#im in pharmacy school so i dont ever get to practice like... writing. we barely even write academic papers its all just memorization LOL
girlucifer · 3 years
"i like the sea; we understand one another.
it is always yearning, sighing for something it cannot have; and so am i." - greta garbo
solomon + one-sided love with a gender-neutral human mc / lesson 36-41 spoilers / word count: 1k
*so in lesson 41, we see that mc remains relatively close to solomon while he teaches them how to control their magic. so maybe, during those years, we see solomon grow to fall in love with the human, but he knows nothing can really come of it, as their heart lies within another's grasp [one of the brothers]
a cruel smile, a mocking touch... they set a cup of coffee in front of him and he accepted it with a small smile- no words were exchanged, the only sounds being the birds singing outside. the two had grown so close, so comfortable together in the small apartment atop the bookstore in new england- naturally, the two had to spend every opportunity they had together to hone in the human's newly acquired magical powers- it was only three years ago when solomon's apprentice had almost died from their own powers seeming to claw its way out, manifesting into self-destruction that would've very likely killed them had they not gotten help from angels and demons alike. seeing the destitution brought upon the human's out-of-control intrinsic abilities, solomon knew he must do everything he can to protect not just the human, but all the three realms. once the two returned back to their world, that strange, protective, overwhelming feeling had washed over him- he remembers taking the human's hand, asking them, begging them, "escape away with me- normal life is far too mundane for the two of us. i promise a grand adventure- if you trust me." after all, the world was different now with the two of them privy to the most well-kept secrets of the entire universe: the worlds of angels, demons and humans alike, all threaded and woven together like a spider's web- the two were inexplicably linked through their shared experiences. and it wasn't even a week later that the two were in his small '04 sedan, driving north with nothing but a small luggage of necessities and the clothes on their backs.
solomon had dozens of places to crash, scattered all across the globe- he'd hop around whenever his work took him overseas- but his favorite was always the one up in north america. and money was never an issue- for a sorcerer, luxury was something natural, simple and easy- he can conjure up really anything he wants- the latest designer clothes, the best interior decorations, michelin-star cooking, first-edition books, classic films... anything material, he had it. it was, rather, the boring, the basic, the unremarkable that he longed for- loosening your tie after a long day at the office, or crying at the end of some cheesy romance movie when the two leads find each other's arms once again, or drinking that perfect cup of coffee your lover had made, who knows exactly how you like it. it was such a silly concept- how after all this time, centuries and centuries living on this earth, having done every possible thing under the sun- he had yet to fill the void in his soul that seemed to ache for another's touch.
when the two had moved in together, their relationship had started to shift- he had always been on friendly terms with the human, ever since the two met down in the devildom all those years ago. but now, he was privy to everything about them- the songs they sang in the shower, the tunes they used as their alarm, how they liked their eggs- such simple, simple things... yet every little newfound fact he learned about them, he memorized, like the little inkspells written upon his ancient tomes of sorcery. and then there it was- after having to spend day and night with them, teaching and shaping them up to be a sorcerer of his magnitude, he had fallen completely and wholly in love.
oh, how they'd smile at him, such a cruel smile- they knew, surely they knew how his heart wrenched every time they touched- it wasn't enough, it never was. he wanted to kiss their neck and explore every crevice of their body, but fear gripped his heart every time the room quieted and their eyes found his own, their fingers seeming to inch closer... so instead, he would watch the human prepare breakfast for the two- the birds chirping, the flowers blooming. such a homely scene; he'd sit in the small kitchenette, staring at the small of their back as they move around, grabbing spices and cutting herbs, the smell of exotic destinations making way into the small room. then, the human would set down two plates, and they'd eat. it was as simple as that. once, he had commented that they had seemed like an old married couple, to which the other laughed with a sparkle in their eye, "yes, i suppose so." then he wanted to add on: well, why not? why couldn't we be an old married couple, decades and decades into our marriage, yet we still retain such a lively youthful love? like how you make me breakfast every morning, and how i read to you every night, and how we go on walks through the park, how we feed the ducks there with the bread you baked with the ingredients i bought? why not indulge ourselves in this little fantasy? we may be soulmates, or we may be dying, maybe the world will end tomorrow and us with it. but right now, we're here, and i'm holding the coffee you made and you're watching me lose myself in the aroma. we're here, and maybe nothing else really matters, except the way you called this our home, our home, because you somehow knew i wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing you aren't under the same roof as me, because you knew that after the worst day of my life, i would want to come home to your shoes by the door, your smile greeting me when i walk in. why not, why not just sit here and pretend we are in love, because it wouldn't really be pretending, or rather- i wish it wouldn't be pretending. i wish you were mine, and i were yours- but your heart lies within someone else's hands, doesn't it? with his red gaze and black heart, his wicked smile and bitter taste, like apples to the sinner.
but of course, he never said any of this, because he knew better. instead, he took a sip of coffee, the taste bitter.
