#im interested to know what you thought of? or how anyone views her really
eureka-its-zico · 6 months
It's almost 3am in Brazil and I just woke up from a dream
The images are still a little blurry, but I reread chapter eight and I think I dreamed about it... but as if it were in the TV show
It wasn't Zoro, you know? It was Mackenyu and I kept thinking "my god how he and the doc actress have immense chemistry!" like I could FEEL the sexual tension, it was crazy
anyway, that's it
ohoooooh question: who would be the actress who most resembles the doc? It doesn't have to be about looks, but who would have the same vibe?
OK... I'll try to go back to sleep now
Boa noite!!!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙
Goooood morning/afternoon to you, Nonnie (whatever time this reply finds you 🥰)!! Funny I am replying to you at 3 a.m. my time lol.
You gave me a lot of emotions because I was like…damn, I would love to write both scripts for shows and write/publish a novel that people loved so much they turned it into…idk…something. Anything, really. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Then I thought, daaaaamn I’ve had two people tell me now they dreamed about Doc and Zoro, but in different contexts. At least I know I’m not the only one plagued by these two in waking and sleeping hours 🤣
As for your question: I Do have like a mixture of characters and their attributes I use for Doc.
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It’s literally a mixture of these three.
1. Yennefer of Vengerberg
Yenn is such a complex character. We know she’s been through a lot of cruelty and pain, which has caused her to be cautious and untrusting to most. She also holds onto, what I feel, is a resentment towards herself for giving up the part of her that wants to be a mother for power. She treated the need for power like this replacement child, and was willing to die to get the chance to be one back. When she met Geralt, they are both suspicious of their feelings towards one another and equally run from them. When I see her, dealing with her emotions and her darkness, it’s kind of how I imagine Doc in the last couple of chapters and the coming chapters.
2. Elizabeth Bennett (Keira Knightley)
You guys don’t understand. Pride & Prejudice is an addiction for me. When I watched this again recently, I couldn’t help but notice how Zoro is literally introverted and socially awkward Mr. Darcy, and how Doc is in some way, Lizzie. It’s where a lot of their banter comes from and their own prideful way of seeing the other before they actually spend more time together. I am like, hell bent on writing my own version of Mr. Darcy crossing the moor at early dawn to Lizzie, but in my own fucked up way for Zoro and Doc because I am a masochist.
3. Evelyn (Evie) O’Connell (Rachel Weisz)
“Look, I... I may not be an explorer or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I am a librarian.”
^^^^^* this one line should tell you exactly where Doc’s personality came from 🤣🤣 also, these two are the original Sunshine and Sunshine protector and no one can tell me different.
Good night my dear and pleasant dreams 🖤
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