#infps are cute but not cringe
d0bbyisfre3 · 8 months
I'm sorry, as much as the artwork portraying infps is fabulous. I can't possibly be the only fellow INFP who is severely annoyed by the way INFPs are portrayed to be an ooey-gooey-uwu-hng-and all other pathetically 'cute-Kawai' things when in reality most of us look, fudge-caking dead and are generally feeding on their monthly depression and never-ending anxiety, addicted to coffee(of all kinds), always having dark circles from the peaceful nights of sleep striped away from us because of some reason most of us aren't sure of! to find comfort in writing the most holistic gut-wrenching somehow relatable poems.
They'd have ink stains all over their hands and even smudges of lead if they ever opted to sketch from reality as well.
Yes, I agree that most of us have a soft side to beauty, BUT still! not that "uwu" you know.
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sonofshu · 1 year
I've been burnt out, and all that's left is Ash...
I should've made one of these a long time ago
Hi! I'm Ash or Rain, I go by she/her, and I am quantifiably stupid. INFP.
My url is pronounced:
If you ask me about myself I'll probably not know, but I do know that I'm a girl addict.
I'm dating @ash-the-tiefling, @gobodegoblin, @f4y3w00d5, @space-rocc, and @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 (qpr) who are all cute and they need to know it >:3 (And I'm kinda worried about them sometimes)
If I know you you can also get my Discord if you'd like, but I'll be too awkward to ask for yours (you can also just guess maybe :p)
My ask box is open to the weirdest of questions, no matter how strange or perverted they may be
I want to interact with other people here, so please move first. Tagging me is fine, DMing is fine, and asks are always open with anon. Please use them please please I'm begging. Mutuals are open to traumadump at any time, I'd love to try to comfort you. All mutuals also get a free cuddle if I can get to your location.
I do creative stuff sometimes but I'm also insecure about it so it will probably never see the light of day
This blog will be cringe enough, but in case you want more cringe because I haven't been trying hard enough here: @the-candle-slime, @asheslab, and @rain-the-harpy and others that you may find around the island :3333
All of my characters are the gods of their respective domain, but don't know it yet.
Edit as of 4:10 3/17/2024 just in case my biological mom will continue being a snoop: I will be active on this blog even through the smallest of forms, and I have no intention of deactivating no matter what. If I stop posting for whatever reason, blame her, and I will forever savour the times we may have had.
If you think you know me from somewhere
No you don't
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eliyafreeman · 1 year
Real Love is temporary, Fictional Characters are forever <3
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About the s\i, me ! <3
ʚ Eliya\Eli 💗 She\Her 🧡 lvl 18 💗 Aquarius 🧡 INFP ɞ
☢️ Am I new to the Selfship Community? Nope ! Done it for years but finally found out about and joined the community since january from Twitter !! (It is dying so I came here-)
☢️ What will I be posting? Selfship stuff and arts I make, me and my f/o (mainly !) and some reblogs of cute f/o imagines !!
☢️ My motives? To normalize selfshipping, Fictosexuality and Fictophilia !! It is helping to all of us in so many ways. if it's coping, to cure trauma, or anything else <3
☢️ Other stuff abt me? Yes! I'm Fictosexual and a Half-Life Girl !! (Not a part of the game's community or fandom for protective reasons.)
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About my f\o ! <3
💗 Gordon Freeman from Half-Life !! 💗
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☢️ Headcanons ? Yes !!
Random headcanons:
Height; 183cm
Personality; tough, strong and stoic around others but only around me alone he shows his soft self
he has PTSD like me :(
(May add more !)
Pronouns: He\Him
☢️ Other stuff ? Yes !!
❥ He is muted
❥ He is a Theoretical Physicist
❥ Is lvl 27 (i am not a minor anymore so that ain't an issue !!)
❥ has 3 brothers; Felix, John and Wyatt (he is the biggest of them all)
(May add more !)
☢️ What is he for me? My husband ! <3
☢️ Date of him becoming my f/o? July 30th, 2022 \ Marriage anniversary date: December 13th, 2022
☢️ Comfortable with sharing?
No ! Canon x Canons or Selfships/Selfshippers including him are My Severe Triggers !! It is very important to me to protect myself and to keep my selfship space safe !! (may block specific accounts but I have filtered tags, but won't be spreading hate on other selfshippers !!)
Side Note: if your f/o list does include him as platonic or familial i will be uncomfortable as well for various reasons but if your f/o list doesn't include him at all you're perfectly fine for me to interact with. I just love that he's mine alone, and that is it.
So please, CanonxCanons/Selfshippers with him DNI, tysm !! ❤
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Other Stuff !! <3
☢️ Tags and Pair names !
#🧡| Gordeliya Freemeli |💗
#🧡| HEV Suited Lovers |💗
#Gordeliya Freemeli
#Gordon Freeman x Eliya Freeman
#Lambda Roses
#🧡💗| My Freeman !! <3
☢️ TWs (Trigger Warnings) !
Yandere, Obsessive Love and my delusional being (reality is your playground, play around with it !!)
Blood and Weapons (in drawings and in posts I upload/repost of the game)
nsfw content I may upload or repost !! Filter these tags that I made for y'all so you'll stay comfy !! #nsfw warning ‼️💗 #suggestive warning ‼️💕
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DNI !! <3
Sexist / Racist / LGBTQIA+phobic / Freemanphobic / MAPs / Pr*ship / C*mship / Sh*ta / Lo*i / In*est / Toxic Shippers,Selfshippers / Supporters of toxic cringe culture / Antisemitics / N*zis / T*rfs / NFTs,AI Art / Pro SH,ED / Politically Active
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Social Media !! <3
☢️ SpaceHey - https://spacehey.com/eliyafreeman
☢️ Discord - eliyafreeman
♡ !! NEW !! - Click here to browse stuff abt my ship !! Art, refs and etc !! (Google Drive Folder) ♡
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Ending !! <3
Will be happy to make selfship moots !! 💗, I will be happy to interact and be friends with you and support your selfship !!
See y'all on the flip side !! 💗🧡
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Blinkies were made in blinkies.cafe !! Check it out <3
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youranxiousgf · 1 year
Embrace the Cringe
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23-04-2023, 12:00 am
(This is an article I wrote for my INTJ boyfriend who doesn’t like to do “cringe” things like romance, affection & emotions lmao. As an INFP dedicated to the cringe along with my ENFP friendo, we decided to write articles convincing him. Here’s mine! If you're tsundere like him, this may help you a little 😌💞)
Person A demonstrating cringe: "Aww I wuv you my snuggle pookie bear, your tushy is so mushy I’m gonna smooch it all over!! Watch out, the smooch monster is closing in!!! Mwah mwah mwahhhh"
Person B making it worse: "Uwaaa save me!! I’m drowning in the smooch bombs! >0<"
Me, you, everyone who's watching: "Uhhhh *vomits inside and chokes*"
Chances are, while reading the above disaster you either smiled uncomfortably, felt an icky chill, or made a face reminiscent of biting into a sour lemon. What you may not know is that the physical response of the body in moments of cringe actually betrays a much deeper fear within us. 
