#im just like...... damn...... is that how it's gonna be then...... god........ let me reevaluate my entire existence brb
eerna · 3 years
ACOTAR smut overcomes me with profound sadness. It puts me in such a dark mood. It makes me feel so so so sorry but I don’t know why or for whom. There are tears behind the laughter
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buzzdixonwriter · 5 years
Sci-Fi And The Sincerest Form Of Flattery
I know many of you prefer “science fiction” or “science fantasy” or “speculative fiction” or “sf” or even “stf” for short, but I ain’t that guy…
I’m a sci-fi kinda guy.
I prefer sci-fi because to me it evokes the nerdy playfulness the genre should embrace at some level (and, no we’re not gonna debate geek vs nerd as a descriptor; “geeky” implies biting heads off chickens no matter how benign and respectable the root has become).
. . .
A brief history of sci-fi films -- a very brief history.
Georges Melies’ 1898 short A Trip to The Moon is one of the earliest examples of the genre, and it arrived full blown at the dawn of cinema via its literary predecessors in Verne and Wells.
There were a lot of bona fide sci-fi films before WWII -- the Danes made a surprisingly large number in the silent era, Fritz Lang gave us Metropolis and Frau Im Mond, we saw the goofiness of Just Imagine and the spectacle of Things To Come and the space opera appeal of Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers.
And that’s not counting hundreds of other productions -- comedies and contemporary thrillers and westerns -- where a super-science mcguffin played a key part.
That came to a screeching halt in WWII primarily due to budget considerations and real world science easily overtaking screen fantasy.  Still, there were a few bona fide sci-fi films and serials during the war and immediately thereafter, but it wasn’t until the flying saucer scare of the late forties that sci-fi became a popular movie genre again (and on TV as well).
Ground zero for 1950s sci-fi was George Pal’s Destination Moon, which was an attempt to show a plausible flight to the moon (it was actually beaten to the screens by a couple of other low budget movies that rushed into production to catch Pal’s PR wave for his film).
This led to the first 1950s sci-fi boom that lasted from 1949 to 1954, followed by a brief fallow period, then a larger but far less innovative second boom in the late 1950s to early 1960s.
BTW, let me heartily recommend the late Bill Warren’s magnificent overview of sci-fi films of that era, Keep Watching The Skies, a must have in any sci-fi film fan’s library.
Seriously, go get it.
Bill and I frequently discussed films of that and subsequent eras, and Bill agreed with my assessment of the difference between 1950s sci-fi and 1960s sci-fi:  1950s sci-fi most typically ends with the old order restored, while 1960s sci-fi typically ends with the realization things have changed irrevocably.
In other words, “What now, puny human?”
I judge the 1960s sci-fi boom to have started in 1963 (at least for the US and western Europe; behind the Iron Curtain they were already ahead of us) with the Outer Limits TV show, followed in 1964 by the films The Last Man On Earth (based on Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend), Robinson Crusoe On Mars, and The Time Travelers.
But what really triggered the 1960s sci-fi boom was Planet Of The Apes and 2001: A Space Odyssey.  The former was shopped around every major Hollywood studio starting in 1963 until it finally found a home at 20th Century Fox (whose market research indicated there was an audience for well-made serious sci-fi film and hence put Fantastic Voyage into production).  Kubrick, fresh off Lolita and Dr. Srangelove (another sci-fi film tho not presented as such), carried an enormous cache in Hollywood of that era, and if MGM was going to bankroll his big budget space movie, hey, maybe there was something to this genre after all.
From 1965 forward, the cinematic space race was on, with 1968 being a banner year for groundbreaking sci-fi movies:  2001: A Space Odyssey, Barbarella, Charly, Planet Of The Apes, The Power, Project X, and Wild In The Streets.  (Star Trek premiering on TV in 1967 didn’t hurt, either.)
And, yeah, there were a number of duds and more than a few old school throwbacks during this era, but the point is the most interesting films were the most innovative ones.
Here’s a partial list of the most innovative sci-fi films from 1969 to 1977, nine-year period with some of the most original ideas ever presented in sci-fi films.  Not all of these were box office successes, but damn, they got people’s attention in both the film making and sci-fi fandom communities.
