#im also just gonna count this as my munday
arebelnow · 8 years
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my mailman is dedicated as hell cause look what arrived despite the flooding
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Sweet Bro And Hella Munday
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
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I don’t know if this. Counts? Or anything but ! I DO like to like. Read and look at character’s choice of words and how they carry their body language! How they hold themselves give away their true feelings, or certain words and phrases gives a clue into what is going on with them!
Like for example there’s a few choice phrases and words, and a few things Molly does that gives a clear view into how she’s REALLY feeling! I know for a fact only V picked up on ONE of her lil like. ‘code words’ and shit yk!
I love psychology and shit so like. I’m very observant on these things!! And sometimes cus of anxiety I ALSO look TOOO much into certain things and actions from people and it’s a hell time BUT-- KSDJGHG!!
But yeah I just like !! How people carry their muses in the small details!
☺  What tends to bring out your muse the most? What inspires you?
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But my RP partners, tbh!!
I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t have grown Molly as much as I have, been happy and having fun writing here like I am without you guys! Certain muses especially can wake my Molly muse up and make her go feral. There’s been PLENTY times where I decide Im gonna chill out! I’m tired!
A certain muse will come online or a reply to a certain thread by someone and my muse will go: REPLY NOW!!
Molly has a lot of deep bonds with people! Most good, some bad, all of them get a reaction out of her and get her moving and grooving!
Again I’ve said it before, but without you guys here I wouldn’t still be here. I would’ve left a long time ago, but there’s so many of you lovely people and friends I have made, I never wanna loose or abandon ! And neither does Molly!
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welcome-to-chao-hub · 5 years
For the MUNDAY thing: (warning it's a lot) 2,6,8,,11-14,17,18 :) - lecowardlycoyote
*cracks knuckles* Ok, let’s do this! @chateaudcoolette
2. Any topics that trigger anxiety in you? 
Hmm…nnngggh….I’ll admit that I can think of a few like….I know not everyone has it easy and it’s understandable, I’ll try and give a listening ear….but then there’s like a line and I just don’t know how to respond at all and just….kinda maybe actively avoid it for awhile because it’s like ‘nope nope nope nope, my brain is not mentally prepared for that level of angst’. Like I’m kinda ok with discussing angst for like…fictional characters, but there’s still that line, y’know? Or like….I guess make sure I’m mentally prepared if you need to vent or angst (or even to kinda have the character do that) because if there’s like a bit too much detail, even if it’s not…graphic, I think I just…actively avoid it for a bit.
I guess an example would be…
‘Hey X, haven’t talked to you in awhile, how are you?’‘Oh hey there!’‘-casual talking via IMs-’‘Oh did I tell you about what my dad did the other day?’‘I…don’t think so, X?’‘Well -insert describing event where the dad is a horrible person-’‘…….-is just gonna grab the tablet and do something else because nope nope nope nope-’
Like I have had people tell me about something stupid or awful their parents did…but I guess it’s like, the wording or phrasing, y’know? …or just the actions of whatever their parents did.
I’m not sure if there’s really any other topics that answers the question without going overboard?
6. What Sunday RP things do you prefer, Sinday(smut) or Kissday(fluff)?
Kissday if I’m gonna be honest. Like yeah I’ve done some Sinday stuff in the past on another blog, but it’s, uh, pretty limited these days on tumblr if I‘m honest.
8. Do you have a favorite restaurant?
If I’m going by myself, IHOP. If I’m with my family, I’d probably pick either Cheesecake Factory or Outback Steakhouse! I guess I’m not counting fastfood places….though not gonna lie, Raising Canes is pretty good….when was the last time I had that…
11. Cold or warm weather?
Warm, though I’ll probably be inside regardless of the weather.
12. Are you a morning person, an afternoon person an evening person, or a night person?
I guess I’d be night because of my work….though right now (at 9:00 AM as of typing this), a nap would sound super good right now…
13. Do you have any Tumblr friends you’d like to meet IRL?
Oh definitely! I actually met one a few years ago! ….quick warning to everyone who may want to meet me, I may be able to give virtual hugs, but I feel extremely awkward giving out real life hugs to friends for some reason. …I may or may not also ramble about whatever I’m fixated on.