You might assume that we “cringe” at other people because they’re acting in socially unacceptable ways, that our bodies are rejecting their behavior. And you’re correct! The reason we like to make our bodies smaller, want to curl up inside and disappear in the presence of cringe is because we view it as a Social Evaluative Threat and want to be as far/invisible as possible so it can’t be tied back to us. 
A social evaluative threat is any situation, person, or thing that carries the risk of being negatively judged, shunned, and rejected by society. Something which may be *evaluated* by *society* as a *threat*, if you wanna think of it that way. Our biology understands its danger to our survival, hence the cringe, hence refusing to be a part of that behavior. There u go, I just validated your horror of cringe using science. Now let me debunk it again >:3
Just because you’re scared or disgusted of something doesn’t mean it actually poses a danger to you. The body will often lie to us- just think of a panic attack before a school presentation or running away from invisible demons to a well-lit bedroom after turning off the kitchen light. Are you going to die? No. Will people throw tomatoes at you at the speed of a bullet for stuttering during your speech? No, maybe they’ll laugh but laughter is harmless and you’ll live another day. Will Satan himself emerge from the darkness and make you his sex slave because you turned off the light and didn’t run to safety fast enough? No, but if he did I would say yes, he has big dick energy- 
THE POINT BEING, cringing at another person means they’re putting themselves in the spotlight of social rejection, and you don’t want to join them… you’re afraid of the same rejection (or maybe genuinely agree they’re a disgrace to society and it’s not a question of association lmao). Cringing doesn’t necessitate however, that you truly, TRULY despise their actions or even find them actually worthy of getting marginalized by society. In fact, you may even admire them deep down, feel amazed and awed at how this person is able to express themselves so openly in the face of possible judgment whereas you can’t imagine putting yourself in that position. You’re shrinking inwards because you are in fact imagining yourself in that position and embarrassed of it. What you call “cringe” might be “brave”, “authentic”, “real”, “free”.
When you're feeling cringe, what you're really feeling is empathy. In empathy, there is room for understanding, room for acceptance. 
It’s not always that you don’t want to participate in cute baby talk with your girlfriend, or that you don’t want to join the drunk extroverts on the dance floor, or that you don’t want to say I love you to a friend, or that you don’t want to write “mommy” in the comments like all the other horny simps… maybe you want to, you just feel that you can’t, that you shouldn’t.     
I know you love and encourage my infp weirdness, [bf’s name], even when it’s cringy to us both. And I love and encourage your weird, edgy, and grumpy self, even if it’s cringy to us both. Because at the end of the day we admire the other’s ability to be themselves, we hold the other’s authenticity in high regard. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
Me embracing your cringe doesn’t mean me becoming you. I stay who I am. But I dote over your cringe and accept it wholeheartedly as a very real, very special, very vulnerable part of you. I'm honored to see it. When [enfp friend] and I scream at you to embrace the cringe, we don’t mean becoming us. You can stay who you are if you like. But you don’t have to reject it only because you’re afraid that’s how you’re supposed to act and can’t be caught liking it. You don’t have to hold yourself back from joining us and putting your cringe at full display too.  
You already know all this ofc (smort hubby), but nonetheless, perhaps this will help redefine cringe in your mind as something bold, rebellious, maybe even an agent of truth in the sea of rules and conformity. Not as something unacceptable, but as something… harmless, innocuous, merely a threat to the part of you that still cares what people think. 
HA I DID AN UNO REVERSE CARD!! *evil laughs* ok bye
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rindousbbg · 4 months
wait hello hi this is v cute can i pls get a haikyuu personality match up??? i’m an infp. i get bored easily so i love doing things: picking up new hobbies, going out, being active. i like to think for the most part im v chill and easygoing but im actually very opinionated and can get a bit passionate over things. im basically like a textbook aries. im a lover of cats and art and music and movies. im a hater of people who are not upfront. i would say my type is someone who’s funny and easy to banter with and is very attentive/dedicated. secretly my type is dudes who are scary and would punch someone for me. my love language is physical touch (in like a, im not good with words so im just going to lie on top of you & crush u with my affection type of way)
thank you <3333
Here's your matchup...
You got..
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Kuroo tetsuro.
• Kuroo would participate in your hobbies. Going out together and participating in different activities with you. Going out to eat, or any sports match or just a rudimental shopping date. 
• Kuroo knows what you like and dislike so would orchestrate the best dates for days. Quite the perfectionist in this type of matter so wants everything on point. 
• Would love how passionate you are about certain things and support you. When you even lose motivation he would get you back on track. 
• He's a science nerd be ready for the constant pickup lines. He ain't stopping soon. 
• Kuroo prefers dogs but won't mind cats that much. Brings 10 kittens for you to impress. 
• Gets defensive whenever someone endeavors to deride you. 
• His cringe motivational lines are enough to make you roll on the floor, and he goes like :/.
• Won't mind if you roast him but would give the side eye to someone if they deride him. 
• He would notice every single thing and then utilize it for dates or whatever he has in his mind. eg: 2 months ago you said you love strawberry cheesecake and the next date would be filled with cheesecakes. 
• Bantering with him is so frolicsome and leads to him attacking you with his stong arms. (Tickling you)
• He looks scary (*cough* minus the bedhair), and won't mind punching and putting people in their place if needed. 
• Won't mind the physical contact because he liked it anyway. 
• Be ready for his dramatic complains tho and withal tantrums he would throw at you when you scarcely give more attention to someone else.
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hope you like it..
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kisskissbanggang · 1 month
skz ship game 💕
tagged by @valkyriexo 💗
Send this to a stay! Have them describe themselves and see who their followers would “ship” them with in the group! <3 (no pressure baby)
this is so cute!!
✨a little about me✨under the break!
i'm bel 💗
🌞capricorn | 🌜aries | ⬆️gemini
year of the 🐓 rooster
90s baby!!
currently reading: the dragon ball manga and house of leaves (but it's taking me a while because existential horror involving a house is actually a recipe for my nightmares which sucks because it's SO GOOD)
i have (1) tattoo and would love many, many more
i have (6) piercings but they're all in my ears and i would also love many, many more
i get my acrylics filled every three weeks and i've been seeing the same nail tech for years now
i'm re-learning french and super bad at it but i can't betray duolingo 💀
my favorite thing to write is currently high-concept adventure or thriller
cringe alert: married my high school sweetheart 🤢
i was a huge film nerd in high school and college so i thought i'd be a writer as a career, but my daily grind steered me into office work and that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes, i guess! i still love my movie and poster collection though 💗
i love camping, exploring new cities, coffee, cooking, baking, dying my hair, doing my makeup, playing video games, looking for shells at the beach, working out (but literally only leg day and yoga), crochet, drawing, and my dog!!
val made this a tag game so definitely try this, tag me if you do, and tag your friends! 💗
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Hi! Could I get a redacted matchup if they're still available?
