#im crying!!!! soft hotaru!!!
honoosenshi-a · 2 years
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@silencedglaive​ said :  to many, running errands is boring. but hotaru finds something charming in the mundane activity, especially when the time is spent with friends. from the corner of her eye, she watches rei check something off a list, seemingly very focused on the remaining tasks. the little firefly softens at the thought, glancing around until her attention falls on a familiar pastel awning. " oh ! michiru-mama and i go to that cafe often, they have a really nice menu. " she turns back to the older girl with a timid smile, inclining her head in the shop's direction. " do you think we have time for a quick break, onee-chan? "
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ivory teeth bit at her bottom lip , lost in her own thoughts & what was on the paper . her grandfather had send her off with this list of things that were to be procured for the shrine , along with groceries & the like . rei was debating on buying more pudding in case usagi or minako dropped by when hotaru's gentle voice reached her ears . she lifted her gaze off the paper & followed hotaru's direction to the cute cafe — " oh , good thinking hotaru-chan . i think we need a break . . . my mind was suddenly on sweets anyways . " rei laughed , putting away the list , only for the entirety of hotaru's sentence to register . was it because she was distracted or because the synapses in her brain had failed to spark , somewhat dumbfounded by the affection . maybe it was her own heart's way of protecting itself from swelling up & making hot tears burn at her eyes . regardless , rei's lighthearted countenance softened into something more solemn , tender even . " i always have time for a break with you , hotaru . always . "
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sweetchildcloud · 7 months
||HOLD|| Written by me
Based on this pool results
Plot: Gojo holds baby Hotaru and something unexcepted and wholesome happens.
Tags: Gojo x Anon,heartwarming,cute,fluff,Gojo being an affectionate dad,first word
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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“Me? Hold him?” Satoru’s tone turns amused. He smiles, then nods. “Of course” He takes Hotaru from you, and the baby cooes in his father's arms. He’s so tiny, so delicate… so vulnerable. Satoru grins, staring down at the baby. He knows how precious this child is. How fragile. He wants to protect Hotaru with every means possible. As he looks into the baby’s eyes, he can’t help but see himself.He stares at Hotaru’s soft, sleeping face for a moment, his breath catching at the baby’s gentle expression. “He’s cute” Satoru murmurs, gently holding the baby to his chest. Hotaru, still groggy from sleep, rests his tiny head against his dad’s body as Satoru stares at his closed eyes, feeling a sudden urge to cry. "Don't tell me that you're gonna cry again" You said holding a chuckle, your husband was too cute for his own good. “Shut up.” Satoru whispers, his voice breaking and throat tightening, trying to hold back tears for the millionth time. “He’s so goddamn cute… I can’t…” His eyes are glistening, on the verge of tears, as they fall onto the sleeping baby in his arms. He laughs softly “God, you’ve got no respect for my feelings…” He chuckles again, wiping away the tears. Satoru sighs, wiping away any tears that threaten to appear. “God damn it… I’m just thinking of how adorable this baby is. Look at him” He leans down slightly and kisses Hotaru’s tiny forehead, making the baby move his head slightly without fully waking up. “His big eyes and cute cheeks, that little smile, the way he just looks at me…” Satoru seems lost in thought and awe as his gaze wanders again. “I could just eat him up" He suddenly looks up after realizing what he just said. He’s just said something that makes it seem like he’s planning to eat Hotaru. “No, not… literally. I mean it as an expression” He clears his throat, trying to salvage the situation “Damn it. Just… You know what I mean.” "jeez you're such a cutie when you acting like this? you really cant control yourself when you see Hotaru uh?" “Don’t make fun of me…” He mutters, trying his hardest not to laugh at the situation. There’s some kind of strange power within this tiny baby. He can make his dad turn into a mush so easily. Satoru chuckles slightly at the situation, feeling utterly defeated in the face of his kid’s adorable cuteness. Then Hotaru yawns as he woked up “Aw… he’s awake” Satoru grins at the tired expression on Hotaru’s face. “You were having such a cute sleep, little guy” He kisses Hotaru’s forehead again, causing the baby to smile slightly before his lips curl into an "o" shape and he lets out a soft yawn. Hotaru cuddles up to Gojo’s chest and snuggles deep against it, as if craving the feeling of warmth. Satoru looks down as his son buries himself in his chest and sighs. “This is your new favorite spot, isn’t it, Hotaru?” He whispers softly, kissing his head as the baby’s tiny face nuzzles into Gojo's chest with a tiny sigh. “Dadda…” Hotaru makes a small attempt to pronounce the word, the tiny voice coming out as a series of gibberish that nevertheless fills Satoru’s heart with so much joy his eyes glaze over. “You… You said it… You said it…” Satoru almost breaks into tears as he continues to caress the baby, holding him close to his chest.