The Bed Sitting Room
Doppelganger (US title:  Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun)
The Gladiators
The Monitors 
Beneath The Planet Of The Apes [a]
Colossus: The Forbin Project 
Crimes Of The Future 
The Mind Of Mr. Soames 
No Blade Of Grass 
The Andromeda Strain 
A Clockwork Orange 
Glen And Randa 
The Hellstrom Chronicle 
THX 1138 
Silent Running 
Slaughterhouse Five 
Solaris [b] 
Day Of The Dolphin
Fantastic Planet 
The Final Programme (US title: The Last Days Of Man On Earth)
Idaho Transfer 
Dark Star 
Phase IV 
Space Is The Place 
A Boy And His Dog 
Black Moon 
Death Race 2000
Shivers (a.k.a. They Came From Within and The Parasite Murders)  [c]
The Stepford Wives 
God Told Me To [a.k.a. Demon]
The Man Who Fell To Earth 
[a]  I include Beneath The Planet Of The Apes because it is the single most nihilistic major studio film released, a movie that posits Charlton Heston blowing up the entire planet is A Damn Good Idea; follow up films in the series took a far more conventional approach to the material.  While successful, neither the studio nor mainstream audiences knew what to make of this film, so 20th Century Fox re-released it in a double bill with another problematic production, Russ Meyer’s Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls, and holy cow, if ever there was a more bugfuck double feature from a major studio I challenge you to name it.
[b]  Other than Karel Zemen’s delightful animated films, Iron Curtain sci-fi films rarely screened in the US, with the exception of special effects stock shots strip mined to add production values to cheapjack American productions (looking at you, Roger Corman).  Solaris is the exception.
[c]  David Cronenberg made several other films in this time frame, but most of them were variations on the themes he used in Shivers, including his big break out, Scanners.  Realizing he was repeating himself, Cronenberg reevaluated his goals and started making films with greater variety of theme and subject matter.
. . .
The astute reader will notice I bring my list to an end in 1977, a mere nine-year span instead of a full decade.
That’s because 1977 also saw the release of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind and Star Wars.
The effect was immediate, with knock-off films being released the same year.
1978 saw Dawn Of The Dead, a sequel to 1968’s Night Of The Living Dead, and Superman, the first non-campy superhero movie aimed at non-juvenile audiences.  
1979 gave us Alien, Mad Max, and Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
These films were not just successful, they were blockbusters.
And none of them were original.
Close Encounters served as an excuse to do a Kubrick-style light show; plot and theme are about as deep as a Dixie cup, and of all the blockbusters of that era, it’s the one with no legs.
Alien’s pedigree can be traced back to It! Terror From Beyond Space (and It’s pedigree goes back to A.E. van Vogt’s “Black Destroyer” and “Discord In Scarlet” in the old Astounding Stories) and Demon Planet (US title: Planet Of The Vampires) by way of Dark Star (Dan O’Bannon writing the original screenplays for that film and Alien as well).
Mad Max, like 1981’s Escape From New York, differs from earlier post-apocalypse movies only insofar as their apocalypses of a social / cultural / political nature, not nuclear or biological weapons.  Mad Max, in fact, can trace its lineage back to No Blade Of Grass, which featured it own caravan of refugees attacked by modern day visigoths on motorcycles, and the original Death Race 2000, as well as an odd little Australian non-sci-fi film, The Cars That Ate Paris.
Not only was Dawn Of The Dead a sequel, but it kickstarted a worldwide tsunami of zombie movies that continues to this day (no surprise as zombie films are easy to produce compared to other films listed here, and while there are a few big budget examples of the genre, the typical zombie movie is just actors in ragged clothes and crappy make-up).
Superman was…well…Superman.  And Star Trek was Star Trek.
And the granddaddy of them all, Star Wars, was a cinematic throwback that threw so far back it made the old seem new again.
Not begrudging any of those films their success: They were well made and entertaining.
But while there had been plenty of sequels and remakes and plain ol’ knockoffs of successful sci-fi movies in the past, after these seven there was precious little room for anything really different or innovative.
