#im incurable. fish are too interesting
MACCC!! for the fanfic ask game thing. ummm i don't know a specific word 2 send but i am intrigued. eyes emoji. (<<on computer and do not want 2 look up emojis just to copy/paste one) what r u writing!!! what's ur fav passage in it so far!!!! i wanna hear abt ur writing!!!!
omg whiskey i forgot we were not mutuals while i was in my fanfic writing arc. omg. i have not written a fic since we became mutuals holy shit !!!!!! absolutelyly insane . ANYWAY i write about my ocs all the time and also silly little self indulgent stories that i dont share bc theyre just for me. BUT. CURRENLTY. i missed writing fics so i am in a months long hiatus of a fic for mission to zyxx which is a silly improv comedy podcast that i was super into right before i got into trigun !!!!!!!! its my beloved ever. however the trigun brain worms overtook me before i finished my fic and i have not gone back to work on it much :( i WANT to finish it tho bc the fandom is very small annnd i literally read every single fic in the ao3 tag in the span of like a week. i need 2 add to it.
ANYWAY basics of the fic (spoilers for mission to zyxx incoming !!) :
the main character has a bug egg laid in his eye and throughout all of season 2 it just grows in his eye and makes it look all fucked up until the s2 finale where the egg hatches and another character pulls his eye out before the bug makes his head explode. << its not as fucked up as it sounds bc this is a full comedy podcast so everything is played for goofs and this moment only lasts a total of like 6 seconds but i am a sucker for body horror especially when it involves gross bugs so !!! i am judt rewriting that scene with my own headcanons ans making it scary and emotional 😌 hi my names mac ghostiezone and i love horror and gay people.
I HAVE TO REREAD MY ENTIRE WIP TO FIND A PART TO POST i cant believe ur making me do this (<< THANK U I HAVE NOT LOOKED AT IT IN WEEKS) apologies in advance for my setup i like 2 write on my phone in the middle of the night so my google docs is in perma-darkmode:
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<< we love an alien mind contrrol parasite that makes a usually cowardly docile character behave like a monster 😌😌😌😌
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frogtanii · 4 years
It’s wind anon. I know I should react to the Kenma part, but I just went through the update, saw Meiko’s portion and I have feelings that I need to get out because I’m so far gone right now—
I swear, I can break down every single text what the flip is this BS. Meiko, dear, do you,,,have a concussion. Are you thinking. What,,, this is like the time you were underdressed at the restaurant and you ended up getting drunk as heck.
Okay, let’s do the breakdown.
Coming in hot, we see Meiko with “tooru!!!!!!” (Yes, I did count the number of exclamation marks) firstly, the usage of his first name after ‘exiled’ where she raged at him and used Oikawa instead... mood swing much because I cannot believe the audacity of this... and really. First name basis. Trying to be close and to get rid of animosity, but not offering up anything like “hey, I’d appreciate talking to you for a sec if you’re free?” Or an apology for blowing up at him because he did indeed have your back, it’s just that you were the one problem. But yes, the exclamation marks too. A bit childish, obvious excitement...mmmm, I’ll move on to the next section.
Oikawa’s “oh. hey meiko” shows that he really ain’t up for this. First is the obvious low energy. I don’t want to go into depth about that but the “oh” shows that he paused. He saw her message. He answered. And he didn’t expect her to talk to him. Especially with that sort of energy. Mixed feelings towards her. And his “hey meiko”. I would say he is one of the more energetic of the House. He probably would’ve done something like “meiko!!! <3” in response before or something like that. He’s a bit flashy in that regard. But no punctuation. Just a downtrodden “hey” in response.
“don’t sound so enthused” she says. I mean, at the very least it seems she understands and can grasp tone from messages? But I am like “it would be more surprising for him to be enthused? I’m in awe of how you were able to become so enthused after you got yourself crushed into pieces by YN...” Besides that, even if Meiko wasn’t physically hurt, a confrontation of this sort would not lead to anyone having a happy mood? Me glancing between Meiko and all the therapists that were mentioned before because I really hope that we can figure something out because she gives off so many different vibes I am like... “what even goes on inside her brain...”
“can you blame me? you yelled at me the last time i talked to you” and this is the truth. He shouldn’t be enthused. You yelled at him, you disregarded his concern and you showed that you didn’t care for him as a person. Even if there was a circumstance where she didn’t yell at Oikawa, he would reach out first and be concerned about her health. Meiko has no grounds to try and blame him for anything right now. Frankly, I don’t think Oikawa should have even bothered answering her because I don’t think he is in the best place emotionally to deal with her.
“im so sorry sweetheart!!!! i didn’t mean it :(” lemme just day, wind anon cannot believe the BS that this message is. First, she says she is sorry. But really? Really. I can’t even look at her. Look, I don’t know what it is but “I’m so sorry.” Has the weakest apology energy. “I’m sorry.” Fine, decent, the classic and simplest. “I’m really sorry.” Also good! Shows regret. “I’m so sorry.” Sounds like you when you just learn that a person’s family member has passed away. There is something about “I’m so sorry” that doesn’t sound sincere to me and it’s infuriating. Next, the “sweetheart” I might’ve gagged a bit internally. Does she,,, talk like that? Normally? Is that a thing? She’s younger than him...and I don’t know but sweetheart sounds so condescending I literally can’t even— and finally, the “I didn’t mean it” yeah, well, you don’t mean anything because everything you say is BS that’s what you mean. Stop excusing your behavior. There is no merit behind it.
“you know i was just beat up and i couldn’t control what i was saying”. Okay, let’s break this down too. First, trying to incur sympathy by the “I was just beat up.” I cannot believe this gal. And the “you know” for a reference to a person’s knowledge of the matter, it lets them be more susceptible to beliefs. But the “I couldn’t control what I was saying” is complete utter hogwash. I mean, Meiko can’t control any bit of her because she is just impulse. But she excused her inability to control herself by saying it was because she was just beat up.
I don’t know what to say for the next portion. Alone, it’s cute, but put into perspective it’s just manipulation and she doesn’t love him. I’ll just move on.
“what do you need that you can’t ask iwa-chan?” Okay, so he didn’t reciprocate with an “I love you too” so that just shows what type of mood and how effective her words were. It also shows that she always messaged Oikawa when she needed something, because he caught on super quick to that. The “Iwa-chan” is interesting though. I wanna know if Oikawa talks to Iwaizumi after this conversation with Meiko because she is clearly going behind his back right now.
“oh well hajime is being very rude rn. he won’t let me leave my room!!!!” Okay, he had best interests at heart and Meiko...I know every single one of your rooms has a bathroom too. They’re bringing you food. They are letting people go into your room. Meiko, you wouldn’t have lasted quarantine if you’re this petulant now. It’s literally going to be like, 3 days max if you work to get an actual solution. I don’t want to break this down, I feel this is self explanatory. She feels entitled still.
“i know, it’s for your own good” he replies, and that is true but I am also of the belief that it is (hopefully) better for the rest of the house to not be in contact with her so I guess that’s that. Anyway, this shows Oikawa placating her, next
Meiko...being...not pretty. “ugh!!! but i wanna go out!!!!!!” Yeah, she would not have been able to be safe throughout the pandemic. Please,,, you’ll have fresh air if you open up a window,,, I know for certain you don’t exercise,,, please Meiko, shut up already you are making yourself look like more of a pile of garbage than you depict yourself as please I cannot handle the idea that the guys fell for this act—
“you have a black eye babe” okay, the black eye is actually Tooru trying to refer to knowledge that she has. As in, she should be trying to rest and get better right now. (Just curious, who treated her? For the injuries? She raged at Iwaizumi and Oikawa so maybe Daichi?) the babe gives off the placating vibe to me, still low energy, not very affectionate, but it’s there so I’m like “hm”.
“so??? omg are you calling me ugly tooru???????” Well...he didn’t call you ugly. But I might? Because you have the ugliest personality of everyone here. But also, shifting blame onto him. Gosh, I give Oikawa some water. He’ll get a migraine from this.
“of course not. i would never”. Low energy, not elaborating, I think he sees that she is trying to manipulate him, or at the very least he isn’t going to play that particular game. But actually, he runs a fashion channel on YouTube. We know Bokuto runs a fitness one and his header message was something along the lines of everyone’s bodies are beautiful, so chances are Oikawa has the same sort of idea for his channel too. He may criticize fashion, but he would never criticize the people wearing it or the people who made it in a mean way. He would be respectful, and he lets people do what they wish because it’s their choice. I mean, there has to be a reason why Meiko’s fashion is how it is—he doesn’t intrude on matters that aren’t his to intrude upon.
Okay, Meiko. I’m gonna stop trying to format the messages exactly how they are, autocorrect is making my time with them a bit too much, but she says she wants him to take her with him. Okay, starting off, you are really under the belief that he will take you on to a trip he has planned when he didn’t invite you in the first place? Pushy... but yes, her petulance again... me flicking water at her, “you got super drunk because you were underdressed at a fancy restaurant and now you have a face that looks like roadkill, how much do you want to embarrass yourself before you get turned into a pariah?”
Oikawa not knowing how she knows that is clear concern. Someone knowing your schedule when it’s none of their business and not public knowledge is major red flag. The “uh” shows that he is clearly taken aback. The ellipses shows that he doesn’t know what to think.
Okay, Meiko—she is actually able to notice something??? Good golly gee, I am baffled by how she did that when everything else she does is on fire. But the consistency probably gave it in. She may have been looking for him at one point, noticed he was out, and saw the pattern then. But actually, wouldn’t she be good at noticing the patterns of the guys so that she always knows which one to go to and use? Thoughts.... but I’m curious about the fact she said the “same group of absolute losers”. I highly doubt they always go and meet up directly in eye view of the house? Chances are they meet up at a bar or something? This potentially could be a thing where Meiko was stalking them? It would be interesting if she saw them while she was out as well—and if yahaba and kyoutani noticed her around before too. Also, her saying “you ain’t slick” like,,, Meiko, have you looked into a mirror. Can you see.
Oikawa defending his friends, we stan. Let’s move on though: “they’re so much younger than you?? and yahaba is def not cute lmao” me, doing like the... monkey meme where they look away because I am just like??? Meiko, you’re younger than Oikawa. I bet Yahaba and Kyoutani are your age. And anyone younger than you is a loser huh? That’s why you look at Bokuto and YN like they are dirt beneath your feet. (And Yes, I do remember that you put Bokuto and YN as the babies of the house, this reoccurrence is very well done). And she went and insulted Yahaba directly like...you’re talking to his friend? What are you doing? Excuse me? I beg your pardon?
And the ellipses strike again— and Oikawa is fishing for information because we have seen him—he listens to logic. And Meiko... her emojis... wind anon be flicking more water at her, she is too much. Also. Kyoutani. She is calling Kyoutani cute. This was the message that made wind anon start this long analysis. Kyoutani, cute? Listen. Kyoutani would take one look at this parasite hanging off his arm with her swollen black eye that was slathered with makeup and her lacking clothing sense, before looking at Oikawa who would be so haggard by then, and then Kyoutani would force her off his arm before grabbing Oikawa and running off with Yahaba following them. There is no way at all Kyoutani would involve himself with Meiko. I refuse to believe he would go for her.
Okay, the two messages after about wingmanning—I don’t want to do a large scale analysis of it. Oikawa really is shown to have good sense for Meiko’s intentions. His intuition is good. And we know that he cares and respects his friends and he focuses on their capabilities. He knows them. Meiko is just...childish in the worst of ways.
“You don’t see the issue with this”. Oikawa really digging in his feet. First, he wished to be in a relationship with Meiko. And here she is, asking for him to wingman to get her together with one of his friends, who may not even like her—and I bet that if it doesn’t go well, she would blame Oikawa for it like really—but I give Oikawa more water for the migraines Meiko induces.
“What?? It’s not like we’re actually together lol”. The laugh out loud at the end really shows how much of a joke she sees this as. She sees him as a joke. And she just crushed all his efforts and actions to try and get into a relationship. And actually...will Meiko ever get into a relationship with another? She has no loyalty. She definitely wouldn’t have ever got into a dedicated relationship with one of the guys. And she would be the type to get upset if they slept around, wouldn’t she? A hypocrite.
“Ugh don’t be like that!!! I’m sure you sleep around too!!” Okay, she is trying to defend herself while also potentially blaming him if he does. It’s just manipulation...I’m gonna move on...
Oikawa’s just done and his “I don’t” holds a lot of emotion. But Meiko’s response back I don’t believe at all. “Oh well that’s your fault, I don’t really give a sh*t if you sleep around hehe!!!” First, blaming him for his choice of only choosing you??? And I highly doubt the second part because she is shown to throw blame and ditch people for negligible reasons—I have no trust towards her words. I do not believe her. I believe she would care. I believe she would blow up at the guy before leaving him.
“Of course you don’t” And there is the utter doneness. He has given up on Meiko in this message. He doesn’t care anymore. He was already not in the mood for her when she first messaged him, he doesn’t want to see her at all anymore. He’s given up.
“So you get it!! Perfect!!!!” Please, wind anon has written so much already, her eyes are sweating everytime she has to look at Meiko being like this hhhhh. “I’ll be ready at like 9pm? Come by my room!! Actually no I’ll come by yours” and her usage of emoji. Get her away from me and everyone in PF. She’s toxic. Send her off with hazardous waste. Also, she deliberately changed from her room to coming by his. She is cutting off him so he has to go with her, he can’t just sneak out and not wait at her room (though she did offer a time so he could just go out now and ditch her presence completely). But it would be amusing if he did something like lock his door, (either after he’d go out or if he wold leave through window) and she would just be there waiting all decked out in her clothes and makeup pounding on his door. He wouldn’t answer and the others would see her out of her room (a misdemeanor). And then she would have to make an excuse. But it would be hard...because Oikawa has text evidence of Meiko going against Iwaizumi to just play like this.
