#im heavily art blocked unfortunately
tinukis · 2 years
becomes even more inactive bc im playing scarlet and violet
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tears0fthelynx · 4 years
hello hello !!! im ana !!! i recently made a new blog for banana fish because it very heavily affected me when i watched it in august 💔 its easily my favorite anime/manga and i was just hoping to share some of my art / make new friends :,))) here r some facts abt me !
- im infp /enneagram 6
- ive been a traditional artist for the past couple of years but recently switched to digital
- i live in the us unfortunately </3
- im a hugeee leftist, and i hope to study political science ! homophobia, racism, sexism, antisemitism, and any of the sort will not be tolerated and instantly blocked
- im 16, if youre below 13 pls lmk ! i do not want to make anyone uncomfortable:,)
- my top 5 animes are banana fish, snk, yuri on ice, devilman crybaby, and hxh
- im a figure skater !!
i really hope to meet new people :)) <3333
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xxprettyxthingsxx · 5 years
Ouija Board True Story
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To start; this story is just my personal experience with ouija boards but is 100% true. *names changed*
I was in grade 12 at the time and me and my friends often spent our free time watching horror movies and critiquing them after. There was me, Rebeca, and Cole. Rebeca believed in the supernatural but Cole was always on the fence. we watched many horror movies about ghosts, dolls, houses, and even zombies but we took a special interest in ouija boards at the time. So much so that we decided to make our own and try to communicate with the dead. I was the one who made the board that we brought to the park where we sat at a picnic bench trying to de-code the messages from beyond. to this day i couldn't tell you weather or not the messages we received on the board was from one of us or the spirit realm, quite frankly i don't remember what the messages even where but thats not the important part. 
After that day i went on with my life as usual but was still interested in the mysterious ouija board and did my research on it - so i knew the risks. unfortunately me and my friends didn't take it serious enough, forgetting to say goodbye or removing our finger from the planchette. 
One morning me and Rebeca were playing with a ouija board some other classmates made in art class. We then talked to our teacher about kids in the school who have passed and he said there were many especially since out school saw many kids off to war. on the way over to my place at lunch me and Rebeca were talking about the board and how it would be so crazy if the school caught on fire the next day because we used the board. i remember talking about this right in front of the park for some reason which faces a street with a nice house on the corner. The next day at the same time, on that very corner we passed while talking about the school burning there was a fire at the nice house, police cars and trucks blocked off the street. Though we knew that was weird we simply just acknowledged the coincidence and went about our lives... until, stuff started to happen.
At first we’d each have something weird to tell one another but mostly small things on occasion. Then it was as if every time we all met up we would each have a pile of new stories of weird happenings. They were at first stuff like lights flickering or turning off/on, voices/whispers, weird sounds, things moving or being misplaced, among other things. I could go one for days about all the things my friends and i have experienced but I’ll just stick to the weirdest ones starting with one winter night:
- Its important to note that my dad warned me well before using the ouija of a story he remembered as a child where his mum (my grandma) used it with a group of her friends in my dads home. He remembered feeling a sudden darkness/ heaviness fill the air. a little while later the girl leading it died and they then swore off using any sort of ouija boards. -
It was cold so me and my friends didn't want to go outside, luckily Cole drove and often ha his parents car so agreed to drive out around the country this night. the country is always a little spooky at night because of how dark and secluded it is but this night was especially chilling. We were all probably a little on edge from all the weird stuff happening lately and we were all kind of keeping an eye out for something strange. Cole shows us around a place he use to go as a child then kept driving. We came across a dark crossroads with a light hanging over the road - not lit - as we approached the cross roads and drove under the light it flickered and turned on. Im sure we all noticed but didn't say anything at that point and kept driving, it then started snowing heavily forcing us to turn around but we also all felt a little un easy. As we approached the cross roads again and the light was still on, we all watched as it flickered and turned off right as we drove back underneath it. All of us were spooked even though it may seem like nothing we all felt chills.
I would later get frequent sleep paralysis where i would see figures in my room, some that would choke me. One specific time i remember i was talking to a girl wearing a white dress in the ceiling of an old hotel room while i was paralyzed, this was especially strange because normally i can't talk in sleep paralysis, the girl never answered me but i just remember really wanting to talk to her. Other times an invisible figure would be in my room with me and i would be tarried but not able to move or talk, barely even breathe. I then developed extreme Nyctophobia where i couldn't be in a dark room and constantly slept with the lights on and i mean EVERY single night! This was followed by the worst year of my life and the worst paranoia.
around 2 years later, after experiencing some life changing things, i saw a specialist who helped cleansed me and cast a protection spell on me and the place i was staying at the time and since then my life has only gotten better! 
Hopefully if you do decided to use the ouija board you use it with extreme caution and don't take it as a joke! As for me, i won't be interfering with the board till I’m on the other side.
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lunartxger-arc · 6 years
Hunting Dog V.
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( link to original art )
    Atsushi was born to a mother & father who refused his very existence from the very beginning of his conception. Putting through abuse of every form until the better part of four years old where he was ultimately abandoned at the doorstep of the orphanage that would now become his home. Where he was abused mentally & physically for his outward appearance ( he looked like a monster to the other children ). But it wasn’t until his ability started to manifest & cause destruction that his torment would really begin. 