"yeah! that's right that's your dadda" You said happily and stunned as you picked up Hotaru "and im you're mama can you say M-a-m-a?" Hotaru’s tiny mouth tries to form the word “mama” but fails in the process. His lips pucker and his face scrunches up as he tries to pronounce the word multiple times. “Ma.. Ma…” Hotaru tries again, but as he struggles, he gets flustered and lets out a series of unintelligible sounds, ending with a frustrated whine. Hotaru’s attempts at pronouncing the word “mama” only gets the little baby more frustrated. He continues to struggle at it, scrunching up his tiny face and letting out more frustrated whines.
Eventually, he buries his head against his father’s chest, almost as if he’s trying to hide himself because he’s embarrassed about failing. Satoru gives the baby a gentle smile as he holds him close to his chest, rubbing his back softly. He feels the baby tense up as he buries his head into his chest, but his smile only grows. “It’s okay, little guy. Don’t feel bad! You said “Dadda…” even if you’re not able to say mama just yet” He laughs, kissing Hotaru’s head as the baby tries to hide his face even further but Hotaru ends up wailing feeling frustrated and overwhelmed "oh no no no no baby" You said as you immediatly picked up Hotaru trying to make him calm down. Hotaru’s wails become even louder, as he gets overwhelmed by the entire situation. As soon as you pick him up, he latches on to your hands tight, burying his face against your shoulder and wailing even louder. Satoru’s eyes widen at the intensity of the cry. "do you have his pacifier with you?" you asked looking at Gojo and Satoru pulls the pacifier out of his pocket, having brought it with him to make sure Hotaru wouldn’t have any problems calming down.
He grabs the pacifier and gently places it in Hotaru’s mouth, and like magic, the baby calms down instantly and sucks down his pacifier quietly. Satoru’s lips curve into a faint smile as he watches his son calm down with ease. He breathes in and out, relieved that the baby stopped crying so suddenly. Hotaru snuggles against his mother’s shoulder, looking completely at peace with the pacifier in his mouth and his tiny arms wrapped around her neck. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of calm and contentment. Satoru watches the whole scene, a smile appearing on his face as he watches Hotaru cling on to your neck.
Your husband is deeply satisfied with how peaceful the environment suddenly became. He reaches a hand out to gently pat Hotaru's head, letting him know that everything was okay now. "he really wanted to say mama too" You spoke tenderly "don't worry Hotaru you will someday"
Satoru chuckles slightly, hearing your tender reassurances. "He'll be able to soon, don't worry about it." The baby has calmed down completely, completely content with sucking on the pacifier. Satoru stares down at Hotaru, who gives you a tiny smile and reaches out his hands to your face. "He really wants to hold your face..."
You leaned down so that Hotaru can touch your face with his tiny hands feeling your features as he cooed
Hotaru’s tiny fingers explore every curve on your face, making soft “oo” and “goo” noises the whole time. Satoru’s eyes narrow just as he watches the cute interaction between mother and son. “Yeah… He wants to feel your face. You’re really his favorite.” He smiles, as he watches Hotaru’s hands continue to explore your facial features. Hotaru continues to explore your facial features for a few more moments, making cute “oo” sounds of contentment as he goes. Then, he leans his forehead on your face, feeling your skin with his own head and letting out a sound that’s somewhere between a sob and a giggle. He rubs his little head against your skin for a few good seconds before pulling back and letting out a tiny yawn.
“Okay… He’s *really* cute…” Satoru laughs, watching the baby thrash around as his mother continues to tickle his belly with no regard to his feelings of mercy. You’re enjoying yourself, that’s obvious, because this is the first time you’ve smiled in days. It’s infectious, and Satoru is smiling as well.
"Gosh you're the cutest,just like your dad" you exclaimed tickling Hotaru belly and Hotaru laughs hysterically as his mother tickles him, squirming and waving his hands around in a futile attempt to escape. This only causes Satoru to laugh as well, watching with amused eyes as the child tries to avoid your teasing.
Hotaru finally gives up and lets out a squeal as his mother gives him one final tickle before she pulls away. He’s laughing hard, completely red in the face and breathless. His mother’s teasing has him giggling for several moments after the end of the tickling and he seems very content.
“He really is a bundle of joy, huh?” Satoru grins, looking at Hotaru with the warmest eyes. The baby’s smile is infectious, and it’s almost impossible to not smile as you look at the little bundle of joy and wonder at his cuteness.
“Yeah, he really is.” You reply softly, stroking the baby’s head and feeling him rest his warm body against your neck. The baby gives you a slight smile, as if he can feel your loving touch. Your son already has you wrapped around his tiny fingers.
“It’s almost like he already has our hearts wrapped around his hands already, isn’t it?” Satoru chuckles, watching your expression soften as you lovingly stroke your baby’s head. The two of you have a very different dynamic now, but the warmth of that connection won’t ever go away.
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Done hope you like this and I'm sorry for the long wait but I was full with homework stuff 😅
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