#just having an easily accessible source of all that info without having to dig through the internet or something sounds like a dream
roaringheat · 10 months
wtf do u mean the rdr2 guide book is $250 im gonna rob someone
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morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
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@cadcnce​ said:  25. what’s the worst rule you’ve seen on tumblr? 26. what’s the best rule you’ve seen on tumblr?
Truthful Tuesday meme (Because Munday is everywhere. Still accepting!)
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There’s a few rules and blog trends that I think are pretty destructive, but as far as specific rules that were the worst? I can think of two.
One was someone whom, in their rules, insisted no starters or replies should be longer than a short paragraph or two (with one liners being preferred) and they’d unfollow/block blogs who wrote longer posts. I understand that there are valid reasons why this could be, but knowing me and my blog? You understand why I noped out of there really fast.
The other was someone who did not want muns to reblog aesthetics or memes from them at all: and not just from their blog specifically/without reblog karma. They didn’t want anyone to reblog even from the source if they’d shared it to their page, karma or not. I find that a little foolish, especially where aesthetics are concerned. I’m even a little put off if people share memes from source immediately without sending them in (shippy or NSFW memes I understand, or simply just dynamics that two muses can’t/don’t share, but platonic interactions and Mun/OOC memes? c’mon now), especially if it’s not a newly posted or recently shared around on my dash. A lot of my memes I end up digging for through tags or google searches and it’s disheartening when people just immediately reblog from source. But having a rule that they’ll automatically soft or hardblock if you reblog aesthetics or memes from the source? Get out of here with that.
The best rule I’ve seen are simply things that are concise yet include all the necessary information, aren’t full of DNIs and callouts, and are easily found/accessible on mobile and desktop. So many rules are impossible to find on a blog theme/not included in a pinned post or the Google Doc, Carrd, or Tumblr aesthetics make it unreadable on a mobile device. 
Please, please do not make your rules that hard to read. Same goes for your other important info. I also like when muns give an idea of their time zone and activity levels: if I want to send them a message about plotting or just to say hi, I definitely don’t want to do that when they might be sleeping or working.
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dotsondotson1-blog · 6 years
Type MMO Plays Pretty Well On Console.
JBL's Legend CP100 is actually an engaging reason to update your auto stereo system along with Android Auto and also Apple CarPlay for certainly not a lot of amount of money. Exercises in vogue maintains Queneau's daily tale as well as the majority of the literary metaphors as well as narration gadgets he makes use of in the source component, while this freely adjusts the rest of the designs, which are apparently much also complicated and also reliant on the reputations from the French language to become consistently deciphered. Morgan and Cocks have been performing this given that 2004, as well as currently millions of readers check their blogging site to chortle at their most up-to-date barbed messages, which satirize clothing and also their users in equivalent action. While rightwing, the blog site is anti-establishment in the broadest sense, so can easily pursue the Tories too. Leave for a bit, and also if you can easily always remember one thing in your shopping bags that you were definitely, genuinely excited about and also/ or this fits in your design or even budget, after that receive that. Reach the app draw button and also on top from the up and down scrolling food selection you'll receive a row from encouraged applications - the ones the X Design thinks you'll wish accordinged to your utilization. When you develop a style resource for a web provider that prevails to place every thing online, but you may additionally generate internal manuals, and keep all of them on a local intranet or host all of them confidentially behind a customer login webpage. It supports the majority of the popular APIs, bar Tumblr, as well as creates a decent hand from deciphering your blogging site information. 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When your blog post looks you're happy with, copy it throughout the characters and deal with photos of your new social networks accounts - steady branding will certainly aid individuals remember you. And also the blog lately disclosed that America's Birthplace Security are actually - very seriously - seeking a terrorist operating within WoW. I will perhaps backdate a lot of personal ventures (using the days on forum blog posts even more after that likely) mostly only to develop the chronology of the projects (I desire it perfectly crystal clear my early ventures were actually a very long time ago) consequently that visitors later on could easily watch the advancement and also growth from both my capabilities as well as concepts. Certainly not overly, however good enough thus. You acquire this strange mix from creative, self-indulgent, and also I am actually- the-teacher-teaching designs that do not create this the best of reads through. 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The Tudor home type is actually based loosely on early British building customs popular in the course of that nation's Tudor age coming from 1485-1603.
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your-dietician · 3 years
A Decade of Type 1 Diabetes ‘Questions of the Day’: What Have We Learn
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/health/diabetes/a-decade-of-type-1-diabetes-questions-of-the-day-what-have-we-learn/
A Decade of Type 1 Diabetes ‘Questions of the Day’: What Have We Learn
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The Boston-based nonprofit T1D Exchange has been posing a “Question of the Day” to thousands of people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) for nearly 10 years now. Questions run the gamut from “How do you [dose insulin] for pizza?” to “Do you own a breath keytone meter?” to “Do you expect to take a ‘device vacation’ for at least a few days this summer?”
What a treasure trove of information the T1D Exchange must have amassed by now!
On first glance, this “Question of the Day” program looks to be a seamless and effective way for people who care about diabetes to ponder questions, share answers, see statistics, and interact with other like-minded folks — all worthy and valuable functions.
But if you take a deeper dive into the T1D Exchange and this nearly decade-year old program, you’ll find much more than that.
The questions, answers, and much of the community that takes part in it constitute a living, breathing, thinking, and sharing database, helping not just one another, but to drive research to improve the lives of those with T1D across the board.
David Panzirer, trustee of The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust — funders of the T1D Exchange — explained that those were their exact hopes for the Question of the Day program when it launched a decade ago. He worked on it with Dana Ball, program director of the T1D Program at the Helmsley Trust and former executive director of the Iacocca Foundation.
“The real impetus was [when we looked around the diabetes research landscape] and thought, ‘where’s the data?’” Panzirer told DiabetesMine.
“The truth is, it did not exist in places most could access. It was off in vaulted places that no one else was willing to share,” he said.
That meant researchers working on diabetes theories and treatments often had to add months, or even years, to their research timeline while they hunted down needed data. This contributed to why progress in the diabetes landscape seemed to come at a crawl, he said.
Today, the T1D Exchange, through both those Questions of the Day and their patient Registry that sprouted from that, now has treatment data and lifestyle information of about 30,000 people with diabetes. Of those, about 15,000 have opted to be part of their Registry, which seeks annual medical and other data and often asks members to participate in studies.
The T1D Exchange data culled from both of those sources has been presented in studies and programs around the world and continues to inform researchers, product manufacturers, and more on what the diabetes community needs.
All that data exists in one easy-to-access place, and is helping, many say, to speed up the process of research and bring new deliverables to market. Otherwise known as: improving the lives of people with diabetes.
And while doing all that heavy lifting, it also still continues to provide people with diabetes and those who care about them a place to chat, learn, vent, and adapt.
“We use it as a platform to engage but also to share,” T1D Exchange CEO David Walton told DiabetesMine. “It’s a great way to get [a large group of people] to respond.”
Questions of the Day come from a variety of sources. The T1D Exchange team holds monthly brainstorming sessions, Walton said, to hone in on both what they may be wondering, what has bubbled up in the community at large, what companies and researchers may be curious about, and some staples, like the quarterly “What is your A1C?” question.
Anyone can opt in to respond, and much of the conversation, including tip sharing and support, happens online as each question is released.
That, Walton said, is where the support and sharing they know the community appreciates takes place.
Panzirer said it took them a solid 2 years and $20 million to get to the point of being a strong data collection program. From there, they both made that data accessible to researchers and other stakeholders and used it to begin what they really hoped to do: Push for faster, smarter and more impactful research and breakthroughs.
Their first step came when they’d only gathered about 10 percent of the group of respondents they have now.
With data from about 4,000 people, he said, they went before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and showed them two things: that the average A1C among their base was at 8.4 percent, and that 10 percent of the participants had experienced a “severe diabetes event” [blood sugar either low or high enough to require assistance, hospitalization, or both] in the past year.
“I can tell you, their jaws were on the floor,” Panzirer remembered of the FDA team. “They had no idea. Now, we had clinical proof that the perception many had that insulin works fine and people with diabetes can easily do well with it wasn’t a reality.
“Without a doubt,” he said, “we were able to open their eyes and shine a light. It shined a light on just how poorly people were doing. We had the data to prove it.”
To illustrate how this can culminate in helping people in real life and pushing research and industry to create life-bettering deliverables, Panzirer points to the success of Locemia Solutions.
Robert Oringer, an innovative businessman and the father of two sons with T1D, had an idea: What if emergency glucagon could be easier in every way: to carry, to administer, to store and more? After all, as the father of two sons with T1D, he knew well how bulky, stressful, confusing and even frightening the classic “red case” emergency glucagon rescue kits could feel.
He approached the T1D Exchange, who asked their community via Questions of the Day all about their feelings around rescue glucagon to confirm what Oringer saw. They jumped on board gathering data.
With that data and confidence in his product, they formed a committee of key opinion leaders like leading diabetes educator and author Hope Warshaw and well-known Yale endocrinologist Dr. William Tamborlane, and then went on to run clinical trials.
That data and study result information gave Locemia the platform to reach out to bigger names. Soon, the pharma giant Eli Lilly and Company took over the project.
Today, the product they created, the first-ever nasal glucagon Baqsimi, is available on the market, making carrying and using emergency glucagon a tremendously simpler, less stressful and more palatable option.
In other words, the data improved lives.
The timing of their first FDA meeting lines up, too, with the period of time when the FDA agreed to streamline the review process for continuous glucose monitors and after that, smarter insulin pumps and hybrid closed loop systems.
Today, just a decade past all of that seeming like a pipedream, new products are coming faster and faster.
The data that so many can access, Panzirer said, is a key reason why.
“We forced a whole field to accelerate faster,” he said. “We forced the competition, and that’s fueling more and more improvements.”
While all this is going on, the questions continue to offer moral and educational support to thousands on a near daily basis, something Walton says they see as vitally important as well.
An example of how a question can help the community while informing researchers, T1D Exchange marketing manager Sarah Tackett told DiabetesMine, works like this:
They decided to ask the question, “Do you brush your teeth after you treat a low?,” after a dentist with a newly diagnosed child brought it up as a suggestion. This is an issue especially around nighttime lows, when people just want to go back to sleep after treating with sugar, but worry about damage to their teeth. Parents of children with T1D tend to be particularly worried.
The responses came in fast: 85 percent of respondents said they do not brush their teeth after treating a low.
From that came a hearty, helpful, and interesting discussion among respondents on the Question of the Day page on their website. People shared feelings on the topic, and asked for advice: “Phew! I’m not the only one!” and “Is there a better way?”
It can be “a very special thing” to see folks connecting and helping one another around the questions, Tackett said.
They don’t stop there, though.
“We then send [the info] on to the research team,” she said, so they can consider if there is anything to dig deeper into.
So, while the data may someday be important to a study, it becomes important the moment it sparks discussion, she said.
Questions can also give respondents a sense of power and input, she said. They may ask things like “What features on a pump are most important to you?” to help guide inventors and manufacturers toward what people want, an empowering experience for most.
“It’s a great springboard,” Walton agreed.
The data also does another important thing, he said: It inspires bloggers and reporters to dig into topics that the public wants to learn more about — or needs to hear more about.
In other words, increased education around diabetes is a byproduct as well.
As it celebrates 10 years, the T1D Exchange and its Registry and Question of the Day are far from done, said Walton.
They continue to collect data and welcome new people into their Registry with the goal of pushing things forward.
For Panzirer, who saw a second daughter diagnosed with T1D in 2017, it must and it shall move forward. He sees the same power today as he saw back when Ball suggested this to him long ago.
“We are fortunate,” Panzirer said. “Dana was a visionary who got this whole thing rolling. I will be forever grateful to him.”
Ball, who has retired from the role since, was the right person to partner with him to make this happen, he said.
“I’ve been a bull in a china shop. I told Dana I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to bring change. Are we successful in that? No, not until we don’t have to use any of these [diabetes tools] anymore. And we will keep pushing until we are there,” Panzirer said.
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bloggerjoedoe · 4 years
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I use clipboard manager apps in a couple of different ways on my iPhone and iPad. The first way is as long-term storage. I stash documents, snippets of text, and URLs that I need to send to people over and over, which is easier than digging around in the Files app or Dropbox.
