#im currently sitting on a rock in place that's kinda like a forest and it's cold but whatever.
yukinyaminyato · 2 years
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.6.
Jade had been going to Reverse’s afterschool activities for around seven weeks now, and it has been hell. Especially after the first meeting. It was like a switch was flipped in Reverse’s head, and Jade had no idea why. But, all of a sudden, training had gotten infinitely harder. And I fucking hate it, Jade thought during one such practice. She had been subjected to miles of running, flights of stairs, and tonnes of weight. And that was just the general training, the specialized training was far more grueling. Reverse, in an act of surprising intelligence, had begun putting Jade into refrigerators and telling her to, “make yourself warm.” Usually this was said with a quick smirk, or a joking look. But ever since that first practice day, Reverse had been anything but cordial and happy.And, for some reason, just to her. He has been so much more serious and pushy to her in her training than to any of the others. So, as Jade sits in a freezing room, she thinks to herself.  I wonder what the hell happened to him.Why does he hate me all of a sudden?..I wonder if anyone else is getting it this bad.
Riley was currently being chased by someone whom she considered unable to do such a thing. Her arms were pumping in tandem with her legs and she was moving at peak speed. Yet..
“Not fast enough.” Riley looked to her right and saw Reverse there, running at what looked like a leisurely jog. Then he winded his left arm back and threw a jab for her head. She ducked instinctively and as a result tumbled forward onto the ground, stopping completely. Reverse stopped mere feet away from her, and started slowly walking towards her. “This is the farthest you’ve gone with me on your tail,” he said while taking out a phone,” and I dare say your best time yet. 200 miles in 7 minutes? Nowhere near Whirlwind’s, but you're making good time. However, your reactions are garbage and you slow down too easily. You have to be able to take as many hits than you can give, if not more.” Riley slowly got up and dusted herself off. They were miles away from the city of Atlanta, somewhere in the mountains surrounded by trees and forest for all the eye can see. She looked around at her arms, which had gotten decidedly bigger and more defined since Reverse’s training, and saw the many bruises on them.  “Riley, you are making great progress on your speed but running is only going to get you so far. You also have to practice attacking. I want you to do 150 reps of those distance punches we’ve done before.”
Riley hopped to her feet. “Sir, with all do respect, “ she said while taking huge breaths, “I could attack you right now. I was just confused about the drill we were doing. That's all.” Reverse’s face did not change at all at the challenge. Neither did Riley’s, keeping a stone cold gaze the entire time while staring into the face of her teacher. But…
Oh my god why did I say that?! Riley's head was now exploding with terror. He is going to work me even harder than before. Why didn’t I just take the original workout? I'd be done quicker oh no oh no no no - “Really?” Reverse’s singular word cut through RIley’s train of thought like a knife. Riley was keeping her complexion the same, but she had no doubt he looked right through her. He’s going to kick my ass. He’s going to do it right here, right now. Im dead. “Hm. Well then , I have a bet.” A BET??! AM I GONNA-  Riley slaps herself in the face. All thoughts are gone, all of a sudden. “Oh yeah? What's your bet?” Reverse started doing stretches, and started to explain. “We’re going to have a race. Back to the school. You win by getting there first, or punching me. Whichever is easier. I win by just getting there first. Sounds stacked in your favor, don’t it?” Riley was eying up the boxer,her arms now crossed and her eyes slit in suspicion. 
“What's the catch?” Reverse looks up, and a nasty grin crawls across his face. “You win, you go home for the day. I win? We box until you fall from exhaustion.” Riley’s whole body began to feel numb. The mere thought of going to toe-to-toe with one of the biggest hand to hand professional heroes was suicidal. Reverse has sent more than enough people to the hospital, and about an even amount to the grave. She was going to have to win this..or else. “ Ok, I take your deal.” And with that Riley instantly started running. Well, running isn’t the right word. More like skating on air. She was already 50 miles out from Reverse when he caught up to her. “Nasty trick you pulled, but it only gave you the head start. Not the victory.”
