#im finally done with college so ill get to that soon ig
rusgard · 3 years
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Here's my preview for @nostringsdetached!! The zine focuses on contributors' custom MCs and their relationship with the characters!
Since it's my first time participating in a zine I put all the effort in my part, had so much fun with it ngl (even though it left me burned out for a month lmao I blame that on college). I'm so happy to be a part of this project, everyone's so talented here hehe♡
There's also an anniversary raffle and milestone bonuses so don't miss it!! All the details are to be found on @nostringsdetached 💕
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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wonderlustlucas · 6 years
so it’s 20 minutes til 4 am when i begin to type this, im exhausted, incredibly sunburnt, and trying to write but my brain is fried so i thought id do my usually random rambling/update that like 4 people see
fiiiiiirst of all, just so you all are aware, im on vacation right now, so chances of me getting any work done is very unlikely (same with reposting things in general) but im hoping to get SOMETHING real good and juicy up within the next 2-3 weeks before i leave for vacation part 2 bc after that i have my surgery and,,,,prob cant write lol
second, i think its courteous of me to let you know that ive been working on a few stories recently but, as much as i love the concepts, i feel like my heart isnt completely indebted into it when i first started it. i also have so so so so much summer work that im just so fuckin stressed everytime i sit down to write i cant even think lol. but i really want to make these fics perfect and therefore, they wont be up til quite a bit. this includes the jungkook wedding!au and mingyu college!au (;﹏;)
THIRDDD this is random lol but ig good for got7 stans, i’ve recently rlly rlly rlly rlly have fallen in love with got7 and like,,,, yugyeom is now my ult bias and.... the amount of fic ideas i have for him (and the others too tbh) is ungodly. currently working on one rn ^_^
AND LAST this is more of a story lololol so anyway im down on vacation with my best friendddd and there’s this really cute korean place on the boardwalk literally smaller than my bedroom and we already ate and it was past 10 pm so we decided to get bubble tea
and holy lord ladies and gentleman
the cashier may have been one of the most attractive guys ive ever seen, he was gorgeous, he sounded pretty fluent in english and his voice was soooo soothing and tbh he only looked like hes maybe like 18-19 and you know lucas even said it age doesnt matter but wow im in love already so yeah imma just DIE thank god i have like 6 more days we’re gonna go everyday. and omg im so excited to finally try korean food, tbh first on my list is japchae it looked so yummy AHHH also theres gonna be a korean bbq restaurant opening soon called kpop! and it looks so cute!!!!!!!
anyway, to whoever sees this thanks for getting this far, have a wonderful rest of your day or night and hopefully ill be posting some better quality things soon! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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michaelreaderreblog · 7 years
Sons gonna rise
Story by Supernaturallyhockey
AN: This is the first part and second part will be added in a couple of days. And right now Im working on my stuff, so that should be up sometime this evening. Im very fortunate enough to be posting these fic
Word Count: 2,271
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"Hey Michael get up!! Mom and dad are waiting down stairs for breakfast" Lucifer knocks on my door to wake me up.
I don't want to get out of bed, I would rather stay in bed all day but have no other choice or else Lucifer will come back again. Lucifer is home from College for the weekend
"Castiel, are you up?" I knock on my younger brothers door.
"Yeah come on in, what's up Michael?" Castiel asks me as I walk into his bedroom and lay flat on his bed.
"Could you go down stairs and tell mom and dad I'm not feeling well." I look up to the ceiling not facing him.
"Michael what's wrong" Castiel asks me while sitting at the foot of the bed that's when Gabriel comes into the room lands on top of me and rolls over to my left side.
That kid is getting heavier by the day if you ask me.
"Big bro here is suffering his first heart break and can't get the images of Anna Milton and Dean Winchester doing the ugly last night" Gabriel says while I lay there glaring at him but that doesn't help to make Gabriel shut up.
"Oh Michael I am so sorry, Anna was really" Gabriel cuts off Castiel
"A whore and a bitch yeah I know." Usually I would cut off Gabriel for talking bad about Anna but didn't have it in me.
"I wasn't going to say that, I was going to say she is tedious and vile. Michael I don't know why your so broken up about her, think about it more of a favour" Castiel advises me while I lay there but he is right, I just thought something real was there.
"Ladies come on mom and dad are still waiting" Lucifer says but I'm not going to bother with a retort.
