#im assuming its that expensive cause it was a release thing but fuck man
roaringheat · 1 year
wtf do u mean the rdr2 guide book is $250 im gonna rob someone
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
A Walk In The Park
Warninngs: Swearing
Meeting Henry in the park.
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A Walk In The Park
It was about 9 in the morning when you got the leads out of the cupboard deciding that by this time the park would be quiet as the school rush was over and anyone who had to be at work was.Your two excited dogs ran at you jumping over one another to be the first on a lead , your 3 year old blue doberman Milly was first as you clipped the thick leather lead followed by your bearly year old phantom standard poodle polly. You preferred walking them when it was quiet because of their rare colours your girls were a prime target for dognapping because any pups they had would be very expensive. You grabbed a small bag of treats ,their ball launcher and favourite ball as you left . Walking to the park it was a huge enclosed field that had a small fenced off play area in the middle there was a foot path around the edge with the occasional bench and bin, large trees dotted hear and there across the whole park, near the enterance there was a small coffee kiosk for the dog walkers that frequently used the safe enclosed space to run there dogs. Once there you saw three other dogs running loose one large and two small but they were far enough away that you should be able to avoid them. Walking a quater the way down the field you released your babies letting them go scatty they both ran off in a large circle around you letting off steam. After a few moments they slowed down panting watching you as you leaned the ball launcher on your shoulder then flicked it catapulting the ball a fair distance . Playing the game of fetch as you continued walking slowly around the field. Throwing it for the 12th or so time was when you heard someone calling for there dog to "leave it" as an akita that tore past your two and caught the ball resutling in a freindly game of chase as Milly and Polly tried to get it back you laughed and waved it off as the large man jogged closer to you still calling his dog. He was very handsome from here you noted.
"Its fine, their freindly" you called out ,he shook his head at the playful pups before smoothing his dark hair back as he watched the three play excitedly. It was rare that your babies had a similar sized dog to play with everyone now days opting for tiny 'cute' dogs and the larger breeds falling out of fashion. You giggled as the akita run up to its owner dropping the ball who dutifully threw it in your direction. The three dogs chased it erratically it was only as they got closer you realised he'd misjudged the distance before you could move his dog collided with your legs sweeping them from under you. Crying out suprized you landed with a heavy thump on the near frozen ground, the dog realising its mistake stood over you sniffing to see if you were ok joined by your two, before being pushed away by the most beautifull man you think you have ever seen, your thought stuttered to a halt as you noticed he looking down at you with bright blues eye filled with concern.
"Kal you big lump look what you did. I am so sorry are you ok?" He said helping you up laughing it off.
"Yeah im fine not the first time a dogs knocked me on my ass." He looked you over quickly decideing that your ok but began trying to brush the dry dirt off of your legs and bottom. Flustered as this heavenly stranger wiped at the seat of your jeans,you bent down quickly to take over ending up butting heads hissing you both grabed your throbbing forehead.
"Shit sorry fuck is your head ok? Look at me" he said cupping your face making you look at him as he gently ran a thumb over your bumped head. You couldn't help the a small gasp as you saw just how handsome he really was tall and broad, a clean shaven angular jawline,his mouth had a defined cupids bow that looked perfect for kissing among other things, lightly defined cheek bones and all topped off with a set of incrediblely clear blue eyes he looked like a god, you snapped out of it as he ran his tongue over his lips in what you assumed was a nervous gesture.'well you are just fucking oogling him' you thought
"That was my fault sorry, are you ok?" He nodded staring at you still smoothing over your face, you thought it was because you looked a mess after falling ass over tit but it was actually the opposite he thought you were beautiful. Blushing at his appraisal you nervously pulled his hands away ,looking down stroking your babies who had been hovering around you since you fell,you quickly turned your attention to his dog.
"So hes a boy then?" He nodded sheepishly as he realised he'd been caught staring snapping out of his thoughts.
"Yep this is my son Kal" he said ruffling the dogs furry head who was panting content. You giggled it was cute
"These are my babies Milly and Polly" you pointed each one out he smiled letting them sniff his hand gaining approval to stroke them.
