#assholes are gonna be assholes with or without their gender being validated
whiskingskin · 5 months
Something I've heard over and over and over again from my genderqueer friends about testosterone is that they're terrified to start, cause it'll make their anger?? Worse?? Maybe it was me finding myself In a body more comfortable, or me already being in therapy and conscious of my emotions and their impact but. Being on testosterone made a lot of my emotions feel more manageable.
Testosterone doesn't make you angrier. Testosterone doesn't transform you into this man-beast that yells at everybody and is suddenly horny all the time. Testosterone doesn't affect your problem solving skills, your people management, or your lack of foresight into your own anger like?
If you're routinely blowing up at the people in your life then yeah. Yeah, testosterone might make that action feel a bit easier and wilder. But if you, you know, acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to experience them without taking them out on other people... then that. Won't. Happen.
You will never be able to control your emotions. Never ever ever. But you CAN and WILL control your reactions to these emotions.
Idk where my rambles were supposed to go but. Testosterone doesn't make you an angry person. You might BE an angry person, just on your own, and that's fine. What's not fine is taking that anger out on others and blaming it on testosterone. You're not the victim, you're just a dick.
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suzukiblu · 9 months
excerpt from the one where Clark is trans and Kon isn't, but no one actually knows this:
Cadmus didn't know Superman was a trans man before they stole his dead body, but considering how many total assholes were on staff at the time they were surprisingly respectful of his gender identity. Not so much his bodily autonomy or his DNA or his potential feelings about being cloned against his will, but like, they used his preferred pronouns and whatever. 
So like . . . diversity win, Kon guesses? Or . . . whatever that'd be? 
So when they made . . . him . . . 
Kon got educated and socialized as male, when they made him. They called him "he" and "him", at least when they weren't calling him "it". They couldn't figure out how to synthesize effective hormone treatments for half-Kryptonian genes, but they had plans for surgeries they were gonna do when he was physically mature enough. Like–before the yellow sunlight could really kick in, effects-wise. Apparently they tried just tweaking the sex on a few earlier models, but by the time they got to Experiment Thirteen, they'd figured out that they couldn't work out what an actual AMAB Kryptonian's genes should look like and had just planned for the surgeries. 
Kon's not really sure how to take that. Like . . . is it good that they wanted him to be comfortable in his body? That they cared about what the fuck he'd want to look like? 
Or is it bad that they didn't ask him if he'd even want any of that? 
Kon wears a binder and a packer and acts like he thinks boys are supposed to act, tries to take charge and be tough and be confident and hit on pretty girls and not look at pretty guys, and Kal tells him he doesn't have to try so hard. Tells him to just act natural. Kon doesn't know how to do that, though. 
Acting "natural" would be . . . 
Acting natural would be a problem. 
Cissie has really long hair. Sometimes Kon watches how it moves and pretends to be checking her out when she catches him. Like the same way he pretends that he's perving on her ass when he's actually looking at the swish of her skirt, or that he's making eyes at her tits when he's really just wondering what his own would look like without the binder that he wears . . . more than he's supposed to, to be honest. 
Serling gets on his ass about it when he forgets to take it off every eight hours. She's working on synthesizing actual hybrid hormones for him, she says, but it's technically a backburner project right now because everything is always on fire and the world keeps trying to end in increasingly ludicrous ways. 
Which, well–he appreciates it, really, but that'd all be more helpful if he was actually "forgetting" to take the binder off, and if he wasn't terrified that she's actually gonna manage those hormones someday. Serling's, like, a crazy genius, after all. She might be able to pull that off. 
But Kon doesn't want the hormones. Doesn't want the surgeries he's been told Cadmus will give him as soon as he's physically mature enough. Doesn't want . . . 
Kon doesn't actually hate his body, is the thing. He doesn't feel bad or weird in it. He kind of just . . . he likes it the way it is. He doesn't even want to wear the binder or the packer, honestly. 
Literally every single fucking person who knows he’s trans has been respectful about it and has given him everything he could ever need to present as male and never, ever said anything to belittle or question his gender or his right to consider himself a man or even slipped up with his pronouns or anything. Even fucking Westfield never said anything shitty to him about it, for fuck's sake. Fucking Westfield, of all people! 
Which would all be great and good and very fucking validating, if Kon weren't fucking cis. 
There is something extremely, extremely bullshit about the fact that Kon is getting all the acceptance and support and medical care that every actual trans person deserves without even asking for or needing it. But she has no idea how to tell anyone that she's not what they think she is. Or who. Or . . .
Seriously, who else's life has ever been weird enough that they'd need to come out as cisgender? Like, who else ever?
Young Justice thinks Kon's a cis guy. The public thinks she's a cis guy. The superhero and supervillain communities both think she's a cis guy, except for the handful of people that know about Kal not being one, and even most of Cadmus does, depending on clearance levels and whatever. Tana and Roxy and fucking Knockout all thought she was a cis guy, even. Robin might "know" she's actually a trans one, being a Bat and all, but he's never said anything that's made her think he might.
Hell, the fucking Agenda doesn't even "misgender" her.
So everyone who knows has been absolutely fucking great and respectful about it and otherwise Kon passes fucking perfectly, and no one's ever once looked at her as anything but a guy. Anything but Superboy.
Except all Kon wants is for someone to look at her and see a girl. To see Supergirl.
So she doesn't really like to talk to Kara when she doesn't have to.
Or . . . ever, really.
Unfortunately, right now they kinda do have to talk.
"Well, your evil twin remains evil, no surprise," Kara says with a sigh, eyeing the walls of the containment cell that the Agenda has stuffed them into and is for some inexplicable bullshit reason slowly filling with water, who even fucking knows why. There's gotta be faster ways to kill them, especially considering Kon isn't even sure how much Kara needs to breathe at all. Like, she definitely does? But as for Kara, who knows. "Match is the worst possible version of a Superboy, I swear to Rao."
Kon has the weird urge to snap about how maybe Match isn't a boy and has anyone even asked?
No one ever asked her, for fucking sure. She didn't even know she wasn't a boy for way too long. Everybody'd always told her that she was, after all, and she'd just thought it'd felt weird to get called a boy because she wasn't a fucking little kid, she was Superman, or because she was trans and like, felt fake about her gender because she'd somehow accidentally internalized some stupid bullshit, or because of any number of other reasons that would've all made perfect sense and had all turned out to be perfectly wrong.
So yeah. Kon does kinda identify with the trans experience, ironically enough.
"Yeah, Match is usually a pain in the ass," she says instead of telling Kara how much she fucking hates her for getting to be what she can't, then starts looking for a way out of the stupid containment cell. It's not Kara's fault Kon hates her, for one thing, and also she doesn't wanna die here. Like, she definitely doesn't.
She wonders if Match might have reacted to her differently, if when they'd first met she'd known enough to ask if they were sisters.
Probably not, whether they're sisters or not. Match still seems pretty married to "I don't have free will" as a coping mechanism for all the psychological damage that being cloned and force-grown and told your only value and entire reason for existence lies in replacing someone who doesn't actually need to be replaced, it seems like.
Not that Kon would know anything about that, obviously.
Like, why would she?
