#but feel free to like the previous post for the discord server!! or add me elsewhere!! mistapigeon is generally my go to everywhere !
bcneheaded · 1 year
ALSO..... random ass but if yall have p s n...... u should add me @ mistapigeon...... also quest 2?? also mistapigeon on there <3
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incorrect-spideytorch · 2 months
So, I’ve been thinking a lot about spideytorch lately (as I am one to do) and a question popped into my head:
What is the most important spideytorch comic panel?
There’s a ton of great options in my opinion, but I think there also is an answer (at least for me) so now I am going to subject all of you to my thought process. Get ready for a way to long post breaking this down.
The most obvious starting point has to be this classic
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Johnny Storm is going full house husband for Peter Parker, I mean c’mon! add in the fact that he’s in his undies and the way that he’s leaning over peter… yeah this is a classic. This might be the most famous spideytorch panel out there, but I don’t think it’s the most important one.
Another classic (but more antagonistic?) one takes place, of course, at the usual place.
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To me this is peak identity shenanigans and the stuff that fanfics are made of. The betrayal, the heartbreak, the complications that go into the conflicting way these two view identity, oh boy I could talk about that shit for hours, but as an individual moment, it doesn’t really crack most important for me, it needs a bit more affection (they’re very bad at affection sometimes).
Another panel that came to mind very quickly for me is this set.
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Johnny literally only had to say his name and Peter knew exactly what he meant and what he needed. This is top tier levels of communication, both between them and from the creators to us. I think this is another one that I could talk about for hours. That being said, it doesn’t feel important enough to me.
A friend in the spideytorch discord server posed this panel as the most important spideytorch moment in the comics.
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I’m just gonna put their quote in cause it’s great. “I think this is one of my favorite panels cause Johnny was just speaking generally and Peter was like ‘oh my god! Actual wise words form johnny’ but also, I love that this was a more important moment for Peter than Johnny.” I must say, this entry is extremely important to spideytorch and gave my choice a run for its money. I don’t have a huge reason for not making this one the most important, other than personal taste. For their relationship, this is a key moment and sets them on the path to actually being friends (at least on Peter’s end), but idk it just wasn’t doing it for me.
Another panel I was reminded of thanks to this submission was this moment.
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It’s not quite as impactful as the past one by a long shot but I do think it’s important. After being rivals for so long, to see Johnny give a genuine heartfelt compliment to Peter is fantastic (haha). This feels like the other half of the previous set of panels. There we had Johnny encouraging a stranger and here he’s encouraging his friend.
Some other friends in the discord server suggested the moment that Johnny invites Peter over to watch his sex tape (yes this is canon).
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(Not pictured, Peter swinging away and saying he needs to take a cold shower). Now I’m not saying that the most important spideytorch moment needs to be serious, but I think this moment might be too unserious to claim that title. This moment was huge for the fanbase because holy shit did, he actually say that, but for their relationship, I just don’t think it was as important as it was to us.
Now I do want to knock out a few honorable mentions that I would hate to miss.
First, this look given to Spidey by Johnny, I mean yeah, he’s in love.
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And to balance the lovesick flirty scales I must expose Peter as well.
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Next, this heartbreaking moment that basically admits to the audience that Peter’s world becomes chaos when he loses Johnny. That shit hits.
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Of course, the moment that gave us the ship name.
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A panel that lives in my head rent-free because honestly marvel what were you attempting to convey here other than the fact that Peter really wants to have hate sex with Johnny Storm?
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To take us outside of our duo, this quote from Ben Grimm (EDIT: it’s was Peter’s clone Ben Reilly, which honestly only adds more drama), because honestly same.
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And of course, I have to include the panel which showed us the first time (on page) that Peter told Johnny he loved him AND gave us canon proof that these two have “date night,” many a fic writer was fed well.
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And how could we forget! THE USUAL PLACE! Literally any panel mentioning this is top tier because its so good, like the core of the fandom honestly.
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Lastly, before moving on to my own more serious contenders I have to share this parallel that @sciderman shared because I love it.
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Now to my serious contenders for the title of most important spideytorch panel (please remember this is all my opinion and I mean no shade). This will be a top 5, but just know some of these rankings are pretty flexible (even flexible with some panels from the beginning), and this question should not be taken as seriously as I am taking it, I am fully aware of that.
Number 5!
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So, I know that I discounted the sex tape scene earlier because I didn’t think it was serious enough and it didn’t do enough for their actual relationship, but I had to include this one I’m sorry. A lot of this is personal taste but the implications here are *chefs kiss* The first time I saw this panel was actually on Pinterest with the caption “wait a second, did spider-man and the human torch have sex?” which says it all for me.
Beyond that, this moment also shows how they reach out to each other when they have problems. Strange children show up in Peter’s life and the first person he calls about it is Johnny. Again, this is not the most serious, but I love it. This moment shows the banter of their relationship, how they care about and rely on each other, and also potentially reveals that they’ve had sex. There’s a lot to take in.
Number 4!
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I will be honest with you all, this moment is here almost entirely because Ben’s quote lives in my head rent-free. Everyone around them sees how they feel about each other besides them. When they were rivals others could tell they actually liked each other and when they became friends others could tell that it was deeper than that. I think I especially love this panel because it conforms that we’re not crazy for thinking there’s something there but also because Ben specifically cites the way Johnny looks at peter. That is very specific and says a lot. I can’t imagine Ben would say this if the looks Johnny gave Peter were purely platonic, and just ahhhh, there’s so much said here just in one line from Ben. There was of course the Ben moment earlier, which I also love, but something about this one, the more specific phrasing of it I think just shoots it up my rankings a lot.
Number 3!
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If you’ve been following me for a while I don’t think this is a surprise at all, I have already done a very in depth post about this panel so I’ll keep my thoughts brief. Red Skull knows that hurting Johnny will hurt Peter, Peter’s Spidey senses go off FOR JOHNNY, and we are given so much angst potential, I love it.
Number 2!
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This one is probably a more popular choice than my number one, and I totally get it. The excitement and joy bursting out of Peter when he finally realizes that Johnny is here, he’s real, and he’s alive really gets me. Plus, the added context to the uniform comment being that Johnny literally left Peter his family and his spot on the team in his will. The amount of pure love in this moment and its larger context is abundant, platonic or romantic, it’s there. I feel like everything I could say about this panel has probably been said before, but it is definitely worthy of being the most important spideytorch moment, even if I have one that beats it for me.
Number 1!
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For those of you who don’t know, this panel comes from Peter visiting Gwen’s grave and talking to her. That fact alone breaks me in half but then the things he says to her shatter me. Every spider-man fan knows how much Gwen’s death broke Peter, it destroyed him to lose her. Just the fact that Peter admits Johnny brings part of him back is amazing (haha) because that is a hug feat. But then he shatters me even more with his final sentences. After Gwen’s death, we often get a peter who spends too much time as Spidey in order to avoid having to cope with Gwen’s death as Peter, but also as a way to cope with the loss (he’s a complicate man). Spideypool also gets a lot from that arc because of Wade’s reaction to Spider-Man not holding back as much and becoming less of a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and that’s true. The fact that Peter feels like he’s becoming who Spidey is supposed to be again when he’s around johnny is huge! But then! He corrects himself. He’s not Spidey again, he’s Peter. The real person, the man behind the mask, comes back. And then you get the final correction. He’s not just peter again, he’s *Gwen’s* peter again. He is the him that existed with Gwen when he’s with Johnny. That speaks volumes and breaks whatever parts of me are left. How am I expected to read this and not think that Johnny and Peter are soulmates?
