     his brows unfurrow and he smiles, pulling you close to his chest
·     his heartbeat is soothing against your cheek and you realize just how much you missed him
·     “oh, i have something for you.” you reach into the last of the shelves, pulling out a thick worn book
·     he watches in confusion as you open to a page in the center
·     “here, i pressed these for you. for the nights when you can’t come visit, just know i’m there.” you show him two dry daisies, careful not to blow them away
·     his face lights up, gently taking the book from you and running a finger over their stems
·     he’s about to thank you when you hear someone call for him from the door
·     he frowns and shuts the book, tucking it under his arm
·     he presses a soft kiss to your forehead before scurrying off, leaving your skin burning and your mind dizzy
·     jeno’s parents are sure the princess from the neighboring kingdom is the one
·     and jeno can feel his stomach drop to his feet when they tell him
·     desperate to get to you, he tricks his guards into getting him something from the other side of the castle
·     he shimmies down his balcony and runs as fast as his legs can take him to the field before they can send search parties out for him
·     he grabs you by your shoulders and frantically tells you that they’re arranging his marriage
·     but it’s not what he wants, he can’t stop thinking about you
·     “jeno.” you whisper, pointing behind him
·     you see lanterns come over the hill and horses trample over the flowers
·     jeno stands in front of you to protect you but guards pull him away
·     he’s yelling at them to stop but they’re angry
·     you feel like you can’t breathe
·     one of the advisors recognizes you from the library and tells you never to come back to the castle
·     you stand and watch with teary eyes as jeno is dragged away and the candles fade into the night
·     a few weeks go by and you get word that the prince is betrothed to marry the princess and you’re absolutely heartbroken
·     you know jeno doesn’t want that
·     and even if it isn’t you that gets to be with him, you still want him to be happy
·     out of a job, you ask a family friend who works as a florist to hire you
·     “of course! we need all the help we can get for this wedding!”
·     oh no
·     your heart breaks even more but your family needs the money
·     you arrive a few days before to set up the decor and pray the the guards from that night don’t recognize you
·     and as much as it hurts, you hope you don’t run into jeno
·     but to your dismay he walks in with the princess and you feel your world collapse
·     you meet his gaze while they check on the ballroom’s set up and you can see the light behind his eyes go dim
·     he finds a way to break away from the princess just for a second and whispers to meet him at a different spot tonight
·     he says it’s under the willow tree at the edge of the forest by the stream and you nod
·     “the flower arrangements around the altar are hideous.” he goes back to frowning, trying his hardest not to steal glances at you anymore
·     you are sure there’s no way he could get away again but lo and behold you hear footsteps approaching
·     you run into jeno’s arms, worried this would be the last time you could ever hold him
·     he cups your cheeks, staring into your eyes
·     “we don’t have much time but i promise i’m not marrying her. we’ll figure something out, we’ll run away together, we’ll do something, but i promise i am not marrying her.”
·     he tries to assure you it’ll all be okay and he’s so certain it will be that you begin to believe him
·     but you hear footsteps again
·     lots of them
·     and you and jeno can hardly see because of the tears in both your eyes but you can hear the impending doom
·     there aren’t even words to say to each other, its over
·     it’s all over now
·     he kisses your forehead, then your cheek, letting his lips linger against your skin
·     jeno is ripped from your arms and both of you are taken back to the castle
·     they throw you in the dungeon and tell you that you’re going to have a meeting with the king and queen in the morning
·     you sit on the cold stone floor and cry into your palms, desperately trying to remember how jeno’s lips felt on your face
·     the next day you’re led out in shackles
·     you sit in front of the royals and the queen is furious
·     she’s yelling how dare you try and ruin her kingdom by getting in the way of her son’s relationship, how dare you still try and meet with him after everything that’s happened
·     she’s close to banishing you from the kingdom entirely when jeno runs in, “don’t you understand? im in love with them!” 
·     jeno loves you
·     “would you rather the kingdom be run by a miserable king or a happy one?” he’s crying and you want nothing more than to wipe his tears away but the shackles keep you planted to the ground
·     you’re exhausted and cold and sad and hungry and you have no fight left in you
·     the queen can’t believe what she’s hearing
·     “you would put your future people in danger for this peasant?”
·     “i would rather give up the throne entirely than marry that princess.”
·     “how could you say that? i didn’t raise you this way! i raised you to be a selfless leader!”
·     “how could you expect me to lead these people well if im unhappy?”
·     she pauses momentarily, a softness seeping into her eyes, but it quickly fades when she looks back at you
·     the queen is still fuming
·     “we’re going ahead with the arranged marriage and that’s final, jeno.”