Riley pumped the brakes a small amount and got behind Reverse. He turned behind her in confusion. Why is she slowing down? What is she doing with that rock? Oh no! I'm about to be hit in the head by a rock!...That’s probably what he’s thinking at least. Riley’s thoughts tended to get in the way of things. She positioned herself a bit to the back right of him, and dropped a rock. When she did, her foot came around and kicked it straight at him. Reverse skidded for a bit, tripping over the rock. Riley sprinted farther ahead, only 100 miles left. She looked behind her and saw Reverse gone. Did I trip him?!  She turned her head to the front and-
“Peek-a-boo”. Reverse let loose a right hook right into her temple, and Riley almost tripped forward again. But.. this time she caught herself before she made the full fall. And in a moment of inspiration..
Reverse suddenly tripped over his feet and lay face first on the ground. When he looked around, he saw no sign of Riley. And when he looked at his feet. “That clever bastard!” His shoes were tied together. Reverse began laughing.
Back at the school, Riley stumbled into the classroom, exhausted. She walked to her desk and collapsed.”Need something?” Riley slowly lifted her head from her arms and looked in abject horror as Reverse was sitting at his desk, drinking a bottle of water. “How..how!? HOW!” was all Riley could say. “I have to admit, I did like your trick. You pulled one on me. Looks like those legs aren’t the only fast part about you. I’ll have to augment your training.” He stood up and walked over to her, and she noticed his beat up ...feet? “I took off my shoes. Actually makes me run faster. Ain't that something?” He set down a cold bottle of water on her desk and began walking back to his desk. “No boxing for us today, sadly. You did a good job today, and pulled one over on me. Hitting isn't just about pure strength, you know. Go home.” As Riley began to sit up and walk out the door, she turned around. “Was I the only one who showed up to practice today? You only really attended to me.” Reverse looked at her with a preposterous look. “Only you? During our training today I got to every single one of the team member’s training. I took breaks from running to go see them, then I would catch up to you, scare you a bit, then went to go check on another.” “Oh..I see.” Riley walked down the hallway, knowing that at any point today Reverse could have overtaken her, and only chose not to because he had other things to do.
Jade was still in the Refrigerator. And was covered in flames. Up to her collar in it. I did it! I could do it! I can create flame in extreme cold. I just needed motivation! Reverse walked back to the door, swinging a ring of keys in his hands. He peeked his head in the freezer. “Good job.” He then had to immediately duck back out as a blob of fire was thrown at his head.”YOU LEFT ME IN HERE FOR THREE HOURS!!!!!!” Jade screamed as she charged the door. It was closed, but it didn't matter as soon it melted away from her incessant pounding. “I did not expect you to make this much progress.” Reverse said from down the hall. He walked towards her with his hands clasped behind his back. Looking quite smug. “THREE HOURS.I ONLY SWEAT BECAUSE I'M MAD AT YOU!” Jade began to charge him again, but not before he whipped out a long red object and-
Jade was now covered in a towel. The Fire Extinguisher,now spent, rested in a corner. While Reverse was talking over the phone to the Dean, Jade shot daggers at him. He put me in a freezer for three hours today, left me in the south of Georgia for three hours another day. It's like he's trying to make me sweat anywhere. That's when it hit jade. Oh..He doesn't hate me. He is just finding the extremes I work at. He could have at least told me. “Jade there is something I have to tell you.”
Reverse stood up from his desk and started walking over, taking his wallet out. He pushed around receipts and other papers before he found the one he was looking for. He handed her a worn looking photo that had writing on the bottom. “Laurens SHS?” Jade read aloud. She looked at the photo and saw a bunch of people she kinda recognized. She remembered them as the people from Reverse’s ‘quirk assessment’ lesson. And a few other faces, like Huntsman and Meteor, young Reverse(“Wow you used to have a mullet?”), a scratched out face. And also..
“My dad? What's going on?” Why did you show me this?” Reverse took the photo and gently placed it back in his wallet. “Because something is going to happen to all the people in that photo. And, I'm afraid, all those related.” Reverse sat down on a desk next to her.
