#im just very scared of getting burnt out again 😭
which-item-poll · 4 months
Would it be possible for people to include links to buy the items when they submit? Some of these things are super cute and I want them lol.
Unfortunately no, and here's why:
1. The items are pretty easy to find since I put the website in the tags (and if it's an indie store I'll put it in the description) and i use the exact wording that the website uses. So just put the name of the website into google and copy paste the item description i use and BAM!
2. Sometimes I'll post items from websites like Shein or Temu and I don't necessarily want to hardcore promote those.
3. Uhhhh I'm just lazy, and im sure the submitters don't necessarily want to do that either. I'm already running this blog, I don't rly want to add another thing onto the polls that i have to do. I got extremely burnt out on my last poll blog i ran because there was like 4 different things I had to add to each poll. My sin is sloth im sorry😔👊
Again, its super simple to find them based on the websites in the tags and the words i copy & paste directly from the website itself!
I hope you understand, and i might change my mind later on but for right now this is how it is.
Thank you for your suggestion though🙏❤️
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takasgf · 9 months
thought just came into my mind after sending that last ask. ik I mentioned swap Morket but that was just swapping their circumstances. I kinda also wanna hear more abt a species swap 💭 where r.ocket is the silly porcelain-like alien and morgan is the... well.!!!! She doesn't have to be a raccoon cause I vaguely remember you drawing her as a deer but yk what I mean. Idk !!! I'm just curious about what you've got going on in ur noggin :3c
HI WISHI!!!! im answering this one first because I've got more ideas for it ;^; I've been thinking about your questions for weeks and I've been trying to get some actual lore bit by bit.
I present to you!!! Morgen Deer :3 (reindeer actually but i like how just deer sounds) in all honesty i've got more ideas for her than humanoid!Rocky, but I'll be sure to do a follow up post for him when I get some ideas. Until then, let's talk about her!! Her story makes more sense in a universe in which they are both animal-like people.
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If the outfit isnt too obvious already, she used to be a professional wrestler in this universe! A genetically modified reindeer with amplified strength - she isnt from the same lab as R.ocket's, so I suppose there were multiple space scientists experimenting on animals at the time😭 okay, hers were a bit more caring towards her but they still specifically made her for the entertainment industry. She is pretty feared by others, but not treated with enough respect due to her species. She first meets Rocky when he randomly attends one of her matches, out of curiosity - she was honestly pretty excited to see "someone like her" in the crowd of spectators, so she definitely tried to meet up with him after. Can't say they immediately formed a connection because Morgen was very socially awkward and Rocky's not exactly the most friendliest person either, but they had respect for one another and knew they could count on eachother if there was any need for that.
After some time, Morgen started to get really sick of being a wrestler and not being treated properly and she wanted to find an opportunity to run away!! There was one incident in which she stopped a fight between Rocky and some other person, getting her antler ripped apart in the process. That was her call to start a new life and she ran away with her raccoon friend, who promised he'll fix her antler as thanks for standing up for him. He wasn't very keen on the idea on having a companion (this was before he meet G.root) but he warmed up to her and they stuck together, as they met all of their other friends !! Once again, it took them until after IW to admit their feelings for eachother because they are dumb and scared. It's not like everyone already thought they were together because "hmm if this guy is a furry and this girl is also a furry then they must be a couple!!1!"
ok thats all i have because im burnt out on ideas. humanoid/zteamer person r.ocket is just an emo catboy(raccoon boy?) to be honest. and i think he's super silly and a cutie pie and he still bites people's arms and steps on their feet because he's a short king full of anger
here's an albino raccoon Morgen just for fun though :3 for a silly AU in which they are both raccoons (who kiss) (eachother)
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manjiroro · 3 years
Heyyyyyy! I really loved the itadori Yuji reader post and I loved it so much and I had a good laugh at it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really hate to ask you this when your requests are closed. But when your requests are open again.
Can I request itadori again same characters but…god. I have two options but you can pick one. I’m really sorry for being like this. I’m really am. 😔
1) them meeting everyone at jujutsu high, like the teachers & students even panda. Plus the Kyoto students.
2) when they found out that Reader died at the mission but came back to life and kept their death secret. Then surprising them saying “Hey! OPP!” and leaving them shocked.
