#im bouncing off the walls RESTLESS i cannot sit still
bcneheaded · 2 years
ALSO..... random ass but if yall have p s n...... u should add me @ mistapigeon...... also quest 2?? also mistapigeon on there <3
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Oh my god, i had this sitting in my notes for a while, only remembered it recently. That being said, hi! I hope you enjoy this! Its a kinda sketchbooky oneshot in an au where Johanna is also a witch!
(Not for secret santa or anything, just wondered if u'd like it)
Omg. So, @tall-tappers is the one who sent this and I have to say I’m walking on air. Thank you so much for sending me this!!! I really enjoyed reading it (and you used one of the headcanons I wrote on Family Fights??? Omg.). I cannot thank you enough!
"Mum, did you dye your hair?"
Johanna turned around, jumping in surprise at the question. She glanced beyond her daughter to a mirror, seeing traces of a sparkly blue in messy wisps at the top of her head.
"Oh, yeah, actually. Just testing highlights, seeing how it'd look. What do you think?"
Hilda tilted her head, a smile forming.
"Yes! Then we can match!"
Johanna turned away slightly, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I don't know. I think I'm gonna dye it back."
"No, come on! It looks great!" Hilda pleaded, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.
Johanna sighed, ruffling her daughter's mop of fluffy hair.
"Alright, you got me. I'll see what I can do."
Hilda cheered a victorious "Yes!" before she was rushed out of the house.
"Now come on, we wouldn't want to keep your friends waiting."
Hilda giggled and sprinted towards the car in a flash.
Johanna smiled softly as she followed her daughter and buckled into her seat.
"To the library?"
She asked.
Hilda nodded enthusiastically, a huge grin on her face.
Johanna looked at the kids gathered at a table, flipping through books and discussing beasts of some kind as they normally did while they were here. She thought back to her times in this very library when she was growing up, usually full days filled with studying. Or, at least, goofing off when she should have been studying.
"Nice day, isn't it?"
Rang a familiar voice from above her head.
She looked up to the source, her face brightening the second she heard it.
"Maven!" She called, waving to the librarian.
"Ive been meaning to talk to you."
Maven slid down the ladder, placing a few books back in the correct spots as she did.
"That's new. You never want to talk to me." She said with a sarcastic twinge, a smirk pulling at her mouth.
Johanna playfully waved her hand.
"Oh please. This is important."
Maven nodded, letting her cloak fall back into its obscuring position, before leading the two of them to a table.
As they sat, Johanna saw a hot cup of her favorite brand of peppermint tea sitting before her.
She looked to the librarian for permission, and was met with a nod.
"Ive gotten used to your little visits." She said, slyly resting her head on her hand with half closed eyes.
Johanna pretended that didn't make her as happy as it did, and cleared her throat.
"Listen. Ive come to talk about Hilda."
Maven sat up straighter.
"Why? What's happened?"
Johanna took a calming sip of her tea, sorting her words before speaking.
"Well, this morning, she noticed my hair dye was fading."
Maven's eyes traveled up, catching the unusual hair color.
"Ah. And?"
"Well, i told her that I was trying blue streaks out. She still thinks that brown is natural for me." Johanna's face fell, and she turned her gaze to the side. "And she seemed really excited about the prospect of full head matching hair color." That pulled a short laugh from her chest. "But I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."
Maven took a sip of some coffee, casually resting an arm on the back of the chair she was in.
"Well, you could just let it fade. It almost attracts more attention for her to be the only one with strangely colored hair."
Johanna looked away, fidgeting her hands on the mug.
"I just don't want people to say anything to us, and I'm not sure if i want her to find out yet."
"Well, have you told her what it means?"
"No, but she's smart, she'd figure it out. I mean, between your hair and magic room and her proficiency in it shes bound to draw the connection long before I plan to tell her."
Johanna sighed, looking over to her daughter's oblivious, absolutely ecstatic expression.
Maven hummed in thought, tapping the table with painted nails.
"You could always try using your magic? Erase her mind of the incident and go back to normal?"
Johanna winced, her voice turning more into a whisper.
"I told you, I dont do magic. You know how the city feels about us. I'd much rather lie to her."
She groaned, placing a hand on her forhead.
"But even that's not exactly desirable."
Maven clicked her tongue, taking a decisive sip of her coffee.
"You really should stop letting the city deny you of who you are."
"But this is who I am! Besides, I dont exactly want to risk going to jail every time I make a mistake!"
Johanna stated angrily, hitting a palm on the table. She had to take a moment to regain control of her breath.
"I-Im sorry for that. I don't know what came over me."
"You're restless."
Maven observed.
"This is the kind of thing that happens. I know you don't like me talking about it, but you are a witch. We kind of need magic."
Johanna let out a long sigh before resting her hands in her lap.
"You're right. I understand." She said quietly.
"But I'm just... scared. I just want her to grow up happy, like I did. And that means covering things like this."
"You don't seem happy now."
Johanna was silent, not even turning to meet her gaze.
There was a long moment of stillness between them, broken when Maven once again took a drink from her mug.
"in my opinion, you said Hilda would eventually find out anyway, so why not tell her now? It would save a lot of difficulty down the line."
Johanna closed her eyes for a moment in thought.
"I'll do what I can."
She said.
"Thank you."
They both rose to their feet as Hilda and her group of friends ran over, chatting over eachother until they reached where Johanna stood.
"Can we go to the woods on the far side of the wall?" Hilda asked with a confident stance.
Johanna laughed, joy returning upon seeing her daughter's excitement.
"I don't see why not."
They cheered and began to run past, Hilda leading with Frida close behind, holding some kind of camera, while David took the rear with a grin, despite his obvious hesitancy.
Maven looked after them, crossing her legs and lifting her mug to her mouth.
"You should follow them."
Johanna's brow furrowed, and she turned back to the librarian in worry.
"What? Why?"
"I've heard of some strange goings on from that direction. Its just better to be safe than sorry."
Johanna let out a breath through her teeth, pulling some strands of hair out of her face.
"Well, if you think it's best."
Maven winked. "And you know how often I'm right." She stood to collect the empty mugs and waved as Johanna chased after the children.
'stay safe out there, okay?' She wanted to yell after her, but decided against it.
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