-my current favorite song is optimism (as a radical life choice) by Spanish love songs. I love the lyrics "don't take me out back and shoot me, I know my wires are faulty, I've only ever been a kids, pointing out dead dogs in the road". IDK, the whole song is pretty relatable but those lyrics really stand out visually and emotionally. I'm also tired but still want a chance to be, ya know?
-my ennagram type is 6(w5 I think) my Myers Briggs is INFP(-t?) if it matters
- I LOVE YouTube video essays. I'll watch any, mostly on videogames stuff since I don't really like playing them but I love, like, lore and stuff. I really enjoyed the defunctland fast pass one too. The longer the video the better imo though
- I don't remember my childhood imaginary friend. I used to be super extroverted and had a lot of friends so I didn't really need one? I was also so chill playing by myself so I was okay without friends too. I miss that lol
- best way to fall asleep is fan on full blast, 1 giant comfy blanket, TONS of pillows and a stuffed animal
- I did change my name, picked it off a baby name list since that's what my parents did for the first name, not super special, does come with several easy nicknames though which is cool, but no one uses them :/
- I love any of guys videos, but I really like the failed sleep aid. He may not be super relaxing but at least he's trying!!! He's so funny and chill and I like that
- I don't really like David, Aaron, Damien's(just the x listener ones, I love him w/Huxley) audios. Not super into the Tsundere kinda stuff, I'm a little too insecure for that, I like open feelings and stuff
- I don't really have a book or movie I know all the words to, I don't like rewatching/reading things I already know for whatever reason, I will but it's less enjoyable
- I'm platonically attracted to Gavin and Huxley, they'd both be soo kind and supportive in their own ways, a little hype squad
- I ramble about people when I'm tired. Human interaction stresses me out so bad,, people are hard to understand and there's a whole lot of societal pressure to be a certain way and I just don't get it and I'm so tireddd
- I don't really stop at gas stations, but it'd probably be lemonade and chips of some kind
- my current favorite playlist is my 'cringe' playlist, all the edgy alt/emo/rock songs I was into in middle school, they're not great but they're so fun, they're also my guilty pleasure media. I know people hate them but they make me happy
- other stuff - I do have anxiety so social interactions stress me out but I'm trying to get better, I'm a lot more outgoing when I'm comfy with someone, I'm also super artistic and stuff, I enjoy painting and drawing and do that stuff regularly. I believe sharing your music taste with someone is v. Intimate and I hate putting on my music for others for fear of judgement lol
I'm sorry it's so long,, thanks!
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Easy-peasy, perfect- I know just the guy. Let me work my magical, match-making powers and tell you why everything about you, especially temperaments and your music taste, make you and Asher Talbot a fantastic match.
There’s so many little, charming things that would make your everyday lives together so cute and fun. Asher’s favorite band is canonically Fall Out Boy, so we know y’all are bopping to the same playlist in the car. He’d be your biggest hype man, hanging your painting all over your apartment. Not to mention, dude could be a walking Halo video essay, you know? Come home after a long day doing adult things, and listen to him ramble about campaigns or whatever happens in those games I have no idea.
On a deeper level, you two work even better still. Not only is Asher wonderfully emotionally intelligent and available behind his goofy, silly demeanor, he is the social butterfly. That’s why he’s the Beta, the soft diplomacy to all David’s alpha-ness. Asher would be the perfect, like, emotional support golden retriever boyfriend for all social occasions: handsome, huggable, attentive to your needs, and a mood-making goofball.
The more I think/ The more I wish/ That we could lie here for hours/ And just reminisce/ On the good the bad the ugly/ The smiles the laughs the funny/ Or all the things/ We put each other through/ It's for you
This was a fun excuse for me to go through Lexi Moon and I’s emo playlists for a cute, throwback love song, so thank you for that~ I decided on NeverShoutNever because emo has always had random men with ukuleles, it seems, but goshdarnit, they sing fun songs, and I can see Asher knowing all the words to this one. He’s a big sap, and I can see him singing this when you’re feeling down or anxious, doing it silly and over the top just to make you smile.
Lasko is a runner-up for you because two introverts together can be really cute, you know? Let’s be alone together, just the two of us, vibes. However, I like Guy better as a runner up because of how bubbly and social he is. I think he’d help bring you out of your shell and manage social situations, just not quite as tactfully as Asher.
note: you don’t have to apologize for it being long the more information you send the better 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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br4inr0tx · 1 year
Hey darling! Match-up for Hazbin Hotel and The Arcana, please? 💕 I am a woman, INFP, 5'3", mid size, olive skin, brown eyes, medium wavy brown hair, bisexual. I'm aroflux, which means I experience variations in my romantic attraction. I mostly don't sense it, but if I actually end up getting a crush, I'll feel like I've been ran over by 100 unicorns. I'm a very friendly introvert. I am bubbly around my close friends, always super affectionate and supportive, however, going out and seeing people (even if pleasant) makes me run out of battery and I value my recharge/private time and personal space a lot. I like being alone often and enjoying my own company in peace. I am very sensitive, I love animals and feel empathy for all creatures, that's why I am strongly against killing bugs and other little ones when it can be avoided (I just put them outside, plus I find spiders adorable and I like letting them crawl on my arm). I get along with animals because I am very respectful towards them, and I've ridden horses for a while. I am a vegetarian who's trying to go vegan, and I enjoy cooking homemade meals. I dislike foods like McDonald's (no shame to whoever likes it tho!), and when I go outside to eat with my non-veg friends I sometimes bring something from home because I am scared there may not be food for me. I have a sweet tooth and I love cake, muffins, sweets pretty much (I am a weakling, give me a cupcake and I'll do anything you ask me), while I dislike bitter things. I do have pets, cats specifically, and I am NOT being dramatic when I say I'd die for them. I am fascinated by the macabre and a horror lover, both books and movies, and I can pretty much stand the sight of anything in films, but when I see flesh in the supermarket I cringe, and I am also terrified of the dark and never sleep without a little light on (how ironic). I enjoy dressing with stuff such as ribbons, hairpins with cute animals, colorful baggy shirts with cartoon characters etc., but I alternate this with sophisticated, more mature/vintage looks as well. My dream is to become a theatre actress, that's why I'm in a theatre academy! I am training in singing and coreographies, too (I am not very good because I just started tho🥲). I love acting because it makes me exorcise my strongest emotions, I am a very expressive person and I often feel like my energy needs to come out in spikes. [1/2, sending another ask with the rest because Tumblr still puts the 500 word limit on me!]
Fello theater kid I see? 🤝🖤
warning: dead animal/bug mention
your Hazbin Hotel matchup is.. Charlie Morningstar !!