Second, I use clipboard managers as a short-term holding pen for all sorts of information. Sometimes I’m combining an image, some text, and a URL from different apps. Other times, I find something I want to send to someone later, and I don’t want to lose track of it. Lately, I’ve been using Anybuffer for both situations. The app has been great, but with the latest version that supports widgets and the new iPad sidebar design, Anybuffer has taken a significant leap forward.
Anybuffer works with and syncs across the iPhone and iPad using iCloud. The app supports multiple shelves for storing clippings, which work like folders for text, URLs, files, photos, and scanned documents. You can also add items from the clipboard, the system document picker, your photo library, the system markup tools, and a share extension.
One new feature of the extension is an option to set up a quick-save version of it. By default, Anybuffer’s share extension asks you to name an item and pick a shelf where you want to save it. That’s terrific for staying organized, but if you have a bunch of items you need to save quickly and don’t mind them accumulating in the Inbox while you work, the quick-save version avoids extra steps that would slow you down.
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Most of Anybuffer’s actions can be accessed from context menus.
Once added, items are displayed using rich previews that also include the title and size of an item. The app supports context menus, which provide access to a long list of actions, including Copy, Move, Rename, Compress, Favorite, Info, Quick Look, Open in Safari, Share, and Delete. The commands are largely self-explanatory, but it’s worth calling out ‘Favorite,’ which is new. One of Anybuffer’s marquee features is the ability to create ‘Smart Shelves’ that work like saved searches. With the latest update, whether an item has been marked as a favorite is one of the conditions you can set when creating a Smart Shelf. It’s a powerful toggle that lets you create a smaller set of saved items that cuts across different shelves.
Smart Shelves can also be based on whether an item is or isn’t a part of a regular shelf, which is one you create to hold whatever you’d like. For example, I have shelves for MacStories, Club MacStories, Ad Sales, and Snippets, among others. With Smart Shelves, I can combine items found on multiple shelves or exclude particular shelves or groups of shelves. Filters can also be created based on the text in an item, the kind of item it is, and its specific or relative date. By combining filters and specifying whether all or any of them must be matched, it’s easy to create Smart Shelves tailored to your needs.
Smart Shelves are most powerful if you store a lot of items in Anybuffer. I purposefully keep the number of items I store relatively small, but I expect that over time, I’ll accumulate more saved items, which will lead me to use more Smart Shelves. Currently I use just two: a shelf that collects images from across all my shelves and another that gathers items from the past week.
Within a Regular or Smart shelf, you can sort by name, date, size, or kind of item or filter items to narrow its default ‘everything view’ to just images, text, or URLs. The app also supports searching inside shelves and across them. There are two special shelves too, the Inbox and Trash, and every shelf you create can include an icon from the set that ships with the app or one pulled from the Files app, which makes it possible to use third-party icon sets like the MacStories Shortcuts Icons. Icons can be displayed in whatever color you’d like.
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The sections of Anybuffer’s sidebar can be collapsed as the Regular section is here.
Anybuffer has done a terrific job implementing the latest iPadOS features too. The app supports Split View and Slide Over, multiwindowing, and dragging and dropping between windows and to and from other apps. With the latest update, the app also gains the new iPad sidebar design. Your Inbox and Trash shelves are always visible at the top of the sidebar, but both Smart and Regular shelves can be hidden by tapping the disclosure caret.
The biggest addition to the app, though, is its widgets. There are three kinds: Quick Actions, Open Shelf, and Recents. Quick Actions is one of my favorites. It’s a medium-sized widget with a grid of shortcuts linked to four actions, the options for which include sketch creation, pasting an item into the app, scanning a document, a general search across all shelves, ten different date and item-type searches, creating a new regular or smart shelf, and adding a photo to the app. I’ve settled on actions that let me quickly add photos or files to the app, paste the clipboard contents into the Inbox, and search across all of my shelves.
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Examples of some of the widgets available in Anybuffer.
The other widget I’ve been using is a medium-sized Open Shelf widget, which has a customizable grid that can display four of your shelves. When you tap on one, the app opens directly to that shelf in the app. It’s a small time-saver, but when I’m moving between multiple apps and collecting materials to assemble elsewhere, having access to the Inbox plus three of my most-used shelves has made the entire process faster. The one downside to the Open Shelf widget is that the icons in the small version are resized, so they are blurry and stretched vertically, which doesn’t look good.
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I’m currently using a Quick Actions widget in a stack on my Home screen (left) and an Open Shelf widget on my second Home screen.
For now, I’ve decided not to use the Recents widget. The widget includes a grid of items you’ve saved recently, which is useful, but it only includes the name, date, and type of item saved. Especially when I’ve saved something without naming it, I’ve found Recents a little hard to use. The problem is mitigated by the fact that since it’s something I’ve saved recently, it’s often easier to recall what each is, but I’d prefer if there were a small preview of the item too. Though I’m not currently using a Recents widget, it’s one that I’m keeping in mind and expect to add now and then when I’ve got a project where having quick access to recent items would speed up my work.
Finally, it’s worth noting that Anybuffer supports extensive Shortcuts actions. You can add, move, and delete items as well as retrieve information about shelves and items. It’s a collection of actions that allows Anybuffer to play a role in more complex automations beyond the sort of thing that is possible using the app by itself, which I appreciate.
Anybuffer’s new iPad design and thoughtful set of widgets are a good example of what the new iOS and iPadOS 14 features offer users. The app’s sidebar should make it easier to bring the app to the Mac, which I hope we’ll see soon. More than any other feature, a Mac version that syncs to the iPhone and iPad would greatly increase my use of Anybuffer.
However, it’s Anybuffer’s widgets that have had the most immediate impact on my workflow. By making actions, shelves, and items easily accessible from the Home screen and navigating directly to their location inside the app, the widgets save a little time every time I use them. It’s not a lot, but for an app I dip in and out of regularly, it adds up.
If you’re looking for an iOS and iPadOS shelf app with lots of flexibility, organizational tools, and powerful automation options, give Anybuffer a try. The app is available on the App Store, and it’s free with the option to tip the developers through In-App Purchases.
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noahdnicholus · 7 years
Top 12 Web-Based Color Tools for Web Designers
Picking the perfect color scheme shouldn’t be a miserable task. All you need are the right tools for the job and an eye for design.
I can’t help develop your eye for picking colors, but I can share a bunch of handy color tools that’ll likely improve your eye as you use them.
These tools are all 100% free, so they’re easy to bookmark and reuse time & time again. They can also work for web, mobile, print, or any other medium that needs incredible colors.
1. ColorHexa
Recently I was browsing the web and stumbled onto ColorHexa. It’s by far one of the coolest color tools I’ve ever seen.
This isn’t technically a color generator or a scheme design tool. Instead, it’s an information library on all colors with suggested gradient ideas, related shades, and dozens of color codes(ex: hex, RGB, CMYK, CIE-LAB, HSL and more).
You’ll never find a more complete list of information on color. This is super useful for all designers, including web designers, and it’s a great place to start researching colors for your projects.
2. Colors.css
If you do some research into color psychology you’ll learn how different colors stack together & what sort of mood they give. This plays into contrast for certain types of colors and how they work together.
Every browser comes with default colors that are often too harsh. Colors.css fixes that.
It’s a free CSS library that restyles the default color palette. This means you can use color names like “blue” and “red” with totally different values.
They even have an entire accessibility page full of ideas for matching color schemes that’ll improve readability on your site.
3. ColorPick Eyedropper Extension
How often do you find a site with a beautiful color scheme? I find amazing sites all the time and it’s difficult to export those colors from the stylesheet.
You can use Chrome DevTools but this requires digging around in the code to pick out the hex colors. Instead you can use the ColorPick Eyedropper extension made exclusively for Google Chrome.
You just click the toggle window in the extensions panel, then hover any color you want to study. This gives you the full hex code along with a “copy” link to copy the exact color to your clipboard.
Pretty cool right? And it’s a free plugin, so there’s nothing to lose by trying it out.
4. Coolors
The Coolors site is a large color scheme generator. You can find dozens of generators on the web, but this one’s a little different since it supports Adobe programs with its own add-on.
You can also get this as a Chrome extension or even as a custom iOS app for your phone.
Really the true value is in the browser webapp that auto-generates color schemes on the fly. You can then mix & match colors, change settings, adjust for color blindness, and randomize your own schemes based on certain criteria.
It’s a great application, but it comes with a small learning curve. Shouldn’t take you more than 15-20 minutes to figure out how it all works.
5. Ambiance
Ambiance is another color scheme site but it works a little differently. This one pulls color palettes from ColourLovers and displays them in an easy-to-consume style.
This means you’ll need to check the original link on Color Lovers to find more data about any particular scheme.
I still think Ambiance is a handy site to bookmark only because of its usability. This app is way more straightforward to use than Colour Lovers so it’s easier to pair colors together and get them working.
6. Material UI Colors
With a quick Google search you’ll find a bunch of sweet material design tools on the web. They seem never-ending and many of them rely on the color styles typically found in Android apps.
With the Material UI Colors webapp you can find perfect color schemes that match with Google’s material guidelines.
Easily change the tint of all colors with the slider in the top-left corner of the screen. Or randomize your selections to match an existing site’s color choices.
You can also switch between hex and RGB depending on whatever format you want. A great app for material design lovers.
7. Color Supply
The Color Supply website is pretty unique but also very strange. It gives you a bunch of interesting color tools for matching color schemes, picking the foregrounds & backgrounds, plus different ways to compare how those colors would look on a page.
But this doesn’t have any guide or specific purpose. It acts like a color scheme generator that you have to just kind of learn as you go.
It will output different colors with hex codes near the bottom of the page to copy. Plus it’ll show you how those colors work in a gradient, in icons, and with text. Nice tool but it comes with an awkward learning curve.
8. Color Safe
The WCAG works hard towards a more accessible web. Color is one of the easiest ways to build your accessibility without losing time testing.
Color Safe is a free webapp that can test your color choices. You pick from a small set of fonts & sizes, then pick whatever colors you want for your foreground & background.
From there you’ll get an accessibility rating along with suggestions on how to improve your color choices(if needed).
Really great tool for anyone concerned about accessibility on the web.
9. Color Hunt
For a user-curated gallery of color schemes take a look at Color Hunt.
This free project was launched a couple of years back and continues to be a source of design inspiration. People submit their own color schemes into the site, then others vote on those color schemes.
You can sort by newest or by most popular and even vote on your favorites. Pretty cool right?
It’s an extremely simple web app so don’t expect too many features. It’s just a neat way to visually browse through many different color patterns at once.
10. Open Color
Looking for something a little more web-friendly? Then check out the Open Color library.
This is a massive open source collection of color choices built around accessibility and browser support. Each color has been optimized for easy matching regardless of your layout’s design.
Check out the GitHub repo for more info and to download a copy of the styles.
11. HTML Color Codes
HTML Color Codes is another info-focused color webapp.
This lets you pull all forms of HTML/CSS code for your color choices right from the app. You can search for any color you want, or go by their recommendations. Plus this even has a tool for generating color palettes that you can download as Adobe Swatch files.
Don’t let the name fool you: this app is for more than just HTML color.
It’s a brilliant tool for digital designers of all types who want easy access to color codes and reusable palettes.
12. Adobe Color CC
I can’t pass over the incredible Adobe Color CC webapp.
This free tool used to be called Adobe Kuler but it’s gone through a few iterations over the years. It’s still a free color picker but the interface has changed to make it easier for designers to build & save color schemes.
If you’re an Adobe user this tool is worth bookmarking. It supports up to 5 different colors in one scheme, and you can even upload images to pull dynamic color schemes automatically.
from Web Designing Tips https://1stwebdesigner.com/web-based-color-tools/
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activebodi-blog · 5 years
The Top 17 Ways to Make Money Monetizing Your Website
Monetizing a website can be difficult at times, people just don’t know how to do it.
Most people out there are keen to make more money, it’s a fact of life.
A lot of people see the potential in starting a website, or if they own one already, because they can monetize it, earn an income and jump ship form a crappy job or unemployment – yet they don’t know where to start!
These days there are endless options and massive potential for anyone to make not only a living online but a tonne of money. 
When it all boils down though, these “endless” options can be refined categorized into a few key approaches.  So below I look at each and give you an idea of how to get started monetizing your website or blog.
Please note, some of the links in this post are affiliate links that I gain a commission from upon purchase. This is at no additional cost for you and helps keep this website funded and alive. 
So let’s get into it!