Now, I will acknowledge that this is much more of a peter moment than a joint spideytorch moment, much like the moment suggested by discord friend earlier. If that disqualifies it for you as the most important spideytorch panel, I get it. However, for me that doesn’t matter mainly for one key reason. So many classic spideytorch moments show a lot of Johnny having feelings for Peter or making a move on Peter. There have been a lot of times when I’m trying to get a friend into spideytorch, and I feel like I have to clarify that its not as one sided as it seems. Johnny is much more out there with who he is and doesn’t hide his feelings very well (except maybe from himself). So, when we get any spideytorch moment that hones in on peter’s feelings and love for Johnny, that feels so huge to me. This moment alone proves that it isn’t one sided, Peter has deep feelings for Johnny, even if he’s not sure what they are yet, he knows that what they have is special, he wouldn’t be telling Gwen about it otherwise. While it may not be as famous of a spideytorch moment, its an important one, and for me it’s probably the most important one.
Anyway, this has been a way too long post about this topic but if you made it to the end thank you so much! I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on this topic so feel free to share those. Also, just a reminder that these are my opinions, and I am not in charge at all so don’t take it too seriously (unless you want to).
If you’re interested in hearing me, go more in depth on any of these panels (or any other spideytorch panels) shoot me an ask because I could honestly talk in depth for a while about most of these panels and I would love to do so. Thank you again for reading this way to long post and good night spideytorch nation.
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robo-dino-puppy · 7 months
I hit a sort of follower milestone recently (and I'm reasonably sure most of you aren't bots) so... new pinned post time!
(to all the followers and moots I see in my notifs all the time - I love you all so much ♡)
▷ First of all:
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I made horizon-armor and you should check it out if you've ever wanted a gallery of all Aloy's armor and dye options from HFW :D Here's a previous pinned post about it. This ↑ is the card I made for it in the Horizon Database, which is not mine but you should also check out if you're interested in gameplay mechanics/tips/tricks/practically any info you ever wanted to know about HFW. (the database was put together by twingeofregret on Arktix's discord, and many of the items there were put together by other server members)
▷ Second, I don't think it needs saying? But DON'T REPOST - meaning, don't reupload in your own post - any of my work and don't upload it to any other sites. Yeah this is "only" virtual photography but I still spend time on it and it's mine. Please don't, for anyone's creations. Reblog or share links!
▷ Thirdly, absolutely feel free to use my pics as drawing/art references or personal phone backgrounds! (But please don't edit my shots and repost them.) If you use things as references I'd love to be tagged so I can see what you drew/painted/whatevered <3
...the rest below a cut because I don't know how to be brief...
▷ Fourth: I would very much appreciate anyone who wants to add image descriptions to my posts - I know it's a sucky excuse but when I've tried doing it I just end up exhausted and feel like it's either too longwinded or not a good description at all. So if anyone who is good with words would like to help me out I'd be super grateful! I'll reblog your addition and (if you're cool with it) I can add it to the alt text of the image.
▷ Fifth: With the more-real-than-ever possibility of Tumblr imploding, I thought I'd also include where else you might find me! I'm not going anywhere until this place melts down because Tumblr is the only place I've ever felt comfortable, but I also have an account on Reddit (ew) that I use occasionally: I'm robo_dino_puppy there. I put Horizon videos on YouTube sometimes: I'm robo-dino-puppy over there too. I exist on Discord although it's rather... social for me and honestly I'm still not sure if I'm doing it right haha. I guess I should make an effort to join more servers to keep track of people just in case, but I've always felt like I'd be a fraud or an invader with the ship servers because I don't actually ship Aloy with anyone...
As a backup for the armor gallery I've snagged horizon-armor (and robo-dino-puppy, for that matter) on Neocities, but there's nothing there at the moment because I'm currently waaaaay too braindead to create a site from scratch. Also empty right now, but in case of future need I'm squatting on robo-dino-puppy on Dreamwidth and Pillowfort.
And now thanks to a kindly-provided invite, robo-dino-puppy on Bluesky!
aaaaand finally I'm also @robo-dino-puppies if you're interested in my non-Horizon stuff/reblogs/my sideblog 👀
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iobartach · 1 month
name — Nix
pronouns — anything at all tbh, i don't mind!
preferred comms — leaning more towards discord than tumblr; i am just a slow replier / not available at times. so gimme a shout if you ever wanna share discord usernames!
name of muse — miguel o'hara / spider-man 2099
experience in RP — coming up fast on 18ish years this july, i think? 🥴tumblr's been the platform i've used the most, i came over from bebo, the original version, way back in the day, and also gave forum and discord server rps a go, but eh, i just like the format of tumblr more? especially for being able to make themes and stuff.
best experiences — fortunate to have had plenty of 'em! with miguel though, i have to say it's been especially fun? i really missed the whole aspect of meeting new people and crafting plots / crossovers when it comes to RP, as i had slowed down on writing for a while to get my career started. but now, i'm so glad to be back at it , more often!
pet peeves/dealbreakers — ahhh, let's see, i've gotten laid back af the longer i've been writing? the things that i appreciate nowadays are when folks take the time out to read over my guidelines, headcanons, bio (it's so poorly written, i am so sorry) etc, but i'm not gonna be a hardass about telling you to do so, either? like, someone taking the time to read my hcs is cool! going the extra mile and mentioning them in threads / plots? damn, kudos to you, i can't thank you enough! and if someone has any questions? my door's always open, i will ramble at you until the crack of dawn about miguel if you give me the chance 😂 but yeah with all that said, i'm not gonna hassle or bother folks if they don't read my stuff or ask me questions.!
that said, though, i do wanna point out that there are some specific things to my flavour of miguel that i'm trying to be consistent about? which, for anyone who's known me for years shouldn't be surprising to hear. i've been meaning to add them to my pinned post for my own / other's reference, and 100% accept that i don't call or jot them down as often as i should, it's all kinda just sitting in my head! oops!
and well... to that end, i'd also like to tentatively say... please don't automatically make assumptions / presumptions about my take on miguel, either? 🙏 yes, he's arisen from the atsv version, which i acknowledge can attract certain... notions. but, at the same time, please respect that he's not a soundboard or a thirst trap. he's a guy that, in my telling, fucked up, royally and is trying to deal with that, in his own way.
same also goes for no meaning no. both in-character and out-of-character. miguel will be blunt / react accordingly to things he doesn't vibe with (physical touch, dehumanising comments [deliberate or otherwise], etc), especially with strangers / unfamiliar people -- and for myself, i've been in enough rpcs for long enough to not allow myself to be strongarmed into doing certain things. i'd expand more about my previous experiences, but a munday post ain't the place for that, so yeah. i just would be grateful for any acknowledgement of this. all i wanna do is write one spidery guy, in relative peace, at my own pace & leisure. cheers !