1982’s E.T. was Spielberg’s unofficial follow-up to Close Encounters.
1984’s Terminator consciously harkened back to Harlan Elison’s Outer Limits episodes “Demon With A Glass Hand” and “Soldier” (not to mention 1966’s Cyborg 2087 which looks like a first draft of Cameron’s film)
All innovative movies are risky, and the mammoth success of the films cited above did little to encourage new ideas in sci-fi films but rather attempts to shoehorn material into one of several pre-existing genres.
Star Wars = space opera of the splashy Flash Gordon variety
Star Trek = crew on a mission (Star Trek: The Next Generation [+ 5 other series], Andromeda, Battlestar: Galactica [4 series], Buck Rogers In The 25th Century, Farscape, Firefly [+ movie], The Orville, Space Academy, Space Rangers, Space: Above And Beyond, plus more anime and syndicated shows than you can shake a stick at)
Superman = superheroes (nuff’ sed!)
Close Encounters / E.T. = cute aliens
Alien = not-so-cute aliens
Terminator = robots vs humans (and, yes, The Matrix movies fall into this category)
Escape From New York = urban post-apocalypse
Mad Max = vehicular post-apocalypse 
Dawn Of The Dead = zombies
Mix and match ‘em and you’ve got a nearly limitless number of variations you know are based on proven popular concepts, none of that risky original stuff.
Small wonder that despite the huge number of new sci-fi films and programs available, little of it is memorable.
. . .
It shouldn’t be like this.
With ultra-cheap film making tools (there are theatrically released films shot on iPhones so there’s literally no barrier to entry) and copious venues for ultra-low / no-budget film makers to show their work (YouTube, Vimeo, Amazon Prime, etc.), there’s no excuse for there not to be a near limitless number of innovative films in all genres.
But there isn’t.
I watch a lot of independent features and short films on various channels and streaming services.
They’re either direct knock-offs of current big budget blockbusters (because often the film makers are hoping to impress the big studios into giving them lots of money to make one of their movies), or worse still, deliberately “bad” imitations of 1950s B-movies (and I get why there’s an appeal to do a bad version of a B-movie; if you screw up you can always say you did it deliberately).
Look, I understand the appeal of fan fic, written or filmed.
And I get it that sometimes it’s easier to do a knock-off where the conventions of the genre help with the final execution.
But let’s not make deliberate crap, okay?
Oscar Wilde is quoted as saying ��Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” but he was quoting somebody else, and that wasn’t the whole original quote.
Wilde was quoting Charles Caleb Colton, a dissolute English clergyman with a passion for gambling and a talent for bon mots.
Colton’s full quote:   “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
Don’t be mediocre.
Be great.
   © Buzz Dixon
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nightglider124 · 6 years
I am so tired.
So. It’s come to it. I have so many thoughts floating around in my head and I can’t express them enough so looks like we’re doing a big fat post which is fucking stupid anyway.
This whole Dickkory/Dickbabs darma... I’m seeing it in the tags and I’m just... why? I thought people were done with this pathetic ship war stuff. It’s so childish?
So, I’ve only really noticed an influx of this hatred since that anon went on a hate spree to dickkory fans’ inboxes. Otherwise, I don’t really notice anything between dickbabs and dickkory fans. 
Let’s be clear about this - That anon doesn’t represent the entirety of dickbabs fans; they really don’t. From the looks of it, they were just a bully and a troll, intent on causing some drama between the two ships. I doubt they’re even a dickbabs fan for real - and if they are, they are certainly not one that the fans would want to associate themselves with, I imagine.
In response to that, can we all stop the shitty back and forth? That anon (or in some cases not anon for those who were also aware of their username) is a nobody who honestly just wants to be a dick and doesn’t care about the fandom itself. If you’re a dickbabs fan and you’re sticking up for them and the things they have been saying to dickkory fans, you need to reevaluate. Likewise, if you’re a dickkory fan that has been lashing out at dickbabs fans for no other reason than being triggered by that pathetic anon, stop it.