"They are really sweet ,amazing colours i dont think iv seen them before. I couldn't acctually tell what breed Milly was when i watched you come through the gates" He stated then faulterd sheepishly as he'd let slip he had been watching you ,choosing to ignore it he concentrated on giving your babies ear rubs as they reveled in all his attention. You nodded smieling shyly.
"Well thank you most people think they are scary tho because of there size. Milly is what you call a blue doberman and Polly is a phantom coat both are rare its why i try to bring them here when its quiet" he nodded in understanding sighing in relief as you didn't mention his embarrassing admission.
"Sometime people are wary of kal because of his size. And you coming when its quiet would explain why I've never seen you here befor, I'd have definalty remembered you" he flirted you blushed not sure where to look as he smirked at you. He picked up the ball launcher and leads from the floor beside you. Holding out your hand to take them back he twisted them away from you lightly with a teasing grin.
"I think we should continue this walk together ,you know for health and saftey's sake" he said winking at you as he used the launcher to pick up and launch the ball out towards the field causing the trio chase it. You nodded looking away your face glowing he chuckled.
"I just realised i havent introduced myself im Henry" he held out a stong hand you shook it introducing yourself.
"Y/n" he tested your name
"Well Y/n would you allow me to buy you a coffee on this fine cold morning?" You smiled shyly at him nodding
"If you want to"
"Oh i do trust me" you felt giddy as he slipped your hand in his before makeing your way to the kiosk.
It had been just over three weeks since you first walk with Henry and it had become a daily occurrence you'd both meet up at around nine grabbed your coffees and do two or three slow laps around the park before going your seperate ways. In that time you'd gotten to know one another he seemed quite reluctant to talk about his job at first, which you understood when he told you he was an actor, he was worried that it would scare you off but it didn't bother you in the slightest and that was the day you exchanged numbers. Your walks were spent chatting and casually flirting with one another, before you knew it you had a crush on the sweet man. Today was particularly cold as you made your way to the park when you got there Henry was at the bench by the kiosk coffees in hand he let out a laugh when he saw both your dogs in their little knit jumpers. You pouted at him as he gave you your drink.
"So your one of those?" He got out between laughter as you let them off their leads and began your walk.
"Yep its for a good reasons tho poodles hair is fine and wavy when they're young it gets thicker and curly with age untill then they feel the cold really bad and Milly gets jealous if Polly has her jumper on and she doesn't" he nodded watching as kal followed the two going between them investigating the jumpers comically then they began chaseing one another for the new slightly bigger ball that you had tossed towards them.
Henry moved closer towards you grasping your hand as usual, taking sips of his drink opting to kick the ball with across the grass with his feet as one of the dogs returned it.
"Well its freezing today there threatening snow by the end of the week" you sighed
"Just what i need snow" you muttered into your cup taking a mouthfull.
"Tell me about it i hope it will hold off until friday" you looked at him confused as he kicked the ball again.
"I have to travel just outside of london on wednesday should be back by friday morning at the latest ,its a fitting and makeup test for an upcoming role ,they have a few different ideas but want to have it sorted asap the costume and props are going to take a while to be ordered and made" he explained shrugging lightly, you deflated slightly it meant soon you wont be able to see him, he would be away filming and promoting and youd be on your own.
"Oh.. that sounds fun tho, are you looking forward to it?" You asked trying to bite down your dissappointment he turned to you smileing wide
"Yes its a role i never thought id get when i auditioned but im really excited for it i cant wait to start filming" he said enthusiasticly you nodded but kept quiet as you kicked the ball kal had brought back. He slowed down and binned your now empty coffee cups then took a long look at you sighing before pulling you around to face him.
"Hey dont worry i'll call you everyday at the fitting and when I'm filming" he said stroking your hair out of your face with one hand an overly intimate gesture to anyone onlookers.
"You dont have to do that" you said trying to look anywhere but his face not wanting him to see how upset you were. You had no right to feel like this you hadn't even known him that long.
"But what if i want to?" He said before pulling you closer to him by your interlocked hands and joining free hands. Your gaze snapped to at that he continued knowing he now had your full attention.
"What if I say that I'm gonna miss you, miss talking to you everyday ,miss the way I can make you blush adorabley with just a look or miss holding your hands in mine ,that im going to find it hard leaving you behind here when I've only just gotten to know you." You were lost for words staring at him as he rubbed to back of his neck.