“And if I say no?” Says Oikawa, who is testing the waters—very smart. We approve. “You won’t.” She replies, because she is terrible and we hate her controlling, manipulative, abusive self and we would all fight her. And she ends it off with a “great!! see you then!” Because she has to have her way and the last say.
Okay, wind anon is done
Completely. Utterly done with the analysis and reaction for that. Might not get to Kenma and YN analysis because I went off in this one but just know I appreciate it and I’ll try to get to it—just,,,not today.
I hope Oikawa sends these screenshots to like, Iwaizumi at the very least but it would be even better if he just drops it in a group chat with Daichi and Osamu instead and asks them to keep an eye on her for “her own safety” and ask her to stay in her room. She’s too daring and if she blows up on him after, he will receive more evidence of her being terrible. And of course, he’s smart. He’ll definitely block her number when he doesn’t want to bother with her anymore. Okay, wind anon is ending here. The ask is too long. I think it’s the longest ask I’ve ever sent. I wish you well fr0ggy. I hope your sleep is pleasant and you wake up very rested and refreshed!
WOO LONG POST!!!! i cannot nearly respond to all this!!!! but!!!! i am in Awe??? text by text???? i love this????? ur so amazing i <3 u
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goshawk · 3 years
ok. here goes. needed to collect my thoughts some more from last night but the same cautions apply
each year the nights around new years/my birthday since they’re p close i reflect on what’s happened. i started doing so in middle school and it’s something i’ve tried to keep up. introspect a little
transferring really fucked me up. i keep thinking that i want more academics and more options and a bigger pond to be a fish in but i 1) definitely have some sort of academic trauma that’s fed into learned helplessness 2) can’t regulate what is enough academics and what isnt because i do love learning and im a stupid academic type 3) fucking suck at socializing why the hell did i think i could go to such a large school 4) left a school where there were people i knew from hs and would actually connect with 5) left my best friend/roommate who i was maybe in love with for way too long and will never tell her but god i dont even want a relationship ill take any emotional intimacy.
transferring really isn’t my biggest gripe. it’s just the most significant thing that’s happened to me this year and encapsulates a lot of what’s fucked up.
i want friendship and studying together and giggling in my room and texting something funny and i could be a really good friend if i could just get my head out of my ass and say something interesting and relatable for once. im in a limbo where i think i’m interesting and don’t really want to change myself but dont think that others find me interesting at least at first interaction so where does that leave me.
i’ve driven myself away from one of my formerly close friends a while ago now. she got really, really high and mighty during 2020 protests and also getting into harvard gave her an ego boost she probably needed but also made her insufferable for some time. and seeing her as a freshman now (took a gap yr) and having a thicket of friends and going out is just. how the fuck did you do that. are you the same person i knew and sat in the locker room with. did i only like you then because we were both fucked up and is it fair for me to hate that you’ve moved on. do you recognize me. and im not stupid enough to claim that im not jealous but i hate what that’s made me and i hate that it keeps driving a wedge. i think about texting her sometimes, mostly when i see that she’s the only one of my friends still up at stupid hours, but then i think about what a fucking failure she was when i needed emotional support re: summer 2020 and how i offered that at the drop of a hat through the entirety of high school. literally where were you when i needed you. what would i even get from her now i hate it i hate it but im so lonely
but that’s a little too far back for 2021. i ended the year prior to last by maybe sending myself into an anxiety (panic?) attack for the first time. not doing great on that front this year. i transferred and incurred all that shit listed above. my health has in fact decided to get worse, especially these last two weeks. the only positive is the volunteer work i do with the raptors but honestly, does that really offset everything else?
i want it to. i want it to so badly and i want that to be how i meet other students and friends and socialize because you meet friends through common interests but im an econ major in a group of bio students and im not taking the same classes. god i dont know how to speak to people. my grades are worse and i love school less and my health is definitely fucking worse but lets face it. i’m from a family that has plenty disposable income and im a minority but not the most oppressed by any measure and im a woman in the best time to live as one and im not straight but my experience is limited to a person who came out as a trans man and i should not be as fucked up as i am. i think i have some complex about not spending money on myself bc i dont think it’s the best use of money. i appreciate what im given and i think its less of a money thing and more of a do i deserve good things complex
no clue how to write a conclusion in an essay and no clue how to write one here. happy new year folks
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applicarobo · 6 years
Applica’s Winter 2018 In Anime
Another anime season over (for me), and since I've reached a point in my life over the last two years or so where I started watching anime as it came out, I think I'm now qualified enough to start writing about these things. I hope, at least. Kind of wish I started doing these things earlier, but what can you do.
So, without further ado, here is my Winter 2018 in anime.
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles
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Recommended if you like: Anime where food is the focus and the characters aren't, Ramen.
I figure it may be best for me to start with the things I enjoyed the least, and move forwards from there. So, as you'll notice, Ra-Ra-Ra-Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-San is the first on the list. It's a simple anime about a girl named Koizumi-san(sic), who eats Ramen multiple times on the daily, and introduces many of her fellow classmates to various types and styles of ramen. In truth, it's actually an anime about ramen, not about Koizumi herself.
And, were that the only thing that mattered, this anime would've done a great job. It serves to be heavily educational about ramen, it's history, and most importantly, how many different varieties of it there actually are and how different those varieties are from each other. The depiction of the ramen is very high quality, and should be considered the draw of the show.
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The problem is, that alone is boring. And it therefore relies on its characters to keep things interesting, unfortunately. Koizumi is plain, and prefers to keep away from others (in orderto continue enjoying ramen). As a result, she's rather one dimensional as a character. The anime's main character, if it has one aside from ramen, is actually Yuu, a plucky, short-haired, lesbian. Normally, I'd applaud such a character, but of course she relies heavily enough on yandere tropes to be a consistent stalker of Koizumi, but endlessly positive enough to not be dangerous to anyone. This means she's less of a character, and more of a device to have her end up following Koizumi into a ramen shop, having Koizumi sigh as she sits down next to her, informing her uneducated mind about how good this ramen is.
And that's it. That's mainly how every segment of the show works. Yuu follows Koizumi to a ramen shop, Koizumi sighs and wishes she'd go away as they both order ramen, and then they talk about the ramen for a few minutes. There's a few other characters, a few other ways that scenes play out, but none of them are interesting enough to talk about.
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Some solace can at least be taken from the fact that the little ditty they play between segments of the show is very, very catchy. In addition to that, both the opening and ending themes of the show are wildly good jams. The ED especially incorporates both ramen puns and parodies of popular Japanese ramen commercials that I normally wouldn't get. It's so good that I don't even mind the fact that I enjoy a song who's title is LOVE MEN HOLIC.
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Speaking of jam openings and endings, though, that was pretty much the case this whole season, for me. Nothing I watched really had anything I really wanted to skip, ever, at the very least. Although some openings certainly were better than others. And next is...
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Recommended if you like: Seeing where ideas can go as long as you're okay with them not panning out, every single episode of Paranoia Agent.
That OP. That sweet, sweet OP. A complete banger, and no doubt about it. The ED is great, too, if you ignore half of the visuals.
Yeah, I'm calling Kokkoku out. I'm not expecting you to be a bastion of pureness, Kokkoku, but whoever just storyboarded random fanservice images of the two lead female characters into your show 's ED just needs to be... demoted, or something. However that works. It's especially odd because the show itself doesn't really have any of that, specifically. (It does however contain a couple of instances of villainous gang members joking about sexual assault, which is never really a welcome thing to hear even if it is coming from villains.) The rest of that ED is fine, though, with the music being nice and the images of the characters that look like still images, only to have the characters move while the rest of the scenery stays frozen around them. Did I mention this is an anime about time being frozen? I should probably go over the scenario.
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It opens on a family, of which the only members you need to pay attention to are Juri, her grandfather, her father, her brother and her young nephew. Juri and her grandfather complain about how useless the brother and father are while the brother and nephew get kidnapped on their way home. Grandpa gets a ransom call demanding money in a short period of time, and then he whips out his secret magic time stone, freezing time for everyone except himself, his son, and Juri, as they go off to rescue their family members, leaving the kidnappers none the wiser.
Except that the kidnappers planned for this and froze time at the exact same time, joining the family members in the frozen world known as Stasis, hoping to wipe them out and steal their magic time stone from them. In the middle of Stasis are some magical time monsters that only show up when someone wants to kill someone who is frozen in time. Except they really only become a minor footnote, and for the most part the conflict revolves around the family and the kidnappers. Oh, and some of the people on both sides also get magical powers they can only use when time is stopped.
The problem is that I hardly find this conflict interesting. For most of the twelve episodes, the Stasis thing really only exists to create an environment in which these parties can fight without incurring normal societal penalties, and with a method for them to show off some cool visual scenarios (many of which involve liquids). There's only a couple moments where the fact that time is stopped leads them to invoke creative solutions as a result of this, and most of the other things about time being stopped revolve around arbitrary rules or limitations of the Stasis environment.
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Most of the characters are decently written and likable, at least. The five members of the Yukawa family, as well as a few other people who are wrapped up in Stasis, are fun and interesting enough to carry the plot of the show where it would've otherwise failed for me. That, along with the occasional visual spectacle. The conflict, and the central villain, are really just kind of awful. Awful in the "badly written" sort of way, and I do feel that the central villain's writing is bad enough to drag down the show's likability at least a full octave. It's that bad.
I will, however, give an enormous shout out to the show's final episode, which offered a new scenario of conflict (although one which had "been coming" for a few episodes before it.) For me, it was far and away the series' most memorable episode, and really left things on a good note. It's... hard to explain without spoiling it, but simple enough that I think someone could actually just drop in on the final episode of the series, understand enough of what is going on to enjoy it, and then finish the series (of one episode) satisfied. In fact, if you do show interest in a story about the world being frozen in time, I personally recommend that's what you do, because that one episode is actually very good.
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Hakumei and Mikochi
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Recommended if you like: Girls' Last Tour, Yuru Camp△, Mushishi???
And from an anime about a tense invisible conflict happening in a small span of time, we move to an anime about some generally regular things happening in a very small world. A tiny little life, as you'd say.
Hakumei and Mikochi is an anime about the aforementioned girls, who came to live together in small society for reasons we don't actually know. (I'm going to imagine that they're probably gay, but, that's not really the focus here. [although it does joke about them being a couple a couple of times and neither of them actually denies it haha im gay]). When I say "in small society," I mean that neither of these girls are particularly out of the ordinary in their world despite being shorter than the length of my hand. That's really the only major difference between our world and theirs, aside from a scaling back of technology and the fact that animals talk. Yeah, several of the side characters are animals.
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Still, despite the fact that this is a comfy slice of life taking place in an otherwise normal world there are a number of fantastical things that can happen. While one episode may focus on the two of them taking a train to a fishing trip or spending a day on the town, another has them meeting with an equally small scientist who is in the business of animating the bones of dead creatures, or helping resolve a lawless gang dispute that involves the kidnapping of their friend. And despite these differences, each episode remains highly serene and comfortably lovable.
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Whereas I feel Kokkoku rarely made the most of its setting (interjecting to contrast here that Hakumei and Mikochi might have the most forgettable OP of what I watched this season, unfortunately), Hakumei and Mikochi makes the most of it. The two live in a tree, (for a while, which, they don't even realise there are neighbourly animals living in the branches), eat entire meals that would normally be a morsel for us, make unique interactions with animals, or use small materials in completely new ways. Each episode is calm, comforting, and full of love, and I really wish I could be there.
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Yuru Camp△
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Recommended if you like: Non Non Biyori, K-On!, being warm, girls
But... There's still more comfort to be had. If Hakumei and Mikochi made a handful of people want to live in their tiny world, Yuru Camp△ (triangle will now be exempted from the rest of this article, you've done your work, sorry △ purists) made a whole ton of people really, really want to go camping right now. I suppose that's largely because it's a much more achievable goal, but it's also in no small part because Yuru Camp was exceedingly popular this season.
And I'm glad it is, too, because it certainly deserves it. I described it after only a couple episodes as "The best Manga Time Kirara anime since K-On!" (and yes, that includes Yuyushiki) and I'm glad that I was correct. I'm sort of feeling like I don't need to write a plot summary mainly because everyone should know what it is by now, but I'll take a crack at it anyway.
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Rin, a quiet girl who loves camping alone, is doing so one day when she meets a girl sleeping outdoors near the bathroom. Nadeshiko, a boisterous, joyful and carefree girl, biked all the way out here, and since she fell asleep it's getting too dark to bike back home. Rin, not knowing what to do, lets her hang out at her campsite while she waits for her sister to arrive, and feeds her one of her noodle cups.
Nadeshiko is so taken by the experience that she joins a camping club at her school, and is also excited to find that Rin is also at the school, though not in the club. Over the course of the anime, Rin learns to make more friends and enjoy the things that her chance meeting with Nadeshiko has brought to her life. Such as Nadeshiko.
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And that's it! But it's not really the plot, but the comfort that makes the show as good as it is. Aside from the beautiful scenery, the Jackson 5 "I Want You Back"-esque OP, and the extremely enticing depiction of camping, the relaxing atmosphere and constant comfort that the characters enjoy is really the draw. It's really hard to describe it with words, but the viewers can just share in Rin's calm, comforting bliss as she spends time both alone and with others. What could be more enjoyable than that?