14. What would you say is your aesthetic? 
….not gonna lie, I have no idea!
17. How long have you been RPing?
On tumblr, I’d say since….wait when did I make one of my oldest blogs? *checks* 2012. Now if we’re talking about overall like on other sites….I’d say at least….ok I’m 28, I possibly started back when I was….14-15?
18. Who was your first muse?
The first one that came to mind was this human girl with Vulpix abilities because I guess the thread I joined in was like like ‘these people were experimented on and now have Pokemon powers!’ ….again, I was a teenager and it was on the Neopets forum.
Though if we’re talking about on tumblr…ok I can think of either a different OC I had for a fandom that I was into at the time for a show called Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 (and before you ask, I got into it by watching it in the morning while waking up because it was either that or Sabrina the Teenage Witch sitcom reruns. …it was either that or watching the preschool stuff). While she didn’t really last long (though she might pop in from time to time on one of my older blogs), I still enjoy her and I remember that a lot of people in that fandom really liked using her in their drabbles back when it was more active. The other first muse I had for here that stuck around was Wasp from Transformers the Animated series (who still has his blog up over at @the-green-wasp). I just….kinda been stuck in this fandom so kinda hard to pick up some of the older muses, y’know?
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starsmuserainbow · 5 years
🌸 🌹 🌻 🍀 🌱 🌲 🌴 🌵 🍁 💐 🌿
Munday Symbols!
Thank you for sending! Also wow so many!
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve 
Hmm. Well, this isn’t quite a peeve, and it’s not really a thing I hate, but, something that gets me nervous and/or confused everytime?People not liking things. Like, I sure understand where it comes from, to not clog up your likes or anything (though tbh, can that even work? I doubt I’d ever manage to keep my likes to a low number anyway) or maybe some other reason too, but whenever I answer an ask of someone, especially IC-wise, as in an actual RP-starter or drabble or whatever; or worse a starter or something, and they don’t ‘like’ it, I mentally start going crazy about it. Did they not like it? Should I have done something different? Maybe they never saw it? Did they just not ‘like’ it because they don’t do that? Do they still appreciate (and maybe want to continue) it? Should I IM them and ask, or is that a taboo and like pushing them or being clingy or whatever?Like, ugh. So much worried thoughts over something as simple as a tiny heart-button.
🌹 = my opinion on your character 
I like Terra a lot! I always felt for her, and her story was so painful and sad and I so much wished for her to regain (or show) her memories after she appeared again as a schoolgirl, and for her to return to the Titans! It was shocking to learn that many people outright hate her, and yeah, what else can I say? Cool girl, sad happenings, she deserved more!
🌻 = a character I wish to write with 
I’m trying to not name who I’d usually name here, so I’ll name Cyborg! It’s such a pity that he doesn’t seem to exist as RP-char? Like every other of the main 5 is here with one or more blogs, and other characters too, but I’ve never really seen too much of (a) Cyborg around!
Also: Mar’i please!
🍀 = a ship I wish to write 
Two again mention two, I mentioned Red X with Blackfire in my shipping-info-posts recently, and of course there’s never enough RobStar (and for a third I technically mentioned Jericho with Wildfire too, though basically I only want a Joey to write with and it doesn’t have to be/become a ship in that way); but to name something else, hmm... no, sorry, I actually can’t think of any particular ship! I definitely wanna do more in regards to shipping though, going for any (or at least most) of my muses, I feel like I’m really bad at it (or maybe I simply haven’t gotten the chance to try too much with it yet) and I’d really like to change that. But since I tend to take a while to ‘feel’ a ship, maybe I’m just not supposed to.
🌱 = a plot I want to write with you
Well, to a thing I wrote about it (or was it a meme I reblogged?) you said that you were interested in, or willing to, do a power-switch thing with me, so my first idea is that!
