#im just a nerd of rottmnt
k0nanharv3y · 1 year
Ok, so, I was talking with my friend about Cass apocalypse series and we started a debate, which do you prefer, Cass apocalypse series or L.O.V.E.?, and we started our argument
First, Cass apocalypse series (very long, we'll call it C.A.S. HAJDHAHA IS STILL CASS LOL) It is the one that has inspired most / if not all / the series of The Bad Time Line. And it is one of the most advanced and almost finished, and all of us in the fandom love and revere Cass, BUT, however, the characters are not that deep, because we don't see the duel after death, I mean, we see a part of it, but it doesn't hurt so much, because Cass rips your heart and soul out by showing you the death of the characters, but nevertheless, it doesn't totally show you how the others cry for hours or stop doing things they did because that reminds them of the person who died
Second, L.O.V.E. AHHHH GOD, I can't say much, Tapakah(? it has been very inspired by C.A.S., and we can easily tell it with some things, but, L.O.V.E., it rips you out and plays with your heart showing you the death and mourning of the brothers (I was literally a week suffering to see how Mikey missed Raph so much, and how Casey reminded him of him), but nevertheless, L.O.V.E. gives you moments of togetherness and moments of "we all have each other, even at the end of the world" and That, that makes your heart scream and cry when one of them dies, because you know and see how much they loved and needed each other, Leo, loving Raph, Mikey loving Raph and showing Leo how much he's matured, and after Raph dies and it looks like Mikey is willing to sacrifice himself just to get him back.
And my friend and I started arguing, about, no matter which one is better, they're both great and have their strengths and weaknesses. But one, one brings tears to your eyes in a worse way than the other
The thing is, he defends CAS with all his soul and says that this is what makes you cry the most, because it shows you the evolution of a child who had to live through hell and came back alive, but no one else did.
And I defend L.O.V.E. to the death, because it shows you THE LIFE of the apocalypse, and how that hell had no mercy, and how the brothers survive a world that is taking their entire damn family from them
And I want to know your opinion, which is the series that makes you cry the most? Neutral opinions are valid. What do you think @tapakah0 @somerandomdudelmao?
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kindred-spirit-93 · 2 months
how would a fandom treat you lol
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unrelated, but my 3 moods:
@wordsofwizdumb, @ghostkingdiangelo429 and open for all! >:D
shout out to dr. delicate touch, my bean and favourite ninja turtle:
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i too feel nothing XD
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avephelis · 1 year
okay, was there ever an official confirmation of exactly what kind of softshell donnie is? because i was under the impression he's some sort of spiny softshell, (apalone spinifera), but i'm not sure whether that's ever been confirmed canon.
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fluffypandabun · 3 months
HELLO PANDA!! I'm not kidding at all when I say your rottmnt fics have infected my brain in the best way possible,
I literally think your rottmnt tkl fics might be the best ones I've ever read out of all the ones on here I'm SO serious, I ADORE your ones with leo and casey!!
SO. I saw requests were SEMI open, so if you'd like to, I'd love to see another fic with lee or switch casey, and ler leo!!:3 I just LOVE the way you write their dynamic!! The story is all up to you, but I'd love more fics to rot the rest of my brainz/pos 💥
AN: Hiiiiiiii JAMIE!!!!! Thank you sm for your kind words they mean so much and are actually what motivated me to come back when i received this ask during my hiatus! This fic took forever im sorry but I hope you enjoy it!!
Bad Spot
When Casey was younger one of his favorite things was an old tattered copy of a book, half its pages were falling out and parts of it were so water damaged you couldn’t make out the words, but regardless Casey loved it anyways. Always begging one of his uncles or aunt to read it to him, filling in the blanks the missing pages left with his own imagination. 
He’d lost the book when part of their base caught fire, his precious book burnt to a crisp in the flames. Casey had cried for days, selfish of him maybe as others had loss far more in that fire, but he had been a young child with very few things to call his own living in a world that took far more then it gave, he was allowed to be a little selfish. 
Overtime he’d forgotten about the book, things of more importance taking the top spot in his mind, however just a few days ago during one of his surface trips with the turtles, a familiar red book cover caught his eye. 
It was a far cry from his beat up and damaged copy, its cover and pages pristine and untouched like many of the things in the past seemed to be, but as he ran his fingers over the covers it felt as familiar as his own. 
