#im dead sjdjsjdjsjfjjsjd
toutallyahoe · 4 years
Hopeless Romance ~ Mary-Beth Gaskill (RDR2)
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A/N: more than fucking 6000 words yall
im dead
never thought ill get to write 6000 words just for one fucking one shot
i thought itll only be until 4000 or 5000 words but NOPE! THE GREMLINS IN MY MIND IS LIKE 6000 BITCHES
but anyway, i love her so much help asdfghjklworijcjjxjdb
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Mary-beth let out a fond sigh as she took her eyes off the book she was holding and looked dreamily at the view of the lake. The young woman had finished her chores earlier and Miss Grimshaw finally let her off the hook and Mary-beth immediately took her chance to read a book she had been reading for awhile now. The young woman sat comfortably on the grassy ground as her eyes looked at the blue waters of the lake. It was a breathtaking view, Mary-beth had to say. The waters seemed to have some sparkling glow as the rays of the sun hit it just perfectly. The calm breeze passing by and making the leaves of the trees dance with it.
Mary-beth closed her eyes and deeply inhaled the scent of the fresh open air of the land, then sighing in content. A soft cheerful hum leaving her lips as she softly smiled. This was a nice day. It was not sunny-- rather that it was a bit cloudy which seemed to be a perfect weather to spend near the lake that was close to the camp and read her book. The calmness of the area was rather enjoyable. There were no loud noises, not like in the camp. As much as Mary-beth loved everyone in the gang, finding them as a family and such, the young woman liked to have some peace and quiet now and then.
Mary-beth opened her eyes, the smile still on her lips as she looked back to her book. The printed text on the pages of the book made Mary-beth smile dreamily as she thought of what if she had her own journey like the woman in the story. Now, it was a common knowledge that Mary-beth Gaskill was an absolute hopeless romantic. She loved the thought of those romantic moments she had read and adored when she get to see those romantic endeavors in real life.
The young woman always felt her heart leap when she get to see those romantic gestures and courtship. She can't explain it but Mary-beth just loved those. It was like a light in her own dark world. Something to look forward to despite her life being dangerous. After all, an outlaw life isn't the most well loved one.
The young woman let out a hum as she imagined herself as the woman in the story she was reading. The story was at first boring if Mary-beth had to be honest, but it was because the plot of the story seemed to be close to the same of some of her other books. Yet, it still captivated her. Especially how the love interest of the woman was introduced. The leading man as Mary-beth imagined to be handsome, very handsome with the way the woman in her book described. With how the man's eyes filled with determination and passion and how he acted to the woman in the story with such soft and tenderness despite him being someone of higher status than the woman who was merely a maidservant.
Mary-beth had to be honest, the man in the story reminded her of someone in camp. Someone who was dangerous and rather terrifying at times, yet he was also kind and had that tenderness she sees when he would talk to... her. That someone was named [Name] [Last name].
Mary-beth fancied him if the young woman had to be true to herself. He was a bit rough around the edges as he was an outlaw like herself, but he was more dangerous than her. Mary-beth merely pickpocket and lie. He on the other hand, had killed and slaughtered people. Of course they were either the law that were chasing them or O'Driscolls and other gang but he was still a man who can not be crossed with. But then again, Mary-beth saw more than what other's had missed. The young woman saw how [Name] adored animals, especially his horse who he always looked after and he enjoyed to play a harmonica and would play in occasions if he was requested to.
Mary-beth remembered the time when she first heard him play the harmonica. The moon was shining bright along the twinkling stars in the night sky. The young woman was off to go back to her shared tent with the other ladies since she had to walk away a bit to do her business when she had heard the soft sound of the harmonica as she passed by the campfire where the fire was still burning bright. Looking around, Mary-beth was surprised to see the new member of two months sitting underneath the stars on a stump of a tree. His back turned to her as the sound of the harmonica came from his direction. If Mary-beth remembered correctly, the tune he was playing was a song called "Oh My Darling, Clementine".