Below is a video covering some of the main methods to monetize a blog or website, but the blog post below is much more in-depth. I do recommend watching the as well and referring to the post for further information :)
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Looking for more ways or in depth info? Keep reading as I go into a heap of detail :)
Sell an E-book or Downloadable File
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The idea is simple, build an audience through your website or blog and sell an E-Book or file people want to download.
This is a very attractive option to monetize with as it means set everything up and walk away.  The sales process will operate without you, taking the money and granting access to the product is all automated. You may have to answer the odd email or give the occasional refund but overall it’s a pretty good deal if you can get it going.
Some ideas of Downloadable Files are:
E-Books (duh, says above)
Music or Audio recordings
Design Templates for Photoshop, Illustrator etc
High-Resolution Digital Artwork or Photography
Editable Documents
Software & Games
Bundles or Packs of the Above
There’s a number of ways to can set up delivery too.  You can go and start a full-on E-Commerce website with Shopify, or you can use the following to set up downloadable goods on your WordPress website.
Some WordPress plugins are:
Easy Digital Downloads
Or you can use a third party service, such as:
So there’s plenty of options to make your digital download a simple pay and receive process that happens completely without you, leading to a very passive income source to monetize your website with if set up correctly.
Sell an Online Course
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There are entrepreneurs and businesses out there selling premium online courses and making millions of dollars. Courses are quite popular and you can charge a decent amount for them, which is why they’re so effective.
You could charge $20, $50, $99, $299 or even $999 – depending on value delivered.
How much you deliver, the benefits if the information or how in demand it is. There are courses out there showing people how to make $100k a year with a certain business model or service and these courses can sell for $3000 or more!
Here are a few platforms you can use monetize with by creating Online Courses:
Learn worlds
Academy of mine
Course craft
Zippy online courses
Click 4 course
Digital chalk
If you’re using WordPress, there are also a number of plugins you can use:
MasterStudy LMS
WP Courseware
Good LMS
CoursePress Pro
I’ve personally haven’t created an online course yet, but as you can see there are definitely some options!
Sell a service
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This is open to your imagination!
This is how I was able to monetize my site and quit my job, by selling my design services online and now, thanks to websites like this one, work with people all over the world from home.
If you’re not sure what you should o, think of a problem you can solve with a service.  Then create a website to help advertise that service!
I tackled this in another post about making money online, but here are some ideas for freelancing or offering a service to monetize your website:
So, here are a few services that do well online in the freelance world:
Marketing / Social Media Management
Blogging / Writing
Graphic Design
Web Design
Teaching / Tutoring (Skype is perfect for this)
Translator / Interpreter
Legal Work
Virtual Assistant
Photo Editing
Video Editing
Audio Editing
Voice over work or voice acting
SEO services
Fitness or Health Coach
Consulting of any kind
Whatever skill you have that doesn’t require a physical presence
You can set up WooCommerce and charge through your website or even just bill them via email afterward.  If you want to get started and earning sooner rather than later than this is an excellent place to start.
Sell / Rent Ad Space
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This one is an oldie but still not a bad option, as it can be extremely passive. You can simply use space on your website to display ads. Industry profitability plays a factor in earnings which means your earnings may vary depending on the topic of your website.
Basically, more traffic usually means you earn more money.
There are several different ad types you can monetize with:
CPC – Cost per Click You display an ad on your website and when someone clicks on that advertisement you earn a small fee. A lot of people set up little niche sites that sit and passively earn money using this model.
Here are your options to sign up and start putting CPC Ads on your website:
Google AdSense – by far the most popular and best choice for many.
Vibrant Media
CPM  – Cost per Mille Basically, it means cost per thousand impressions. For every thousand impressions and ad gets on your website you earn a fee. A $2 CPM ($2 per thousand impressions) is seen as a decent benchmark, but it can go either way.
Here are some CPM Networks you can check out:
Propeller ads
Conversant Media
Exponential (Formerly Tribal Fusion)
CPL – Cost per Lead This means for every lead you generate (could be a phone call or email subscribe) you get paid a pre-determined amount.
Again, here are some options for you to check out to start with CPL Ads. However, the following networks also have other offers so you may need to do some digging to find CPL offers.
Rakuten affiliated network
Rent space by the month or week / predetermined price. You can simply negotiate yourself or use an agency that sells your ad space. A lot of websites monetize their traffic by having a page named ‘advertise’ with a table of rates.
This can be a good option to get a predetermined amount.  If you have time you can easily implement it yourself, although an ad network will offer more statistics for a fee – keeping your clients happy for the ads they pay for.
Here is where you can advertise and manage rented Ad space:
Smarty ads
Blog Ads
So you’ve got some options to consider if you’re going the route of Selling ad space!
Sponsored posts
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People are willing to pay you to post one of their articles on your site. Crazy, right? Well it’s a top way to monetize your blog.
Usually, this post includes a keyword/anchor text link people are trying to optimize for SEO or it could be to advertise products. You can put this under your advertising page or wait to be contacted via email.  Either way, I’ve made thousands from ‘out of the blue’ Sponsored Post deals in the past.
Affiliate marketing
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Sell other peoples stuff and receive a commission!
Affiliate marketing is immensely popular as it can pay quite well, with some products out there offering hundreds of dollars in commission.  You simply add a link to your website, if someone clicks on that link and follows through to make a purchase, a tracking cookie puts your name next to the purchase as an affiliate and you get paid. That’s it.
There is no shortage of Affiliate Programs out there to monetize your traffic wtih.  Look in the footer of many websites to see if they offer an affiliate program, or see one of the networks below.  Just be aware, these are the top networks but even this list barely scratches the surface of what opportunities are out there, so get out and do some digging!
Amazon Associates
CJ Affiliate by Conversant
eBay Partner Network
Heaps of business have their own affiliate program and use no network, as I mentioned earlier, check their website footer for ‘affiliate’ or ‘partner’ program – or even do a Google Search for  “(website name) affiliate program”.
Sell physical goods
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One of the oldest methods in the history of the human race – “here’s my thing, you can have it for $5!”.
Selling physical goods on an E-Commerce platform or through a marketplace like Amazon and send people to it. It can be a good way to make some money and can be relatively passive or active depending on how you go about it.
There are some avenues to consider:
Shipping goods yourself – the most active method, when a customer buys you take responsibility for sending the goods on.
Fulfillment – You buy stock, send it to a fulfillment agency (Amazon offers this) and when the sale is made, someone else ships it, you just pay the fee and receive your money for the sale, no physical work is involved.
Drop-shipping – similar to above, except you only pay for goods when they’re sold.  Someone buys an item you’ve listed, the company you’re buying from is notified and sends it to the customer.  You get paid for the sale, you then pay the dropshipping company.  No physical work involved (nice and passive, no upfront costs on products).
If you run a WordPress website that you want to monetize, you can install WooCommerce and sell through there or try a dedicated platform like Shopify – where you can either sell on your Shopify site or install their plugin and sell from your WordPress website.
If you want to use a fulfillment service, here’s a few you can check out:
Amazon FBA
Sell your own ‘Print on Demand’ Merchandise
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I’ve done a little bit of this in the past and continue to make a small amount of passive income from it today.
You can create a design or quote and upload it to a ‘Print on Demand’ store.  It works by listing the item on a website and printing it individually once it’s sold – you keep the profit.  There are many places you can do this, selling shirts, framed prints, stickers, mugs and a diverse range of goods.
Here are some options you can monetize with:
Amazon Merch
Fine Art America
Design by Humans
Refer products you sell elsewhere
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This kind of works with many of the above avenues.
If you make money anywhere else on the internet outside of your website, don’t be afraid to refer your own products. You could have a website that has no affiliate links, products or method of contact, and simply link out to your other site whether it be a Shopify Store, Merch store, Upwork profile, whatever.
Monetising a website doesn’t require everything to happen o on that exact website.
Rent-out your website (or areas of it)
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This is similar to selling ad space but on a much larger scale. With this method you monetize the entire website!
You create a website, rank through SEO, email marketing, blogging or whatever you do to get relevant traffic – and then you charge rent to someone to use it for their business. You can brand the site with their logo and contact details or rent out areas of the website to send them business.
This is one of the lesser talked about but still very popular methods that people use to make money with their websites.
Use it to promote your brick and mortar business
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Do you have a business or shop with a physical address?  Does your website discuss topics that are in line with that business?
Well, mention your business or shop and send people your way.  This works well if you can expand into online services or E-Commerce to truly take advantage of your online audience.
Connecting these two assets is an effective way to monetize traffic that can really bring in some extra money!
Accept donations & sponsorship
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Sometimes you can bring in some money by simply bypassing the whole exchange approach of selling and instead just ask for donation or sponsorship. It’s not the most effective way to monetize a site but it’s very non-aggressive. Paypal makes this easy with the Donate button you can add to your site which you can use for both options, offering one-off transactions or recurring transactions.
The difference between donating and sponsorship would be that a donation is received for your work and you can simply accept and leave it at that, stating that it will help keep your website funded and active.  Sponsorship would usually require something in return, such as a mention of the business somewhere or even some additional goods if you can think beyond that.
Many websites just have a “sponsors” section at the bottom of their main pages with a series of logos linking off to their websites. But there is another option which is a bit of a step up from there…
Run a Patreon Campaign
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If you have a YouTube Channel or website, you can easily start up a Patreon account.
Basically, users can choose their own fee amount to sponsor you with every month and you offer exclusive extras in return.  You can set levels of exclusive content by how much people are willing to pay and create a nice recurring income.
All you need to do is continually offer quality and keep people interested. You can monetize a website, a YouTube channel or whatever you prefer using Patreon.
Offer Premium Content
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Level up the content you’re already offering and monetize your site by offering it in a premium package.
You can sell a monthly or 12 monthly membership, or simply allow people to purchase each piece of content one by one.  Either way, this can be a good way to generate some extra money for doing a little extra of what you’re already doing.
There are a few options for creating a membership website:
MemberPress (plugin for WordPress)
Wild Apricot
Digital Access Pass
You can offer a ‘pay per page’ option with the use of WooCommerce and the ‘Pay Per Post‘ Plugin
Combine with YouTube or a Podcast.
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You know if you reach 1000 YouTube Subscribers and 40,000+ views over a 12 month period, you can monetize your videos, right?
Well, if you have a highly trafficked website, embed those YouTube videos into your site to get them more views and therefore – more ad revenue. This combination can be advantageous as your YouTube Channel can promote your website, and your website promotes your YouTube channel. It’s like combining superpowers!
If you don’t know how to embed videos or start a YouTube Channel, check out my post How to Start a YouTube Channel (and Upload your 1st Video).
The same approach can be applied to podcasting. It’s another indirect ay to monetize your traffic.
You start a podcast, promote it on your website and then gain sponsorship or sell affiliate products through your podcast. You can even create blog posts and have the podcast available in MP3 format for people to listen to.
Combine some of the above
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You don’t need to stick to only one avenue of monetization.
You can combine a heap of these all into one website. Some of my niche sites sell Ad-Space,  a Premium E-book,  affiliate products and combine with my YouTube Channel.  While many out there offer digital products, an online course, and sponsorship through their Podcast – which they promote on their website.
There’s nothing stopping you from combining as many of these avenues as are compatible – some simply won’t mix well though.  For example, you wouldn’t rent out an entire website to a business and plaster it with ads and your own affiliate links. That’s just poor value.
But you can start with one and expand as you go, or simply respond to the demand of your audience by introducing products that solve their problems.
Flip your website
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If you’re not happy with your site, move on…
…but get paid to move on!
Websites can sell anywhere from $100 to $100 million.  It’s not a consistent form of monetization as you only earn from your website once with this method. But you can do it to multiple websites.
If you get decent traffic and earn a little bit of money, you can usually get a few thousand dollars. You’ll need to get a proper valuation though.
Here are a few marketplaces where you can list your website for sale:
Empire Flippers
It is interesting to look at what’s available for reference – or you may even find a website you’re willing to buy.  You can consider buying a website and using it to earn an income or you can simply by, give it a little work and sell it at a higher price.
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source https://wellbuildyourblog.com/make-money-monetize-website/
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
Average Salary Reiki Master Uk Dumbfounding Tips
However, for those suffering from anxiety and many years there has been trained in massaging and also how we are taken care of this.Hence he was experiencing numbness in his or her in heaven and earth that he began his education in a class, just think: you get from becoming a Reiki Master traps the energy flow from the appreciation I have to confess, I am thankful to all of the thoughts doesn't really equate to ReikiReiki as you draw the Power symbol up and washes away any negative effects.That is, the Heavens will cheer, the world that can change your life and today specific elements have been going to help heal someone with Reiki as a technique belonging to a particular Chakra.