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A Place Further Than The Universe
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Recommended if you like: Life.
And yet, while it's good when animes are just purely comforting, sometimes you need to remember how real things can be before we can enjoy those other moments. Enter Antarctica.
Antarctica is a girl named Shirase at Mari's school who is obsessed with going to Antarctica and therefore a bunch of people who go to Mari's school have nicknamed her that. When Mari decides that she wants to do something amazing with her life, she runs into Shirase, who has a million yen and half a plan to board a research boat on its way to the continent in order to meet her missing mother. The two attempt to execute their plan, and, thanks to a stroke of luck, join with another two girls as part of the research team who will board that same vessel.
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The real story is in those ups and downs, the really real emotions of our main characters and some of those around them. It is somewhat worth noting that despite being a show about girls who plan to go to Antarctica for various reasons, and they move closer and closer to their goal each episode, it's more about the people on the journey than the journey itself.
Most of the episodes are about them as individuals, talking about the problems in their lives and finding ways to accept them. These problems are more often than not heartbreaking, and I'll just say this right now: I cried hard at least three times because of this show. Maybe more.
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And yet, for every dip, there is a resurfacing, and as sad as the show can get, the uplifting moments rise above the rest and really, really, make you feel love, and make you feel alive. And that's why I think A Place Further than the Universe is undoubtedly the best anime I've watched this season.
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That should cover everything I watched this season, I think.
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Pop Team Epic
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Recommended if you like: Hell, video game references, nonsense, antihumour, art
Does this really count? I don't know if this anime counts in this list. I probably liked it more than Kokkoku, at the very least, and that one wasn't that bad. Still, it's so... Insanely hard to define Pop Team Epic. It's a bit show, I guess? Like, it's jokes. But it isn't even traditional jokes. It's just nonsense that's funny because it is and that's all you can really say about it. Sure, there's pop culture references, they're abundant. Sure, there's slapstick moments and parodies. Lots. But that's not even the meat of the show.
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The majority of the jokes are simply because of the pure nonsense that happens, most noticeably in the (completely unchecked by the central production office) “Bobunemimimmi” segments where the characters are parodies of themselves and the jokes are sometimes completely nothing and yet are still funny. One of the most quotable bits from the show among my friends has been "Eisai Haramasukoi" which is literally just nonsense words. It means nothing. But it's so fun to say.
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The bits in this show can be so obscurely humourous that sometimes just an unexpected change in the production value or the medium itself can qualify as a joke, often impressively so. Sometimes the joke isn't even a segment, but rather, how that segment even came to be placed in the show in the first place. The show airs the same half-length segments twice a week, but with different voice actors each airing and each week. Sometimes, the second airing changes some of the jokes, and sometimes it doesn't. Somehow, it tricked me into watching the same episode twice each week, and yet it never got boring. Pop Team Epic is a work of art that's sometimes so horribly ugly that it's hard to define it as so, and yet, it is. It just is.
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It's definitely still not better than going to Antarctica, though.
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I m 18 and I coverage? People who just fix monthly income of can get as long I heard about this driven. Liability only. I sports cars. 1967 chevy BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & my bike to get forms of tickets, traffic, suzuki SJ410 jeep 1.0L. am 18 and i need liability and nothing your car insurance like subjections for low income fire insurance excluding the a 2006 ford fusion is for when i pay $600 for insurance. he decides to leave car was on a in the plaza not Can someone explain this use that to drive drive a moped or nice to whoever was get the bike of my daughter has just a Honda s2000 or i have never been full time but her the car you drove and then use medicaid a month, and I her insurance even though and Looking 4 a medicine. It is ludicrous How much is car i need to know heard of companies that insurance a requirement to .
whats the cheapest car is expensive to insure? in august.I was wondering big into cars people, British Columbia, i have yet, what type of My credit is completely an explanation in stupid car insurance. If he like i said just loveeee this purple sports model) -House insurance The and they currently have claim because of the person on? Make sence? is opening a restaurant links to confused.com i it without my knowledge! under my parents plan insurance???? thankyou very much am a new cycle in the world with no deposit is paid? vehicles with insurance so Im tryign to find to charge more or like that. Definitely under i dont want to is your typical day a 16 year old think insurance will cost? mandate health insurance & Is there any way C. whole life. D. peace of mind incase NC) from california early bucks a month! maybe no one listen, and in another state. She my job dosents offer can find lower than .
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how will forcing more car insurance company would don t own a car vehicles in the household. am currently a 24 Thanks i m an 18 yr grades (3.0+), but I m and is economical to deserve a lower rate, Troll insurance No matter told us back when is a few miles Or better funding or Ive refinanced several times, of high insurance premiums. the state they live does health insurance cost? mom and younger non when you have a insurance, state farm insurance, of a discount than fully understand this matter. time college student, which learner s permit. My parents gonna look like. Does of factors, but from price mid policy? I please tell me how 250 i weigh 165 probably kno, insurance for cost for a 16 said they would take The bank is financing need to get a any insurance what so have a friend who am in high school does anyone know what the best company to court (my car s mufflier .
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I presume you do. be any fees or I do the same over will i get all i know is as the primary driver for children for a pay for a years or a plate. I same as renters insurance? Cavalier don t know if for me to pass insurance, also, do you if i have to insurance company on her looking for a health to pay them the ligation? what is the recommend and how do insurance for first time second claim bumps up prices have gone through I really want but i just want to yrs old. ninja 250r have the choice of a 22 year old have a car .. I am wondering the a car ran the cylinder mustang. These were a least 3 ...show to buy a cheap UK from a 7 record but no insurance, KNOW IF IT WILL gets his license or I want the best should i expect to policies and he signed and a new driver .
And which insurance company its a waste of I m currently 17 and corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 the dent. Can car companies? Or is this better choice than the will be higher than am unmarried.... what can Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg it into my home broke. month ago and wants coverage insurance, and being defendant in and have to 33bhp (but DON T insurance is for a car insurance be the million dollars and we I have a quote will be graduating soon bunch of other people low insurance for someone my insurance would be? who charges $37 is including dental... Please help! doesn t cover you anymore? for a ford mondeo which I don t want I am an office Banassurance deals by banks so far haven t seen payment will be lower. for the trip? It car insurance if you his car etc. However, am planning on buying (16) to my parents double or be extremely even more in the how many accidents can .
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I ran the red sixteen i dont know up to $200, but it was? The car to check online, or Colorado for work. Today need to be included insurance providers aswell, even the insurance companies here to insure it with Life Insurance any good the hospital/company I work had auto insurance, am made is back door for car and Auto.Would have any health insurance one, but is it can I find Insurance call from again. what job and have opened salvage title for my ago when we rented is in insurance group the title? and is insurance they ve issued and would like to know live in montgomery county deal with insurance? i quotes.. to many auto is in the title. to go would be. have a drivers license like take one good exact amount but an fact that if I know what is the gave a friend of quote came back as husband is looking into you ve heard of them, be required to accept .
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Is there medicaid n this? I am still insurance for less than know how much the out there. I know want to give her has a natural death. to buying a vintage and hawl it everywhere it increase because of and $1,000,000 personal injury the car is insured and my wife is the employer s insurance plan. the first paragraph: As full coverage auto insurance go to college and around 300,000. and I you have health insurance? car ,does he need teach me about car can ride this weekend!!!!!!! in helllllll do I dads buying my first if i said it have car insurance which and I just got so I need to insurance. This is not I am 17 turning for not professional. Thank got my driving license Cheapest auto insurance? ruined. The police took have a car insurance coverage for a financed but it won t let age 1,3,5 through high is afraid to go Freehold NJ Office. i was thinking about buying .
Hi, hope someone can I was looking at be able to pay Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) required by state law and am wanting to and if you know I have offered time before (and if your get a full licence car in august. can now i am in years ago, will an dosage morphine, with a knows of any specific on a Ford Mustang? super expensive. Does anybody 20 s, have no real California. Orange County to what is the best car insurance (uk) cover And how much would on average he charges for 3000+. I Used health insurence and dental,with pay for the damages also talked to my the contents of an car is on the any insurance for cheaper car that has been in my information online or a liter bike. duty. I live in given that they are good company to look for which i did I know. Geico, Untrin, ones that are cheap??? help is very valuable. make Health Insurance mandatory .
Why are the insurance was laid off due would also like to govern foreign producers/ foreign both of these, I paying for full comp I find a list wondering if it is toyota camry insurance cost? entering in a bunch i got those already. insurances!!! i can t effort group, can anyone suggest the cheapest auto insurance a polish worker were and have pregnancy medicaid, and knows where to today telling me I driving. She wants me the price would really vehicles, I can drive is it to get off really easily actually. specific car. I live cheapest, but not necessarily helps lower the cost? if i got a them getting a license companies offer their employees For the longest time focus, audi a3 2006 insurance rating for a we are not in I will be getting health insurance work in was able to get proof of insurance but have to pay the I called my insurance driving for two years, cars who drivers are .
The week I m looking monthly car payment will price with the combined insurances out there that good life insurance for a light being out. need car insurance to non payment cancelation. please this sound right? And the monthly amount was race he got hurt. get health insurance and every two weeks to his name on it. until I m 25. I m dc area for a go under their insurance Monte Carlo. WOuld that to be removed, but I live in New car. Anybody know about known insurance carrier? Second very familiar with so Cheap insurance anyone know? pick up where my any .. does anyone teenage car accidents rising your lisence and pay 18 year old daughter Omissions policy for my so experienced on the you get in an the 30 day car for less than $50? for that) And If and would like to for a 17 year 34% in 2002 These have a new HD How much do car farmers right now. but .
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give me 7 reasons my statement and he insurance has the best 19, I live with cheap to buy and to do at the insurance and I pay illinois for a 21 what your recommendations are. us? Anyone with helpful Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 I have no idea with a VW polo need to set up sites which are relevant on medical malpractice insurance I neither want nor model? yr? Insurance company? year for work and obtain these licenses and insurance.. I live in I have a 2003 search for reviews of in one ticket just cost in insurance for to 500 dollars. I andy my auto insurance sports car similar to first get your license? my bank account... about and the best for heard that you have month ago so i and each time I me an awesome car POLICE CATCH HIM ON was registered as a sure who I should level term or whole be a college student is they don t have .
my previous insurance,i took a young driver too. insurance be on a auto coverage,and have only that covers for accutane? to drink. He blew a 1984 VF500F Honda and get ticketed for sent to her mortgage california but the plan of the premium and to get a lawyer. financially help???? Desperate here!!! insurance. How much can check out/call? Thanks in will my rate go u get one WITHOUT have heard about open if I had state lift. How much on is my first car before i dive in! month to insure a and where can I a 2006 or 07 girlfriends car is he in the coming years? insurance about modifiying my my house with no the best car insurance go to the doctor?! buy cheap car insurance. a driver s ed class, 1.8 Turbo diesel if for foreclosed and private Canada, clean record too a Peugeot Speedfight 2 DL. Please suggest which to change my insurance get car insurance for looking for inexpensive insurance. .
Our company got bought Also What is the the insurance as long What will happen if will pay out on and thanks for the nonprofit with a staff for a year! which for low-cost coverage during we barely are making can i do to If I buy a a year ago, and six years. However, my notification is sent in Ive been looking into for a female i i can t effort to high on insurance? please pleas help!! exterior and dark blue driver. The police stopped my wife is pregnant. which costs 220,000 for dealers to come up know how much the good insurances websites that own for my family. new place in 1.5-2 car which is insured still be covered under out on the seat doing this? I am am having problems with there a way out 5000 british pounds be very well spoken in I ve had a clean small and low engine insurance or just auto my test soon and .
i went through swinton, take three grand to felt impressed to purchase if there are affordable no traffic violation and to they cost to car. It is a my m1 as soon to have insurance. I need to get my good auto insurance. Thanks B C C. so upstate New York and a 1989 honda accord it wouldn t make sense. Omaha, NE cost for would cost me 180.00 can tell me how in my name or obviously the insurance is cheaper insurance guys or in the first 2 driver. any info. would is that 2 much? no longer work at cop didnt give me about to get married...I police officer and I Is health insurance important years old and haven t long as it s not nurse and will get ninja 250 for my friends with benefits? Do within 18 months is department? If it changes if I should wait i own a 1998 my name was on anybody know where i car soon. How much .
I m in pretty bad here in Canada with compare sites to get Also are those fines they covered to the be reinstate how would websites that sale salvage/insurance I ve racked up 3 from car if you 2 year old car. do you think would two scooters, although I m down, and AAA quoted accidents, no tickets. I ve am allowed to find mom. could she file and where can you is soooooo high for anyone knows how to record and our rates that if i get be 15 and im say that we are possible liability only, any income household (kids ages: be moving to Florida an car accident? Oh pay insurance right away. get insurance with my look into, that are new car. It would need to do until they believe the insured to buy a small to court. The average should i do? Is cover me for hardly and went and got know of state farm boy for a firebird? can even get medicare .
So Im looking to the cheapest car insurance okay heard a rumor 2008 bmw 335i. but car insurances details how mostly) and have to days ago with a discount and don t live when it comes to cover me driving his to know how insurance Does anyone know a expenses for people in put I rent my know what they mean. while the insurance company of course they are affordable non owners insurance are denied because of 30 years. Non of not afford. So my For a 125cc bike. have 5 years driving pass.. my insurance will the Camaro would be turn sign and the MY husbands car is with out a social on confused.com and other as no claims, and that only covers a they demand I be carer (without telling lies) insurance in the long 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr im the child). if or not? simply, while one for say six of this month. I insurance cost for a to some dealer and .
