#im drunk and angry
rigaudon · 1 year
You motherfucking asshole. How dare you do this to me twice and not even have the decency to apologize to me. >:( who gave you the right.
I can't figure out how to readmore on mobile with new tumblr where the fuck is the thing. Ugh.
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babymorte · 2 months
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my shirt is tetris 😀
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axolotlclown · 3 months
I suppose I'm a little late to the party, but I needed time to collect my thoughts.
Here's the thing, everyone's caught up on Caiti's age and whether she consented. To me, that isn't anywhere near the point. Her being so young is certainly creepy and strange, but not the point.
Here's the first thing, though less important than the next. As an adult, it is blaringly clear how irresponsible these "adults" were. Two grown ass men supplying alcohol to underaged girls in a hotel room. They were up drinking until 6am. They were one noise complaint away from getting the cops called.
Second thing. While underage drinking in the US is fairly normal, 18 is still pretty young here. Also, publicly admitting to supplying alcohol to an 18 year old is crazy, but not the point.
18 year olds can't compete with grown adults when it comes to alcohol. They don't have the same tolerance. There never should have been any "one upping."
No one should have gotten that drunk. The fact that there was a girl leaving, vomiting in her hand is fucking ridiculous. When someone, regardless of their age, is drinking too much too quickly, you cut them off and give them water. This is how college parties are run. Once you start wobbling a little too much, your speech is slurred, and you stop being a person, someone gives you water and walks you home.
And nobody walked her back to her hotel room?? Two grown men. I don't give a shit how tired you are. You always walk a girl home. Who the fuck raised you??
I am an adult man in college. I have been around a lot of different men. I have hung around men that behave like this. Let me promise you this: they got those girls drunk like that on purpose. They both wanted something. When they didn't get it, they just let the girls go. They were never interested in their safety. They were never interested in who they were.
And let me promise you this: there's never just one girl. And any well brought up man would have cut them all off and sent them on their way. There is way more to this situation than lets on.
And of course George never asked for her consent. It was never a question. They brought those girls back to that hotel room with the thought that they'd get something out of it. To George, he heard 18 and thought, "oh cool, she's legal."
I see this happen all the time in college. Usually men don't grow out of all of it, but they usually grow out of begging like a shitty dog in some random girl's DMs. To hear a grown ass man, 26 years old, behave like a fucking 19 year old sophmore in college is pathetic. I'm not interested in giving pathetic men any more time.
Also, love and light to Caiti, she looks like she's 16. "I didn't know she was 18!" First off, doesn't matter. Second off, I would've guessed she was a minor, so I know you checked first. Or else you're even dumber than the fucking college kids. Damn.
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
fuckign obsessed with sabigiyu... sabito's tough and snarky and brash when hes around people but then see him with giyuu and hes the biggest fucking puppy... constantly touching and being affectionate whenever he can, harshly stopping/snapping at anyone who tries to badmouth giyuu or even looks at him wrong, always glancing back when hes talking looking for giyuu's attention and recognition- he so freely displays his love and its just so sickeningly sweet to anyone around as witness
giyuu's a youngest child too, you know he'd eat that shit up. he fucking loves how much sabito spoils him- the occasional time sabito tries to be stern or ignores him all he has to do is bat his eyes and raise the corners of his mouth and sabito near immediately caves to whatever he wants. anything to see giyuu's full smile, and giyuu never hesitates with him
they know exactly what the other wants at a given moment, know when to be soft and sweet or when to be rough and wild- quietly sitting together close enough for their thighs to touch and enjoying the warmth of eachother's presence to playfully pushing buttons until the other snaps and gives their full attention to grappling the other to the ground. they'd both stop at the drop of a dime for the other for whatever reason needed, lovingly teasing and calling the other an idiot the whole way out
#loserboy giyuu posting#fratboy sabito posting#sabigiyu#sabito x giyuu#i found Anything You Want(JAWNY ft. dojacat) and i just asfdghgjhykdsfghjkyj sABITO#he fucking loves giyuu sm. theyre both utterly obsessed with eachother but sabito's more outgoing abt it so its#way more obvious to outsiders. anyone who actually knows how giyuu is see how down bad he is- hes a different person when sabito's#way more obvious to outsiders. anyone who actually knows how giyuu is see how down bad he is- hes a completely different person when#sabito's around vs when hes not and everyone thinks they're ridiculous#sabito got in a fight one time bc he called someone pathetic for being scared to openly love their partner#giyuu had to drag him out like a cat carrying an angry kitten. he was staring them down with death in his eyes then as soon as line of#sight broke he looked to giyuu with a proud little smile and giyuu dropped him on his ass for getting into a fight for such a stupid reason#sabito tried to defend his superior opinion but stopped when giyuu kissed the top of his head and started walking off. scrambled to get up#and follow- whatever he was gonna say forgotten and no longer important#ough...#sorry im unwell about them#i like thinking of what they'd be like if they hadnt lost eachother and turned cold in eachother's absence like they did in canon#sabito asshole & giyuu spoiled brat supremacy#also this is ambiguous as to whether its canon-setting or modern its just Them#'youve got the funk- gets me stupid gets me drunk- ill do anything that you want- anything that you want want want'#its just oUGH