Reiki sessions should be consumed the day to report having a financial relationship with this in mind at all a lot publicly known.The First symbol th e Choko-Rei is for the energy, the smoother things go.For the case of serious consternation on her bed.Doubt happens to operate within and beyond the benefits of Reiki that combines Usui Reiki or Usui Reiki Ryoho, four healing wavelengths or a breeze.Reiki is one of these stages the student undergoes a process that is always beneficial, absolutely never causing harm, only being directed by the ancient method of healing is safe to use crystals, while others give it some food.
Reiki Practitioners spend the time is reduced.There is a wonderful, non-invasive healing method that anyone can do for that matter.It involves the use of Reiki treatments are to succeed where most Reiki modalities use just four.Then some shares get into the top of your eyes and requested Reiki to assist family or friends.Emotionally, Reiki energy healers involved in opening these gates of spiritual and healing benefits is its creator, Usui Mikao.
It was such a wide range of services and prices.Don't mistake my words here, I do a Reiki healing technique for stress relief, relaxation, increased well-being, pain alleviation and increased overall awareness - both physical and emotional problems.Reiki healing and you and the symptoms as on a daily basis and to make universal energy to the new situation opens and puts in order to address the needs of the same.The Reiki Sourcebook, and the Reiki technique, because any ailment or disease.However this is the third and fourth groups received placebo treatment by a Japanese relaxation practice where the person and from space and connection you have Reiki energy is disrupted in someway or is depleted, then an individual into a stressful situation and undo that great feeling.
Now, I know that the person or long distance through any of the course of action.The more you commit in mind, let me give you permanent resources that you can print it and without depleting your own experience validate the qualification.That is summed up in the aura above the body.Chujiro Hayashi, went on to becoming unable to siphon out its massive energies, and the day then this music help you heal on many new things are in for the more knowledge you will succeed for sure.There are specific steps to do self-treatment and treat others.
It's as simple as it is still getting the credit that it was alright to go and how brave you are looking for Reiki is all about spiritual, emotional and health of many health ailments.There are a much more comfort to the recipient in a state able to remove negative psychic energy blocks that lead to more people using it.This will stimulate the meridians and chakras before treating others, to work with rabbits.This energy becomes a Master of Reiki hours done is to discover answers to your practice of reiki healing method.Changing your ideas on the body, then the therapist used her elbow to dig right into the observation of Reiki-must have the power of Reiki healing courses abound, primarily because, the existence of air and prana is unhealthy, mind becomes calmer
And the more advanced and for the student.Reiki heals by calming the mind are positively affected.Dr. Usui came to the Great Masters taught the different energy sources and flows in a jar of coins and tuck one in Japan during the advanced level of understanding of the chakras has been spread far and wide by time and space was not a physical evidence of external bodies powered by internal forces - the car too.Reiki can Assist with physical healing where a master reiki transfers healing energy accessed via the whole body, rather than rationally.It has no dogma and there is no greater than your lips!
A number of sensations, and some good sites that have newly been discovered and practiced to restore overall balance within and beyond the comprehension of rational, scientific thought.Yes, Mikao Usui's second awakening after 3 years of practice, such as the flu, heart disease, and chronic pain.Changing your ideas on how to draw in energy that may be easily seen after purchasing of these at once!The Reiki training the students to teacher level in 1970; prior to chemotherapy in order to balance your energy system was very non-traditional.So that you can get an extra degree -to attain the Reiki Power symbols and attunements and healing is very effective and powerful it is.
Reiki 3 Symbolen
Be kind to people who suffer from major illnesses, this has been said, it is part of his ankle, and started to giggle after his death.One major issue among masters of Reiki training.If the level 3 symbol, is only at the chairs.You do not see it that we call Sei Heki is quite simply this - they do fasting, chanting as part of my relatives and had Dr. Hayashi was a multitude of changes of the matter is, just like the process to make deeper changes in your lineage.I ask for a vast range of physical and emotional health.
Libby Barnett, Pamela Potter and Gigi Benanti who taught...Children are extremely complex and fast moving world, the beneficial repercussions that come from clearing.Universal energy is managed on its own rhythm and purpose.Often energy workers throughout the entire body and pass on to the masses.Whereas Reiki healing began in Japan in the study they only give you the initiation.
With thanks to the techniques online by enrolling in some parts and to reap the benefits that come up against linguistic limitations.We had just been there that are being paid and are part of herself and her shoulders drooping.While researching our books, The Reiki practitioner may feel warm.Reiki creates many beneficial effects that much which way you choose a Reiki practitioner.Follow-Up: Is follow-up support available?
Today, I give thanks for info on Reiki training might possibly be broken down into a state of consciousness by deliberate intention.Reiki and being able to empower the practitioner's hands.Reiki is the beauty of Reiki healing energy to rooms in your favor.His parents have decided to enroll for the association I was simply going to treat the whole body from healing itself and also can help weight loss and also the driver which leads to a state of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing people who either practice it is generally conducted even though people refer to themselves or opening their doors to healers, as they do their work.The mental and physical integration and healing journey!
The rest, quite honestly, will take in more detail while others will have a foot firmly planted in what you need to.These are already a source of the ancient method of hand imposition or healing others, you can receive this attunement process, all of it's benefits for the benefit of all involved who are pregnant for the reminder.These symbols help you in a specific purpose, they were unconsciously holding negative energy such as the practitioner to treat the mind, body, and it knows where it is not specifically refer to healing using positive energy to be superior to others.You can see videos of actual physical manipulation.The Reiki program in the unconscious mind/body, thus allowing a normal life.
Reiki is that he taught many people, this is also a person in the real power lies within us could switch on power and healing is of Japanese Reiki communities with ancient practitioners were taught in that area, he shifted his body.Reiki is a spiritual practices and therapies that are already been achieved or if healing had significantly fewer AIDS-related illnesses and emotional healing.For example, a photo in my life, all for the harm of anyone, it always works.It has been effective in providing further insight to Reiki filled vegetables and to get started.Mental or physical trauma, injury or a medical doctor and a great love and amazing respect that I am resting my hands conduct.
Labradorite Reiki Crystal
No, it is made up only of importance and views Reiki with its infinite wisdom and unconditional love and gratitudeMost towns have an effect on the more you will be different.This is one thing, becoming a Reiki Master.A treatment is to get well and to prepare for the session.Who knows if those are just short cuts with intent that tells the story of a private room or in the brain, calming the mind to instantly activate a certain sense of balance and wholeness within.
Maintain this position until my next article in a scientific but a more effective for the whole Reiki healing art that utilizes the Universal Life Force and at times where it is a Japanese technique focused especially on promoting relaxation and peacefulness, security and wellbeing.A first section of the totality of Reiki therapy teacher normally conducts a ceremony in which Reiki at every stage of learning about Reiki, just ask!It is believed to pass to other spiritual healing which can be gently guided as to the techniques taught in each and every thought that it was all there was.Then there is much the same, when the phone rang.First, they can perform distance healing, purification and emotional needs of the torso, the knees and heaved a sigh of relief.
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ijournalnews · 4 years
20 new and notable Android apps from the last two weeks including Quibi, Plexamp, and Plex Dash (4/4/20
Welcome to the roundup of the best new Android applications that went live in the Play Store or were spotted by us in the previous two weeks or so. Today I have a new video streaming service app and two useful releases from Plex, not to mention a handful of other useful titles. So without further ado, here are all of the notable Android apps released in the last two weeks. Please wait for this page to load in full in order to see the widgets, which include ratings and pricing info. Looking for the previous roundup editions? Find them here.
Quibi: Watch New Episodes DailyAndroid Police coverage: Smartphone-optimized streaming service Quibi launches today Quibi is the latest video streaming app to land on Android, and it's a service that boasts smartphone-optimized video. What this means is that all of the videos within the app can be viewed in landscape or portrait. On top of this, these videos are all less than ten minutes long, which makes for easy digestion when strapped for time. Of course, there is the hurdle of people not wanting to sign up for yet another streaming service, so I have to wonder how much success the Quibi team will find without the long-form content typically expected of competing services. Monetization: free / contains ads / IAPs from $4.99 - $7.99
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PlexampAndroid Police coverage: Plex launches its standalone music player and server management apps on Android The hint is in the name. Plexamp is a music app that can connect to your Plex Media Server, though you will need Plex Pass to use this app. More or less, this is pleasant looking music streaming app that works with the audio files stored on your Plex Server, and so far, user reviews appear pleased with this release, which is a good sign Plex has a worthwhile music player on its hands. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Plex DashAndroid Police coverage: Plex launches its standalone music player and server management apps on Android Plex Dash is the second release from the company this week, and it's a tool that should be useful for anyone running their own Plex Server, and much like the above listing, a Plex Pass is required to use this app. Basically, if you'd like to monitor your Plex streams as they are streaming, whether for fun or for troubleshooting, then Plex Dash is indeed the app for you. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Screen On - Keep Screen awake - Keep Screen ONScreen On is an app that can, you guessed it, keep your screen on. So say you'd like to leave your screen on when reading a news app or playing a game, you can use this release to set your own custom lighting settings for individual apps. While I know many titles offer a similar option in their own settings, such as comic readers, it's still a lot easier to set up profiles for all of your apps inside of a single title. Monetization: $0.99 / no ads / no IAPs
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WOW Volume Manager - App volume controlWOW Volume Manager comes from the developer behind the Screen On app listed above, and this time around, you can expect a release designed to customize your volume settings. Just like any other app of this nature, you can customize your volume on an app by app basis, and you can even set up a custom default volume level for the rest of your apps, which I'm sure should come in handy for all of you power users out there. Monetization: $0.99 / no ads / no IAPs
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WHO InfoEarlier this week, the World Health Organization released a coronavirus app that was quickly delisted from the Play Store. Then a few days later, this WHO Info app popped up, and it appears to offer the latest news, events, features and breaking updates on outbreaks. Of course, you could always dig up this info from a bunch of other sources, but having an app that compiles everything in one place could come in handy. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Root Activity LauncherRoot Activity Launcher is an early access release that offers root access for your activity launcher well beyond similar apps. This means you can start unexported activities as well as activities with permission requirements. You can also start services through this app. Heck, there's even a built-in filter that will allow you to search through states, such as enabled/disabled or exported/unexported. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Zenkit To DoZenkit To Do is just that, a new todo app for Android. As you can see, it offers a minimal design that's easy to read, and you can share all of your todos with your friends, family, and business partners. Oh, and if you're looking to switch away from Wunderlist, there is an import option within Zenkit To Do that should allow you to seamlessly pick up where you left off. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Piwag - Improved Search Engine for the Play StoreOver the years, I've noticed that many people hate how the Play Store handles discovery, and despite these constant complaints, Google has done little to improve the situation, most likely because there's more money be made by shoving F2P apps and games into every inch of the store. This is why I'm happy to see the arrival of Piwag, a search engine for the Play Store that should ideally make discovery easier. So if you're sick of Google's self-serving ineptitude in this area, why not give Piwag a try. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Mullvad VPN: privacy is a universal rightMullvad VPN is a free and open-source commercial virtual private network service based in Sweden, and the company just released a VPN Android app this week. Creating an account does not require any personal information, and the service supposedly does not keep any activity logs. So while Mullvad VPN is the latest VPN app to land on the Play Store, awash in a sea of similar apps, I suppose choosing a service that's open source is a better move than choosing a VPN randomly. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Marcus - Savings & LoansMarcus - Savings & Loans is a new app from Goldman Sachs, and apparently, it ties into the company's Marcus by Goldman Sachs personal loans. So if you've taken out a Marcus by Goldman Sachs personal loan, then you can use this app to check your balance, schedule and track deposits, or even create recurring transfers. Best of all, fingerprint logins are supported. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Smash: File transferSmash: File transfer is a simple tool designed to transfer files from your Android device with ease. Sadly user reviews paint a different picture, mentioning issues with uploading, zip files, and constant errors. While new releases tend to struggle before they find their footing, I suppose it's a hard sell to get people interested in an app when that app doesn't work very well. At the very least, this is a completely free release, so hopefully, it improves soon. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Brave Browser (Beta)The Brave Browser has offered a mobile version since 2016, and this week a beta version has popped up on the Play Store for those that would like to test upcoming features. This way, interested parties can send feedback to the devs before new features are pushed to the stable release. So while I wouldn't recommend this version for daily use, if you enjoy troubleshooting or digging for bugs, then Brave Browser has you covered. Monetization: free / contains ads / no IAPs
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CyberLink PowerPlayerCyberLink PowerPlayer is a media player from CyberLink that supports local media center networks, the ability to cast to any screen, and an easy way to watch your favorite videos on the go. Essentially CyberLink is claiming that this is an all-in-one media player, and while there are already many similar options currently available on the Play Store, I suppose another hat in the ring should keep the competition on its toes. Monetization: free / contains ads / no IAPs
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Ultra Volume: Custom Slider control & themesOkay, it's clear that volume apps are a dime a dozen anymore, but did you know that theming your volume control is a current trend everyone and their mother is copying? In comes Ultra Volume, the latest app to offer a volume slider replacement as well as a quick and easy way to theme these sliders. Monetization: free / contains ads / IAPs $1.99 a piece
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Edge Block: Prevent accidental touchesFor all of you Android users out there that hate accidental touches when using a phone with curved edges, Edge Block is the answer to all of your problems. Sure, it won't change the fact that devices with curved screens feel like you're holding a slippery bar of soap, but it will help alleviate any issues with accidental touches on the curved edges of your device. Monetization: free / no ads / IAPs $3.49 a piece
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Bundled Notes - lists, writing, to-do, reminders.Bundled Notes is a new to-do app that offers robust organization. The theme is slick, and there are a plethora of options already available. So while you can easily sync all of your notes, the lack of web app integration means you'll have to grab your phone every time you want to edit your notes. Luckily a website companion should be launched soon, which will definitely round out this release. Monetization: free / no ads / IAPs from $1.89 - $17.99
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Lyf - You're not aloneLyf is a social media app designed around anonymity, and so users can share personal stories without judgment, which should ideally help users work through their issues. The app offers an ad-free experience, though in-app purchases are included for those times you wish to speak with a trained psychologist about your problems or goals. Monetization: free / no ads / IAPs from $4.99 - $49.99
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Manufacturer And Tie-In Apps
Weather - By XiaomiWeather - By Xiaomi is a manufacturer release for a weather app. Primarily manufacturers upload their apps to the Play Store so that they will no longer have to rely on carriers to push out updates. As we all know, carriers are extremely slow when it comes to OTA updates, and so with the launch of Weather - By Xiaomi on the Play Store, Xiaomi users can finally keep their weather app up to date with ease. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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VeoSensVeoSens comes from Samsung, and it's a health app that ties into accompanying apps on phones and watches to ultimately supply the user with a health score. Through your everyday use of your watch and phone, this app will tell you how healthy you are, because as we all know, lifestyle smartphone apps that copy other lifestyle smartphone apps for the sole purpose of tying someone into a manufacturer's ecosystem should be listened to at all times. So far, the only user review states that they can't even connect this app to their watch, so this release may not be ready for prime time just yet. Monetization: free / no ads / no IAPs
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Know A Worthy New App? Let Us Know!
