#im freaaaaaking out
mousey-toy · 1 year
omg i hate feeling overeager 💀
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barbatusart · 1 year
DIAGNOSE THOSE FREAAAAAKS!!!!! ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️🌬🌬🌬☃️☃️☃️💎💎💎💎
i didnt know what you meant for a split second LOL but word ok I GOTCHA. i did write everybody with cognitive "touchstones" in mind but used it more as one of multiple building blocks in shaping everybody's personalities & tried not to have anybody be a stereotype of their neural makeup. SPOILERS ABOUND BELOW THE CUT HEADS UP!
jake i wrote pretty explicitly as autistic. im not autistic myself but i have multiple close family members who are; ive been around it since i was little to present day & wanted to try my hand at writing an autistic character. i think i had it that his father is also autistic so his parents caught on pretty quickly & got him all the tools he needed growing up to live happily. unfortunately hes also extremely gullible & a firm believer in geek social fallacy
sal is a case of C-PTSD (compounded with the multiple head injuries sustained at the end of sad sack by the time sortie rolls around if thats illuminating at all) which is something he combats by making himself as physically large & intimidating as possible while using that as a social shield if that makes sense. he has this concept of himself as something he needs to mask (often literally) in order to behave as his "true" self, which also is a concept of himself that is "Not Me" that he shucks off anything he may have ever done wrong onto so he never has to take responsibility for anything. i deliberately did not write DID here but he is highly dissociative with poor emotional regulation & deeply low EQ (again: see sortie)
mal is a very nebulous anxiety disorder in an extremely extraverted person. his treatment of it involves trying to "shout" over his anxiety even louder to try & drown it out which goes about as well as youd expect; he actually nearly breaches into a full-on panic attack in book 3 where hes trying to light his cigarette. self medication is also 2 packs a day & his BP is like 220/120 at rest, but he doesnt go to the doctor much or declines blood pressure on the regular cus if he doesnt see it then nothing's wrong. nothing's wrong! he's also got some shit going on with not being able to perceive himself in any positive light unless he's positioning himself to be praised as a hero or directly comparing himself with somebody he considers "lower" than him, which when you put that up against the context of book 3 is like get the fuck away from me dude. more on that later, i got comic-related plans for mal lol
stone is a deep depression mixed in with barely functional alcoholism (starting to not so subtly breach over into alcoholic psychosis) which all roots back into an unmanaged grief thats turned into him looking for you-know-who in the people around him (ie romantic partners, this dudes a mess) he kinda laid his shit bare in 4 so the less said about that the better, his whole situation honestly skeeves me out bigtime
garv ive gone into his nonsense on here plenty but he is an unintelligent sociopath (no childhood woes he just got born that way) with the added issue of being raised on /b/ LOL
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hazzabeeforlou · 6 years
FOLKS DID YOU SEE THAT WOODSTOCK IS HAPPENING AGAIN THIS AUGUST FOR ITS 50th and GUESS who lives RIGHT NEXT TO IT and guess what, artists are YET to be announced but you bet your third eyelash if Harry so much as dips his pinky toe there I SHALL GO
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strawbabycowboy · 2 years
i have two presentations tomorrow and im so nervous im literally like. anxious
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haaarry · 4 years
hi i just saw ur post about ur first times and stuff and honestly that’s my biggest fear. im a virgin at 20 years old and ive had the opportunity to do things but and like i WANT to have sex but every time it comes close i freaaaaak out. i want it to be good and i want to DO a good job but i have no experience so im always like 😔😔😔😔 ya know
Just bc you have the opportunity to do it doesn’t mean it’ll be amazing :/ I don’t wanna say I regret any of my firsts bc regretting things in your life is pointless I think bc you can’t go back and change things but moving forward I’m gonna choose to be very romantically involved with someone the next time I have sex bc I’ve never experienced sex while in love and I’m sure it’s 912604726x better than just fucking/doing sexual things bc I’m horny LOL
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bisluthq · 3 years
Not to be a cunt but i think these gen z gays couldnt have survived the 00s tbh. Like im glad they live better but Taylor is literally a white girl from nashville who was homophobic at certain points in her life to the point that her gay besties thought she wouldnt be okay with a gay son. She wrote picture to burn for fucks
I mean idk I’m like grateful that these kids have this safe an existence - that’s not true for all gay kids btw but a lot of these clearly do - that it’s feasible for them to imagine “James get in let’s drive” uttered by a fellow high school girl is a pickup line and that pointing at a sign that says “gay” and making a fuss about it is coming out instead of mocking gay people.
Tbf with how homophobic most of Gaylordom is to mlm I’d also ask them if they’d be okay with a gay son tho so that part is not surprising to me really.
But like ya I mean whether or not Taylor is or isn’t bi like the mocking gay people thing with the Gaylord Texan sign wasn’t an indication of them. It was three southerners being homophobic and being like “hahahaha freaaaaaks” yk?
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