🌲 = if I ship our characters together
I... never really considered it much? I mean, I think we may have talked about it before so I considered it in some way, but not ‘really’ I guess (if you understand what I mean)? I assume it is just as possible as it is with any of the other Titans, since they were close, so I guess I’m open to trying? Like stated above, I tend to have a difficult time with ships so my apologies for not answering this any better!(And I’m assuming you don’t want answers for my other muses here - wouldn’t be any surprising answer anyway I guess, since with Blackfire she’s more on a ‘enemy’-relationship and, unless you count some memes [or maybe only one that was an actual RP-situation? I don’t really remember that well xD] that I think you sent to Wildfire a while ago, Terra hasn’t met any of my other muses. As for with your Dark!BB, we’re kinda working on getting him and Nega!Star together so I can see that and definitely wanna continue our trying; and the others probably no since enemy for Star and Blackfire isn’t really interested in one looking just like one of the Titans - though here like for any other combinations of our muses, I don’t mind trying it if you want)
🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom
Like said in the previous answer I gve to the meme, I hope I understand this right by stating someone of canon that I dislike. Though, since I don’t really have anyone I’d say I ‘dislike’, I’m gonna go with ones where I’m just ‘meh’ about.
And the next one to mention there would be... General Immortus, I guess, at least he’s the next one I can spontaneously think of.
🍁 = my opinion on multimuse blogs
They’re okay! Which probably doesn’t sound too positive, but I don’t know how to better word it! Like, sure, I may not be into all of their muses, but as long as they don’t like fill my dash with 1834653490437 posts all at once (or within like half an hour) for all of their characters or something, I don’t really mind it if a blog has more than one muse!
On that note, I’m terrible at choosing though (both my own muses or others), so that always brings me a bit to a difficulty in regards to sending stuff to multimuse-blogs - not that I’m too good at sending stuff to people in the first place.
💐 = my favorite part about the fandom
The art was what I mentioned in the previous answer, next... well, uh. That there are still people RPing from the cartoon, when it has been gone for a good while already! I was so happy to find people here to share my obsession love for TT with!
🌿 = my least favorite part about the fandom
I don’t think this is really about this one fandom, as I believe it is the case almost everywhere, but: Ship wars. I assume they had been stronger when the show was on, but when I find in the tags how people insult characters because they are in, or people because they ship, a different ship than what they themselves prefer for a character, it’s just stupid. Stupid and childish. Just let people do what they want, and if you feel the need to bash another character to show how good your ship is? You’re doing something very wrong.
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tazmilyxfamily · 3 years
@civicmuses​ inquired:
Favourite thing about roleplaying?
Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
Munday Meme
i kinda ended up going with “roleplaying on tumblr specifically but i dont rp on discord much anyways lol
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{ i love the way muses tend to be written as more than just “characters you write maybe”, being something that you gotta pick up and have A Feeling for first and foremost (side or guest muses aside). i wouldn’t have this blog if i didn’t care for my muses! even if some of them are asleep right now and should logically be cut out }
{ also i love iconing my own art- it’s nice to have a sorta “overview” of all the times ive drawn a character! }
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{ as for least favorite things, i don’t like the frankly terrible distribution of threads. no one’s doing it on purpose obv, but there’s this painful tendency for people who want threads to have up to ~2 at a time despite them trying to seek out more while people who have a healthy amount already keep rolling up more. being on D/iscord or w/e else for rping obviously doesn’t change the thread count, but it at least stops people from seeing exactly how the scale tips. }
{ plus in general having an entire blog makes rping feel... different? if that makes sense? because you’re now a public space whos activity hinges on responding to rps and asks, reblogging memes, and sending memes. meanwhile on discord the amount of rps you start and drop is only known to you and your partner(s) and your equivalent of “rp memes” is just... talking to each other. your rping is not a social media account in that case and you don’t have to dangle any carrots over your mutuals’ heads. }
{ i know some people use T/witter for rping now but your public rps are gonna be short as shit while your longer ones are gonna be in IMs }
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beatingdrxms-blog · 7 years
⚌ ♋ ☂ and ★
hella sweet munday meme // accepting
⚌ Who inspires you?
in terms of books/non tumblr things, i’m all about old literature, and it always inspires my style and some of the philosophy when writing (especially with my philosophical characters). for this blog in particular, certain rper’s (off the top of my head, @verydoctory and @talktoten but i there were definitely more as time went on) have such devotion, and i remember following them from early on + being inspired by how they portray their characters.