“Your father Victor, better known as the hero Helios, ran a private hero business called Laurens SuperHero Service. I'm not sure how much to already know so I'm just gonna say all of it, so bare with me. Anyways,” Reverse cleared his throat, “he ran this business. He started small, just himself, and quickly found out he was outmatched. So, he began to look for people to work for him. He could only pay for food and shelter, but for some that was enough. Including me. Before I met your father I was a street rat stealing to make up money for hospital bills. A lot of similar stories from the other people there. Remember Huntsman and Meteor? Your father saved them from a trafficking ring. Tapout was picked up from an orphanage, snowthrone an abusive house. Your father did a lot of good, just getting us out of there. We owed him a lot.”
Jade sat there, listening. She did not know much about her dad. Her mom never talked about him after the accident, not a word. So hearing all this, it was eye opening. My father was a saint.
“However,” Reverse continued, “the jobs we did were tough. We were bouncers at high-class parties,escorts for politicians, bodyguards at international conferences. We had our fair share of big fights, such as Nucleus at the START conference and Quantum at the WHO meeting. And we also had a fair share of fights among ourselves. Usual quarrels,nothing to get into really. Except one. Your dad and one other fought the most. His name was Quentin. You might know him as The Planeteer.” Jade was confused. “The Planeteer? That guy who could ‘talk to nature’?” Reverse chuckled. “Yes, the very same. He and your father would fight often over everything and anything. It got pretty ugly. But, the biggest fight was the one before the D.C. Job.”
Reverse took a deep breath, and took several gulps. Jade could see that talking about this was very uncomfortable for him. She would offer to stop, but she knew he would turn her down. She also had an interest in her own development though. “I remember it clearly. We were at the house, and Huntsman and I were cleaning up after dinner. I was cracking jokes, flirting(I didn’t know she was gay then), when I heard a huge crash. Huntsman and I took a look and saw Planeteer had thrown a chair out the window of the living room. He was pointing at your father and was yelling, ‘you could never take me seriously! You could never listen to me and my plans, my creations! I’ll show you what I can do! I’ll show you what i’ve built!’. After that, he stormed out the door.”
Reverse’s hands began to grip the desk, and Jade was afraid that it might break. “I think i know what happens next. My dad goes to D.C. and dies to the villain San Andreas after she creates a magma flow. You don’t have to explain it to me.” Reverse looked up at Jade, and she was taken aback. The most serious face she had ever seen was looking at her. “Your father would not have lost to San Andreas. Your father was killed and betrayed by Quentin Gaius. Otherwise known, as the Planeteer. And he recently killed Tapout, a member of the Laurens SHS, as well as his family. You are in danger. So, I hav-”
Jade interrupts him.”Tell me what happened. I hate being lied to, tell me right now.”
She stood up, towel falling off her. What she thought was angry sweat on her face was actually tears rolling down.”Tell me what really happened in D.C.”
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cuddlyyeti · 7 years
day 18 of 30 days of monsters: animal (werewolf, because im a cheat)
You roll into town as a bundle of excited energy. It’s not a particularly large place, old and born of the necessity of living on the outskirts of a forest, but it’s large enough that you don’t feel weird about appearing as an outsider. The buildings are close-knit and beautiful, and the people appear to match.
The forest is the real reason you were here: it’s a perfect destination for hiking, some light climbing, and general outdoorsy-ness. Untouched in most places, except for some managed tree felling, it’s a perfect little piece of serenity that you can’t wait to delve into.
But first, you speak a little to the owner of your accommodation: a jovial, kindly older woman who knows more about this town than you know about… well. Anything. She tells you the best place to grab some dinner—wonderful, because you’re starving—and the cheapest place to pick up some basic necessities when you tell her you’re going hiking. You expect a warning about wandering into the forest, but she seems to think it’s perfectly safe, only warning you that you’ll have to take a key with you if you’re wanting to be out late.
By the time you fall asleep that night, you’re full of the peculiar feeling of being right at home.
About a mile in, the path sort of disappears, and you’re in your element having to figure out where to go. With your map and your compass, you feel like you can find your way anywhere. To your one side, a babbling stream makes it’s determined way towards a river you can’t yet see, to the other, trees with trunks wider than your leg is long stretch ever upwards, a comforting ceiling that diffuses the harsh sunlight. It’s like you’re in a fairytale.
