#im going fucking crazyinsane
von-karmas-a-bitch · 10 months
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i have always been a short franziska truther but to have it confirmed that we are THE SAME HEIGHT. in the same day i realised i am also soon to acquire a non-blood-related brother named miles. i am losing my goddamn MIND. at first i was just projecting but like. ???????? WHY IS SHE LITERALLY ME??
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
one of these days ill finally buckle and watch black sails and then it’ll be over for all of you
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lagtrain · 1 year
what are some of ur fav vocaloid producers and/or songs that use unique tuning rather than going for a more natural human-esque voice?
ANON HI HI HI ILY!!!! im so glad u sent this ask :)))))
im putting the recs under a readmore bc it got really long loll
ok so first up is producer recs!
Syudou- syudou is the producer who directly inspired the post i made about tuning (which is im assuming why u sent this ask lol)! the way he tunes vsynths for his songs tend to be very high-pitched as well as somewhat soft and quiet, which i absolutely adore. however, his unique tuning can be pretty offputting for some people (cough cough the insane amount of hate ive seen for jackpot sad girl & usseewa voca versions cough cough). if youre looking for good, unique tuning id defo say check out his stuff if u havent! specific recs are cute na kanojo and jackpot sad girl
Guchiry- guchiry is one of my all-time favourite producers, and has some of the most unique tuning for vocaloids ive heard. guchiry also usually goes for a high-pitched sound, but it's in a very different way. honestly, the way he tunes is kind of hard for me to describe?? idk... its definitely the type of vocals that a human could never replicate (this is proven by the fact that there's almost no human covers of guchiry songs LMAO). plus the way he tunes works extremely well with the intense, fast-paced instrumentals he usually goes for. honestly you'll just have to take my word for it and check out his stuff. specific recs are vanish and orthodoxia
Ayase- ayase's miku is one of my favourites ever!!!! he, like the two producers above, opts for a tuning in a higher range. there is also a soft quality to his mikus that i think is really nice. the thing that makes his tuning really unique is the fact that he leans into the robotic-ness of vocaloid! this style of vocals works so unbelievably well with the chill, electronic style of instrumental he often uses, and makes for some incredible stuff that human vocals just cant capture. specific recs are cinema and ghost city tokyo
sasakure.uk- if you thought that ayase embraced the robotic sound that vocaloids can produce, sasakure has practically buried himself in it! i think that sasakure's work is most notable to me for the fact that (in my opinion) his instrumentals stick out more than the vocals? and not in a bad way! not at all! its just that the way he tunes his vsynths is in such a fashion that they feel like part of the instrumentals. like, instead of the music feeling like it's a vessel for the vocals, the vocals instead blend into the instrumentals in a really unique way i havent heard with many other producers? the way sasakure tunes and uses vocaloids is something so distinct, and something that can really only be done through the medium of vocal synthesizers. specific recs are amara and future eve
Hiiragi Kirai- hiiragi takes flower, a vocaloid i find already sounds pretty unique, and goes fucking crazyinsane with her!! his flower tuning is so unbelievably cool and unique, ive srsly never heard someone use her in a way like he does. he makes her voice sound intense, harsh and growly which is seriously soooo sick :D flower's harsh vocals paired with the often intense instrumentals creates a vibe that's almost impossible to replicate with human vocals (the only covers i can think of that have managed to be on par with hiiragi's originals is ado's bocca della verita & loveka). specific recs are bottom and autophagy
Maretu- 😁😁😁 do i really have to say anything here. maretu perfectly utilizes the robotic sound that miku can produce, and makes her sound incredible with the chiptune & rock instrumentals he uses!! the vibes in maretu's original songs are so fucking good and ive (afaik) yet to find a cover that's on par with his og stuff. listen, you're asking for vocaloid recs on the maretu blog, this is a given. specific recs are koukatsu and white happy
specific songs recs now yayyyy!! im just gonna list the songs and give little blurbs abt them :-)
im not sure exactly how much this counts as unique tuning, but im putting it here anyways... the way miku and meiko are tuned here are different to how ive often heard them sound before, with a bit of roughness to their voices that you can only get via a vocaloid
really cool high-pitched tuning that expertly blends miku's & kafu's vocals! the vocals also work perfectly with the spooky vibes the rest of the song has! if you like this you'd probably also like unfriendly hater, which doesnt stand out quite as much to me as being unique but is still equally as good
i fucking love this song sm... miku's vocals are so robotic (i feel like ive used that word a lot...) which works suuuuper well with the instrumental and, with my incredibly limited knowledge of kagepro, works really well for ene's character!
the sheer insanity of this song can really only work with vocals provided by a vocaloid. listen to it and try and tell me that a human's vocals could improve on this... you cant (also pls listen to the song bc its really good)
p.h is an INCREDIBLE song, and it has such wild vocals. somehow seventhlinks manages to make flower sound more unique than she usually does, and it creates such a cool vibe for the whole song!