#i dont know if what i was going for really conveyed through my writing. i always do this. i always write something in such#a stupid and convoluted way and then im afraid i compeltely missed the theme i was going for#anyway i wanted to add the biblical theme of king solomon and how he in ecclesiastes stated that he had done everything#under the sun yet nothign brought him happiness. basically we see that here with solomon. hes an immortal. he had to have done everything#there is worth doing- yet he still feels... like theres more. just something else he needs... and perhaps it lies within the human#okokok and the main thing i was going for though. was that cup of coffee signifying pure love like... mutual love#making a cup of coffee for your partner- knowing how much sugar/creamer/milk/whatever they prefer#if they like a tsp of cinnamon or maybe a dash of chocolate syruip or plain black or just barely tan#to know their coffee preference... effervescent LMAO but yeah basically he wants mc to just... like... be in love with him#and make him a cup of coffee thats just tuned perfectly to his preferences#alas. its bitter. the humans not 100% devoted to him the way he is to them#okok. im done#im not... that great at writing i think im good but then i read others and im like ohhh so THIS is writing. not what im doing! great!#anyway pleaseee give me feedback if you made it to the end because i want to get better at drawing and writing#im in pharmacy school so i dont ever get to practice like... writing. we barely even write academic papers its all just memorization LOL#ok ty! sending love <3#obey me solomon#obey me fanfic#obey me!#text
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yourjughead · 7 years
Twisted Snake pt.2
Pairings: Jughead x reader, Bughead. Warnings: Mentions of abuse and bruising, possible swear I can't remember. A/N: I'm so so happy with the response from you guys for this story, really encouraging. I'm not overly confident with this part but hopefully you'll like it and I haven't ruined it. Also would you like another part? If so are ye happy to continue in Jughead POV or would you like more 3rd person etc. Let me know dollies. REQUESTS OPEN ------------------------------------------- Jughead Pov. After Betty screamed at me for an hour and reassured her for another hour, I had just about managed to salvage my relationship. Not even sure if that's even what I want, a relationship that's just barely one. The party had cleared out but the house was a state to behold. Nope. Not my problem. I turned on my heels and rejoined Vegas in the garage. ~~~~ For the next week I spent every possible non school moment in Pops. More so than usual. I was practically part of the furniture, just hoping to “accidentally�� run into y/n again. It didn't go unnoticed by Betty, I just played it off as wanting to write more. What was her deal? What's wrong with my name? I mean it's not exactly conventional but people don't usually run away from me panicked when they hear it. I am the new Voldemort. I am he who should not be named. I laughed a loud at my stupid thoughts. It was late on Friday and Pops started to fill, I just had a feeling she wouldn't like it crowded, I didn't. I got a few strange looks from the couple next to me. I strolled home and collapsed onto the air mattress, it huffing beneath me. Archie won't be home for at least an hour, he's out with Veronica. I feel totally defeated, where am I to find this one girl in a sea of others...well none like her. Wait...she's not like the Riverdale girls because she isn't one! Oh I'm an idiot. I jumped off the “bed” and grabbed my jeans practically putting them on both legs at once. I grabbed my keys and as I went for the front door I ran into Archie and Veronica stumbling in. “Oh Jughead...we were just umm” “Don't need to explain Archie... actually please don't explain just stay off my mattress” I brushed past not wanting to prolong the awkwardness. I sat into Archie's truck, he's not going to appreciate this but he probably won't notice right now with Veronica to preoccupy him. I hate driving, hate it. I'm no good at it but I don't feel like walking to the Southside at quarter past midnight. After a few false starts, messing up the radio frequency and general terrible driving I arrived outside the Wyte Worm. After taking a few laps inside the bar I gave up. I'm not going to find her here, I wouldn't find me here why would I find her here.  Okay think if I were her who is similar to me where would I be. “Jughead? What are you doing here?” oh no. I'm dead. “You shouldn't be here Juggy” “Um yeah Dad sorry I was just looking for someone…” “Who? Who could you possibly be looking for here Jughead?” “Emmm Y/N” Dad took a step closer to me, eyes darkening. “And what would you want with her?” His tone was harsh. “Emm she left heart medication in Archie's when she was at my party” well that's a terrible lie but it needed to be serious enough of a thing to let behind that he'd tell me where she is “Why was she at your party?!” “Uh I'm not sure, wasn't everyone? Is there something wrong with her?” “You could say that” he bit. “You won't find her here anyway Juggy but I guess missing heart meds is kinda serious emmmm okay I'd say you'll probably find her lot over at the Podges...I'll come with you” “No!” He looked at me confused “well you're not going there by yourself”. Oh yeah leave it to now for my Dad to step up and care. “I won't, I'm going to just go home and ring the pharmacy on the pack tomorrow” I turned and walked briskly away from him. “Don't go there