She feels along the walls with her TTK and finds a frustrating lack of structural vulnerabilities to exploit. Kara punches them a few times, though they've already tried that. Kon doesn't blame her, at this point. The water keeps steadily pouring in and makes its way up to their thighs.
It is not reassuring. Like, at all.
Kon is gonna be so annoyed if she dies and gets buried as Superboy.
Though she was always going to do that, wasn't she. Best case scenario might've gotten her to Superman, maybe, but . . . yeah.
What else was she ever gonna do?
Cadmus made her to be Superman. Kal told her she could be Superboy, and named her after a boy, and named her like a Kryptonian boy would've been.
Although she guesses to have a femme-style Kryptonian name, she'd have needed to have a father.
She wonders if Kal would've named her at all, if he would've had to give her a name with a father's name attached to it. Maybe he would've just gone with Jor-El's, since technically Jor-El is the paternal donor of her Kryptonian DNA.
Or maybe he would've gone with . . .
Kon stops thinking about stupid shit she knows better than to be thinking about and feels out with her TTK again.
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virtualgirladvance · 3 months
What's your worst take?
Like how am I meant to know? Everything I think in general I probably think is normal until proven otherwise. Or if I think it then I must think I'm right and everyone is wrong.
Gonna list some random things that I often disagree with people about and y'all can figure out which is the worst take.
People care too much about other people's kinks and need to actually enjoy sex for once
GLaDOS is a milf
You should make friends with people who like stuff your ehh about, keeps you from being a fascist
Cold pepperoni pizza is great
You should have friends that are very different age from you, keeps you from being a prude of a boomer and younger people need adults they can talk to about life without judgement because we're social beings and the world is fucking hard without experience and guidance
Puns are great
You should say you love your friends more, it isn't weird fuck you
Y'all can't put sriracha on everything, try other sauces sometime. Different ones compliment different foods. Also Huy Fong sriracha, the roster one everyone knows, is mid af now try another brand
It's okay to be picky just don't be a cunt about it, this applies to everything, even dating, even friendships, even family, everything
Tumblr is only good cause the decade of community, it'd be better if they all just like moved to cohost or something
People play EDH too slow or make generally unfun decks often
You should like pay artists if you can, you'll get the best stuff you'll love forever out of it
I love Linux but it isn't for everyone so stop recommending it for every problem
You should lie to your landlord
Chips should be crunchy, fuck those wafer thin shits they try and sell you
Charities shouldn't need to exist, it's a sign of a problem, not a solution
Being rude to someone being an asshole is valid af, people who don't respect others don't deserve respect
Cargo pants are fucking great
You should be cringe on purpose to kill the weak and vain
No one has the same gender, it's fucking free form art
Triple A games suck so much 99% of the time, the file off all the potential to general appeal
Indie films will either be the most amazing or worst thing you've seen and that's good
Pop music isn't a genre, its a business model
Fuck grammar and spelling. You fucking know what people are saying. We've done this for millennias. Cuntwaffle and yeag aren't "real" words but you know exactly what I mean
You're a cunt if you don't at least try to say someone's name correctly, like deserve to go to hell shit
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fandomshatefatpeople · 5 months
Hi. I'm sorry for bothering you. I just. Need a place to put my thoughts. I am fat and disabled and trans and I'm so. So tired. I'm exhausted. I'm tired of my dad's no carb diet, and all his comments making my anorexia come back in droves. I'm tired of being scared to use a mobility aid despite the fact I can't walk more than 20 minutes without blacking out. I am so scared of going to the doctor even though I have symptoms of POTS, or seizures, pr whatever the hell is wrong with me, because all they're going to see is that I'm fat. I'm so tired. I have maybe 2 friends who are my size, everyone else is skinnier. I'm tired. Everything makes me tired. My dad's favorite show is Mike and Molly and I know it's probably stupid but that show is starting to trigger me because of all the weight jokes. I'm tired of people who are never going to be see me as a man because I'm fat. Clothes don't fit. They only carry up to an XL in hot topic. Im tired. I just need to get it off my chest. I just want to exist. Why aren't I allowed to exist? I'm 19 years old, is this gonna be the rest of my life? I'm sorry again. I just. Needed someone to hear me
You are valid, worthwhile, loved, and deserve happiness! Not only that, you will have happiness! I am going to offer some suggestions with the caveat that I know I don't know your full situation and you've probably already tried these and other suggestions, but I want to offer what I can to help.
First - you are completely valid exactly as you are!
Second - look online, WPATH World Professional Association for Transgender Health is a good resource, for finding trans-friendly doctors. If you have POTS or anything else, you deserve healthcare that is gender and body affirming! Find Size Friendly Doctors and Specialists | Bare Health lists size friendly doctors and some of them also indicate that they are gender affirming as well.
Third - please use the mobility aid! Some people are horrible and will make shitty comments, but they don't know you, they don't know your circumstances, and they have no right to comment on your life. Mobility aids are for those who need them. Full stop. People have no right to be assholes about them.
Fourth - Can you go elsewhere when your dad is watching Mike and Molly? Do you think he'd be open to a conversation about how the show makes you feel? Do you think he'd be open to a conversation about his diet talk and how that impacts you? Is moving out an option? (I recognize that everything is so expensive and this is a very hard decision to make sometimes).
Fifth - finding clothes that fit you, both in size and aesthetic, can help you to feel like yourself. Depending on what you like about Hot Topic clothes (goth, anime, band tees) look online for a size inclusive alternative. Perhaps being able to dress in a way that feels like you can help give you the confidence to tackle some of these other things.
Finally - you are worth so much. The world is better because you are in it. Life does get better and I can't wait for you to experience it with joy!
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you know just because you don't like girls with dick doesn't mean you need to trash on people that do. you're getting mad about death threats on twitter when there are laws across the world being developed or enacted prohibiting trans people from existing, i'm not gonna try to explain empathy to you tho. like its not that big of a deal dude lmao if someone makes you uncomfortable that's completely valid but there's no reason to just hate an entire people group because of some trauma you must have. someone's interpretation of womanhood shouldn't threaten yours
“just because you don’t like girls with dicks”
it’s not about “liking them” or not I am just a homosexual female, by nature I can’t be attracted to them and lesbians in general deserve a space without men.
“you're getting mad about death threats on twitter when there are laws across the world being developed or enacted prohibiting trans people from existing”
there are laws or push for laws to eradicate female spaces, include men in the female category, which pushes women out of opportunities in favor of men, and also laws that prohibits lesbians and women in general from gathering in spaces without men. this is not about “death threats” and me being an asshole, including men in the category of women threatens sex-based rights women fought hard for.
“i'm not gonna try to explain empathy to you tho.”
I do have empathy, I have empathy for women who are afraid of speaking up and are losing their sex-based rights, I have empathy for lesbians who are being sexually harassed and assaulted in “queer” spaces and being told their sexuality is not real/wrong, I have empathy for children who aren’t able to make decisions they don’t understand the consequences of, but are pushed to alter their bodies in irreversible ways because their mental health is not being addressed properly because it’s not profitable. the question is, do YOU have empathy?
