#im just talking out my characterization thought process at this point 😭😭
iholli · 1 year
Can we talk about Justice Lord J'onn for a moment? Because I feel like I was robbed. A Better World could've showcased how J'onn had changed due to loosing yet another person he cares for, and I frequently think about what the conversation between him and his Justice League counterpart would've been like.
Like Justice League J'onn would be so critical of him but he'd be like, "You'll be like me eventually." And that would've scared Justice League J'onn so badly IMO.
I also wish we could've seen more of how people's freedoms were taken in the Justice Lords' universe. Because something tells me Justice Lord J'onn no longer has an issue with using telepathy on those who don't accept the new regime.
YES PLEASSEEEEEEEEE. I can talk about J'onn all day and I can DEFINITELY talk about Lord J'onn omg.
YOU'RE SO RIGHT. He really didn't get enough screentime in the episode. I love love love what he got though and it says a LOT to me about his character tbh. He's very close and even kind of casual with the other Lords and he honestly seems like he doesn't want them to be on the ground [away from the Watchtower where they're protected ??? take it as you will] at least until they convince him it's necessary. He's got no problem lying to outsiders and taking advantage of their trust, and just generally going along with whatever the group decides. He reads kinda "I survived the loss of one family and I won't fail my new one [again]." to me. [this has me thinking like, what if Lord J'onn has this immense guilt bc his morals didn't allow him to read Luthor's mind without permission and that would've prevented Wally's death. SO HE DOESN'T HOLD BACK ANYMORE. fellas he makes me so sad. I make myself sad thinking about it. ow]
OH I TOTALLY AGREE, and to add, I think the conversation in Divided We Fall would be "You're already like me." [ALSO I'M STILL MAD HE'S THE ONLY ONE WE DIDN'T SEE FIGHT IN THAT SCENE.] I've got a little on this coming up in my J'onn ramble part 2 but we can see in JLU that he's already going down that road, however he knows and regrets it, he doesn't WANT to get to that point. So having that version of him that he KNOWS exists, that he's trying so desperately to keep himself from becoming, telling him he's already past that point would be a horrifying wakeup call. And I could easily believe this was a big driving force in why he ends up leaving four episodes later [he DID try to leave at the end of A Knight of Shadows sooooo 👀]. That's not going to go away especially for someone who's so intensely empathetic.
GOOOOOODDDDDDDD, I could genuinely just watch an entire DCAU series about the Justice Lords, they scratch such a specific itch in my brain and I'm so fascinated by them. I 10000000% agree with you. J'onn with no holds barred, J'onn who has lost too much, J'onn who genuinely believes it's him and his family against the world for better or for worse, he's not going to lose anyone else. LOOK AT STARCROSSED. When everything was at stake he didn't just invade Kragger's mind, he DESTROYED it. And J'onn is already incredibly impulsive as is, so if it's going to come down to the safety of his League family or the world ?? Game over. He's not even going to think twice. I actually talked about the telepathy issue in my long analysis and you are 1000% correct. In JLU J'onn already has less and less issue just taking whatever he wants from others' minds, it would genuinely only take a slight push for him to start using his powers to force people into line, so it's easy to assume this is the case for Lord J'onn. And honestly ??? League J'onn is angrier, he's more involved, he's kind of ruthless doing whatever it takes to protect his family [and only stops short because he constantly, consciously knows he has to keep himself in check. even that holds him back less and less as JLU goes on]. I think he'd be even scarier than Lord J'onn had Divided We Fall ended differently. Hell, he nearly sacrificed the world once, and that was way before he really saw the worst humanity had to offer.
or perhaps Lord J'onn was the same way at the same point in his timeline, and we just saw him after the world was already secured and he could sit back a little ?? that could explain a lot tbh. like I said, I could talk circles about him 😂
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likesunsetorange · 4 months
how do you go about plotting your stories? :P
i always say that i’m a bit of a chaotic planner! i mention it a lot, but i have severely bad adhd, so things with me are a bit of organized chaos (except with the zine, i run that shit like the fucking marines man).
so basically since it starts off chaotic, i tend to kind of brain dump all my ideas into my doc (i use notion for planning), so like all the potential plot points scene ideas i may want, and then i tend to order them in a way that makes sense chronologically!
for one shots, i’ll be a bit more detailed bc i don’t do a lot of extra planning outside of my outline since it’s ONLY the one shot, but sometimes it’s even as simple as this! (from the wedding planner x baker au)
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it’s not very eloquently written bc it’s just for me, so i don’t waste time making sure it’s in full sentences lol, it’s like me talking to myself! so i just write a bit chaotic lol but it’s what i find works for me, and im able to fill in the gaps! and here’s another example LOL (a spoiler sorta from the cowboy x model au!) like i said, they’re severely unserious, but it’s what works for me!! but this is how i do my one shot ones, just bc i outline them in their entirety and im not writing full length sentences i don’t have fucking time for that with my minimal attention span having ass 😭
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BUT! for the e2l au and the bodyguard au!! i definitely did a lot more planning which is why it’s taken me so much longer to put them out 😭 with dol, which i’ve emphasized MANY times, i wrote it for shits and giggles and so i was like oh! like i should’ve been a bit more organized, which for the most part i’ve done PRETTY well, considering i wasn’t initially but i definitely wanted to be more prepared with these two!!
