#im just scared of exercising in a public space and getting harassed and other stuff
cupcraft · 2 years
finally got a gym membership im unbelievably nervous about this
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cart--jpg · 6 years
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hHHHECK I got their overall aesthetic’s going
oh yeah i forgot to say!! they’re a barbershop quartet!!
(undercut is their personalities and relationships with one another)
ethan is the leader/manager- he’s a man of many talents- he loves flannels and just in general winter clothing- which kinda sucks because most of their gigs are in places that are basically summer all year. he has nicknames for everyone in the group- but jo-jo’s is the only one that stuck with the rest of them- he calls dallas dally, arturo art, and ya know what jo-jo’s name is. it’s kinda like code names for him- but he does have confident issues though- he’ll have really high highs and really low lows with both self esteem and confidence. thought when it’s high it tends to stay high- this gets him in trouble sometimes because he gets a bit cocky. just like dallas- he’s pretty active- just not as much as dallas- he’ll exercise pretty much every other time dallas will- ethan is bi but not out to the group nor anyone else- he’s also a big prankster- he’ll prank everyone in the group- nothing to hurt them but he does love their reactions the most
dallas is the advertiser for the group- he’s also a big goof- he’s very active and works out almost everyday he can- loves the space/galaxy aes- whenever he gets to make ads for the group he gets so excited and always tries to make it unique! he dresses pretty casual- pretty much the opposite of jo-jo- he always tries to be positive- would be the type of person to say “stay posi dude!!” in public unironically. though he’s a little dense when it comes to serious situations- ie mental health, sexuality, gender, etc. he’s willingly to learn but some things he just flat out doesn’t understand. with this art and jo have taught him a few things- and dallas even realized he was heteroflex! <3 
arturo does all the accounting- he’s very good with numbers and loves summer clothes- his gender can be fluid but he mainly prefers to be male- also he loves to bake!! he’ll sometimes make little treats for their gigs- he’s pretty questioning when it comes to his sexuality. he’s definitely the mama bear of the group. just he’ll get overprotective. if someone talks shit on anyone in the group you better BELIEVE he will chew them out about it. this has cause them to get a little bit of backlash- he never does it without reason- he just is really passionate about the group and everything surrounding it. he also has a little journal where he writes everyone’s favorite treats and recipes he wants to remember- he only really remembers the one ethan likes the most though...
and jo-jo/jonas he hates being called jo-jo is the costume designer- he makes his own clothes almost all of the time- he’s typically in very formal wear- he’s pretty quiet and doesn’t really talk to anyone outside the group- also he’s gay- he’s only out to the group though- he’s also a bit of a perfectionist and tends to overwork himself. with both making the clothes for the group and making his own. most of the time he looks pretty tired. other than that he can act pretty nice to the group and will laugh at just about anything- outside of the group is a bit of a different story- he still will laugh but a lot less out of self consciousness- but when he does people are pretty surprised from how quiet and aloof he normally is.
ethan and dally- “BROOOO” “BROOOOOOOOOO” they’re partners in crime! they’re hella close and are like brothers. they’ve known eachother the longest and they were the first two in the group! whenever ethan plays a joke on dallas- with how dense he can be he’ll just sorta keep smiling and act like it’s okay- dallas has a big heart and loves to see ethan laugh- so seeing how giggly ethan gets when he pranks him just makes him just as happy
ethan and art - “can you not be cute for like 2 seconds” “what?” “nothing” though they’re very different- they get along pretty well- art has a small crush on ethan but thinks ethan is straight so he doesn’t tell anyone about it besides jo-jo. ethan teases art a lot, all in good fun but sparkle bombs and random picking up bridal style and carrying around like it’s normal are pretty common with these two. art is actually ethan’s favorite person to tease- partially because of how flustered he gets and he just thinks its cute- oh and art will sometimes make little treats just for ethan- art memorizes all his favorite desserts and just in general sweet flavors- (HINTETHANFEELSTHESAMEWAYHINTHINT)
ethan and jo-jo - “hey” “hey” “hey” “hey” [goes on for 30 more minutes] “whatcha doing” jonas and ethan will talk for hours if you let them- ethan gets jo-jo to laugh a lot and just in general they get along well- at first jonas was pretty closed off and quiet in the group- he wouldn’t even preform most of the time- ethan sort of helped him be less scared of preforming- ethan however could not get him to get out of his social bubble- jo-jo just doesn’t feel confident to talk to others outside of the group- jo doesn’t hate ethan’s pranks but doesn’t love them on a busy day- which is everyday when you’re jonas-
dallas and arturo - “art can we work out todayyyy” “hhhhhhhhhh” “ethans’ comingggg” “-sighs- fiiiiiiiiiiine” dallas and art get along pretty well. though with dallas he asks a lot of questions about sexuality and stuff like that- he’s trying to learn but he’ll ask a bit of too personal questions at times- art will let him know of this- but it’s hard when he’s so sweet and genuinely asking without any malice- dallas also tries to get art to join in on his work out days- art will come along if ethan offers to go as well- they’ll never get jo to go but 3/4 is pretty good- art sometimes makes little smoothies and stuff for dallas after he’s all done with his workouts- 
dallas and jo-jo - “hey i could use some he-” “did you say help?” “well not yet but yeah!” jo and dallas are basically complete opposites- jo gets this- dallas doesn’t- dallas won’t harass jo-jo about it but he really wants him to join in on the gym- jonas may never will- but dallas thinks it’s always worth a shot! jonas won’t lie though- dallas’ sweet personality always seems to get him to do just about anything...besides go to the gym. jonas will never admit this but he has caught feelings for dallas- besides going to the gym- whenever dallas wants a person to come with him somewhere or help him with sometime- jonas doesn’t really need to remeasure the guys but always seems to “forget” dallas’ measurements- and has him remeasured for almost every new outfit they need. jo’s height can make it difficult but it’s all worth it. dallas is oblivious to jonas’ feelings and just thinks they’re really good friends- though he did realize he was hetflex because of jo-jo
jonas and arturo - “the guys are stupid” “yeaaahh” they’re also pretty close and will talk to eachother- mainly for advice about their odd crushes on the other members of the group- jonas realizes ethan feels the same way for art- jonas just doesn’t feel right outing him to art in such a way and plus it’s not his right to say. art practically always goes to jo-jo for advice. jo-jo really wants to tell art to just go for it but feels hypocritical because he barely admit his feelings for dallas to himself- jonas can be good with advice just he can hold a back a bit because of insecurities and such- art tries to help him with these but jonas’ a pretty hard shell to crack- 
okay okay
im really excited for these characters
i hope y’all like them as well!!! ;w;
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