    For the next six years, Atsushi would be belittled, humiliated, nearly lose his life twice on separate occasions until the moment he would meet Shibusawa at the age of eleven. The man would begin experimentation on the child in order to obtain the ultimate ability ( the govt. was aware of this before the man arrived at the orphanage ).
    Unfortunately one of the more riskier experiments ( electrocution ) lead to Atsushi killing the man in a desperate fit of survival. Blacking out in the aftermath & blocking out the memory completely; the govt. arrived about a month or so later when there was no word on Shibusawa but there was increased activity from the White Tiger surrounding the orphanage every full moon. Taking action, officials sent out a team to grab the tiger the next time it appeared ( only to discover that it was a child once it reverted back ). 
    Removed from the premises, Atsushi was taken back to the testing facility where the extent of his ability could go. Undergoing more torture, Atsushi developed an internal struggle with adults and himself over why terrible things were happening to him. Often being contained in a holding cell every full moon & heavily sedated so he can’t rampage in the cell. The frequency of how many injections he got would increase the closer it was to the Full Moon.
    The experiments & drugging continued until he was eighteen years old where he was placed in the new Hunting Dog Unit. Unused to other people for several years & only encountering the higher ups who were tasked to monitor him, Atsushi became much more introverted & closed off to any form of positive / neutral interactions that would’ve been vital to his development. He can perform tasks as instructed but can be prone to outbursts when in emotionally compromising situations.
    ( he’s much more soft and fragile on the inside is what im trying to say )
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brilliantorinsane · 6 years
Sherlock Holmes, 1899: Detective 2.0 (Part 1)
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Note: As always, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged :)
… Look, I said I wasn’t going to write about this one. And I know that it hardly counts as an. ‘obscure’ adaptation, although to be fair it doesn’t appear often in tumblr discussions. But Sherlock Holmes by William Gillette is the first ever licensed Holmes adaptation, so of course I had to read it, and then I had thoughts and—well, here we are.
This is the fourth installment of my series on obscure Sherlock Holmes adaptations. For a master-list of previous write-ups, see this post.
Production and Reception
William Gillette’s Sherlock Holmes exists in two primary iterations. The first is a play released in 1899 (you can read the script here), and the second is a 1916 silent-film starring several of the stage actors, including Gillette as Holmes. This post will discuss the play only; I will review the film in part 2.
The original script for Sherlock Holmes was written by Doyle, but his script was rejected and heavily reworked by William Gillette. Gillette’s script showcases an original plot, although it features Moriarty and Alice Falukner, a loose Irene Adler analogue. Disappointingly, the parallel between Alice and Irene is purely circumstantial: Alice has much of Irene’s courage but none of her active cleverness, and is reduced to a paper-thin damsel-in-distress. This is even more unfortunate given that—contrary to Doyle’s wishes—Gillette makes her Holmes’s love interest, thus initiating the hellish proliferation of Adler/Holmes storylines. So … thanks for that one, Gillette.
The play was wildly successful, and Alan Barns asserts that it has been “crucial to the development of Sherlock Holmes on film … [i]ts impact cannot be overestimated.” Even Doyle appears to have softened towards the play after seeing it performed, and is quoted by Vincent Starrett as saying: “I was charmed both with the play, the acting, and the pecuniary result." Whether Doyle was more pleased by the art or the currency is perhaps unclear.
For myself, insofar as it is the first Holmes adaptation I find this play fascinating; but insofar as it is just one of many retellings, my feelings are mixed. I confess I kept comparing it to Doyle’s stage adaptation of The Speckled Band (you can read the script here and my analysis here), and Gillette’s play seldom looked better for it. I found Doyle’s plot more compelling, his villain more threatening, and his characters more vibrant. All the same I was not bored reading Gillette’s play, got a few laughs, appreciated Gillette’s Watson and was intrigued—if not wholly pleased—by his Holmes.
But I hope you don’t think me terribly petty if I confess that I struggle to entirely forgive Gillette for launching the legacy of Holmes adaptations with a ‘straight’ Holmes.
William Gillette as Sherlock Holmes
There are things I quite like about Gillette’s Holmes. He is deeply composed, but fully capable of action and self-defense. He has plenty of snark, is openly affectionate with his Watson, yet is deeply troubled—he cannot be accused of being without feeling.
Nevertheless, I suspect that he played a large role in establishing the stereotype of the hard-boiled detective, the DFP, the detached and cold-hearted reasoning machine. Gillette consistently leans into Holmes darker and more reserved qualities: his Holmes is almost always composed and never excited—although he is often quietly amused—and there is little sense of his love for an audience. The extremity of his cocaine habit is emphasized, to the point that he is clearly suicidal—an aspect that is belabored rather frequently.
But the thing that really irks me is the case. The case is loosely based on A Scandal in Bohemia, in which Holmes is working for a prince in an attempt to gain incriminating letters/pictures from a woman. Scandal is an anomaly in the canon insofar as Holmes is not strictly on the side of justice—either in the audience’s eyes or his own—and yet goes through with it (x). This is distinctly unusual for a man who ordinarily allows nothing, including the law, to sway him from what he sees as true justice. And yet it is this dark deviation that Gillette chooses as the framework for presenting Holmes to a new and wider audience.
And look—there’s nothing wrong with exploring Holmes’s darker side. But I still struggle with the characterization on two levels:
I’m not saying the persistence of this darker Holmes in public imagination was Gillette’s fault; he’s hardly responsible for all adaptations that followed his. I just … I just would have liked the legacy of Holmes adaptations not to begin with a straight, hard(er)-hearted Holmes.