Like chill the fuck out with all this abuse between the two ships; it’s so high school and irrelevant and exhausting. Just stop; don’t be children because it’s just embarrassing. That is to both sides of this.
Which leads me to the next thing - dickbabs and dickkory fans are no better or worse than the other. In both fandoms, you have the bad apples who are honestly just such assholes, even you dislike them. I can tell you right now, there are many dickkory fans in the past that I have blocked because they are so negative and atrocious - they’re just not worth being linked to. 
But, neither fan can turn round and say “my fandom is perfect; no one gives hate” because you’re either just not seeing it or you’re not being truthful. There are crappy, hateful fans in ever corner of fandom - any fandom. 
There will always be a few that ruin it for other fans who simply want to enjoy their ship without any abuse or drama. There will always be the hateful, nasty fans who like to try and tear down their “rival” ship and make the fandom look bad. 
It’s not an individual thing so can we please not act like it is? Dickbabs fans need to stop coming for dickkory fans saying we’re all toxic and vice versa; dickkory fans need to remember that dickbabs fans are not these demons - they are just fans trying to enjoy their ship. 
Everyone just leave each other alone if you don’t have nice things to say.
Just be happy with what you have - Dickkory is clearly a thing going on in Titans and some other forms of media. Dickbabs is going on YJ - Let each other have the media forms. Like, who cares? Just be happy with the content you get - don’t be spiteful and angry and pathetic towards fans who are happy to have their ship in something, regardless of who has had more or whatever. 
The thing I have seen a lot of is this slut shaming as well which isn’t cool. This whole hate on Kory as a character is just not acceptable. Whether you dislike her or not, stay out of Kory related tags and stay away from the actress portraying her in Titans. If you’re sending hate to Anna Diop, you are just such a shitty person. The woman is doing her job; leave her the fuck alone. 
Just because you don’t like the character or you don’t like who has been chosen to play her, does not give you the right to be sending threats and racial slurs towards the actress. I thought that was basic human principals but I guess some are still in the baby stages of learning that one; y’know, how to respect others around them. 
Likewise, I’ve seen some dickkory fans bashing on Babs as a character as well which isn’t fair either. Babs is a wonderful character in her own right and if you don’t like her or you hate on her solely because you dislike dickbabs; get in the damn corner and take a time out. I’m not a huge fangirl of Babs; not for a particular reason, I’m just neither here nor there for her. 
But, you don’t see me going to posts and fanart and fanfics and fans’ inboxes, giving them shit just for liking the character. Each to their own on who they like, who they ship, who they don’t like but stop trying to shove it down other fans’ throats. 
Do not push your opinions and thoughts on characters and ships on people who are fans of what you hate. It’s not fair and honestly just makes you a douchebag. 
A big rule in fandoms which... I really thought some people would have learned by this point - if you don’t like something, scroll past it or blacklist it. If you don’t like a user on this site/fandom or they post stuff you don’t like? That block button is there for a reason. Keep the negative stuff away from your dashboard. 
Don’t start giving people hate and making drama and just being unpleasant when all you need to do it blacklist or block. It’s not difficult. 
The same goes for - if you’re making a hate post or if you’re stating how you don’t like “X ship” - for the love of God, don’t tag it. Don’t be that person. Please.
If you tag stuff that you know if gonna piss off a fan, then you get no sympathy when they come stomping through. You are clearly provoking them with that.
Don’t tag bullshit and don’t do it when you know fans go to the tags to enjoy their ship; not to see it be torn down or spat on. 
Just be respectful and nice?? I don’t know why the select few fans on both sides of Dickkory and Dickbabs find that so damn hard? It’s not.
Both ships are valid and wonderful - accept and embrace this; please. And move on.
I am so sick of seeing spitefulness to each other when at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to enjoy out fictional characters and our ships. No one should be getting harassed or abused over something like that.
Fandom world, for most is supposed to be a haven and people who give shit and hate and make unnecessary drama are the ones who ruin the haven.
I can’t believe I actually have to reiterate to just be nice? It’s a basic human concept. Be nice to others and be respectful of things that whilst you might not like, others do. Accept and move on.
