#im going to see megan the stallion and the fantasies are fantasying
heartofjasmina · 4 months
Getting ready for a concert and Bakugou watching you with his blood red eyes, a scowl on his lips the whole time. Not cause you look bad. Because you look to goddamn good. So he grabs your collar, black and heavy and fastens it around your neck grumbling, "Don't forget who you come home to, ma."
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fairycosmos · 4 years
uh hey, just saying the post you reblogged about women performing sexually for the male gaze (op was glamdyke) seems to spout a lot of terf rhetoric and there are a lot of terfs in the notes... i absolutely understand the frustration of women only being seen as "empowering" if they sexualize themselves to the audience but i think blaming it on megan thee stallion/ariana grande/etc is really damaging too. like i get being frustrated at the situation but it's not their fault yknow?
yeah i deleted the rb, i did check their blog for terf shit and nothing was coming up but i didn't check the notes. my bad ! also true im just so beyond done with it all atp. im sick of seeing women being objectified and their sexuality sold at every turn. obviously we should be able to do what we want with our own bodies nd still be respected, seen as people etc. but i'm so tired of the culture dictating that a man can go on stage in jeans and a t shirt n no one says a thing, yet women have to be these hyper sexual hyper feminine sex dolls in order to even get a shot performing. i'm not mad at the individual celebs, i totally agree it's not their fault, it's a symptom of a much greater issue. but i hate the idea that conforming to male fantasies is some empowering move :/
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hotgirlrry · 4 years
10 music recommendations you’ve been listening to recently
thank you @wearelikenanana for tagging me in this!! im super excited bc ive been listening to a lot of different artists lately but this was really stressful bc of how many people i listen to.. so yeah!
1. freddie dredd: i knew about him because of edits from the pretty girls on twitter, and then i found out he makes songs because of tik tok, i’m not ashamed to admit it. most if not all of his songs start with samples that works really well into the song and i kinda dig it?? his songs aren’t that long and they’re super catchy filler music but he’s definitely not for everyone lyrics wise so i’ll rec his popular singles 
recs: cha cha, evil fantasy, weather, opaul 
2. joji: i dabbled in the world of filthy frank and then i remembered i wasn’t an edgy 12 year old white boy so i stopped, but i love joji so much. he makes like bedroom r&b-ish type songs, they didn’t feel like professional songs until his newest stuff and i’m perfectly fine with that.
recs: midsummer madness (with 88rising), test drive, run, will he 
3. rina sawayama: i don’t think there’s an artist that i could love more tbh?? all her songs are so different and so good at the same time like i don’t have words to describe how much i love her music fghsnjnsgudihusfg i feel like im 16 again but like waaaay more introspective and grown
recs: cherry, comme des garçons (like the boys), cyber stockholm syndrome, tokyo love hotel 
4. doja cat: queen of homophobia! after moo! i canceled her ass after her whack ass apology but like the other gays didn’t care and like what was the point? she’s talented as hell!! listening her songs makes me feel grown lmao. i love that she can sing and rap, its like getting a feature but you’re never disappointed by the rapper 
recs: casual, won’t bite, juicy, rules 
5. tame impala: everyone and their mother knows tame impala but that’s my mf band dawg. each song kevin parker puts out makes me a better person. i love his voice i love how relatable their songs are like with rina i just feel like im a more introspective high schooler 
recs: love/paranoia, breathe deeper, apocalypse dreams, instant destiny 
6. megan thee stallion: my old roommate is the one that introduced me to meg lowkey by force, lowkey but im not mad i love her. most people are getting tired of her flow but its hers! if it ain’t broke she shouldn’t fix it, also some of her lyrics are really funny 
recs: hit my phone, simon says, big ole freak, diamonds
7. still woozy: the first of white men feel good music (i found him bc of an edit of someone in this list you can prob guess who). besides rina this is probably the most recent artist i’ve gotten into and its a great time, he does that whisper-sing thing that most artists do nowadays but it’s not hard to understand if that makes sense?? but he’s quickly becoming a fave 