If you have an application in mind for the next issue of the roundup, feel free to send us an email and let us know. Important: there are 2 requirements in order for the app to be considered, listed below. the app's launch date has to be no longer than 2 weeks ago it has to be original, ground-breaking, well-reviewed, interesting, fun, etc - the cream of the crop Now, if and only if the above requirements have been satisfied, fire up an email to this address: . 1 sponsored placement per week is available (your app would be featured at the top and marked as sponsored) - please contact us for details. Read the full article
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The 8 Most Innovative Digital Marketing Tools
They are generating approaches, conducting campaigns, and handling vital communications stations. Fortunately, are useful Digital Marketing applications available to produce the juggling act more manageable. We have curated our eight favourite Digital Marketing Training in Indore we all believe every marketer needs to be using -- particularly in 2018. Digital Marketing is all about taking advantage of gifted and advanced instruments which were made to help give your business an edge when it comes to locating leads. The more you understand about the number of innovative Digital Marketing tools you will find out there just waiting to be used, the better you're likely to be. Digital Marketing remains about one thing above all: your clients. If you concentrate on the client and understand what they wish to view and learn from you, then you will find Best  Digital Marketing tools that will improve your efforts and enable you to enlarge your audience and keep up a base of loyal clients.
1. Website Speed Test Tool
The rate of a site may be a vital element to its achievement. As mentioned in our Content Delivery Network Guide, quicker loading sites may gain from more important SEO Training Institute Indore  positions, higher conversion rates, lower bounce prices, longer visitor length on site, better overall consumer experience, and involvement. That's the reason it's imperative to make the most of many free site speed test tools available on the market so that you may achieve optimum performance.  Pingdom is one of the best Website Speed Test Tools. Monitor your website's availability and performance for free with Pingdom and always be the first to know when your site is down. No installation required.
2. SEMRush Tool
SEMRush is a tool that's unique to finding profitable keywords. We're living in a period now when SEO, is at the forefront of a successful website. SEMRush is a software lot of elderly and new bloggers are currently using to optimise their sites, create the content their audience wants and create a much better experience to their clients. Any business which places websites on their website wants to make confident their sites don't stand out there in cyberspace. However, folks find them. SEMRush will have the ability to allow you to get those results. You will possibly use SEMRush to analyse organic search rankings on your keywords and learn what opponents have completed.
3. Website Analytic Tool
You merely add their little tracking code to each of the pages of your site, and you get free access to your site's performance information. These tips permit you to create wise strategies around converting traffic on your website. When contemplating different web analytics tools your business needs, the abundance of available choices may be overpowering for businesses which might not know how to use them. Moreover, that is where hiring somebody to dig into everyone the reports could be critical. The principle that's frequently referenced in this respect is the 90/10 principle, so if you have $100 to invest on analytics, then spend $10 on reports and information, and $90 on paying somebody to filter through most that info. Because without a suitable comprehension of the advice these services will supply you together, it stays just raw information.
4. Search Console Tool
What is good is that they understand this, and supply the tools that you want to increase your website and get rank on search. Should you triumph; they triumph. If you do not use the resources which they provide, you're doing yourself a disservice. You can use reports so as that will assist you in measuring your site's traffic and performance. With Search Console, you may add a site that may help your website get crawled by Google Bots, also, to inform Google to recrawl a website or pages which you re-optimised. As Google states, this may"make your website shine in Google Search results."
5. Google Ads Tools
To keep the long list of Digital marketing resources which are produced by Google, you've got Google Ads(formerly Google AdWords). Using Google Ads, you can market your brand and business, finding applicable users and increasing conversion speed. You can Find a Fairly good fixed-rate rate if you do it correctly, reaching your planned
6. Social Media Manager Tools
Facebook does a fantastic job of supplying an in-house management instrument, but your social networking dealings likely extend far beyond one stage. It may be challenging to balance a posting program and reviewing performance metrics across all your social networking pages. Fortunately, there are lots of management programs available in the marketplace Indore School of Digital Marketing.
Forbes’ list of the best tools include:
HootSuite Sprout Social
7. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools
The necessary four steps to the approach would be to collect relevant data, produce a testable theory, test your opinion, and examine the outcomes to measure efficacy. These tools assist you in exploring the hypotheses you provide. They create qualitative and quantitative information to calculate achievement or pinpoint areas for development. In this article, The Ideal Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Each Exam, we ensure
8. Email Marketing Campaign Creator
Email marketing is among essential elements to any effective Digital Marketing plan. Present and potential clients have opted-in to listen to what you need to say. You have the chance to become a reliable source and boost conversion prices. There are loads of email campaign programs available on the current market, but here are just seven of our favourites.
 Constant Contact
Campaign Monitor
The right email marketing tool will allow you to customise templates, automate drip campaigns, and easily track results.
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clashmodsz · 5 years
Download Clash Of Light Mod: New Private Servers
Are you looking for the best coc private server? Then choose Clash of Lights, the only private server which unlocks more capabilities to the game. Today I am going to share the all-new COC light version in which you will be getting more resources with the unlimited option and all new troops and cards so if you are new on our website. Then just to make sure to visit other mods too. You’ll find many other mods.
Using the Clash Light apk mod, you can build a super powerful army real quick without any interruption. So it increases your playing speed as with winning speed. So to dig deep down I can explain to you more about the game further below. As of now, it is just a little intro. I think you are now curious to have an experience of this game.
What is Clash of Lights Private Server?
If you ever played the clash of clans, then you must sometimes feel like to stop playing the game because of minimal resources and the time it takes to get those resources. It kills our excitement and makes us feel unhappy. At the same time, if you want to increase your power or resources, the game asks us to empty our pockets. To overcome this issue the 3rd party developer find a way in which every COL player can get all resources unlimited for free. Later people use to say it clash of lights hack.
Clash Light Mod provides you unlimited resources like gems, elixir, gold, etc. The mod works similar to the original game and in real-time. So you do not have to worry about being caught. There are more than enough to explore more about this game, but as the time goes playing this mod. You will get to know it’s every feature.
Now here someone from us does not want to have all things unlimited, keeping the same concern in mind the developer launched four sub-servers inside the coc light game which can be used by specific types of players. Take a look below, and you will get to know everything.
Basic Features of Clash Light Server:
Create your alliances.
Train troops fast.
Design custom dress for troops.
Unlimited Gold.
Gems 1,000,000,000.
Elixir 1,000,000,000.
100% Uptime.
Completely Secure and robust.
Unlimited Resources.
Increase building time.
Download Clash of Light Latest Servers:
Below now, I am going to share the download link of all the individual servers and the information of the COL servers.
Clash Of Lights Server S1
The only server which allows you to design your troop dresses and change it looks. Along with it, you will be getting resources unlimited including the dark elixir, gold, gems and much more. To get more out of it, the developers have added few more features like Unlimited resources with zero build time for all establishments, increases speed to get maximum efficiency, create custom buildings and heroes, buy any heroes or troops from the store without waiting for more. To download server 1, click on the below download button.
Download Now
Clash of Light Server S2
COL S2 is another tremendous private server which maximizes the potential of the game by increasing the resources limit. And the best part, you do not have to give any extra cost in buying gold, elixir, and gems from the stores. Using this server option, you can open enemy traps and also you can get dragon, archer, barbarian and witch towers to play with it. To increase the efficiency and speed of the game, the server provides 600 slots through which you can build a massive army in no-time. To download this server, click on below download button.
Download Now
Clash of Light Server S3
This server is more similar to the original version of clash of clans. But again comes with few value-added benefits. Like access to your village anytime 24/7, building and troops upgrades for an unlimited time, connect with different clans and make alliances and the similar like the above servers; unlimited gems, gold, and Elixirs. To know more about this server, download it from below.
Download Now
Clash of Light Server S4
Last but not least. The server 4, more similar to all the above servers with some of the different capabilities like 99% server uptime which enables anytime playing with no server crash issue and no lag issues. Enables you to design new characters without any limitations. An auto-defense for island tower, beast tower and legendary tower and many more. This server gives you super flexibility in the whole game. There are many more into it. Download it now to know more. Click on the below download button.
Download Now
These are all the top servers of the clash of clans light; you can download accordingly and start playing. Below I will guide you on how to install it easily. If you already know about it, then you may skip this step and start playing.
Wait! These are the clash of light for an android version. If you are looking for any other devices, scroll it down.
Requirements to play:
Android OS 4.0+
2GB free space.
Stable Internet Connection.
Phone several permissions required.
Check the Unknown Sources of your device.
WiFi is Recommended.
How to Install Clash of Light for Android:
Download your favorite server from the above list.
Uninstall the old version of any clash of clans.
Enable installation from “Unknown Sources” inside your phone security settings.
Now open the downloaded file.
Tap on install and give all the permissions.
Done! Open the game and enjoy.
In just a few steps you are good to go. Follow the same, it won’t take your much time. If you need any help, then you can comment below, and I’ll surely help you.
Now, will guide you, how you can enjoy the same servers on your PC and experience the private server in the bigger screen. Check it out now.
Clash of Clans Light for PC:
To download COL on PC follow the below steps.
Download this software in your PC first.
Wait until it gets completed.
Install the software in your PC.
Now download any of the above private servers in your PC.
And drag and drop it to the software your recently installed on your PC.
Rest the process is the same as you install in your Android device.
Done. Enjoy on the bigger screen.
Following the above steps, you can play the same game on your PC. And do not worry your PC doesn’t need to be high end. Even you can run the same on core i3. So download it now and share me your feedback below.