I feel like I’ve been fair in this little rant so if I get hate on either side lmao, I will be either deleting or giving you blunt af replies bc honestly I am so done with childish arguments. 
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luke-ikmr · 7 years
Thoughts, Thoughts, Thoughts, and more Thoughts 11/14/17
things is different now! everyday i change, and i'm not just talking about my socks. As i shift from adventuring, and into home life, it has been interesting to notice changes in myself. All but one of the aspects of coming home have been bad. like a slow but steady glacier creeping forward gradually, i feel a lazy and lost Luke coming back! going from high to not-so-high. Im not worried because i know this rhythm. High and low and up and down, in and out. While i don't condone changeability and wavering in my internal state/mentality, i also know it’s not worth crying over when we do start to slip back into old habits.
so good news first! the one aspect of home life i am glad i'm getting back into is my friends and family! relationships here are great! consistency, dependability, easy, peasy, loving, fun, relatable! oooh yea, the relationships here are nice.  i'm realizing so much more than ever that i need to contribute more in my relationships and especially grow them too. so thats a plus...
Bad news time :( But i'm also getting consumed by how easy it is to do stuff and how much my brain and soul gets used up. I need time in the day to center myself and to connect with God. but damn, its tough to ignore (even just for 20 minutes to write this!) the responsibilities of life.
  Today i did something i haven't done in a long long time. It was gross. i went to “work”. Its been a minute since i’ve had a job that i get a paycheck for. while this job is definitely temporary and still pretty lax, it felt weird. I knew i was just there because- money. So almost immediately when i started i wanted to leave. its just hard to see how simple minimum wage jobs, especially one like working in a shipping warehouse is gonna get me to where i want to go. I lacked intention there. And anytime i do something without intention i'm robbing future luke. God doesn't do stuff without intention!
I truly believe God needs me to reevaluate what i expect out of my days and my life. I need to fundamentally shift my paradigm of ‘everyday life’. Screw what is expected or normal. I truly feel like i need to pursue what makes me happy rather than what necessarily makes sense. God wanted so much more for us and i feel like most people now just settle. a theme of my recent travels has been to follow my heart. as cliche as it sounds that's the real deal yo! I'm gonna work on listening to that more while i'm here at home.
the time i’ve spent recently has been quiet enough to truly let my mind and heart be free, and that has really renewed a lot of my “plans” that i thought i had. so! I’m excited about what the future holds. i don't know where im going exactly but its gonna be sweet im sure.
So what does all of this mean? well, I think god wants me to really take action. To make more out of my experiences than just memories.Take responsibility! and stop hiding behind Gods patience or forgiveness, and start doing what’s right. grow up a little. Go forward.
So, once again im relearning the fine line of happiness and unhappiness. Clarity and confusion, progression and regression are so finely balanced between God and Satan. So, I know if i make good conditions and give God space amongst all this then ill start to find myself more and more on the right side of that fine line. The trouble is momentum. Getting started in the right direction, especially when you're already going pretty fast in the wrong one. but its all good, all growth. its all tubular dude.  Im grateful for the Lords trust in me. I'm ready to keep growing and uncovering my true self. Im aware more and more of the B.S. that i need to cut out. Hopefulness is what i feel. so I know though i'm still in the formation stage or maybe a lil of the growth stage. most of all i know that i'm right where i need to be. Gods got me. i want to be able to get God sometimes too, so ill be better tomorrow.