recs: lazy, goodie bag, habit, window
8. the driver era: last ever wbotm ross lynch and his brother make the BEST feel good music holy shit. i used to listen to their songs whenever i would go to class (rip) because i felt like nobody could tell me anything, i was in my own world 
recs: a kiss, natural, san francisco, afterglow 
9. wallows: i DON’T watch 13rw, i simply live for summery music made by lanky white men sometimes. their music is such a vibe back when outside was legal i also used to listen to their songs when i walked to class because it puts me in such a good mood 10/10
recs: pictures of girls, OK, these days, scrawny 
10. emotional oranges: i almost forgot about them omg i found them by accident, looking for a starter song for a playlist back when i used spotify and the rest was history. they’re actually an anonymous collective from la with two lead singers that are phenomenal, their music is like the border of bedroom r&b and soul. my crowning achievement was seeing them live for 22 dollars i love them sm 
recs: don’t be lazy, personal, not worth it, west coast love (ive recced so much of them it’s sad) 
i tag: @fireproofs @loverstop @tpwk2019 @h-isforhome @wastelandharry @strawberryhabit @lightsupwithharry @sunflowrmoon @halosboat @toenialls @rosemari (you’re not obligated to and its not just limited to the ppl i tagged!)
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Give you what you craving (branjie) - writworm42
A/N: Title from Big Ole Freak by Megan Thee Stallion. For a friend of mine who I’m wishing the absolute best <3
Thank u thank u thank u Holtz for beta-ing <3 <3 <3 <3
DISCLAIMER: In this fic, Brooke calls Vanessa mommy in bed without any prior conversation. Don’t do that!!! Just because I let it slip here for the sake of the story doesn’t mean it’s okay in real life. FIC IS NOT A MODEL FOR REAL LIFE! In reality, before you call your partner by titles during sex, check with them to make sure it’s okay. Always make sure to check in with your partner consistently and frequently during sex!!!
“Vanjie? Vanj? Earth to Vanessa!”
Vanessa blinks, coming back to her surroundings just in time to see Asia waving her hand in front of her face, looking bemused.
“Is it just as good as last time she walked by?” Asia jokes, and Vanessa feels herself flush scarlet, her cheeks burning as she tries to think of a comeback.
She doesn’t have time to say anything to defend herself though, because their third cubicle-mate, Kameron, looks up from her computer screen, removing her earphones to grin over at her two friends.
“Was she checking out Brooke’s ass again?” Kam’s eyes are lit up with scandal and excitement, and Asia nods enthusiastically.
“Her tits, too, don’t think I didn’t see you craning to get an eyeful when you first heard her heels, Vanj.” Asia notes, and Kameron lets out a big whoop, one which Vanessa almost hits her for.
“Shut up!” Vanessa hisses. “Are you tryin’ to get us in trouble? We supposed to be working on processing those orders for that new cake-baking cookbook, not gossiping about something I most definitely absolutely was not doing. ”
“Sure, baby.” Kameron snorts, but nonetheless, she and Asia settle, turning back to their own desks to attend to their work. Or at least, Kameron and Asia do - Vanessa herself is, for whatever reasons, struggling to focus.
Reasons that have nothing at all to do with how Brooke walks by again a moment later, and how for a moment, Vanessa swears that she sees Brooke glance at her and smile.
“You could just talk to her, you know.” Kameron offers kindly, but Vanessa only grunts in response.
Vanessa’s a junior sales rep for the entire cookbook company, while Brooke is a copy editor for the baking section. They may not work together directly, but they’re still part of two different worlds–one world that’s just a hair away from being an intern, days spent in a flurry of spreadsheets and scutwork, versus another world that comes with a postgraduate degree and a great deal of respect. Brooke couldn’t possibly want anything to do with Vanessa, and pretending otherwise…
Well, Vanessa would be setting herself up for heartbreak, to say the least. She’s sure it would. So it’s better not to get her hopes up; better to just keep things neat and tidy, limit her fantasies to watching Brooke’s ass whenever she walks by and hoping that when she walks back, she might catch another glimpse at that shy, beautiful smile.