Frankly, I find the ‘borderline-cruel straight white guy is redeemed because a pretty young girl saw his secret golden heart’ plot infinitely more tired and less compelling than the complex, transgressive, damaged, but deeply kind character Doyle created.
Edward Fielding as John Watson
If Gillette perpetuated some of my least favorite Holmes stereotypes, on the whole the same cannot be said of his portrayal of Watson. Yes, Watson is sidelined to make room for Alice, and like the other characters in the script I found him a bit … flat. But he is never portrayed as a fool, his role was somewhat larger than I expected, his connection to Holmes is palpable, and if I had a checklist of characteristics a good Watson ought to posses, he would do a surprisingly good job checking them off.
The first thing we know of Watson is Holmes’s affection for him. The second is Watson’s protectiveness of Holmes as he expresses his distress over Holmes’s cocaine habit and the danger posed by Moriarty. We also get a sense of Watson’s attraction to danger when he observes, “this is becoming interesting,” as matters become tense.
My favorite moment, however, comes near the end when Watson is alone and  two false patients come in, attempting to set a trap for Holmes. Watson not only catches on to their facades immediately, he also notices that the blind had been raised when he briefly stepped out of the room. So thanks to Gillette’s script, we get to see Watson be clever, observant, and a great doctor all at once—a rare occurrence in early adaptations.
As much as I enjoy this scene, however, it also gets at my one major disappointment with Gillette’s Watson: although he is entirely capable, he is never given anything to do. In this instance, when Watson realizes his ‘patients’ are setting a trap he begins to act; but then Holmes appears and takes charge. Later Watson blocks the window and closes the blinds to avoid a signal being sent out to Moriarty—but only at Holmes’s instructions. And this, sadly, is the consistent pattern of the play.
In the end, I was left with a confusing dual sense that on the one hand Gillette seems to have a fairly good grasp of Watson and his capabilities, but on the other doesn’t really seem to know what to do with him. He seems to know that Watson is important, but not how he is important.
So … What About Johnlock?
After everything I’ve said, that’s clearly a hard ‘no,’ right? Well, sort of—they certainly aren’t riding off into the sunset together, but I still find myself with rather too much to say on this topic. To my mind, there are four categories worth touching on: a). The relative strength of the Holmes/Alice relationship vs the Holmes/Watson relationship, b). subtext carried over from Doyle’s stories, c). queer elements of the Holmes/Alice relationship, and d). assorted moments.
a). Holmes/Alice vs Holmes/Watson
Here’s the thing: my complaints about the Holmes/Alice romance aren’t just because Holmes is gay and in love with Watson. They are also because Gillette couldn’t have written more of a dime-a-dozen (+vaguely sexist) hetero romance if he tried. Here is a point-by-point summary of their ‘relationship’:
Holmes is on the point of further stripping agency away from a helpless girl who has been physically and psychologically abused for months.
Alice cries.
Holmes doesn’t do the cruel thing (he’s still planning to do it, but Alice doesn’t know).
They are now in love.
I’m not exaggerating here: in terms of length the above scene is hardly a blip in the play, and yet next time they see each other Alice is saying that if Holmes dies she wants to die too. Yep.
On the other hand, the relationship between Sherlock and Watson is established and their care for one another is palpable. Watson first appears immediately after Holmes refuses to see Mrs. Hudson, clearly wishing to be alone. But then his boy Billy comes up, and this exchange follows:
BILLY: It's Doctor Watson, sir. You told me as I could always show 'im up. HOLMES: Well! I should think so. (Rises and meets WATSON.) BILLY: Yes, sir, thank you, sir. Dr. Watson, sir! 
(Enter DR. WATSON. BILLY, grinning with pleasure as he passes in, goes out at once.) 
HOLMES (extending left hand to WATSON): Ah, Watson, dear fellow. WATSON (going to HOLMES and taking his hand): How are you, Holmes? HOLMES: I'm delighted to see you, my dear fellow, perfectly delighted, upon my word.
The affection, intimacy, eagerness for one another’s company, and trust evident in these first lines remains throughout the script, and puts Holmes and Alice’s hurried and stilted relationship to shame.
Ultimately Holmes marries Alice and Watson is sidelined, but the relationship between him and Watson remains the more palpable and affecting.
b). Subtext carried over from Doyle’s stories
There are at least two threads that are strongly reminiscent of subtextual cornerstones in Doyle’s canon. Perhaps they are intentional, or perhaps Gillette borrowed them from the stories/Doyle’s original script without reading them the way we do, but they exist nonetheless.
The first is Holmes’s cocaine use. In the canon Holmes occasionally claims that he uses drugs to escape the crushing boredom of inactivity between cases, but The Sign of Four in particular makes it clear that he also uses them for emotional comfort—specifically to cope with loosing Watson to Mary. A similar pattern is evident in Gillette’s play: his Holmes claims that the threat of Moriarty “saves me any number of doses of those deadly drugs,” and yet Watson points out that Holmes has been using the drugs “in ever-increasing doses” despite the fact that he has been engaged in his most all-consuming case—fighting Moriarty—for fourteen months. But the cause of Holmes’s increasing drug use and attendant suicidal depression is far less clear in here than it is in the canon.