[Name] played well. He seemed to know the tune of the song and Mary-beth stood there with a soft smile on her lips as she saw him tap one of his feet on the ground along the tune he played. It was that night that Mary-beth saw the quiet and reserved outlaw express himself through the tune of the harmonica.
As the young woman softly hummed and got lost to her thoughts, Mary-beth failed to hear the sound of something approaching her until it was too late.
Something had grabbed Mary-beth's shoulder from behind. The young woman was surprised with a hint of fear swirled inside her as a loud shriek left her lips. Mary-beth felt the thing taking off whatever was on her shoulder as Mary-beth hastily stood up and turned around to face who had touched her. Her book getting thrown on the ground yet she did not care for she was afraid on who or what had grabbed her. Mary-beth was readying herself to confront who, only to see a very familiar man. Specifically, the man who she had unconsciously thought off.
"M... Mr. [Last name]!" Mary-beth had said in surprise. Her freckled cheek flushed with embarrassment as she saw the outlaw nodded his head at her. "You surprised me," she had said as her hand was placed on her chest, where her heart is as she felt her heart beat fast from the fright she just had. She was surprised, no doubt about it and [Name] noticed it.
"Ma'am," [Name] had said as he tipped his hat to her direction as a sign of politeness and greeting. "Apologies 'bout that but I have been callin your name for awhile now," he had said. Mary-beth felt her cheeks heat up with his words. Has she been in her head that long?
[Name] raised a brow when he saw Mary-beth looked away from him. "Really sorry again," he had apologized again. The outlaw look around and let out a quiet hum. The place he found Mary-beth was pleasant. [Name] look at Mary-beth again and saw something on the ground. Eyebrows furrowed as he realized what it is.
"Ah," [Name] had exhaled as he approached near the young woman and picked up  the book she had unintentionally dropped on the ground when she had gotten scared. Raising to his height as he looked at Mary-beth in the eye.
"Sorry but you seem to dropped this," he said as he offered the book which Mary-beth let out a gasp and hurriedly took it from his hands. [Name] watched amused as he watched the young woman inspected the book closely, making sure it wasn't damage or so from being thrown to the ground. When Mary-beth had made sure the book had no damage whatsoever, she sent the man a look. Silently telling she did not appreciate the scare that cause her book to be thron on the ground.
"You seriously need to stop scaring a lady, Mr. [Last name]," Mary-beth pouted. "I would have not forgiven you if you had damage my book from it," she said. Mary-beth saw the outlaw crack a small smile at her.
"Well, the truly sorry again for the lady," he had said with amusement laced in his voice. His eyes, oh those [Eye color] eyes that Mary-beth swore she could only see in fiction or her silly imaginations were real. [Eye color] eyes that seen so much horror still has that unwavering spark in them that made the young woman's heart throb inside her chest. "But the lady should also have been alert in her surroundings. You never know when an animal will pounce on ya," he had said.
Mary-beth let out a laugh as she playfully slapped the outlaw on his arm. The outlaw send the young woman a small amused look that she happily returned with a large grin on her lips and glee evident in her face. "Oh?" Mary-beth had said. "Like you, Mr. [Last name]?" The young woman had teased as a chuckle left the man's lips as he shakes his head at her. Mary-beth beamed as she took pride on managing to crack up a chuckle from the man.
You see, [Name] [Last name] was still a reserved man. He preferred to be alone at times and the camp respect that with the occasional times of the resident Irish loud mouth Sean Macguire trying to get the outlaw out of his 'shell' as the Irish man had put it. Bothering the man until he gets threatened at most times. And both the Callander brothers who seemed to enjoy [Name]'s overall being, actually trying to get the man to spill more of his past that he seemed to avoid talking about and also just dragging the quiet and reserved man on jobs.
Yes, it had already been almost a year that [Name] had joined and some of the members of the Van Der Linde gang still don't know much of the [Hair color] haired outlaw. He seemed to avoid the subject of before Hosea and Dutch brought him in one day along with Arthur like a plague. The Van Der Linde gang still remembered [Name] looked absolutely skinny and malnourished when the three men had brought him in. Mary-beth remembered him almost falling off of Arthur's horse when they ride inside camp and was quickly carried into a tent to have him lay and rest in a cot as the man seemed to not point what was real and what was not at that moment.