“Oh, come on, now, don’t be like that.” Asia scolds, turning back around. “Kam is right, you know. We have that employee mixer coming up, and God knows the woman finds every excuse she can to walk past us all hours of the goddamn day. Just talk to her, Vanj.”
Vanessa snorts, not bothering to look up from her computer. “What would I even say, bitch? ‘Hey, mama, you got a fine ass, lemme eat it?’”
But there’s no laughter that follows the joke, nor any advice to soothe over the genuine question behind it. Instead, there’s an uneasy beat of silence, during which Vanessa looks up and realizes–
Oh no.
Oh God.
Brooke’s standing at the entrance of Vanessa’s cubicle, clutching a manuscript and looking absolutely mortified.
“I’m–Oh, God, Brooke, I’m so sorry–” Vanessa starts, but it only seems to make things worse; Brooke flushes red, mumbles something about sending in some pages as a preview for a prospective client, and then rushes off, leaving stunned silence in her wake.
“Okay, so when I said talk to her, I didn’t mean like that–”
“Shut up, Asia.” Vanessa puts her head in her hands, hoping in vain that the floor will swallow her up and never spit her back out.
The rest of the afternoon goes by slowly, shakily–Vanessa can hardly focus, the moment of her embarrassment replaying over and over in her head without reprieve, interrupting any task she tries to take on. Every time she tries to open a new document, her eyes fall down to her desk and onto the manuscript Brooke left her. And every time she tries to open an email, Brooke’s name appears at the top of her alphabetically-organized contact list.
It’s only when Vanessa finally gets ready to leave for the evening that Brooke fades from her mind, the space that the blonde occupied instead taken over by a list of all the snacks she’s going to eat and the reality TV shows she’ll binge when she gets home. She waves good-bye to Asia and Kameron, about to shut off her computer and get going, when suddenly–
EMAIL FROM: Brooke Lynn Hytes
RE: convo from today
Hi Vanessa,
Meet me in my office in half an hour… I want to talk to you about what you said today.
Vanessa’s head spins, her heart stopping dead in her chest and body going cold.
Oh God. Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. She’s going to be fired, she knows it–she’ll walk into Brooke’s office, HR will be sitting there to mediate, and she’ll be sent packing before she has a chance to contest the disciplinary action.
Vanessa’s about to write back, beg for forgiveness, or at least some other kind of recourse, when a second email comes through.
EMAIL FROM: Brooke Lynn Hytes
RE: Convo from today - oops
Hi Vanessa,
Just realized that makes it sound like im gonna fire you or something. Lol. Sorry about that. Can you just come by now? Easier to talk in person.
Sorry again.
Brooke Lynn Hytes
Vanessa can’t help but laugh a little to herself when she reads the text, her heart starting back up again and nerves dissipating a little. God, the fucking dork–maybe things will work out after all.
Probably not the way that Vanessa’s hoping for, though.
She scurries across the floor towards Brooke’s office, not bothering to return the waves and cheerful good nights! from coworkers as she passes. There’s only one thing on her mind at the moment–Brooke Lynn Hytes and her ass, and whatever she’s going to say to her.
Okay, three things, but it doesn’t matter. Because she’s outside Brooke’s office, and the door is open for her to walk through, and–
And Brooke is sitting at her desk, blushing and shifting nervously in her chair, gesturing for Vanessa to close the door.
“Brooke, I wanna say again, I’m—“
But Brooke cuts Vanessa off with a shake of her head and a kind smile.
“Did you—did you mean what you said?” Brooke stands up and walks towards Vanessa cautiously, slowly, her smile still gentle and gaze unwavering. “About wanting to rim me?”