He had bounded up to Raph, the eldest trying to coax Mikey down from the top of a fountain, eyes a glow as he talked faster then the turtle could keep up, eventually getting what the human meant as he glanced down to the book in his hand, a fond bemusement in his eyes as he spoke;
“Oh you want that book? Sure thing little man…But wouldn’t you rather have the first book of the series instead of the third?” 
And with his mouth agape, Casey looked up at the larger turtle like he’d just told him that he’d won the lottery. 
“There's more then ONE!?” 
So that's where Casey found himself now, already through with the first book of the series and nearly half-way through the second. Sitting cross-legged on the couch with the book spread open on his lap, the lair was quiet aside from the muffled sound of metal on metal coming from Donnie's lab and Raphs rumbling snores from where he napped across the lair in his bedroom. 
Casey was thankful for the quiet, don’t get him wrong he enjoyed how lived in the lair could sound at times, but as much as he loved the turtles noisiness sometimes it could be a bit much for someone who grew in a dead silent world where making the wrong sound at the wrong time could lead to your whole squad getting killed. 
So the teen chose to enjoy the silence while it lasted, which of course meant it didn’t last for much longer. 
“Woooow Case, already finished with the first book? And i thought the lair was only big enough for ONE nerd.” 
Casey let out a long sigh, silence now thoroughly shattered he lowered his book back down to his lap and looked over to his right. 
Leo was there, leant against the doorway of the living room part of the lair; eyes half lidded and a lazy grin that spelled mischief splayed across his muzzle. 
“Hello Leo”. 
The turtles grin only got wider at Caseys already “done with your shit” tone. Pushing himself off the couch he casually sauntered over as if he owned the place, which technically, he partially did. 
“So,” he began, making his way over to stand at the back of the couch, arms resting far apart on it as he leant forward towards Caseys personal space.
“Hows the reading going?” 
Casey rolled his eyes, giving Leos face a playful push away “Did you have to pick me to mess with today Leo? Im trying to read.” 
The turtle let out of a scoff, leaning back into Caseys space. “Whaaaaat? Me? Mess with you? Psh!”
The turtle let out a dramatic noise of offense, putting a hand over his chest. The dramatics drew a slight giggle out of Casey, which only seemed the fuel the turtle more.
“IIIIII came out here to spend some time with one of my favorite humans, the other being April of course, but if I’m not wanted then I shall go. Good day sir!” 
The turtle turned on his heel to leave when Casey felt a tug in his chest. 
Leo paused immediately, turning and facing Casey with a bemused expression at his tone of voice, Casey felt his ears go red at his own overreaction and he cleared his throat. 
“Uh well, you can stay you don’t have to leave. I wouldn't mind the company” 
Leo stared at him for a bit before his gaze softened to show he was being serious. “Well of course, who wouldn’t want my company?l”
The turtle sauntered back over and resumed his position leant over the back of the couch so he could read over Caseys shoulder. The human gave him a smile before he turned and went back to his reading. 
For a good moment it was quiet, a peaceful sort of silence between the two of them, Casey thought it was nice. After a moment longer he even began to relax, eyes half lidded and more so lazily skimming the pages then reading in depth like he'd been doing before.
He was close to drifting off when suddenly he felt a gentle breath of air hit the back of his neck, sending a ticklish shock all the way down his spine causing him to hunch his shoulders and squeak.
With a glare he whipped around to look at the accomplice, but Leo just gave him a lazy half grin, head resting on his arms.
"Sorry Case, my bad" He hummed, not sounding sorry at all.
The teen started at him for a second later before he shook his head with a huff, cheeks flushed, and turned back to reading. He figured he'd give the turtle the benefit of the doubt in that it had been just an accident.
This of course was a stupid idea, for not even two seconds later he felt another breath of air on his neck, this time it cause him to giggle lightly.
"Leheo!" He hissed, whipping around to face the laughing turtle.
"Whahaht? Im not even touching you!"
"You know what your doing! Now quit it!"
"Quit what? Quit doing this?" quick as a flash the turtle leaned forward to bury his face in the side of Casey's neck, blowing a quick raspberry and causing Casey to Shriek.
Pulling away the turtle bust into laughter, shaking his head "God Cass you are so funny."
Face now fully red the human scowled, shoulders now hiked all the way up to his ears. "Why do you guys always have to do that" he whined.