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — i'm a glutton for a bit of everything, but i kinda lean lately more towards action and slice of life. fluff is good, but i try to approach it so that i don't overdo it -- same with angst, i thrive on it, but again, all things in moderation ! and of course, if mutuals ever feel like i'm leaning hard towards a particular genre (which i've a tendency to do!), feel free to pull me back a bit, i won't mind!
plot or memes — memes are the balm for my soul, i stg <3 i love how they can be icebreakers, as well as the perfect thing to spark some muse inspiration after spending the weekdays working. i do love to plot, too, and i've been thinking of doing a lot more of it lately, especially as i grow to learn about another mun's muse, but i'm also a bit of a slow burner when it comes to that, largely because of how much of my week is taken up by work (a blessing and a curse :() . so if you're fine with plots & long form threads progressing over months, absolutelyyy hit me up! 👀
long or short replies — cackling me + short reply is rarer than hen's teeth🤣 i can't do one-liners for the life of me, so you'll always get a small paragraph or two. i love doing long replies, especially if my writing muse is thriving, but never fear about matching reply length or anything! i just ... can't shut up, sometimes, lmao.
best time to write — weekdays are a huge hit or miss 🥴 sometimes, i'm able to write, more times, i'm not. so weekends, when i have the time to chill and relax, not stress about things, is when i find my motivation to write thrives the most
are you like your muse? — in one very specific way maybe; little patience for assholes 🤣 . i'd love to be able to take things on the chin, but eh, stupid stuff can get to me at times. if anything, i feel i'm more like miguel's brother gabriel, and i both love and work in tech rather than in science. worked a two-year stint in a medical corpo and i came out the other side vowing to never again do that. 🥴 i'd also love to be a smartass and have miguel's dry wit, but alas i'm just a funky irish potato.🤣
Tagged: @pzfr
Tagging: anyone who wants to steal this!
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carolinashypnousa · 1 year
May 31, 2023 Class: Kinky Hypno Tricks
Date/Time: May 31, 2023, 6:30pm - 9:30pm (if there’s good discussion or practice ongoing, we don’t mind going over) Location: private residence in Charlotte, NC: vetted RSVPs will be provided the address Cost: $10 + see potluck details in description below Dress code: vanilla to door, collars allowed inside, be comfortable
FetLife Event Page: https://fetlife.com/events/1289099
Description: Okay, the bottom is hypnotized and in a happy trance head space... so now what?
This is a demo-heavy presentation of various things one can do as part of a hypnokink scene, but it is far from an exhaustive list. While we may discuss some bits of guiding someone into a trance, the bulk of the demos and discussion around the demos will be about the suggestions, how the hypnotic head space can be used for both top's and bottom's enjoyment, and any specific risks or concerns we may consider within each specific idea demonstrated.
This set of demos is good for anyone of any experience level, as the entire point is to give ideas and get you creatively thinking about what you can do or experience yourself, which will also allow you to better negotiate collaboratively for hypnokink scenes that will satisfy everyone involved, including yourself.
Basic 101 Primer: 6:30 - 7:00 Class: 7:00 - 8:30 Practice/Social: 8:30 - 9:30 (can go over)
Bring a snack or nonalcoholic drink to share, a dinner for yourself, or a suggested donation of $5 to offset food prices, as we'll be providing some food, as well (likely pizza). We can heat any food brought, if needed.
Still fresh off our COVID hiatus, so please see our previous announcement post for updates prior to RSVP.
This is a Hypnokink in the Carolinas event at a private residence. We require attendees be vetted, so please see our Vetting Policy posted here, it’s probably easier than you think.
If you can’t make it to the event, please check out the Discord server, join us for discussion in the FetLife HKiC Group, or add your kink-friendly email to the Email List for updates that way. We also just love to talk about erotic hypnosis, so feel free to contact us!
How do You RSVP or Contact Us?
Got questions or want to RSVP?  There’s so many different ways to reach out to us or to start discussions:
Via IMs here on Tumblr at @carolinashypnousa
Via PMs on FetLife to either AmHypnotic or MentalConfetti
Via DM on Discord to AmHypnotic#1228 (help me know you’re not spam by saying in your first message why you are DMing me)
I mentioned the Discord Server before, right? Feel free to chat freely and ask questions there!
Hypnokink in the Carolinas’ FetLife Group, join and start up or continue discussions
We are most immediately responsive on FetLife, but we will review each listed above prior to the event.
Is there a social media platform that you wish we were on, feel free to let us know!
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weeklysongprompts · 6 months
What is this blog?
This blog posts a new song prompt each week. You can then reblog the prompt with a link to a song that fits it (or do whatever else you want with it; I'm a pinned post, not a cop)
Who runs this blog?
@nullpointerintime, via an automated bot I've written.
What's the origin of this blog?
Back in March 2018, a friend of mine ran a daily song prompt challenge in the Slack for the course we were both teaching at the time. I then ran a similar challenge in March 2020 in a Facebook group for former TAs of that course and in March 2023 in an unrelated Discord server. These challenges were fun to complete, but the daily pace made them hard to keep up with and time-consuming to run. For 2024, we've decided to repeat the challenge in the Discord server on a weekly pace spread out through the whole year. I already had a Discord bot to post the prompts and I already posted my own responses to each prompt last year on my Tumblr, so I decided to hook up the bot to Tumblr as well to allow others to participate.
Where do the prompts come from? Will they ever repeat?
I believe the original prompts for 2018 came from an Instagram infographic whose source I no longer have. I came up with the sets of prompts for 2020 and 2023 through a mix of repeats and variations on previous prompts, new ideas of my own, and suggestions from others. Here are 2023's prompts.
Going forward, I'll add prompts in a similar way, though instead of me pre-selecting all of the prompts for a given period, the bot will randomly select each prompt from a bank (with a few exceptions where I might manually select a time-sensitive prompt to be used for a particular week). Prompts will not repeat within the same calendar year, but may return in future years.
If you have any prompt suggestions, feel free to send them in an ask and I'll consider adding them to the bank.
Will peoples responses for each prompt be collected into a playlist of some sort?
While I did this manually for past challenges I've run and I might continue to do so for Discord, doing so for responses to a public post won't really be feasible manually. I may eventually try to add an automated solution, though getting this to work across different streaming services is difficult. I personally use YouTube Music, so if I do decide to implement something like this in the future, responses that link to the song on YTM (the label-provided music track; not a video) would be the ones it would work best with (though I'd probably also support Spotify if I do end up implementing it)
This FAQ is a work in progress. I'll continue to update it as things change / people ask questions.
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judahdesigns · 3 years
With all of the changes Tumblr has been making, and the Xkit developers constant work being continuously broken, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands. I am currently in the development stages of bringing all the wanted aspects of role playing to an accessible, aesthetically pleasing social networking website (and mobile app) with customization features, full markup support, user layouts, internal messaging, archiving, organization and customization, groups, badge systems, ability to add multiple characters to a single account (child accounts), message as selected characters, build communities and rate the health of them, set writing goals, earn badges when reaching goals, etc. 
SOOOO, without further ado… Attention developers, coders, writers, techies, anyone interested in helping at all regardless of previous experience. If you don’t code, that’s okay. I literally could use help anywhere. Seriously, if you’re a Virgo, you could help me organize this crap on GitHub (I’ve been so focused on code I haven’t even compiled it all in a single public area yet). I need writers to write content, artists to create content, graphic designers, curators, idea havers, dreamers, makers, etc. If you want to help, I have a job for you. If you have ideas, send them to me. If you have features you want, share them!
Developer experience is always a plus and helps things get done faster! Background knowledge with Firebase or AWS, electron, node.js, HTML, CSS, jSon and react. C++ and SQL experience would be helpful too! The more developers, the better. 
I’m starting a discord server here called Rolescape (that’s the current proposed name of the app/site, but I’m open to ideas since I suck at them!), so feel free to join and get a conversation started and I’ll do my best to compile the necessary things everyone needs in order to contribute. Come and hang out, chat, complain, make friends, whatever. Like I said, the more help, the better!