“like its not that big of a deal dude Imao if someone makes you uncomfortable that's completely valid but there's no reason to just hate an entire people group because of some trauma you must have.”
as I explained this goes beyond a personal issue or discomfort, this impacts all women as we are all affected by the laws this movement is trying to force. women’s trauma are always minimized and treated as a personal incident or a failing rather than a pattern. women have the right to protect themselves from male violence, female spaces were not created for arbitrary reasons, they are necessary due to material reality.
“someone's interpretation of womanhood shouldn't threaten yours”
it does actually when men can legally change their gender to female for all the reasons I explained above, laws should be based on material reality not individual feelings. when men define womanhood as the state of being feminine it hurts all the girls and women who don’t conform to femininity.
language matters, anon is trying to frame this issue as me being a big hater who is irrational due to trauma or whatever but the reality is women have every right to speak up and protect our rights. they want women to be doormats and also they want us to do all the work of stripping our own rights away, that’s their version of “empathy” empathy is when women never have any self-preservation instincts and just serve men and their interests.
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cock-holliday · 8 months
re: the assholes identifying to be assholes thing. there was a little more complication to it than that but for me that was literally how i found out i was trans. six months into using they/them pronouns i realized that my stance that trans people didn't exist was getting a little untenable. wouldn't have gotten there if other trans people didn't readily and immediately respect me.
I’m glad you were able to make that journey and had people to validate you before you knew that’s what was happening.
Related but I’ve known a lot of people who “joked” about being gay/trans/another gender before realizing that they actually were. Had two teammates who “joked” “haha how funny would it be if we dated?” and then when we all graduated, one came out as gay.
Similarly, as a teen I had a joke persona that was the “opposite” gender. It was less about the gender and more about this character but it became such a running joke in my queer friend circle that I went as this bit for halloween. 4 years later I came out as trans and heavily considered the name of the “joke” as a new name.
I think a lot of people deflect from realization with humor—many of us are products of “no-homo” type dialogue that it’s much easier to make it a joke. Either without realizing that it applies or as a way to safely test the waters.
I didnt used to, but I think humoring people sometimes creates the first space for them to actually consider it might not be a joke.
A cis-guy type going “ha ha my pronouns are she/her” being met with “okay!” might crack an egg, or immediately diffuse the idea that using such pronouns are a joke, or, if the person is truly doing it to be shitty, no bigoted cis guy is gonna want to be called “her” for long, at which point going back to he/him is also respecting his wishes.
Letting people try things and taking people seriously when they say they want to be called something even when the person is perceived to be incorrectly given this grace, will do so much more good than trying to counter “bad faith” usage imo.
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turtlemagnum · 5 days
long rant! beware of the long rant!!
not to be an asshole but i am absolutely a "lol, look at this idiot believing in things" kind of person. i feel like a lot of popular deconstruction of social constructs and fixed concepts still come out the other side with the take away of "just because we made it up doesn't mean it isn't real", which i personally find to be a bit silly. "oh yeah, gender is based on popular perceptions of physical reality rather than physical reality itself, but i still believe in its validity as a concept!" this thought process, in my opinion, terminates the truly hard part of coming to terms with the fullest implications of your logic. if a concept has no basis in physical reality beyond what we perceive and enforce it to have, then it isn't really a concept worth keeping around. that doesn't mean you can't keep around the aspects of that concept that you personally find pleasing or useful, but ultimately you should still be conscious of the fact that it only has use insofar as you choose to use them, and shouldn't be adhered to as an ideal
to provide an example of this in practice, here are my views on my own gender and morality. as mentioned previously i don't really view gender to be a valid concept, but in the end i still find i enjoy particular trappings of what i was raised into. by most outward actions and appearances, i'm a man. i actually quite enjoy being big and strong and taking care of those around me to the best of my ability, those are traits conventionally associated with "manhood" that i find personally find quite enjoyable. i also feel completely comfortable crying, expressing my thoughts and feelings openly, and occasionally getting rid of body hair that's grown to bother me. these are, of course, conventionally unmanly things, but i find no trouble in them because manhood is less of a hard ruleset that i feel i must abide by and more a cluster of traits that i can choose from to see if i enjoy them. it's not who i am fundamentally, it's an aspect of who i am that mostly just influences sensibilities in regards to my appearance.
now, morality. i'd consider it to have even less validity as a concept than gender. gender, you can at least usually tell at a glance what somebody is, or at least what they're expected to be. with morality, it purely exists in your conceptions of it and the actions you take to further it. if you stop believing in it, nobody would be able to outwardly tell, and you have no real obligation in everyday life to stick to common perceptions of morality beyond what's legal (and even then, everything's legal if you don't get caught). and i understand that when i say shit like "morality isn't real", most people's first instinct is gonna be like "oh god, this guy's a randian shithead who thinks child labor is 'based' or some shit". but, notice what i said earlier about liking helping people? i don't think humans are fundamentally anything, i don't think you can define "humanity" without excluding someone that i'd still consider to be a human being. so while i don't think it's necessarily in human nature as a whole to want to help and care for others, it's still definitely something i personally find valuable. i lived in a shitty apartment complex for most of my life, and to this day one of the only good memories i have of that place was helping an old neighbor lady get her groceries into her apartment. i didn't quite think the same way i do now, but i know i'd've done the same today because even without morality, that wasn't why i helped her. it wasn't a matter of adhering to a strict moral compass, it was a matter of wanting to help somebody, just because it felt right.
there's this one little quote by hideki naganuma, one where he described music theory as something that people do to music after the fact to try to explain why it sounded good. i think that morality is a lot like that. you're trying to use technical, objective logic to try to prove that something is "right". and like music, it's subjective. you gotta realize that you're applying logic to the illogical, just trying to make sense of an inherently chaotic and subjective existence. sometimes, things happen for no real discernible reason. sometimes you do things for no real reason beyond "because i wanted to". and that's fine! we're animals! not in the conservative "urgh, people are all animals, we need law and order to keep us all from killing and rampaging like a bunch of assholes!", but in the very literal, physical sense. we're descended from monkeys that learned how to bang rocks together good enough that our fur fell off and we started needing clothes. we're not above nature, we're a part of it, and i feel like any attempts to compartmentalize ourselves as separate from the world around us just ends up hurting both ourselves and the world. you don't gotta do something because some dead pretentious white guy said you've gotta do things a certain way to earn as many good boy points as possible. you can eat just because you're hungry
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Explaining my banner
Tumblr media
[Image ID: White text in a Galaxy background reads If you: Derail my posts; are an “aspie”; run a sh/ed blog; are under 16; are a TERF; think cripplepunk is for mental disabilities; think that autism isn’t a disability; are pro-transabled, trace, transage, etc; are pro-map or pro-zoo; are a transmed; want to completely demedicalize autism, I will probably block or mock you. End ID]
This isn’t a DNI. I don’t think that DNIs actually work, and I don’t really care about DNIs if the other person is directly spouting bigoted crap (otherwise I’ll respect them).
On that note, anyone can interact with my stuff. This is just a warning about what will happen if you do.
I reserve the right to be a dick, asshole, and/or rude to anybody who falls under those categories (except for under 16). If you’re a bigot I’m gonna treat you like one.
Specific meanings
If you don’t know what I mean by one of the items on this list, look here. They will be listed in order.
Derail my posts: basically, if you try to make my post into something that it’s not, I will not be polite about it. Example here.