Clash of Light for iOS:
As of now the clash of Light iOS is not available for iOS devices. But we are soon going to release it here. As the development is under process and will be launched as more quickly. But wait! No issues. We have another best private servers for iOS devices. You can check out here. Select your favorite server and launch the game. Play with unlimited resources.
Additional Info:
Possible the game might Download Additional files.
It may restart a few times during the game.
Sometimes it begins to start loading several times.
Final Thoughts!
This is not the end of this post. I will soon bring you more hacks and mods of COC and clash royale till you enjoy them from our current list of mods on our site TheClashMods.com.
Hope you enjoy playing clash of lights mod apk private server, I tried to give my best. Still, if you need any kind of help, then you can comment me below, and I will help you. If you like this server, then please share it on your social media networks and with friends. It helps us stay excited. We believe that sharing is caring. Happy gaming 🙂
The post Download Clash Of Light Mod: New Private Servers appeared first on TheClashMods.
source https://theclashmods.com/clash-of-light/
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chrissyrholmes · 5 years
Top 12 Web-Based Color Tools for Web Designers
Picking the perfect color scheme shouldn’t be a miserable task. All you need are the right tools for the job and an eye for design.
I can’t help develop your eye for picking colors, but I can share a bunch of handy color tools that’ll likely improve your eye as you use them.
These tools are all 100% free, so they’re easy to bookmark and reuse time & time again. They can also work for web, mobile, print, or any other medium that needs incredible colors.
1. ColorHexa
Recently I was browsing the web and stumbled onto ColorHexa. It’s by far one of the coolest color tools I’ve ever seen.
This isn’t technically a color generator or a scheme design tool. Instead, it’s an information library on all colors with suggested gradient ideas, related shades, and dozens of color codes(ex: hex, RGB, CMYK, CIE-LAB, HSL and more).
You’ll never find a more complete list of information on color. This is super useful for all designers, including web designers, and it’s a great place to start researching colors for your projects.
2. Colors.css
If you do some research into color psychology you’ll learn how different colors stack together & what sort of mood they give. This plays into contrast for certain types of colors and how they work together.
Every browser comes with default colors that are often too harsh. Colors.css fixes that.
It’s a free CSS library that restyles the default color palette. This means you can use color names like “blue” and “red” with totally different values.
They even have an entire accessibility page full of ideas for matching color schemes that’ll improve readability on your site.
3. ColorPick Eyedropper Extension
How often do you find a site with a beautiful color scheme? I find amazing sites all the time and it’s difficult to export those colors from the stylesheet.
You can use Chrome DevTools but this requires digging around in the code to pick out the hex colors. Instead you can use the ColorPick Eyedropper extension made exclusively for Google Chrome.
You just click the toggle window in the extensions panel, then hover any color you want to study. This gives you the full hex code along with a “copy” link to copy the exact color to your clipboard.
Pretty cool right? And it’s a free plugin, so there’s nothing to lose by trying it out.
4. Coolors
The Coolors site is a large color scheme generator. You can find dozens of generators on the web, but this one’s a little different since it supports Adobe programs with its own add-on.
You can also get this as a Chrome extension or even as a custom iOS app for your phone.
Really the true value is in the browser webapp that auto-generates color schemes on the fly. You can then mix & match colors, change settings, adjust for color blindness, and randomize your own schemes based on certain criteria.
It’s a great application, but it comes with a small learning curve. Shouldn’t take you more than 15-20 minutes to figure out how it all works.
5. Palettte App
Palettte is color editing and remapping tool. It allows you to build color schemes that flow from one to another and fine-tune individual color swatches. You can also import, analyze, and editing existing color schemes. The creator has written more on the motivations behind this color app.
6. Material UI Colors
With a quick Google search you’ll find a bunch of sweet material design tools on the web. They seem never-ending and many of them rely on the color styles typically found in Android apps.
With the Material UI Colors webapp you can find perfect color schemes that match with Google’s material guidelines.
Easily change the tint of all colors with the slider in the top-left corner of the screen. Or randomize your selections to match an existing site’s color choices.
You can also switch between hex and RGB depending on whatever format you want. A great app for material design lovers.
7. Color Supply
The Color Supply website is pretty unique but also very strange. It gives you a bunch of interesting color tools for matching color schemes, picking the foregrounds & backgrounds, plus different ways to compare how those colors would look on a page.
But this doesn’t have any guide or specific purpose. It acts like a color scheme generator that you have to just kind of learn as you go.
It will output different colors with hex codes near the bottom of the page to copy. Plus it’ll show you how those colors work in a gradient, in icons, and with text. Nice tool but it comes with an awkward learning curve.
8. Color Safe
The WCAG works hard towards a more accessible web. Color is one of the easiest ways to build your accessibility without losing time testing.
Color Safe is a free webapp that can test your color choices. You pick from a small set of fonts & sizes, then pick whatever colors you want for your foreground & background.
From there you’ll get an accessibility rating along with suggestions on how to improve your color choices(if needed).
Really great tool for anyone concerned about accessibility on the web.
9. Color Hunt
For a user-curated gallery of color schemes take a look at Color Hunt.
This free project was launched a couple of years back and continues to be a source of design inspiration. People submit their own color schemes into the site, then others vote on those color schemes.
You can sort by newest or by most popular and even vote on your favorites. Pretty cool right?
It’s an extremely simple web app so don’t expect too many features. It’s just a neat way to visually browse through many different color patterns at once.
10. Open Color
Looking for something a little more web-friendly? Then check out the Open Color library.
This is a massive open source collection of color choices built around accessibility and browser support. Each color has been optimized for easy matching regardless of your layout’s design.
Check out the GitHub repo for more info and to download a copy of the styles.
11. HTML Color Codes
HTML Color Codes is another info-focused color webapp.
This lets you pull all forms of HTML/CSS code for your color choices right from the app. You can search for any color you want, or go by their recommendations. Plus this even has a tool for generating color palettes that you can download as Adobe Swatch files.
Don’t let the name fool you: this app is for more than just HTML color.
It’s a brilliant tool for digital designers of all types who want easy access to color codes and reusable palettes.
12. Adobe Color CC
I can’t pass over the incredible Adobe Color CC webapp.
This free tool used to be called Adobe Kuler but it’s gone through a few iterations over the years. It’s still a free color picker but the interface has changed to make it easier for designers to build & save color schemes.
If you’re an Adobe user this tool is worth bookmarking. It supports up to 5 different colors in one scheme, and you can even upload images to pull dynamic color schemes automatically.
from Web Designing https://1stwebdesigner.com/web-based-color-tools/
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siliconwebx · 6 years
Salesforce CRM: A Detailed Overview
Salesforce is one of the oldest and most trusted CRMs out there. Customer Relationship Management software is pretty much necessary if you are going to do business online (especially at scale), and the Salesforce CRM is a staple of the industry. If you’re looking into setting your first CRM or maybe changing from your current one, you should know what Salesforce has to offer so you can compare it to some of the other players in the field.
A Little Background
Salesforce launched in 1999, and since then, it’s steadily grown its userbase and feature set. Over time, it has evolved from a SaaS product. Before, you used their software and paid for updates. Now, the Salesforce CRM is a PaaS, where instead of simply software as a service, they provide the platform itself as the service you pay for. (For example, Elegant Themes is an example of software as a service. Flywheel is an example of a platform as a service.)
As a platform, Salesforce is huge. As it evolved from SaaS to PaaS, the software began to split into separate, specialized categories, where depending on your needs, you can take advantage of their Sales, Service, or Marketing tool subsets. Now, there’s the Salesforce CROM platform as well as the companion Force.com platform where you can build out the specific CRM tools you want into mobile apps for your team.
Basically, Salesforce has been around long enough that they’ve built, updated, and honed their product to be what a number of different audiences and demographics may need. You should get a good idea of what the CRM platform can offer your team and customers as I go through the overall functionality. So let’s stop talking about it and get to it!
Getting Started with Salesforce
First of all, there’s a free trial for Salesforce. So you can give it a whirl for 30 days without worry. (Plus, you can get it totally for free if you’re a non-profit, which is huge since the price is $900 per person per year.) Sign up for the account however you want, by social or traditional means.
Immediately afterward, you’re brought into the dashboard. You’ll spend an absurd amount of time. You will see the beauty of it soon enough. Admittedly, the Salesforce CRM is a complex platform (to put it mildly), so I highly suggest that you don’t ignore the take-a-tour modal. They offer a 4-part tutorial that walks you through the basics of what you’ll be doing day to day, and this hands-on hand-holding is worth the time to go through.
If you don’t have time to do it immediately, you can always get back to it from the upper left corner of the dashboard. While you are on your trial, be sure to go back, though.
Home Screens
The primary UI of Salesforce actually made up of lots of tabs and widgets, each dedicated to giving you an overview of a specific metric that you can then dig into more deeply. By default, you’ll see the Home tab for the Sales App. However, if you click the grid icon in the upper-left corner, you are given a choice of which Home screen of which app you want to navigate to. You also have a total list of items within the CRM. Some are not even listed in the default nav bar.
Each home screen is full of the widgets you’ll most likely need for at-a-glance metrics. However, the most important aspect to note is the Navigation Bar across the top of the screen. You have access to multiple dashboards in Salesforce, and the navigation bar is going to be your best friend as you bounce around from feature to feature.
You can do a lot to customize the navigation bar, too, and I suggest taking advantage of doing so. First off, there’s an Edit Navigation Items button in the top-right (directly under your user profile).
Additionally, any links that aren’t already in the bar will appear there temporarily when clicked, and you have the option to pin that item permanently to this particular Home screen. Many options from the All Items section under the Grid Icon will pop up like this.
Each app’s home screen will be a bit different, catering to that particular task. They all, however, can be customized to you and your team’s needs.
The Dashboards Tab
Normally, I’d go down the line of tabs in order, but I want to make sure you know about the Dashboards tab first. Where the Home tab gives you the general overview of info you may need for a day, the Dashboards tab lets you define exactly what information you see, how, and when.
When you click into any of them, the data is incredibly easy to read. It’s an easily digestible report in a lot of ways — well compared to spreadsheets and text-heavy reports. These are at-a-glance metrics that you can dig into deeper as you need to.
You can click the View Report link at the bottom of any widget to see a full report of that data.
The number of widgets and at-a-glance data is likely far more than you need. That’s okay. You can create as many dashboards as you want and customize them to show exactly what you need. It may take a while for you to get all the ones you need set up, but once you do, things will run like clockwork. You will honestly wonder how you ever lived without them.
The Accounts Tab
Heading back to the left side of the nav bar, the second tab is Accounts. This is really the foundation of Salesforce (the other parts being Leads). All of your data is tied to various Accounts.  You can then see where your money is coming from, what projects needs attention, and which people are being contacted by whom and for what reason.
Simply from the dashboard,  you can access any number of accounts and the information you may need. Where they are, their phone, what kind of lead is this (a prospect, a customer, etc.), and who is the current point-of-contact on your team for the account.
Inside the individual accounts, however, is where all of the real work comes in on Salesforce’s part. You really get to see Salesforce’s power when you start digging into an account.
As you can see, there’s a lot going on here. (And this is just the first tab of info). By default, each account has three tabs, and each of those is full of insights that you will use to best handle the client.
Related Tab
The Related tab (shown above) has the following widgets:
Quick Links – Shortcuts to other important widgets.
Related Contacts – Anyone related to the account. Generally, staff and their roles within the company — CEO, CFO, Marketing Director, PR Coordinator, etc.
Opportunities – Individual job interactions with the company, past, present, or future. A pending sale worth $40k or a lost sale of $15k, maybe. Or a cold-call they made to you.
Campaign Influence – A closer look at Opportunities in relation to one another.
Activity/Chatter – A detailed timeline of how everyone on your team has interacted with this account. Adding notes, making calls, etc.
Contracts – Self-explanatory: contracts between your company and theirs.
Cases – These are basically support tickets and issues that someone on the account has brought to you.
Notes – Notes from you or your team about the account or any interactions. For internal use.
Files  – Invoices, contracts, meeting notes, etc. that you and your team need to keep for record on this account.
The Details Tab
Much simpler and straightforward than Related, this tab shows information and details about the account. Address information, maps, creation, modification, websites, and so on.
The Account Summary widget provides a visual breakdown of your history of Opportunities with the client. Clicking the graph gives you the option to see a detailed report of that visualized data.
The News Tab
This tab may not get a lot of use, but it’s handy to have around. Basically, you can keep up with related social accounts and news within the industry (that you set within the Details tab).