This is in the very beginning stages, however I already have a layout coded and just need help implementing different ideas and handling the logistics ends of things (connecting the site to a server, deploying mobile apps, getting ideas structured, etc). This is a volunteer opportunity and I will be spending money out of pocket for this project, and eventually I will be posting a gofundme for contributions.
For now? I need a team, so if you’re interested, come on! 
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Let’s talk about cults- a letter to witchblr
You probably know me from this blog or perhaps from @desertandstorm or maybe you just never heard of me. The point is, I used to consider myself magically inclined. Unfortunately, it’s been ruined for me. People always say that you never expect to join one and honestly that is incredibly true! These people were my friends and my mentors, I never knew it would blow up in my face like that.  When we think of spiritual safety, people on this site most often bring up spirits or herb safety, never fully touching on the topic of the overlap of covens vs. cults. I don’t blame them, it is truly a messy subject to properly handle without convincing someone all covens are cults (which is absolutely not true) So here’s my go at it based off of my experiences RED FLAGS
They’re pushy about their beliefs 
They try and separate you from the “others”
Slander other groups
proclaim they’re the only right
“nobody else knows what they’re doing”
Something about them just always has to be one step ahead 
The head of the coven can’t accept criticism 
Denial of problems
Conflicting info and logical fallacies 
This is iffy but casual godphoning of several gods and goddesses especially ones that they just started working with
Invasive actions such as unwanted readings and spells
(goes with the last one) refusal to take responsibility 
Gaslighting and other forms of emotional manipulation
treat you special when you first join
leave you in the dust after you lose your novelty
(please feel free to add more in reblogs)
you feel like you’re failing them somehow
your mental health worsens because of them
This list is based off of my own struggles I’m still trying to come to grips with
Cults are only physical!
I got snagged by a Discord server. They can be anywhere where you are vulnerable.
Cult leaders are creepy old dudes
The ring leader was a dude in college. They can also start off as your friends. Cults exist to take advantage, there is no set way for them to appear
Aren’t cults like devil worshippers?
No, we were a diverse group who all didn’t share practices. (I’m a pop pagan and no one else was)
It’s so obvious
While I knew something was wrong, it wasn’t until after I left and someone pointed it out I realized what I was in. 
Isn’t the damage physical? like brandings and shit
No, the damage was very much psychological and spiritual. While I believe someone did carve their arm under the influence of a leader, nothing physical happened to me. However, I can’t touch Aphrodite, Lilith, or Loki related things given their current associations. I can’t even worship Set now because I feel... dirty, like I was such a fool. 
once more based off of my experiences if someone would like to add advice for physical situations please do 
Assess your situation
if they hit a good amount of red flags, they’re probably a cult
if they hit a few red flags, they’re a toxic group
Cult or toxic group it doesn’t matter. They showed red flags, it isn’t worth it.
You’re going to feel alone, it’s ok. It’s ok to feel alone after all that time. You aren’t alone in that.  
Cut ties
Delete all related social media you used pertaining to the group
Make sure to work backwards so they can’t trace you 
Delete everything that could’ve touched your tumblr or discord or however else you were in contact. 
If you can’t delete certain accounts, change the username/ profile pic/ description and lock it down to private 
Pick a new internet handle to go under for awhile and don’t tell people your old name. fae rules. 
Lay low around the spiritual community and don’t try and interact unless it’s with people you trust 
It’s ok.
I’m serious we’ll get over this
To those struggling right now, you are strong you are brave
I know it’s so hard to feel like you’re so small that everything you did was lies, but please don’t let your work go to waste. Your first reaction will probably be to destroy your previous alters or delete all your journal posts, but just hold on to them. Save them for later you might be surprised. 
Your pain is valid 
Closing thoughts
Quite frankly, I miss spirituality. I miss the community it brought. I miss the Dolorosa and working with Sutekh. I am beyond pissed that was forcibly taken from me, and even now, slowly but surely, I am trying to make my way back to where I was. Before making this post, I was ashamed. So horribly ashamed of myself and just filled with disgust and hatred. I also used to worship Aphrodite and to see her have been made a mockery of just breaks my heart
and its ok. 
I accept my normal now wasn’t the normal before. To expect my mind to just ignore everything that happened is stupid. That isn’t what healing is. Healing is... acceptance. Not of what happened, but of yourself. I will honor those that I used to by honoring myself and striving to create my own future free from those that wish me harm. 
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curaetivearchive · 2 years
PSA regarding discord and discord rping!
My discord is available to mutuals for ooc chat. I do most of my plotting and commentary there, as i am very easily distracted and forget about tumblr ims immediately. I am also mobile bound often. Please dm me or like this post if you’d like me to message you my disco handle!
I do rp on discord, as well, in private servers. The types of rp I like to do include texting threads, short threads (from 1-2 lines to 1-2 paragraphs, depending on muse), and that’s really it. The longer the thread on discord, the more difficult it is for me to keep up muse for.
I left/deleted 97% of my servers when I deleted my previous blog. I was on the verge of retiring katie as a muse and or retiring from the RPC completely, due to the ugly messages I was receiving from an ex partner as well as general low esteem surrounding my place in the RPC. I also removed 97% of my discord friends list at this time.
If you would like to chat or rp on discord, whether you never had it or I removed you during my “purge” please do reach out! I promise it wasn’t personal, I got a little manic and just started deleting everyone.
Feel free to re-invite me to the servers I left, or ask me to make a new one, I’m happy to do so! I’m sorry I was so brash in leaving/deleting everything :(
I also utilize WIRE strictly for ic texts from katie. I do not like to do threads on wire, and created a completely new account and do not use my old wire. Please add me here if you’re interested in texting Katie- I have a total of two connections there and katie loves to bug people there. The wire name is Curaetive just like my blog!
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rwbybutincorrect · 3 years
I have some suggestions for your RWBY pokemon AU
I think Absol makes more sense as a pokemon either for Ruby, or, what I think is more fitting, for Qrow. Absol in the pokemon world is considered a harbinger of disaster because of its ability to sense oncoming calamities, and Qrow considers himself a bad luck charm and his weapon is called Harbinger, so I can imagine it being like, his signature pokemon, and maybe Ruby, wanting to emulate her Uncle, catches one for herself.
I also think Ruby and Yang's starters make more sense swapped around, Blaziken fits more with Yang (a hot headed fighting type) rather than Incineroar (a Dark type meant to emulate Heels in wrestling I.e the bad guys). Incineroar also fits better with Ruby's v1-v3 colours, though I also don't think a fire starter would fit Ruby, I think Sceptile fits more, as it's a fast pokemon that uses its leaves on its arms as blades, which I think fits Ruby better.
I'd also pick Rosarade over Florges but that's just my purrsonal preference.
Now for Weiss, my only suggestion  would be changing Corvinkight with something else, and I'm thinking Glaceon. I love the idea that Weiss as a child finds an injured Eevee in the large family garden and secretly takes care of it, but her father finds out and forces her to take it back to the wilds, but while out there it saves Weiss from several Beowolves and in the artic climate evolves into a Glaceon which Weiss then adopts.