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trampstampmorgan · 7 years
Tagged by @doggofromchapter24  Thank you so much I feel great honor! Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people THE LAST 1. drink: Ice tea 2. phone call: I called my older sister 3. text message: My older sister once again 4. song you listened to: Ah fuck I don’t remember, I’ve been listening to The Adventure Zone podcast lately so I can’t recall what songs I last listened to. 5. time you cried: Last Friday in class, those damn Thailand life insurance commercials really rip your heart out, or just any Asian commercials tbh.  A Chinese cellphone commercial made me cry.    7. kissed someone and regretted it: Can’t say I have 8. been cheated on:....I can’t say yes for sure, but I had a strong hunch. 9. lost someone special: My high school art teacher 10. been depressed: Yep, but I’m working on it the best I can. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I don’t throw up ever thank god. 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. Wine red 13. Black
14. Emerald green 
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: nope 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: Mhhmm 19. met someone who changed you: not that I know off 20. found out who your friends are: Yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes  GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: I want to say all of them 23. do you have any pets: Two dogs 24. do you want to change your name: nope, even though it gets butchered a lot 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Went to TGIF with a few friends, I think we went bowling after too?? then we went to get boba after 26. what time did you wake up: 7 30 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: coming back from Norms 28. name something you can’t wait for: Hmmm...I guess to finally graduate with a BFA next spring  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: She is within my sight - wtf happened to number 30 lmao - 31. what are you listening to right now: I can hear my sister watching the Emmy’s 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: My sister has a friend named Tom, I’ve said hi a few times 33. something that is getting on your nerves: University parking, my parents and sister treating me like a child, petty people, like I’m petty, but I’m not petty towards people I know and care about? Like if you need to jab at your friend for something they didn’t do, you need to reevaluate your priorities. 34. most visited website: Tumblr, youtube, the CSUF page 35. hair colour: dark brown 36. long or short hair: short, slightly passed the ears 37. do you have a crush on someone: Nope 38. what do you like about yourself: ahh.. let me try to make my self loathing disappear for this minute, my lips, eyelashes, hands, and my capability of being able to get along with people. 39. want any piercings: I have a pair of earlobe piercings and a ear cartilage piercings.  I want a belly button piercing though   40. blood type: Like the most common one...I think it was b positive??? 41. nickname: I don’t go by nicknames. When I RPed as Okuyasu on tumblr, some people called me Oku 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: hardheaded Capricorn  44. pronouns: She/her 45. favourite tv show: Bungou Stray Dogs 46. tattoos: not yet 47. right or left handed: lefty 48. surgery: I had eye surgery once. Nothing too severe that I needed anesthesia  49. piercing: answered  in question 39 50. sport: I use to be in cross country. 51. vacation: - I want to go anywhere. I love to travel but I would really like to go to Guanajuato, Mexico again. 52. pair of trainers: likes running shoes? one? MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing 54. drinking: nothing 55. im about to: work on homework probably, or listen to TAZ 56. waiting for: nothing in particular 57. want: Peace of mind 58. get married: ahha, not really, marriage kind of scares me. 59. career: Animation, storyboard in general 60. hugs or kisses: I prefer hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: i think I would prefer older, but I don’t really care either way 64. nice arms or nice stomach: uhh stomach I guess? 65. hook up or relationship: ....i’mma go with relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: leaning more towards hesitant HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes but my ass has great luck and i find them 70. turned someone down: yes, but not assertive enough. 71. sex on the first date: nope 72. broken someone’s heart: doubt it 73. had your heart broken: nope 74. been arrested: nope 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: i don’t recall DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: Not always, but I’m trying my best 78. miracles: not in the religious way 79. love at first sight: only with dogs 80. santa claus: nope 81. kiss on the first date: yeah man do it if you want to and with consent 82. angels: no OTHER 83. current best friends’ names: Sandra, Damien, Alex (if he ever decides to call me again!)
84. eye colour: dark brown 85. favorite movie: How to Train your Dragon and Neighbors
And now to tag some peeps, since I was tagged by someone from the BSD fandom, I’m gonna try to tag people from there as well.  But feel free to participate as well
@pandarino90 @owlgirl1998 @little-axel @fy-soukoku @sh10ra
@thefandomtrashneko @fkoff18 @chuuyabelongswithhappiness @elincia
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rogue-rook · 7 years
many highlights from The Stolen Century from a first-time TAZ listener (here there be spoilers)
oh hot damn a flashbacks episode!!!!!