Hollow as his semi-frequent ‘because I’m bored’ explanations ring in light of Moriarty, I am inclined to think Holmes is most honest near the end when describing his distress over his treatment of Alice:
HOLMES (turning suddenly to WATSON): Watson—she trusted me! She—clung to me! … and I was playing a game! … a dangerous game – but I was playing it! It will be the same to-night! She'll be there —I'll be here! She'll listen—she'll believe—and she'll trust me—and I'll—be playing—a game. No more – I've had enough! It's my last case!
To me this clearly reads as an ongoing distress which was brought to a head by Holmes’s association with Alice rather than originating with it—“I’ve had enough! It’s my last case” indicates that the dilemma is linked to Holmes’s work as a whole, not the affair with Alice particularly. The surface (and likely intended) reading of this is that the work was a decent antidote for boredom for a time, but was ultimately too empty of real connection to be fulfilling in the long term, resulting in Holmes’s ultimate spiral into depression.
However, it also works surprisingly well for a queer reading: Holmes’s prior life was in some way a facade, “a dangerous game” perhaps involving the ongoing deception of someone he cared about. Interesting ...
A queer reading of his deterioration is further supported by the fact that Watson is married in this story. While we don’t now how long he has been married, one wonders whether his absence might coincide with the increase in Holmes’s drug habits—it seems possible that Gillette recognized the link between cocaine and Watson’s marriage in the cannon and intended committed fans to likewise make the connection in the play.
Another interesting moment comes when Holmes is lamenting ‘the good old days,’ and in theory he is complaining about the un-originality of criminals. But although he begins by speaking of what “I” used to do, later he slips into “we.” Is he really missing the old days of criminal creativity, or is he missing the time when he had a constant companion to share them with?
In short, although Gillette is likely appropriating the cocaine and never-quite-explained melancholy of the canon merely to portray Holmes having a mid-life crisis, it works surprisingly well—and in my opinion more compellingly—to read it as the fallout from the loss of his companion for whom he had socially inadmissible feelings which kept him playing a duplicitous game. (Unfortunately the side-effect of this reading might be that the solution is for Holmes to step out of the ‘dangerous game,’ leaving his old life in Baker Street in literal ashes, and into the clear light of a heterosexual relationship, which is, uh … Wrong).
One other brief matter of note: to my great amusement this play also joins canon in playing the game of the vanishing wife. Watson has scarcely entered the story before Holmes comments on Mary’s (timely as ever) absence on “a little visit,” and near the end we discover that Holmes and Watson have planned a trip to the continent (!). How long is the trip? Is Mary coming? Does she have other plans? How does she feel about her husband gallivanting off to another country with a man pursued by a master criminal??? Meh. Who knows.
Miss Plot Device does, however, appear briefly and silently offstage when Watson wants Holmes to peek in at her for a quick lesson on domesticity.
c). Queer elements of the Holmes/Alice relationship
We’ve established that their relationship is as dime-a-dozen and cringey as literary relationships come. However, in the final scenes Holmes has admitted his affection for her to Watson but believes he must set them aside for the following reasons:
HOLMES: That girl!—young—exquisite—just beginning her sweet life—I—seared, drugged, poisoned, almost at an end! No! no! I must cure her! I must stop it, now—while there's time!
And again, when Alice has confessed her love for him:
HOLMES: no such person as I should ever dream of being a part of your sweet life! It would be a crime for me to think of such a thing! There is every reason why I should say good-bye and farewell! There is every reason—
So essentially, he sees his love for almost as some sort of disease, even a crime, something that would endanger the one he loves, that he ought to resist for their sake; only he is quite wrong and that love is in fact the way to happiness for them both … Hmm. Well then.
d). Assorted
There were a few moments in the script which do not fit within a wider thematic arc, but which I couldn’t go without mentioning.
1. Upon Watson’s first appearance, Holmes greets him and then says:
HOLMES: I'm delighted to see you, my dear fellow, perfectly delighted, upon my word—but—I'm sorry to observe that your wife has left you in this way.
Okay, so Mary has only left for a visit and is back the next day, but is it just me or did Holmes make it sound like she’d left Watson for good?? Because if that was intentional, that a first-class Petty Gay antic.
2. The cocaine scene near the beginning ends with these line:
WATSON (going near HOLMES—putting hand on HOLMES' shoulder) Ah Holmes—I am trying to save you. HOLMES (earnest at once—places right hand on WATSON'S arm): You can't do it, old fellow—so don't waste your time.
Partly I’m just struck by the tenderness of the moment, which is heightened by the stage directions. But I also wonder—why couldn’t Watson save Holmes when Alice presumably can? Apparently Holmes needs romantic affection to move forward. If he believed that Watson was capable of offering him that, would Gillette’s Holmes accept it?
3. In a confrontation with the criminals, one of them reveals that they struck Watson at an earlier stage of the conflict. Holmes’s response?
HOLMES (to ALICE without turning—intense, rapid): Ah!
(CRAIGIN stops dead.) 
HOLMES: Don't forget that face. (Pointing to CRAIGIN.) In three days I shall ask you to identify it in the prisoner's dock.
Its not necessarily romantic, but I can’t pass over protective!Holmes, especially given its slight Garridebs vibe. I also can’t resist mentioning that this bit all but interrupts the first clearly romantic moment between Holmes and Alice.
4. Near the end, when Moriarty is captured and spewing threats of revenge, he declares that Holmes will encounter his retribution during his planned trip to the continent with Watson. Ever the optimist, Watson suggests that they cancel the trip, but Holmes replies:
It would be quite the same. What matters it here or there—if it must come.