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afaramir · 2 months
hiiii denethor anon here!! wow you’re really IN IT now (denethorposting). not to add more fuel to your anger but last week i saw someone say they hated denethor. and i just realised god they don’t get him even on tumblr do they. since then i’ve been silently fuming in rage. anyway… i am very Very Intrigued by both your faramir-goes-to-rivendell-au and denethor-thorongil relationship (if you ever want to write another 800 words about this, i am here for it 👀) and this line “each of them sharpens himself upon the whetstone of the other…” fuck. fucking insane actually.
unfortunately i won’t be replying for several days (i’ve had to keep my phone in another room to keep myself from getting distracted) . my exams have started AND i’m going through some shit irl :( it’s alright tho i’ll have more Faramir and Denethor Hours soon <- chanting this constantly haha. but i am with you when denethorposting IN SPIRIT okay. oh and can we please please please have denethor december? 🙏 bye will be here soon after my exams (that will be after the 23rd march i’m afraid)
hiii denethor anon <333 i am SO sorry this is so late truly attempting to figure out how to write AND see my friends AND do things like clean my apartment and go to the grocery store while working The Job...it has eaten my life. and this week my regular coffee shop switched their hours bc i live in my old college town and they are on spring break and it has sent me directly to hell. the death of My Routine…i have coped by INCESSANTLY denethorposting on tumblr dot com. i am somehow EVEN MORE in it than i was when you sent this ask. i hope you enjoy me being truly crazyinsane whenever you get a chance to look at all those posts lol. would love 2 hear your thoughts on them. but ANYWAY as always it is so lovely to see you, i'm sorry things have been tough but truly with my whole heart i bestow upon you the strength of denethor's sixty-year psychic war (with none of the associated madness) to make it through. looking at the date i hope you are free now.
here is the mandated readmore because i have never met brevity in my whole life. u said write another 800 words and i took that as a challenge um this post is like 2000 words. well...back on my bullshit
i mean this with all the love and joy in my heart but i laughed so much. no my dear friend they do not get him on tumblr. they have not gotten him on tumblr from the beginning. if you have been spared the incessant tomato jokes i truly…[crying] I Wish I Were You So Bad. this guy doesnt even know about the tumblr denethor slander (POSITIVE) (YEARNING). its the trenches out here for real. i just live in my little bubble with me and you and like four other mutuals/Denethor Understanders and that is it.
speaking of denethor and the rivendell au. i miss the days when i was working on the faramir-in-gondor scenes. emotionally it felt like dying but i kind of knew what was going on. now i am in rivendell taking and failing this history of middle earth exam. and i am so very….the next time we see denethor for real is in return of the king. now girl…how will i survive another 80k words. i miss my boy my dear darling my tortured victim of the narrative. and according to the paragraph i just wrote faramir does too but is Refusing to admit it to himself<3
im also RIDICULOUSLY torn on how i want to resolve his arc. now just between you and me. and anyone who bothers to click that read more. I DONT WANT TO KILL HIM I WANT HIM TO LIVE. GOD I WANT HIM TO LIVE. I WILL WRITE YOU A THOUSAND HAPPY ENDINGS. except its not a happy ending its a you are not allowed to die you are forced to contend with your choices you must keep living ending. because he will always be tragic no matter what. but its ALSO a you can rest now you can be at peace son of gondor you have won your war. all you sacrificed has been worth it. you have given your all when that's what duty asked you for and it has been enough. and that makes my poor heart weep.
like on one hand the idea of resolving his storyline with faramir.......the opportunity for some kind of reconciliation, some kind of understanding between them...god. delicious. i know in my heart that faramir comes home and IS the lord that denethor once dreamed of being. not playing at it...he is high and lordly and gentle and the world bends around his will and he knows exactly what to bow to and when to stand his ground and his powers are honed to a keen edge that he uses with the utmost care and. AUGH. he walks into the citadel the IMAGE of his father. it makes me feel FERAL. and how would denethor react to that. man.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND HOW DO I END THE STORY. like. LOL. do u know what i mean. likelihood of me being able to just have a triumphant coronation and tie it all up with a bow is soooo small. the narrative contortions i would have to go through. to have denethor accept that and still be in character. Girl....no thank u <3 so we havent worked THAT out yet. like how much of the madness and despair do i want to put into the narrative. We Shall See. IM not politically savvy enough to get real into the weeds with it all so im kind of rotating just. a beautiful set of reunions with the fellowship. eowyn and faramir get engaged. boromir and faramir see all their dreams of a gondor restored come true. we skate over the political minefield and deeply navigate the beginnings of denethor and faramir's relationship in this new world. and among it all, within it all, is hope, and a new dawn. and curtain.