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• I have a very good felling you’d get along with Charlie. She matches your energy a lot in my opinion!
• She’s WAY taller then you. 6’-6’2 I believe. Any demon in hell (aside from imps) would be taller then you if we’re following Viv’s universe.
• The both of you are very friendly, so I’d imagine you’d get along very quick. Just by exchanging names I’d imagine Charlie would consider you a friend.
• Charlie gives enough equal support as you do with her. She doesn’t run on a social battery (as far as we’ve seen.), but understands you do. She leaves you be meanwhile she attends to the hotel.
• Charlie adores animals and bugs! Literally she will cry if she do a dead animal or bug on the road.
• I think she likes to home cook and bake, and would for sure do it with you if you ask!
• Only thing is, she’s not a vegetarian or vegan. I’d assume you respect her decisions, and usually doesn’t eat with you if you have an issue with it. Who knows, maybe you could convince her to go vegan if you if you wish?
• To match her sweet personality, I’d imagine she likes sweets too! Baking is something the two of you often do together.
• The two of you are cat moms! She loves your cats and would also die for them.
• She lives in hell, so I’m sure she’s accustomed to horror. She’s open to discuss it anytime with you.
• She LOVES watching horror movies with you especially!
• Charlie also loves to help you pick cute outfits. She likes to wear baggy and cutesy stuff when she’s not running the hotel or trying to be presentable I imagine, so she gets it.
• She gives massive theater kid energy. Like, have you seen her song? She’d definitely support you full force. She has to run the hotel though, so unfortunately I don’t think she’d be able to audition with you.
• Charlie can be messy and forgetful too, so the both of you can back each other up. (Try bracelet reminders! Those help me!)
• Charlie finds dad jokes funny. I will fight people on that.
• She doesn’t stand for bullying! It’s against the hotel too! She gets the same amount of rage when she sees someone hurt as you. Seriously, the two of you would be like two angry mothers defending their kid.
• For me, Charlie does acts of service without even realizing it. She does things for you without thinking just because she loves you.
• She does occasionally use pet names like "love" and "hun".
• She always asks permission before touching you. It’s a common thing for her, as she respects everyone’s boundaries and is a genuine therapist for everyone that needs it.
• I imagine she listens to the same stuff as you, maybe minus rock and metal. Not to say she isn’t open to it, it’s just not her thing.
• She loves to indulge in your hobbies! Even if she’s not good at them. Art for example; she likes to color though! She’s an amazing colorist imo.
• She’s a good balance for you. She treats you as an equal, and sees your opinions from your shoes. She hopes you’d do the same.
• Charlie is very good with kids, so she can quickly deal with them and get them out of your hair. That being said, I don’t think she’d necessarily want kids.
• Your runner ups would be Vaggie and Alastor!
• Overall, Charlie is the best match for you! Her spunky attitude will get you out of any funk your in, but as well motivate you. She understands your boundaries as on sad days she needs them too! Charlie gets you, and she hopes you get her too.
your Arcana matchup is.. Nadia Satrinava !!
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• Nadia is the one for you! Portia was a close runner up, but I ultimately decided on the flip of a coin because I literally couldn’t decide. I can always type something out for Portia if you’re interested in her!
• She is also quite a bit taller then you. She doesn’t talk about it though.
• Nadia is a smooth talker, though I’d imagine she also has a social battery and appreciates her alone time much like you do.
• I believe Lucio’s dogs are still in the mansion? They aren’t easy to befriend, but who knows? You might be able to, but be careful. I don’t really remember since it’s been years since I REALLY touch Arcana, but I think the two dogs enjoy or tolerate her presence. In that case, they might be okay with you.
• She often prepares the best food for you, whatever you crave or desire. She’s not the best at cooking, and often leaves it for her servants, but she’d adore it if you taught her.
• Fancy for sweets? She’ll feed you all the sweets in the world! Most likely you’d need to be the one to tell her to stop.
• She takes interest in dark subjects sometimes, especially when it’s something she’s interested in. She’s always open to talk about them, as she loves making conversation.
• As for theater, she doesn’t know much about it but attends to all of your shows your casted in, making sure to get the best seats in the house every time.
• Nadia would love to learn more languages, and she’d ask you to teach her in your spare time.
• She’s very patient when it comes to knowing you, knowing sometimes you just can’t help but get distracted. She might tease you a little in a playful way, but she always means well.
• She enjoys listening to you ramble. As I mentioned she loves any sort of chit-chat. I think because it gets her mind off of the stresses of royal life.
• She finds your jokes funny. Seeing you happy makes her happy, even if she doesn’t find your jokes particularly funny.
• Her main love language is acts of service, and she does so much for you it’s unreal.
• She provide lots of beautiful cutesy loose-fitting gowns and just as you seem to live. Of course if you’d prefer to wear something other then a gown, that’s on the table as well.
• If you want cuddles, she’s quick to go in for them. At first she’s a little stand-offish I feel, but with your encouragement she excepts it wholeheartedly.
• She enjoys when you paper her back, and it always manages to get her to blush like crazy. She finds it extremely adorable (and slightly unexpected? But that’s just because she can be pessimistic, not because she thinks you don’t love her at all or she thinks lowly of you.). Also, always expect her to pamper you back twice as much afterward.
• She doesn’t seem like the type to want children? Even if she did, she’d always rely on your judgement first.
• You and Nadia would make a good and supporting couple. There would be a little competition on who would love the other more, but I think you both know it’s the same.
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bruisedboys · 1 year
HUMMINGBIRD, ships ─── teehee okay i think you know me because im an oversharer✊😁 buuuut i am an infp/enfj hybrid (idk i’ve gotten both multiple times!) and my enneagram is 6w7💪 i am definitely an overthinker to my core. i am analyzing everything all the time without even trying to, it just happens. my love language is quality time, even if we’re just sitting doing nothing, it’s so nice. i binge watch so many shows and movie franchises, i get obsessed so fast it’s so silly. also performing arts is a mandatory addition that i need to include every time to make me seem super cool
+ no fandom or gender preference !