Leo just grinned at him, wiggling his fingers "That's what happens when everybody knows your bad spot~" he crooned, cackling when Casey's face went even redder
It was no secret to the rest of the Hamato clan that Casey's neck and ears were deathly ticklish, by far his worst spot; something everyone (especially Leo) loved to tease him about.
It had been just the same back in the future, with his sensei and uncles and aunt all teasing him with raspberries and scribbles under the chin. Leonardo had been the worst about it back then too, so much so that Master Michelangelo had taught him how to get the turtle back and-
Casey couldn't stop the wide grin that spread across his lips, because he had just remembered something very important about Leonardo, and in this case, Leo as well.
Said turtle noticed his change of expression and wiped the mirth from his eyes, cocking his head to the side "Whats got you smiling like that?"
Caseys grin simply widened. "Oh nothing, just remembered something is all."
Leo gave him a weird look. "Remembered what?"
"Oh just.....this!"
With that Casey lunged forward, grabbing onto Leos shoulders and flipping him straight over the couch and into his lap, the two of them wrestled for a moment, laughing, but while Leo had strength Casey had surprise and very key knowledge he had just remembered. So he wasted no time in lunging forward and digging his fingers into the backs of Leos legs.
Immediately the turtle let out a screamed that descended into wild laughter, practically flopping over and thrashing back and forth as he kicked out his leg.
Said teenage human let out a giggle, trapping Leos leg under his knees so he could better poke and prod at the turtles muscled thighs.
"Hehe Yeah Leo?"
Leo practically squealed, drawing more peels of laughter from Casey. His arms flailed about as if unsure of what to do with themselves, Casey having to dodge a few swaps at himself.
"C-CasEY I-Iihihihihim goohohohona g-get you for thihhIHIHIHIIS-"
The turtles threat was caught off when Casey began to scribble his fingers into the hollows of the back of his knees, head thrown back and mouth opened in a wide genuine smile Leo howled with laughter.
His body shook with the force of it, his shoulders jumping as he hiccuped and at one point even snorted, which caused Casey to laugh himself at the silly noise.
"Man Leo, must suck having someone know about your weak spot huh~" Casey teased, squeezing gently at the turtles kneecaps.
"C-Cass Pleashehehese!" Leo hiccuped in between his squeaks and squeals of laughter, giggling to himself the teen finally decided to show mercy.
"Okay Okay Ill stop." He chuckled, pulling his hands away and sliding off the couch. He sat on his knees and watched the turtle flop over onto his back on the couch, arm thrown over his face like a fainted Victorian women as he groaned.
He sluggishly turned his head to face Casey and, with weak movements like he was dying, flipped him off.
It caught the human so off guard that he burst into laughter, prompting Leo to glare at him with a smirk barely tugging at his lips.
"Y-You think that's funny? Oh ill show you funny-Come here!"
Before Casey could even begin an apology Leo had lunged forward and grabbed him, immediately burying his face into Casey's neck and blowing a massive raspberry.
Casey screeched before he burst into loud happy laughter, hair getting even messier by the second as he shook his head back and forth to try and get away from the ticklish feeling.
The turtle said nothing, simply lowering his hands down to Casey's sides and rapidly squeezing up and down.
Ah, so Leo was trying to kill him.
"L-LeheheOHOHOHO! Im Im sorheheheheHEHEHEEEEEE!"
"Tell it to the judge Mister!" Leo grinned, pulling away to blow a quick playful raspberry against Caseys' cheek.
"Sorry, I cant hear you over how loud your laughing~"
Casey ended up not get much reading done, his book laying abandoned on the floor, but that was okay. He have plenty of time to read in the future.
Plenty of time.
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raph-reign17 · 9 months
Hello!! Raphael Hamato! But usually I go by Raph, which is what my brothers, and April call me. Orrrr there's pops, who just calls me 'Red'.
Raph's Family :
Donnie - @donvonryan (One day Raph is going to achieve banning him from the coffee machine.)
Leo - @leontheluxuriousone (Don't listen to him when he says he's handsome, that's just his ego talking.)
Mikey - @mikey-the-mischevious (pls don't give him guns, Raph begs you)
Hiero - @riseleon (little brother no. 4!!)
Pops - @rat-jitsu
Karai - @hamato--karai (GRAM-GRAM!!)
Shelldon - @cyber-b1shop
Future Leo - @ninjas-greatest-weapon (funnier Leo)
Casey Jr. - @hugzfromcaseyjr (future boy)
Future Mike - @marvelousmichelangelo (wait whaaaaa??)