Are an “aspie”: this refers to people who reference themselves as being an “aspie” or as having Aspergers syndrome. Learn why this is bad here. As a moderate-high support needs autist descended from Holocaust and Inquisition survivors, this is triggering and I will probably block you for my mental peace.
Run an sh/ed blog: (tw) this refers to blogs that are about self harm and/or eating disorders. These are incredibly harmful to everyone involved. I will block you.
Are under 16: I am 20 years old. I do not feel comfortable interacting with young teens, especially since I post a lot of sexual references, and cursing. I will not mock anyone for their age; this falls under the “block” category.
Are a TERF: this stands for Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist. Basically, this is about anybody who is transphobic in the name of protecting women’s rights. Honestly this applies to any transphobe. I WILL mock you into oblivion.
Think cripple punk is for mental disabilities: cripplepunk (aka cpunk) is a movement specifically for physically disabled people. It is not about people who are mentally disabled only, without physical disabilities. Cripples deserve our own communities. Read more here.
Think that autism isn’t a disability: autism is inherently disabling, going by the criteria of autism and the definition disability. To say otherwise is both misinformation and a denial of the lives experiences of higher support needs autistic people. Read more here.
Are pro-transabled, trace, transage, etc: these people appropriate the perfectly valid idea of being transgender, thinking that you can identify with a different race or ethnicity than you are (aka trace or transrace) a different age than you are (transage) a disability that you don’t have (transabled), or others. I will mock you relentlessly.
Are pro-map or pro-zoo: MAP stands for minor-attracted person, aka a pedophile. Zoo is short for zoophile, which is a person attracted to animals. These people are their supporter are absolutely disgusting.
Are a transmed: a transmed, or transmedicalist, believe at the very least that you need gender dysphoria to be transgender. Some are more extreme, believing that you need to meet the clinical criteria for gender dysphoria or that you need to medically transition in order to be trans. This does not refer to trans people who simply want to medically transition.
Want to completely demedicalize autism: this is a bit complicated and I may make a post about this later. Generally though, it refers to people who view autism as not a disorder but as a purely innocuous, net neutral or positive, “just another neurotype”. They want to remove autism from the psychiatric or medical fields entirely as they believe it is not about deficits in cognitive function. This is entirely false.
Ok that’s it. If you want to learn more about the specifics you can click on the links provided or Google them.
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jadeclash999 · 1 month
Pesterquest “Initial” Thoughts, Part 2
Going to be doing it differently this time, by doing it real time
Spoilers below...oooo....
Ok, I was worried this route would focus too much on Vriska because you can't really have a Tavros route without Vriska, but given how much spotlight she's taken I was worried it would be focused on her.
Well I was wrong, we tell her off at least and instead we get a lovely insight into Tavros' living situation and us (with the help of Kanaya) renovating his house. It's nice to see him mention his other friends. I feel bad for him considering he can't really meet them. Kinda wished we did a thing where we teleported to them but oh well. Adorable ending.
Also the Prospit bad ending... Kinda sad
Kinda anti climatic tbh
It felt short??? But I'll admit the whole rewinding part was really cool!! Not my favorite route though because it just felt too meta for my liking. Sure we kinda learnt about her hobbies but it just felt like a plot related route rather than an Aradia route. Which, I don't really like because I like routes where we at least hang out with the character more and learn more about them.
It was funny making her mad when I kept choosing "Wait, did she just say "gh0sts?" again and going to the main menu lol
Really enjoyed her route ngl
It's not anything special but its pretty heartwarming, kinda gives the same vibes as the kid's routes or jade's route. Honestly I might have missed the part where she ran away from home and shit
Again, really liked this route. It gives me more insight into a character I really do not like in canon as much. Also why on earth is Kanaya better written here than her own fricking route?
Also that bulge joke...its cursed but its funny I guess
Ok so far I like these routes and I don't hate Sollux anymore after this lol
I love how we went from his gender thing to fucking GENOCIDE even though Sollux said he doesn't even believe it. A bit lacking but I liked it. Worth seeing Shrek 2 with him despite him being an asshole.
Ok I'm prob one of the few people who like her but I liked her route a lot!! I didn't expect a friendsim character to appear. The route was kinda short to be though...
Rip that one ending where we meditate for a long long time
Ok its time for the Alpha kids route. I was ok with the trolls one so far but I'm kinda concerned for the Alpha kids
Because well, to be fair in the comic they weren't really handled as well as the beta kids. Dirk was ok UNTIL THE EPILOGUES where we see his character regress
This one was...surprisingly ok? It's a breather from the troll routes for sure
We see a lot of stuff about Jane that isn't her whining about Jake and shit (which is surprising in this route that she never mentioned him ONCE)
This route is really long so im just gonna dump all my thoughts as I'm playing it instead:
ok ok of all people to choose to ask for help why did it had to be VRISKA?
Jake being ace??
I am now realizing that the game expects you to go to the bad endings first before the good endings
not jade telling us to stop meddling with her life (valid but girl we just stopped yall from dying?? )
she apologized nvd
ok yeah that route was...ok??? i didnt like it that much but it was nice talking to jake at least. At least jade and jake got to meet
Ummm it was ok?? Tbh I don't have many thoughts on her
Ok his part of the route was entertaining ngl
Then the afterward hurts me because it reminds me how much of his character got butchered in the epilogues
Maybe one day I'll gather my thoughts and write something of worth, but this is just throwing in my initial reactions
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep.10 Reaction
Oh boy, Isabel missing from dinner and Teresa and Diego are noticing. What Is Gonna Be In La Casa de Pascual amigos?
Ugh! And they got me! After seeing that the houses is absolutely stricken and trashed compared to his room at the grand hotel. Someone had already been here.
That was WEIRD, Andrés just said “don’t worry, I’ll help you” to a client in English and like, I’ve been listening/watching Carlos Rivera’s work for a while and let me just say it was JARRING to hear him say anything at all in my native language. I wonder if the client was/is American or something?
Oh boy, here comes Belén with her “your mom is so mean to meeeeee she’s talking shit around the other maids even though her concerns are 100% valid and even if you’re willing to glaze over it she’s not because if it turns out my baby daddy is a dangerous man (HE IS) she wants to be able to protect you. Waaaaaah” UGH I hate you so MUCH girl!
Diego and Belén have noticed Isabel’s unusual absence from her room now, I’m worried about the consequences for her.
Okay, first of all, I find the fact Andrés snores incredibly endearing. Second of all, gotta love his frickin “somebody is upset” spidey sense. I straight up have no idea what Julio would do without Andrés putting up with and taking care of his constant deuteragonist-in-distress ass.
You know what? I’m starting to think as much as they bicker Ángela and Lupe are actually quite fond of each other when the chips are down. They’re both single parents to sons who are foolish in love. They’re both in positions of authority that still suffer under the boot of rich assholes. I wonder how this relationship is gonna evolve 👀
Jeez here we go again with Teresa basically telling Diego to abuse Isabel to keep her from asking questions jfc. Teresa where the hell did you get all these nasty oppressive attitudes toward your own gender?? Certainly not from your husband, judging by his attitude from Isabel’s memories of him.