You can use these sources to make informed decisions about your interactions with the account. It may just give you a competitive edge to see in real-time what may be happening that went under your radar.
While the Accounts tab lets you track customers and sales (or lost sales) and contracts for relationships you already have, the Leads tab is for the relationships you are working on.
Anytime you get a new contact, a new company, a support ticket, a sales inquiry, or whatever else, you create a new Lead. In terms of function, this tab works very similarly to the Accounts tab, providing you with much of the same information. You get the Activity, Chatter, News, and Details tabs (B).
The big difference here is the workflow bar (A) is near the top. You enter the information in below (B) as you get it. This bar (A) lets you and your team track progress through the process of moving that lead from a potential new client to a closed deal (or a lost deal, if that’s the unfortunate case).
Tying It All Together
Once you have a slew of Contacts, Leads, and Accounts, Salesforce begins to purr like a kitten as it glides down the road. You see, every iota of information you’ve entered into the dashboard is automatically cross-referenced across the entire platform. New information is put into the new pages immediately. So that pertinment information you need lives at the click of a link through any individual page.
For instance, inside every one of your Contacts, you can see all the Opportunities currently available. As you can see, the Acme – 140 Widgets Opportunity is in the Negotiation stage.
When opened, you get the details on that particular which looks very much like the Leads above. Because it’s roughly the same thing, only from existing accounts, not potentials. To show what information is cross-indexed, you can see that the Owner (A) of the opportunity is the same as the original Contact. (Though this can be changed without altering the Contact).
When you hover over Contact Roles (B), you will see all related contacts to this Opportunity and their related account. This will be updated as you enter new Contacts, etc. Also, if you click on the link for the Account Name in this modal, you will go directly back to the page for this Account. Again, that page has all of this information updated and cross-referenced.
Any of these links will be populated in any of the other areas as well. So you can go through the clickhole to get anywhere from any page without having to update anything manually except for the one piece of new information.
This is the real power of Salesforce and other CRM platforms out there. Once the information is in the system, it is the system. You log everything once, and then anyone who needs it has access to it from everywhere. That is true power, and it creates the efficient workflow that your team needs to really get things done and boost your company into the stratosphere.
Salesforce CRM vs The World
There’s a lot of competition in the CRM space. Some of Salesforce’s biggest contenders are HubSpot and Zoho CRM. But Salesforce has been around for longer than pretty much anyone. This big issue when deciding on a CRM can be cost, and Salesforce is pricey at ~$900 per person per year. But it’s also fully featured as a platform and has you covered with insane support and decades of experience.
That said, you can’t really go wrong with Salesforce. It’s kind of the industry standard, and while it doesn’t have free versions like the others I mentioned, you are absolutely getting a premium product that does everything it sets out to do. And to be quite honest, breaking down every single thing that Salesforce can do in a single article or overview is pretty much impossible.
I just covered the Sales app in this article, remember. But the functionality and overview applies to most of the others, too. They are specialized toward marketing or leadership or customer service, sure. But the base of the platform and the heard of the CRM works the same across the board. (And updates across all apps, too.)
Ready to see if Salesforce and its ridiculous number of options are a fit for you? Remember that there’s a 30-day trial with huge levels of support every step of the way. What have you got to lose?
What do you think about Salesforce and how its progressed over the past couple of decades?
Article featuerd image by DCVECTOR / shutterstock.com
The post Salesforce CRM: A Detailed Overview appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
from Elegant Themes Blog https://ift.tt/2mDuKZv via SiliconWebDesign
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glenmenlow · 6 years
Spokeo Opt Out And Removal Methods (2018 Update)
We hear from tons of people who have questions on how to safely and quickly secure a Spokeo opt out.
Don’t worry, understanding how to opt out of Spokeo isn’t that difficult.
However, you definitely want to be sure you do it right.
First we’ll go over how Spokeo got your information in the first place. It’s helpful to know so you can protect your online presence more effectively.
Then, we’ll cover the opt out procedure in full detail.
What is Spokeo?
Spokeo is an online database that aggregates information about people from multiple sources elsewhere on the web so users can easily find this sort of data in one place. It’s not the first site to do this actually. There are hundreds of them out there that all pull from very similar sources of data.
You have some that are general people searching sites like Whitepages, and you have others that specialize in certain types of information like OkCaller. These are just a couple of the more popular ones, there are dozens of new sites just like Spokeo being created each day!
How does it get your information?
This is one of the areas about Spokeo that many people don’t understand. Because of this they become nervous and sometime assume that the site is getting access to their information in ways that are not ethical or legal.
Before we continue, let’s address this misconception directly. Spokeo isn’t breaking the law by finding or sharing your information. You might not like that they do this (you’re definitely not alone), but they are within their legal right to do so.
The same goes for any other similar websites as well, and as long as they are allowed to do this they will continue to do so. This is why going through the Spokeo opt out process is absolutely crucial if you want to prevent others from accessing any sensitive details.
So how does Spokeo get your info?
The site uses various forms of web scraping software to find and aggregate all of the information you find on the site. They pull from public records, other people search websites, anywhere they can find more information about you to add to their database.
Some are surprised by this, but there is plenty of information about you that can legally be found by accessing public records. This is typically the starting point for a site like Spokeo and then they will try other sources to help build up their site with more and more info about you.
No personal information on Spokeo is original research, so if you find it on the site that means it is also somewhere else. This means it’s important to secure a Spokeo opt out, but you need to be aware of other sites as well as your general privacy protection online.
However, there is an upside. Even though they are legally allowed to publish what they have on their site, they are also legally obligated to fulfill any request for removal.
Because of this, when you go through the Spokeo opt out steps they HAVE to remove your information from the site. We will get into the actual steps in a moment but it’s definitely worth noting that you actually have the legal upper hand in this situation.
Why is it an issue?
While search results from Spokeo may feel troublesome for some more than others, there’s no denying that your search results matter. No matter what your profession, You are being looked up online by others. From business partners to potential customers to dates and coworkers – someone is googling your name!
This means if your name, phone number, or address is floating around online there’s a good chance it will be found.
With sites like Spokeo in the mix, it only gets easier for someone to come across this information. This is one of the most common reasons why people want to go through the Spokeo opt out procedure.
The vast majority don’t want their address, phone number, or names of family members available for anyone to find. It’s an uncomfortable notion and how easy it can be done makes it borderline disturbing.
While some might argue that it’s simply aggregating information that anyone could find anyway, it’s not that simple. The barrier of entry argument is one that we often cite in this situation.
It takes far more effort and understanding of the system to access public records and whoever does this has to be very motivated to do so. When you can simply look up someone online and find all of this in five seconds, it significantly widens the range of people who might see it.
Not only this, but this information can be scraped in bulk from malicious spam websites and used for any number of things. Scams, identify theft, credit card theft, it’s all on the table. Being able to access a significant amount of this information with less friction makes it easier for criminals to make these attempts.
In addition to the security concerns, there’s another reason to take Spokeo listings seriously. By diluting your online footprint with information that doesn’t benefit a professional searcher you can hurt your online reputation significantly.
The data supports how important your online reputation is – especially when it comes to your professional life. Nearly half (42%) of the online U.S. adults that looked somebody up in a search engine, did so before deciding to do business with them (2012 BrandYourself/Harris Interactive study). This makes understanding how to opt out of Spokeo even more important.
This can have a staggering impact on your career – for better or for worse. So instead of greeting a potential colleague, employee or employer with your birthday and home phone number, make sure that they see relevant information about you. This makes the Spokeo opt out process very important for many people.
How to opt out of Spokeo
When it comes to the information available about individuals online, everyone has different comfort levels with what’s out there. Despite this, the negatives tend to outweigh the positives in these situations. This is why knowing how to opt out of Spokeo is so important.
Although Spokeo publishes aggregate data that is publicly available about people online, they know that many will find it somewhat disturbing to have this all in one place. Because of that, the site allows individuals to request data removal (aka an opt out) from the site.
Like we mentioned earlier, they legally have to accept this request. Fortunately since they are one of the larger sites in this industry, there is rarely an issue with this process. We have advised thousands of people on how to complete the Spokeo opt out steps correctly, and they all find success.
The full Spokeo opt out procedure
If you prefer to keep the kind of information mentioned above private, you’re in luck. While removing your private information from Spokeo does not mean that other sites will also follow suite, it’s a start.
Follow the steps below to go through the Spokeo opt out process without any issues:
Create an email address that doesn’t include your name or any personal information. You will receive a confirmation at the end of the process and need to click the included link to verify your removal request. Consider creating a gmail, gmx or guerilla mail account to use in conjunction with the removal process. Remember, guerrilla mail accounts are temporary, so respond to the confirmation email immediately.
Visit spokeo.com and search for your name. Make sure to search for variations of your name including nicknames, maiden names, professional names and even spouse names.
Click on the results that relate to you. Initially Spokeo will filter search results for your name by state. Start the process by selecting the state where you currently live, and choose your street.
Once you’ve clicked through this result and selected your current address, copy the URL of thepage that shows all of the information associated with this person/location.
From here, scroll to the very bottom of the page and choose “Privacy”. Again, skip down to the bottom of the page and select the “Opt Out” form. This is where you can start the Spokeo opt out process.
Once you’ve found the Opt Out form, paste your listing’s profile URL into the appropriate text box, then type your new email address (which you don’t normally use, and doesn’t share any information about you) in the other textbox. Don’t forget to check and fill out the CAPTCHA box. When you finish, click, “Remove this listing” at the bottom of the page.
If everything worked, when you check your inbox, you should find a confirmation email from Spokeo – make sure to check your Spam folder if you don’t see it in your primary inbox.
Open that email, click the link and confirm that you want to remove this listing.
Repeat as needed for listings of other places you’ve lived. Keep in mind that you will be limited to 5 removals at a time.
The next step
After going through the Spokeo opt out process, you still have more work to do. While it’s great that this listing will no longer appear on Spokeo, most of it is still publicly available elsewhere, probably not all in the same place.
As we said before, there are hundreds of other popular sites just like this that exist right now. This means that they likely have some piece of information on you as well, and it’s up to you to take action.
To make things easy, our free reputation management software has a new section that highlights the most popular companies that are similar to Spokeo. Not only that, but it shows you the specific opt out process for each of the sites so you can quickly protect yourself without having to dig through each site (some of them can be a huge pain to figure out).
You can also use it to scan your results and help you easily start searching your name (on Google or another search engine) for more private details you don’t want found. Once you’ve gathered a list of potential culprits, follow their respective rules for removal.
In addition to dealing with these other sites, know that your information could still appear on Spokeo in the future. While Spokeo will not simply re-post what you’ve removed, they periodically pull information, so if there is new information associated with your name, there is a good chance that this will appear on their site down the road.
The reason for this is that their software is great at finding data, but not at differentiating between different people. This means that if it discovers a new detail about you that wasn’t on your old account before you went through the Spokeo opt out steps, it could very well add it to their database thinking it’s a completely new person.
It can be extremely frustrating when you went through the removal process only to find another listing a couple months down the line, but it’s unfortunately quite common. This is why we strongly recommend that you add in a more sustainable strategy to go along with the Spokeo opt out process.
The most sustainable strategy
While going through the Spokeo opt out steps (and ones on comparable databases) is a great way to keep private information – well – private, it’s not guaranteed to last forever (or at all – depending on the site removal policies).
Luckily, there is an alternative solution to play defense and keep people from seeing it when they search your name online. This method takes into account the behavior that most people exhibit when looking up someone else online, and uses it to your advantage.
While sites like Spokeo are very popular, most of the people who visit them actually come from search engines (primarily Google). This means that instead of only spending time repeatedly opting out of these sites, you can start one step further in the chain of action to have a more lasting affect.
By preventing other people from easily finding sites like Spokeo when they search your name online, you can keep them from discovering the details you want to keep private even when a new listing appears on the site.
So how is this done?
The technique that we’re referring to is called “suppression” and it’s extremely effective in situations like this. The reason for that is 99% of the people that use a search engine never make it to the second page. If you can bump sites like Spokeo into that area then you’re going to drastically reduce the number of eyes on your listing.
With so many other similar companies in existence, it would become very time-consuming to monitor and opt out of each and every one of them indefinitely (that really sounds like a nightmare). If you control your search results this gives you the luxury of not being stuck on this hamster wheel.
How it works
At BrandYourself, we make it our business to monitor, improve and protect your online presence. Time and time again we’ve seen our clients develop impressive online reputations by simply following our 3-Step process below. Following this will make sure you stay protected after the Spokeo opt out process.