Vanessa swallows hard, her heart pounding and mind racing. Brooke is close now, so close that if she reaches out, she could touch Vanessa, box her in against the door, do whatever she pleases with her—
“Yeah.” Vanessa admits breathlessly. Yeah I did.”
“Oh, thank God.” Brooke sighs, her shoulders relaxing and face smoothing out in relief. “I was afraid you were joking, and—“
But Brooke never gets a chance to finish that sentence, because before Vanessa can think about it, before she has a chance to stop herself, she’s leaning up and cupping Brooke’s face and pressing her lips to hers.
The kiss is electric, breathless and passionate enough to make Vanessa feel as if she’s floating, swept off her feet by Brooke’s lips, her sighs of pleasure when Vanessa tugs lightly on her bottom lip with her teeth. Brooke is gripping her tightly by the waist, pulling her flush against her body, and Vanessa is dizzy, held up only by the will to keep contact with the woman in front of her, entwined with her. She feels along Brooke’s back, down each curve and over every muscle, until finally, her hands sweep over the one thing she’s been drooling over for what seems like far too long.
Brooke moans, like really moans, when Vanessa’s hands reach her ass, and God, Vanessa would do anything to hear that sound again. She feels along the curve of Brooke’s ass, squeezing and kneading and listening for every little reaction, every repeated moan and little gasp.
“Keep–Oh, fuck, Vanessa, keep doing that.” Brooke separates from Vanessa, her eyes hooded and cheeks flushed, voice breathy with effort.
“Ain’t gotta tell me twice.” Vanessa giggles, and Brooke does too, pulling Vanessa even closer, and sticking her ass out a little and before grinding back into Vanessa’s hand to meet her movements.
“This might sound weird,” Vanessa starts to propose, before she can second-guess it, “But can I…” she trails off, her hands suddenly freezing.
How in the hell is Vanessa supposed to ask a woman she’s barely worked with, who she barely even knows , realistically, to let her spank her?
“Can you what?” Brooke repeats, and Vanessa realizes with a sudden rush of embarrassment and doubt that she’s already gone too far to turn back.
“Can I spank you?”
Vanessa pulls away, expecting Brooke to look at her strangely, to balk at the suggestion. Ask her what’s wrong with her, or why she’d want that.
Instead, she giggles.
“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed, you know that?” Brooke teases, and Vanessa blushes.
“I had to ask!” Vanessa gives Brooke a playful tap on her ass, rolling her eyes. “You telling me you’d rather I just popped your ass right then and there without no warning?”
Only, the way Brooke looks back at Vanessa in that second tells her pretty much exactly what she needs to know to answer that question.
“I think we oughta pick this up later.” Vanessa’s voice drops to almost a whisper, her hands clutching tighter at Brooke’s ass and stomach practically flip-flopping with glee and arousal when Brooke goes rigid, leans into Vanessa’s touch again. “Somewhere we can be private, so I can make that cute little ass nice and red.”
“I like the sound of that.” Brooke nods, and Vanessa answers by spanking her lightly again, grinning when Brooke lets out a soft, surprised oh!
“I gotta go home and feed my dog, but how ‘bout I’m over at eight?” Vanessa proposes.
“Sounds good.” Brooke smiles. “I can’t wait.”
“Me neither.”
Vanessa leans up and gives Brooke another quick kiss before turning on her heels, sauntering towards the door with a little extra swing in her step just to tempt the woman watching her walk away.
“Oh, and Brooke?” Vanessa turns around at the last second, only to see Brooke snap to attentively.
“Make sure you nice and prepped for me when I come. And whatever you do, don’t touch yourself before.”
Vanessa doesn’t wait for Brooke’s answer; she doesn’t need to.
She already knows that Brooke’s in the palm of her hand, and now she’s got to get home and get in the shower.
Vanessa knocks on Brooke’s door at 7:59 PM. Almost instantly, the door swings open and Vanessa feels her breath get knocked out of her body.
