#im gonna add this guy who swears like a sailor
alteredsilicone · 6 months
Lodun's colorful quotes are NOT child-friendly in any way sense or form, so I need to know who is responsible for "One more BUCKET OF PISS splashed in my face for the world to see."
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Nora aka the "the brains and trying to keep everyone alive also is on the verge of breaking down in tears. 'Listen, ten cups of coffee is not that much guys *laughs*' angel grant me the fucking patience. @ siblings: Look at the pretty flowers! go look at them and stop sassing everyone! *Sasses someone=hypocrite?????"
Luan aka the "attitude but loves their siblings and is secretly very smart *and wants to achieve the level of sass his uncle Alec has* 'im amazing, yes.' look I don't understand a word you mean. *Sees animal=must hold animal."
Cecie aka the "bitch fight me and I love you and kindass *simultaneously* and *punches or stabs thing to feel better* 'why is everyone so hot? Why am I so hot? It's a tragedy because not everyone will be able to look upon the beauty."
Archie aka the "please I don't want to be here, and I just want to do art *also people worry me. Cecie! Help!* People are draining, pls. I love you all and violence is not the answer *gets hit* 'screw that! I'm gonna defeat you!'"
Tessie aka the "I heard what you said but it was dumb so I won't be taking it into consideration, also could kick your ass, also the *my mental age is much older* 'i don't have time for the stupidity of you.' *you're making stabbing you so tempting right now*"
Alex aka the "if I don't try it I'll never know *climbs up fridge then falls off fridge and laughs* future artist. 'listen, I'm gonna do it so might as well tell me your disappointment now.' *mood*"
Mags aka the "listen one day I'll be as fashionable as my namesake and then you will all see, also I'm gonna be as dramatic as possible. *Would literally flip you off behind your back and you'd never know. Because still child :(* reads too many romance books"
Arie aka the "I just want mangoes and a nap, and hugs, she babie. Stuff animals are friends, sticks tongue out at you"
They all swear like sailors
Sizzy's kids
George aka the "nerd and scientific facts, has Starwars movies memorized *may be on the verge of a breakdown* science is sanctuary, listen I don't know who this calm person is but sounds sketchy. Of you don't blow up something what's the point?"
Layah aka the "is a nerd but is fashionable, could quote Starwars to you endlessly *very passionate and won't hesitate bitch* do not fuck with me. cunningness like her mother. Can be legit terrifying. 'you think you can hurt me? Pls.' if you hurt her family and she kills you, it's your fault."
Robin? Might change his name but aka the "knows way too many facts about this certain thing, would do something just to see the outcome. Messes his brother's science equipment to see the chemical reaction, is cunning af, *what is not being sassy?* Would totally jump off a bridge after doing the proper calculations for it."
(I might add another kid for them but I feel they are more likely to have/adopt only two or three)
@khaleesiofalicante perhaps you'll laugh at this 🤣🤣
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bitchmilsky · 5 years
nice view (ray manchester x reader)
a/n: ITS WHAT YOUVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! (or not) ANYway, here's the ray x reader that i said i would publish tonight and guess what its still tonight. ALSO IMPORTANT NOTE I DIDN'T GIVE THE READER ANY PRONOUNS SO YALL CAN DO YOUR THING AND CRUSH ON RAY
SUMMARY: harmless flirting between friends leads to a whole lot more in this 1141 word mess masterpiece. ray is an ass man. (plus bonus hensper!!) enjoy!
(im on mobile rn, ill add a cut when i get the chance but for now yall have to deal with it)
"Hey Ray, where should I put these books?" I asked my boss, carrying a stack of books higher than my head into Junk 'n Stuff.
"Are you sure that's a safe amount of books to carry at once?" he asked me, (probably) looking up.
"Since when are you the reasonable one?" I shot back.
"... good point. Put 'em in the corner over there," he said, (probably) pointing.
"Over where? I can't see, dude," I told him, starting to lose my balance.
"Uhhh, forward and to the left." I went forward, turned to the left, and- *CRASH* The books fell over, taking me with them.
"OW! What the hell, man?" I yelled.
"Other left," he said, nonchalantly.
"You mean the RIGHT?" I snapped.
"Don't sass me," he replied.
"Whatever. Can you come over here and help me restack these? I can't lift 12 unstacked books," I told him, kneeling to pick up the fallen books.
"I dunno, I kinda like the view I have right here. You should wear those bottoms more, (Y/N)," he said. I stood up and glared at him. "Jeez, if looks could kill."