There is nothing strange in the moment; what is curious is that, for all Holmes’s fears about the damage a relationship with Alice might do her, the very real threat of Moriarty is never mentioned. Realistically this is likely a bit of sloppy writing, and yet the resultant image of an omnipotent web (and yes, the spider’s web metaphor is used for Moriarty in the play) which will inescapably pursue Holmes and Watson wherever they flee and yet leaves the appropriately heterosexual Holmes at Alice alone is, um, Really Something.
5. Finally, as I wrap up I cannot resist calling your attention to a number of lines and stage directions which are (almost definitely) meaningless in context, but out of context are too delightfully gay to ignore. Here they are, presented entirely without context for your viewing pleasure:
HOLMES: Mrs. Watson! Home! Love! Life! Ah, Watson!
HOLMES: I must have that. (Turns away towards WATSON.) I must have that.
HOLMES: (Saunters over to above WATSON'S desk.)
HOLMES: Why, this is terrible! (Turns back to WATSON. Stands looking in his face.)
… I’ll just leave those there.
After everything, the question of whether Gillette might have seen or suspected a romance between Holmes and Watson is unresolved. For myself, I vacillate regularly on how likely I think it is. This excellent post gets into why it is quite likely that Gillette may at the least have seen Holmes and Watson's relationship as a homoerotic (but strictly sexless and ultimately woman-mediated) friendship. Thus at minimum he could have intended to hint at the pain of moving away from such a deeply bonded friendship. From there it is not difficult to imagine the that he could have speculated the possibility that something in their relationship or desires moved beyond what was acceptable in Victorian society. Even if he did  there remain two very distinct possibilities: a). That he was secretly supportive and despite protecting himself with a socially acceptable paring tried to hint at the pain of a forbidden love and even queer-coded the heterosexual resolution, or b). That he saw himself as ‘saving’ Holmes from ‘self-destructive game’ of his old love, redeeming him through the all-healing power of heterosexuality (ugh).
On the other hand, there is also a highly eminent possibility that I’m just looking too hard, and nothing I thought I might see was intended to mean anything in that way.
Ultimately, at this stage my only conclusion is that the evidence is inconclusive. But I will say this: regardless of intention, the relationship between Holmes and Watson remains the strongest and most poignant in the play, and faithfulness to elements of the cannon results in moments that sure do make it look like something is up. If nothing else, that made me smile.
Conclusion: Should You Read It?
Well, it depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a particularly compelling/unique/vibrant take on Sherlock Holmes, or even just a story with a thrilling plot, intriguing concepts, and living characters, this isn’t a bad choice—but you could do better. (This is where I remind you that Doyle’s play, The Adventure of the Speckle Band, is genuinely excellent). But if you’re looking for an entertaining play which also happens to be the first Sherlock Holmes adaptation in existence and which had an enormous impact on every adaptation that came after—then yeah. Go read it. It’s right here! Have fun! And if you post about it, whoever you are, I would deeply appreciate a tag :)
@devoursjohnlock​ @thespiritualmultinerd​ @a-candle-for-sherlock​ @ellinorosterberg​ @cuttydarke​ @inevitably-johnlocked​ @alemizu​ @astronbookfilms​ @battledress​ @disregardedletters​ @materialof1being​ @sarahthecoat​ @spenglernot​ @authordrawingmusic​ @hewascharming​ @infodumpingground @rsfcommonplace @the-elephant-is-pink​ @johnhedgehogwatson​ @lokis-warrior-queen @sonnet59​ @sherlocks-final-resolve-is-love​ @artemisastarte​ @tjlcisthenewsexy​ @nottoolateforthegame​
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800lbhammer · 4 years
same anon as before... and i relate heavily, i do not know this person and didnt before i was made aware of them but they dyed their hair and bought clothes snd shoes and named their pet the same name as mine and keep pretending to enjoy the stuff that i care about. maybe not pretending hmbut suspiciously quickly acquiring a taste for it.. they copy my art as well to the point it makes me feel strange inside my own mind. i know who i am and what makes me unique and its so bizarre and surreal to see someone just trying to take that... and just like you, anyone who can see what’s happening knows how much theyre biting my personality, but what can you do? just know you arent alone, i understand you, and if you feel this way, you are not egotistical for wanting your personality to be your own and not someone elses. only you are you! im here if you need to talk more
im no psych but it seems as though you may have a narcissist on your hands, or some sort of person with a severe personality disorder. that experience must be confusing to say the least. its okay to feel a wide range of emotions when dealing with a person that literally snags your whole Being. we'd like to assume the best in others, (i do, being kinda a sensitive pushover and sheepish) so you prolly think that theyre doing this not really out of malace...but ive unfortunately been in situations with people that are malignant and toxic and seeing that you both have quite some distance between you in regards to actually Knowing each other, its worrisome. no one knows the situation better than you. id suggest to block them on all socials and to make your friends more aware about how pressing this shit is, because this is not normal behavior and its clearly affecting your life negatively.
person im "dealing" with, theyve been pushed into a far corner of the internet because of their very ugly publicized abuse. people like that still always find someone to harm or worm their way under their skin to control them. i know why theyre doing it and its sad i cant do anything about it. sometimes, people get stuck in horrible loops with awful individuals and its seemingly impossible to get out cuz they found an in or an exploit, or they have some sort of power over you or your social standing. anything can be used against you nowadays. hopefully thats not your case.