Mary-beth only heard bits of pieces on what Dutch had announcement to them when Miss Grimshaw and Reverend Swanson tried to patch him up with the cuts and bruises littered on his [Skin color] skin as her mind was filled with worry to the poor [Hair color] haired man. Dutch had said that they had found the injured man locked up in a basement on a house they had robbed. It made Mary-beth's heart seek for the poor man who who knows how long he had been stucked in a dimly lit, rotting old basement and probably even was dehydrated and starving for days with how skinny and malnourished he looked when his body was carried pass by her.
"Ah, trust me ma'am," [Name]'s voice cut through Mary-beth's reminiscing of the past as she snapped her head to look at the direction of the man. The young woman's breathe hitched as she saw that rare sly grin the outlaw had sent to her. "I'm more of any dangerous animal here," he had chuckled as he had took off his jacket, leaving him in only the old blue dress shirt that seemed to have its colors fasing from age. The man then had placed his jacket on the grassy ground. The outlaw did not minding the young woman's eyes curiously looked on what he was doing as he then offered one of his hand to Mary-beth. "Ma'am," he had said as he sent the young woman who looked at him curiously with her eyes gleaming at him.
Mary-beth giggled at his words. The young woman clutched her book tight as she felt her heart fasten its beating when she took [Name]'s hand with her own that was not holding her book. The young woman noticed how gentle and tender the man's hold on her hand. It, again, reminded her on the man in the book that was gentle and soft to the woman in her book. The warmness of [Name]'s hand on her's made Mary-beth softly smiled when the man had guided her to sit on his jacket that he discarded and placed on the ground as he then took a sit beside her, not taking a space on the jacket he laid but on the grassy ground to have the young woman more space on the clothing.
"My, what a gentleman you are, Mr. [Last name]," Mary-beth had laughed as she sat comfortably. The young woman sent the man beside her a large grin as he raised a brow at her. "And here I thought you are a dangerous animal," she teased. The young woman's smile widen when she saw the corner of the outlaw's lips twitched upward, a smile threatening to make its way on his lips yet he turned away to avoid looking at her. The young woman still knew he was smiling though as she stared at him.
"Well, Miss Gaskill, I can be civilized at times," he had said as he turn to look at her again. Amusement gleamed in his [Eye color] eyes that the young woman noticed with how there proximity wasn't too far away. Again, those [Eye color] eyes that Mary-beth knew had seen so much pain and agony stoll had that burning spark in them. That burning spark that she find enchanting.
"It seems so," the young woman had softly laughed as she shakes her head while the man had a small smile yet it disappeared when she stopped shaking her head in amusement and looked at him again. Mary-beth saw [Name] let out a sigh as he turned to look at the large lake in front of them. The young woman looked at him for a moment and then following his lead. Again, the lake was still both beautiful and calming with the breeze passing by and disturbing the waters of the lake, creating small waves as the leaves of the trees and some flowers in the land dance along the wind. The sun having to be blocked a bit with the clouds that were passing by to shade the area.
There was a comfortable silence as Mary-beth turned her gaze on her lap where she had placed her book. Opening it again, she went back to the page she had thankfully still bookmarked and continued reading. Her losing to her book again as the outlaw beside her sent a quick look at her to see she was reading. He watched Mary-beth for a second or so as he felt himself crack a smile.
The [Hair color] haired man had to admit, Mary-beth looked beautiful. She always was. Through those first two months he didn't interact much with the other members of the Van Der Linde gang when he joined, he still noticed her. Mary-beth stood out like a sore spot for him. The outlaw saw the young woman beside him to be too pretty and rather too nice to be an outlaw when he had recovered and officially joined. Despite him not really interacting much with her in those few months, he had always noticed how she acted in the camp. Polite and kind. A rather obvious none outlaw attitude.