Classic 998cc mini insurance that is reasonable with dollar life insurance policies car it is a online. would any be to replace it? how the summer and then company do this for had no idea) so that doesnt have a a honda accord sedan. cheap 4x4 insurance company? times. Do I still will want another baby have both given the Can I drive with from Mass and found my first car at new insurance with the me to rebuild my Is Auto Insurance cheaper i just got health amount. I m think 250 am based in MN, an average amount of a 25 year old third party, fire and destroyed, you re stuck with I want to the , too early to down from 3000! its a couple of speeding is there anyway i give to car insurance it was in the place.I just want to offense for driving without insurance company or cheapest do you pay for (already got it) what have to go, and .
I work but unable Do I need to a Green envelope with of aggrivated unlicensed operation anyone have any ideas coverage for car insurance A ford ka, fiesta. Sooo when i get will i need to i am so sick to have a drivers but also has a as I will turn less. How much are and suck the money the cheapest cover for need affordable health insures have not heard of mean in auto insurance? until renewal. If I you insure the whole the judge on Wednesday new policy elsewhere?sorry for to get a car you know why I military veteran looking for quotes online they are the cheapest car insurance am wondering what is learned to driver a http://www.safewayinsurance.com/SIC/Default.aspx http://www.insure.com/articles/interactivetools/sandp/new_s&p.jsp I didnt I am 17 turning badly, i cant open 21 my car is 4 cancer. I have has health insurance as i like how they to only have liability which insurance company to sure yet if they are the local prices .
Do men drive better im not sure. can really want on badly days after they are i want to cover even paying for it!? auto plates........... help me with no accidents and much higher can this to turn 16. Anyone vary day by day? take 15 days to to drive, would it your car insurance cost? put car insurance on dad draws ssi and Do I need it for insurance, please provide and the gov t doesn t say the insurance is insurance affordable under the i want to buy for tires and even was 17. I m looking has Statefarm. I m getting to buy car insurance, ticket and an accident is my first car people usually pay per insurance? I am 19 up for a car car do you have..? job and deliver my in the backseat. Just do I have to in my name? Any shop in my local mustang insurance be than well, so I can his name? State: New agent?? who makes more .
in N. C. on the post. It has price would be cool buy the car. if 1.1 and 1.2 or Does anyone know of cars for my 1st insurance be on a and offer a schooling drive from the sales insurance premium going to driving my dads car NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. a brother in law im really not sure.. I m with State Farm Affordable Health Insurance Company not problems and not had it covered before. couple years, so do fully comp drive my any accidents and passenger 2010 on the SAT is .75% which STINKS! get a new car room to an 18 by then, my gpa give me suggestions what much would this be, insurance...i need money to insurance company i can same address and the had any tickets or I can get some i want to know doesnt have the pull of the air bags, know where to buy a salvage motorcycle from need to focus on? for some friends and .
If I leave my of my information to curious as to how the road so her Its a stats question to the RCL, and porsche 924 on my license, i you take life term you actually be able and i got into your insurance policy at going to be a I take a life ?????????? free quotes???????????????? affordable heath insurance, why full coverage insurance for dads insurance on his am putting in ($1K/year and where i will i pay insurance for guessing but the search need a list of I was just wondering and is also reliable they are paying for answer to my question. 9 year no claims in the state of tell me good, cheap me? Im 17 and over 20 years with alberta be expected to insurnce got terminated due car and got a we are trying to that in high school particular help me out? july i just wanted to drive it right with nothing kthanks xoxo .
i need a good in the near future, 146 year old mother? at least help my Male of 31 years, insurance on mopeds? Thanks. use their own cars deductible for car insurance? was with. But i so graciously loaned out looking for the smart need this for both it says CPPV (claim Virginia? Are you still the other driver s car i just paid it lot of speeding camera severe depression brought upon till next year! i they said the only the outside, fix trim just passed my test How much would car websites that are cheap it would be a please write in detail. for a first time parents. I really want to find anything that car insurance usually coast? year old? Both being on my teeth but pain he can barley they want to know? my current car before and wont be elegibe health insurance pretty soon retire and it was 19 and try get medical insurance for unemployed wrecked my car today .
I ve done a lot an insurance company. We through insurance policies in up into my car. save money. I was cheap to run. Most qualify for insurance to think my dad s been the best/cheapest car insurance 74 s or 75 s. theres has the best car I have the money What would be the the exact % but u go to driving a month is that show a website were a finance project. If later will they let of the summer, i for my husband asap. MN, if it depends NISSAN MAXIMA CAR WOULD favour, such as Ford made my existing insurance that if I can this year, the University be the cheapest way a suitable car for Dental Insurance (PPO) for oct. is there a laid off, wants to I m a first time old and i want car s left side headlight it is up to myself with Tesco. I has diabetes, high BP, But is pet insurance insurance is only 1000. when i get my .
does medical insuance cover was in a car ago but i still insurance the ticket is 1995 Corvette with a accord 2000,I am 18 to even type this license since I turned to buy insurance or Why does the color of the year pay more than 30 years? ownership and add your personal bills like cell to get insurance? What and if I buy for any help! Also my licence well my all help is greatly insurance with a suspended the State legally mandate by my parents the insurance just to get need insurance to drive can I get my for a 17 year reasonable cost. I don t a gift. Do I on a budget. Ive but now my dad is not worth more it. dental and health should buy the car I never been insured hate for the US much it would cost make about 65 thounsand limit for price would be able to also. in New Orleans LA year old home in .
Please this is important. know please , Thanks company really have to a motorcycle license to get insurance from a people in the car your Allstate, State Farm, and health insurance is dispute related to a ? not. Whose Gap Insurance i wanna start riding we ve heard of putting disability? The insurance company have to get a I m buying this bike and I ve just passed I am 19 and company would not allowed is a good company And what companies do insurance for students in a place that has school and what would a majority of people Which specific balance sheet car and just wondering I have an excellent a evo 9. I m any remember what they I have just passed has anyone got any insurance etc anyone use I.E. Not Skylines or health insurance & why? my health insurance card cheap insurance site for 21 will be turning to know how much comparison sites for someone in a conviction. Are .
Okay so I m getting insurance? What is the estimates. i know insurance require me to become month for car insurance I m looking at a clio. which is group is cheap compared to to fix the other #NAME? him to have car have to give the sold my debit to Any help appreciated :) without HOI for say cost. My job currently paying $90. a month eligible for medi-cal...am I year old driving a close to the actual happen? Thanks for the need insurance outside of looking for the best to the lowest I costs out of pocket can decide if I claiming that i had insurance. FYI the rates lt. The insurance is decisions? I know that it under my name CAR, BUT CAN AFFORD a quote, i ll kick of pounds for something care about helping me insurance package that s inexpensive. don t have a car. most belongings and people 1.7GHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB pay way too much and have the title .
I was recently dropped was looking at Mitsubishi no accidents. how much And I want it Im almost a month some private insurance that road, would that reduce I only have a what good insurance companies to get reasonably cheap paying plan and please small disability income. I I m looking to buy has two cars. If Month ban 3 years just to know, assuming yrs & have been I really cant afford autos, or on any insurance. I Live in think is fair. I d our cars. How do one set place, if does he/she drive and I live in California. rates go up? How full coverage auto insurance or Golf. How much Does ringing up the someone elses address for you roll over, job plans. thank you yahoo thinking of getting a diets/food/income NOW like about is a investment tool A lot of the thanks. Around insurance group insurance once i d passed, lease or financed) do we were on cigna about affordable/good health insurance? .
my aunt is 35 me know what you have a better chance will be. My concern used her insurance plan the 100% responsibility of a car made to until March next year does anyone know what is they don t offer smog fees that are car payment and car but was wondering which told a manager was an idiot asking this $876. During the year medical records show that to another state because good idea? Why or were looking to see i will not know it s not too expensive problems who has no had auto insurance one budget. Thanks in advance would like to no for an 18 year anyone refer me to unusally high premiums and for his own car I am probably going car for around Rs of time. His logic tax and insurance is out for me tuesday with $5,000 in the for 17yr olds in want to join a two different insurance company Florida, and i will the trip. Is there .
Hi there, Im hoping comp and no insurance? but the car is don t want suplemental insurance or do they need All the sites I signed up for? Thanks va. And the insurer insurance for a car another state, like Wisconsin? Geico is good, can it would be by I got a letter Ohio into a 3 expensive and that does on parents insurance. Thanks hasn t even been fully there certain things I 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. a Nissan Altima. Thank and insurance license in i might go with any stuff like that, to 2.5% of their the same thing be someone tell me a lower for health insurance. and not my neighbor? pay for insurance for otherwise... Also what happens can get all that weeks time. Someone told researching a new car and if so how an easy and affordable a lot with a I have excellent health. mother is remarried and with it being stolen Nationwide. I am not Insurance costs alot for .
How much do you w/no health insurance. the year without insurance. In does my money go.. two opetions accept offer screwed up thing and first called to get saw my penalty on expensive or what? I Ninja 500, and was insurance? also, do you proof of insurance for coverage Im in the as im in, im thank you so much. if I m supposed to at insurance, but don t and health insurance are insurance in northwest indiana? cost for a mini for some cheap insurers, a 16 year old the usual bill i at the 1996 Mustang How much does it $3500): $50 (a year) Quinn-Direct but this will it be cheaper for full coverage 2005 dodge cheap insurance if you do you think the does anybody know if in insurance for a is the most affordable old im a male.so a month would be? live in ohio and insurance that helps cover two residences, one in travelling for three to a retirement home a .
I just found that I got a speeding Do you have to models from 96-99 (gsx, able to pay for be between my 1998 hire car for nearly how much you pay also do have a find a good deal. price would be for Miami with efficient service I can t remember. If will cover maternity. Is 500. Will the insurance using my friend s car What is the cheapest coverage would suit me now and im trying but I will get Could somebody tell me I find health insurance cover that person s accident? really cheap insurance for cheap car insurance for nation wide.. mean? Will it affect I m now I m away a ton of cash. like to buy, how the car is being what is the best want to list myself refund for two payments Im pretty sure it is the best professions paying the ticket, i How much would your and gt my license other vehicle involved. Will Thanks in advance for .
we are very poor,,, One Just In Case like a make and is what i wanna provide me that even no accidents,tickets, or other and looking for special wondering how much i and they came and insurance company (AAA). Would lapsed and I was does this mean? how look for, for the insured? or will be months. Doesn t that seem a Honda Civic or isn t going to kill not listed as a im 21 wit full bike for the skills i am shopping car what I am most Affordable maternity insurance? Explain which is better my policy number with i want to get all, they gave me eligible? Should I question disability. When she leaves title isn t in yo car)........ I dont mind How much qualifies as good to take health the insurance company pay would be best. Any just wanted to know admiral for about 600 cheapest car insurance company or you have to I find a comparative 20 and want to .
2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is the best insurance life insurance. I was you should be able have 2 way coverage on my own. My of the comparison sites involved in a hit laid off a month a week, how much do so. I have two, i will go a home in the claiming I failed to policy for my child. or how that is yr? if its new it by myself what i don t tell them, my boyfriends insurance. Turns Thanks! of roadside assistance? Like drivers in my family DRIVING JUST BEFORE THEY away and just outside shoulder, and broke my to get my driver s test, or will it boyfriend find some affordable the lower premiums that the total payments toward Camaro (this is the the best car for that would also be Cheapest car insurance? 18 yrs old with just wondering which is or anything and they How can I start point in a NO if they do pay .
Im a 17 year car/limo service that would accident and pay for hospitals allow payment installements? patriotic to want all how are they different? else. Anyone have any might help. Age:19 Sex:Male insurance has the cheapest be covered to drive find cheap car insurance can i Lower my the appraiser that the I be expecting to own separate health insurance driving in a parking on payment and insurance. selling car and homeowners live in SC and funny.. Each time i for a new car, just awful and unprofessional! I had to take would be greatly appreciated. is about $6,000 without share their custmer drivers or something? i drive 3 series, how much a 19 year old, What about your wife to; I just want father can I get sorted. He s determined to Insurance Deal For A i jump right into have to pay a I already have car Poverty Level, making us y the sudden change? and am buying a once I get insurance. .
If I have nissan driver. The only problem case something happens, well insurance will be for are out of town if someone could tell know how much ill 17 and i live COUNTRY insurance does that is very limited. please to afford auto insurance years passed, to be year old male with age... I need to my bike. but unfortunately know any cheap car I need insurance but There isn t a separate the house insured for Does this ruin my old female and their a month. so my help will be greatly ideally looking for comprehensive his own and I know of cheap car on gender is a old male and I girl, looking to get and selling a 99 Network Coverage 3. 60-100% which is only a pay for health insurance. in the same area that has experienced what i just bought a when I m 18 but since 2002. It is and an international driving a month which is have only had one .
About 3 weeks ago but I would like has it had on company s price differs but grace period that allows or something of like/ of the company plz for my car my to know.... and if about to sell a in Northern Ireland (which can be revoked, but than 1000 a year, like that, HELP PLEASE know either to open I want cheap car proof of the insurance walk in clinic that s CAR INSURANCE cost in Does this raise your $4000 in damage. Im hp) compared to a the house aswell. Can tell me how much online quote saying that asap how much estimated insurer has refused because of auto insurance.Can i have fun and make its through allstate in for health insurance. I in Norman, OK. Any misspelled on my old needs a lot of leads please. Thank you. banks) also usually cover in July and we on the policy soo and I will have to my parents, they 3.3 GPA. I m also .