"Well then, it's a good thing you're indestructible. Can you just help me?" I didn't mind the comment from Ray. We "flirted" back and forth all the time, it was our thing. Besides, I knew that if it truly made me uncomfortable, he would stop as soon as I asked him to. No, what pissed me off was the fact that he wouldn't come and pick up these books. "It'll take like 2 minutes." I crossed my arms and gave him a look that meant business.
"Ughhhhhhhh, fine. You're so BORING," he whined, making his way over to where I was.
"Yeah and you're cute, let's not state the obvious." I pushed a few books into his hands and squatted back down to grab some more.
"Ooooh, the view's even better from here."
"I'm squatting, what about this is better than whatever you had over there?"
"It's closer. Plus, I can do this." Suddenly, I felt strong arms under my own, and I was lifted into the air. "Simba..."
"Gonna what? Kick me? You know I'm indestructible," he teased.
"Yeah, but you're still a guy," I said, and kicked him right in the groin. In his pain, he set me down rather quickly before falling over.
"I'm oka- nope gimme a minute," he said, weakly.
"Better luck next time, Sailor." I saluted him and walked back out of the store to bring in some more junk. And stuff.
~~~ 30 minutes later ~~~
"Wait, what did you mean by 'Sailor'?" Ray asked me.
"Well, you're clearly not good enough to be a captain, so you're a sailor. You're Sailor Man," I told him.
"Thanks, I hate it," he retorted. He opened the door for me as I was carrying a big box.
"Thank you, my good sir," I said in a mock accent. I made my way to the back room slowly, trying my best not to trip again."Can you get the elevator for me? Hands are full," I asked Ray.
"I dunno, caaaaaaan I?" he teased.
"I've been out of school for 8 years now and I never want to hear those words again, so shut up," I said.
"Oooh, look at me, I'm (y/n), I'm super pretty and have a great butt and also I went to college," he mocked.
"Yeah okay whatever dude, I'm gonna take this," I said, gesturing with the box, "downstairs." I again started to make my way towards the back while Ray made his way past me and got there before I could. I hoisted the box a little higher so it wouldn't slip, and after traversing the mess that was Junk n' Stuff, reached the back room.
"Hey there. Glad you could make it." I saw Ray leaning on the elevator door, looking at me.
"Hey. Can you hit the button for me?"
"Weeeeell, I suppose I could..." he teased.
"Cool. Do that," I said, almost dropping this box of who knows what.
"I dunno..." he said, his voice a little sultry
"Listen, this box is heavy, and I kinda really need you to just open the elevator. Please?" I beg.
"Oh, you NEED me to, huh?" he asked, his voice getting more seductive.
"Yes, I need you to." Giving up, I set down the box
"Oh yeah? What if I... don't?" he asked. His voice had gone from somewhat flirtatious to straight up sexy, and I wasn't sure if it was him or me.
"Well then... I.. uhhhh..." I didn't have an answer. I just looked at him, and he at me. We stood like that, gazing into each other's eyes for a good minute, slowly inching closer to one another. And as though I'd had the yearning for years, I closed the gap. His lips were soft against mine, and they tasted like strawberries. A tingly feeling washed over me as I deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled away for a second, before crashing his lips back onto mine. We stayed here for what felt like hours, in a timeless trance where the only things that mattered were me and him, but eventually we broke apart.
"That was..."
"Wow," he said.
"Magical..." I was in awe. I never thought I would do that, and I definitely never thought it would be that... wonderful.
"It's a good thing I'm indestructible because I think my heart just stopped."
I stepped forward and pulled him into a hug, putting my chin on his shoulder.
"I guess... I didn't realize how badly I wanted that," I confessed.
"Me neither. Hey, whaddya say we take this downstairs?" he asked.
"W-what?" I broke away from his arms, my face burning bright red.
"T-THE BOX! I MEANT THE BOX!" he yelled, turning pink.
"Oh. Right. Sorry," I said. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Let's go." I grabbed the box and he pressed the elevator button. I walked inside.
"Still love that view."
"I know."
"I think that's the last of it," I announced, placing the final box on a table. I walked over to the counter where Ray was.
"Mmm, good job," he said. He leaned over the counter, planting a kiss on my lips. I leaned into it, and then heard the door open.
"Hey, if you two can kiss at work then so can me and Jasper!" Henry yelled. Ray pulled away from me.
"No, that's gross. Kissing's gross," he said, like the child he is. Henry gave him a look. Ray looked from Henry to Jasper to me back to Henry.
"Please?" Henry asked. Ray sighed.
"FINE, fine. You two have your fun." Henry and Jasper headed towards the elevator. "BUT NOT TOO MUCH FUN!"