"That... didnt sound as cheesy in my head.. I just mean I really really like you, as soon as I leave here I cant wait for tomorrow to see you again. What I'm trying to say is that I really really like you" he admitted
"I like you too" the words left your mouth before you could stop them he looked up glowing at you. Quickly before his courage dissapeared he wound his large arms around your waist and pulled you against him leaning in for a kiss, you gasped as his lips met yours soft and gentle at first before tilting his head down more and deepening the kiss becoming more heated and desperate as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer as your tongues danced back and forth. Hearing a whining you both pulled back looking down at three impatient dogs waiting for the game of fetch to continue. You both laughed Henry kicked the ball without releasing you before leaning down again.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that" he mumbled against your lips placeing chaste kisses on them as he spoke.
" and now I cant seem to stop"
"You think your the only one?" you giggled at him meeting his kisses half way
"Just so you know I expect this to be our greeting from now on love" he whispered lowly and squeezed your waist your tummy fluttered at that.
"Well i suppose thats an acceptable request" you murmured he gave you a mischievous smile.
"Who said anything about request? I'll greet my woman as I see fit" your laugh was cut short as he kissed you deeply again. Before pulling you around one arm slung around your waist as he guided you along the path against him.
"Your woman? you havent even bought me dinner?"
"Which i plan to rectify tonight?" He asked cheekily you nodded at him leaning your head against his chest feeling like the luckiest girl in the world as he looked at you lovingly leaning over kissing your head.
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arthurmorganthings · 5 years
Red Room (2)
Pairing: Pornstar!Arthur/Costar!Fem Reader
Summary: Arthur returns a long awaited favor.
Warning: Contains very detailed depictions of smut.
A/N: for my fellow Arthur hoes @pomini-puttana, @arthursbitch, and @verai-marcel :)
Explicit: +18
You arrive at his condominium promptly after, opting to change into something more fit for the occasion. Your Rolex watch on the wrist and body con dress to compliment the crevices of each curve, cinched tightly to accentuate your hips. Arthur guides you past concierge through the text of his phone. he greets you with a welcoming smile. Comfortably dressed in grey sweatpants and white tank top he pivots his broad self—granting you entry. As you walk past, you can feel his eyes analyzing your choice of wear, sucking in his breath quietly as he shuts the door behind him.
His home was unapologetically modern. Brand new television, white Persian rug with a matching sofa set finish, and a vintage record player. The large windows overlooked the city beautifully though unbeknownst, Arthur was an avid fan of the arts. You'd observe as messy piles of old sketches were scattered in one area in particular. Several studies of contemporary artists filled the off-white walls of his living room. You also notice photos of a child next to what presumably is his mother. His soft blonde locks matched Arthur's, he even has his eyes. 
"It's, it's my son." He confirms, sheepishly. "Isaac."  
You glanced at him as you pondered what to say next. He bears a striking resemblance to his father. Same colored eyes, tan skin complexion, even his locks of hair to the nape of his neck is a painstakingly obvious indicator of Arthur's genetics. 
"How old is he?" You inquire, though you shouldn't—curiosity piques its interest as you observe the woman next to the child in the photo. She looks young, around her mid-twenties. Her brown locks of hair pressed neatly for the family photo; a beat of silence ensues.  
As if hesitant to respond, you add for him. "Unless you're comfortable of course." Another overbearing silence follows causing guilt to wash over you. Arthur returns to the living room with a few candy bars and gummy bears, placing them on the coffee table as he finds comfort next to you.  "Nah, you're alright. He's about five years old. His momma is very protective of 'im. Spoils that kid she does." He mumbles while grabbing the remote. "So, I don't want to seem like some cheesy bastard but I'm about to put on some Netflix. Any recommendations?" 
Giggling on instinct, you nod. "I never pegged you for a Netflix kind of guy." You glance again and you swore that a glint of mischief found him, in that one second. Excitement coursed through your veins at the idea of repeating earlier today. Though he did say he'd be returning the favor, the question would soon come to fruition as to when he'd be able to—perhaps now, or when the movie began to build gradually.   