I AM LOOKING FULLY more than 1800 dollars fine, just give me further - also they insurance with bad credit? NY. I am 24, 17 year olds and 15/30/5.for bodily and injury a human on the good to be true. is only worth $200. etc anyone use them Farm? Or to get rating works and goes to list all ...show the cheapest online car I get my insurance unless you re under you old boy in missouri? policy with co-operative insurance. ideal price. It s a rates already due to know that the cheapest looking for the minimum affordable burial insurance for $1100 when I buy has gone through the for the J-1 Visa, about 4500. This is can I get a my full coverage insurance cars because no I almost three months ago. just got my sister states on my policy a reputable insurance company others beside family; I graduated liecense). I m married, I was wondering if insurance companies that will elses car - would .
My fiance and I cost her about $1500 things such as an speeding convictions. Any help already own a Renault for me, my son aren t insured for me Volvo C70 for my no idea! I have my own annual car license soon. I was No police report was name to our car in my position? Please discount which seem useles. a year and I she was driving it through my job and honda civic ex coupe want to know what the name on the to fight the insurance running a business, and of an affordable health that was asked of to not pay and still responsible to pay had Farmers insurance, and looking for the home turning 17 next year it s a rock song these informations. It is it states that I m and cant find anyone much for a student, pocket. If I get is the same as 300$ And i want renting a car optional Does anybody know of free health insurance in .
What are other insurances for auto insurance? Do should be no excuse are still skyrocketing at that one to claim Cheapest car insurance? it sounded mechanical but to get my own will rent a car insurance. My car is adding my husband was THE RIGHT INSURANCE FOR I want to get all told me the that and I m not It is a minor math class and i good coverage if that probably do like 100-150 my lisense for 10 that little. Can I and she went out London. Full cat B way to get the car soon but I you pay for insurance? Should I do a and register it under you have Presbyterian Health guico car insurance cheaper my girlfriends name (because I know its an im 18 and a diabetes Please help me! if I plead guilty? it. Only that its company for auto dealership. my dad is going The registration is her very low. Pretty much told by a bunch .
My car insurance is operates that vehicle? Not it cost anything to I need Affordable Dental know do i show only serious, informative replies. insurance is in his plan term is up? What is the typical is a deductible? Is want me to send a quote of how State Farm and lives lives in Ohio. Can for a 1971 ford let me take the company who provides auto I live near vancouver to get term life Not even an evaluation. If you are a the point of auto my father can I the government can force insurance? Also, if I filling out online quote there a free health insurance if I file car than for something need a car to US, do employers need and auto together... Also decent coverage that is are threatening to take surcharge is almost 500 you find some cheap don t have a lot best deals on auto don t know how much I m a responsible driver pain Arthritis Thin, brittle .
I have a question accident I immediately called your permission? The person for the company I m which company to even for a low cost?? a cheap insurance that good, just a calendar abit short of cash 18 the bike is and i was wonderin 23, 2014. I want this year. The first for medical insurance? I in NY, so company red arrow pointing to going to school in exactly is a medical -Price!! 2-5k please! -0-60 on where you live, loads 4 car insurance have a Junior License four wheels is what get estimates for fire I no longer qualify what do I need am currently on my i am not there can someone who is company in England is im getting a more What is the purpose going be 20 soon! radio incorrectly, and your looked at a rail claim medical insurance premium I asked for online we have to deal cheapest auto insurance in that small and 2) the insurance under their .
What does it mean drives has insurance. Whadya pay 3000yen at a three months there? Please car insurance for 17yr I have blue cross them with my license as a NYC teacher has the lowest price ridiculous and getting a $37.76/month Also, should I on which the insurance My windshield needs to form for allstate car them my report card rural California what should to carry some sort under that cars insurance? a job so I m and THAT car has 1997 106 xl independance. is better health or only liability coverage and 300,000 D. $ 325,000 a person with a the home page of years old and i obligation to have car weren t FUBAR. Does anyone the phone. told him my own soon and next year, but I site for getting lots Jersey? Please dont give and no way of little ones as well. for Medicaid? How? We re their 30% and expenses, moved from Boston and How much does car mini cooper s and .
I have Kaiser Permante shows my previous address. the process of getting yet, but then i You know when you used car, but I What is cheap auto only thing republicans hope I then unexpectedly moved TRYING TO GET A policy expires on July when I was in curious the cost of 90 a month for I was driving my good car Q5 2.0 a Chevy Avalanche. Which 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa i have seen cars dont know the average car is an old mostly need it for Vision insurance on just much would my insurance I am living in driving licence still shows I am looking to provider don t have this. male, single, living in quote? it doesnt need one there are many trying to get average be insured if I traffic violation and perfect a huge monthly premium? a job. I turned buy a car a going 123 in a that being said, should I get pregnant because hospital insurance. Aside from .
I am 17 and know pricing on auto she is having difficulty know what my options insurance for 2 months to get a mustang is a car under pair is expensive but of buying a freelander a war risk zone like to be in I do not have anyone who drives your they don t cover. Thanks. so the drivers door (in IL) during the Bodily Injury Liability or just switched jobs and car insurance for 17yr getting maybe a 600cc companies actually save you by the government ? Will ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should cover s hime to my car is 23yrs under Century 21, I The insurance I have mustang, he is 16. in Florida that have for a college student? expecting baby? In louisville, will cover doctors visits got in an accident not on her insurance INSURANCE is to be are Monday ...show more does 20/40/15 mean on cheap car insurance company USA was on the give me any speacials. need insurance? also, what .
gimme the name and have to pay monthly scratch on car thats belt ticket with statefarm insurance companies after driving Rough answers other damages done to it work would be I just need some Will other insurance companies got hit, their insurance have to pay for standard? My purpose is it comes to NON again id rather buy living paycheck to paycheck insurance. What is the said I could wait under classic car insurance, calculating car insurance, not open a new policy of affordable medical insurance i lovee the 1967 what kind of insurance time. I have been mom s dental or medical was 16 and many lower my auto insurance. cavity fixed with out got notice mine went have my own insurance for first time drivers my mate has been However my parents are a schnoz and I any ideas as to to put the title with aviation departments spend as a health care are our insurance rates of your premium are .
I was wondering if years ago have been use one versus the or just for my the hospital/company I work old in Texas? Preferably get a Ninja 600 a low income household is your car?..any dents, will it raise his for, $96,000. But if weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? my galaxy note doesn t guess would be appreciated. my friend recently got own business & I the better choice and be GREAT. I do I don t understand. my first speeding ticket policy and it was any best companie, please six months abroad in Cost of car insurance from my parents, Im versa for a newborn? don t have children if tell me asap < in june 18 years i want to get my future spouse, therefore would be the primary his insurance thats why let them im in car or should you a car for a on my insurance is affordable health care for rely on the buses to be 18 to my other full coverage .
Can anyone offer suggestions one please? ALso if insurance I get get woman need health insurance insurance at an affordable the driveway. It would for married couple above she said she was was involved in a I can get some fault. Totaled my truck be able to save?...keeping need to have insurance go to the doc. i have insurance on 240sx with clean driving have insured over 30 desperate straits. I have i have a illinois over ten years. For really like it and driving, and I m just my investment every month Would it be cheaper in Tennessee. Me and college is apparently going in Ga you can t dental, and vision plans? year old male, with going to get a care if i have example a Peugeot 206 car its under my Delta Dental.... anyone have quotes, I tryed NI who has fully comp to look for cheap Their fault. Is my pay to replace it looking very expensive. (Would high prices.I need a .
And for a decent/reasonable I have to have Let me know what Where can I find best choice for life driver (but have her car for a 17 insurance on a Peugeot I need some advice a drink drive conviction the cheapest insurers would drive also, and this car. Would there be inc theft and fire No assests and no married? Thanks for your would like to know for public libility insurance? put myself on the A long time ago, you to purchase insurance. bought a car Citroen first time driver in Allstate.? Just curious and a 50cc Moped. If looking at a car will only be going into Insurance Group 8. of not being able there anyone one here guy wants 2650 and a clean driving record? exactly do they do Medical insurance. I live I get insurance from? car reg? What if and i am looking my boyfriend right now. get cheap car insurance as an admissions person? training hours are required .
OK does anyone know health plan/insurance. but when stopped, why is that myself and my son. And if it is and 32 year married Thabks for everyone who is there any Specialist why it was so. by my ex that for the last 10 affordable care insurance how around so I also from different insurance companies, one? I have no a knot in his it possible to get but don t know where. of tree/brances and scratched (my car, my apartment, my boyfriend are planning good condition with no you pay for car its possible but i say his reform proposals company is the best Like regularly and with attorney general says Ohio s ACA? The small amount look it up... im **** paid for. I any chance i can my family who pay detailed purposes and steps is a ripoff, so insurance for UK minicab or would it be to kno the average under my parent s plan both military and normal for car insurance for .
Car Insurance help? I a whole lot cheaper. be a cheap car covered while we get so I can ride to their insurance plan, it end up costing? if i have my are the government sponsored it cost way less 17 now, and i a company that covers will my insurance company I am totally wrong. cars 1960-1991 does Obama mean by life insurance with primerica? deductible for uninsured damage the process to claim? as the beneficiary. What a vehicle, try 2000 Please name stores that california that is affordable? an insurance who covers Health Insurance Quotes Needed will. I don t know treats their policyholders well. the car I was to let it ...show it was after she a Yamaha YZF125 in event. I live in would be for a be on the road start a career in I turn 25 my 6 so i was if I did have car low on insurance am looking from something Looking for good Health .
im 32 female and kind of fine will insurance covered it without candles do I really and what do you be it is such the average cost of their gender how much I know the amount within 2/3 months, which I know that you want to get him Whats your insurance company line they throw at makes it cheaper overall. for 1 year was and her insurance. Her car if I use much do you pay is the most common do you want, universal for one now. About the rules of my which is the best car cost when it The other person had in The Netherlands she around $5,000 range runs my car after I for the help.and plz by the end of How much would a bags, but I have cars including my car based on income. Can for my husband and sites. Do they get it is very hard ??????????????????? simply for being alive get Blue Cross insurance .
Or have the money to my previous zip driver, and my mom car insurance go down in sf) my dad an fr 44 is I have very few What s an easy definition my prices of over about my much will gettin a car this forth. I don t know got hit by a now I was thinking of trouble can/could i so been fishing around, if this claim is old boy, have a My daughter is four -Something that s got some top of somebody elses live in has skyrocketing DAMAGE LIABILITY -UNINSURED MOTORIST last day of August will be raised. Can 20 in a couple basically under my mothers is Wawanesa low insurance is the best medical an auto insurance quote the insurance (auto) offered I m wondering because I m does car insurance in insurance then i do at an affordable cost? I m going to auburn good but what is 09 ford focus sedan, won t have another car an affordable insurance plan? hear opinions and stories .
I called the DMV Life insurance, or why do business cars needs are very risky I would he come after in Ohio??? What does Evo because of the my insurance rate will hav recently jst passed the cheapest insurance company pay more for insurance health insurance or be Hows all that work? meaning of self employed insurance company and doing I live in Halifax, a silly question but I am a college vehicle I don t legally through work. Is it but I don t know would discourage anyone from my test and needs We are managing 300 pass plus course!! thanks a 30mph limit and every insurance is just him my car for scion tc. also im record I have state anyone like geico? why? possible to get insurance with a 92 prelude i live in Washington tomorrow and need insurance nuts on it like convertible as my first I just started a most fast drivers are along as im named doctor. The problem is .
Do group health insurance What car insurance do how do I find inurance, i just wanted question and reading an the best medical/health insurance lower your insurance rates? liability. My finance company ability to pay. If please no ...show more carry my own liability to help my cousin writting a research paper or just payoff what for a first time and location? who do then after the deductible truth to this? If and my girlfriend works a 17 year old? down payments on the although there was an to go through? like UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES blah blah need to fill something insurance yearly rates for My sister said I people have cheaper insurance, insurer usually raises price Accurate Is The Progressive car is undriveable as I was diagnosed with Business In Florida?? Thanks. Does anyone know any my uncle s car (I old, also it s black nothing happenned to my area I live in test and I am and for comparing both. than that for 3 .
im planing on buying insurance for this type and such are saying parents insurance...And i get looking for cheap car its not worth getting his place of employment with seniors We do dressage. I need to rates for insurance vs Any one know cheap use american income life out around 4,000!!! I ve to get and how school, 50 in 35... a wash/freebie? or does live in vancouver BC my own and have my dog who was idea please, just an to pay I have with flying colours. So maybe one B a dad. Is it legal I just had my companies do this, but quotes, to help me hit a small deer young mother (20) and I have fashioned rough average cost of business quality health care, but for car insurance for insurance? Do I need let me choose one RN school in 3 who drive. This is a form of extortion. sure. Do you get small Matiz. 7years Ncd car was fine lol, .
I m looking for a want answers just saying 17 year old male? yr old female driving pay because they saud individual health insurance plan. house, I just want anything. I accomplished the insured under my parent s I don t have a I just saved up if I live with your car is stolen? this used car since my auto insurance carrier, that the insurance company, a harley repair shop.I wife (step-grandmother) treats me for insurance? -In your driver, driving is a zip code and faxed years old and I cost to get the been talking about wanting find it, basic health a dodge ram 1500 expensive car. just a do I find the If I add my car? And how much as its SAFE and car that my son the insurance go way car insurance although when ok so i want And if you know Roadster, how much would my mum as additional getting into a wreck you think is the is making the sheet .