Brooke is a vision in satin and lace, dressed in a plain top with lace trim and a shiny, thin skirt that barely covers her ass, if it wasn’t for the identical lace trim that brings Vanessa’s eyes trailing downward to Brooke’s thighs, pale and toned and begging for Vanessa to grab them.
“You look beautiful.” It’s all Vanessa can think to say, but if the way Brooke’s eyes sparkle and her cheeks flush is any indication, it’s the right thing.
“I, um—Thanks.” Brooke brushes a piece of hair behind her ear, blushing deeper when Vanessa laughs fondly at the gesture. “Um, d’you wanna come in?”
“Absolutely.” Vanessa is already walking past Brooke when she stops to reach up and give the blonde a peck on her cheek.
“By the way,” Vanessa whispers, grasping at Brooke’s shirt with firm, eager fingers, “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”
The gasp that Brooke lets out as she shivers at the words is in itself enough to switch any thinking part of Vanessa’s brain off, her body moving on adrenaline and instinct as she practically drags Brooke towards the bedroom.
This time when they kiss, it’s slow, less frantic, less desperate. They take their time, exploring each other as they embrace, Brooke’s hands tracing Vanessa’s body slowly and carefully in a way that leaves goosebumps in their wake.
It’s only when Brooke lays her hands on Vanessa’s ass that a sharp arousal shoots between Vanessa’s legs, and enough is enough.
“Get on the bed.” Vanessa grabs Brooke’s arms and pushes them off of her body, holding firm despite how Brooke tries to bring her hands back onto Vanessa, tries again to grab and feel her. Seeing how her efforts are futile, Brooke whines, tries to lean down to distract Vanessa with another kiss, but Vanessa won’t have it; not now, when her heart is in her throat and she can feel herself getting wetter by the second.
“No, baby.” Vanessa grabs Brooke’s ass and squeezes hard, using the single moment when Brooke is caught off-guard to walk them backwards until Brooke’s knees are hitting against the edge of her bed. “I said get on the bed, now .”
Brooke whines stubbornly but obeys, grabbing onto Vanessa’s shirt and pulling her down on top of her as she goes.
“Eager beaver.” Vanessa rolls her eyes as she picks herself up, kneeling over Brooke to box her in with a knee on either side of her hips, a hand on either side of her head.
Brooke only sticks out her tongue, and Vanessa can’t resist leaning down to kiss her again, nipping at her bottom lip and smirking at the soft, surprised squeak that she lets out in response. Vanessa keeps going, kissing along Brooke’s jaw, down her neck, nibbling and licking and sucking experimentally as she pays attention to what makes Brooke tick.
It’s adorable how responsive Brooke is, how quickly her bratty demeanor fades when Vanessa pins once-again wandering hands down onto the mattress and sucks hard at her collarbone. How she moans and gasps and squirms like she’s being touched for the first time in years, an appetite whet after laying dormant for just a little too long.
“Lift up for me.” Vanessa prompts, tapping Brooke on the side, and Brooke sits up long enough for Vanessa to pull her shirt over her head, revealing the smooth, soft skin underneath.
“Really?” Vanessa smirks, tracing her hand over Brooke’s bare breasts, her nipples already hardened against the room’s cold air.
“Why wait?” Brooke shrugs, “We would’ve taken it off anyway.”
“So does that mean you’re not wearing panties, either?” Vanessa lazily traces over Brooke’s tits, circling and flicking her nipples as she lets her eyes trail down to the waistband of her skirt and the promise that it holds underneath it.
“Why don’t you check?” Brooke’s voice is laced with challenge, her face almost smug as she stares up at Vanessa, waiting for her to make good on the offer.
And so Vanessa does, and doesn’t regret it.
Brooke’s wearing panties, alright—ones that are white, made of thin fabric that Vanessa can practically see through and trimmed with lace on the waistband and leg holes. It’s tantalizing, how pure they look, how they contrast with Brooke’s mussed hair and hickey-bruised skin, and Vanessa almost wishes Brooke could keep them on.