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gems-of-lirema · 6 years
GEMS-OF-LIREMA’S RP PLOTTING CHEAT-SHEET Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
(Putting it under a read more because this is fricking long holy cow. Ah, that’s the price I have to pay for 7 muses...I’m coding everything in case anyone wants to focus on a specific muse)
Mun name: Sean
OOC Contact: IMs on tumblr work best for me, I have a Discord (ask me for the link) & a Discord Pokemon server as well if that’s more convenient
Who the heck is my muse anyway: 💜 The Fool (Eusine): Has no idea what he’s doing, but he’ll be damned if he does anything w/o his Rulebook. 💛 The Rulebook (Morty): Just trying to make it through the month to provide for his 3 roommates. 💎 The Stoic (Steven Stone): Just your average rich vagabond who has a boyfriend & refrains from speaking. 💙 The Wolf (Wolf Grunt): Trusted psychic bodyguard of Team Skull. Always itching for a battle, whether through Pokemon or through their paws. 💚 The Smart Aleck (N Harmonia): The Stoic’s somewhat narcissistic boyfriend. ❤️ The Grump (AZ): Just your average gentle giant going through the motions. Always sassy and never happy. 🖤 The Rebel (Guzma): It’s ya boi. If he’s not careful, his need for destruction will be his own downfall…
Points of interest: Everybody’s got issues! :D Some more noticeable than others…
💜💙💚🖤 Most of my muses (specifically Eusine, Wolf Grunt, N, and Guzma) typically act on a whim if no one keeps them in check. 💜💚 In Eusine and N’s case, they don’t actively want to hurt anyone, but they trust their own judgement better than anyone else's (even if their own judgement is terrible). Of course, Eusine will only do something stupid if Morty’s not around. 💙🖤 In Wolf Grunt & Guzma’s case, they’re not afraid to cross boundaries in order to get what they want. They are a part of Team Skull, after all. 🖤 Guzma swears like a sailor. (Mun disapproves of this & tries not to do this in real life.) 💎 Steven doesn’t talk much, and is very quiet compared to all my other muses. He may avoid you if he knows you’re psychic, or if he knows you know about his curse. 💚 As mentioned above, N is self-centered and typically only speaks for himself. ❤️ Besides his ridiculous height, AZ seems pretty normal, even if he rarely smiles. 💛 Morty’s pretty normal too, but he’s as stubborn as a mule when it comes to personal opinions.
What they’ve been up to recently: Uuuuuuuh my main verse could use some work so all the interactions I’ve made so far don’t pertain to it at all ._.; (I suppose I’ll just call it “The Verse that Never Was” since the Reincarnation AU & Spirits of Chaos AU is basically the aftermath of it. Technically, it involves all my AUs, but that’s a story for another day .-.)
💜 Eusine has no direction or plans, he’s a NEET. He does have a major crush for Morty, but he’s always turned down... 💛 Morty really misses his old job as a Gym Leader, but hasn’t done anything to get it back. Secretly, he does have a thing for Eusine, but he’s too afraid to admit it. 💙 Wolf Grunt was kicked out of the house by their adopted father, Morty, and both know they don’t belong in Team Skull. Despite this, Morty refuses to take them back until they earn his respect. Wolf Grunt couldn’t care less, as they’ve been living in Team Skull for almost two years now. Even if they do miss him every now and then… 💎 Steven is still learning to control his curse, and will not trust anyone to talk about it or help him control it. 💚 N doesn’t trust anyone with Steven’s powers either, and may seem overprotective of him at times. He believes he can help Steven by himself. (Spoiler alert: he can’t.) 💎💚 Steven & N have been dating for 5 years, and plan on engagement. That is, if either one of them are confident enough to propose to the other. Which they’re not. 💚 Like Eusine with Morty, N can’t go anywhere without Steven, and is lost without him. ❤️ Although AZ has finally reunited with his Floette, he is still fighting the old ghosts of his past, feeling great remorse & missing his brother greatly. 🖤 Although Lusamine is dead in my main verse, Guzma is plotting his revenge for what she did to him, starting with the destruction of Aether Paradise. He doesn’t really have a set plan (besides shooting everything), and if he carries his plans out now, he’ll be losing a lot more than Team Skull… (i.e. Ya boi’s gonna die, somebody stop him.)
Where to find them: All my muses currently live in Alola. 💛💚💜❤️ Morty, N, Eusine, and AZ all share a house on Route 1. 🖤💙 Guzma & Wolf Grunt, of course, live in Skull Mansion/Shady House/Po Town. 💎 Steven’s a vagabond and may switch between living in these two houses. Otherwise, it’s difficult to find Steven in one spot. In fact, he may fly to a different region on a good day.