I ship you with nancy wheeler / pope heyward!
okay funny that I shipped you with the two scholars lolzies but I feel like you’d go so well with either of them!!
with nancy, she’d listen to allll of your thoughts and analyses on everything, and she’d be so so supportive — as in she’d listen, and validate you and your thoughts, but then she’d also tell you that most things that you think matter, don’t really matter! she’s good like that and she’d be good at helping you to not overthink so much!! not that she thinks it’s a bad thing, she actually thinks it’s adorable, but she knows it can take a toll on you emotionally so she likes to help you out! alsooo she definitely loves to just sit and do nothing with you, or maybe you’re both doing your seperate things but in the same room, and it’s just so nice. her love language is probably the same honestly! so it works really well. that and physical affection, and she loves watching you get flustered when she asks for a kiss.
with pope, he’d have such a big crush on you oh em gee. I just feel like he would be soooo into you. like … you’re nerdy about shows and movies? he is too!! please talk to him about your obsessions he’s so down to hear about them. also also he thinks it’s totally cool that you do performing arts — he’ll come to alllll your dance or drama performances and bring you flowers every time ugh. he’s also an overthinker lolzies, he would overthink everything he’s ever said to you. like that was so cringe why did I say that to her while just you’re thinking he’s so cute!!! also (like nancy) he loves to just spend time with you, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, he’s really not fussed, he just wants to be around you. he’s pretty chill like that (unlike jj who needs to be on his feet 24/7 lmao) and so he’ll just sit with you sometimes while you talk or do separate things. and also it’s a given that he’d teach you how to surf!! overall I just feel like you and pope would go so incredibly well together. I can’t explain it I just know it okay trust me
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tavvattales · 2 years
Matchmaker, Matchmaker. I need your help! (genshin please)
Pronoun : her/she (I'm also straight)
Platonic or romantic relationship : I can do both, but I prefer platonic.
My lean : slim? (I don't know what lean means, but google translate says it's my body type)
Likes :
I love the natural, I found it comforting. Like the shiny waterfall and the calm lake. I always let out a "Wahhhhh" when I see those. Same like animals. I found majority of them cute and would proudly goes to pet them even if it life risking.
Dislikes :
I tend to dislike the bad behavior from people like violence, bad talking someone, insulting without any explanation and etc. but I can still accept them though. Also, I'm in diona's sight, alcohol sucks.
Love language : words of affirmation, physical touch and act of service.
Description of my personality :
INFP, ADHD, HSP, Independent and an empath.
Major of my friends knows I'm a crybaby, but they still love me. And since I get hurt so much, I have the ability to feel what others feeling. Most people find comfort from me since I know what to do when someone feels a certain negative feelings, that's how I ended up being the therapist friend.
Being a therapist friend is also one of the reasons to keep going in life. They also tells me their dark backstory that includes- uhm, very sensitive topics.
Also, major people find my jokes or my serious sentences funny, even if I actually mean it. They told me I'm like the innocent dumb people- But it saves life sometimes, like there's one time, I accidentally make my teacher laugh when she was having a bad day and is trying to scold the class. My classmates was confused a bit that time-
Oh, and I can be both housewife and girlboss according to situations too. 😍🌹
But mostly, people said I'm soft aka housewife since I'm sensitive. 👎🏻
But don't ask my male friends, they think I hate them(true) since I hate male. But find some of them pretty comfortable to be with(I act like an older siblings around them).
Oh yeah, and last one, most people can get nervous around me in the first meet since I'm very quiet with strangers. But with my close friends, they called me the crazy therapist friend that needs therapy too.
Sorry if this sounds cringe, I tried. Your writings are awesome and thank you for reading this too. Hope you have a great day!
Helloo sweetie piee~ Thank you so much for choosing Rebby's Matchmaking Services!
Let's see here. . .hmmm
Your new friend is~
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Finding it comforting to know Chongyun doesn't have a mean bone in his body; you are able to be comfortable and completely yourself around him. Sometimes he's too nice for his own good and you aren't afraid to speak up when his other friends tease him for being gullible.
"Chongyun. . .you know Xingqiu wasn't being serious, right?" You ask him with your eyebrow raised, glancing at him worriedly. Your friend, once again got roped into what seemed to be another exorcism case for him, "Look, I'm saying this as a friend. You're too gullible. I just don't want you to waste your time hunting something that won't even be there, you know?"
Chongyun looks at you, surprised, "Really? I didn't think Xingqui was like that. . .hmm. Regardless I'd still like to check it out if it means spending more time with you!" he says with a gentle smile on his face.
"Alright, alright. If you put it like that, how can I turn you down?" You say, returning a soft smile.
The two of you travel a lot, going from place to place to help Chongyun with his investigations, knowing they won't, unfortunately, lead anywhere. Yet, you were okay with this because it meant spending time with your best friend and the joys of being surrounded by nature.
"Wwaahhhh!" You exclaim, catching Chongyun's attention, "That waterfall is so pretty!" you say, playfully slapping the back of his shoulder to get him to look.
"E-eh?" Chongyun yelps in surprise, turning around to see a gushing waterfall, the sound of the water making it hard to hear, "Whoa! You're right; it's bigger than the ones we normally see!" He shouts over the white noise, "I'm glad we came this way!"
The two of you are very considerate to each other's feelings. Being both empaths, you and Chongyun are quick to discuss how the two of you are feeling on both good days and bad.
"Y/N, what's wrong? It seems as if something is bothering you. Would you care to talk about it?" Chongyun asks, laying a gentle hand to your shoulder.
Sighing restlessly you respond, "See, that's the thing. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. .ugh this is so frustrating!" folding your arms across your chest in disarray.
Chongyun frowns, collecting himself, "Well you know I'm always here for you if you want to talk about it when you figure out what's wrong, but for now, I'll just support you and try and make your day better!" He says in a determined manner, "Shall we go take a nature walk in the meantime to help you cool off?"
Smiling at your friend you say, "That sounds fantastic. Thank you, Chongyun. I don't know what I'd do without you~."
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silvermistcosmos · 2 years
hiii! I’m back for the ship game :’) can I have one romantically w enhypen?
I’m 19 years old and I have shoulder length black hair, glasses, brown eyes and I’m around 153 cm.(Niki share some of those growth gummies pls 😫✋) my pronouns are she/her! im an infp and pretty shy and introverted irl but I love the presence of other people- like sitting with or facetiming ur friend while you both do your own work. I also enjoy spontaneous day trips and going out to eat. I’m currently studying to become a child psychologist and I absolutely love working with children and playing with them! They’re just the cutest ever 💗💗 def wanna work at a daycare someday 😌 as for love languages I love giving others handmade gifts (I love to crochet!) and receiving physical touch & quality time :) I usually comfort others when they’re upset by trying to make them laugh or smile. The jokes are fails half the time but I try :”) and this game is so cute, ty for doing it!!! -siri 💕💕
HIII, Siri, thanks for participating and sorry this took FOREVER to do! The amount I write has gone 📉 !! but hey, I’m doing it now! I hope you like it! 💕💕
I ship you with...Sunoo
ok ok, hear me out, doesn't this description just make you think of someone Sunoo would date? like seriously, you seem so caring and sweet and cute and just skjdka Sunoo’s type! also ngl, he’d love your height even though he sometimes teased you about it, he does it out of love =) 
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pairing - siri x sunoo
genre - fluff
wordcount - 710
warning(s) - n/a
a/n - if you would like to be shipped as well, check out my enhypen & bts ship game
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"Alright, guys! Are you ready?" When you heard a series of 'yes' and the kids getting in formation, you smiled and pressed play.