i got distracted but re: we are in rivendell. it IS kind of fun to think about the themes and narratives. i am pushing my Let Faramir (And Denethor) Be Numenorean + Let Numenoreans Be Weird agendas so so sooo hard and i am having the time of my life with that specifically. birds follow him around and pick up the tunes he sings. he hears the voices of the people he loves in his head. he falls into a river and after having a breakdown about it promptly decides that The River Is Testing Him And He Has Passed. he gets to rivendell and INSTANTLY knows that there is someone Very Like Him Here (its elrond. the elrond-elros-faramir connection has me FROTHING at the mouth. faramir looks at elrond and sees his father and sees every statue of elros in minas tirith and Knows that this here is the son of earendil, gil-estel, his brightest north star. elrond looks at faramir and sees his brother, his dear dead doomed brother, and every numenorean descended from him and all their sins and all their glories and yet, kind as summer, sees beauty and knowledge and a strange quiet man who carries all the weight of his country on his shoulders and yet knows him, knows the legends; perhaps the blood of numenor is not yet spent in the south)
i just think that Every Elf that meets faramir along the way is like woah...hold up. there's something up with THIS guy! men ARENT supposed to do that! not anymore anyway! galadriel is Lowkey Threatened by him. and isnt that beautiful. woman who could be queen of the earth sees god's special chosen boy and goes hang on a minute. Fuck. i think they work out their shit by the time the company leaves lothlorien but like...just thinking about how faramir lowkey blamed her for boromir's death in rotk! idk how their dynamic is exaclty gonna manifest but there's definitely some sort of similar mindreader2mindreader tension!
AND. um the idea of faramir travelling with the fellowship discovering that maybe...well. he has never wanted to be a warrior but he has been honed into a blade anyway. by his father and by necessity. and perhaps for the first time in his life...outside of gondor he does not need to be all that. he can be mithrandir's pupil without censure he can be scholarly and witty and cunning - he is all these things, in gondor. but there he has to be them, and now he can discover that yes, this is what he wants to be. and he has never let his father and the expectations of his position STOP him but there is always a weight, there is always the knowledge that your actions are disapproved of, and being away from that for a while is i just think. really good for him. see above re: he comes home the image of his father in a gentler time. keep honking im sitting in my car crying about denethor ii twenty sixth steward of gondor.jpg (<- my greatest creation PLEASE click the link lol)
ALSO IM THRILLED YOU LIKED THAT WHETSTONE LINE LOL i kind of blacked out when i typed it on the page. i think truly the crazy thing about denethor and faramir is that they SHOULD understand each other. they know so much about each other and yet are so incompetent at actually putting it to any good use towards, you know, improving their relationship. faramir is incredibly emotionally intelligent AND can read minds AND has taken so many of what he probably views as denethor's worst traits and turned them to gentler uses. (im talking about his powers but im ALSO talking about that thing he does when he encounters frodo and sam where he plays woe is me my brother is dead and i miss him sooo much to get on their good sides. yes of course he misses boromir more than anything else in the world. no he is not above using it to his advantage. and we see the SAME THING when gandalf and pippin come to minas tirith. hey isn't it crazy that both of them use boromir as a. manipulation chip. even after he's dead. hey thats kind of fucked up actually!) and denethor is…well denethor is denethor. ok im mostly messing around and thought that sentence was funny. i think he Knows most everything that goes on in faramir's head and yet Wilfully Chooses to interpret it in the worst ways because its just soo....very I Thought I Raised You Better Than That/I Honed You To Be My Blade Stop Defying Me. and despite all that the Problem is that they understand each other right up until they don't. they know how THEY feel about each other (incredible love that they can only express in the worst ways/think they're expressing only to be spurned by the other) but cannot POSSIBLY imagine that the other feels the same way.