Future Don - @genius-othello (smarter totally)
Future Raph- @b1g-raph1e (woahh...)
Friends & close friends :
April - @aprilthefiercequeen (Best friend you could ask for!)
Cassandra - @thecassclan (Please stop sending little girls who sell cookies after us)
Paxxton - @pax-man2010 (met in the hidden city!)
Vivi - @mikey-rottmnt (also met in hidden city ^_^)
Usagi - @yokai-nerd (gay for Leo)
Stella - @stella-kessho-reporting-for-duty (:3)
Alex - @smartass-opposum
Rosemary- @rosewater-n-rosemary
Luna - @the-multiverse-jumper
Allies & enemies :
Big Mama - @bigmama10ffical (Scary spider lady that pops dated)
Repo - @repo-maniac (bug guy who owns junkyard??)
Rena - @rena-hoshimi-at-duty
Cerulean - @the-frog-assassin
Kiki - @kikikatherinerosaline
Alternate family :
Lee - @captain-ryans-no1-fan (fellow oldest bro??)
Don - @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia (not as insane sometimes)
Raph - @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues (angry chihuahua Raph)
Mike - @the-party-dude (yummy pizza choices)
Alternate friends :
Casey Jones - @goongala-hockey-puck (3rd Casey jones??)
Karai - @karaiirl (reminder: not gram gram)
Y'gythba / Mona Lisa - @rokkarokkawaii
Roninverse :
Ronin - @ronin-mikey
Raphael - @0r0ku-k1ller
Mayhem :
Donnie - @donnie-the-weeb
Leo - @ieatdanger4breakfast
Raph - @the-rager-ever
2003 :
Leo - @leos-katanas
((OOC)) Welcome to my Raph RP blog. Please be appropriate, I'm a minor and don't be weirdo or do anything.. gross. Do not interact if your any of the above, I can and will block you. My main account is @amat3ured1t0r if anyone would like to know.
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leontheluxuriousone · 9 months
what up! Names Leonardo but you can call me Leon! Use whatever pronouns ya like!
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Let’s just say, I am extremely handsome. And charming! And ofc, overall amazing ✨
Awesome Pfp done by: @echodoesstuff62333
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The fam!:
Angie: @mikey-the-mischevious
Egghead: @geniusbuiltblogtm
old man 1: @raph-reign17
hiero!: @riseleon
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Other us??
old man 2: @marvelousmichelangelo
“yee paw”: @ninjas-greatest-weapon ( aka future me?)
don tron: @genius-othello
Raphie: @b1g-raph1e
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The amigos!:
Apes: @aprilthefiercequeen
Cass w/ the mask : @thecassclan
CJ: @hugzfromcaseyjr
Pax: @pax-man2010
Vincent von vivi: @mikey-rottmnt
Stella: @stella-kessho-reporting-for-duty
usagi (aka bunny boy) @yokai-nerd
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Alternative Universe us??
Lee: @captain-ryans-no1-fan-2
Raph: @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues
skyscraper Donnie: @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia
Mike!: @the-party-dude
Casey 3: @goongala-hockey-puck
Karai: @karaiirl
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Ronin universe
ronin mikey??: @ronin-mikey
and if anyone sees @bigmama10ffical, & @repo-maniac, don’t bring them to me.
(They’ll beat my ass probably)
(None RP blog: @averagetmntfan)!!
would also like to say that this acc swears, like a lot. So if that triggers u, I suggest u click off.
And the rest of the gang is here!
no gross asks. I shouldn’t even have to say this, but meh
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do not send weird things in dms, please.
((OOC Note: ill use “((“ to show I’m ooc!))
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100percentevil · 4 months
alright, i just started watching rottmnt, and im dying of laughter.
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Hes just playing on his phone. I love this little nerd. Hes so funny.
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What were some of your favorite Risetober art pieces you did this month? Do you have any favorite Risetober art you've seen from others?
Risetober was so fun, I enjoyed it a lot, and saw so much fun stuff!!
Here are my favorites from my collection:
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The video game one and Mummy one are the one's I'm most proud of, defo my favorites.
As for others:
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It's been such a great month of art, angst, and fun! Best Spooky Season ever!
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improv-master-mikey · 6 months
masterpost thingy!