At least it is until you take your eyes off of where you’re going for half a second about three hours into your hike and you slip on a wet rock you hadn’t noticed. You yelp as you fall backwards, and wince when something sharp slices across one of your calves.
As calmly as you can, you hobble over to the base of a tree and try and stem the blood flow. It’s painful, but not that deep, and you’d been prepared with a first aid kit. You hadn’t been prepared to hear a low whine from right beside you.
Right there, plain as day, is a wolf. It’s a big ol’ creature, bigger than you’d ever expected one to be, and it’s weird as hell because WOLVES DON’T LIVE IN THIS FOREST. There were no predators in these woods, the only real threats being dehydration and other people. But… that’s a real wolf. A huge one. And it’s staring at you with wide, amber eyes, and it’s whining.
It stalks closer to you, closer and closer until you can feel it’s breath on your leg. And then it… licks your wound. Wet and rough and gentle, it laps at the blood that escapes to trickle down your leg until it’s clean, then nudges your hand until you move it so it can lick at the wound itself. You can’t help yourself, feeling enthralled to let it do what it wants.
“Uh… thanks? Good… wolf?” you say, tempted to try and pet it but holding yourself back. You’d already injured your leg, you weren’t willing to sacrifice your hands.
The wolf has different ideas. It nudges at your hand until it’s atop it’s head, pretty much begging you to give it some attention. Before you know it, you’re up and walking, following it’s path towards an old cabin, a dark wooden structure that looks as homely as it does part of the landscape—saplings and old trees alike seem to crowd around it, holding it close with their stretching limbs.
As if it’s lived there all it’s life, the wolf leaps up the stairs of the porch, nudging the door open with it’s nose and staring back at you, as if inviting you in.
“That looks like someone’s house, wolfy. I don’t—” the wolf runs behind you, nudging you through the door with its head. “I guess I do, uh—hello?”
No one answers your call. You take a few more steps inside, admiring the clean but tired decor, and find what looks like… a home. It must be, because the wolf happily jumps up onto the couch, paws up on the back so that it can look at you, tongue hanging out happily.
Beside yourself, you smile back, petting the pup on the head and taking a seat beside it. Soon enough, the wolf is curled up, head on your lap, and you’re drifting off to sleep in the dim light of the early evening, under the warm blanket of fur.
Waking up the next day is a confusing mix of sensations: the dull throb of your leg, the blinding light of the morning sun, the warm, soft cosiness of a thick blanket, and the smell of cooking breakfast. Nothing smells like your room in the bed and breakfast, and when you sit up, nothing looks like it either. Adrenaline kicks in when you hear someone moving towards the room you’re in, but just as you think you’ve found somewhere to hide, they enter the room.
A careful, curious face peers around the doorway, eyes widening in surprise as they catch yours.
“Oh! I wasn’t expecting you to be awake yet… I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed you.”
“I… think the light woke me up,” you say, carefully. “Who are you? Where… where am I?”
The person at the door moves further into the doorway, and you can see now that they’re wearing very casual clothes, but they’re effortlessly beautiful—long, thick hair, warm brown skin, a comforting smile and kind eyes—and you’re struck by a feeling of safety.
“Well, you were in the forest—do you remember that?” When you nod hesitantly, they continue. “You fell, and I—my dog found you? And I guess she brought you here so I could help you? When I got back, you were on the sofa, fast asleep.”
Slowly, you nod, things coming back to you. A hike — some blood — a wolf — this house.
“Thank you, uh—”
“Hawthorne,” she says, smiling at you, and shuffling towards you, sitting on the bed by your knees. “My name is Hawthorne. And you?”
“Y/N. Um, thank you for letting me stay. I could’ve been an axe murderer!”
“Nah, I checked your backpack—you didn’t have an axe. Thought I’d be fine as long as I kept you away from the knives.” She winks, and you flush. “Breakfast should be ready soon, if you want to join me. I didn’t know what you’d like so I made, kind of… everything. There should be some spare clothes hanging around, if you wanna change.”
You nod, and she leaves, giving you privacy. After prodding around for a while, you head back into the front room and watch as Hawthorne cooks in the open kitchen—her graceful movements, and her total comfort keep a little smile on your face as you take a seat on a stool.
“So, where’s your dog?”