The first step is building a foundation of high-quality web properties. These are most commonly social media properties and websites.
The next step is optimizing these to rank for your name in search engines and establishing further relevancy so personal information in the future doesn’t have a chance to be viewed by unwanted eyes.
Lastly, there is some simple maintenance that you can do to make sure everything stays at cruising altitude. You can do this yourself, or utilize our tools and services to make things even easier.
The great thing is that our software can walk you though this process, so you don’t need to worry if this all seems overwhelming!
When it comes to dealing with private information and opting out of sites like Spokeo, we’ve found this strategy to work best by far. Through this 3-Step Process, the sites that you control gain authority and eventually overwhelm and suppress those search results that show your private information.
This gives you another strong layer of security for protecting your personal information. Better safe than sorry right?
The wrap up
When dealing with exposed information on sites like Spokeo, simply aiming for removal isn’t enough. You need to create a presence to replace and overwhelm the information that you can’t control and don’t want others to see.
If you want to use our tools and services to help guarantee the Spokeo opt out procedure goes smoothly, visit the pages below:
Our reputation management software: Walks you through the process of monitoring and improving your online presence yourself with a number of features to help you understand how you look now and what steps you should take to improve. (Our standard tool is free, and the premium version costs $99 per year for added features and access).
Online reputation management services: Put you together with a team of BrandYourself-certified Reputation Specialists who handle the work for you. This includes extracting your personal brand (what you want people to know about you), building high-quality websites and profiles, and consistently publishing well-branded content on your behalf.
The post Spokeo Opt Out And Removal Methods (2018 Update) appeared first on BrandYourself Blog | ORM And Personal Branding.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/spokeo-opt-out-and-removal-methods-2018-update/ via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 6 years
Spokeo Opt Out And Removal Methods (2018 Update)
We hear from tons of people who have questions on how to safely and quickly secure a Spokeo opt out.
Don’t worry, understanding how to opt out of Spokeo isn’t that difficult.
However, you definitely want to be sure you do it right.
First we’ll go over how Spokeo got your information in the first place. It’s helpful to know so you can protect your online presence more effectively.
Then, we’ll cover the opt out procedure in full detail.
What is Spokeo?
Spokeo is an online database that aggregates information about people from multiple sources elsewhere on the web so users can easily find this sort of data in one place. It’s not the first site to do this actually. There are hundreds of them out there that all pull from very similar sources of data.
You have some that are general people searching sites like Whitepages, and you have others that specialize in certain types of information like OkCaller. These are just a couple of the more popular ones, there are dozens of new sites just like Spokeo being created each day!
How does it get your information?
This is one of the areas about Spokeo that many people don’t understand. Because of this they become nervous and sometime assume that the site is getting access to their information in ways that are not ethical or legal.
Before we continue, let’s address this misconception directly. Spokeo isn’t breaking the law by finding or sharing your information. You might not like that they do this (you’re definitely not alone), but they are within their legal right to do so.
The same goes for any other similar websites as well, and as long as they are allowed to do this they will continue to do so. This is why going through the Spokeo opt out process is absolutely crucial if you want to prevent others from accessing any sensitive details.
So how does Spokeo get your info?
The site uses various forms of web scraping software to find and aggregate all of the information you find on the site. They pull from public records, other people search websites, anywhere they can find more information about you to add to their database.
Some are surprised by this, but there is plenty of information about you that can legally be found by accessing public records. This is typically the starting point for a site like Spokeo and then they will try other sources to help build up their site with more and more info about you.
No personal information on Spokeo is original research, so if you find it on the site that means it is also somewhere else. This means it’s important to secure a Spokeo opt out, but you need to be aware of other sites as well as your general privacy protection online.
However, there is an upside. Even though they are legally allowed to publish what they have on their site, they are also legally obligated to fulfill any request for removal.
Because of this, when you go through the Spokeo opt out steps they HAVE to remove your information from the site. We will get into the actual steps in a moment but it’s definitely worth noting that you actually have the legal upper hand in this situation.
Why is it an issue?
While search results from Spokeo may feel troublesome for some more than others, there’s no denying that your search results matter. No matter what your profession, You are being looked up online by others. From business partners to potential customers to dates and coworkers – someone is googling your name!
This means if your name, phone number, or address is floating around online there’s a good chance it will be found.
With sites like Spokeo in the mix, it only gets easier for someone to come across this information. This is one of the most common reasons why people want to go through the Spokeo opt out procedure.
The vast majority don’t want their address, phone number, or names of family members available for anyone to find. It’s an uncomfortable notion and how easy it can be done makes it borderline disturbing.
While some might argue that it’s simply aggregating information that anyone could find anyway, it’s not that simple. The barrier of entry argument is one that we often cite in this situation.
It takes far more effort and understanding of the system to access public records and whoever does this has to be very motivated to do so. When you can simply look up someone online and find all of this in five seconds, it significantly widens the range of people who might see it.
Not only this, but this information can be scraped in bulk from malicious spam websites and used for any number of things. Scams, identify theft, credit card theft, it’s all on the table. Being able to access a significant amount of this information with less friction makes it easier for criminals to make these attempts.
In addition to the security concerns, there’s another reason to take Spokeo listings seriously. By diluting your online footprint with information that doesn’t benefit a professional searcher you can hurt your online reputation significantly.
The data supports how important your online reputation is – especially when it comes to your professional life. Nearly half (42%) of the online U.S. adults that looked somebody up in a search engine, did so before deciding to do business with them (2012 BrandYourself/Harris Interactive study). This makes understanding how to opt out of Spokeo even more important.
This can have a staggering impact on your career – for better or for worse. So instead of greeting a potential colleague, employee or employer with your birthday and home phone number, make sure that they see relevant information about you. This makes the Spokeo opt out process very important for many people.
How to opt out of Spokeo
When it comes to the information available about individuals online, everyone has different comfort levels with what’s out there. Despite this, the negatives tend to outweigh the positives in these situations. This is why knowing how to opt out of Spokeo is so important.
Although Spokeo publishes aggregate data that is publicly available about people online, they know that many will find it somewhat disturbing to have this all in one place. Because of that, the site allows individuals to request data removal (aka an opt out) from the site.
Like we mentioned earlier, they legally have to accept this request. Fortunately since they are one of the larger sites in this industry, there is rarely an issue with this process. We have advised thousands of people on how to complete the Spokeo opt out steps correctly, and they all find success.
The full Spokeo opt out procedure
If you prefer to keep the kind of information mentioned above private, you’re in luck. While removing your private information from Spokeo does not mean that other sites will also follow suite, it’s a start.
Follow the steps below to go through the Spokeo opt out process without any issues:
Create an email address that doesn’t include your name or any personal information. You will receive a confirmation at the end of the process and need to click the included link to verify your removal request. Consider creating a gmail, gmx or guerilla mail account to use in conjunction with the removal process. Remember, guerrilla mail accounts are temporary, so respond to the confirmation email immediately.
Visit spokeo.com and search for your name. Make sure to search for variations of your name including nicknames, maiden names, professional names and even spouse names.
Click on the results that relate to you. Initially Spokeo will filter search results for your name by state. Start the process by selecting the state where you currently live, and choose your street.
Once you’ve clicked through this result and selected your current address, copy the URL of thepage that shows all of the information associated with this person/location.
From here, scroll to the very bottom of the page and choose “Privacy”. Again, skip down to the bottom of the page and select the “Opt Out” form. This is where you can start the Spokeo opt out process.
Once you’ve found the Opt Out form, paste your listing’s profile URL into the appropriate text box, then type your new email address (which you don’t normally use, and doesn’t share any information about you) in the other textbox. Don’t forget to check and fill out the CAPTCHA box. When you finish, click, “Remove this listing” at the bottom of the page.
If everything worked, when you check your inbox, you should find a confirmation email from Spokeo – make sure to check your Spam folder if you don’t see it in your primary inbox.
Open that email, click the link and confirm that you want to remove this listing.
Repeat as needed for listings of other places you’ve lived. Keep in mind that you will be limited to 5 removals at a time.
The next step
After going through the Spokeo opt out process, you still have more work to do. While it’s great that this listing will no longer appear on Spokeo, most of it is still publicly available elsewhere, probably not all in the same place.
As we said before, there are hundreds of other popular sites just like this that exist right now. This means that they likely have some piece of information on you as well, and it’s up to you to take action.
To make things easy, our free reputation management software has a new section that highlights the most popular companies that are similar to Spokeo. Not only that, but it shows you the specific opt out process for each of the sites so you can quickly protect yourself without having to dig through each site (some of them can be a huge pain to figure out).
You can also use it to scan your results and help you easily start searching your name (on Google or another search engine) for more private details you don’t want found. Once you’ve gathered a list of potential culprits, follow their respective rules for removal.
In addition to dealing with these other sites, know that your information could still appear on Spokeo in the future. While Spokeo will not simply re-post what you’ve removed, they periodically pull information, so if there is new information associated with your name, there is a good chance that this will appear on their site down the road.
The reason for this is that their software is great at finding data, but not at differentiating between different people. This means that if it discovers a new detail about you that wasn’t on your old account before you went through the Spokeo opt out steps, it could very well add it to their database thinking it’s a completely new person.
It can be extremely frustrating when you went through the removal process only to find another listing a couple months down the line, but it’s unfortunately quite common. This is why we strongly recommend that you add in a more sustainable strategy to go along with the Spokeo opt out process.
The most sustainable strategy
While going through the Spokeo opt out steps (and ones on comparable databases) is a great way to keep private information – well – private, it’s not guaranteed to last forever (or at all – depending on the site removal policies).
Luckily, there is an alternative solution to play defense and keep people from seeing it when they search your name online. This method takes into account the behavior that most people exhibit when looking up someone else online, and uses it to your advantage.
While sites like Spokeo are very popular, most of the people who visit them actually come from search engines (primarily Google). This means that instead of only spending time repeatedly opting out of these sites, you can start one step further in the chain of action to have a more lasting affect.
By preventing other people from easily finding sites like Spokeo when they search your name online, you can keep them from discovering the details you want to keep private even when a new listing appears on the site.
So how is this done?
The technique that we’re referring to is called “suppression” and it’s extremely effective in situations like this. The reason for that is 99% of the people that use a search engine never make it to the second page. If you can bump sites like Spokeo into that area then you’re going to drastically reduce the number of eyes on your listing.
With so many other similar companies in existence, it would become very time-consuming to monitor and opt out of each and every one of them indefinitely (that really sounds like a nightmare). If you control your search results this gives you the luxury of not being stuck on this hamster wheel.
How it works
At BrandYourself, we make it our business to monitor, improve and protect your online presence. Time and time again we’ve seen our clients develop impressive online reputations by simply following our 3-Step process below. Following this will make sure you stay protected after the Spokeo opt out process.
The first step is building a foundation of high-quality web properties. These are most commonly social media properties and websites.
The next step is optimizing these to rank for your name in search engines and establishing further relevancy so personal information in the future doesn’t have a chance to be viewed by unwanted eyes.
Lastly, there is some simple maintenance that you can do to make sure everything stays at cruising altitude. You can do this yourself, or utilize our tools and services to make things even easier.
The great thing is that our software can walk you though this process, so you don’t need to worry if this all seems overwhelming!
When it comes to dealing with private information and opting out of sites like Spokeo, we’ve found this strategy to work best by far. Through this 3-Step Process, the sites that you control gain authority and eventually overwhelm and suppress those search results that show your private information.
This gives you another strong layer of security for protecting your personal information. Better safe than sorry right?
The wrap up
When dealing with exposed information on sites like Spokeo, simply aiming for removal isn’t enough. You need to create a presence to replace and overwhelm the information that you can’t control and don’t want others to see.
If you want to use our tools and services to help guarantee the Spokeo opt out procedure goes smoothly, visit the pages below:
Our reputation management software: Walks you through the process of monitoring and improving your online presence yourself with a number of features to help you understand how you look now and what steps you should take to improve. (Our standard tool is free, and the premium version costs $99 per year for added features and access).
Online reputation management services: Put you together with a team of BrandYourself-certified Reputation Specialists who handle the work for you. This includes extracting your personal brand (what you want people to know about you), building high-quality websites and profiles, and consistently publishing well-branded content on your behalf.
The post Spokeo Opt Out And Removal Methods (2018 Update) appeared first on BrandYourself Blog | ORM And Personal Branding.
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tonjarosen5051-blog · 6 years
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