♋  Are there any FC’s you believe should be used more? Why?
antonia thomas. i would loooooove to see a master regeneration with her as a face claim ---- i used to be in a medieval rpg and she was my fc for one character and it was great, she really inspires that character for me. i would also love to see more gender diversity in face claims, i haven’t seen a lot of non-binary face claims out there in the indie community.
☂ What’s your best RP experience?
once i got more popular (i’m a very shallow person lmao) this blog has been pretty great in terms of experience. i’ve of course had my doubts and anxieties, but overall this has been pretty great. when my monty navarro blog was active, that was also a great experience (one day i’ll revive that old chestnut but i just don’t have time right now.)
★ What fandom do you consider welcoming?
im gonna have to say that the musical theater/broadway fandom has been the most welcoming, though i’ve only rped in the fandomless group, the doctor who fandom, and the historical fandom. all the others take a while to get warmed up in (the doctor who fandom especially tbh) i think it might be because the broadway fandom is not large, and very scattered (there aren’t a lot of duplicates outside of the hamilton branch, but im not gonna fully count them with the broadway fandom) which means there’s a lot less elitism and exclusivity going on. if you want a welcoming experience, go for the broadway fandom.
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
☢ ✉ ❥
   its munday nowhere but who cares │ sorta accepting
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
I was gonna say I don’t know? but uh. Sort of not a fan of autoplays. I mean, they’re alright but if it starts loud as fuck it’s Too Much.there’s probs some other shit but lmao thats just the one that hit me. 
✉ A fandom that you feel is open and accepting?
If I’m gonna be honest here? I don’t know. I don’t think any? I mean,  I’m just a bitter fuck. Like i said man. All of them can feel welcoming for a split second but then someone pulls the rug out from under you.  but eh. eh. TRC has been good. but then again I’m bias bc you’re a lovely golden bean whom i love so. Also bc fckn Anna’s like. There too so im just. Ya know. You two have been my most exposure so not sure if it counts  l ma o.
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
The actors themselves usually lmao. But yeah, there’s a FUCK ton of FC’s I’m hesitant to rp with because bad association tbh. Generally, it’s my bias towards the actor or whatever. But, ye ye. No there’s a bunch that I’m just like LM AO  FUCK OFFFFFFF. 
my ex ruined a bunch for me so there’s tHAT. 
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a-wolf-among-men · 8 years
do all of the munday league asks
//O god. I stop hanging out with my riend and come back and have to answer 50 questions. Alright. gonna have top put it under a cut
First Champion played?
//Varus. Can’t play adc for shit, but I still play him sometimes.
First Champion you mained?
//Varus. Again.
Champion you main/play currently?
//I fucking love sona. Like shes really fun. Shes easy to play, but its hard to actually be good with her support wise, because you can’t always keep using powercord Q you have to use your other power cords.
Best or Favorite role to play?
//I’m a support main, so I think that speaks for itself.
Favorite Top champion to play/have on your team?
//I can’t play top because I hate playing melee champions and im not any good with any of them. I guess Shen is good, his ult is good.
Favorite Jungle champion to play/have on your team?
//Just a jungler that isn’t totally fucking useless like most of the ones I have. Life of a person who hates to play ranked you get stuck with shit junglers and teamates.
Favorite Mid champion to play/have on your team?
//I like to play Sona and Annie mid. Annie is just stupid and Sona most people underestimate because shes a support so once you get lich bane you can take a quarter of a squishy’s health, plus her heal is nice to have.
Favorite ADC champion to play/have on your team?
//AN ADC WHO UNDERSTANDS THAT I HAVE FUCKING COOLDOWNS. In other words and adc that doesn’t try to 1v2 the draven and blitz. :^)
Favorite Support champion to play/have on your team?
//Sona, Nami, a good Thresh, pretty much any good support. Pretty much whenever I’m stuck adc I get stuck with the supports who seem like they have no idea how to play their champion and its like ???? Sona and Nami are not that hard to fucking play.
Best champion design(no skin)?
//Thresh and  Viktor it’s a tie between them two.
Best champion ability/kit?
//Sona. If people actually take time to read what her power cords do she has a shit ton of shit she can do other than spam q and w. For example if you ult with power cord E it not only stuns, but also slows the enemy. She has a lot of depth to her kit that a lot of people miss out on.