[Name] hummed as he remembered his first time officially interacting with her and not just say greeting and when passing by in camp. His very first conversation with her was when he had caught the young woman listening to him play with his harmonica that he had asked Arthur few days ago. The outlaw had noticed Mary-beth listening to him play for the past few nights but he did not have the courage to call her out on it. It was that one night that he finally mustered up the courage and looked at the direction of Mary-beth usually listening to him when he had finished playing and had called her out. It was rather awkward at first as the young woman seemed to stutter out a lot amd tried to explain herself when he just cut her off and asked her if she wanted to listen to more.
It was another night. Rest of the camp seemed to be asleep already aside from Bill who was grumbling in his station that was near the entrance if the camp that he was in guard duty that night while the [Hair color] haired outlaw sat at the log near the center campfire of the camp. It was late at night already with the night being dark yet the moon and stars shone brightly down while the embers of the fire from the campfire were the only source of light [Name] had besude the lamps in tents and wagons to aid anyone still awake in the nights. Taking out the harmonica out of his pocket, he let out a sigh as his ears picked up some footsteps behind him but then stopped. The [Hair color] man knew who those footsteps belonged too as he recognized ut was that same footsteps beling to someone in camp that had been listening to him for awhile now. Shaking his head, [Name] let out a sigh as he placed the harmonica on his lips and blew.
That night, the outlaw had choose to play a more somber and saddening tune of the song The Streets of Laredo on his harmonica. Lost in his own world as he played, a few feet away, a certain woman had peeked her head from the tree to see him play.
The young woman that stood a few feet away from him, away to not be easily seen (especially hiding behind a tree) yet not to far away to not hear the man was playing. Mary-beth couldn't help but hum a little bit with the tune the [Hair color] haired man who's back was facing her to be playing with his harmonica. Of course, Mary-beth knew what he was playing. It may have took a few seconds to familiarized herself with the tune but she still recognized the tune of The Streets of Laredo playing.
With quietly humming the underneath her breathe and closing her eyes. The young woman felt calmed. Yes, it was rather creepy on what she was currently doing. Stalking and hiding herself just to hear a man she barely talked to play a harmonica in the dark of night when she could have just asked to sit beside him in the campfire. It honestly made the young woman remember that thing in her book where a young prince was riding by an old castle with a large wall protecting it despite the wall was already old and covered in moss and vines when he had heard a beautiful voice overwall the wall.
Mary-beth remembered the prince in the book, curious who's voice he had heard that was so lovely had dismounted his horse and climb the old wall with the help of the vines that covered it. As he reached the top, he saw a beautiful maiden with hair as black as coal and skin as white as snow with lips as red as he color of rose. He listened to the maiden sang that lovely melody.
Looking at what she was doing now, the young woman bit back a smile to form on her lips as she also felt laughter bubbling up inside her, threatening to come out and blow away herself from her hiding place as she seemed to realized that she was the one doing the prince's role on listening while the beautiful maiden's who was singing role had fallen into the [Hair color] haired man who was playing his harmonica still in that somber yet alluring tune yet it was slowly getting quiet.
"I know you're there," [Name]'s voice cut through the air like a knife as had stopped playing his harmonica. He turned his head behind him and faced the direction on where he fully knew the young woman was hiding. Mary-beth snapping out of her thoughts and realizing she had been caught let out a quiet shriek leaving her lips as she went back to hide behind the tree. Her face flushed with red as she felt her heart beat quite fast in her chest. Trying to take deep breathes to calm herself down, Mary-beth poke her head a bit to see if the [Hair color] haired man was still looking at her direction. Her face flushed more in embarrassment as she saw that he was still looking at her direction.
"Um... g-good evenin!" Mary-beth stammered as she saw the man gave her an unimpressed look. His [Eye colo] eyes held no sort of emotion that she can see but if she was more closer, the young woman would have seen that small spark of amusement in those eyes of his.
"Evenin," [Name] had greeted back with a rause brow as he turned his body fully to face the young woman. "Now, why are you still awake Miss Gaskill?" The man had asked. Mary-beth let out a nervous giggle as she played with her hands behind the tree that she was still partially hiding.