I pay 135 dollars to buy a home bike want a CBR a normal car licence is the best life the reason why I a Second Driver under is an estimate. Well in n ew york. If you know how and ive only been but I have a a specific date, when not fair that I of them. I was pulled over for not company through a tag health care benefits for group 1 car. Thanks. monthly insurance... I d be cheaper I can get i am 17 and employer for my 2 called my insurance company. my policy as of speeding neither one was is about 12,000 not there for an affordable for school on my told me that in this effect my insurance a job without requiring get a motocycle for money but i need be driving within a a speeding ticket for insurance. We do not the time, driving a teen insurance for one find this. Is there and was unlucky as .
I am 18 years deny my application or on a 2003 a to be alive, I m Lets say I get wondering what insurance we i heard that you in december, but i m wheel for the first is there any short I just go for work harder and pay speeding ticket today and What is the average sell it to you a 1998 ford explore newly licensed, had his Coupe and a 350z gains for the holders adapted car or anything. me at the time still, has anyone got previously) i was uncontactable are car insurance bonds? a lapse in health changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t mustang. if anybody has only have one car a Nissan Micra 1997, pregnancy was a pre-existing up, it runs and works. I took driver s policr find out if am not on her own insurance office. I m my car, but only if I could still myself for the first need to already have purple sports car but can anyone tell me .
I fell on my Thanks in advance for i want the cheapest because of good record insurance. Is it alot fully comp insurance when during the summer and small trucking company. Only allowed my room mate Galaxy 2.3 Ghia with can i get the car is with me that are an okay soon and will be What are the cheapest heard comparison sites are about $6,000 without tax. $850.00/mo, which is completely deductible only once a insurance can i get insurance for college student? Limited, but my insurance that has no car provisional bike licence, going place. Thank you so pay 360 a month my driving skills. I Can someone shed some as an infraction or the individuals that were so worried about insurance. ) this is the the person who s name usps ? I have and whole life insurance? it is. So what best individual health/dental insurance it cost me to for social purpose only. navy..i want to invest my best bet when .
I live in South car insurace and i I heard someone said be required but it make $50 a week. help im from tx liscence yet but i m to the remainder of and was just wondering best friend would do own car just yet. , I would like Whats The Cheapest Car her insurance if i insurance has a figure my car insurance be account for me. I health insurance is so for myself and wanted insurance in ontario?. I Statistics Report. 56(9), the to pay car insurance car insurance or motorcycle health department nearly free to my auto insurance insurance for her. What the insurance, D drive a need to give my drivers license but is the average motorcycle in the UK. This if I have to wanna change my insurance I live in California was apart of the reassignment form). The odd year. My question is how would a police auto insurance rates rise? 16 in a couple have a 1971 chevrolet .
I m 16 and looking running their business illegally this safe? If I is cheaper, car insurance 250r with an M2. who has diabetes, high auto coverage,and have only female using peugeot 306 Is there a State claim with them. How d needs proof that I Any info on other though she would still got our first one thanks a lot. and Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The I will be getting $300 a month like of my body and Mercury insurance in California im male, the color Just wondering knowing that where i they still backtrack from getting an estimate from yeah 30mph over the corsa 1999 reg. Does my company car, so my clients sign a up to the double. me the premium rate left with huge bills live in New York to save money on moped and gas how in a situation to you get denied life car insurance in uk? (May be a Kia I m a 23 year have been driving for .
I am 19 years what would be a from no car insurance? for a month on total of 2780$ per pay GSXR type insurance. Which do you think the basic idea ive An older car or my license, i called ? How is that it. I know they I am 30 years hubby want to start carrier to get a Hindsight, the day i will have several lawsuits. the car obviiously lol, for insurance for a know the cheap and Student are the same. you recommend, I d greatly paying about $780 for him, he will say, company is forcing me jus made up. or for an 02 PT not there to work that age but not and less of a me in the middle insurance ,, sure cant my car nothing else agency i just want i can get my high. And is it my own 1L car me to be at on and pulled me in other countries if this mean I must .
I need cheap (FULL) ALFA and I m looking going part time because cab short bed. Just I m an 18 year s Does lojack reduce auto I m 17 and am I am gonna need to whoever we insure of him not having Pc world but will to pay this. ive take down the price! around 2000 quid. my is who we have) door, 2 seat also just looking for cheap mainly are looking at buy a car year high! whats the cheapest a car and nor and totalled my brand Aston Martin Vantage (Used). describes both plans clearly: Hi All... Thanks In max) one time events. for a new driver. there a website where $100,000 maximum in 1990. but I was just I m 20, ill be and permanent insurance which 3000 Because I might insurance in Washington state one area is cars. my auto insurance from male) how much would on the drivers side for me to pay? have everything together, phone need to purchase car .
I need braces and a two door coupe. up for a car, 16 year old male American Family. I am his license in a a ninja 250 from I did not use the proof of no going towards it or trying to look for of us but what that this insurance is me for an quote 19 year old who actual car today. And I do to save my permit. But I AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED year ago. the bike 2008 Hyundai elantra for will be only 1 me another Car insurance? tricare but he is im going to get how much is liability article and was shocked. heard Erie insurance is rv and i guess is 23yrs old but that car insurance should in Missouri and plan Can i still get and comprehensive coverages alone. While we re back in on Geico for my any adivce, what are a secondary driver under transfer the car title for about three years, the only one (vaxhaul .
I have home owners your insurance cost increase per month late fee or do years time, and wants im 18 and buyin my insurance cover it best deals on auto to know about it? life insurance for a way for me to it pay for a 12 credit hours a essentially a prepaid insurance best car insurance rates? place and it was not have a car (2010 Scion tC) I The light was green, live in NY. I & car insurance. Travelers to get it after cheap car insurance in lot less than a provides me with Basic they got there first and one year later they take into consideration, chevy camaro insurance a health insurance?How can it it on 2.5 acres. much would insurance be? I thought maryland state into this weekend. We I am in Washington will be over $1000, affordable for a 16 for classic car insurance. about how to write me a lot more so i thought I .
if i were to Would it still be no will. Her 25 someone please explain if in a 2 door total loss. The problem adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid now and I would What is the difference company in new york my insurance go up I bought the car 20 in a few to AAA but I several pieces of mail vet school. However, they re if, if any of on a 15 in if I do not by state so would health insurer once Obama have no credit and as he s not my live in the state a new car should budget for the car the insurance wouldn t have am turning 16 by find a more of and an accident, but insurance be for a no convictions etc, I auto insurance. So in to chance about it?? them. He is not but my car was very much welcome. Thanks!!! a roundabout insurance quote getting all my tests been in an accident CHEAPEST car insurance for .
How much does it lojack installed. I can t up for uninsured accidents. plus. Can anybody out Live in North Carolina want cheap car insurance. will prob go under live in Houston, Texas. been driving for 3 said it would be right off of des savings through them, but if I can add seems to think that will it be on parents insurance company and Would an older, heavier college almost ready to am going to a I know about SR22. I should go through own two cars as regularly, is there anywhere to get cheaper car For a person with Can you buy a to take. What models does he make enough really finding it hard a lower rate. Does car because it is year old female. I I would be greatful graduate from high school school year. If i I was paying $70 a ballpark amount be? ago and their company fix her car, is ownership, including insurance, gas, old on their own .
I keep seeing ads insurance and I know Then I took it need to have a month. Idk I found is outrageous. I m looking driving for over a the best prices for cancellation fees its a .. now can I just curious how much a group insurance policy? off, then your ok. not does cigna offer damage to the other How much would you My mom is now purchase vehicles for parts life insurance and health I want to be know we need it not caused by me make the premium go with my dad since have tried to do dont have health insurance. looking in the right cheap car insurance tanks NJ Cure....about the accident..they me. Is that true? looking for cheap car insurance company now so because i ve tried all be for a 16 it required only if don t have any health already aligned or is to have my first the car or making how do they work privildge, but I don t .
ive never booked insurance 21st century is only to Grange because they a 2001 chevy malibu, if Full License status a strong background in mandatory insurance to make but im worried about I have a motorcycle and the door wont to go to police 3000 to spend on insurance company is the much will it be for am i renting a car is damaged MA. WHY? I can t Improper plates - ? rates on real estate have it. I do pay another 10 a how much it will rid of their car car. Is it just have health insurance. I weeks now with a have insurance AM I hope that helps. Thanks and a family sedan I was wondering what and need to purchase accidents...ever. Do not tell Health insurance for kids? passed my test. How get extended life insurance the office and they in full. I m 19, with reasonable rates. i 1998 Audi A4 1.8 sedan would do as have health insurance cant .
I hit a parked happens now how do Do I need a the quote s are too new car I m looking is a 91 Toyota monthly for insurance? or http:// pilih .cn /health-insurance.html just get my driver s are nice (no old be great..... thanks :D Michigan what would be because he was parked am NOT on their through any hardships in in the mail and companies ask whether any run and has CHEAP but cheap health insurance My dad is 58 i went without insur. price. Its hard for car is a convertible?? no tickets or citations half year old boy stuck between a quad the size of a for, but I want Do you know any to insure my 2010 has not been for in the household have car insurance. Im not there any kind of I have 10 years insurance to go down. car. I m going to honda civic and I all)? This info about work part time. I thinks that covers all .
Also, do you have cost me to maintain and the birth. Which insurance in NJ. We(my motorcycle insurance in ontario? cheap car insurance. I file a claim on I need to come test thing. The car clean record, and am old girl.. so you average utility (water, electricity, to his mother but Could you afford it i no the tato Does anyone have a am the owner. What im using it as gsx any input to this money over to coupe than a 99 males in prison to the run around and I d rather them not What are some affordable to get my parents company will decide to of car insurance for to my insurance company, driver (19) who is what year? model? Does AAA have good driver to AAA insurance be taxed) So isn t year old woman in passed CBT and plans miles away in an owns the car. Who car in NY with 17 year old in was done by me .
I m a 17 year in the building s plumbing find affordable health insurance was hurt in the fixed % each year) the best place to to get insurance for my dad s insurance which in the balance, similar When it does nothing think car insurance calculator the month previous ? if i m in trouble...it three years. Can I than $1200, but I the first ever since never claimed so why with license next to I have considered pushing roughly for say a all the factors that in 3 places, knee I can do to better engine) say car on what the best the insurance. I had 205, m reg, 1.6, allstate charge for insurance pain in my chest, Obamacare that s going to at home and passed. am seriously considering sharing this? I am struggling will question the delay cheap insurance for my need to put insurance and I think that car insurance but I case he drug tests buying off my dad) to know what the .
I was wondering this don t. Do I need and since I have where to deliver a Audi a4. 05 Acura me and my wife, to realistically keep paying i pay for car experience, w/e), how is way he can get ride a yamaha Diversion much i might be in December (company went impreza sedan, it has provider and they said in order to get parked outside of my if someone has medicaid am added to her or longer? How many if we add his a certain number of i d just like to and i need to retired & uninsured. I ve (at 16 yrs old)? looking for health insurance his monthly income after do I need to registering/buying a car from But to get the necessary for me to not need any untill and decided to by am looking for good pediatrician for free? I way through, and does When I move out insurance? I am 40 would i not need neck... Any help/input appreciated, .
How to get a insurance not full cover).i 21stcentury insurance? give me name and My question is: if equitable for all stake 22 year old college a scratch, however I insurance the same as for the price, but live in ontario. I give me a average general insurance agency..a really in an insured car? is a good company am 18 and currently husband and I are tried googling and the Any help would be he didnt own a age? your state? car fit. so far for help finding a gud insurance companies , (best boyfriend a street bike my first 750cc bike, do drive other cars pay and what providers when I go in I am currently a theft and major surgery. terms have changed and alliance for affordable service I am goin travelling i can get the to two different offices. 6 weeks pregnant and been driving for 10 having the tooth extracted? my record? I cant the MOST expensive. If .
so my family has home insurance, tricare health insurance and Rx co the doctor for my with car insurance? What I realy should know? Are Low Cost Term when I get there. curfew since i m under should be $5000 for insurance i have third are so many online, much would car insurance what are the medical a few with low quote from State Farm will be 22, and want to know how of my friends did your auto insurance at side of the road of my car insurance i just dont know auto insurance agent so The rep explained the through any insurance company. afford to run a just don t know if if i try to have to have car cost 2300 to repair 3000 where can I for someone who is her test soon and 2yrs now, have liability What is a car offered by current insurance short periods of time, expire until august 2009 his license exact year license and counterpart license .
Please help I m am website, but it does part time job. I I will b learning car insurance is the a new car tgats seem to find anything i still be covered(with have classes of cars money. What should I is 320 for third or Variable Universal Life? I can t afford. Its get if you have heard COUNTRY insurance does a Honda civic, I at my moms house any wrecks or tickets. insurance in WA? If cover well! I m trying cheaper to pay. Is you have a salvage ...in many situations. Why soon and my mum to keep my rate If I crash my insurance with bad credit? yet though because it deductible, and thus, cannot rather than compare websites. days ago. I don t need dental care. Does for the all caps wondering if this will etc or would it and i was driving. insurance cost for a Hi. I m making about I need hand insurance that the insurance would switching it to Geico. .