"Fine, lets go Gabriel. Ill bring something for you after I finish with breakfast" Castiel closes the door, he always had a good heart.
I lay there in my own pity but I'm allowed one day to myself and I don't see why not it would be today since its only Saturday, no football practice till Monday.
Fuck Monday, the day I have football practice with Winchester. Fuck it I’ll just go, no point in hiding. In a few weeks I will be graduating and go on to college. I didn't know how long I was laying on my brothers bed until he came into the room.
"Here mom said to give you this bagel and OJ" he says while setting them both on his night stand.
I sit up to take the juice to take a sip. When the cool liquid hits my throat and quenches my thirst.
"Thanks, and thanks for covering for me to. I just want a day for myself" I look to Castiel and he looks at me while he tilts his head sideways which I think he looks like a 4 year old trying to understand what I'm telling him.
"Have a day to yourself, you mean by hiding in my room from mom and dad good job with that" I couldn't help but laugh at the idea and he has a bright smile on his face.
I spend the entire morning having a conversation with my brother, this is what I needed to hang out with him. I rarely do but he is good company.
"Hey you want to join y/n and I while we go to the record store?" Castiel asks me to come along with him and his best friend since day care and who happens to be Deans younger sister.
I wouldnt mind spending the day with her since I have taken a liking to her and cant help feelings.
"Um yeah I don't see why not I mean I haven't gone out to get some new music lately" I accept his offer and I get off from his bed to take a shower.
"Good I’ll send her an IM to let her know" He tells me while I walk out his room to come into mine to have my toiletries ready.
CJS25: hey I thought I would let you know I invited my brother Michael to come along with us to the record store. Hope that is ok
TheNrmlWinchester: Michael? Hhmm weird. I don't mind the more the merrier :D
CJS25: yeah I know but Smaug practically ruined him so I just want to do something for him since he is my brother after all. Wouldn't you do the same for yours?
TheNrmlWinchester: ohh yeah I heard about that. Walkers party right? Well don't worry I'm totally kicking his ass right now, Dean not Sam. Sam is a harmless nerd.
CJS25: right like your not any nerdier haha
TheNrmlWinchester: hey Im the way cooler nerd than Sam. Anyways I got to get ready and ill text you when I'm done. Later Clarence :p
CJS25: oh god! Yeah see you later snow flake :)
While you log out of your instant message account you wonder why Cas has called you snow flake, you would need to ask him that later. As of right now you needed to let Dean know that he is a dick, douche, asshat and what Cas always says assbutt for sleeping with Anna and Michael walking in on them and basically ruining him and Lisa poor girl doesnt know what she is in for. Stupid Dean you mutter to yourself as you walk out of the room.
"Y/N!!!! Hurry up I need the bathroom." Dean pounds on the door almost knocking it out of its hinges.
"SHUT UP!! GO PUKE OUTSIDE!!" You yell back to Dean and hear him mutter something as he rushes down the stairs and your sitting there taking your time getting out of the shower.
“I think I'm done torturing him for the day” You mutter to yourself as you walk out of the bathroom and met on the other side is your dad.
Oh boy you were in for it now but you see a smile slowly forming
"That's my girl teaching your brother a lesson for staying out late” Dad says to you and he sounds proud for it.
"Of course. As the youngest it's my job daddy" you smile to your dad to peck him on the cheek to get to your room to finish up.
"Ok, now time to text Cassie" you mutter to yourself as you pick up your phone, slide the screen, put in Cas' number
"hey I'm ready. Meet up at our usual spot?" After you sent the text you walk out of your room to head down stairs to wait for text back from Cas.
You reach the kitchen to find Sam putting the dishes away and Dean washing the pots.
"What's up turd face and turd nugget" you tease your brothers when you enter the kitchen.
"Niblette" Sam retorts back.
"Where you off to?" Dean asks from the sink.
"I'm going to hang out with Cas and Michael today" your phone goes off after telling your brothers who you will be hanging with.
Cas: actually Michael is going to drive and we will be there in a few minutes to pick you up. Ill let you know when we are outside.
You: ok sounds good. By the way Dean looks skittish after I told him and Sam I will be hanging out with Michael to :) I'm still kicking ass by the way.