Blake, id replace Absol with Greninja for aesthetic, but otherwise I would change Gallade's past, Ralts' only show themselves to trainers with strong positive emotions, so I can't see Adam ever having one, but I like the idea of maybe Blake and Yang being helped during the forest exam at Beacon by two Ralts/Kirlia's who they then take (Yang saying its the sign of their new partnership), and otherwise I would change Gallade for Gardevoir for Blake and have Gallade be Yang's pokemon, since it's a pokemon with strong morals and I feel fit Yang better.
Now for Yang, and other than the previous suggestions of Blaziken and Gallade as hers, I would replace Tyrantrum with Hitmontop, storywise I'd say that, when she's recovering post Beacon and on her way back from visiting Summer's grave, she encounters a Tyrouge rushing headfirst into fighting a stronger pokemon and getting seriously hurt, so Yang saves it and takes it home to recover. Despite all its injuries it still insists on training, Tai seeing this starts encouraging Yang to train with it, hoping it'll help her out. As both Yang and the Tyrouge bond and train, learning not to rush headfirst into battles and to adopt a more balanced fighting style, it evolves into Hitmontop to symbolise Yang's recovering and training.
And thats just RWBY, I have plenty of suggestions for JNPR, Sun, Ilia, Adam, Salem's forces, STQR, the Ace-Ops, Happy Huntresses and Neo~
submitted by @ladydevoir thank you :EYES:
[for reference, this is about this post]
treating this like an ask because i assume that's why you submitted it, because of the text limit but :EYESY:EYES:EYES
my choice of absol for blake is because i knew about the lore implications of absol and thought it would be a tragic detail if an absol appeared before her trying to protect her from the travesties she's repetitively had to face. i might give one to qrow anyway because I'm not afraid of duplicates!!! i didn't think about any supporting adult pokemon teams quite yet!
i will be honest, the blaziken choice for ruby was mostly self indulgent :3 i love chickens and blaziken's aesthetic. notable moments in the anime stuck with me, like during xy's series when there was a vigilante "blaziken man" protecting luminous city - that's a big reason why i chose it for her, that kind of over the top kind of heroism i thought worked. as opposed to incenroar who fights dirty. early in rwby, yang is a very backhanded and not exactly noble kind of hero. just look at the "yellow" trailer, fucking shit up for self motivated reasons (good for her.) i thought it fit her! --- but i can absolutely see what you're saying with sceptile, that is another favorite of mine and i'd love to see her with a sceptile that could mega evolve!
roserade, yeah i can see that fitting too! i forget it exists sometimes- my bad - and i like the grass type a little bit more to some extent than the fairy type because ruby has less of an association to the balance of nature~ that fairies do
i like the glaceon idea a lot too!!! the concepts of potential and direct reflection of her cold home - not to mention it's my second favorite eeveelution :D corviknight, yeah, it's my weakest link and i wanted to add it purely on the basis i'd like the snow queen to have her knight - but i think a glaceon would be much cuter, considering she already has plenty of stand ins for her glyphs!
I'm also interested about the greninja for the aesthetic! I'm not all that attached to the kalos starters so i tend to forget about them a lot more, i leaned on the "dark" type for blake but definitely didn't consider the. actual ninja pokemon. but i also tried to hold off on giving her a proper starter because in this little hc concept of mine, starters come specifically from pre-huntsmen schools (like signal in yang and ruby's case). i liked having the narrative of some students being "othered" by lacking starters - a visual tool when displaying their teams that they didn't have the opportunity to start where others did. not to say greninja couldn't have been a wild encounter or something else - fun to think about and really fits!
i DID not know about the kirlia lore though, i thought it was pretty weak when i was coming up with it and that is so interesting to know. i enjoy the idea of a pokemon switching allegiances from adam to protect blake but with this new information, I'll probably rewrite it in a way where the bee duo's ralts evos are more exclusive to them :3 i do like your idea of switching them, though, i tried to switch them to divert expectations, right (yang being a bit more masc than yang yet having a gardevoir, blake having the more showmanshy evo) but i might switch them. or i can just say the pokemon are practically shared and will switch up who they're paired with by their own choice. gf things <333
the hitmontop concept is really interesting for yang! it really does fit her - and i never paid attention to the line because, i will be honest, it never aesthetically pleased me, but narratively it works super well. i liked tyrantrum because i loved giving yang dragons and i also thought if she restored a tyrunt herself, it would be a nice indication of yang's genuine intelligence and wisdom. i don't like people boiling her down to a bimbo, haha funny stupid lesbian, but i feel like people also fail to recognize her genuine technical and social intelligence that she's portrayed throughout the series. then again, a hitmontop could show that emotional and protective instinct and intelligence she carries. it's sweet!! I'm torn!!!
AAAAANYWAY LONG STORY SHORT thank you so much for your opinions!!! i love the feedback and second opinion. i did a little bit of brainstorming with few friends in our discord server and its nice to hear an unrelated voice's takes!
feel free to send us more ideas if you'd like!!! :D as of right now I'm working on (the original) jnrp's post, and have penny, oscar, roman, neo, emerald, mercury, and cinder's teams planned! (I'm not sure how to section them off atm so their posts are coming later!) I'm curious to hear your ideas for when i get around to these other characters
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
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because they would support it too.
because they are against oppression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
because elena knows how it feels to have her home being ripped away from her.
because you don’t have to be a muslim/arab to support palestine.
because there are many jews around the world who condemn the israeli government.
because it’s not anti semitic to be anti zionist.
because they need freedom.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
so you might have a few questions, and i will be answering them here :)
how long did it take you?
- i made it in a span of 5 days. according to procreate, i spent 5 hours on it.
is this the wip you sent in the elena of avalor fandom discord server?
- yep! i had just done elena's dress then and i was really proud of it :)
did you draw the background?
- no i just used a picture i saved and lowered the opacity
now i know those weren't the questions you had in mind, so here are the REAL questions and my answers:
how did you get this idea?
- i had been watching one of rashida tlaib's speeches on the situation and i thought of this concept and immediately became obsessed with it.
why did you make it?
- because they deserve freedom from the oppression they have been facing since 1948. innocent civilians should not die everyday, families should not have to worry about dying in different rooms. couples should not have to worry about one of them dying before their wedding. children should not be used to the sounds of bombs. children do not deserve to have their parents taken from them. parents don't deserve their children being taken from them. no one deserves any of what they are facing. that is why i made it. and it is infuriating when people dismiss the palestinian struggles and/or normalize the violence in the middle east. it is not fair to them. include muslims and palestinians in your activism please.
is it antisemitic to be antizionist?
- no, it's not. i have a post where i reposted things about that. here it is ! there are unfortunately many people who have used the free palestine movement to throw out their antisemitism. let me assure you that the true community does not support anti semitism. we have been very careful to not be anti semitic, as we are NOT targetting all jews for this oppression. i do sincerely apologize on behalf of the ridiculous people who are anti semitic, however i can confidently say that i have not been anti semitic.
there are jews who support palestine's freedom?
- yes! yes there are! this instagram account, @/jewishvoiceforpeace is full of support for palestinians and have many examples of jews who support it, like this lovely woman . that is why i included rebecca in this drawing, because it's okay to be jewish and be antizionist. there are also palestinian jews (and christians) facing this same persecution all because they are palestinian.
was this post targetted at anyone?
- no. i made this because i had the idea and i wanted to share it w the world. i know it may cause some trouble, but i made this accepting that. i am not going to change my beliefs for anyone and no amount of convincing could change my mind.
what about israel's side?
