#im at the depth of hyperfixation that im asking myself pointless questions like this ok. dont look at me
netscapenavigaytor · 2 years
characters in skates i know adn if they wuold join the GGs from jet set radio
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okay, so, on one hand i think he could handle it and would maybe even arguably find the rudie lifestyle fun - i mean he beats the shit out of mr x's evil criminal organization by breakdancing, he's definitely got the style and goofing off points for it.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND….. his brother is a cop (later a government agent according to the wiki), and he and his ex-cop friends are all ultimately pretty anti-crime overall (beating the shit out of mr x's flunkies with your fists does not count as a crime). so maybe if he went through a really heavily rebellious phase he'd think about it but otherwise i think this is Not happening.
also i thought he was like 10 which might've also be a problem, but now that i'm looking it seems he never got a confirmed age so where the hell did my brain get THAT number.
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SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (Sonic the Hedgehog)
OHH this is a very very tricky one and i think also depends somewhat on what point in time we're talking here. the first thing that feels notable here is that shadow comes off as a pretty grim self-serious guy a lot of the time and tends to keep to himself - however, he also DOES have friends he cares deeply about (i dont care what sega says) and tends to enjoy being the coolest guy in the room. it'd also probably do him some good to have an artistic outlet for his inner darkness.
that being said, i feel like he'd find the GGs and the other rudies to be petty and juvenile (dude, you're like mentally 15! you're basically younger than the youngest GG!); and on top of that he's working pretty closely with G.U.N. which kinda makes him part of the establishment, right?
however. there is a window of time that i think shadow's odds of joining the GGs is actually very likely, which is during the era around his self-titled game. shadow is at his most lost and confused at that point (i mean you saw how many story routes there were.) and i think if he met the GGs then they would be all totally like "hey dont let people push you around into who THEY tell you you're supposed to be, make your own path" and it would emotionally resonate with him and there'd be a cool end cutscene where he's like "I… am Shadow the Hedgehog. Once born to be the ultimate lifeform, now one of the GGs. I paint my own destiny. This… is WHO I AM." and awesome credits music plays. hope you liked my shadow fanfic
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are you fucking kidding me of course he would, no hesitation. he was pretty much BORN for this. maybe he'd have trouble getting the GGs to take him seriously on account of the fact he is a funny little circle, but hey the GGs let anyone join if they are cool enough at skate tricks and i think paint roller could pull it off. also i think being a funny little circle would make paint roller better at avoiding consequences.
HOWEVER. i do think that paint roller tagging up the city would eventually have dire consequences due to his art's tendency to come to life. like im talking like the streets crowded with all sorts of random creatures and objects and stuff, kirby has to show up to save the day, it's a whole Thing.
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YUICHI "ICHI" TAIRA (Paranoia Agent)
fuck no, never in a million years. ichi is a Perfect Little Straight A's Golden Student Who Everybody Loves and frankly he's furious that you'd even imply he'd consider turning to delinquency. he'd probably regard the GGs as selfish attention whores who only cause trouble because they're too pathetic to get anyone to like them. it's NOT FAIR that you're confusing ICHI with that brat beat just because they both wear golden skates!!!
i think though that in a direct confrontation he'd actually be pretty scared of rudies, cuz like, ichi is only about 13 while even the youngest GG is 16. he'd totally want to tell them to their faces how worthless they are and how they're ruining everything for everyone with common sense, but instead he'll just call the cops on them.
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Uh. Well . if you know his deal already then you probably already know the answer is "I don't think that would even be fucking possible". like can you IMAGINE. but even certain details about his nature aside, i think he's just plain too malevolent for the GGs, though.
(now, a certain spoiler character, on the other hand. i honestly don't think he'd try to join the GGs. but i think he theoretically COULD'VE and if he did i think it would have been MUCH better for him than what he actually did.)
and thats everybody with skates i know iran out of characters already. Sorry 👍
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