Heyyy! Names michelangelo, but everyone calls me mikey! :)
big fan of pizza, improv, and many, many, many, mannyyyy more!
______________________________________ the fam!!
the simp: @ieatdanger4breakfast
Lover of anime & kpop: @donnie-the-weeb
the ragerr: @the-rager-ever
dad!!: @dojoratdad
EVIL. BAD. JUST EVIL. @superflyyyy
Very colourful version of me and my brothers??? Whaaaaaat?
he’s kinda fruity: @leontheluxuriousone
WOAHHH, HES TALL!!!: @raph-reign17
Why does he have eyebrows??: @geniusbuiltblogtm
another me!? Cool!! : @mikey-the-mischevious
another dad, but shorter: @rat-jitsu
so tiny! :0 @riseleon
More serious fellos, woah
This Leo seems less a teachers pet, at least: @captain-ryans-no1-fan-2
shorter & more spooky: @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues
He seems less nerdy, at least!: @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia
sillier version of me!!: @the-party-dude
who’s this guy??: @goongala-hockey-puck
She’s giving some vibes..: @karaiirl
An april?? She’s looks so different :0 : @apriloneilcicierega
hah, he looks like a cheese grater: @leader-of-the-foot
walking tiger..guy?? rip-off hello kitty more like: @tigerclaw-takeshi
Sad looking dudes. I think they need hugs :(
wha..what happened to me? @last-ronin
Is he ok? @0r0ku-k1ller
they definitely need therapy. @brainstimesbrawn
______________________________________ colourful us 2.0?? But a lot more wrinkly
He gives off dad vibes Fr @ninjas-greatest-weapon
HE HAS HAIR…?: @marvelousmichelangelo
WOAH. @b1g-raph1e
He looks similar to that random dude!! @hugzfromcaseyjr
______________________________________ woahh..they look really serious. Kinda scary-
“Fearless leader”: @leos-katanas
even angrier, wowie- @raphaelsplinterson2003
silly guy: @turtl3-t1t4n
Bob the builder vibes: @the-tech-turtle
Getting bad vibes from this dude: @johnbishop03
buddies!! :D
Vivi (cool name btw!): @mikey-rottmnt
Stella, like stellar jay? The bird?: @stella-kessho-2nd-account
white rabbit? Like, the candy?: @yokai-nerd
another rabbit!?: @rabbit-samurai
pax to the max!: @pax-man2010
rosemary (pretty name! :0): @rosewater-n-rosemary
luna “eclipse” (heh): @the-multiverse-jumper
short Raphs girlfriend?!: @rokkarokkawaii
Cat lady!!: @valkyriefae1
woah, Edgy much?: @n1ghtsh4de-nyx
Would you look at that, more spooky people. Except they’re trying to..kill us?
spooky spider lady: @bigmama10ffical
Another edgy person..:@@rena-hoshimi-at-duty
ANOTHER BUG-: @repo-maniac
tadpole, lol.: @the-frog-assassin
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las-tortugas-ninja · 2 years
I think if rottmnt where to get a crossover with one of its predecessor shows it should be 2003
‘87 i feel is a no-go cause 1 its a bit overdone. 2 i think a lot of the appeal of the ‘87x2k12 crossover was how cartoonishly goofy the 87 turtles are in contrast to the 2k12 ones. i dont think they would be as charming interacting with versions of themselves that are also funny and cartoony. yes they give off very different vibes but i still dont see their interactions being as entertaining as the one they had with 2k12 just because well,, this time everyones funny.
2k12 makes sense on paper but i dont think the rise designs would translate very well into 3d. yes the shows have the contrasting tones we’re looking for buttttttttt i’d say 03 can do that to and be a bit more extreme.
2003 is the darkest of the of the tmnt cartoons and has the most different tone from rise. the rise boys would probably annoy the shit out of them except for mikey, he and rise leo would quickly become pals due to their shared role of delivering the corniest dialogue known to man. the rise gang is just so high energy and 03 leo, raph and donny spend so much time just trying to keep up with them.
03 splinter is very patient with them without a hint of anger but as soon as they leave he goes “good lird and i thought my sons were a handful” or something. donny would be amazed by the rise boys because nerd lol and donnie tries to convince his alternate self to commit a crime. they are so different, it would be chaos, it would be a joy to watch.
also i have not watched turtles forever yet so maybe im missing out on some things
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amat3ured1t0r · 7 months
this is a remake of the Masterpost for acid :3
[Apart of @the-forgor-four-rottmnt]
I am The Last Ronin. Call me Ronin. I’m from the year 2045. My New York was taken over by The Foot and Oroku Hiroto and I was transported here. Now, I'm trying to get used to this modern world.