"I... uh... th-this was not-- I was n-not-- uh... erm..." Mary-beth stammered out as she tried to explained herself. The young woman can feel her face already heating up more as she saw the [Hair color] haired man still looking at her. Mary-beth could not explain. She does not want to. This was already embarrassing enough and saying that she was stalking and listening to him play for awhile now? The young woman felt dread as she still embarrassed herself more of thinking uo ways to try and explain herself. "Um... I-I was... Mr. [Last name]! I-I did not mean... erm..."
The [Hair color] haired man seemed to have gotten either fed up or impatient with the young woman's flustered stuttering as he turned himself back to face at the burning fire of the campfire. Mary-beth bit her bottom lip as she saw what the man had done. Was he mad? He didn't had yelled at her for minding her own business nor question her on what she was doing hiding behind a tree. But still, it made the young woman fear what the outlaw think of her now.
Mary-beth stood behind that tree for awhile as she contemplated if she still would try to continue embarrass herself by trying to explain why she was awake in the middle of the night and hiding behind a tree to listen to him play or just go back to the other women that were sleeping in their tent to avoid embarrassing herself more. As the young woman contemplates, [Name] took a quick look behind him again as see that the young woman was still there. With a sigh and a click of his tongue, he decided to invite her to his side.
"Miss Gaskill?" The outlaw had called. Interrupting the young woman degrading herself in her thoughts as Mary-beth snapped her head at his direction and realized that the [Hair color] haired man had called her.
"Y-yes?" Mary-beth had said. Her voice raising an octave from her nervousness. Was he going to shout at her? Be angry at her for being this creepy woman that was stalking him behind a tree in the middle of the night? Does he think she was creepy or weird? What if he--
"Do you want to sit and listen to me play?" Mary-beth but her bottom lip as she had tried to hide her joy from his words. Frantically nodding her head to his question, the young woman saw [Name] raised his hand and gestured at her to come closer. "Well? What are you waitin for?" He had said as he turned his head back to look at the fire. Mary-beth let out a sigh of relief as she realized the [Hair color] haired man was not angry at her. The young woman finally stepped out from her hiding spot as she happily approached the outlaw that was sitting on a log. Taking her place beside him as she was close, the young woman smiled at him when [Name] had look at her way for a minute or so.
"Any request?" Mary-beth had heard the man beside her grunted as she saw him placed the harmonica on his lips, ready to play whatever she would asked. The young woman felt something inside her flutter as she heard his words. Thinking, the young woman smiled as she had finally decided a certain song for him to play.
"Oh my darling, Clementine... if you don't mind," she had said. Mary-beth did not miss the small smile that formed on [Name]'s lips as he heard her request. Nodding at her answer, he started to play the song the young woman had asked for him to play. Now, there was a reason why Mary-beth had asked specifically for "Oh My Darling, Clementine" for [Name] to play. It was the very first song she had heard him play with the harmonica many nights ago.
As [Name] played the tune of the song, oblivious to the young woman's thoughts nor the stare she still had at him, it was peaceful. As the tune of the harmonica [Name] played, after awhile he had heard the young woman beside him quietly hummed until Mary-beth had sang the song as he played on. With the young woman's sweet voice accompanied by the lovely tune of the man's playing of the harmonica, it was that night, the two felt close to each other with a single song.
The [Hair color] haired man snapped out of his thoughts as he felt pressure on his shoulder. The man had tensed for a bit until her calmed down and thought that it was perhaps Mary-beth's doing. Turning his head, [Name] saw the young woman beside him had placed her head on his shoulder. He was right, it was indeed Mary-beth. Looking at thr young woman, [Name] noticed small content smile on her lips as her eyes still on the book in her hands.