Something clatters to the ground, making you jump. When Hawthorne curses, it feels like those sort of words rarely pass her lips. “Uh—she’s out. Wandering? She can get a little restless…”
It’s a curious answer, but since she’s currently feeding and housing you, you think it’s best not to push. Instead you draw the conversation away until she’s done cooking, then, together, you devour the breakfast spread pretty entirely. Your appetite is so big that once you start eating, you barely come up for air. Hawthorne looks on at you with fondness. Between bites the two of you talk: you ask her about her life in the forest, she asks about your travels, about the places you’ve hiked. You discuss the town, you discuss… well, you discuss pretty much everything. It’s a breath of fresh air.
“D’ya like a guide back to town? I just realised that you might not be able to follow the trail w—my dog took you on yesterday.”
“Oh! Yeah, that’d be lovely, thank you—as long as I’m not like, ruining the flow of your day?”
“No! No, uh, it’d be a welcome change,” she insists, smiling wide at you. “I tend to spend a lot of time alone out here. You’re really good company, and I’m not just saying that because I’m a hermit.”
That draws a good-natured chuckle from you. It’s hard to imagine someone as hospitable and friendly as Hawthorne being a hermit, or being alone at all. It’s also hard to understand why she lives in such seclusion—she’s young, and beautiful, and magnetic—you’re sure she’d have a pretty great life in the city. But seeing how comfortable and at home she is in these woods as she guides you back gives you a little bit of an answer. She smiles and shows you everything from random mushrooms (edible and poisonous) to naming every bird above you by its call or nest alone.
You’d barely known her for a couple of hours, but you could feel yourself connecting to her.
When you reach the treeline, Hawthorne stops. “I guess you can find your way from here?”
“Yeah! Thank you so, so much, Hawthorne. I don’t know what I’d have done without you,” you say earnestly.
“It’s no problem…” she rubs at the back of her neck, looking down. When your eyes focus on her face, you can tell she’s blushing. “Pretty sure my dog did most of the work.”
“Well, give her my thanks too! See you around?”
“Yeah. See you around.”
Before she turns to walk away, something possesses you to give her a quick, brief hug, and after she initially tenses, she returns it.
When you get back to your accommodation, the owner greets you with a smile and a nod. “So, you met our good ol’ wolf yesterday, huh?”
“Yeah, I uh, I found myself in a bit of a situation. That wolf is… really something!”
“She is,” she agrees. “Hawthorne has been a wonderful protector of these parts for so long… it makes these parts so much safer! I don’t know why she doesn’t come and live up here with the rest of us, though,” she sighs.
“Wouldn’t people be a bit worried about her walking around with her big wolf by her side? I mean, she’s really friendly, but she’s kinda scary at first glance!”
“Oh, sweetie! Thought you realised—Hawthorne is our wolf!”
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5sos-bitches-blog · 7 years
Fast Food
*Warning there's some strong language and sexual themes lmao, but yeah feel free to make requests*
"M! to the C! to the D! to the onalds!" You sing, dabbing ridiculously on each letter.
"Baby-we're going, we're going..." Luke grumbles, pulling on his shoes.
"Thank yooou," you sing to him, dancing around only wearing your shorts a sleep tank top.
"Are you a little drunk?" He mused, his eyes lit with subtle amusement. Luke loved when you were drunk, he claimed it's one of his favorite versions of you. You get more sassy, saucy, and spontaneous. He loved watching you be able to just be yourself without any barrier, even if you were kind of foggy.
"Maybe a little..." you giggle, tugging on his arm to get him to move faster.
The night has started with a few drinks with your friends before Luke came home from the studio, but being a lightweight you were feeling pretty good right now.
"Baby you're not wearing any shoes," he noted.
"I am well aware Mr. Hemmings," you wink, instantly giving him half a boner. He shakes his head chuckling to himself.
"Get on my back, I'll carry you to the car." He directed, crouching down for you to climb on.
You giggle, struggling to keep your balance while trying to wrap your legs around his waist.
You finally get yourself situated, your hands in his long curly hair.
"You know you're kinda smelly?" You state matter of factly, inspecting his blonde locks.