Anything with [this] is out of roleplay.
[If you want less swearing, go to one of my other accounts like @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia or my main account @acid-da-monster.]
[OOC: please do not look at old posts from earlier of February 11th 2024 and below. As of February 11th 2024, we have restarted the rp.]
-My Nieces & Nephews-
Moja - [Add tag]
Yi - [Add tag]
Uno - [Add tag]
-My brothers-
Raph - [Add tag]
Leo - [Add tag]
Donnie - [Add tag]
-*cough* CRUSH *cough*-
Shaka - [Add tag]
-The Rise universe-
Rise Leonardo- @leontheluxuriousone
Rise Raphael- @raph-reign17
Rise Donatello-
Rise Michelangelo- @mikey-the-mischevious
Rise Karai- @hamato--karai
Rise April- @aprilthefiercequeen
Cassandra- @thecassclan
Casey Jr- @hugzfromcaseyjr
Splinter- @rat-jitsu
-2012 universe-
2012 Leonardo - @captain-ryans-no1-fan
2012 Raphael - @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues
2012 Donatello - @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia
2012 Michelangelo - @the-party-dude
2012 Karai - @karaiirl
2012 Casey - @goongala-hockey-puck
2012 April - @apriloneilcicierega
2012 Splinter - @a-wise-rat
Mona Lisa - @rokkarokkawaii
-2003 universe-
Leonardo - @leos-katanas
Raphael -
Donatello -
Michelangelo -
April -
Casey -
-Bad future Rise-
Leonardo - @ninjas-greatest-weapon
Raphael - @b1g-raph1e
Donatello - @genius-othello
Michelangelo - @marvelousmichelangelo
Vivi - @Mikey-rottmnt
Stella - @stella-kessho-reporting-for-duty
Hiero - @riseleon
Paxxon - @pax-man2010
Usagi - @yokai-nerd
MJ - @traumatisedspider
Rosemary - @rosewater-n-rosemary
Valkyrie Fae - @valkyriefae1
Min - @the-shadow-creature
Noor - @the-light-creature
Oroku Saki- @leader-of-the-foot
Big Mama- @bigmama10fficial
Baron Draxum- @warr1ng-warr1or-sc1ent1st
Repo Mantis- @repo-maniac
Rena- @rena-hoshimi-at-duty
Cerulean- @the-frog-assassin
Kiki- @kikikatherinerosaline
Tiger Claw- @tigerclaw-takeshi
Bishop- @johnbishop03
-Secret draw box!!-
-Last Ronin 2 re-evolution headcanons-
@last-ronin here you go :3
you might have to redo the tags and colour it tho
but hey! you dont have to write it all-
oh ye remove this part (obviously)
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niadrawsstuff · 2 years
If you were to cross over RotTMNT and LMK, how would you approach it? Show me your creative mind!
so uhh i dont really have a good answer for this cuz i still haven’t finished the 2nd half of season 2- (I SWEAR IM GONNA,, IVE JUST BEEN PROCRASTINATING LATELY😭)
so im just gonna put some character interactions i hope you don’t mind-
I can totally see MK and Mikey bonding over their love for art. Donnie would just be in the corner, examining his staff cuz magic-
while i can see MK and Leo being buddies too, but honestly?? i think Mei and Leo would make a great duo cuz of their chaoticness-
Red Son and Donnie would also be a perfect duo because they’re CHAOTIC NERDS-
that’s honestly all i got. sorry this isn’t exactly creative-
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sunset-mp4 · 2 years
What is meanriver girlsdale?I mean it’s obv a cross between mean girls and riverdale but like where can I learn abt this?
oh, its not.
mean river girlsdale is just the title of the rp because the content used to be similar to the two series.
its actually a rottmnt au roleplay- heh. but it got very out of hand is so far from rottmnt now i dont even know lmao.
where can you learn? im working on it. we have a very long archive and a character doc. though i have yet to hand it to the public.
thing is.. its still going. activley. at this very second. so when you look up at the stars tonight. just know that theres a group of ten gay nerds (slash pos slash affectionate) roleplaying as obscure oc's origionally founded in a rottmnt fan server made from a mikey vape au.