“everything begins, and i mean that quite literally, with the light of creation”
the IPRE has some real nostalgic space exploration nasa vibes to it
travis: “i would like to state that, canonically, magnus calls him “cap’nport” because magnus, like I, loves portmanteau”
suggested names for the ship boat thing: boaty mcboatface, spinnaker (which just means boat), stinky spinnaker, laser spinnaker, hyper spinnaker, flying boat, tail spinnaker, fighting spinnaker, lightbringer, sky spinnaker, sky boat, sky weaver, star dancer, starblaster! the winner! starblaster!
the way they arrived at “starblaster” was such peak mcelroy Creative Nonsense
the reporters at this IPRE press conference have had increasingly silly names
justin: “taako and lup go to a bar and do what they always do at a bar, which is hustle people at pool” i love them so much! i didn’t love taako all that much for the majority of this story but now i think he’s cool as shit
I��m so SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED for lup to be a part of this and be a real character and not just a fucking GHOST haunting taako’s umbrella
magnus wants to go train with the bear of power and that’s the most on-brand thing for him to possibly want to do
travis: “magnus doesn’t kill animals if he can help it” not animals, but of course he has no problem killing dwarves, elves, liches, wizards, ya know, all those PEOPLE he’s killed
justin: “taako and lup are gonzo, they're out of here" magnus: “i’m like checking on bear cubs and making sure everyone's okay" merle: “im like increasing everybody’s speed with spells’ very on brand of everybody here
travis: “okay griffin i have a very important question that i should have asked before-” griffin: “is about your fucking hard candy supply?”
the entire set up of this arc is so fun and good 
justin: “yeah i've got a fucking genius plan and I'm gonna fix everything! come close, griffin, because I'm about to blow your game wide open. I’m going to make a fake light of creation. I’m gonna spend this year like a survivor contestant on their last legs, crafting a false hidden immunity idol. I’m going to craft, to the best of my ability, a fake light of creation. a decoy, if you will!” THIS IS GENIUS
taako: “okay, that’s all well and good but lup and i are going scrapping. this is the most civilized- this is the most technologically advanced place that we’ve been to yet, and I wanna load the ship up with all the valuable mechanical components I can find, so I’m going fucking looting, I’m gonna destroy as many robots as it takes, I’m gonna take these motherfuckers apart piecemeal, so I can take whatever cool magic is powering them. I’m going to loot this motherfucker to brass tacks, I’m gonna just loot and pillage” merle: “burnt earth” taako: “yes exactly”
lup: “i believe one of these times we’re going to get this right. and we’re going to find a way to defeat the hunger and save everybody inside of it. I have to believe that to keep doing what we do, becasue I have to believe that I’m going to get those 15 dollars back from greg fucking grimmaldis” lup is as cool and funny and DOPE as I was hoping she would be
one of these eps, they just kicked it on a beach for 35 minutes and were shitheads about merle’s attempt at gifts. the literal goddamn definition of a bottle episode. im only like 75% sure davenport was even in this fucking episode
travis has named magnus’s fish, magnus’s father-in-law, a rando reporter at the IPRE press conference, and a kid at one of the stolen century planets “steven”. all of those people/fish are called steven, because apparently travis has a thing for that name
clint just called lucretia “lucinda”
well now i understand why merle’s died 50 million times
taako: “i got bad news for everybody. our arch-nemesis is MORRISSEY”
magnus gets excited to learn to carve wood bc its something he could do with knives and weapons and shit and im like oh THATS the most magnus thing he could possibly do!!!
hey cool so barry and lup’s adorable love OWNS MY ASS
that was the sweetest falling-in-love story ive ever heard and it was like 5 fucking minutes. @ fanfiction writers throw all your barry/lup friends-to-lovers fics directly at my head PLEASE
davenport: “lup can you blow it up?" lup: "can i...blow up a mountain?....well, YEAH! but lets save that for a last resort" the legato conservatory person: “i'm going to firmly request that you don’t blow up our sacred mountain”
taako: “hey I’m taako, from TV” griffin: “uh okay-” justin: “what?” griffin: “you haven’t been on tv yet” clint: “it’s aspirational” justin: “yeah, its aspirational. hey I’m taako from TV. you’re all pretty wanged. you’re pretty fucked. there’s good news and bad news, and the bad news I’ve already covered, with the fucked-ness that you are”
jesus, shit got DARK
oh my god the voidfish that magnus saved in the stolen century is the same one on the bureau of balance base. that’s some heart-tingly shit. that’s that GOOD STORY SHIT
griffin: “your adventures in the back half of these cycles are more fraught than the first half” OH IM SORRY? MORE FRAUGHT??? REALLY, GRIFFY?