"Oh am I?" You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Very much. You need a shower," you proclaim, giggling.
He groans playfully, responding "you better be careful missy, I am the one getting you fast food."
You giggle, knowing he's just messing around with you.
He sets you down and you climb into the passenger seat and put on the seat belt.
"So... we're getting Taco Bell, right?"
“Honey! Im home!” Ashton yells, using his man voice. You smile, loving the feeling of him being around. He had just gotten back from touring only a week ago, and you still couldn't get used to the fact that he was actually physically here.
“I'm in the bath!” You call back, hoping he hears you.
You hear his heavy footsteps clomp up the stairs, where he opens the bathroom door and peeks his head in.
“Oh, there you are.” He smirked, his eyes lit up.
“Here I am,” you flirt, batting your eyes at him.
“I have a surprise,” He announces, still not having fully stepped in the room yet. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to show you.
“Drum roll please!” He announces. You start tapping your hands on the white porcelain of the tub, grinning at him. Suddenly he kicks the door the rest of the way open, showing chinese take out containers from your favorite place.
You squeal excited while shimmying in the bath.
“Okay I'll be out so-”
“No!” He cuts you off abruptly. “I am coming in with you.” He winks, setting the food on the sink and pulling of his clothes. Every time you see him naked it's like the first time. Your hands get sweaty, your face hot. Your eyes drink in every detail they can, from the curve of his neck to the trial of light hair from his bellybutton down…
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Ashton states, wiggling his butt at you. You groan at his lame joke.
“You know how old that joke is right? It's not even a burn anymore.” You laugh, moving to the side of the tub to let him in.
“I know, but it makes sense-Jesus how hot do you keep the water?!” He exclaims, making weird faces as he sinks into the molten water.
“Toughen up,” You retort. Ashton pulls the food out of the bag, handing you yours along with a fork. You still hadn’t quite mastered how to use chopsticks, no matter how many times ashton tried to teach you.
“Hey, it floats…” He set his styrofoam dish in the water, looking amazed with himself. You giggle, stuffing food into your mouth.
“Thank you, for bringing home dinner.” You smile at him, your head tilted to the side.
“Of course love, anything for you.” He smiles back. You lean back in the tub, closing your eyes and counting your blessings.  
“You know you looked stunning tonight, right?” He whispers in your ear, nibbling on the edge. You were both currently in the back of a black SUV, on your way home from the VMA afterparty. The boys had won, and Calum had mentioned you in their acceptance speech. That wasn’t even the best part, after the show you got invited to Miley Cyrus after party. You even met Beyonce. BEYONCE.
“Are you going soft on me Hood?” You giggle, running your manicured hand up his thigh as he moved down your neck.
“No baby… I am rock hard…” He murmurs against your collarbone. You gasp as his teeth graze your sensitive skin.
“I really wanna do this babe, but I need to eat something.” You gasp, pushing back and looking at his sweet face.
“Oh thank god you said it!” He instantly sits up and looks into your eyes, “I am starving but you were giving me sex eyes and I wanted to give you what you wanted-”
“Cal, I didn't give you sex eyes!” You exasperate, looking at him with amusement.
“You totally did! But that doesn’t even matter right now, I am so hungry. Excuse me buddy- could you maybe pull through… wait what do you want? Taco bell?” You nod your head in approval. You driver-whose name happened to be Eric- approved and adjusted your course.
“God baby… I love it when you take control.” You growl in his ear, loosening his tie.
“Oh honey, just wait until I have a quesadilla powering me.”
“You may now kiss the bride!”
You're immediately engulfed in Michael's arms, his soft lips on yours as you share your first kiss as a married couple. He has always swept you off your feet, and this kiss was no different. He sets you down to seen, but keeps your face close.
“I love you so much…” He mumbles, his arms still around you. You wink back, knowing everyone's eyes are on you. You both turn and face all of your family and friends, and walk down the aisle, finally married.
You all stand outside the chapel, greeting everyone as the file out of the church. You had been planning this for over a year now, and it was going as smoothly as possible. Your drunk uncle had decided to make a scene when his ex wife showed up, but it was handled by your three favorite groomsmen.