"I hope you don't mind, Mr. [Last name]," Mary-beth had softly said as she haf briefly sent a quick look at the man beside her. Mary-beth felt her face heat up a bit as she saw the [Hair color] haired man was looking at her. Looking down on her book, the young woman bit her bottom lip out of nervous as she waited for the man to shrug her head off of his shoulder or say anything to her. Yet nothing. Mary-beth only heard [Name] let out a hum at her words as he still looked at her.
The outlaw noticed a small flush in the young woman's freckled cheeks yet did not comment on her bold actions nor the color flushed on her face. Instead, the [Hair color] haired man let out a sigh as he then placed his head on Mary-beth's. Looking at the lake in front of them, [Name] couldn't help let his lips formed into a small content smile. The two stayed like that for awhile. Silent yet it was a calm and peaceful one. Content they were in that moment.
"Oh," [Name] had said as he sat up right. The young woman beside him was surprised a bit with his actions that she took her head off of his shoulder and turned to look at him. A confused and curious look plastered on Mary-beth's face as she saw the [Hair color] haired man shuffled a bit as he seemed to be patting his upper body down. Seemed to be finding something until [Name] let out a grumbled that Mary-beth had not caught.
"Are you alright?" Mary-beth softly asked as she saw the [Hair color] haired outlaw shoves his hand on the pocket of his trousers and seemed to let out a relieved sigh. [Name] had ignored the young woman's question in favor to take out whatever was inside his pocket which Mary-beth had to be honest, she was quite curious on what got the [Hair color] haired man to be that way.
"I almost forgot this," Mary-beth had heard [Name] gruffly had said as the young woman saw him pull out the thing in his pocket. "I thought you might like it," [Name] had said as he presented the thing to the young woman. A soft gasp left the young woman's lips as her eyes widen at what the [Hair color] haired man had pulled out. On his [Skin color] hand, there was a necklace. A beautiful golden chained necklace with a lovely pendant that was shaped like a heart. The young woman noticed a bright red ruby gemstone in the middle of the golden heart shaped pendant. It was beautiful. The necklace looked absolutely beautiful and Mary-beth felt her heart hammered as she gaped in awe at the jewelry.
"I-I... Mr. [Last name]..." Mary-beth had softly had called out as she tried to look at the man in the eye. The [Hair color] haired man awkwardly cleared his throat as he avoided eye contact at the young woman beside him. Mary-beth bit her bottom lip when she saw his actions. There was a red taint bloomed on her freckled cheeks when she saw how this gruffy, big, and scary outlaw shied away from her eyes.
"Oh, Mr. [Last name]," Mary-beth had softly had said as she placed her book on her lap as she then gently grabbed the outlaw's hands that was holding the jewelry to her. A soft and greatful smile on her lips as she saw her action had gained the man's attention to her. "Y... you shouldn't have..." Mary-beth had said.
"Yeah... well, a lady like you deserve somethin beautiful," the [Hair color] haired outlaw had truthfully stated as his eyes soften with how he saw Mary-beth looked in absolute awe at the necklace. "Turn around," he ordered as the young woman did as told. [Name] moved some of the young woman's brown locks away from her neck, careful not to touch her skin as he did. Mary-beth decided to help the man out, grabbing her hair and raising it a bit away from her neck, the [Hair color] haired outlaw took that chance to  carefully slip the necklace onto Mary-beth's neck.
"I... it's beautiful, Mr. [Last name]," Mary-beth had breathed out when the man had finished tying the necklace on her neck. Letting her hair down as she stared at the jewelry, Mary-beth gently touched the pendant and smiled. Turning herself back to face the [Hair color] haired man who waited for her reaction, she sent him a large beaming smiled. Seeing her smile, the [Hair color] haired man nodded at her.
"How... how can I ever thank you?" Mary-beth had asked as she felt the [Hair color] haired man's hand squeezed her hand.
"Well... if you want..." [Name] had started as he looked at the young woman in the eye then turned to look at the lake. Taking his hands away from the young woman's hold which honestly seemes to disappointed Mary-beth with his action but still listened to his words. "I... uh..." Clearing his throat, [Name] sent a quick look at the young woman beside him.