griffin’s judge character dude: "magnus, you have fought with others your entire life, throughout your adolescence you celebrated strife. i didn't mean to make that rhyme"
one of the future crimes accused of the IPRE crew is “cruelty to a child who loves them” and im like oh. maybe i shouldnt have wanted somebody to call them out on being mean to sweet ango
oh man i wanna hug lucretia so bad and take care of her and make sure she’s okay
griffin: “she wouldn’t go on to found the bureau of balance for decades, but this horrible lonely year, that’s when she became Madame Director” okay, yep, i love her, and i just remembered i was worried for SO LONG that she was hoarding the relics for her own gain and jesus christ IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT THAT, EVERYBODY, I REGRET IT SO BAD
magnus reading fisher the voidfish a story more like GREAT JOY AND HAPPINESS
justin: “taako like walks by [the voidfish] and you just hear him shout ‘give him the complete works of nathaniel hawthorne next!” griffin: “YOU FUCKING HATE THAT GUY!” justin: “fuck that guy” clint: “what do you have against nathaniel hawthorne???” justin: “he is the worst writer and everybody has to read him and it makes kids HATE reading” clint: “last of the mohicans???” justin: “thats- not him, thats james fenimore cooper” griffin: “BOO-YAH!!! [singing] take him toooo schoool” justin: “yall i know the name of TWO authors from that time period, and he did the ONE pull, that’s gonna sound so fucking smart” oh man maybe I really need to reevaluate my ranking of Favorite Mcelroys, justin just reached for the Deepest Cut To Make Me Love Him
magnus: “i don’t find anything useful in this library, so let that be a lesson, kids, you’ll never find anything useful reading books” yeah take that, you punk ass book jockeys
griffin: “I base it on just how much i like the scene, right? so take plus two bond” whoa what GRIFFY DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A SYSTEM FOR THIS SHIT?? HE’S JUST HANDING OUT BONDS AND ASSETS WILLY NILLY????
magnus: “oh, could i have been learning magic instead of feeding books to my buddy?” griffin: “your scene was really good though” magnus: “oh man i could have become a wizard” yeah and break the continuity of THE ENTIRE GODDAMN SHOW
this Lup and Taako’s Greatest Day chaotic destruction is the most fun shit that’s happened in this show
taako: “I pull off her blindfold to reveal this planet’s ONLY DMV. there’s one DMV on the entire planet” this planet has no people and no animals and no living anything besides the 7 ipre crew and yet there’s a DMV leftover from whatever civilization used to be here. UH UH UH SURE JUSTIN
jesus christ i can’t believe lup’s lich form dabbed in the goddamn middle of this ritual
travis: “griffin, i know this wasn't in the instructions you sent us, but I want to make a lightsaber, can I do that?" griffin: "absolutely not!"
the KrebStar is a dope name
griffin: "so like a lotta bear stuff, then, huh?" travis: "look im leaning into it"
travis: “I’m going to name the helmet BearFace- ya know, naming stuff isn’t magnus’s strong suit- and I’m going to call the pendant 2th Necklace”
griffin: “and she’s holding an umbrella” justin: “fuck you” THIS MOMENT IS SOOO GOOD
justin: "I think i speak for the rest of us, and like the entire audience, when i say I cannot wait to see what these fucking 7 items are"
“that was the last conversation you had with your sister” hey griffin. fuck you
“not all exits are equal” HEY GRIFFIN. REALLY REALLY FUCK YOU
oh man lucretia. i can’t believe you did that to everybody. man that’s. that’s rough
this is heartbreaking holy shit. barry begging his bestfriend TO KILL HIM so he won’t forget the love of his life is SOME GUTWRENCHING SHIT HOLY SHIT
this is a really amazing story and I’m so impressed with the way it evolved from a goofy mcelroy joke podcast into such an amazing compelling story
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