You sighed once you and Michael had a moment alone for the first time today. Everyone was standing outside, rice ready to be thrown.
“You ready?” You ask, looking up into his forest green eyes.
“After you, Mrs. Clifford.” He winks, grabbing your hand and opening the door. You walk outside, letting everyone celebrate your love with you. You and him make it to the car, laughing.
“Did you see luke get hit in the eye with a grain of rice?!” You giggle while Mickey pulls away from everyone, the tin cans attached to your car jingling behind you.
“Of course! He screeched like a little girl!” He chortles, reaching for your hand.  
“Mikey! Let’s go get Subway!” You say, your eyes lit up with a brilliant idea.
“You wanna go like this?” He asks, motioning to your larger tulle ballgown.
“Yes! It'll be so fun- come on I promise.” You give him your favorite puppy dog eyes and you can see him cave in.
“Okay, let's go to subway.” He says pulling into the parking lot. He gets out of the car before coming around and opening your door for you. You grab his hand and walk in together, knowing that you are his princess.
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dreambook06 · 6 years
Dream from: May 19, 2018
Very brief there is soo sooo much more to say about all this than what im about to say of course. here goes. it’s already fading as i begin.
some idek weird schoolworld idk! a scrapbook with colorful photos of the old school but it was like washington showing the old cafeteria (not real life) and food court and bathroom hand washing stations idk. mrs cowing was there idk she was like mom or idek we were like related like family? too vague but she was showing me (not really reality me t all or even a  physical being) pictures of her kids and in one i said ill try to find jackie (her daughter) and quickly pointed to a girl who looked like jackie and she said close but it was the girl to the left of her with a really orange tan.. eeetcccc.. so much holy craaappp so so much i cant even!!! nights and days of stuff.... some weird thing where i was trying to rescue animals through a cat door type thing i left open like a group of baby pandas wandered in then i opened another door in this tunnel thing leading up a staircase with this big room secret upsaairs thing where they lived until idk ?? we put the back in their natural enviromnent bc they were being poached or somethign what?? next door afar the whole time was mrs cowing in this weird train type really narrow trailer house wtff. it wasnt a neighborhood or anything kinda in the middle of nowhere field world wtf! there wre lambs, etc idk. and somewhere in the mix was karen alternate reality version she was like really naughty like promiscuous always with boys idk she was like sanding v oice messages to them like “come on bad boy” someting about bl****** it was weird idk what else happened with that. something with a bed then it cut away to a new segment of the dream... jumping around. i was trying to sneak on mrs cowing’s train for this one photo in her refrigerator? what? idek what it was  some old photo like from the 90s maybe of something or someone? idk!!! then there was this whole thing with me and nori and like a field trip or something in this old school place or train or plane kinda with bunkbeds and idek!! it was in the middle of nowhere what.  so i wanted a top bunk but this jellyfish thing wtf took my spot and nori was also on a top bunk and i was like thats so unfair i never get a top bunkbed and that jellyfish doesn’t even need a top bunk, it doesn’t even have a mind! so we moved the jellyfish and it was like 3 dead washed up jellyfish on the floor wtf…. next scene a school burning down on fire someone said “areas 1,2,3,7,8, are destroyed” or something like that. a whole thing involving that occurred…. like a pretty long / huge part of the dream but i forgot. more more omgg damnig!! i feel like I’m forgetting a huge huge segment… oh yeah the thing with the secret doors… well idont even but somehow it was then later like the incredibles family but mrs cowings family but also a made up family and they had to hide their kids which was kind of pilar,= & teagan, but NOT. they had to hide them in the upstairs dome hidden world i mentioned before with the pandas. for years. but they didn’t age. this part of the dream was huge i can’t even describe holy shyot!!  