As you and the kids danced with giggles and laughter, you saw from the mirror, your boyfriend walking in through the door, holding a banquet of flowers.
Before you even said anything, one of the little girls with brown hair stopped and pointed straight at Sunoo, "That's for Miss Siri, right?" She held a mischievous smile on her face, "She told us all about you. How she's sooo in looov-"
you jumped towards her, pressing your finger to her lips with a nervous giggle, "haha that's enough for today. Miss eunjoo will take over for me now."
Sunoo smiled, "aw, but I wanted to hear more about what you've told them about me. I bet you told them how in love with me you are." He teased, making everyone laugh except for you. You hid your face in your hands slapping his shoulder softly.
"You're so mean..." You whined
"I'm only joking, but I wanted to ask the kiddos if I could steal you away for a while. I wanna take you out for dinner."
Before you could answer, another young boy popped in, "Sure, as long as y'all don't get lovey dovey here." He laughed.
You both shook your heads, “then we'll be on our way out!" As you walked out the door, you heard them in unison, "Sunoo and Siri sitting on a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G. !"
"The kids you babysit are the darn cutest kids I've ever seen." He commented, handing you the flowers.
"They are adorable. I love taking care of them, but they can be little stinkers." You laughed, taking the flowers and getting in his car, "So, where are we going?"
"Just someplace.."
"JUST SOMEPLACE?!" You gawked at the huge building in front of you with wide eyes, "No way..."
You started to walk away before he pulled you back and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "Yeah, just someplace." He said nonchalantly, opening the door to the restaurant.
You cringed into his side, "Sunoo, this is the type of place where people wear red dresses and suits and like super expensive jewelry. I'm literally in an old T-shirt I use to wear when I'm cleaning the bathroom and ripped jeans. I dont feel like I'm dressed suited to the occasion." You whisper-yelled, but he only shrugged, looking back down at you, "Love, you look gorgeous. Don't worry about it."
As you opened your mouth up to speak, a lady at the front spoke to Sunoo about reservations and sorts before leading you to your table, "Enjoy your night." She bowed with a smile, leaving.
"This place is so nice." You began, taking a look around, "when did you make reservations? It must have taken forever."
"Mmm, I made it a couple months ago. I wanted to do something special together since we've...or particularly I have been so busy with work that we haven't been able to actually sit down for a nice dinner and enjoy each others company in a long time." He took your hand in his and grabbed the menu with his other hand, "Take a look at the menu and pick what you like."
You ‘awwed’ before leaning over and placing a quick kiss to his cheek, “I really appreciate this, thank you.” You squeezed his hand and looked back at your menu. 
“Ahem, after this...do you want to teach me that dance you taught this kids?” 
You giggled, raising a brow, “You want to learn it?” 
“Yeah...it looked cute.” He shyly scratched the nape of his neck. 
You eyed him, “You just want to tease me, right?” 
“No no, of course not! I just want my girlfriend to teach me a dance. Is that so wrong?” 
“Okay okay, after dinner, let’s go to the dorm and I’ll teach you!” 
“In front of the others?” He widened his eyes, taking a sip of his water that the waiter had brought them earlier. 
“What? You embarrassed?” You snickered.
“Wh-what? No.” 
“Okay it’s settled then.”
After dancing in FRONT of the boys, DO expect lots of cuddles and kisses from Sunoo cause the boy is embarrassed!! But it’s okay, you make sure to make it up to him by cuddling with him all night...and maybe all of the next day. 
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hi!! How are u? I hope you doing fine 🥰🥰
I would like to ask for match up pls.
I'm female, heterosexual, I'm either ISFJ/INFP (kinda feels like both 🤷‍♀), an artist, I have pretty intimidating face and I kind of proud of it but at the same time I'm insecure bc no one want to be friends with me 😭😭 but I find myself as introverted, weird, and shy, people didn't know I'm that kind of person since I have rbf 🗿but I'm loud with friends I'm closed with
I have long black haired, brown eyes, fair skin, rbf, my height is 165cm and wearing glasses
Hobby, watch movies, reading books, drawing, listens to music, daydreaming 24h and shopping
I likes anime, manga, novel, fashion, watch romance and horror movies, cooking, dark academia theme and style, animals, love and always wearing black mask (it sad bc covid is almost over 😭) coffee and anything not to sweet
I don't really like sweets I mean I like eat something not to sweet like pudding, coffee cake, any pastries, etc.. I hate pastel colors and anything that cute except cute animals (it just cringe for me I'm sorry), do any works late at night, anyone that annoyed me (I pretty much have anger issues with this one 😀), someone I'm use to know with ignore me, someone with adhd (I'm not hate I know some people had it so I'm said I distance myself), I hate when people makes me wash the dishes, that the only thing I know about myself 🤷‍♀
Positive about me is I'm very supportive, kindhearted, polite, hardworking, independent, forgiving with someone I love, ambitious, curiosity, I'm literally mom of the friends group 😭, concern pretty important for me, patience (depends on my mood)
Negative things about me, I have anger issues (only for those who annoyed/make me angry I'm not 24/7 angry sometimes I try to be more patience), careless, rebellious, stubborn and aggressive
About the aggressive part I love to take hand to hand combat bcuz I took martial art class and I'm good using any dangerous weapon bcuz I love to takes any risk and challenge
From what I tell u from the beginning I have problem to control my emotions, naturally I'm lil shy, emotionless and introverted but when I lost control I hurt people feeling where at the end I feel regret and I embarrass to apologize until now
I'm pretty good when it comes to fashion sense, I like to wear casual dress especially color black and red (I'm not emo and muscular btw) I wear what I feels like it good and makes me confident with my rbf (depends on what the occasion/season) and I wear makeup especially doing ombre lips 😍
I don't show love through words but more to act of service, quality times and physical touch. Too bad I am quite inexperienced when it comes to love but doesn't mean I don't know how to show appreciation
Bonus, I'm not afraid of anything even insects like cockroaches, I do afraid of something but my useless brain didn't tell me what it is rn 🙄👎. I made my own career. I'm very good when it comes to cooking but bad at cleaning.. Like very bad..
Well that the only thing I know about me. and sorry about bad English I hope u understand what I tryna to says and thank you so much 😇🥰 sorry if I didn't notice the typos 😃
(Okie Dokie!!!)