Time #24354 that Andrés has either been hurt or accidentally hurt himself because of Julio’s crazy bullshit. I’m sensing a pattern (I’m wondering if he and Felipe were like that as kids, difference being Julio gives a shit). Wait what?! The BARKEEP owed Cristina money?!
“Mr. Clock won’t give you a break twice” 😂is that an Andrés-ism or is that like an actual saying?? I can’t find it. Sounds like something similar to “a broken clock is right twice a day” but not quite the same meaning. “You’re gonna get fired!… he’s gonna get fired :(“ TE AMO ANDRÉS! 💕 gotta be up there with “I can’t talk I’m a pole.” ❤️
I think we got introduced to a new main character and I love her. Her name is Mercedes, she REALLY likes the food at the Grand Hotel. She keeps using unhinged war/music metaphors for the food, while Andrés looks like he’s screaming internally. Talk about a great impression! 🤣 Andrés has escaped third wheeling this bizarre monologue unscathed!
Poor Alfredo is worried about hurting Sofia since she’s clearly still unwell after the surgery. Julio is in trouble for being missing again big surprise. More poorly hidden Sofia miscarriage drama ensues as Felipe starts making eyes at Mercedes, I pity that girl already. Damn Elisa (NOT Luisa my mistake) really doesn’t want Alfredo staying around the Alarcóns.
Julio and Isabel’s meetings are getting riskier and riskier as Diego closes in. Julio needs a permission off of work to go to the bar (thank god he didn’t go THAT morning, I was worried Benjamin was gonna fire him again!) Still I feel like something like that is gonna tip Montejo off and we know how violent he can be. I’m scared for her. Ew, now he’s telling Jacinto she’s not allowed to take the car anywhere without his permission.
Mercedes is a military girl, I’m starting to wonder if she just might be exactly what Felipe needs to get a reality check. Something tells me she won’t put up with his usual bullshit like his shitty mom abuses him for or the prostitutes are paid to tolerate. O SHIT she made the move before Felipe did 😂 she’s insane and I love her.
The confrontation with the barkeep did NOT go well. Poor Julio needs to seriously develop more skills than punching people and things, there’s only so much you can do with that amigo. Jacinto kept Isabel from getting involved. We leave our stupid (affectionate) scrappy deuteragonist with barkeep having a gun pointed directly at his head.
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goodkwuestion · 2 years
I appreciate you won't be able to post this and without wishing to police what you post on here and yukking someone's yum could we possibly move away from the Gallavich as girls topic now? I know I know two whole posts but I read your fic and tumblr very much for boy Gallavich and FBI agents and vampires and game developers and mob bosses and egg dissing and not to go down the route of gender stereotypes but you always write them pretty masculine which is one of the appeals of your writing to me. I'm not here to read about Ian getting his period. I don't hate women, it's not a woman hating thing, big fan of women, some of my best friends are women but I need my Gallavich male please.
Your female characters are written beautifully; Gabby, Carrie, Carol etc but I'm not sure I'd cope with Ian and Mickey as females. So yeh, no more please?
Sorry if any of this ask is rude. I know authors can write whatever they like and you're all a gift to fandom so just ignore me if I'm being an asshole.
THAT BEING SAID their enthusiasm was very sweet and I hope they do get to explore their girl Gallavich pairing without hate and nastiness. I would NEVER comment on a fic or a tumblr dedicated to them, I ain't here for cruelty. OK I'm done now I swear, thanks for putting up with this fandom ❤️
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I actually waited a day to see if this would still irk me, and you know what? It still does. So of course I'm going to post this, because this is a beautiful lesson in resilience, anon.
You instinctively knew this was a dickish ask to send and that it might not be so well received, but you overcame these challenges and persevered anyway. Controversial, and yet so brave.
I had a whole lot of rude shit to say, but it's Friday and I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally tired, so I'm gonna condense. This was an unnecessary message, for a number of reasons. Unnecessary and ass-blisteringly annoying.
The only thing that would have been cool to send was that little follow-up message where you hoped the other reader would be able to explore their desired trope, free of harassment. Dassit.
What really chapped my hide was the fact that you absolutely knew this was assholery wrapped in a gossamer veil, because you even acknowledged this several times. You could have kept all these thoughts in your head, but you just had to express that while the other reader's desires were gross and should be dismissed, your testosterone addiction must be recognised and validated. Cool, I see you. You are seen.
Now I've said this before and, unfortunately, I may have to say this again. I write what I love and I do what I want, and then I share it, hoping others will enjoy it too. There may come a time when I write something that may not be to someone's liking and that person is free to take their business elsewhere.
Don't come up in my inbox, tipping your fedora, trying to tell me what I should or should not do. I won't tolerate it not matter how nicely you put it. Antifreeze tastes sweet but it's still toxic.
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wiredandrewired · 3 years
People are out here on the glasses post talking about how wrong I am and how glasses absolutely aren’t normalized like there aren’t three stores dedicated entirely to glasses in the nearest mall alone never mind on the way to it, like I don’t see glasses advertisements on tv and in magazines and on fucking public transportation, like there aren’t actual accommodations for glasses-wearers at workplaces, like anyone makes a big deal of literally anyone in any field being used as SO BRAVE to do what they do in spite of being GASP glasses-bound inspiration porn bullshit,
or like I don’t wear glasses, and definitely haven’t since I was a small child, and so could not possibly understand their struggle,
like raw outrage did not motivate the entire post and the fact that I have never once had to endure the kind of dehumanization and disregard that my wife does relentlessly, from all quarters, every time we go out.  Both of us in our glasses.  And her in her wheelchair.  Guess which one people are being fuck-clowns about.
Listen.  I also knew some shitty kids who called me four eyes and had a lousy boyfriend who thought glasses were only valid as a fetish prop, I have even had people touch or grab my glasses without permission a couple of times (though not nearly as often as they touch or grab my hair) but guys, friends, Romans, countrymen, theydies and gentlethems, there is a tremendous difference between ‘this has not been normalized out of societal and systemic ableism, and we’ve already proven we’re capable of that as a whole’ and ‘some people are just assholes’.  Some people are always, always gonna be assholes.  No amount of normalization, of anything, is ever gonna stop people from being assholes or raising little asshole children.  And are assholes gonna make assumptions about you based on your (glasses, hair, body size and shape, gender presentation, clothing)?  Are assholes gonna disrespect your personal boundaries?  Sure.  
But no one has ever sworn at and threatened me because they saw me read something without my glasses.  People don’t talk over me when we go out like they assume I can’t communicate for myself (because I’m only in glasses).  People don’t assume I’m the one who can’t drive if who the driver will be comes up (because I’m only in glasses).  People definitely have never just used me as a furniture prop or grabbed me and moved me to where they want me because I’m inconveniencing them, without saying a thing first, to anyone, because I, after all, am only in glasses.  I’m not in a wheelchair, like my wife, who I have witnessed encounters at least two of these things whenever we go out since she finally got one in her thirties even though she has struggled to walk since before I met her as a teen.  No one told her her whole life that she didn’t need glasses because she could see some things some of the time: they got her glasses when she was young.  Because glasses, while not ideal as far as society is concerned, are normal less than ideal things that some normal people wear.  After all, there are three stores for them in the mall alone.  There are ads for them in the car radio.  Buy two pairs, get one pair of prescription sunglasses free, this weekend only!  And what could be more normal than that?