so so much. aunt becky was there like a maid for us and other people idk! taking care and stuff and the kids or whatever they were were being really loud like laughing and playing crazily one day or early on and a neighbor guy bc it was somewhat like an apartment got concerned and ventured up the stairs secret and i told aunt becky quickly and she had protocol like she’d pretend it was like a castle (that makes sense. totally.) but i left and later i came back and the guy was actually there bc he and becky had talked over a dating app and was there to meet . so then they were in love lmao…. so much more holy crap!!! dad was there something in this place with a huge circus ring thing idek like a competition like some game show with random people from the audience getting picked but it was insaaanee and our aunt stacy (but her name was willy or wilbur in the story) kept getting picked and winning so much money. later cut to a scene of her house alternate reality x 10000 with  weird rooms, puzzles, a garage thing where mom said she got rid of most o her bikes she used to have like 100 but then it was reduced to a toy box full wtf. i picked up my old light blue bike from 2012 ew and tried to ride it (irl we only have 4 bikes and i need a bike to go riding with the family) but when i tried to brake the handle break was broken so i couldn’t use that bike. mom said some bikes don’t have that? wtf. anyway so so much more i cannot even holy crapp!!!!!! so overwhelming. i missed a crapton but onto the “next” segment. some family reunion thing in this specific backyard wilderness forest woods setting that mustve been in an oooold dream or somehow fabricated based on fragments of childhood memories. like a family get together with lawn chairs, campfire, etc. logs lying around. while this was happening in my brain in the dream i was like so overcome bc i remembered this place from childhood. now that I’m awake i know i made that up. this wasn’t in rea life but it sure as heck felt like it!! so here we go. it was current day but it was weird everything felt like 2006-2009 idk! mason was younger, so were pilar and teagan. i took pilar’s pink ds because i had no cameraa w/ me and desperately wanted to photograph what i was seeing! but it took forever to take pictures it was so frustrating. like it kept lagging and stalling so it hooklike 30 seconds to take one picture & wanted to hurry because i felt like a time bomb was ticking and it all would vanish soon…. so we ventured along. i took pics of the pile of logs which was exactly how i “remembered it” from my real memories, the layout of the family sitting around in groups, the fields, the trees leading to the woods nearby.. when i was it. this specific stream arrangement to a secret secured place with a tree with a split kinda knot in it opened up like a pocket… we went closer , it was scary bc i didn’t want to drop the ds in the stream…. and i looked inside the wide knot of the tree and saw old messages, blue egg shells, white rocks. that we (my sisters, me and our cousins) left there last time we had gone there. i was so overcome with emotions like it was amazing like a lost part of my past (but this did not happen irl although it sure damn felt like it did!) the white rocks had our initials carved on it.  “T.H. 2010” was the main one i kept seeing. and there were crumpled up pieces of paper with messages that were kinda washed away (the inked/penciled words) . there was this asian type girl with us too but idk who she was. but she discovered more stuff but i was like slow down  i need to get pictures of this stuff first and preserve it!!!!! it was crazy i thought it was going to slip away  before my eyes and disappear, i was kinda panicking. she had found more secret stuff we left behind. teagan found a littlest pet shop benny thing with some initials written on its foot in the tree. the girl found a magazine of our dad posting in the front cover for some local gymnastics halloween party thing idk. then we went inside this secret passage near the secluded area (but we never ended up going in there. it was like a little mini pond that the stream led to , dark in the shade of trees with weeping willows and stuff— like the surskit area in poke park wii idk) — and it was kinda scary in the secret hole idk not really but it was  an old 2000s box t.v. playing dad’s tapes of gymnastics stuff and then stuffed with straw scarecrow type things sitting around it like a halloween props. they were in the pose of the picture on the cover, one of the dummies was supposed to resemble dad. there was a pumpkin on top of the tv. then it jumped around a bit idk  and my camera/ds died i guess. so i rwanted to run back home . to get a real camera. mason and pilar came with me and we had to run dow a super steep hill like the one in town by hermann… mason had his bike, i was running so fast my feet couldn’t stop and i reach out my right hand and grabbed a pole and swung around it as mason massed under my arm, ducking. it was funny, perfect timing. then this whole segment of the dream pretty much abruptly ended. and now we’re at the last segment. i pretty much forgot it at this point. something really weird and not as memorable so I’m not really complaining. but it is annoying to forget. some weird prank type thing where this girl and this weird guy who was serving food hit it off and got married instantly. it was weird idk it was supposed to be like a funny prank thing but too vague to remember now. ufgh.it was weird idk what else happened with that. something with a bed then it cut away to a new segment of the dream... jumping around.
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^^^ This.
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