Worse champion design(no skin)?
//Ahri. Fuck Ahri. I have so many problems with ehr design that it’s just like. Why the fuck did Rito make something so fucking generic for a soul stealer??? Like I swear I’ve seen her design 50 times over just on people’s ocs.
Worse champion ability/kit?
//Blitzcrank. Fucking takes less skill than fucking Soraka with how many times I’ve seen his hook go through minions.
Favorite Female champion?
//Zyra. She cool.
Favorite Male champion?
Thresh. Hes my son how could I not chose him.
Favorite Yordle?
//Lulu. Fucking adorable little shit. Veigar is a close second tho.
Most annoying champion to play against?
Favorite champion laugh track?
//Hyena warwick. That shits fucking great.
Favorite champion Taunt track?
//Aurileon sol. Spooce dragon best.
Favorite champion Joke track?
//Volibear. Best puns.
Favorite champion dance track?
//Jhin my boy. He got good skill.
Thoughts on Surrendering?
//Double explosion. B)
Favorite game mode? (including temporary game modes)
//Normal Draft. We still have it on NA. It’s fucking great. It’s like ranked but without the toxicity. Plus if you DON’’T GET FUCKING AUTO FILLED you get one of the two roles you wanted.
Best event for the game?
//Bilge water. Fucking loved black market brawlers and the Aram map.
Demacia or Noxus?
//Noxus hands down.
Piltover or Zaun?
//I like Zaun better than Noxus and Piltover.
Winter Claw, Avarosan, or FrostGaurd?
Never paid attention to the Freiljord, so I guess winter claws. Just because I know thats Sejuani.
Shadow Isles or The Void?
Favorite champion associated with Shurima?
//I like birb. Birb is cute.
Favorite champion associated with Ionia?
//Jhin. Hands down Jhin. I used to write him all the time and I struggled with deciding to make this blog or a Jhin blog. Still ship jhin with bm thresh tho
Favorite champion associated with Bilgewater?
//Cervantes Gangplank. Hes cool and at least takes some skill unlike all of the other Bilgewater champions.
Praise the Solari or Lunari?
//Lunari because I used to watch a lot of mlp fim and Luna is still best princess.
Static Shiv or Phantom Dancer?
//Only build static shiv when I play ad Thresh. I think I only built a phantom dancer on ad Janna. So static shiv????
Favorite item in game?
//Athenes. Gives supports without a heal but a shield a way to actually heal their teamate.
Flash on D or F?
//D. Like I’ve always had it on D so why the hell would I change it???
Current game icon? Do you ever change it?
//The shadow Isles crest. Hardly ever change it.
Have/do you watch(ed) LaLaLa Demacia?
//Nope. Never heard of it.
Best skin in game?
//Bet u all ain’t gonna expect this. Prototype Viktor. I fucking love it. Bloodmoon Thresh is a close second tho
Best splash art(skins included)?
//I really like the pentakill splash. 
What ping do you play on?
//It hovers around 60 to 80, but if my moms watching netflix it goes up to 2k every so often.
Do you keep up with pro play? If so, favorite pro player(s)?
//Nope. Couldn’t care less about the LCS
Favorite ship?
//Do any of the ships I’ve had on this blog with ocs count? If so a certain flame boi and my son were rlly cute. If not Thresh x Ezreal is rlly cute, but I like bloodmoon Thresh and Jhin just as much.
Do you listen to music while playing? What kind?
//Nope. It would kill my ping.
What season did you get into league?
//I dunno. Back when Karma first came out. Dunno what season that was. I was a youngin then. Wanted nunu because he rode a yeti.
Favorite type of Poro from Blitzcrank’s Poro Round Up?
//Was the shadow isles poro in it? I mean I played it, but I can’t remember the poros. The jinx one? That was one right?
Pref playing AD or AP champions?
//Always been better with ap champs than ad.
Favorite Rioter?
//Don’t know any of em. How about the one who made it cannon that Graves vapes.
What do you play more Ranked or Normals?
//Never played a game of Ranked.
Do you prefer Red side or Blue side?
//Red, because I like red better.
If you could remove one champion from the game who would it be?
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