ive gone on for SO SO LONG ALREADY LOL but. what do i have to say about denethor and thorongil. not enough and too much all at once. they're so toxic and awful for each other they're MADE for each other they're beautiful narrative parallels they're homoerotic besties they're bitter rivals they're pawns in a proxy war they're locked at all times in a psychic psychosexual situationship. um the enemy of my enemy is kissing me with tongue. idk i have more symbolism and actual analysis especially of the denethor-ecthelion-thorongil Issue. but we are just getting into it. so i will start with the situations bc i have two angles for this. on one hand i do think it is very fun if they constantly homoerotically circle each other for years and years and never do a THING about it. like...this is a stitching up wounds wiping blood off each others faces battle couple/situationship situation that THEN turns into a ridiculously high functioning political rival partnership bent together over books long into the night catching each others eye in council meetings using their very real disdain for each other for Manipulation Purposes and getting uh. SO hot over it. like.....Do You Know What I Mean. just. truly unresolved sexual tension THROUGH THE ROOF. it DELIGHTS me. they are always putting themselves in situations. and then NOT making out about it. AND THEY CAN READ EACH OTHERS MINDS!! THE WHOLE TIME!! SO THEY KNOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH THEY WANT EACH OTHER AND STILL ARENT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!! like thats just really good. but on the other hand.......the idea of just an absolutely terrible beautiful toxic rivals with benefits codependent situationship. i hate you so much and you know what we DO need to make out about it. every time they fuck it is a power play and they are having SO much fun with it. they will both start arguments with each other (AND IN PUBLIC TOO) just so they can fight and make up. the mind reading...Oh You Know What I Mean. taylor swift voice we had this big white city all to ourselves we blocked the noise with the sound of i need you and for the first time i had something to lose! logically thorongil is not yet in his grubby ranger era but the idea of him being dirt smeared all the time and hanging out with prim proper polished denethor. in the fic (which does exist and DOES follow the second model) theres a scene where hes just chilling with his head in denethor's lap and denethor is actually rather delighted and devoting ALL of his copious braincells to pretending not to be. Man. well never say im not a slut for contrast. and now the rest of what i could say is simply straight up redacted for indecency so it is time for this post to be over. the last thing i have to say is that it absolutely ruins denethor's life forever when thorongil up and leaves. sometimes a situationship....anyway. MUCH LOVE TO YOU AS ALWAYS yes we will have denethor december i already have an url saved.
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skapediem · 4 months
you were into silicon valley at one point right? that's what got me into zach originally, i have an intense love-hate relationship with it like you do with ave 5 lol
it's sort of a potential vs execution thing + i feel like the writing sorta dropped off in the later seasons, characters got flanderized (i'll never forgive them for what they did to nelson "big head" bighetti he was just a normal dude at the start and then they decided to make him the least smart man on earth) & interesting conflicts that could've spanned several episodes or even a season were resolved within a half hour (or, often, less)
i'll be deranged about jarrich forever though especially jared like you CANNOT tell me "this is a half hour ensemble comedy satirizing the tech industry" and then hand me a character with the most gutwrenching backstory and incredible, thoughtful portrayal and expect me to be normal about him. zach woods when i find you
YEAH!!! i totally understand all of that that is very very very fair criticism esp about bighead but tbh im probably a bit blinded by how i got into it - i watched it through for the first time during the massive 2021 melbourne lockdown and then went on to watch it about. 4 or 5? more times in the next 2 weeks so it ended up being a pretty big comfort show to me lol. as stupid as a lot of it was i found it very endearing and i really liked how they were able to poke fun at so many success stories in the tech business having absolute morons behind it. while i do think some of the plots definitely couldve gone on longer i think i enjoy it being a pretty easy to watch comedy that you don't needa stay super focused on for ages especially since there aren't many quality ones like that around anymore at least compared to the late 2000s/early 2010s. i dunno i just!! i get what you're saying its absolutely valid i just really love that dumb show lol
THATS SOOO REAL THOUGH To Be Honest the ones i went more crazyinsane over were dinfoyle like What the fuck was going on there but i loved jarrich too ofc just all the dynamics in that house were crazy. zach woods is a madman though have you seen his instagram
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arundolyn · 4 months
oh my fucking god why is rebirth, immortal advent so good im going to go crazyinsane
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has anyone else noticed this like insane demonization of masculinity & anything percieved as manhood in regards to trans people? like im a man and i dress like how i feel, which is traditionally masculine. i’ll do drag but i just don’t feel natural performing femininity. and people have like CONSISTENTLY told me to open myself up to femininity and “try being gender nonconforming” (if you are trans you are automatically gender nonconforming. like. hello) and acting like im super repressed or backwards. if i get uncomfortable with it people r like “oh so now trans men cant be feminine” and act like im a truscum like no man im just talking about me and myself. i dont have to try being a woman i dont have to try being “just a little” nonbinary (real thing ive been told) i dont have to try playing around with gender and being ambiguous i am a non-passing trans male i got that down. and ive also noticed a reverse with trans women where if there is anything close to masculinity there is a PANIC that theyve let a MANNNN into their fxmme spaces. trans women get shut down and praised for being docile quiet submissive catgirls who are miserable all the time and if a trans woman is like “i have a sexuality and i like it” or “i dont want to wear a pound of makeup and a sundress every single fucking day” people are like wow shes so aggressive. like what is going ON with this? its the whole “women and non-men” “no cis men” spaces (which essentially translates to “if ur amab out yourself and apologize for being born or youre not welcome”) and includes trans men in the umbrella of women or puts them as non-men/fake men/impotent, nonthreatening, sexless men. this is a long rant but does ANYONE ELSE notice this i feel like im going crazyinsane
truscum kill urself btw
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no WAY that fucking. put me in the prison sam lore stream was over a year ago…………… im going crazyinsane 
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genderqueeradrien · 1 year
same anon as earlier hi! something else i think is interesting is how mlb as a show views sacrifice and selfishness.