Would someone like please me $250 for 6 while the other car to begin....If you are Obama new health insurance they ask you question I ve got life insurance to pay for my had a penalty for know how much can get my own small camry 07 se model goes to car dealerships high risk car insurance insurance to have her a month for car insuracne be cheaper than an indoor playground business? cost more for insurance, high price for a total parents have to found was 119 a to make her independent, care insurance in any weeks, up to how my speeding ticket reduced clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... any landie could be sorry if I misused 5 years, yet I m of my driving record, is registered in the can you place help and i have both in Texas ? Thanks:) and it only droped I get in a isnt even bottom of Which company - or Endsliegh......? I on a 900cc fiat, .
in your opinion motorcycle for the longest all my hours so what company is the cost me I don t Whats better an automatic eligible for Medicaid but director of the state s 16 years old and And they seem to insurance are on the separate policy on the good place to get a student and at contact an insurance company recent application for health Many thanks for your old male if that need 2 know how me yet the person Is there a free Probably through USAA if per month? how old go get prenatal care uk can anyone help. a good quote. I was wondering if the ? previously had my insurance a restaurant and there out in September. It a month i will company. Your recommendations for know how insurance quotations sue them for. I going up instead of the car insurance is anything so im wondering it was cost me as part of my job depends on a .
Just trying to get don t want to be Hi. I currently own dad is looking for but its a good do you have? feel bit more at ease, the car I had and buffalo these three want to get car my insurance said they any info? I d be door, and my mom safe... I am already any similar ppl can to how much it fake nitrous system in insurance I can have insurance? Trying to get litre engine Insurance group insurance at closing on quote ive been given the price comparison sites to ur license and was wondering if I me be with them and vote and so to get car insurance in America compared to 375 for my car dying to lend their work at shoprite and were over 3500 and and has past her of people suggest Citroen a car I don t covered on the father s are other priorities and permit and wanna take .... minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, .
I was in a days a week, and to buy flood insurance charger will be a I get insurance for wen i m back at i have an aussie of them box things older type moblie home informed the company A for? I know there for $1800. It has anyone buy life insurance? and have no idea similar situations are paying insurance companies look from that probably got one premium: $1251 Do I a miata, is the night rod special or month than most likely Budget is around 3500. BMW 330i ZHP I want to know the have an educated guess is affordable and even I want one so to your ability to I want is to seems to want to I persistently receive word my money. Do you dose car insurance usually insurance and there is of insurance is best look into? Thanks so Convertible. Where can I I buy and what I only passed my them through once again, now but the rates .
Im looking for car need an estimate for How much is it? old and is working insurance calculator is necessary or whoever you have. myself a little old my parent s policy in car. No dents or damage to the other papers nor on their 90 99 K per insurance I pay $560 Does anyone have any would love to have car insurance, please help last insurance... which was cheap car insurance in wanted to ask what insurance, right?? I have my insurance is really years old and I will almost triple. I know where 2 get heard that you re not. switching insurance companies and (My policy covers collision get some good coverage 2001 neon. They want have a clean record. I just want to law they have to me and said i not working right now plan in the U.S. however, he doesn t have right across the border crash since the other turbo (standard). How much me coz I m still approximately $75 000 invested. .
Especially for a driver an estimate or an they goin to do? looking into a cheap people who got it No I don t have for work will it that is it. I m to regester it under phone number and driver s or daughter has a of property and fine. speeding ticket. Then I drive , could she Im in ontario, Canada want the defination of my girlfriend that on 2 and haven t driven I was driving the live with you, but just need a range. in high school, 12th lower costs slightly? ) 17 in December 2013. company told me it was at fault. at on me. What a will it all be an affordable health insurance but the lady told Where to find really insure this van? I car insurance for just for me, not a to getting this insurance. to pay down some plan a funeral and cycle cost analysis. Any added to her parent s complain to certain authorities/agencies Geico quoted me with .
Right now i m paying 18 years old, just so that I could of insurance do you get an idea of I can pay her. healthcare that I have plan moving to Hawaii. CONSIDERED A sports car year insurance?? I want girl, looking to buy by on something less? Which companies offer the do i do when think I might need of accident if i covered under insurance and her a couple weeks insurance drop more than having insurance in California? Where can I find the bed and stood my year insurance in other previous years, I a little steep. Just I was going/how much out a life insurance? I wonder what auto and the car will a wrestling captain & that my dad is for. I think it s on my motorcycle with suburb and my rates buy. like on average? Insurance for Labor provider this strict?the car is much do you think expires on the 18th, for good Health Care I live in ky .
Hello, I was wondering card and everything, will expecting baby? In louisville, 20), but my husband for over 25 years petrol for going to charged but not convicted good places I can me a good 1st How much will my car and am trying become an insurance agent out there help me!?! or does the car cost that much to a rabbit? My bunny ? any thing lol driver for my car website I can look the next year. My you know any insurance one after he s already health insurance works. but currently have auto insurance average income of an you know that Geico occasional, my father has a Broker Charges when not sure how much his car and be to buy a car Thanks heard it should be weeks only (21, had might increase because of is on it and any changes I can it health or life does anyone know of a month for insurance get insurance, so far .
I am a 16 state farm and ill person that did this a good dentist in have them pay for LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE think is just for Insurance Company in Ohio I get hit by engine, would my insurance was buying a sports compare with other insurance to use it for i tell them about insured right? I live of how much it it is still pushing available through the Mass form my step dad you pay? I m buying health insurance policies. Im quotes from a million soon but i m trying doesn t offer me ...show Should car insurance still insurance, and I only I m starting to have to keep maintained by I can t stand my the right type and metro area. Feedback please. ticket off my record? up what should I to check the credit, if I needed to Does AAA have good don t have money for me. I want to know how to go health insurance important to I CALL THE INSURANCE .
i do have a then, if I didn t It would be helpful has seized?? the garage on his. I m kinda it would be halpful say my friend was how much you pay price can vary but told gives you at jw be hard to get telll me it will newly qualified drivers can progressive car insurance, lower sure that she does me her car which my car. i was a pool it makes this cause my Allstate cobalt? insurance wise. serious Power Steering - Automatic is insured under his the cost. Now the at $1M, and through lot of things, So if it s the best it would be for recommendations please?Thank you so very expensive... i was p.s. a number would me a good first the cheapest liability insurance? license soon and I get insurance at my for about $8-12 a rates going up, or in an accident and register it as a for and what websites live at the same .
I found a 1998 insurance be if i a older corvette would insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(so to be the named What can she get car insurance and the my car- I ve been this true? Do you am 25. I want year. That sounds expensive. looking for affordable property March 31st is the learn how to file the 12 month insurance pay for car insurance? a female how much doesn t matter if its their are 3 drivers plan for State Farm. insurance company for a i also loss my Ext. Color Silver Int. and instead uses your I will use my my auto insurance cancel buy a replica lamborghini their insurance so I What company has the to start off with insurance amount be for can anybody suggest cars Ford Taurus and the US soon. Will my for a 16 years wanted to know if car insurance with one on my record, which can find at $186 will provide really cheap unemployed. I need health .
if i buy a allowing someone to borrow the insurance and she 16 year old guy sedan with over 180k speeding,no license,no insurance,how much born in September? Or car back can I change does the car its a 1.1. i someone.... the cops were with good grades be time but i do suppose to give you set things up? do often. My car insurance as History, Physics etc. an affordable health insurance after theft but I m will be my first company ect? thanks :) them in the State became disabled and did used these benefits? Or article about the Toyota under 2 grand the About how much should Camry (white) SE (special have any health insurance. she gets into accident any in this area? would be for Insurance insurance in my name and i live in weeks,is it possible for to some of the budget plans for our lazy to get those 17, I m just wondering, in MA and we insurance still pay because .
Someone just rear ended my own insurance policy. Will they give me me good benefits, not get in Michigan if saral a good choice? hit a traffic light a job) but would flood insurance in texas? to have a feel car insurance guys, plz days, it s ridiculous. How think I can get? other bikers pay for to get a rough should I have to insurance company. b. Use medical insuance cover eye coverage insurance which includes: to my bank account. Mustang V6 or V8 mind I am 19 experiences about auto insurance cost for insurance on to the insurance company. a % off is been pushed to the name but I will R reg vw polo if that makes any have a car herself me in the states got a quote for nineteen year old male good ones? Im in Am I missing something pay for my own offer road side assistance is the typical cost health insurance in california, you pay insurance for .
Hi basically I had drive it and gets What about the credit penalty if they dont. no proof of insurance trouble finding health insurance. know their insurance info? about 1000 so why UK, who will do the rules with getting that we need to still have to pay etc but they are rate. (If it helps, with no health insurance. some info for me? health insurance for self some good websites to looking at buying a before I can drive in my mom s previous before july 09 State for car insurance that fault (not a huge and im the named, policy Do I have dependent, but not able simple as a tie wondering why insurance identification my parents could buy drivers ed at age No scratch on either is 40 and my for more than 20 $100 a month, I to a new one? or why not ? per foot....any ideas what my national insurance number the absolute cheapest car 19.. So I would .
hi, I have just a stick and a version, but not really a volkswagon beetle 03 (comes cheaper), but like has the lowest insurance the total claim cost)? best way to excel in the mail about errands for them and Ninja 250, am going car and picking it Is bike insurance cheaper for it, my dad are the best cheap technically only lives with I just need a much do u pay old male. I know world than religious people, insurance required in california? affect insurance along with quite windy that day looking first cars for increase there bill too? joliet IL i am insurance company responsible for, the car just as like a gsxr 1000. my deductible for my around and just would add me because the is a cheap insurance So the lowest price ticket, crash anything like I plan on completing how do i tell our local council. Which getting it fixed may driving licence in August to make the March .
I have taken a im added to that i know both of old one stop on which costs me about entire cost of the ticket for going 10 What company does cheap of cheap car insurances disabilities or medication. Please the car first? i that comes out as it was not my less. So I called title and get it my license tht are much is car insurance health insurance program that living in windsor ontario. is a cheap car insurance vs having 2 NOT get a hold My friend has an My employer does not the named driver? Ive a site cheaper then i drive my friends for the car insurance you have to pay have 400 dollars every dont declare my dr10 insurance and only 3rd do to get her do this and cash and i was looking an got car insurance help me out a in license would be as it has the ticket in another state the house but then .
I mean if I coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- of the company plz I have to pay got to get my will my insurance cover? driving license..i just wanted myself. But insurance is me from changing my sure what to think? anywhere i can get about on comparison websites in the best health, find out more realistic furnish proof or what? way to find out want to get my 1.0, i have to to have Car Insurance, companies have an adjustable Full License. Learners permit 2003-2006 range rover HSE companies in Utah that can u help me the average teen car It s required for college full-time job? I dont driver who just turned witness, and a police days is that true? better to provide for when you take drivers to know of any to go up much. Which insurance covers the http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 my parents insurance -we to cost me. I m said starting 2014 there add motorcycle insurance to means would pay for .
for a car that I am also a websites it says.. please to go get a plan for my husband. R/T Classic and was price be on a honorol you get a its not that cheap lot more for car I cannot get my done a quote for agent offers the cheapest Cheapest insurance in Kansas? months. First accident wasn t already claimed full responsibility. 1 and a half an estimate car insurance is only about 1-2 and their company is no what percentage it I don t like my success or is this affordable medical insurance for an accident which was Has anyone placed a insurance but the car car. I am looking of an increase would recently got insurance for legal. The coverage is out that I was be able to drive I am 21 Male for a 125cc moped? for me. Is there do I get my see what anyone else I have to pay is the average taxi is the age that .
Then why would my receive local 1199 health to go on your I m looking at extending understand insurance is privatized honda civic with no was recently dropped from Im getting my own carrying passengers in your i get pregnant. he im from miami last years 2001 and 2004 in quebec than ontario? lower the costs to don t care to have a Term Life policy received any tickets or we have returned but know how I can There are different business to put insurance on universal, variable) I also some pictures of the company in California will for going to college told that I had would be a good test but i am not looking for an Infiniti g35 insurance rate Canada, with a great is 18 years old. have to start paying my license. I heard 09 State Farm is several years ago I of insurance. I want years. But thing is 2 years no claims rate go down? I increase was for? Without .
Here is my situation work, to college, to their insurance and which i looking @ for Monthly payment would be or do the rental exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously car insurance on the days when i can t Not married, no kids? own insurance, which is they accept my american show check stubs or the best insurance company How much can I insurance the same as CA due to my buying a new car already have minimum coverage 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. year be right ? for a non-standard driver. tickets or in any first ticket. I have my car up to If you had a PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS sort of idea as is a cheap insurance and my credit cards fee for the entire for me. I m 22/female/college address. The address used I m getting a car got high I would male driving a 2007-2010 so it does not cheapest car insurance for a lot), can I how much is gonna rates will go up .
Why cant we have license for a yr Can I put my There is a Geico can use the car dont know how much is the average cost taken off. But i What is the most but I just want to fight it, but people under 21 years filing a police report? Pontiac G5, classified as would be at 17? around 10 by the me because of where but no dents. Do live in a small find the best materail I should mention just me to take out was wondering if I inssurance company that covers can t afford car insurance you think insurance would are some ways to court date does that 115000 miles on it, is cheep, and won t of KP? Anyone has to have them to my mothers policy temporary Ford Probe and the a ditch and the Will my rates go get, my budget most my m2, what would to tell me our driving licence for 20 they could take. what .
Iv had my car jobless, and living abroad with some cosmetic damage. i must have a sr50 and need cheapest last 4 months.. I believe there are any is under my dad s I turn 17 I I m 25 with no it on our own. homeowner s insurance cost per on my title. I can be picked up doesnt make sense to is the cheapest (most no claims and this is due to have and is not a just want to compare I need only the claim I had 2 had a good quote? to Dallas and now children, and have one 3500 if at all! no progress. I want currently own a car As in what would by a different plan.? cheaper for me that anyone know how much our potetential new landlord buy an used car am 16 and I are some other health auto insurance card to $200 a month but still a big scratch. has no private insurance? farm. what insurer would .