And it did, Arthur didn't miss a beat to play his favorite western film starring Clint Eastwood. "Well, I ain't too fond of Netflix aside from a few shows. I'm never watchin' TV." Just the way he spoke was enough to voluntarily chafe your thighs together. A gentle reminder of what could potentially happen in a matter of minutes. You nod, reclining even further onto the leather sofa. Arthur isn't as naïve as he may let on, he's a man that slowly builds tension. You'd assume he purposely wore grey sweatpants to tempt you into glancing—your resilience is admirable in that regard, you note mentally. 
"I agree, cable television sucks." You acknowledge, though regretting you worn a dress that ride up to the thighs. It wasn't helping that your slick essence pooled at the center neither, nor you going commando. Almost sure that Arthur seen you sit abruptly, awaiting his response.   
"Sure. Can I ask you a question?" Your heart drops to the center of your stomach before nodding. You glimpse, only to find his emerald-like senses etched to yours. Clearing your throat as you blink.   
"Shoot." Your voice squeaks slightly as you slap yourself mentally for losing your composure in front of Arthur. Admittedly, a man of his stature can be quite intimidating, he is a good man—knowingly.   
"What made you start—uh, you know, filmin?"
You could tell he tried to go about this question respectfully, and you could admire that. You smile at him before releasing a sigh.  
"Nothing too exciting. I felt like life was all about living up to norms, so I figured porn would be a fun way to start." Arthur chuckles, amusingly, admiring your crass language.
"Nothin' too excitin?' you coulda been way off in school than doin' this."  
Again, you shrug, indifferent. "I became an adult film star to rebel against my parents. My father drowned his problems in what money could buy—or what women could charge. My mother never complained, on her way to the bank that is." You reply. "I guess you can say my family is, a bit dysfunctional."  
Arthur blinks, a bit loss for words. He nods in understanding and presses no longer. He averts his attention back to the film. A bit of guilt does linger in his mind, perhaps had he not pressed on about academics, the current tension wouldn't be so awkward.
One thing Arthur could admit to is his wrongs. The last thing he wants is for you to be upset.  
He clears his throat as his eyes stay glued to his high-definition TV. "Listen, I didn't mean to come off as rude. I apologize."  Your brows furrowed before clearing your throat, "Arthur, you've been nothing but good to me."  
"Some things are better left bein' unsaid."   He feels it, your soft, dainty fingers make contact with his thigh. The feel of your hand rub dangerously close to his center.
He balls his fists, in hopes he could keep his brazen side at bay; for a little longer at least. The objective was to make you feel good one way Arthur knew how. You felt his body language grow rigid.
He's holding back. This makes your smirk widen as your fingers finds the outline of his "print," shamelessly hardening at the touch. Palming him, he sucks in a breath before exhaling, his eyes glancing at you in a daze.
"You don't want to do that woman." His voice, a few octaves lower. "Not before I make you feel good first."
"Oh?"  upon initial shock, you find yourself straddling him as if he were some saddle. Your hips gently grinding at where you needed him most. "And what does making me feel good compose of?"
At this point your cunt was throbbing with subdued excitement as you grab Arthur's balled fists, now unraveled against yours, before pressing them onto your breasts. You moan his name softly, but powerful enough for him to grunt. "Tell me, Arthur. How are you going to make me cum?"
You figured it was only a matter of time until Arthur's patience wore thin, surprisingly lasting longer than his set time. You find yourself on your back, atop his expensive couch, devouring your neck while his thick fingers fondle with your pussy.
"You wanna know how I'll make you cum?" Arthur sighs, as his hardened cock grazes your leg. "I've always been a man of action, so why don't I gone head an' show you?"
You gasp, releasing a moan as he encircled your clit with his fingers, teasing you as he trailed down from your neck to your breasts slowly—as if memorizing your body's response to him. He notes how you open yourself to him more when he's at a spot you enjoy, subtle eye contact upon foreplay, and his own response to you.
"Shit." You whisper as his tongue finally reaches where you desperately need them to be. Never mind how drenched your cunt was as Arthur removes your thong with his teeth—when his tongue teases at your inner thigh, he looks up at you to assess the damage.