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orangezinnia · 2 years
sooooo...should i watch rottmnt?
short answer? YES
long answer? yyyeeeEEESSSS.
(that is a rottmnt joke. episode 31 minute 3:55)
i don't know how many episodes there are (and i don't want to know! it was cancelled after 2 Seasons and i'm savouring every bit i can), but at a pace of 5 to 10 minutes of episode a day, it's lasted me 2 months, and S1 ain't even done!
and now, for the Actual long answer, a.k.a. my shamelessly gushing rundown of what makes me run crying back to rise every time i check out other turtle media! (/j. mostly)
first off, to crush a Hoover Dam of turtle show lore like a beer can, Raphael's characterization in his various incarnations is often... lacking. and when i was a kid i used to turn off the TV 'cause he annoyed me. but now! he's my favorite guy!
love how they changed his theme of "being impulsive and hotheaded makes you mean" to (riffing a bit here) "makes it easier to visibly care abt ppl, and for others to listen to you, but everything falls short after that". which is why he's bad at plans, and any strong fear for his bros can come out pretty explosively!
'Plans?' i hear you say, 'why is THAT his team contribution?' because, well, a basic turtle-show-lore scope tells you that Leonardo is the leader, right? blue bandana, duel swords, yada yada cultural phenomenon. but NOPE not in rise! actually i think it's the only incarnation where this is the case? and it was a brilliant bit of planning ;> theres a netflix movie that released August 5th this year btw ;>
but my absolute uncontested fav fav fav divergence is THEYRE ALL DIFFERENT SPECIES OF TURTLE! and it goes SO HARD for the quirks of their xenobiology to be giving in so handily to their visible aptitudes!!
Donatello's mechanical 'battle shell' is worn constantly to make up for his lil' spiny softieshell back- Michelangelo can do this Box Turtle thing where he pops all his limbs into his shell, and it seems only fitting against his youngest status (13, 14 don 14.1 leo, 15 raph), his overemotionality, and general 'razzmatazz'- Raph's alligator snapping turtle build (spiked shell! big boy!) making him an absolute tank AND a bulldozer, and leo
plus! the resultant designs creates an immediate and pleasing distinction between them for viewers, which was one of the things i historically (read: as a 10 yr old) disliked about 2012-2017 TMNT. the animation, by the way? Cool As Shit! i willingly watch the rise intro before each ep, sometimes slowing its speed just to absorb it better. practically every time i do, there's something i never noticed!
the style of Battle scenes in particular has left me feeling winded with just how creatively the animators can manipulate the medium. (i've seen fight storyboards from the movie, and they mericlessly squish me like a bug, so hell knows what'll happen when i see the full thing...) and about the villains, i haven't been disinterested by a single one yet! they're endearingly gimmicky but eccentric, and bombastic but p enjoyable
alsooo feel free to imagine donnie with autism, bc iirc he was confirmed by a head writer to be autistic coded! hyperlink unrelated
also unrelated, don't watch rottmnt compilations yet no matter how bad youtube recommendations want you to!! anything that's 'for 3 minutes straight' worthy will always make you laugh much harder when you come across them naturally. and then you'll be disappointed you spoiled yourself. im not speaking from experience at all no what haha [surreptious sniffle, whine]
ANYWAY thanks for the ask, im once a nerd always a nerd
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izayakasanka · 8 months
I made a Google Classroom for the chat
To join the group chat you have to join the classroom so I can add your email unfortunately- just dm me for the code if you wanna XD
@raph-reign17, @leontheluxuriousone, @mikey-the-mischevious, @donvonryan, @ninjas-greatest-weapon, @marvelousmichelangelo, @b1g-raph1e, @genius-othello, @aprilthefiercequeen, @thecassclan, @hugzfromcaseyjr, @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues, @captain-ryans-no1-fan, @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia, @the-party-dude, @leos-katanas, @ronin-mikey, @0r0ku-k1ller, @brainstimesbrawn, @nightmaresoftheabyss, @goongala-hockey-puck, @rokkarokkawaii, @a-wise-rat, @karaiirl, @stella-kessho-reporting-for-duty, @yokai-nerd, @smartass-opposum, @rosewater-n-rosemary, @riseleon, @traumatisedspider, @the-katydid-knight, @valkyriefae1, @mikey-rottmnt, @pax-man2010, @bigmama10fficial, @repo-maniac, @rena-hoshimi-at-duty, @the-frog-assassin, @kikiatherinerosaline
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octolingkiera · 1 year
ok im just opened your blog for the first time. im from your ao3. literally know nothing about you. have not looked at anything on your blog. this may be wildly inaccurate. but here are my extremely specific assumptions based entitled on your fanfics that i’ve read.