- what ABOUT israel's side? they are the oppressors in this situation. no one ever considered the oppressors' sides in any previous genocides. so why are we starting to ask that now? when it's been clear who has been the oppressor and who isn't? the innocent civilians, the young kids who throw stones at the idf. they're the oppressors??? compared to the army, with many guns and weapons? tanks and bombs vs kites and flags…yeah, okay. not to mention how they constantly throw out people from their homes, families who have lived there for generations, aggressively remove children from their classrooms, as well as bomb hospitals and media stations, all under the guise of the incomparable threat of “hamas.” history has seen this before, namely the Holocaust; it is foolish and honestly reprehensible to ignore it when it is happening right in the open.
this is not a matter of politics, rather a matter of human rights and social justice.
i don't know what else to add, but i just wanted to say thank you if you made it this far. i appreciate it a lot. if you want to help out palestine, you can check out my pinned post as it has resources on there to help. i haven't updated it since may so some of the donation links may have already closed.
if you want to learn more about the situation, you can visit this website as it teaches the history very well and easily :)
thank you for reading, and i hope you are able to feel inner peace :)
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
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How to Find a Language Exchange Partner
I just celebrated my one year Language Exchange anniversary with my LE partner, so I thought I’d give a few tips on how to go about finding an LE partner. I know there are lots of other good sources out there on this topic, but I wanted to add my own two cents just because. So without any further ado, here are my tips!
(Tips under the cut for length because I’m wordy.) :)
1. Look for a Partner, Not a Teacher
First things first: make sure that you are looking for a language exchange partner and not a teacher. 
A language exchange partner can:
Handle basic grammar questions
Provide natural, native expressions for conversations
Provide corrections as they are able to
A language teacher/tutor can:
Systematically teach you grammar, pronunciation, vocab, and more
Provide homework and resources for you to practice with on your own
Provide more detailed feedback and explanations for their corrections
This isn’t to say that every LE partner will only be able to handle basic questions; most LE partners are language enthusiasts and might be able to handle more grammar than your average native speaker. However, keep in mind that most are not there to teach you but rather to help you practice. So as long as you know what you’re looking for and have reasonable expectations for your LE partner, you’re good to go!
2. Be Descriptive and Upfront in Your Profile
Finding an LE partner is ultimately like trying to find a friend. In order to make sure you have the highest chance of meeting someone you click with, be as descriptive as possible in your profile/bio/introduction! Here are a few things to consider including in your bio:
Your name/name you prefer to be called online (just so potential LE partners know what to call you instead of just saying “Hey!”)
Your age/age range of LE partners that you would be comfortable talking with (internet safety is important, so don’t feel pressured to give your exact age! Age ranges are a great way to make sure you’re talking with folks you feel comfortable with.)
Your country + your time zone (both to let folks know if you have a regional dialect -- such as American English vs. Australian English -- and to make sure your schedules overlap in some way so that you can actually talk synchronously)
Your language level + how long you’ve been studying (this is the most important information to include in my opinion!! Be honest, and don’t lie. Some folks want to help teach beginners while others are looking for more fluent LE partners. As long as you’re upfront about your level, your LE partner will know exactly what they’re signing up for!)
Your hobbies + interests (remember: you’re essentially trying to make a new friend! The more topics you have in common, the better chance you have at making a long-term LE partner. Also, if you happen to have a degree in an area you’re passionate about, feel free to toss that in, too!)
Anything you bring to the table/any previous LE experience (did you volunteer tutoring folks in your native language in the past? Got a certificate to teach your native language but never used it? Done LE’s before, even if they were super informal? If you happen to have any extra knowledge/experience, mention it here!)
The best way to contact you (if you happen to have a preference that differs from the platform you’re using)
Bonus points if you try to put this info in your target language! (You don’t have to do this, but putting any amount of your profile in your target language is a great way to let LE partners start to see your level and see that you’re not afraid to try things in your target language. Feel free to scale this to your level, but even putting a simple greeting in your target language can help your profile stand out!)
This list is by no means comprehensive, but hopefully this gives you a good base template to start with that you can adjust as you see fit!
3. Don’t Settle
Lots of times, finding a good LE partner is trial and error. Maybe you start messaging someone you really click with, but suddenly they stop responding. Or maybe you finally get ready to do a voice or video call, but once you start talking, you realize you don’t click/they make you uncomfortable/etc. Don’t feel that you have to commit to an LE partner just because you’ve messaged once or twice! You can politely let them know that things aren’t working and continue your search to find a more suitable LE partner. Remember that there might be a few hiccups at the start as you navigate any cultural barriers, so don’t let that throw you too much! Otherwise, trust your gut, and don’t settle until you find an LE partner you can really work with!
Places to Start Your Search
Now here comes the hard part: actually finding an LE partner. I’ve included a very short list of places where you can start testing the waters, but please know that this list is not even close to comprehensive!! Also, some of these might be Korean specific, but most of them should work for most languages!
Tandem App
HelloTalk App
iTalki (good for both partners and teachers/tutors)
Slowly App (it’s technically a penpal app, but it’s a good place for slow paced, writing focused language exchange; it’s not designed for LE, but it can be a good place to meet someone before you move to another LE-friendly platform!)
Discord (Personally, I found my LE partner through the HanE server (Korean specific); I’m really not all that active on it, so I can’t speak to its overall quality, but it at least gave me a place to start looking!)
Local MeetUps
Again, this is only the tip of the iceberg, so feel free to use these as jumping off points as you dive deeper into your LE journey.
Hopefully some of these points helped you feel more prepared to embark on your LE journey, but if you have any questions or comments, please let me know! Thanks for reading this very long post, and happy searching!!
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helsaweenfun · 4 years
Happy Helsaween, everyone 🎃 The Helsaween 2020 Event is hosted by the Helsa Discord Server and we’re proud to present:
🕷👹 Helsaween Draw This In Your Style (DTIYS) Challenge 💀🍷
This 50s movie poster-inspo art is created by @kije999
Though this is a DTIYS challenge, we welcome Helsa fans to participate via other creative media as well; dolls, cosplay, crochet, etc.
1. Re-create @kije999’s version below
You’re welcome to change the pose and minor details but try to keep the Helsa spooky vibe!
2. Reblog your version underneath the previous person’s creation
This is a chain post so please do not break or skip others! To be up-to-date, look at the notes and double-check to see that you’re reblogging from the newest addition to the post.
Please do not post your creation from a reblog where there is a conversation, we want to keep this chain strictly art :)
3. Tag @helsaweenfun and tag #Helsaween, #Helsaween 2020 and #Helsaween2020
Followed by any addition tag you think is suitable such as character name, fandom and NSFW
1. If the chain is broken, I will DM you about it. It’ll be a bit of a hassle but you’ll have to delete your original post and re-post it from the latest version. I hope you guys understand, we want to keep this event neat and orderly.
2. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. We would like to keep this DTIYS challenge Helsa but if you want to add Frohana in the background or genderbend Helsa that’s fine too :)
3. This event has no deadline so please don’t push yourself! We hope to see your creations and participation! We hope you have fun and enjoy yourselves! ❤💙
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hprarepairfest · 3 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of (most) previously asked questions about the fest.