adrien agreste is incredibly selfless to harming degrees. getting killed as a hero. getting pushed around as a civilian. everything around what's best for him is decided by someone else. he has very few moments in the actual show where he's allowed to make the snap decision to be anything other than a self sacrificing doll. and this leads to harm of people other than him, too, like with how he decided to deal with lila. compared with marinette, who, time and time again has made selfish decisions that lead to harm in more direct ways.
but the thing is that neither of these traits are shown to be inherently bad by the show, which is SO fucking rare. marinette sacrifices more as a civilian, adrien sacrifices more as a hero. and they both have an excess of (respectively) selfishness and selflessness. THATS treated as wrong. its incredibly refreshing to see some kind of media that says "thinking only about yourself is wrong, but thinking only about others is wrong, too."
anyways i think a lot about the themes of balance in the show, creation and destruction are central but arent the only way that the show uses balance to compare and contrast characters and situations
sorry for rambling lol ! >u<
do not ever be sorry for rambling i love it. and god youre so right. like adrien is so self sacrificial and doesnt seem to care abt himself as much as he should- like my man has essentially killed himself (as chat noir) in front of ladybug multiple times to save her without understanding why that might be super upsetting for her. i think part of that comes from his insecurities abt not being needed or necessary which- to be fair. the ladybug miraculous is fundamentally necessary to defeat akumas. but weve seen time and time again that she cant defeat them without chat noir. like when he was cat walker and she couldnt figure out what to do with her lucky charm bc she needed the real chat noir. and adrien gave up his miraculous bc he didnt feel it was necessary and he thought she'd work better with someone else and. agghhhh it makes me so insane. hes always compromising and sacrificing and giving things for others and like . man its just so SAD. & im hoping he'll like. figure out his self worth anf that thinking abt himself is okay actually in later seasons but with the way kids shows work hes probably like. metatextually doomed to that pattern of behaviour for at least several more seasons if not forever<3
and marinette i feel tends to do more selfish things when shes emotional and not thinking thru her actions, & then realizes her mistakes and has to fix them later, but when shes thinking thru what she does before she does it shes also very selfless (but not to the worrying extent that adrien is). like all the times where shes making insane plans to try to stop chloe/lila/kagami in the earlier seasons/whoever from talking to adrien, or when tikki has to stop her from using being ladybug for personal reasons, giving adrien the snake miraculous (and accidentally locking him in a 5 minute long time loop for months tho she couldnt have known he was fucking crazyinsane in love with her lol) when luka was the one who needed to use it, all the times shes tried to expose lila.. its all in this like. rush of emotion and when she stops to go Hey. what if i actually did not do that . shes able to realize her mistakes and fix them and learn from them (until she also is doomed to repeat this forever due to being trapped in a kids cartoon lol)
though she also does show a similar tendency to adrien when she tries to take on being guardian and handing out miraculouses etc on her own when she is FOURTEEN YEARS OLD(!!!!!!!!!) and has geometry homework to worry about. bestie . bff. girlie. u do not have to do this alone !!!!!! u literally have a partner to help u please learn to accept help u r not burdening people u r not endangering them i prommy
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kelprot-old · 2 years
worst thing ever is when u read a fic that you realise abt halfway thru is probably going 2 be one that you Won’t Forget For A Fucking While. like one of those ones that when someone asks u “girlie what have u read recently” u flashback 2 the trenches head in hands n have 2 sit down . god. god. god 
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