Match-Up #23
-I match you with Yu Hojo-
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-Upon first glance he'd thought you were tough as nails and that you didn't like him or the others in the least bit. Why Overhaul would let a woman join the yakuza was beyond him. However, Hojo never questioned the boss considering he'd placed his full trust in him. Maybe you were like him and the others here? Discarded and stomped on by society, trash saved by the leader himself and given another chance at life here with the Hassaikai. Or perhaps he just needed a maid right? A pretty face like yours would do well around here as the maid. The man let his thoughts run wild for at least 2 full days after he found out you were being placed in his team. Little by little you began to open up and confuse Hojo more and more. Just earlier you were sitting there as a menacing aura rolled off of you. Then here you were about 20 minutes later taking care of Tabe and speaking sweetly to him after he'd gotten a paper cut somehow. So which is it? Were you vicious or kind??? Hojo continued on with his work and watched you as the days passed. You started talking more and more with the other two and soon he'd found you were nothing like the facial expression that betrayed you so many times. You were a delightful person to be around compared to him and the rest of the brutes here. He secretly began to beat himself up when he watched you interact with the others. He wanted to be close to you as well, loudly joking about whatever dumb topic was on your mind at the moment but he kept his distance from you and just kept quiet. If it actually hadn't been for Setsuno intervening then Hojo would've never ended up as your partner to begin with. "Look man I'm not trying to get on your ass or play cupid, but I think if you really like the girl you shouldn't hesitate on it. She's become pretty popular around here lately and it's only a matter of time before some snub asks her out. You don't wanna live your life in regret man. You know I could give a shit less about something as fictional as love but I just can't stand the thought of having to deal with you moping around here any longer."
"Moping…have I been moping?" Setsuno sucks air in through his teeth and stares anywhere but at Hojo. "Yeah man. Moping."
-Hojo bites back on the nervousness that crept up on him the day he finally asked you on a date. You happily accepted it because let's face it: Hojo was pretty attractive and free food was involved as well. I'd say the date went fairly well. He asked a lot of questions about you but didn't really air himself out there as much for you. It was likely because he was actually a little shy for the first time in his life. He was a gentleman the entire time and it was clear to see that chivalry wasn't dead when it came to him. The next date that came around you actually ended up asking him out this time and he happily took you up on the offer. This time he incorporated some of the things he learned about you from the first date. He gifts you some anime merch (you should've seen how awkward he looked buying it lol), he offers his car stereo for your full control so you can play music you like, he ever takes you out shopping later…his treat! The third date was an indoor one. You curl up on the couch and show him a few of your favorite horror and romance movies while he snickers at the cheesiness in all of it. He comes up with the idea halfway through to have a drawing date where you both follow a tutorial and show each other the results. His drawing was awful lol. If you've got time left in the date you two cook together (maybe teach him a little something) and you even get to show him some of your favorite books. To be romantic, this man will read them to you if you wanted him to.
-A few more dates and you've basically grown comfortable with each other. It's okay for you to show yourself around him. You can daydream all you want, geek over fashion or cute animals even, or simply infodump everything you know about dark academia to him. He accepts it all with a smile and a little twinkle of interest in his eye. In return you have to take him as he is. He's protective, sometimes stern when he lectures you, but so gentle to you as if you're the most fragile thing he's ever touched. He loves you so much. He does little things here and there to express it rather than saying it as often to you. He'll steal your glasses right off your face and clean smudges off of them with his shirt (even if he's wearing an expensive shirt). He'll try to help you calm yourself if your anger gets out of control. Even if you end up lashing out on him, he's still there no matter what because he knows it's just your emotions making you feel like that. This man will even let you spar with him. He learns the hard way about why Overhaul let you into the Shie Hassaikai after he sees the damage you can do in a fight.
-He's not too much of a needy man so however you show your love to him, he'll take it and cherish it no matter what.
-The man admires your fashion sense and overall style you display. He'll admit to your face that he loves your eyes and your hair most of all. Honestly he's secretly given you a stupid nickname behind your back, his little doe since you remind him of that animal. He's not ever going to tell you this since he's worried you'll hate it lol.
-What you lack in one department, he makes up for in another. So even if you're bad at cleaning, he'll take over and cover that part for you. When you're upset, he'll try to remain calm for you to level things out. He really is a good person to be in a relationship with. He's knows you like the back of his hand after about a year of dating of each other!
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micharemade · 2 years
its probably true that im a cringe infp cus what i thought was me being a t is probably just my autistic bluntness. punches head cutely
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cora0rr3m · 2 years
Welome anyone and everyone to cora0rr3m!!
Just call me Cora/Rem and pronouns are she/they/he (use she her minimally)
Interests/hobbies: Drawing, Animation (2D), Vocaloid songs, and many more
Im a minor, and i might not post frequently because of school or maybe a family vacay or smth-
[pisces, infp, i’d love it if you would check out my posts even though they are cringe 😁🥰👍]
Fandoms im in:
The Owl House
In a heartbeat
Carmen Sandiego
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Heluva Boss
Genshin Impact
And many others that i cannot remember ;_;
DNI IF.. (this is not optional)
Makes straight aus of in a heartbeat (or any gay ship in general)😦😕😟
You are here to “Troll”
super straight or any fake sexuality
You don’t respect other’s pronouns
You dont respect other’s beliefs/religion
You make CP
(This is a joke but) Sherwin slander of him looking like Ed Sheeran
Comfort Characters/Characters i simp for/My kins:
- Caramel arrow cookie (cookie run kingdom) [i simp for]
- Financier cookie (cookie run kingdom) [i simp for]
- Sherwin (In a Heartbeat) [comfort character]
-Carmen Sandiego (From Carmen Sandiego lol) [I EXTREMELY SIMP FOR.]
- Luz Noceda (The owl House) [I EXTREMELY SIMP FOR ASWELL.]
- Rosaria (Genshin Impact) [i simp for alot]
- Ayaka (Genshin Impact) [My kin]
More interests:
In a heartbeat fanfiction/any fan content possible bcs there is like 0 nowadays-
If you have any caramel arrow/financier cookie fanart pls show it to me i will definitely not hang it on my wall and kiss it goodnight
I play cookie game and anime no sis aether game
cats and bunnies.
Cute lil plushies
Any fanart or fan headcanons of any of the fandoms im in
if you have any more art advice for people with cartoony artstyles please tell me so i can improve my sad depressing art
Ambition when i get the chance ig:
To be an animator/cartoonist, im not actively practicing now, but i hope i have the money to buy a drawing tablet so that i can draw easier on my laptop
Travel the world
Make fan content... and maybe someday, original made up ocs and art of my own :]]
I might not post frequently due to lack of motivation or school.
If you dont like what you see in this blog, just scroll somewhere else, because im just doing what i can for fun
I have really badly made jokes, so dont expect a laugh
I hope you have a great time in this blog :]] ✨💜🤎🧡💙💚💓💗
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TXT Compatibility
@crownkatt I have a fever and It took me like 5 tries to spell your url correctly LOL I'm gonna change mine to panakananama
First of all, Are you A Cancer Sun? I got that vibe.
SO like, yes. I wouldn't normally jump at an INFP and ENFP relationship, but with your personality similarities and differences, I think you would make a good couple, ESPECIALLY if I'm right about your Cancer Sun.
And here's why also: ENFPs enjoy finding the quiet awkward person in the room and befriending them. Now, when Yeonjun finds out what you're like when comfortable, HOOOOOBOY would he be more than delighted. He would very much enjoy annoying the shit out of you like this:
Yeonjun: . Why aren't you talking
You: ?