And oh, was there damage. Your teeth bit painfully deep onto your bottom lip in anticipation. Your neck craned forward while your hand was at the back of Arthur's head.
"Please, ple—oh, fuuuuck." You slurred as his tongue works it's magic at your clit, lapping at your essence while keeping eye contact. Your neck falls back into some pillows while your mouth forms silent 'ohs,' gripping at the locks of his hair, grinding your nether lips into his face.
Your grip on his hair tightened with every painfully slow lap of his mouth, your cries of pleasure only grew in volume, "Yes, keep going just like that."
"Just like that?" he teased. "Or maybe a little more?" He hummed at your lips as he slid his finger inside.
You grew rigid as your jaw fell slack, the squelching of your mound only sounding the room. Your walls tightened as Arthur continued his ministrations, his eyes never leaving yours. Time to time he'd hum, mumbling words like "you taste so good," to push you over the edge.
"Oh fuck, yes." Your voice projects. "Arthurrrr."
His body arises, softly adding another finger as his forehead makes contact with yours. You reached nirvana better than any man could make you reach—you questioned if you'd fallen in love with Arthur with what little time you two spent acquainting yourselves with each other. To make matters worst Arthur uses the pad of his thumb, stimulating your clit as his breath hitches—he knows he has you where he wants you.
Eyes fluttering, clenching of teeth, and hips swiveling in pursuit of your release. You were almost to your peak as you let your body let go, your eyes rolling back as you squirt all over his hands. Your voice was embarrassingly loud, perhaps enough to wake neighbors even.
Arthur didn't allow you intervals of recovery before filling you to the hilt. His cock undeniably hard, you gasp in pleasure as he rams his girth. Your cries of erotic sounds could be heard from far and wide.
Beads of sweat accumulate on your co-stars head as he grunts, his face contorting as his blue eyes find yours. Your heart swirls nearly before your fingers nail his back.
"Fuck." You gasp, "fuck me Arthur—you're so fucking good."
He groans approvingly at your crassness, your ability to tune into your primal mind and let yourself come undone. Arthur smirks as his hands find comfort around your neck, squeezing tenderly as he pistons faster—deeper.
"You like it when I play rough huh darlin'?"
Yes. You loved it, you loved every second of this. His onslaught of rough-play atop his demeanor and bulky self. If you could be underneath Arthur in such a compromising position forever—you would.
Suddenly a change in position shifted as you found yourself on top of Arthur’s body. His hands on the side of your hips as you rode his to bliss. His eyes fluttering close as a familiar tightness in his belly arised. His hands smacked your ass roughly as you slapped your hips harder against his pelvis—his cock grazing the g-spot expeditiously.
“Oh my god, ye—hm, I’m close Arthur.”
“Where do you want me?” You blush at his suggestion, but kept your pace nonetheless. He notes your hesitation, moving his hips at the spot your need him most—you see black.
“Oh fuck–inside me. I want you inside me.”
That was enough to tip the older man over the edge as he pumped his seed deeply, your pussy warm with remnants of him as you remove yourself from his now softening cock.
You collapse on top of him as you both take time to recollect your breathing. There’s a comforting silence as you hear the beat of his heart. His arms wrapped around you tightly as he kisses the back of your head softly. “Not bad for a favor returned Mr. Morgan.”
He chuckles softly before rubbing the small of your back, “Who said anything about the night bein’ done? Darlin’ we just star-“
The conversation cut short by the sound of Arthur’s phone. He apologizes swiftly, motioning for you to sit up as you oblige immediately, though followed by a tinge of curiosity.
“Shit,” He reads the caller ID from his cell.
He sighs, a smirk playing on his lips, as if he already knows what’s coming. “It’s the receptionist from the front desk.”
He answers reluctantly, placing the call on speaker. He sighs, “Good evening, Ms. Grimmshaw!”
“Mr. Morgan! Could you please keep it down. Again, I have noise complaints from folk your hall. If you’re going to have company for the love of God control your noise levels. Don’t make me have to kick you and that harlot out!”
Before Arthur could get a word in the line clicked dead, earning an amusing stare from you.
Both of you erupting in a fit of laughter.
Debating on if I wanna do the final part but FINALLY, after all of that waiting it’s here :);) enjoy
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