Cas: Haha. Maybe you can finally tell my brother about your feelings than :)
You: maybe you can finally ask Meg out :)
Cas: I hate you
You: I know I love you to
After you sent your text you had a smile on your face telling Cas off after he mentioned your feelings for Michael but it was only a crush it wasn't like you stood a chance with him.
Michael is a senior and will be going off to college soon. You were a sophomore in high school along with Cas, while your brother Sam is a junior and Dean a senior.
"Michael?" Both of your brothers say in unison.
“As in Michael Sinclair?” Sam asks as he puts the pot in its rightful place
"Yeah what's wrong with that?" You ask back to your brothers while glaring at them
"Nothing, I'm just surprised ok." Sam says holding up his hands in surrender.
You look to Dean but cut him off before he says anything.
"Dean I don't care what your going to say. You did what you did and that's done just dont tell me you are dating Anna" you say to Dean while he has a surprised look on his face.
"No, not dating her, it was a drunken mistake. I feel bad ok and I just feel bad ok. I mean I don't even know how to tell Lisa" Dean says in defeat.
"Well you figure that out on your own and I don't like what you did to Lisa plus I really like her, just grow a damn pair and tell her before she finds out from someone else. You know how school is, one thing happens and spreads like wild fire" you tell Dean almost yelling at him.
"Fuck, yeah yeah ok" Dean says in defeat and takes his phone out to call Lisa to hang out or something. Your phone goes off
Cas: we are outside
You: ok coming out
You tell Sam to let your parents know who you will be hanging out with and he nods.
You grab your house key by the door and head outside to Cas and Michael. You get into the back seat.
"Hey Cas, Michael" you say while closing the door and buckling your seat belt.
"Hello y/n" Michael says looking in the mirror
"Hey y/n" Cas says turning his head and you smile at the both of them.
"Y/n give me your iPod, I would rather listen to yours than mine or Michaels" Cas says while he reaches out for you to hand over your iPod, you reach into your shoulder bag to grab it and give it to Cas.
"Hey my music isn't that bad" Michael says looking offended over to Cas, you sit in the back seat giggling.
"Cas what's wrong with your music?" You ask Cas
"I don't have mine, forgot it on the table on the way out" Cas says while turning on the blue tooth and plays Modern Man by The Arcade Fire.
"Plus you always have the better music, why do you think I give you my iPod to add music" Cas says turning to look at you.
"Again what's wrong with my music? And y/n what kind of music do you have on your play list anyways?" Michael asks Cas again and looking to you about your play list.
"Your music contains rap music that shouldn't be called music at all plus when did you even start listening to rap music anyways? You had better taste before you started dating Anna. Oh my god she got you into it didn't she?" Cas talks about his taste of music while Michael has a smile on his face but fades at the mention of Anna.
"Yeah some of it and the rest just were catchy afterwards. So where are we going first?" Michael looks to Cas and to you.
"Let's go to Cain's Cafe first" you say from the back seat as you lean forward to make sure Michael or Cas heard you.
"Uh I don't know, what if" you cut off Michael before he can even finish his sentence
"Don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure everyone else is still sleeping trying to recover from last night" You tell Michael reassuring him or try to put his mind at ease.
"Y/n is right Michael plus I really want a caramel iced cappuccino especially from Cain's cafe" Cas agrees with you while you have a smile on your face.
"Yeah ok, how come you two weren't at the party last night?" Michael asks out of nowhere looking between us as he parks in front of the cafe.
"I would rather hang out somewhere else far away from my brother. Thank you very much" they both laugh at your comment.
You and Cas were at Ash's party and you bumped into Lisa and Rachel and hung out with them all night while Cas was flirting with Meg all night. It's been forever he has had a crush on her and you always wondered why he never asked her out but you hope it would be soon.
"We were at Ash's party last night, Andy pulled out his stash and almost got everyone high with the brownies he made. Y/n didn't you have a brownie?" Cas asks as we get out of the car to walk inside.
"Castiel you go inside while I have a talk with y/n" Michael cuts you off before you could even answer Cas's question and he nods than heads inside to seat himself at a table to wait for us to come inside.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" You turn to look at Michael
"I just want to thank you for allowing me to hang out with you and Castiel. I hope we have days like these from now on well if you don't mind" You were shocked to hear Michael say this but couldn't agree to all of it because you wanted to know how Cas would feel if his brother would hang out with us from now on.
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