Current plans: None of the stuff I plot with other people pertains to my main verse, as I still wish to develop it further. (Even though I’m torn between keeping it or letting it go c’: ) Since this is getting fricking long already I’m just gonna tag the people I have active threads for/want to plot with more. I apologize to all of you c’:
@dragonfly-grunt @heartbxnd @lushjunglesrecipes @steelwingchampion @thebella-matthews-666 @trainer-riz
Desired interactions: - Duplicates! Some of the best interactions I’ve had so far have been with duplicates, so if we share the same muse, I’d love to plot things between them ^_^ (or just have them be so confused as to why there’s two of them xD) - I’m a sucker for crossovers, as one of my AUs (Spirit of Chaos) is a crossover in and of itself. Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m willing to interact with ^_^ - Feel free to interact with my AUs too! I love them all c: (you can find them in Rule 8 of the rule’s page.)
💜 For Eusine: He needs to learn that he can’t always depend on Morty to decide everything for him. This could be done by virtually anyone, though he does have a crush for Gym Leader Jasmine in my main verse. Oh yeah, and he needs a job. Or money. Or possibly both. 💛 For Morty: Any Sabrina muses or other Pokemon League muses with psychic powers? Sabrina may give Mortimer the motivation he needs to get his Gym Leader job back...if only because he hates her guts ._. (This could also be true in any other psychic’s case) 💎 For Steven: Steven may be the best option for any crossover interactions, only because his curse allows him to travel between different realities, and even merge realities if he’s not careful… (not to say that he’s the only muse I’ll use for crossovers: all my muses are open for that ^_^) 💙 For Wolf Grunt: They’re a lone wolf when it comes to Team Skull (pun intended), and actually have a hard time opening up to any other grunt. Deep down, they're homesick...not entirely for Morty’s home, but for Sinnoh. If there are any muses from Sinnoh, Wolf Grunt may latch onto you like a leech ._. 💚 For N Harmonia: Somebody help the poor tree boy learn that self-gratification is not the same as self-confidence c’: Yes, N actually has a really low self-esteem (as he’s still trying to find himself & his purpose), and only acts narcissistic as a facade to hide his true emotions. 💚 Also, since N talks to Pokemon, I’d love for him to interact with some Pokemon muses (again, not to say that I’ll only use N for interacting with Pokemon muses ^_^) ❤️ For AZ: Lysandre muses! AZ needs to learn that it’s ok to love his family. Even if he’ll act pretty hostile to Lysandre at first, deep down he wants nothing but the best for him. He sees his brother in Lysandre, and if he’s not true to his feelings, he may end up ignoring Lysandre like he did to his brother (which is the last thing he wants). ❤️ Otherwise, somebody. Hug the gentle giant. Please. Just. Go into my inbox right now and hug him. I’m a sucker for AZ hugs c’: 🖤 For Guzma: Er...I already get enough interaction with Guzma as is...But he does have a secret power that no one, not even himself, knows about. That’s all I’ll say...
Offered interactions: 💜 Eusine’s a musician: in fact, it’s his passion! If your band needs a drummer, he’s your guy. He’s also great for livening up parties, as he loves to do water tricks for anyone. 💛 Morty has his own Psychic reading business! Worried about the future? Old ghosts of the past keep haunting you? Or are you just curious about your lucky numbers? Morty can do it all. (interactions will need to be plotted first of course...unless you don’t mind any infomodding ._.; ) 💎 Steven doesn’t really have anything to offer...unless you’re itching for some reality-warping shenanigans. This can range from turning water into wine or turning the moon into a blood-red moon (again, must be plotted first, considering how reluctant he is with using his powers &  dark his powers can become…) 💙 Wolf Grunt can, and will, beat you up. In fact, they’re looking for someone to fight with everyday. 💚 N doesn’t have much to offer either...Unless you’re a Pokemon. He loves speaking to wild Pokemon. ❤️ AZ can do pretty much anything: cooking, playing musical instruments, designing clothes. The only person holding him back from doing it all is himself. 🖤 Like Wolf, Guzma can and will beat you up. He’s always armed.
Current open post/s: Check the #open rp tag & the #prompts tag, those are always open ^_^
Anything else?: - I live in US Central Time if that helps - All links to my muse’s pages & their relationship to each other can be found in the rules page (Rule 8 specifically) - Please for the love of AZ someone critique me on my main verse it sucks
Tagging: No. You can do this if you want & say I tagged you.
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