“Like what you see?” Brooke grins, and Vanessa has to hand it to her—the bitch knows what she’s doing, she really does.
Fortunately, so does Vanessa, and so she knows exactly how to handle the situation.
“Fuck yeah, I do.” Vanessa breathes, kissing the nape of Brooke’s neck again, barely-there pecks that make Brooke squirm underneath her.
“Now how about you show me the view from the back, baby girl?” She lifts off of Brooke just long enough to trace a finger along the waistband of Brooke’s panties, watching with satisfaction as Brooke shivers at her touch.
“Yes, mommy.” Brooke gasps as Vanessa moves to cup her through her panties, pressing down just a little so she can feel Brooke’s slick soaking through them.
“Mommy kink too?” Vanessa can’t resist teasing a little as she finally brings her hand away, shuffling back to give Brooke room to reposition herself. “Damn, Miss Hytes, you a freak.”
Brooke blushes deeply. “I—I’m sorry, it just kind of slipped out, usually I talk to people before I do that—“
Vanessa swallows the rest of Brooke’s ramblings into a deep, affectionate kiss, one that makes Brooke soften enough that Vanessa can ease her back onto the bed again.
“Don’t worry about it, kitten.” Vanessa winks, her heart warming when Brooke beams. “Now, turn over for mommy, I wanna play with that pretty little ass already.”
Brooke flips over happy, eagerly lifting her ass off the mattress just a little and wiggling it in excitement.
It’s too hard to resist; Vanessa brings a hand down over one of Brooke’s cheeks, just hard enough to elicit a small squeak from the woman in front of her.
“What?” Vanessa cocks a brow when Brooke looks back and pouts at her. “You tellin’ me you really ain’t expect that, tryna tempt me like that?” As if to make her point, she lands another smack on Brooke’s opposite cheek, and Brooke melts, letting out a sharp exhale and wiggling a little again when Vanessa pulls back, almost as if she’s trying to ask for more.
“Uh-uhn, baby.” Vanessa shakes her head, crossing her arms in front of her. “You gotta use your words this time, or mommy’s not gonna do nothing to you.”
“Please, mommy.” Brooke whimpers in response, eyes wide and pleading. “Spank me more, please?”
“Of course, angel.” Vanessa coos, a calm sweetness before the storm she knows she’s about to unleash.
The next time Brooke squirms, Vanessa lets her spankings rain down, a flurry of impacts that make Brooke’s ass glow with a mesmerizing shade of red. Brooke, for her part, seemed to only take every slap in stride, moaning sinfully and begging for more, more, more.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough.” Vanessa chuckles when she feels the sting of her hits even on her own palm, instead beginning rub soft, soothing circles along the now-heated skin of Brooke’s ass. “Now what do you say?”
“Thank you, mommy.” Brooke sighs contentedly, melting into Vanessa’s gentle touch.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
They stay like that for a few moments more, quietly enjoying each other, but then Vanessa’s own needs become too much to ignore–arousal is curling in her stomach, snaking between her legs, building up again until she feels like she might explode. She’s about to ask if Brooke is okay, suggest moving things along again, when Brooke speaks up suddenly, beating her to it.
“So… You gonna take my panties off now?” Brooke grins slyly, and Vanessa can’t help but laugh.
“So impatient.” Vanessa teases, but nonetheless moves back near Brooke, tapping her hip to signal her to lift up so that she can ease down her panties, noting with satisfaction the slick, soaked spot that sticks just a moment longer to Brooke than the rest of the fabric, just a little slow in being peeled away.
“Beautiful.” Vanessa breathes it out without thinking, the word rolling off her tongue because it can’t stay in, not with Brooke looking like that, laying bare for her like that. Vulnerable and delicate, all hers to enjoy, if only for the night (but God, what a night). At that moment, nothing else is in Vanessa’s mind except the curve of Brooke’s back and the way her hair splays across it, the flush of her cheeks and how they match the shade of her ass. Her smile, eager and warm and already a little blissed, like she knows she’s safe when she’s with Vanessa.
