anelloriccio · 10 years
What would Prince Charming have for occupation if he had not to awaken the Sleeping beauty?
Simone de Beauvoir
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anelloriccio · 10 years
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😉 on We Heart It http://weheartit.com/entry/108211233/via/FitnessGrandeHoran
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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anelloriccio · 11 years
The mind is everything. what you think, you become.
Buddha (via thelifegoeson7)
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anelloriccio · 11 years
Change is the end result of all true learning.
Leo Buscaglia
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anelloriccio · 11 years
Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Eleanor Roosevelt
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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                                                ~E t e r n i t y~
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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I’m Not a Joke is a campaign spreading awareness for the LGBTI community through art and design, created by Daniel Arzola (@Arzola_d) for the school of Visual Arts Rafael Monasterios in light of the recent violent acts against the sexually diverse community in Venezuela. It initially seeks to expand in the online community. If you’d like to share your opinion please do so via twitter using the hashtag #ImNotaJoke. Like our page on Facebook and share our designs to support our cause! 
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anelloriccio · 11 years
Oh these dark mornings keep you in melancholy...
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anelloriccio · 11 years
Ode To A Naked Beauty
With chaste heart, and pure eyes I celebrate you, my beauty, restraining my blood so that the line surges and follows your contour, and you bed yourself in my verse, as in woodland, or wave-spume: earth's perfume, sea's music. Nakedly beautiful, whether it is your feet, arching at a primal touch of sound or breeze, or your ears, tiny spiral shells from the splendour of America's oceans. Your breasts also, of equal fullness, overflowing with the living light and, yes, winged your eyelids of silken corn that disclose or enclose the deep twin landscapes of your eyes. The line of your back separating you falls away into paler regions then surges to the smooth hemispheres of an apple, and goes splitting your loveliness into two pillars of burnt gold, pure alabaster, to be lost in the twin clusters of your feet, from which, once more, lifts and takes fire the double tree of your symmetry: flower of fire, open circle of candles, swollen fruit raised over the meeting of earth and ocean. Your body - from what substances agate, quartz, ears of wheat, did it flow, was it gathered, rising like bread in the warmth, and signalling hills silvered, valleys of a single petal, sweetnesses of velvet depth, until the pure, fine, form of woman thickened and rested there? It is not so much light that falls over the world extended by your body its suffocating snow, as brightness, pouring itself out of you,  as if you were burning inside. Under your skin the moon is alive 
  Pablo Neruda
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anelloriccio · 11 years
There's no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation that makes us better than anyone else. We are all deserving of love.
Sandra Bullock - 2012 Oscar Acceptance Speech
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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Ready for Greece AGAIN??? 
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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Ready for Greece?
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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Let's just drive away, let's avoid everything, don't stop anywhere, just drive until the fuel is over.Then just hope that we will be far enough.
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anelloriccio · 11 years
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