0 notes
royaielfroot · 7 years
Hey! Im a Bolts fan who is fully intent upon following Bishop to the stars next season. What would a new stars fan need to know?
hey! sorry it took me ages to answer this! i’m so glad to hear that you want to learn more abt the stars! ! i’m putting this under a read more so that ppl can be spared from me going on abt the stars for forever!
anyways DALLAS STARS intro ish the 17/18 season
! as all teams,and esp because stars had a p shitty season, stars are shuffling rosters and coaching a bit!so i can’t know for sure if everyone’s gonna be here when the season starts but still!we hired ken hitchcock who’s replacing lindy ruff as head coach for the 17-18 season! hitchcock actually coached the stars to their cup 1999! so he’s a familiar face to the franchise!
and ofc u know that we signed ben bishop (and i bet you know more about him than me! so i’ll just say that i’m really excited)! we’ve been struggling a bit with our goaltending (kari lehtonen, our 16/17 starter, gets more shit than he deserves tbqh,but he might not be the starter we need. he��s a gr8 guy and a good goalie and he saved us a bunch of times last season!)
we also recently traded for marc methot! who we need to fill out our messy defense, hopefully he will bring us some veteran experience and solid defense! and vet experience we need ! because stars are a pretty young team! or at least our d is!(i’ll get back to that) 
i’d say our “core” group of players,aka the ones we protected, who won’t be moved this summer are:
jamie benn! captain! #14, wingerreally gr8 drafted 129th(!) overall 2007! went extremely underrated for a while but he worked really hard and he’s loved by the stars org and fans! he won the art ross 14-15 (that’s how good he is!) he’s been bothered by injuries for a couple of seasons but hopefully he’ll be back on top after the summer!also has a brother who played for the stars until the deadline this season ): jordie benn is now playing for the canadiens!here he is mic’d up !tyler seguin #91 , centerreally good hockey player,drafted 2overall by the bruins 2010, traded to us after the 13-14 season. a great center! has 3 dogs he posts abt on social media a lot, they’re called cash,marshall and gerry so he’s automatically blocked and idk him. no but he struggled a bit w media and stuff when he was younger, around and before the trade,there’s a lot on tht out there and in his tribune article! he made some mistakes when he was a teenager,and the stars have waited him out for several seasons now so i wouldn’t be surprised if they give him the A, and honestly imo he deserves it by now,he’s been gr8 with the community and with younger playerswatch this  + tribune ! good read!
jason spezza! alternate captain #90 , centerteam dad !!! nhl vet ! amazing with rookies (i still have *** dreams about the spezza-valeri-mattias janmark line, they’re all still stars so I hope they’ll be able to reunite tht line this season), has an amazing laugh i love him!!! 
radek faksa #12 c/lwjust watch this video ! he made it so far and fought so hard to get to the nhl! he’s really good! only 23 so there’s a lot of potential with him! owns a turtle !
antoine roussel #21 LW! one of 2 french players in the nhl ! known troublemaker and the loml, underrated because ppl thinks he only fights! he had his best season yet last season and did really well for france at worlds! if u google him you’ll only get stuff abt his on ice stuff,off the ice he’s a really sweet guy, he does a lot of charity work and he has a cat called minou! he also called jamie out during an interview,announcing to the world that jamie has a diabetic cat…which remains a mysteryhere’s a vid abt his journey to the nhl! 
john klingberg #3 Di could go on forever abt him lbr, he’s a good offensive dman , heavily criticized last season when stars for some reason expected him (24) to play on the top d pairing with esa (21) w/o any struggles. he’s dumb af and i h8 him ! no but lbr if he gets some stuff together he’ll be one of the better offensive dmen in the league,he’s a big part of the Stars Future™ which takes us to the rest of our Dhe once said that he’d rather be bad at hockey than a virgin,which is rly embarrassing.he won gold w tre kronor at worlds! and got two teeth knocked out…which he has since replaced than godhere’s a vid abt his journey and 1st season!here he is …narrating the casino night,, and accidentally asking why tyler carries around two dicks…unfortunate
esa lindell #23 D! a gr8 Guy! big ! almost paler than klinger i bet they switch sunscreen brands in the locker room… transitioned from the AHL to the NHL really quickly last season played big minutes ! he’s a good two way dman! stars just signed him to a two year contract! and he’ll probs be up with us all season this season too.THERE’s an iconic interview with him in finnish that klinger crashes my yelling esa’s name rly loudly 0 chill,it’s so messy i love it
kari lehtonen #32sat on top of the goal once,the world won’t let him forget it. part of the now dead finn goalie tandem. he’s been with the stars for a good while! i love him and i think he’s getting too much shit, but i do agree that he might not be a starter
ALSO a big mf shoutout to VAL NICHUSHKIN , you’re gonna hear shit about him because he’s playing in the KHL right now to develop his game and ppl are bitter about us protecting him! but he has the potential to be really good! and he’s really young too, he had some contract agreements that says either the NHL or the KHL, no AHL, so stars let him sign with KHL for two seasons, he still has one season left on that contract but we kinda want him back, and we MIGHT get him! he’s rly sweet and ! iconic !
we also protected stephen johns, brett richie !