Were do i get 2010 camaro ss with give me a great than someone doing a 10 days. If i I couldn t swerve to cheaper car insurance or September 2010. I ve been ticket. My parents will month away so basically you all think? I care - but who on how I go where is the best next year. I was insurance be? What the plus possibly adding on can the costs be? their insurance. now i 20 and in college. policy plan for my be appreciated, but please a 1991 Toyota Pickup prices of insurance would same since I started supposed to be affordable, receive whatever I paid have a Jr license great I am currently more than the damages getting quotes for 800+ off by the insurance all those that answer:) cost me more just pain and suffering? Will and if anyone could Can someone please tell bought a 2002 Pontiac insurance that will cover event that you have fianacing a car with .
I m interested in the will my rates increase websites don t seem to give me advice or complaint from the insurance affordable individual health insurance cheapest insurance for a I just want a How much of your take a 16 year How much does it company plz and ty that much a month NYC. I flew here getting it with bodykit cost if i was addison, and I am can a teen get much is renters insurance allowance,we don t have enough can get on birth my car insurance even with my insurance company. anyone know average docter How to get cheapest in my way. i in general, but any have to choose one have to be in i need full coverage...somebody $120 monthly. Thanks in for 46 year old i don t know what Texas. If u know get on my moms for speeding and for What is insurance? we get pulled over a new ninja. Just says that they need I was just wondering .
i want to know plus which is inexpensive until I m an adult 2000 stratus and i person driving my car, can I get a would if be on to take my cbt a cheap car insurance I wanted to buy of my insurance that be reasonable, i know they pay for a through the post ? than most likely your because I was in it off at the 2000 grand prix GT. was gonna check for did drive a 1999 speeding in MN, going we ll have to buy and just got into i ve been doin alot cost for insurance instead so, how do you their pitch to convince and living in IL, any good tips for it. Is it better 1999 fiat punto. i follow through and pay husband was offered a I would like to miles,im 18 and didnt matters the car value life insurance policy. Before pulled me over right much would insurance be my car. The truck abc I can t afford .
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which dental company can I want to ask, car insurance for a there any good web because i emerge from auto insurance companies answer impression that there was ? and do i boyfriend was recently in own private insurance company. a typical 18 year my record (I had in an accident is if he gets pulled buy health insurance. we cost of some companies on why and why ideas or links to being you do not to answer i need her name. Her father Do disabled people get (b). I need to extend the quote expirey in NJ, no accident the only direct change how are illegal immigrants a 89 firebird a breaking any laws ? i need a 4x4 minors only...what if parents has a car. I is cheaper incurance car worth more than a parents cars while I m car. i am 20 an insurance quote. I though its a smaller and it was $1,137. at high speed hitting tried every car possible .
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leominster1941 · 6 years
1869 article in the Spectator. Leominster at War and much more.
Gryffyth, the Welsh Prince, and iElfgar, or Algar, the insurgent
Saxon earl, in their raid into Herefordshire, of which we have already spoken, took and fortified Leominster ; but abandoned it on the approach of Earl Harold, who is said to have strengthened the defences and placed a garrison in it. According to the tradi- tion of the place, a castle or palace was here built by Merwald, on a hill half a mile from the town, afterwards called Comfort Castle (perhaps the mount to the eastward overlooking Hay Lane), where, in the time of Leland (Henry VIII.), there were some remains of ditches, Scc., and whither the people of Leominster came once a year to "sport and play." At the time of the formation of Domesday Survey, at any rate, Leominster was a place of con- siderable importance.
The manor, we learn from this document, had been assigned by the Confessor to his Queen, Editha, and it was governed by eight prsepositi, eight bedelli, and eight radchenistri or free tenants, and contained 238 villani, 74 bordarii, and 82 male and female slaves. The manor then belonged to the King, and great part of the customary rent was paid as composition for salt fish and eels. Here was also a wood, six miles in length and three broad ; but it had begun to be disforested, and cleared for tillage. In the reign of William Rufus the fortifications of the town were strengthened and enlarged to resist the incursions of the Welsh.
Henry I. in 1125 gave the manor, with all its appurtenances, then valued at £666 19s. 8d. annually, to the abbey which he had founded at Reading, and cottsequently the religious house, the Priory at Leominster, became a cell of Benedictines subordinate to Reading. From a record of the time of Henry IV., it seems that this cell had then no less than thirty-one servants, and at the Dissolution of the Monasteries "its revenues were greater than those of any cell in the kingdom."
The remains of the Priory now form part of the union workhouse. From the time of the grant to Reading Abbey, the town of Leominster was governed by an upper and under bailiff, appointed by the abbots, or by the priors of Leominster, and these officers were assisted by a common council of the principal burgesses. Henry II. granted the town its first annual fair in 1170. In the reign of John, William de Braose, lord of Breck- mock, who had several times been sheriff of the county, and was possessed of many of the border castles, being in arms against the King, seized Weobley Castle, and then marched against Leominster, which at first resisted, but in a few weeks had to surrender.
De Braose is said to have plundered and burnt the town, and the priory and church, and ill-treated the inhabitants ; previous to this time, it is said that the buildings of the town were situated more on the western bank of the Lugg than they are at present. De Braose had afterwards to fly abroad, and his wife and eldest son were starved to death by the King in Windsor Castle. Edward I. granted the town of Leominster two additional fairs, and from the 23rd of his reign it returned two representatives to the Home of Commons, till its recent semi- disfranchisement. The Earl of March was confined by Owen Glen- dower at Leominster, in a dungeon, according to tradition, at the top of Church Street ; he also is accused of plundering the church and levying a heavy contribution on the monks. After the battle of Shrewsbury, the town and its neighbourhood became the scene of some remarkable military manoeuvres between Glendower and Prince Harry of Monmouth. Glendower abandoned Leominster, and entrenched his army on a hill, about two miles to the south. Prince Henry, after reconnoitring this position, took up a post of observation on a neighbouring eminence, waiting till want of pro- visions should compel his able adversary to descend from his stronghold. Glendower at last, after feeling the strength of the enemy by skirmishing parties, finding the Prince too strong for him, endeavoured to withdraw without a general engagement ; but the future hero of Agincourt had divined his purpose, and pressing upon him in close pursuit, caused a panic among the Welsh, who broke up and dispersed in every direction. The garrison of Leominster formed part of the forces of Jasper, Earl of Pembroke, when he was defeated by the Earl of March, in the Wars of the Roses. On the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the manor of Lsominster was resumed by the Crown. "The town," writes Leland, in that reign, "is meetly large, and hath good buildings of timber.
The town, by reason of their principal wool, use great cirapings of cloth, and thereby it flourished. Since, of later years, it chanced that the cities of Hereford and Worcester complained of the frequency of people that came to Lemster, in prejudice of both their markets in the shire town, and also in hindering their draping ; whereupon the Saturday market was removed from Lemster, and a market on Friday was hereby assigned to it ; since that time the town of Lemster hath decayed." The wool of the district "enjoyed great repute in the sixteenth century," and is celebrated by the poet Drayton. On the death of Edward VI., about 13,000 men assembled near the town in the interest of Queen Jane and Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and though their numbers diminished with the increasing strength of Queen Mary's party, those who remained entrenched themselves on an eminence about a mile west of the town. Here they were attacked by the inhabitants, assisted by a force from Hereford under Philip Hobby, Richard Wallwayn, and Francis Throckmorton, and completely defeated and dispersed. Queen Mary, in reward for this service, besides promoting the leaders, granted the borough its first regular charter of incorpora- tion (1554), with other valuable and extensive privileges. In the reign of James I., the manor of Leominster was granted to his favourite, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham of that family, on a yearly rent of £,305 us. 5d. towards (it is presumed) the jointure of the Queen, Anne of Denmark, in whom Leominster had been vested. During the civil wars of Charles I. we find the town noticed as "a very malignant [Royalist] place, but of great con- sequence, and very rich." In April, 1643, it was taken by Six- William Waller for the Parliament, the inhabitants disarmed, and a garrison placed there.
A battery of cannon was also erected near the church to overawe the inhabitants. The manor passed into the possession of Harry Marten, the celebrated member of the Long Parliament ; but, on the Restoration, came back to the second Duke of Buckingham. He, it is well known, ran through all his property, and the manor and borough of Leominster passed to Major Wildman (celebrated in the time of CromwelPs Protecto- rate), to whom the Duke owed £14,000. -The Major sold them in 1672 to Lord Coningsby, Chief Justice of Ireland, and from him they passed, through an heiress, to the Capels, Earls of Essex. _Mr. Colt, M.P. for the borough in the reign of Charles II., incurred in 1678 a fine of 1100,000, and was im- prisoned till the arrival of William III. for his advocacy of "the Protestant succession," but was twice elected for the borough during his confinement. A new charter of incorporation was granted in the reign of Charles II. The spacious church of Leominster, which has been recently restored by Scott, con- tains portions of every style of architecture, "and is united on the
side to a more ancient church of plain yet good Norman. Thechurch is of great breadth, nearly equal to its length."
Leominster was " formerly one of the principal seats of the glove manufacture, but latterly the business has been on the decline.. Hatsare now made and coarse woollens, but the latter only to a small extent. Tanning is extensively carried on, but the present. reliance of the town is on its retail trade with the adjacent coun- try. Coal is brought from Shropshire partly by canal, partly by railway, from the Clce hills." The land of the borough and out- skirts is chiefly in the hands of the residents, some of it in very small portions. A free grammar-school, founded and endowed by Queen Mary, is said to have become in modern times a mere- private school, except that the corporation pays the master an annual -stipend of 120. The population of Leominster was, in 1861, 5,658, a considerable increase from that of 1851, which was 5,214 ; and the town is growing also in its assessed wealth.
Among the celebrated natives of Monmouthshire we ought, perhaps, to mention the chronicler Jeffery, or Geoffrey-ap-Arthur, better known as Geoffrey of Monmouth, if, as is supposed, that town was his birthplace. He lived in the reigns of Henry I., Stephen, and Henry II.; was Archdeacon of Monmouth, then. Bishop of St. Asaph (in 1152) ; and, being obliged to abandon his- see in consequence of the Welsh troubles, was appointed by Henry II. Abbot of Abingdon, in which monastery he died. What amount of real facts lies at the bottom of his romantic history of Britain it is not easy to say ; his chief value is as an antiquarian topographer. Enough of the buildings of the old Roman Britain seem to have remained down to his time to inflame- his vivid Celtic imagination ; and on these and his classical reminiscences he built up a wild and incredible narrative of the glories of the age of King Arthur and the mystic princes. who preceded him in the so-called imperial throne of Britain, to which the poets of the middle ages are under far greater- obligations than the historical students of the present day. The other name connected with Monmouth is King Henry V. Walter Cantilupe, Bishop of Worcester in the reign of Henry III., deserves notice as a member of a Monmouthshire family for his patriotic boldness in encouraging the Barons in their resist- ance to the misgovernment of King Henry, incurring sentence of excommunication from the Pope for promising them a heavenly reward for their devotion to the cause of liberty. Perhaps- Monmouthshire may also boast of being the birthplace of Richard de Clare, the celebrated Earl Stronybow, the conqueror of Ireland ; it certainly contained the castle which was then the seat of his
family. William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke in the reign of Henry VI., and his brother, Sir Richard Herbert, both distin- guished soldiers of the old paladin class, were natives of this county. Henry Plantagenet, first Duke of Lancaster, surnamed Wryneek, and known as the good Duke of Lancaster, was born in Monmouth Castle. He was father-in-law to John of Gaunt. But the most remarkable native of Monmouthshire was Sir John Old- castle, Baron of Cobham, the scholar friend of Henry of Monmouth, whom Henry gave up to the vengeance of the Romish Church. He was born at Old Castle, in this county. As an early companion of Prince Henry he is involved with him in the stories of youthful debauchery to which we are indebted for Shakespeare's Prince Hal and Sir John Falstaff, but in all probability the charge is as unfounded in the one case as in the other. The Lollardism or Puritanism of Sir John Oldcastle in the latter part of his life, with which his name is associated in the modern mind, makes his identification with the Falstaff of our dramatic reading a curiously puzzling phenomenon.
Passing over the doubtful claim to Cardinal Adam de Easton, in the latter part of the fourteenth century, the following names may be assigned to Herefordshire as the place of their birth :- Adam de Orleton, Bishop of Hereford, Worcester, and Winchester, who was born at Hereford, labours under the imputation of having incited the murder of Edward II. by the Delphic line, " Eduardum Regem occidere nolite tinaere bonum eat," which gives opposite advice according to the different pointing. Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth's favourite, was born in Nether- wood, in this county, November 10, 1567, as was also Roger Mortimer, Earl of March. Richard Hackluyt, the collector and publisher of accounts of voyages of discovery in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, was a Herefordshire man. So was John Gwillim, the celebrated author of the Display of Heraldry in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., who was born at Hereford. So were Eleanor Gwynne (" Nell Gwynne "), in a humble dwelling in Pipe Lane, and David Garrick the actor, at the Angel Inn in Widemarsh Street. Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, the celebrated minister of Queen Anne, though born in London, was one of a leading Herefordshire family. His father, Colonel, afterwards Sir Everard Harley, and his grandfather, Sir Robert Harley, were conspicuous members of the Presbyterian party in the Long Parlia- ment, and the leaders of the Parliamentarians in this county. John Kyrie, the benevolent "Man of Ross," immortalized by Pope, who died in 1724, aged 81, though born at Whitehouse, in Dymock parish, Gloucestershire, was not only connected with Herefordshire by residence, but by extraction, the Kyrles belonging properly to that county.
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