Listen.  I am not, as some people seem to think, trying to ‘pit two disabilities against each other’.  I would love for someone explain to me right now how you got that read from ‘these are both disability aids everyone stop being fuck-clowns about one of them’ (sincerely: I would like to know, so I can adjust in the future).  I’m not saying there are no problems or struggles with being a glasses-wearer.  I’ve had them for like thirty years.  I know.  I know there are things we cannot do.  Because we are disabled.  But that doesn’t make our disability aids less normalized.
And I’m just fucking tired of everyone being fuck-clowns about all the others.
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summercurial · 2 years
Just my unsolicited 2c, so take that for what it's worth: 1) It sounds like even without regard to his gender questions, you probably wouldn't stay with him. If I were in your shoes, I would break up with him without referencing that; it would be a perfectly valid reason to end a relationship--relationships can end without anybody being at fault, sometimes people are incompatible and that's OK!--but breakups are hard, and it's often virtuous to try to spare someone's feelings even at the (1/4)
expense of 100% honesty. 2) I don't know how old you are exactly, but given your general age range, a two-year relationship sounds to me like a success. Spending two years on and off with somebody and breaking up at the end because one or both of you realizes you aren't romantically compatible long-term is not a bad thing! We should all be so fortunate in our 20s. 3) To your more fundamental reason for breaking up with him--it doesn't sound self-destructive, it just sounds like the (2/4)
relationship has run its course, at least for you. That doesn't make you a bitch! It would be shredding to someone's self-esteem to try to fake something you don't feel long-term, and possibly lead to resentment. 4) Sadly, there isn't always a way to make a breakup a mutually pleasant affair. But being told "this is about my feelings, not a deficiency or failure on your part," making it clear they thought highly of me, and extending the offer of friendship is what I would hope for if (3/4)
somebody I liked a lot were breaking up with me. It sounds like a tough situation, but definitely not one where you, or anybody else, is actually the asshole. Don't be too hard on yourself! (4/4)
thank you this uh. this helps a lot actually. thanks. i talked to my mom, she helped. this helps. fuck. i think im gonna talk to him. thanks
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
movie night (request).
REQUEST;  May I request a fic with Diego, mutual pining and yearning and all that good shit. Just kinda an all around fluffy fic, and it ends with them confessing to each other or something like that? Love you!💕 -- anon PAIRING; Diego Hargreeves x gender neutral reader. (2nd pov) WARNING; not much. a couple curse words, some bad writing (forgive me, it’s late).
NOTES - This is short (for me) but sweet & really all dialogue. But it’s okay!  I finally got a request done in only a few days, which is nice for once. I know I’ve got two other things to put out, they’ll come later (aka updates for inaf and that trilogy i had). but anyways, hope you like and thank you for requesting anon! Also, not edited and a bit bleh at the end (whoops). xx
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“This is MY apartment!”
“And this is MY body, so--!”
You roll your eyes and slump back down to the couch. Your eyes leave his indignant glare and fall back to the two movies on your lap. “For the last fuckin’ time, you can’t just declare that as your argument! It’s my TV, and I don’t wanna watch Zoolander!”
“Well, I don’t want to watch that!”
“That?” Your hands scrabble at the DVD case before lifting it to his face. “That is an American treasure, dumbass! This is like, the greatest comedy ever made!”
“I didn’t laugh once!”
“You haven’t seen it!”
Before you could retort or Klaus could cut you off (again), a third voice joined the fight. Diego.
Without even thinking about it, you smiled at him, forgetting for just one second about your fight.
Just for a second.
“Diego, thank goodness you’re back, I can’t handle this alone!”
“I could hear you two screaming from down the hall,” he huffed, heading in with a bowl and a frown. “Klaus, you’re gonna get Y/N another noise complaint.”
Klaus pouted. “She started it!”
“How the hell is asking what movie you wanna watch starting a fight?”
He just stuck his tongue out at you.
“You guys always fight over this,” Diego sighed. He sank into the couch and in response, you shuffled back, giving him just enough room to get comfortable before sinking back. “I’m starting to think movie night was a bad idea.”
“No-o,” you groaned. Without thinking, your forehead fell to his shoulder, emphasising a facepalm without having to lift your own hands (which were still clinging tightly to your DVD). “This is a good idea, your brother just can’t compromise.”
“Compromise? You just want to watch -- Diego, she’s impossible!”
The man just sighed, and you felt the vibrations of the heavy sound leave his shoulder to your forehead. “Shut it, both of you. I’m picking. We’re watching this one.”
You glanced up to see him gesturing at your choice. Immediately, your eyes lit up and you turned to his brother with a resounding ‘HA!’.
“That’s not fair!”
“How’s it not fair?” chorused both you and Diego at the same time. 
“You always go with her pick!”
Your smile died a little, replaced with new anger. “That’s not true, you’re just a sore loser! And your brother has taste!”
But Klaus didn’t even care for the half-baked insult; he was ploughing right along with his first point, almost excitedly too. “You always do! Every time we fight and you pretend to ‘break up the fight’, but you’re not sly, dear brother!”
Diego frowned beside you. “That’s not true. I picked yours last week.”
“No, no you did not! We watched Inception even though you said before that one chick freaks you out too much!”
“Well -” you pause, mulling over his words just the littlest bit; maybe he did have some fragments of a point. “Well, that’s not totally valid. I mean, Ariadne’s not in the movie that much, he doesn’t have to look at Vanya’s doppelganger the whole time.”
Diego nodded. “‘Sides, it was better than whatever the fuck you chose.”
“Excuses, excuses,” Klaus cooed, still on top of your coffee table and still way too energized to be standing on it. You really should stop letting him stand on such delicate things - but perhaps that argument could wait until after he was done making such weird points. “It’s always her - I mean, Diego, don’t you think you’re laying it on a bit thick?”
Klaus scoffed. “Come on - you two have been making goo-goo eyes and sweet little gestures for as long as I’ve known you two! Movie nights are just the next thing you’ve taken away from me, and manipulated to be about your sick mutual pining scheme!”
Your mouth dropped open in a move to immediately dispute, only to simply hang, unsure what there was to say to that. He was wrong, of course - for the sure fact that you knew Diego did not like you at all. Wouldn’t you know, already if he did? Sure, maybe you were a little obvious with your feelings sometimes, but only occasionally, and they were never received as much.
This was just a grand scheme to get his movie picked, and you told him that, proudly calling him out on what you thought was just a big game.
But Klaus did not react as you thought he would. Instead, he leapt down from his post and sank down to sit on the coffee table, teetering into a cross-legged position. His long fingers jabbed at the both of you. “You two are so in your heads, you’ve gone blind to the other person. I mean, Y/N, you’re literally curled around Diego right now, does that not register in your brain?”
Okay, so that was correct. You were close to him, maybe not as close as he said but your head did rest on his sleeve, and your hands --
-- awkwardly, you pulled away, crossing your arms across yourself. “Not a good point; I’m just comfortable with him. As I am with you.”
“Ah, but we don’t cuddle like two babes in a pea pod, do we?”