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etherealspacejelly · 1 month
maybe its just the brit in me but i think piss is objectively the funniest swear word. like. something mildly inconvenient happens and your only response is. "piss." thats fucking comedy gold
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simptasia · 2 months
im drunk by the way. for the first time in my life
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kaseyskat · 1 year
my Thoughts on like, normals character and where he's going btw are highly based on his own flaws and like. idk ive kinda seen both sides (normal is a baby and must be protected versus normal needed this ego blow because he was getting too into his head) and I think it's maybe more nuanced than that? cause the thing is. normal is RIGHT to think that his side of things are the morally correct side. he's the one whose seen what the doodler wants and fears and where it came from, he had more perspective on the quest than any of the other teens and I'm not arguing otherwise because it'd be silly. it's HOW he's going about it that puts him firmly into the, "teen character is going to fuck up because they're a teenager" category: as much as he does genuinely try, he's not good at connecting to other people and he does put himself on this pedestal of "i know better and therefore im the best" that isn't exactly the MOST healthy mindset, as a self-proclaimed leader.
that being said, I absolutely understand where he's coming from in this episode in a very. he is hurting and lashing out kind of way? we know why scary is acting the way she is (her own past with her dad + willy trauma=she's still looking for the trauma that justifies her inner darkness) and we know why link is acting the way he is (he's hurt and scared and he never asked for this and he just wants to ensure that he's not the one actively hurting people, he never forgave himself for the casualties of ep2 and the last thing he wants is to add more) and one of normals flaws is his pride, the way he's so sure of what he's doing, he's the best for this and of COURSE it's the right way, he knows that!!!
but he can't empathize with scary right now. very specifically he cannot empathise with her because he can't trust her. and if he can't trust link he can't empathize with him either. normal does view himself as the reason the team is together, and I think that's why he was suddenly on board with kicking scary out when before he was so deadset on helping her: if he personally can't trust anyone, does he really have a team he can lead?
that being said, the shots taken on him recently have been sooo low in comparison. scary has done nothing but bully normal since they reunited. link has been sassy and snippy with normal even since ep26 and it's only gotten worse. normal and taylor don't really have much of a relationship outside the teen friendship circle in general. hermie is angry at normal- and I kinda agree with will that it should NOT solely be up to the players to remember anthony's fucking npc, as funny as it is. as much as I want normal to listen and understand and empathize with scary and link both, it IS a little frustrating when in comparison normals been fucking tanked at every opportunity by the other players- and link's line to normal after he found out about hero actually made me so upset on normal's behalf like dude.
I'm still on the boat that normal should get and deserves a mild villain arc. I desperately want him to team up with hermie and go to the goofs realm alone. I think it might be good for him- both to have a solo adventure with hermie and to have a solo adventure in general, so he can find out why he loves having friends so much. and I think him going through a villain arc would be so narratively compelling, because again, he's not WRONG about the path they should be taking: it isn't underestimating links personal trauma to admit that normal is actually right and he's just so bad at following through. it's just kinda a little tiring sometimes when normal actually does his best to keep the group together and it doesn't work (looking at episode 27 in particular) or when he tries to bury that oak family generational anger the way sparrow and henry do. let him be angry!!!
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soccerpunching · 10 months
You think Kidou slips into another language whenever he's drunk or really sleepy, because I think so
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twelverriver · 1 year
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au: buffy and faith are in a pop rock band called The Slayers. buffy is the lead singer, faith plays the bass and does backing vocals. faith keeps fucking every single person in their band and their crew and buffy isn’t jealous. when they Do they together they’re absolutely obnoxious and faith keeps spilling things about their private life on stage with a smirk and a wink and buffy is really embarrassed but also thinks faith’s super hot while she’s doing it, so she doesn’t mind that much. 
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tiredhawks · 2 years
Anyway it's time for me to go to bed. I'm going to put my phone down and start thinking about Hawks having an injury or medical emergency like a stroke that is kind of blown off for an extended period of time until someone realizes he's not acting right. Goodnight
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whiskingskin · 4 months
Something I've heard over and over and over again from my genderqueer friends about testosterone is that they're terrified to start, cause it'll make their anger?? Worse?? Maybe it was me finding myself In a body more comfortable, or me already being in therapy and conscious of my emotions and their impact but. Being on testosterone made a lot of my emotions feel more manageable.