You can also find some of these in #FAQ
Why the need to beta read? Also, why not use DMs to communicate tag changes and story changes? Having to add someone who is not a co-author as a co-author is a big ask. We require a beta reader in order to ensure that basic SPaG/flow issues have been corrected so that all fics are fest-ready for consumption. That way everyone can focus on enjoying all the lovely content worry-free! I understand that adding a mod account as a co-creator can be a big ask which is why we have stated it upfront so that if anyone has any issues with it they are fore-warned. It is entirely for functional reasons (adding fest tags, ability to check fest collection is added correctly, etc.) and will be removed once the work has been revealed. Anything the mods may feel require action, for example, the need for adding a warning tag, they will email or DM the creator and discuss it with them. No changes to the actual work will ever be made by a Mod.
Can we view the list of prompts before claiming opens? Yes. This year we will be trying Airtable for the first time, so please do be patient, but hopefully you’ll be able to see all prompts the moment you or anyone else submits them. If there are any spelling errors or anything you wish to change on your own prompt please feel free to contact us. 
How many prompts can we submit? 10! You can submit up to 10 prompts. You do not need to prompt in order to claim. You do not need to claim in order to prompt.
Are rare poly-ships okay for the fest? Yes! Any and all rare ships are welcome. As all Poly ships in the HP Universe have fewer than 1000 completed works in English they are all considered rare.
What will happen in the end with prompts that don't get claimed? Prompts from previous fests will be opened to be used by anyone. You can find prompts from previous years in the different tabs here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v8C4EFKNCzGH7V44QET7TLXGLIzlat759KoCNN78Fls/edit?usp=sharing
How closely should fest works follow the DNLs (dislikes) of prompts? You don't have to at all. These are prompts, take them in whatever direction you feel comfortable with. All we ask is that you please do not gift your work to your prompter if they do not follow the prompt specifications.
Am I allowed to send the link of this discord to people who want to join the fest, or are planning on claiming a prompt? Yes, definitely! You can find the server invite here: https://discord.gg/EVAM2mX
Can we make our work part of a collection or series after the fest is over? Absolutely. When posting for the fest your work must be complete and stand-alone, after the fest is over you're free to add your work into different collections or add more works to a series involving your fest fic!
When it comes to submitting our submissions on Ao3, is there a fest-specific user name to tag for co-creator? Any specific fest collection to add to? And after all is posted to Ao3, is there anything else that needs to be done? All information on how to post to AO3 will have been sent out once you confirmed your email. If you're yet to confirm your email please do so and we can send out instructions right away. If you didn't receive a confirmation email, please let us know by sending us an email at [email protected]
Are collaborations between writers allowed? As in, could me and a friend claim a prompt together and write the fic together? Yes. We do ask that you please let us know you're doing so in the claiming form, and provide only one email address to make contact easier.
Can we Gift our work to someone on AO3? Absolutely you’re welcome to gift your work! Our only conditions on gifting: - if you’re gifting your work to your prompter please make sure that your work meets the Ship, likes, dislikes, and ratings of the prompt. -We ask that you only gift your work to those involved in this fest (eg. prompter, beta reader) This is because all works for this fest should be created specifically for this fest and not involved in other challenges. (If you self promoted and you want to gift to the person who inspired the story/art idea, that is fine)
Will multi-chaptered fics be shared with all chapters at the same time, or will we be able to stagger the uploading of our chapters? No. All works will be posted as one complete work. This includes works with multiple chapters. There are many claims and works for this fest, and to make posting go as smoothly as possible it is infeasible to post any works chapter by chapter.
Are self prompts allowed for this fest? Yes. There is/will be a self-prompt option in the Claiming Form.
Does this fest allow art/podfics? Yes. Absolutely! We welcome fanfiction, fanart, pod-fics, scripts. If you want to submit another form of work not listed here, feel free to send us an ask and we'll let you know!
If I need to drop out, should I dm someone or use the email? Please email us at [email protected] to let us know. That way we can connect the email to the claim, it just makes it a little easier for us. Please note there is no problem with anyone dropping out of the fest at any time, we just need to know is all.
Can stories be gen? Like can the story be about Sirius and Molly Weasley (for example...) but it's about their FRIENDSHIP or does it have to be a romance? Is it rare pair b/c there's the element of romance? This particular fest is for the romantic and sexual relationship/s between characters. However, if you're keen to write or read friendship content, please stay tuned for the HP Friendship Collection!
Are darker themes okay? Yes. Any that is allowable on AO3 is welcome in this fest. So long as the fic focuses on and is about a rare ship. We simply ask that all content in your work is clearly tagged.
In the post regarding the list of prompts, it says that prompts from the previous year are open to anyone. Does that mean we can claim those prompts for this year's fest? Or does it mean we can use those prompts outside of the HP Rare Pair Fest? Both! If you’re wanting to claim one of those prompts for this year's fest then it will be posted to this year’s fest collection as any other prompt. However, anyone is welcome to write for a previous year’s prompts at any time outside of the fest, simply let us know and we can bookmark the creation to the fest collection the prompt belongs to. Eg. if in a few months you decide to write a fic based off the 2020/21 list of prompts, then you can let us know when you post it to AO3 and a mod can bookmark it to the 2020/21 collection, and promote it on discord/tumblr if that is something you’d like.
How do I claim a prompt? Do I send you an email? I have found a prompt I like in the list. You can claim a prompt by filling out the claiming form. This can be found in #information when claiming is open. Can those of us who'll turn 18 in the next few months join or if one must already be over 18 to claim now? You can prompt or claim once you turn 18. If you turn while claiming is open, then you can claim on your birthday. What do the cell background colours mean on the prompt spreadsheet? (For previous year’s fests) If a square/text is shaded, that means the prompt was been claimed. Will confirmation emails go out after we've claimed a prompt? Yes. It may take a little while to send out the initial emails due to the quantity of claims received in the first day or two, but we do try our best. If you've not received a confirmation email after 48 hours please send us an email at [email protected] to let us know, this may be due to a spelling error or something along those lines.
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carolinashypnousa · 1 year
April 20, 2023 Class: Tailoring Trances
Date/Time: April 20, 2023, 6:30pm - 9:30pm (if there’s good discussion or practice ongoing, we don’t mind going over) Location: private residence in Charlotte, NC: vetted RSVPs will be provided the address Cost: $10 + see potluck details in description below Dress code: vanilla to door, collars allowed inside, be comfortable
FetLife Event Page: https://fetlife.com/events/1277921
Description: With hypnosis and suggestion, there are multiple ways that may seem like they'll get to the same intended goal, but depending on the intended experience and the individual bottom themselves, some particular ways of wording suggestions or interacting with your trance partner may work far better than others. In this class, we'll discuss various styles of giving suggestions so bottoms can think through what may tend to work best for them, so tops can can think through what styles tend to be the most natural for them to use, and so tops can consider different directions to be on the same page with the bottom they're collaborating with.
As always, this will be useful for any side of a power exchange dynamic, since hypnosis can lend itself well to service topping. Additionally, since this can give information for a bottom to work through what may work best for them, information from this class can help a bottom to be a more actively collaborative partner, helping a top in achieving the results that both top and bottom will enjoy.
Basic 101 Primer: 6:30 - 7:00 Class: 7:00 - 8:30 Practice/Social: 8:30 - 9:30 (can go over)
Bring a snack or nonalcoholic drink to share, a dinner for yourself, or a suggested donation of $5 to offset food prices, as we'll be providing some food, as well (likely pizza). We can heat any food brought, if needed.
Still fresh off our COVID hiatus, so please see our previous announcement post for updates prior to RSVP.
This is a Hypnokink in the Carolinas event at a private residence. We require attendees be vetted, so please see our Vetting Policy posted here, it’s probably easier than you think.
