#im just so pissed i have a friend who doesnt even follow the guidelines they regularly forget and wear it for 12 hours and thyre fine
transgenbur · 3 months
has anyone else gotten this problem where like. ive had my binder (spectrum) since spring last year and i never had any problems with it for months. i didnt have to size up because my dimensions were exactly one size in particular . i wear it every day but never more than 8-9 hours like is recommended (i put it on at the very last minute before leaving my house and take it off the moment i get home i cant do much better than that), i have a day a week where i dont wear it bc sports, and on weekends i often dont wear it at all apart from like a dinner outside . like just in general i only wear it to go out and not at home . so i'd say im pretty much following all the safety stuff ? but for the past month or so ive been getting rib pain . so i thought i just needed a break which was a good coincidence bc i had like 2-3 weeks at home where i wore it essentially like maybe once . and now im back in school except . it still hurts when i wear it for a while ? im so confused like i thought giving it a rest was what i needed and i thought 3 weeks would be ample time? and it's not like my ribs have . Expanded? i dont think ive gained any weight either so like . why would i need to move up a size. and its kind of a problem because a) getting a binder at all was a hassle without my parents knowing so getting a 2nd one owuld be . Complicated b) i really really hope i havent fucked up my ribs somehow bc idk how i'd explain that to my parents??
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digimonde-blog · 5 years
The television and music I consumed was mostly absorbed from surroundings. Whether it was my parents playing their bops from their youth or the designated children’s shows. I had my preference but it all passive. I started my userdom when I sought to make friends with strangers who were hopefully more accepting than those around me. I used whatever social networking site was populated with people who had just as much time as me to kill. Sites like Myspace, myYearbook, sKout, tinder, it was a means of sharing who I was with whoever would listen.
Nowadays, I am more selective of my usage. I still try to find an online community to attach myself to but I’m not just following the trends I see. Back in my youth, the internet defined who I was. Now with the expansion of the internet, available content and accessibility, it just reaffirms me. As I grown, my interests have become more specific to me, as I seek to find “relatable content.” It is rare that I consume any content that I don’t plan to use for myself or for keeping tabs on people I know. The art blogs, make up gurus, comics, vloggers, they are all worlds I want be apart of in someway. Even the traditional mediums I enjoy, like live entertainers, films, and music have some relatability in it. I need to see myself in it, to want to consume it.
In this way, my user identity and cyborg self is about recognizing myself beyond what others and even I see. A machine never knows its a machine, well as technology at the consumer level is concerned. It just is. As I filter out the content that doesn’t pertain to me, similar to machine learning, I am getting closer to an answer I, nor anyone else, will completely understand. That is to say who I am without labels or social definition who I am. Ironic because company behind everything I use are working to peg me as a Type A or Type B consumer.
I spend hours engaging with technology. To be honest, I don’t separate myself from it unless forced as I rely on its accessibility. The only time I do distance myself is while hiking in a group or engage socially. As a person with ADHD, keeping the majority of my world on the cloud is ideal. That way I am not responsible for keeping track of all the data that encompasses my day to day life. My notebooks for school, my sketchbook, my mixtapes, VHS tapes, etc... exist solely in one omnipresent space. Even the physical device in which I access it is inconsequential as a backup will restore my data in near perfect condition. When I read stories about the deep web, hackers and companies selling my information, I do not really care as I have more to lose when I stop using these my devices on the off chance I piss off the wrong internet troll. Even catfishes and bots aren’t that much if a threat with predictable usernames, snapchat and FaceTime. As for murders who lurk on dating sites, I’m often too lazy to meet up irl so I probably have tired out any potential Ted Bundys. In general, I follow the same guidelines I do in real life: 1) if you dont feel comfortable, do not proceed, 2) I may not believe in the myths but I’m not going to test out my theory because I dont want find out if I am wrong and finally, and 3) reading the terms and conditions is never going to change your life.
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