·     she turns to you and tells you after you’re done helping with the wedding you’re never going to see jeno ever again
·     he cries out, running to kneel in front of you and taking your face in his hands
·     “jeno,” you say weakly, “its okay. i hope you can find happiness.” you try to smile for him but everything hurts
·     his mother watches the sad scene unfold in front of her with a tightlipped expression
·     “and i love you too, moonlight.” you whisper
·     he laughs bitterly, tears falling onto your heavy arms
·     he leans forward to kiss you
·     but his guards grab him and take him away before his lips reach yours
·     he yells your name all the way down the hall, kicking and thrashing to try and break free
·     you hang your head in sadness and feel a sob wrack through your body
·     its over
·     the day of the wedding arrives and you solemnly finish the bouquet for the bride
·     you fill it with orange mock flowers (they represent deceit) quickly hiding the daisies they had brought for it instead
·     you try to find someone to deliver it to her but everyone is bustling around trying to add the final touches
·     you trudge to her chamber and knock, hoping to place the flowers down and leave as soon as possible
·     but she invites you inside and you dig your nails in your palms to keep it together
·     she’s pretty, but from what jeno has told you about her the only thing she cares about is power
·     “so i heard you’re the one who tried to break us up.” she says through an unnerving smile
·     you stay silent
·     “its such a shame really. jeno is really torn up over you. he’s too sad to think straight. he sits in bed with this old poetry book, but he never turns the page. i think he’s gone crazy, he doesn’t even speak! but i won’t need him for much longer. once i’m in line for the throne i won’t even need to look at him.” she twirls her finger around the center of the bouquet
·     “and when i’m queen, you’ll be banished. it’s a win win!” she laughs, brushing past you to leave, “oh, and do stay for the wedding. i wanna make sure you see this.” you can hear the venom laced in her words
·     your hands are numb, four dark crescents in each palm
·     jeno stands at the altar in his dark blue suit, the same from the night you met him
·     he’s pale, rings of purple under his eyes, his hands in fists, a daisy in his pocket, you can tell he’s biting his cheek
·     you stand behind the tall vase at the back of the ballroom, peeking through the flowers
·     the music begins and in walks the princess, and jeno has never looked unhappier in his life
·     he’s barely holding her hands, nothing like the way he held yours
·     the priest asks if he takes this woman to be his lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as they both shall live
·     you hold your breath
·     it’s silent
·     the princess is smiling, but if looks could kill jeno would’ve been struck down immediately
·     “jeno?”
·     silence
·     a tear rolls down his face and you can see his body visibly shake
·     “no.” he says as firmly as he can
·     the crowd gasps
·     he drops her hands and begins to walk off when the king comes up next to him
·     “you better get back up there right now and finish this.”
·     “no.”
·     “what did you just say?”
·     “i said no, i’m saying no, i’ve been saying no. ever since i was little i’ve thought about what it would be like when i fell in love for the first time. i’d see the way you looked at mom and i thought i can’t wait for the day where i love someone so much i look at them the same way. and funny enough i did find that love. i fell in love in a field of flowers with someone who is more beautiful inside and out than the moon and all the stars combined. i finally found the prettiest flower of them all and i won’t stop fighting for them.”
·     he pauses and turns to look at his dad
·     “i know im going against your word, but you always told me a good king was one who finds strength in those around him, one who grows and rules to the best of his ability, and i’m the strongest when i’m with them, dad.”
·     he turns to the crowd, desperation dripping off his words
·     “i want to be a ruler you’re all proud of, but what kind of king would i be if i didn’t fight for what i want most?”
·     you didn’t realize you were crying until your tears ran down your neck
·     the queen stands up and you fear the worst for both you and jeno
·     “you really love them? you love them this much?”
·     “mother, i’ve always wanted true love. you know that. and i can’t see myself with anyone else.”
·     the princess is throwing daggers with her eyes behind them
·     the queen pauses for a moment and without turning around she says “come up here.”
·     you hesitantly walk up the aisle in your raggedy work clothes, your heartbeat pounding between your ears at all the eyes on you
·     jeno gasps “you were still here?”
·     “in no way are you ready to become royalty let alone a ruler, but i’ve never seen jeno stand up to us like this before, and i must admit it hurt my heart to not be able to give him the true love he wished for all these years. it’s not that i didn’t want him to experience it, i just wanted him to have the best partner for ruling over his people. but i think i caused more harm than good in doing so. you seem to really love him, and that’s all a mother could ever want for her child. if you promise to take all of the classes and lessons you need and work extremely hard to learn about this kingdom and what’s best for it, i’ll agree to you dating him. if you meet my husband’s and my approval, then maybe we can discuss marriage.”
·     “what!? absolutely not!” the princess stomps her foot “i’m supposed to be queen!”
·     “you never cared about my son anyway. get in your carriage and go back to your kingdom.” the king hisses
·     she throws her bouquet to the ground and storms out
·     both you and jeno are speechless, silent tears rolling down your faces
·     you thank the queen endlessly, promising to do whatever it takes
·     you cling on to him, trying not to collapse to the floor
·     “i almost lost you.” you say into the fabric of his suit
·     “never.” he mumbles into your hair
·     you walk hand in hand, fingers intertwined, back to your field
·     you lay down in the flowers and never let go of each other
·     tears wiped away with kisses
·     fingertips tracing the shape of your mouth
·     as the stars begin to poke out of the sky jeno connects your lips
·     it isn’t until the sun peeks up over the hill that he pulls away
·     and a year to the day you first met the prince in the valley, you stand in the same place, amongst the same daisies, under the same stars, reciting vows to each other’s teary eyes
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