“Klaus, you’re being-”
“-foolish? Am I? Diego, brother of mine, you look at Y/N like she’s aligned the stars and moon and given them to you as a gift! And you look at me like I’m dirt on the side of -”
“-Klaus,” you hissed, with hot cheeks and a new feeling bubbling at your throat (embarrassment, maybe? fear?) that you did not want to spill. “If I pick your movie, will you stop this nonsense?”
The young man huffed, raising his knees up and flapping them down again. “Don’t be so scared of acceptance, dear Y/N! I mean, think of the potential, two people with questionable taste finally joining and becoming one?”
You rose from the couch suddenly, jerky motions and wide eyes in an attempt to hide your overwhelming emotional buildup. You didn’t look at Diego. “Sit, Klaus, please, and let me put on this damn movie so we can be free of this? Stop making our lives a rom-com!”
“Am I wrong?!”
“Yes!” You responded, indignant and loud. Still you refused to look Diego’s way. “Come on now. If Diego thought of me as attractive, I’m sure we would’a worked it out in the many years of our friendship. Right? Let’s just watch this film.”
Klaus mumbled something under his breath, but it was too quiet for you to catch. He slumped down in your place and grinned, “Diego, will you cuddle me like-”
“-I will gut you like a fish, asshole-”
“-movie time, quiet up!”
You sank down into your chair, cold and missing Diego’s presence, and avoided his searching eyes. Whatever was going on with him, it wasn’t something you were sure you could emotionally deal with; Klaus pretending like your feelings could be requited would be enough pain for the night. You’d gladly watch his pick if it meant quiet.
You didn’t look up from the dishes; you didn’t have to, to recognise the voice. “Hey. Klaus asleep still?”
“You, uh…” Diego’s voice followed behind you, until you were pretty certain he was leaning on the counter almost directly from you. “All the stuff he said…”
You forced a chuckle, even though your heart had almost immediately sunk. And here you thought you’d be free of more tragedy that night. “Ha, yeah. So weird.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, losing momentum with every second. Did you have to do this? You were tired and lonely and sad, and you didn’t want to get second helpings of unrequited feelings that night. But still, you played along. “Such a joke. You n’me? I know you don’t feel that way, don’t worry.”
“What if--” he stopped, short.
You waited a moment to see if he’d continue, only to be met with silence. You turned to stare at him. He leant back on his arms with his head down, so you couldn’t see whatever look he wore on his face. 
“What if…?”
“What if…” he paused again, sighing and rubbing a hand down his face. “I...if...I dunno. It wasn’t all a joke.”
Okay, you were starting to freak out a little, If this was some sort of joke… “Diego, I really don’t ha-”
“-I like you, Y/N.”
And just like that, your heart had stopped.
Well, not really. Though it did feel like it did; one moment you thought he was there to confront you about your feelings, and the next you could only start at him like a deer caught in the headlights, unsure whether or not to run or to just stand and wait for the impact.
“I-idiot’s talking about me,” he groaned, and clearly he was forcing the words out, practically spitting them to avoid stuttering. “I-I just didn’t say it cause-”
“-don’t say that.”
Diego stopped. “What?”
“I mean,” you shrugged, taking a step away from the dishes. Your soapy hands moved out to just almost touch him. “He’s way too adamant on his choice in movies. And some might say he has no choice...but he’s definitely not an idiot.”
Slowly, Diego, rolled away from the counter and lifted his head to look at you. You could see the same look in his eyes you were sure reflected in yours; confusion, fear, a little bit of that bubbling excitement that came with passion--
“He figured out we were both into each other ‘fore either of us had a clue.” You stepped nearer; the two of you were nearly touching. You forced your head up, staring him down with a smile. “To be completely honest, this feels like a fever dream. Not sure this is even happening.”
“Oh,” he whispered, and it came out more like a sigh than a word. His hands met your waist, trembling but pressing. “Y-”
-you cut him off. Quickly, before you could lose your will (or grip on reality, whatever came first) you lifted up on your toes and to his lips, pressing a firm kiss to his own. It was brief but sure, only lasting a second before pulling away.
“I like you too, dummy.”
His eyes reopened and stared down at you, wide and happy. “Yeah?”
“I don’t know how you didn’t notice,” you laughed, itching to kiss him again. Why had you pulled away so quickly? His taste didn’t even remain on your own lips, no matter how you licked at them. “I feel like I was obvious as hell.”
Diego smiled a little, soft and pretty. “I g-guess I was just b-b-busy lookin’ at you like you hung the moon, or - or whatever Klaus said.”
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atalana · 4 years
I understand that your only source of representation is through Jughead, so how do you feel about people who ship him with other characters? Would you want them to stop?
i mean in an ideal world? absolutely yes
that said, i'm well aware i can't control much about the world outside of my own personal bubble, and people who ship jughead with other characters but stick to their own space aren't the biggest problem here? i'm not gonna go on a crusade to tear down any sectors of the archie and/or riverdale fandom with jughead ships, because honestly that sounds way too tiring and like, i'm sure i have things that i like to think and write about that other people would find infuriating, i don't wanna be a hypocrite and insist my way of doing fandom is the only way to do fandom
and the same goes for other fictional characters that are strongly implied to be aro/ace but 95% of the fandom has ships with them in, it gets on my nerves, but it isn't majorly harmful
the biggest problem, honestly, when it comes to jughead specifically, is riverdale, for bringing archie comics back into the public consciousness and pretending to be supportive of lgbt+ rights, and then at the same time erasing jughead's canon sexuality. like, this has been less of a problem in recent years bc from what i've seen the show has made a fool of itself in lots of other ways? but for people who do still watch it, just remember, no matter how many gay characters they include, they do not support this community. they include gay characters because it's become socially acceptable to include one or two and pretend like you're a paragon of representation. they're not. they're cowards who do not care about us
but when it comes to fandom, here's what is a problem when dealing with aro/ace representation, and things i'd like all fandoms to work on:
stop assuming that everyone needs sex or romance to be complete, stop assuming that any kind of positive relationship between two non-related characters must be romantic. like please. im so tired. people exist in this world who would be actively worse off in any romantic/sexual relationship, even a loving one, than they would be on their own. acknowledge these people exist, and maybe, just maybe, consider them in your sexuality headcanoning. (do you know how much it hurts to see someone make a sexuality headcanon page of a fandom with like 20+ characters and all of them are gay bi or pan? like representation for all of those are great as well, you should include them, but don't do so at the cost of excluding us. if your only reasoning behind headcanoning a character as bi is "they have Bi Vibes and I Want To", why is it so hard to make one or two of them ace or aro or both?)
people who have no interest in the opposite gender are both gay and aro/ace coded. it's something i've found constantly, whenever even a hint of aro/ace representation shows up, there's gonna be a very loud section of the fandom who insists they can't be aro/ace because they're gay coded, and making them aro/ace would deny representation. these people's only argument? they showed no interest in the opposite (binary) gender. guess what guys! that can be both! and insisting it's only gay is honestly aphobic as fuck and you will instantly lose my respect
same goes for characters who in canon show no interest in anyone at all. you'd think this would be a stronger argument for them being aro/ace than for them being gay, but not for these people! and like, this isn't me saying gay people can't relate to characters, of course do what makes you feel better, but i'm just asking for you to make space for us and acknowledge we're here. let the people with aro/ace headcanons feel just as acknowledged and validated as the people with gay headcanons, instead of shunned and like no one wants them around
(i still lose followers any time i make an aro/ace positive post. which honestly only makes me more incentivised to keep doing it. i'm here i'm queer and i'm not going anywhere, the hill i've chosen to die on is protecting younger aro/ace people and fighting for their rights and good luck knocking me down)
this does include the archie fandom, by the way. i'm assuming you sent this because you saw my post from 3-4 years ago about jughead being canonically aro/ace? well, there are plenty of people who angrily told me that jughead, a character explicitly said in the text to be aro/ace, was gay coded and i was being homophobic. like fucking stop it.