i’m not going to talk about all the players but we have a lot of young guys, (julius honka, remi elie,mattias janmark, brett richie), and i love them all!they’re hopefully going to be parts of the future of this team! and even with them mentioned i’ve skipped a bunch of dudes, - I KNOW it can be hard learning about the stars with tyler and jamie (love them but still,) blocking up the tag! but there’s so much gold ! especially in the casino night vids (15/16/17)!- ALSO wow! big shout out to any content julie dobbs is in! she’s the main media personality for the stars and she’s so amazing! - the stars youtube page is dead af so i recommend the website for videos and stuff!!!
extra info:- GOAL SONG- video abt rich peverley, a player who collapsed during a game 14/15 season,it’s rly great and it makes me cry so warning abt that.
also the stars are rly good with extra af videos and content like THIS vid that makes me cry and THIS vid tht makes me emo
OK ! I’m gonna shut up now! Sorry for making this so long i just love this team a lot! I can recc u some stars blogs or answer any other questions if you want to!
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thefairygodmonster · 7 years
Fairy FAQ
May I use/repost your art with or without credit on other sites? No. Do not ever repost my art please. If you have already posted my art on other websites I ask you take it down. Art is part of my livelihood and reposting on other sites affects that livelihood. Thank You. I already have accounts on twitter and instagram. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerriMonster Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/merrimonster/
Do you take Art Trades/Commissions/Requests? Sorry, I rarely open commissions or trades. Sometimes I’ll open them up and will make a post if I do so but I cant tell you when or for how long. 
Are you okay with Fanart/Giftart? I am okay with fanart and gifts! However my characters are very personal to me and I ask that they not be presented in any scenarios that are sexual, violent, fetishy, or out of character situations. If you want them to interact with your character please send me an ask with what you had in mind, Thank you.
Can I make a character based on your original species like the Dreamons or Fabricians? I cannot say I own specific characteristics like body horror with eyes/arms or creatures that hide their face with cloaks. However I do consider my original species to be closed. I would ask people not to call their characters Dreamons or Fabricians and exactly copy their aspects/nature. This goes for any and all race/species I make.
I made a character inspired by your character! Im happy to inspire folks but please do your best to differentiate your characters from mine. I totally understand that sometimes coincidences happen with designs but if you’re purposefully copying or heavily referencing my designs please either give credit or dont. I dont mean to be rude but I worked and put a lot of time and effort into my work so it hurts when folks just reference from it and get credit 
Why didn’t you answer the ask/comment I made? Honestly, Im just terrible about answering asks. I do see them all but sometimes I cant answer it right then or want to think of a response and just completely forget. Rest assured I probably received your ask/comment and I am not ignoring you. I apologize in advance if I don’t answer. Im just either very busy or very scatterbrained or both.
Can I tag your art as “me” or “kin”? Please do not tag my art as me or kin. The thing is my characters and art are very personal to me for reasons I don’t want to get into. They’re an accumulation of my own experiences so its just weird for me to have someone say ‘this is me’. If you want to tag ‘same’ that is okay.
What art tools do you use? For traditional art I mainly use Copic Markers, Col-Erase Colored Sketch Pencils,  BIC Cristal Smooth pens, Micron Liners and Brush Pen, and Palomino BlackWing Pencils.
Digitally I work In Photoshop CS6 and mainly use brushes from Kyle’s Ultimate MegaPack such as non-photoblue pencil, big round softy, mr. natural, and animator pencil new. 
Can you give me tips/tutorial on X/Y/Z?
I’d love to make tutorials and tips for all of you believe me.  I love helpin folks with drawing and such but most of the time I just don’t have the time and energy to make a detailed post about my process/influences/resources.  Sometimes I may be able to and will try to answer your questions but please don’t feel bad or discouraged if I do not.
What gender is Fairy? I don’t know. Fairy is a persona of mine and I haven’t really figured out my own gender identity. Feel free to use any he/she/them pronouns for Fairy though. Why do you have two titles? MerriMonster and TheFairyGodMonster? MerriMonster is a name I use for more professional things. Its based on my character Merrilee and is also a reference to the name of my own universe the Merriway! TheFairyGodMonster is more a pun and is used for more casual purposes like my personal blog here! I really want to be your friend, is there somewhere I can chat with you? I’m really flattered but unfortunately I do not frequently try to set up chats with new folks. If you want to send me a few messages/comments and we end up kinda going back and forth for a while then feel free to ask but for the most part I have very limited time/energy to start do this sort of thing. Its not meant to be exclusive I am just a shy/introverted person. I ask that you please respect this and do not push me to interact with you, if I feel uncomfortable I will block people.
What does Oranhamme sound like? I dont have a specific voice claim for Oranhamme. I have his voice down in my head but for the most part the best I can do is kind of mix and match aspects of other character voices and try to give you an idea. You can read about it here!
Can we roleplay your characters/use your art for roleplaying? No! Please understand my characters are personal to me and having someone else roleplay them has always felt invasive and uncomfortable. Please do not do this on any site.
Can I use your art as an icon? Im gonna ask folks not use my art for their icon. It ties in with the art is personal to me and its a bit weird to me seeing folks running around with my characters as their avatars. Sorry :C If you have any questions feel free to send me a message!
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mi5016eliotappleby · 6 years
1500 Word Essay
From a young age I have enjoyed film, the visuals, the sound and the emotions one can invoke and create through a simple series of shots and sound, creating moments of drama, action, horror and even tears, creating a moment that makes hairs stand on end. All these things I have admired and wanted to be able to create myself. My own experiences have been both enriching and redundant as I have never really been able to adapt and grow my own style until coming to university.  Before this I was never able or have the correct tools to bring to life the vision within my head, often without it being dissected and changed to the point in which my vision was long gone.