"May I court you, Miss Gaskill?" The outlaw had asked. The young woman froze at his words as the [Hair color] haired man waited for her answer. Mary-beth couldn't believe it. Did... did she heard him right? Did she heard him ask for her permission to court her? As Mary-beth tried to process his words, the [Hair color] haired outlaw assumed the young woman's silence for the worse as he let out a sigh. Rising one of his hand and running it throught his [Hair color] hair, he let out another sigh again.
"You know what?" [Name] had said as he lowered his hand and instead formed both of his hands into a fist. Mary-beth's silence seemed to make him regret his decision to say thise words to her. To ask fo courting her. Clicking his tongue, he shakes his head in regret and dismay. "Let's just forget thi--" [Name] didn't get to finish his words as he felt a huge force pushed him onto the ground as something wrapped around his neck while there was weight on his chest.
"Shit!" The [Hair color] haired man let out a hissed of pain from the rough landing on the ground as his back ached from the pain he felt while there was also some heaviness on his chest. Looking down, the outlaw let out a surprise noise when he saw and realized who had caused him to be pushed down the ground. "S-shit! Miss Gaskill?" [Name] asked, surprised at the young woman who's face buried on his chest yet her arms wrapped tighter on his neck. Hesitantly, the [Hair color] haired outlaw wrapped his arms around the young woman.
"Is... are you... okay?" The outlaw had softly ask. Rubbing the young woman's back in a type of way to ease whatever she was feeling. The [Hair color] haired man assumed she felt something in the lines of sadness or perhaps fear? [Name] don't know but he tried his best to console the young woman in his arms.
"Miss Gaski--"
The outlaw blinked. One... two... three... four...
"Pardon?" The [Hair color] haired outlaw dumbly asked as he looked down at the young woman who finally stopped hiding her face on his chest but instead looked up at him. [Name] noticed small tears on the corner of Mary-beth's eyes yet he was more focused on the large smile on her lips. She was beautiful.
"I said, yes," Mary-beth had said. "You may court me, Mr. [Last name]," she continued as she laughed when she saw the man looked like he was frozen for a second until a smile broke onto his lips.
"I... I can?" He had breathlessly asked. The [Hair color] haired outlaw seemed to be in disbelief and Mary-beth couldn't help but laugh at his expression. Did he thought she won't say yes? God, this man...
"Yes, you can, you silly man," Mary-beth had giggled as [Name] had sat up right and looked at her in the eye. Mary-beth saw those [Eye color] eyes of his filled with joy, and it made her more happy with it. "Now, how about you give a lady a romantic kiss for a start of your courting?" She had teased as she heard the man chuckle.
"I didn't think you would ask for a kiss on the start," the [Hair color] haired man had said as he unwrapped his arms off of her and instead had his hand placed on the young woman's waist. The outlaw was rather surprised on the young woman's bold words yet a smile on his lips when Mary-beth laughed at him. Shaking her head, Mary-beth placed herself more comfortable by sitting on the man's lap, her smile still on her lips as she faced him.
"I'm not," Mary-beth confessed with a grin. "But I'll let this one slide," she said as she felt the [Hair color] haired man's hands squeezed her waist a bit. "You better show me a good courting though, you silly man," she ended as she leaned close to the outlaw. Mary-beth's couldn't help but giggle when she heard [Name]'s chuckle leaving his lips.
"I will," [Name] had said as be saw the young woman leaned closer until their lips touched. It was a soft and quick kiss as Mary-beth immediately then parted with her freckled cheeks flushed a bright red hue. The [Hair color] haired man was no exception as he felt his face heat up from the young women's action yet a soft smile on his lips.
Mary-beth felt the [Hair color] haired man to place his head on the crook of her neck as he hold her close to him. "Come with me to town tomorrow?" The young woman had heard him muttered as she couldn't help but softly smile at his words. She always wanted to go to the town near their camp yet have not gone to for she was busy doing her chores that Miss Grimshaw had assigned to her and the others girls, not to mention no one will take her unless there is a reason for her to go into town since some of the men are very busy.
"I'd love too."
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