- you have an overwhelming desire to form a deep and strong connection with someone. where you are just inexplicably close with them and can’t imagine life without this person.
[ either that or you already have a person/people like this in your life. ]
- seem like the kind of person who owns cats AND dogs. if not you want both. i think. i dunno.
- you listen to lemon demon. or just very internet-e music in general.
- you own a lot of graphic t shirts and colourful socks?
- you’re a theatre/literature nerd.
- you hated playing dodgeball in gym class
- you have an absurd amount of blankets/pillows
- a big part of your sense of humour can be summed up with that one silly video where that dude says “GRASS! I LIED ABOUT THE WHEELS” idk its 12am or smth gimme a break
- you either love milk so so much or hate it with a passion
i dunno if any of that is accurate and like. fair warning i’ve read all your rottmnt fics but nothing else so. shrug emoji.
ohmigosh hello!! :3 welcome to my blog!! it's been a couple weeks since you've sent this so if you've taken a look around yet, i hope you found something interesting lol
when this came in, i read it like three times and showed my friends and i gotta say. i love your energy lmao. ive never had anyone do this before so idk the procedure from here but. i love that all you've done is read my rise fic and came over here and wrote this up and that's it. i love it. this is great, thank you!!! lol
it's overall lowkey a little accurate which is wildly hilarious to me but i guess i can go through and tell you how you did??? lol
you have an overwhelming desire to form a deep and strong connection with someone. where you are just inexplicably close with them and can’t imagine life without this person.
[ either that or you already have a person/people like this in your life. ] does having a close friend ive known for 15 years count?? lol this ask came in the monday before she got married and the day before i flew out to go attend said wedding with all of our close mutual friends, so i'd say this is p accurate. (and as to the desire part... yeah,,, lol)
seem like the kind of person who owns cats AND dogs. if not you want both. i think. i dunno.
i do actually!! i have a dog and a cat rn, but ive had mostly dogs my whole life. two of my grandmas are huge cat people and have always had a lot of cats or fed a lot of strays, so i really love both of them. i couldn't say which i like more lol
you listen to lemon demon. or just very internet-e music in general.
i actually dont listen to much lemon demon, and while i dont quite get what you mean by "internet-e music", uhhhh i do like some meme songs?? if that counts?? lol. a lot of my music tastes can be summed up as "mid 2000s to early 2010s" lmfao
you own a lot of graphic t shirts and colourful socks?
lol most of what i wear is graphic tees, yes. as for the socks,,, yeah, when i wear them lol. i haaaaate socks in general, so i have to get socks i like the looks of so i actually want to wear them. my favorites are pokemon themed, but they slip down my heel really easily, so i dont wear them as much anymore :(
you’re a theatre/literature nerd.
lol, not really, but i do enjoy the occasional musical. i havent read many actual, published books in recent years, but i'm almost always reading Something
you hated playing dodgeball in gym class
brooo i HATED gym class. i actually didn't have a single gym class in middle school and the last time i had a gytm class was the first half of my first year of high school all the way back in 2010 lol
you have an absurd amount of blankets/pillows
again, not really, but i love me a good soft blanket. i love silly little plush throw blankets and also really big warm ones you can snuggle up in on a cold night, but in bed, i don't tend to use a ton of blankets or pillows
a big part of your sense of humour can be summed up with that one silly video where that dude says “GRASS! I LIED ABOUT THE WHEELS” idk its 12am or smth gimme a break
my sense of humor is like 80% vines so like. yeah lol
you either love milk so so much or hate it with a passion
milk is good!!! i used to drink it a lot more when i was younger but not so much now lol
tysm for the ask!!! this was fun and i really enjoyed this :3 thanks for reading and (hopefully lol) enjoying my fics, and i hope you'll keep reading!! i have more rottmnt stuff cooking up (including a huge separated au fic, more prompt fills, a "future character travels back in time" fic, potentially a post movie fic (we'll see lol), and some silly little post episode oneshots ;3) that i hope i can get posted sooner or later lol
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