If you can’t make it to the event, please check out the Discord server, join us for discussion in the FetLife HKiC Group, or add your kink-friendly email to the Email List for updates that way. We also just love to talk about erotic hypnosis, so feel free to contact us!
How do You RSVP or Contact Us?
Got questions or want to RSVP?  There’s so many different ways to reach out to us or to start discussions:
Via IMs here on Tumblr at @carolinashypnousa
Via PMs on FetLife to either AmHypnotic or MentalConfetti
Via DM on Discord to AmHypnotic#1228 (help me know you’re not spam by saying in your first message why you are DMing me)
I mentioned the Discord Server before, right? Feel free to chat freely and ask questions there!
Hypnokink in the Carolinas’ FetLife Group, join and start up or continue discussions
We are most immediately responsive on FetLife, but we will review each listed above prior to the event.
Is there a social media platform that you wish we were on, feel free to let us know!
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natakari-tash · 3 years
More lies, more projecting..
Anons by their side, wow, doesn't sound familiar at all.
December 2019 has been a long time ago, I've been in the twitter GC when the "confrontation" happened. Been confused by the way it all exploded, I remember that clearly. This group chat has always been and meant to be a safe space, to vent, to discuss fandom things, talk about the show too. When misunderstandings happened they were either cleared up in chat or in messages or just given time to cool off. People clash sooner or later, you can't agree with everyone on everything, nothing wrong about that. No one is, will be nor was blamed for leaving the chat, even less for taking a break from the fandom. Also need to add that all fans are equal regardless the followers or whatever reason someone finds to assign as "qualifying" to be better than others. So, a group chat of fans that are friends, new people added here and there, new friendships made, fallouts happen here and there, friends talk again, life continues.
Except... This was never a problem to these two. Tink and Saz. They saw and seem to still see it the same way (if not worse) as back then. That Min is the problem. Guilty of always speaking condescendingly to other fans according to both, considering Tink an "idiot" which was pulled out of thin air (again, I happened to open the chat on those messages, closed it as I thought it has been cleared up to an extent).
How did Saz reply to my message where I reached out to her?  "I'm sorry you feel that way"
See? No remorse. Claimed she wasn't uncomfortable with the whole gc but uncomfortable and scared of Min. Sell that bs to someone else.
According to Saz, the whole chat was okay with Min's horrible behavior that no one dared to speak about nor put a stop to it which had to be changed. When no one bit her bait she was clearly free to claim we're all horrible people that gang up on others and attack them relentlessly whenever they think differently. She's still saying it. Wow, standing up to hurting people, to lies, to other obvious bs makes you an awful person. Guess I shouldn't report anyone who attacks shippers solely for the ship and not behavior.
How dare friends vent for the past pain some fans inflicted on them and keep it contained in *gasp* a group chat that isn't public and everyone is free to be themselves?! The woooorst.
Okay, back to those memories.. Soon enough Saz was yet again defending Tink, claiming Min didn't stop but supposedly made subposts or sth and even threatened and blackmailed her.
Uh, wtf?? Way to twist words, wow, taking everything someone posts as personal. So healthy...
I've left them alone, so did my friends from chat and outside it. It's always the two that mention us in some way, add a lie etc. They do it in cycles they keep accusing us of.
Turn off that projector already, you two, move on, stop being vengeful spirits, c'monnn.
I'm not sure what happened before and what after, me messaging Saz or her messaging people from the chat she supposedly considered friends like Tink supposedly did too, I am sure that Saz went around trying to pull people with her and stand up to the massive threat that she clearly still sees Min as. I never messaged Tink. None of the people that have been contacted from the chat that have known Min for longer than me and also irl, none have agreed with Saz. What's even worse, Saz fed all that to another friend that I didn't see as being played by her, used this friend at the confrontation. That it indeed took me long to see.
At a point the two admitted that why they joined the chat for over a year, planning to leave it soon, that they regretted thinking it was a good idea, then both acted like that didn't happen- never said that, that no one saw that. Suuuure.
Hey, people have memory not just eyes. Your bs is not any less bs, Tink, Saz. Think we'll just ignore what we know know and ignore your maskless faces? Nah. Nice try.
Filp and flop, bitter then not and not then bitter again, contradicting selves again and again, taking every swing our way as an opportunity to add to it...
Like I mentioned already, it's cyclic. Feeling attacked so they let it out, then silence from them about it, bam, silence, more lies, silence, more slander, silence, new name for the horrible gc, silence and without doubt there's been bad mouthing in the months I moved on and didn't even remotely think of either of them.
When I expressed doubt to Saz about her words she took it as intimidation tactics, that this is what she gets or daring to disagree with Min and trying to call out Min. Her words. That I'm blind if I can't see the problem with Min, also that I'm bullying her.
Hello? Irony anyone? Self-awareness?? No one's home. Naturally. She's the frigging blind one. When it's more than one person that tells you you're wrong maybe take a step back and consider seeing where you're wrong and work on it. Saz and Tink have been around Min for less than others within the chat if I'm correct. Hell, I didn't know Min for as long as Chriss, Shea, Dot, Hikari, Sam and many others, yet still enough to see how Min is. A person, that like everyone can mess up, fight, apologize,  stand up to inaccuracies, to bs and other things while doing their thing, living their life, having their views...
Saz and Shea talked, anyone that knows anything about Shea knows that she won't just nod to bs and . She knows how people can get, knows how to handle them, had a job like that. She can go from zero to murder cop if necessary. Being Min's partner she looked into the situation and guess what? The whole thing has been taken out of proportions, there was no condescending tone, and also no innocents she said. I'll never forget that. No innocents. No one was innocent. There have been mistakes made my Min, being condescending WASN'T one of them.  
Yes, I've accused Saz of being okay with Yeshim because Drula is all buddy with Yeshim who Saz was (is?) friendly with, true, had to see the reaction. Did I believe that? Nope. That reaction along with the previous messaging told me enough on its own. Wasn't seeing her as a friend when I first messaged her already yet still being open to hear her side but nothing more cause it was clear to me she won't change her mind any soon nor will apologize to everyone she hurt. Her reply showed me she didn't and doesn't care about anyone in the chat but her and Tink.
I'll say it no matter how many times it needs to be said. If one of my friends does sth wrong and I see it I'll most likely contact them, reach out to them, tell them they did sth wrong, do it within a chat as it happens if needed. 
My point? I don't manipulate the people I consider as friends.
And once again.. Not only I'd notice the superiority in tone if there was any, I'd frigging mention it and talk about it. Most likely in DMs.
It looked like a misunderstanding at first, handled poorly, it uncovered a whole mountain of yikes in the end, kept getting worse since then. I think Saz never truly saw anyone in chat as her friends, she wouldn't accuse us that fast and keeping it up so long if she did. Acting like we betrayed her not the other way around.
Now the cult thing, Polol Discord server, Min being the cult leader.. Saz is lying again. Tink too. Notice the pattern?
Min being guilty of sth. Them not able to see what's right infront of their noses. People supposedly fearing Min and afraid to disagree. Min being a mighty fearful cult leader for having certain knowledge & being specialized in their fields. Uh, not happening. Obsessed much?
Ask anyone in the server, I'm waiting.
Stop projecting your issues on people, Saz and Tink. Not anyone's fault around here you feel inferior, feel the need to save people from others, feeling threatened without being threatened, playing victim for who knows how long so far, assigning power and clout where it's not in play at all. Therapy is nothing shameful, moving on is necessary. Please.
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