Yeonjun: Talk or you're gay
You: wtf that's offensive
Yeonjun: Glad you asked! *continues to carry the convo*
Until you're comfortable around him and know him well enough lmfao to let loose.
Yeonjun can get butthurt very easily bc Virgos are little bitches, so sometimes when you're very honest, if it hits a sore spot for him, he'll get kinda pissy until you notice and the two of you talk it out like mature adults bc we stan communication in this house yes sir.
Yeonjun, being a goofball and moodmaker himself, would very much enjoy being happy with you lol. Hello 3 am twerking contest dates in the comfort of your living room??? He's such an ENFP tho he might invite some of his friends to watch and judge.
I can see lots of heated debates that end in SEX lmfao jk but I can see a lot of debates between the two of you, like fun debates that can get heated but you respect each other's boundaries and you pro0bably end up laughing anyway.
And like. Bro. If you. Like. If you tell Yeonjun the little quirks and things about him that you notice and love, he would be soooooooo fucking shy bro like he might be like "Yeah I'm hot" on the outside but then he'll visibly cringe and sink into the couch or whatever bc compliments or gestures of attention to detail comi9ng from someone he loves is like. Big nut right there. He needs someone like you who appreciates the little things.
As we can see, Yeonjun has much patience. So fear not, when you get stubborn, he's the type of s/o to go "Okay, honey" or "yes, dear" and continue reading the newspaper.
Also good for you for your self love journey bro mine happened in the legit same way FUCK THE REST WE THE BEST anyway Yeonjun would really appreciate this, because he has obviously done a lot of work on his self-confidence (Virgos tend to be overthinkers and the industry he's in basically serves to kill every shred of confidence they have and then throw them to the wolves LOL) and I think being around someone who has also gone to the depths and come out stronger would be an inspiration for him to keep going and keep working on loving himself.
Yeonjun would find it endearing that you cry at videos like animals being rescued, and he would just want to hug you bc it's so cute. HE IS ALSO VERY ROMANTIC!!!!!! And that would 100% be reserved for you, even though he flirts with his boyfriends a lot, you're the only one getting those premium dates and hand-written love letters okay.
Catch Yeonjun calling your alternative music weird and then secretly making you a mixtape of the ones that remind him of you and new ones he found bc he actually likes it. Bonus: it will include Lamb Of God LMFAO
Yeonjun would be super intrigued by all of your hobbies and interests, and he would want to experience them with you. Additionally, he would want to bring you into his world as well and share his hobbies/interests with you. It would be a lot of experiencing new things together. He would probably ask you to write a poem or a short story and give you a stupid topic like "Write about Beomgyu's balls. Just. Whatever comes to mind."
He wants you to draw a skull on his bicep with sharpie so he can tell people he got a tattoo.
If you like stand-up comedy, being around Yeonjun will be a show 24/7. Fucking ENFP's smh.
Bro you being unable to flirt and all that is exactly what gets Yeonjun going bro. Bc that means he can pull out ALL THE ONE-LINERS HE'S BEEN W A I T I N G FOR and he doesn't have to think about immediate rejection bc you probably aren't even picking up on it anyway LOL. He would definitely be the one to be like, "Yeah, for sure, I don't know, but I think we should kiss. Thoughts?" And then he would read your body language, listen to your sputtering and if you give him the signal at some point he would, slowly, go for it. Slow enough to give you time to stop him if he's getting the wrong signals.
Worry not about mind-reading, Yeonjun is very playful and affectionate so, when in the relationship, expect random hugs, kisses, tickling, etc. AND WE KNOW HE CAN USE THAT DAMN AEGYO FUCKING BANISH HIM TO HELL IF IT WERE ME BUT you like it sO he would figure that out quickly and that's the story of how you guys adopted a Welsh Corgi 2 months after moving in together.
The End (sorry I didn't include some things, I just included what I thought was the most important in how I saw your dynamic play out uwu)
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woahsehun · 3 years
hi! i’d like to request a skz ship :] i’m a sag (12/02), and my hobbies are dancing, playing video games, and watching youtube. my future goal is to be a marine conservationist and work hands on w/ wild animals to preserve and protect their species. some of my (random) least favorite things are horror movies, gore, silence, roaches, heat, and overly bubbly people. some of my likes are the color lavender, led/neon lights, animals, music, steak, and potatoes. i believe my love languages are physical touch and gift giving, and i’m an infp (i think)! thank you so much in advance <3
hi! thank you for so much for the ask, and I’m sorry it took so long! <3
after much deliberation, I am deciding to pair you with hyunjin! :)
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although your zodiac signs might not be the most compatible (pisces x sagittarius) I think everything else you mentioned would work well with hyunjins personality
I know all of skz love animals to some degree, but for some reason hyunjin stuck out to me here with your marine biology/conservationist interests. I could just picture, for example, if you’re doing some sort of project or sample collecting for your classes/job he would tag along. you’d be roaming the water or sand for whatever you need (idk I’m not science smart I’m sorry 😭) and he would just love to come along and paint the scenery as the day passes by. or in another instance, if you’re in a lab of sorts working he could stay nearby and draw all the creatures in the fish tanks surrounding your work <3
hyunjin’s food tastes on a base level seem to be similar so you would have that in common, and he definitely doesn’t seem the type to like roaches either so let’s hope y’all don’t have to call an exterminator ahsjjdks
lastly, love languages !!! idc what hyunjin says the way he hugged felix in that one skz cooking video 😐 man likes his hugs okay. although he may not be the most touchy person in the world I don’t think physical touch with a partner would ever make him full out cringe or anything. now gift giving is the one I really think y’all might have in common, because I have a feeling he LOVES receiving gifts (especially fashion related things). and this isn’t in a bad way or anything, I feel like it just makes him feel good and shows that you were thinking about him and it reminds him of how well you know him (if that makes sense). as far as gift giving on his side I feel like for some reason it could steer towards the direction of food aka taking you out and paying or coming home with snacks and drinks you enjoy, stuff like that. also small matching couple things lowkey. part of the skz promise ring enthusiast unit
I just had another thought okay cute here it is - since you don’t like horror movies or silence I had the thought that maybe falling asleep to a movie would be a good pass time for you both. so as it gets later and the chill movie plays on you drift off to sleep. at one point or another maybe when the credits are rolling or just when hyunjin gets bored of the movie he would reach over to the side table and carefully grab his sketchbook. then once you finally wake up, and he’s still sleeping, you pick up his sketchbook that had been pushed to his feet. once you take a closer look you realize that on the open page is a rough pencil sketch of you sleeping peacefully. (is that creepy I feel like it’s not idk I’m just soft leave me alone)
artist hyunjin x marine life conservationist for the win
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anyways, once again I’m sorry it took so long, and I hope you like it!
have a great day <3 :)
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