if you're genuinely interested in being a good ally to aro/ace people, and i really do appreciate that you've asked this!! here's a few things you (and the fandom at large) can do:
make space for aro/ace people in your headcanons, even if you're not aro/ace yourself. honestly, while this is a personal opinion, i don't even mind if your understanding of what being aro/ace is is slightly wrong? i mean if you wanna explore that in depth, doing research is better than not doing research (my ask box is always open), but i'm just happy to see anyone be inclusive, those people are the good people in my book
make space for aro/ace people in your jokes and memes. we like to have fun too! i'm still never really gonna get over the gay alignment chart meme, like... they had two separate squares for gay and lesbian, one for bi/pan, and none for aro or ace. that pretty much sums up everything wrong with representation at the moment. if you had to stick to three for the sake of the meme template, gay/lesbian, bi/pan, and aro/ace would have been much fairer. and yeah it's just a meme but like... we shouldn't only be on people's minds when things are serious
stop making all your aro/ace headcanons jokes. don't headcanon horrible real life people as aro/ace. be careful that your aro/ace headcanons aren't entirely children or robots. like, you can headcanon those characters as aro/ace, but if you're exclusively doing that, you're not really seeing us as people
(i have... complicated thoughts about spongebob apparently being canonically aro/ace. but i wouldn't hold that up as the pinnacle of representation)
(also despite many assholes' insistence to the contrary, being aro/ace isn't an 18+ identity. if a 12 year old can be gay a 12 year old can be aroace. they may not have discovered the sexual part yet but they can still know the romantic part. every sexuality goes through this same persecution why are even gay people still passing it down)
aro/ace people can be happy, well adjusted, non traumatised adults! many of us are! go make some headcanons of that!
while just aro or just ace people definitely do exist, and you can headcanon characters as such, some of us don't split those labels (i just use aroace for myself bc it's one thing, like how bisexual and biromantic people just go by bi). make sure you have some aro/ace people in the mix there, and you're not falling into the pitfall of using our identities only to make Gay Lite(TM)
don't let people walk all over us. we had a really thriving community back in 2013, and then the exclusionists came in and completely wiped it out. i saw it happen. they've faded into the background but only because 90% of aro/ace people are now scared to speak up on their own behalf. encourage aro/ace people to share their experiences if they want to, encourage aro/ace headcanons where you see them, make sure your fandom is a space where aro/ace people want to be. and if you see people being exclusionists (laughing at aro/ace people like they're cringy, pretending like aro/ace people are stealing non existent resources from gay people, or calling aro/ace people homophobic for existing are big weapons of the exclusionists), don't pretend it's just an argument or "discourse", let them know they don't belong. we can only fight so hard on our own behalf, we're a community for a reason. we're in this together
research, read, and most importantly, have fun with it. that's what fandom's for. if the only way you get enjoyment out of characters is by putting them in ships, try exploring a different, non romantic angle, and see what happens. encourage different forms of relationships. encourage aro/ace characters who are happy and secure in their own identity. encourage aro/ace characters having the same emotions as everyone else, just without the being attracted to people part. we're cool people! and ultimately, ship what you want. but just remember we're here, we're desperately in need of representation, and we can't make that happen on our own
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unpopular opinion: the more i watch house, the more i think she's better off without wilson
Ok so I've been thinking about this amber is so supposed to house mirror but she doesnt quite emulate his energy not do they give her much to work with nor do they develop her dynamic with the rest of the cast for it to work
Amber is smart but she's not brilliant she needed to smart in the way house was and she's manipulative but not in the way house is
House is like selfcentered but he also has people he cares about the problem with house is that he doesn't communicate it in a nice way where as amber was more mean to other people generally which while hot isn't really house like
Another things house's relationship to masculinity is fascinating because gay and so he's if anything he's sexist in gay way the way he judges comes of more like judgmental gay friend that a straight bad boy but he develops homoerotic relationships to men even tho he's an asshole because one he's brilliant and two because he does actually care about other people
But also house has lady vibes to the way he manipulates people is more like white uppity mom in an hbo show that a straight bro and the way his existance challenges vuglar and that cop because hes gay but in way that also let's him because masculine to some extent he doesn't exist with like straight male linear ideas of gender performance because he's basically a homosexual bad boy
Amber doesn't play into her femininity into a gay way in the same way house gets to and she isn't given any similar geinus status and while like hot is moldy annoying as someone working for house and to make matters worse later house throws her away he doesn't want her and doesn't care
So then we get into to amber and wilson they do this also with cuddys detective boyfriend but they make house and cuddy dislike amber when they start dating because she's literally some random chick they worked with a for few months and then she went away
So then it turns out there dating and it just feels strange that we narratively got there so fast first of all amber is way to functional to be house mirror house is okay by himself but hes codependent on Wilson and has beem for the whole show he's also hot mess because he's an addict and so he needs house so theres so bad mirroring already
And I'm not saying he and amber have to be the same I'm saying that they need have some similar sense of self that is built into the show before this reveal
Amber also gets fired has the same vibes she had when she started she says girl bye but there no growth good or bad that she gains
So when amber and Wilson start dating not only is she not developed good as house mirror but the idea that she would be atracted to wilson who easily validate her in a way thats safe makes zero sense to me
All this being said i adore amber before dating wilson she does what she thinks she has to do shes messy and mean and she doesn't get along with everyone and doesn't even have someone who's loyal her she's lonely in way thats distinctly unhouse like and i love her
Now so then amber starts dating Wilson and they establish her house mirror but where us she working we dont know by the time she leaves literally no one is talking about her she's irrelevant they all move on
All we know is that this fun mean manipulative chick is suddenly dating wilson there also the fact that her death was foreshadowed a little bit after she started dating wilson so she's not gonna stay and we get that info from the get go
So wilson dates women but they are women he wants to befriend not woman he wants to actually date and what would wilson want with her?(besides the fact that shes female house)
Wilson and amber are not even hinted at having anything in common where they could bond over it and it would've made more sense if she had continued to work in the hospital and had to talk to Wilson about a case
She just starts dating him and i was like um ok girl so then she maintains her personality a bit when her and house are neogating Wilson but i don't by comphet amber she's not uncomfortable enough with the concept of being straight without gaining something she lose all personality and shes like not interesting she just becomes a vehicle for Wilsons comphet
And then she dies and all her coworker habe the awkward goodbye scene and i was like why didn't house keep her on the team so this wouldn't be awkward
And in regards to the way she dies like they needed Wilson to have identity crisid for some reason so they killed her
So i agree with you yes also i love hallucination amber because she returns her sort of original vibe
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