“You want my mouth or my fingers, or you got a strap?” Vanessa whispers, and God, Brooke’s eyes have never looked as beautiful as they have in that moment, when they look up at Vanessa and sparkle, her pupils wide and lids hooded.
“Mouth please, mommy.”
Brooke doesn’t need to ask twice. Vanessa kisses her way down Brooke’s body again, this time slowly, not teasingly but instead with devotion, her lips carrying admiration for every inch of skin they land on. Apparently, the message gets across, because Brooke seems to relax more with every kiss, her body melting into the mattress, sighing softly every time Vanessa’s mouth touches her skin.
“You ready, angel?” Vanessa pushes Brooke’s cheeks together, kneading them gently while she checks in, and Brooke nods.
“Please, mommy.” Brooke begs quietly, and Vanessa smiles, leaving one last kiss on the peak of Brooke’s tailbone before finally spreading her cheeks apart. She takes her time, licking around Brooke’s hole with short strokes, just the tip of her tongue, to find out what makes Brooke tick. She finds quickly that Brooke likes when Vanessa licks closer to Brooke’s entrance, honing in on one spot temporarily just to put her on edge. She shifts her position, brushes against Brooke’s perineum with the tips of her fingers, and Brooke goes rigid, lets out a sinful moan.
“Please, oh fuck, please, Ness, keep doing that.” Brooke trembles as Vanessa repeats the motion, timing it with a broad stroke of her tongue up Brooke’s crack. So she does, over and over, alternating with swirls around Brooke’s holes and little short darts into it, until Brooke is babbling and whimpering, a moaning mess underneath her that just can’t stay still.
“Come on, baby girl, come for me, I know you can do it.” Vanessa growls, continuing her ministrations. “Let me see you come for mommy, wanna see you lookin’ so pretty and fucked out for me…”
It’s as if the words are exactly what Brooke needed to tip her over the edge; without so much as a moment passing after the words leave Vanessa’s lips, Brooke goes rigid again, her cries cut off into a silent scream that ends with a final fuck before she relaxes again, panting and spent.
“Shit.” Brooke laughs breathlessly as Vanessa comes up from her place at the foot of the bed to snuggle at Brooke’s side, nestling into her arms. “That was amazing , Ness. Thank you.”
“No problem, baby.” Vanessa feels pride balloon in her chest at the words, but even that is secondary to the feeling of seeing Brooke’s smile, the renewed energy in her eyes even as she lays limp and sated, holding onto Vanessa like some sort of teddy bear.
It’s all she’s wanted, really–all she’s been after. Not just Brooke’s ass, or her body, or the way she walks and steals looks at Vanessa at the office.
Just for Brooke to look at her, really look at her. Smile at her. Thank her for something that isn’t work-related. See her not as Vanessa Mateo from distribution, but as Vanessa herself, as Vanessa wants her to see her.
“Vanessa?” Brooke pipes up again, snapping Vanessa out of her contented daze.
“I asked if you wanted me to return the favour.” Brooke doesn’t seem to mind Vanessa’s temporary absence; if anything, she seems entertained by it, the shadow of a smile on her face.
But as kind as the offer is, Vanessa just shakes her head. “Nah, baby, I’m good for now. Unless…” she stops, biting her lip as her heart kicks up a bit, squeezing its way into her throat as she contemplates her next move.
It’s a risk–Brooke might very well say no, might very well want to keep their relationship to what it currently is.
But if how they’ve wound up here together is any indication, then it’s worth a shot.
“Unless?” Brooke prompts, and Vanessa takes a deep breath, shoving any doubt out of her mind.
“Maybe you could take me out for a date, and we could see what happens?”
Much to Vanessa’s relief, Brooke doesn’t even skip a beat when she answers, a wide grin spreading across her face.
“I would love nothing more.”
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