Sixth form was a building block, but at the same time a limiting one as my work was very much what my teachers wanted me to do, with my only input being a vague idea of style preference I wanted to explore at the start of the assignment. However I looked forward to college as I felt this would be a more freeing experience, allowing me to release my creative ability.
Moving my life forward, college was me also growing as a person and I started with an eager enthusiasm towards assignments and people as this was the first time I had broken away from my friend circle and interacted with new people. I saw this as a new start, and beginning, unfortunately personal reasons brought out the worst in me and stepped back completely. This was not helped as college began to feel like sixth form again, making me feel like I had no input as any original idea I had would have to be backed up by what felt like endless research, myself becoming lost and my own growing style along with it.
After college I was working and decided I had enough with education, up until this point I never felt free with my work and working felt simpler. Working at the Catholic parish club, bar and social would built me up and made me grow even more, forcing me to become more social through customers. Over time I was trusted with counting money and locking up after a shift, even running my own shift. This filled me with a sense of pride I did not feel during sixth form or college. However good I felt about myself, there was no real advancement within this job, So I thought that if I was too doing something nine to five, five days a week I want it to be something I enjoy and something I do not mind doing for a number of years.
I wanted to be creative, go back to my media and drawings so I had a look at local universities. I wanted to study something that would let me have access to the programmes that I never could before, Animation at Northumbria University seemed to open that door for me. University was the same new start just like college all over again, except this time I would learn from my mistakes, I would also try and develop my own style. I did so within one of the first units, having a lesson on Adobe illustrator introduced me to Vector art, something I did not know was my niche but something I would use as much as possible and continue trying to develop in my spare time as well. I have felt so much more freedom within my work at University as well compared to my previous experience, there has been plenty of opportunity for both growth personal and work. All of these experiences have took me down a path and narrowed down what I would like to do within the animation/media industry. It has also given me hope for my future and being able to create unique pieces with my own style.
 My aims when leaving university would be too work for a company or a team that is based locally, somewhere in the north east so that I wouldn't have to leave my family or friends, if a major company wanted me that would be something else to consider, but I would prefer security over spoken opportunity. My ambitions and goals have never been to make lots of money, nor be some celebrity, ive always just wanted to enjoy what I do and have enough money to live a comfortable life. My aim would also to be in a position where I would be able to produce my own work or be heavily involved within the creative process of a project. I would like to work within Vector art, something 2D as this is what I always do my illustrations and animations in. Using software like Adobe illustrator, Photoshop and After effects. Another aspiration of mine would be too able to produce my own comic books/graphic novels, creating and bringing to life characters and worlds through my own visual style. Another job I have looked at is a foley artist, this would fulfil my love of music and sound in general. I thought about this as a career/job after the sound and editing unit. I really enjoyed it and the whole reason I came to university was to find and apply skills to a job that I enjoy.
After looking into what companies I could work for I have discovered Arcus who are a 2D animation company based in Gateshead, who primarily work with Adobe After effects, Illustrator and Photoshop. This would be the absolute dream straight out of uni as it is right on my door step, they work within the specific style I do and I enjoy their work. I've also had the chance to sit in during one of the owner’s talks at Northumbria Uni and had a chance to speak with him about what they would be looking for within someone’s work. Another aspect I do enjoy about their work is the undertone of humour within it, there's a honest fun feel, it does not feel like some big company producing a product for some faceless brand, it feels authentic, their show reel alone hooked me as the song they used was an original piece produced I believe by one of the owners and his band. Little touches like that make me feel like it would be more of a family than an endless machine.
 I am pleased with my branding, I feel like I have created a unique logo that matches my style, one that is somewhat playful and one that can be applied to multiple variations. I am especially pleased with my Animated logo as I feel it brings to life my logo in a unique way. I decided upon the breaking, glitch effect as I wanted to make something different, something that is not like everyone else's animated logos. The general imagery I have seen is something with too many effects, or some transformer-esque level of transitions and movement that reveal some overly detailed Logo. I also added the fade out at the end as it reminds me of the old Play station one company logos that you would see at the start of a game. They would always fade to black, it’s a bit silly nostalgia but I like it. The overall style of my branding is my own and that is something I am happy with and something that is unique to me.
The way in which I show off my work is simply through a show reel, something I have produced for this unit and something I am actually surprised at how decent it looks. Im surprised because when I was assembling my clips and work I wasn't very happy with what I have produced compared to others, I felt that my overall work was very subpar compared to others until I was suggested to put in some of my vector Illustrations I have done at home and make them into little animations, which I actually love. I chose the specific music as well because I wanted something more upbeat, something again just like my logo different to what other people had done, as the general vibe I have seen from others both online and within my class is some dull 'Art' gallery music I like to call. It’s the type of music that doesn't build it, or go anywhere and bores me. I instead decided upon my music the second another classmate laughed and said this is completely you isn't it. I thought that this was a good indicator as who I am, hopefully someone who is fun and upbeat, unique and quirky, something I hope I manage to put into my work. I hope that companies and potential employers see my work and think this is a unique individual, filled with a variety of ideas and styles, someone who we will benefit from if he were on our team. This would make all the extra work worthwhile.
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