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so for both of the fics, i have them set up like this! there’s three little sections and i can kinda explain how i organized each one!
outline: that’s the overall fic outline, i basically started it how i mentioned above, i brain dumped all my ideas and then made it into a mostly cohesive chronological order! for multi chapter fics tho i get rlly overwhelmed tho if i super intensely outline bc sometimes i change my mind, so i have a MOSTLY SOLID idea of the overall plot give or take some minor decisions (which is why the whole first kiss thing in the bodyguard au i said i wasn’t 100% sure on yet bc i could still change my mind lol). so i outline chapter by chapter going based off the overall big outline, and choosing from the scenes i wanted to do, and maybe any ideas y’all suggest too! so like some things ARE subject to change, but like for sure most things (like in dol the whole fire thing) i ALWAYS know would happen
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details: for both fics, to make sure i kept the characterizations consistent, i wrote down everything about eren and mikasa and their character goals and traits for both au’s! and then specifically for the e2l au, i wrote out their feelings and thoughts about the breakup and how they both thought about one another as to make sure i kept those consistent!!! when writing mc fics it’s really easy to kind of stray away from characterization (at least for me bc i write a bunch of stuff at once) so i wanted to make sure i had something to refer to if i ever needed to!!
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extras: bc i realized i enjoyed having quotes/chapter titles, i basically pre chose all of those just to save myself some time later on bc im indecisive as fuck lol so if was to help future me
basically i think everyone has a super different process!! i love hearing about all my writer moots writing processes bc we’re all really different! some of my moots have very detailed processes which i admire, bc im not like that at all, but i’ve found this works for me and the way my brain works! it’s a mix of organization but not in a way that stresses me out or overwhelms me!
but also sometimes like the cabin fic i’ll just say to hell with it write a fic on a whim and not plan for shit except knowing i wanna write those five individual scenes so im nothing if not a mess also, but yea sorry for talking your ear off, i always say being concise is not something i can ever do LOL i hope this answers your question tho!! 😭
and i provided some snippets for you bodyguard au and e2l au readers too!!
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
“I can’t believe I told them about the dildo. About Yoongi. Put you in that light. I know that I can be… very open. I didn’t know that could be scary. Maybe you were being too much, but I didn’t know that I was doing the same thing in my own way.”
ooooh this was what i pointed out the last chapter, that tae had a problem with oversharing (especially with his family)!!! maybe i wasn’t so dumb after all because i was able to pick that up about him lmaoooo but anyways. yeah he def needs to work on that. but also im saying this because i despise when people are in my business lmaooo i dated this guy once who had a big mouth—let’s just say he saw nothing wrong with airing out our dirty laundry as a couple so i dumped him. so yeah. dating kittenfishing!tae would be an absolute nightmare for someone like me 😭😭😭😭
(the irony of me not liking people being in my business when i have pretty much treated your inbox like a personal diary, miss cheryl 😭😭😭 maybe i AM a dumbass after all)
Ah, 😻 Kittenfishing Anon, don't be so hard on yourself! I have enjoyed and learned from this commentary so much, as you've so wonderfully and generously shared! I appreciate that you see what I was trying to say underneath everything, that you understand what I was trying to process. More personal stuff after the jump for anyone who's interested, but honestly, thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughtful takes!
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Thank you for sharing these experiences! It's always difficult when someone has violated your trust.
This part of Tae's characterization comes from one particular aspect I'm also figuring out. While I am not the type to air dirty laundry, I'm quite straightforward when I talk. I can be very blunt with my emotions, and when trying to decipher others'. I think it's because I got used to talking about emotions in a very clinical way? So when I was on the online dating apps, I'd be very straightforward and blunt about what I was looking for. How I was feeling. What I was thinking. What I liked and didn't like. And I started getting the feeling that people were getting turned off by it. As a result, I started feeling that people were getting turned off by me.
I talked to my favorite aunt about this. She knows me very well. And she kindly and gently pointed out to me that not everyone talks about their emotions and experiences so candidly. Not everyone has the same vocabulary, or even awareness, of their own emotions, triggers, expectations, and goals, as I happen to. So it's kind of scary when someone just kind of... lays it all out there. Here I was, with my big, eager heart, and my big, eager eyes, kind of just... watching for a reaction.
I didn't realize it until then, but I was kind of... intimidating? WAIT NO I WAS BEING IN-TAE-MI-DATING 🤣 Ooooof close one, I almost missed that opportunity!! 🤣
Anyway. I don't know what that means. I'm not actively dating and do not seek any kind of partnership at this time, but I wanted to honor that part of my journey somehow. So, thanks for seeing that!
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