#im glad i learned guitar in high school because i remember how much i sucked then too
itstimeforstarwars · 7 months
Cursed with having to suck at an instrument before I can be good at the instrument.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
I feel you on the jealousy thing. I get less angry and more just despairing, but it's really hard feeling like you're mediocre at things you want to be amazing at, especially if you put in work and don't see results. I spent a lot of high school being "good" at things only to reach college and realize that I'm actually not! which is scary and awful and very discouraging! hate it! sometimes I see talented people and want to cry because I don't understand why I can't be like that! (1)
unfortunately I don't have advice except to remember that people like Ashton have dedicated A Lot of time to this. he's been focusing his entire life on music for over 8 years, and those 8 years did not include having school or another job to work on. that is a stupid long amount of time to be focusing on music so it stands to reason that he'd be stupid good at it! he's getting paid to be stupid good at it! and just because you may not be as good doesn't mean you completely suck either (2/2)
well i’m glad you feel me although i’m sorry you feel this way too because it sucks so bad it feels like im being hollowed out it sucks i always feel like i’m not working enough at it but that’s because i don’t want to spend so much time on something i’ll just end up staying mediocre at but if i work i’ll be better but will i? really? and can i afford to? don’t i have more important things to do? fuck you know what i mean
i know it makes me furious because i KNOW i shouldn’t try to compare myself to people like ashton because he’s been in music for eight years and he takes voice lessons as well as probably lessons for any other instrument he cares to learn he’s got tons of money and this is literally his ENTIRE JOB plus he’s in a band with two (three?) phenomenal guitarists who can teach him the best techniques and i DON’T have that, i’m a college student getting a fucking liberal arts degree, i don’t know ANY guitarists, i teach myself and i think i’m decent for being largely self-taught it’s just. it’s just. how can i look at him, the drummer of a band, playing guitar better than me, a self-proclaimed guitarist, and not feel like shit 
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