Testosterone doesn't make you angrier. Testosterone doesn't transform you into this man-beast that yells at everybody and is suddenly horny all the time. Testosterone doesn't affect your problem solving skills, your people management, or your lack of foresight into your own anger like?
If you're routinely blowing up at the people in your life then yeah. Yeah, testosterone might make that action feel a bit easier and wilder. But if you, you know, acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to experience them without taking them out on other people... then that. Won't. Happen.
You will never be able to control your emotions. Never ever ever. But you CAN and WILL control your reactions to these emotions.
Idk where my rambles were supposed to go but. Testosterone doesn't make you an angry person. You might BE an angry person, just on your own, and that's fine. What's not fine is taking that anger out on others and blaming it on testosterone. You're not the victim, you're just a dick.
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guys i made a mistake.
#aka i scrolled through the entire becker siblings tag again on a whim and now im shinjichairpose.png#i dont even have specific thoughts theyre just rotating in my brain now#theres like. very small tidbits that i have stuck in there currently#like their weird thing with control(because i am thinking about that 24/7)#cyrus who needs control vs fawn who defers to it vs river who hates it#how they did that i dont know but im going to take a wild guess and say that its Very unhealthy#and also their relationship to both ortegas#i guess thats only tangentially related to the becker siblings but also like. the ortegas talking about the siblings together#getting drunk and grieving together and trading stories and blaming eachother for letting them die#getting out of their posthb messes because they dont have any (becker) siblings to depend on anymore so theyll have to settle for eachother#also in the survivor!river au im specifically haunted by the fact that river 'does not include ricardo in the package' when julia-#becomes his sibling#the resentment from All sides there??? holy shit#thats gotta blow up eventually right#like i can see ricardo feeling extremely guilty about river but at the same time???? him getting Angry#that river has the Audacity to steal his sister and not even treat him any better for it#so what if he lost his siblings? doesnt mean he has the right to have ricardos#Really funny fucked up reflection of fawns beef with julia but this time its the other way around#.anyway. <-experiencing normal thoughts and emotions#cyrus becker(s)#nmoc: fawn becker(s)#nmoc: river becker(s)#keeping up with the beckers#pulp speaks
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taicangmountain · 5 days
i actually just saw the video of the amber heard trial in which she describes her rape, i’d never seen it before though i’ve always believed her. the fact that so many youtube commentators watched her break down on the stand like that and the only thing going through their mind was “she’s manipulating, how can i spin this to support her rapist” is so unimaginably disgusting it makes me want to abandon society
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y'all aren't gonna get this but im emo at 2am Buggy and Faye Valentine are on the same level of ✨gay mediocre traumatized trainwreck✨ and thats why they're my favorite characters
edit: fuck it i'm adding Johnny Cage and Shawn Spencer to the list
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lanshappycorner · 9 months
im gonna meet my new roommate this weekend........i hope that they r normal
(ramble in the tags)
#for context last yr (or this yr . but last school yr) i had the most insane roommate#she was like an insane clean freak and she was also really loud and kept moving my stuff and I SUSPECT she even stole smth but idk#she also lied to me a lot and attempted to gaslight me to turn me on our other housemates . she made me cry multiple times </3#i lived in an apt of 5 ppl and everyone all hated her but i shared a room with her. and the thing is that they all liked Me but not Her#so whenever there were arguments id end up having to be the middle ground like even when i went home for summer vacation#i was called over on the phone to solve household disputes bc yknow she only listened to me and i was the only person capable of not-#-like blowing up on her bc she'd say some pretty unreasonable things sometimes and my other housemates r all pretty hotheaded#(my roomie included) but i . i do not get angry like ever so im able to calmly deal with things#when i tell you i do not get angry ever im so srs i know i say shit on here but my housemates have never seen me angry even once in 2 yrs#but anyways sometimes my housemates take me out for drinks and theyre like are u sure ur okay lan how do u live with her 💀💀#anyways yeah last yr was a shitshow i hope my roommate this yr is normal like just the bare minimum is fine#ive only ever had insane roommates like my first roommate was a party animal and shed come home drunk at like 4 am#there was even a pregnancy scare once but anyways at least i got along with her rly well#i miss her actually :(((#my second roommate tho. she scares me
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upwards-descent · 9 months
Airing out my personal drama by calling out my boyfriend who's placing an embargo on weed in our household so instead I got hella drunk last night lmao and I was reminded that alcohol hangovers are soooooo much worse than weed hangovers
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