Jughead. I'm warning you.” He called after me, his seriousness radiating through across the distance. I waved in acknowledgement as I sat into the truck, no intention to listen to him. I thought the Whyte Worm was rough. Nothing could compare to Podges. Total drunken chaos. I stood on the porch of the pub ((bar etc)) taking a deep breath, regretting it instantly and  stepped inside to total ruins. Fighting and shouting and utter chaos. The stench of old booze and smoke was deeply imbedded in the sheer dna of the place. I am Nancy Drew, Nancy Jones...Jughead Drew? Ehhh we'll circle back to that later. I pulled up my hood and put my hands in my pockets. I want to completely fly under the radar. I didn't do a very good job at it. A weight was thrown into my side and I was pushed into a small coat closet. Expecting to be attacked I closed my eyes and braced for impact, when the pain didn't come I reluctantly opened my eyes and found a concern stricken y/n with arms crossed. “y/n!” I threw my arms around her and thankfully she didn't push me away... immediately. “What are you doing here Jughead?! Are you totally off your game?!”   “I umm I just wanted to see you…” not creepy at all there Juggy. Her furrowed face softened and she left out a half laugh. I watched her bite her lip and put her hand to her head. “Thats...that's  really really sweet but also really really stupid, you could get yourself killed here for being who you are...let alone for talking to me” she seemed genuinely concerned. “Why...why would I get myself killed” I don't understand what is going on, at least Voldemort knew why he was hated. “It's cause of who your dad is…..” she couldn't meet my eyes. Once again my dad is ruining something that could be amazing for me. “What?!” I practically shouted. Y/N moved closer to me and put a finger to my lips. I brushed my hand over hers and brought it to my cheek and kept it there. I don't know what it is about to her. She's magnetic. I want to be closer to her in every way possible. “Shh Jughead you have to be quiet, I know it seems chaotic and loud but I'm actually surprised they don't know you're here already. Your dad is a ring leader in the Serpents and my dad….my dad isn't” her voice was shaky. “Who is your dad?” “Y/D/N Y/L/N…..leader of the the Scorpions…” she sounded ashamed and I could stop my eyes from widening. “As in…” “Yeah, as in Southside Scorpions” she meet my eyes again, glossy and sad. “Oh” well shit. This is not good. A territory feud that has been raging for years, bloodshed on both sides...too much blood. She gave me a small smile. The weakest of smiles. Breaks my heart. “Yeah Jughead, “Oh” is right, so yeah...I think you should go”  her hand dropped from my cheek and I missed it being there instantly. “Does it bother you?...does it bother you im not a Scorpion?” My voice was a little shaky for this question as I stepped closer to her again. “No, I know it should but it doesn't, I don't really fit in the gang mentality, my older brother will take  over leading not me, I don't belong to it like they want me to….does it bother you I'm not a Serpent?” “Oh yeah totally, can't even look at you" I laugh as she toyingly hits me into the chest. I know I'm with Betty but more than a bit of me wants to be with her. “Jugheeeeaaad” she whined playfully. I love how I'm making it impossible for her. The door swung open and y/n pushed me backwards beneath coats instantly. “Y/N? What..you...here..doing?” A man close to our age slurred out. “Nnnnnothing John...I was..i was just looking for my coat” her voice was entirely shaky and if that lad wasn't as out of it as he was he would have seen right through. “Oh alright well c'mere” John caught y/n roughly around the waist and she was visibly uncomfortable under his touch. He moved to kiss her lips as she turned her head, his lips meeting her cheek. Ugh. “Hey y/n, cop on” his tone was blunt and I could see the burning pressure he put on her wrist. “Ssssorry...I'll meet you out there my dad said he'll buy you a drink go go” his ears perked at the idea of a free drink and he briskly left the closet. Y/N let out the biggest sigh of relief I'd ever heard as she rubbed her red wrist. “Who was that?” I cautiously came out from beneath the coats. “No one” she brushed her hair out of her face and crossed her arms across her chest. “Was that...is that your boyfriend?” “Kinda…” “Oh…did he do that?” I pointed at the bruises along her arms where she had let the hoodie ride up. She instantly pulled it down covering them. “You need to go now” eyes fixed on my shoes. I moved closer to her and pulled the sleeve of her hoodie up. I held her arm in my hands and looked at the marbled marks decorating her arm. She stared at me while I couldn't take my eyes off the marks. I leaned in and kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in closer. I moved my hands around her waist. I felt like this is where I belong, with her... granted not in the closet but I don't mind, I'm with her. I suddenly felt tears land on my cheek but they didn't belong to me. “Please Jughead...you need to go” she whispered with teary eyes breaking the kiss and moving away from me. “Y/N…” I moved for her again. “No” she moved as though my touch might burn her. “I….emm okay...here's my number I wrote it down for you..please dont hesitate to use it...” I gave it to her and she sheepishly took it. “Okay then...bye y/n” I slowly edged past her as she stood looking in the spot I once occupied. ------------------------------------- Teehee Xx
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