#im done with infps portrayed as uwu
d0bbyisfre3 · 8 months
I'm sorry, as much as the artwork portraying infps is fabulous. I can't possibly be the only fellow INFP who is severely annoyed by the way INFPs are portrayed to be an ooey-gooey-uwu-hng-and all other pathetically 'cute-Kawai' things when in reality most of us look, fudge-caking dead and are generally feeding on their monthly depression and never-ending anxiety, addicted to coffee(of all kinds), always having dark circles from the peaceful nights of sleep striped away from us because of some reason most of us aren't sure of! to find comfort in writing the most holistic gut-wrenching somehow relatable poems.
They'd have ink stains all over their hands and even smudges of lead if they ever opted to sketch from reality as well.
Yes, I agree that most of us have a soft side to beauty, BUT still! not that "uwu" you know.
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