Again I’m so sorry for asking you this when your requests are closed.
hey! OPP!
characters: baji, chifuyu, mikey, hakkai, draken, pehyan
content: fluff, gender neutral, slight crack
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hello~~ thank you for requesting!! im so glad you liked it 😭😭 and no worries!! it's okay~~ i'm not gonna go too in depth about them being sad over the death cuz i actually felt bad for making them sad HWJDHQ also for your other request i’ll write that too so dont worry!!
i apologise for any mistakes and i hope you enjoy~~
b a j i
baji will be much more violent after finding out about your death
more cars are being burned and more people are getting beaten up
he was just super upset and he needed a way to vent
that was when he heard the doorbell ring
opening the door, he sees a huge box, he cocks his head to the side, confused as to what it was
and when you popped out, yelling "Hey! OPP!"
his mouth was hung open, he couldn't believe that you're there right in front of him when you're dead
"y/n..? is that really you..?"
"yeah! it's me kei! i died for a moment and i was brought back to life!"
baji immediately brings you into a bone crushing hug
he lightly sniffles
after a while though, he comes to realisation that you had been revived and you didn't bother telling him
he gets pissed, tackling you to the ground
"the fuck, why didn't you tell me anything about you coming back to life????"
"i wanted to surprise you kei..."
he shuts his mouth, he really wants to be angry at you but after hearing that, his anger slowly dies down
he sighs before flicking your forehead
"don't scare me like that. i really thought you died."
"i'm sorry kei, but.. you were really affected by it huh."
"what do you mean?"
"i saw the news... the amount of cars burnt and people getting hurt.."
that's when his cheeks had a slight pinkish tint to them
the poor boy was embarrassed
he slowly gets up and walks back into the house
leaving you on the floor outside
you banged on his door to let you in but poor baji is trying to recover from the embarrassment of him venting so badly that it ended up on the news
c h i f u y u
chifuyu would be the one to pray to you everyday
the thing that he finds weird is that you didn’t have a grave?
because he’ll definitely go visit your grave but he can’t
he has this small sliver of hope that you’re still alive but it’s very slim considering you never answer his text or calls
and when he goes to your place or ask about your whereabouts, no one will answer the door and everyone would say the same thing that you were dead
when you surprised him, chifuyu immediately engulfs you into a hug
“hey! OPP-”
before you can even finish, you were tackled into a strong hug
chifuyu cups your cheeks while examining your features
“are... you.. really alive..?”
you could feel that he was slightly shaking, face pale and sweat forming on his forehead
you placed your hand over his, turning your head to press a kiss into his palm
“yes, fuyu, i’m really alive.”
chifuyu is breaking down right then, burying his face into your neck, crying and sniffling as relief washes over him
be prepared to have him cling onto your side 24/7
even if you needed to go to the bathroom, he’ll stand beside you or outside to wait for you
he’ll be constantly hugging you, there is no escape
after he gets over his overwhelming amount of feels, he’ll ask you what happened
“ah~ i was revived and i had to keep it a secret~!”
he deadpans at you, slightly shocked, slightly offended, slightly disappointed
“couldn’t you have at least told your boyfriend that you were indeed, alive?”
“nope, gojo sensei said i couldn’t do that. oh! but i wanted to surprise you when he said i could, so how was it?”
“i-it was great babe!”
chifuyu couldn’t find it in his heart to tell you that the way you revealed yourself was kind of lame
m i k e y
oh no, mikey’s gonna lose it
when he hears the most important person to him had died, he was super upset
he was broken already and for him to lose you broke him even more
you were hoping to wait it out longer before you could surprise him
but seeing him so upset made you feel bad, so you had to surprise him asap 
so when you popped out of the box, yelling “hey! OPP!” at him, he deadpans 
you could feel yourself sweating nervously at his reaction, was he mad? was he relieved? his face was just so hard to read
he sighs, before laying his head on your shoulder, slowly wrapping his arms tightly around your waist
if it weren’t for his arms slightly shaking, you wouldn’t have guessed what he was feeling
he eventually brings you into his room and the both of you would cuddle on his couch
you being the big spoon, while he smooshes his face into your chest, inhaling your scent and listening close to your steady heartbeat
he’ll make you thread your fingers through his hair and he wouldn’t let you go because he definitely misses your touch and presence
“are you really real?”
he would mumble from time to time in your chest
“yes mikey, i am alive.”
“then why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
you looks up at you with a small pout on his lips
“i wanted to surprise you..”
he flicks your forehead before resuming his original position in your arms
“don’t do that. you really scared me.. don’t wanna lose you..”
you could tell he was slowly drifting off to sleep from how his words were slightly slurred
h a k k a i
hakkai is gonna be devastated
i’m sure you mean the world to him so he’s not gonna handle it well
he’s gonna be constantly thinking about you and thinking about the things he should’ve done when you were alive
when you surprised him though, he just stares at you in shock
eyes wide, and the colour drained from his face, he thought he was hallucinating
while the smile on your face slowly drops into a concerned look
“hey hun... are you okay..?”
“am i dreaming?”
“no hun, i am alive. i was revived again and i wanted to surprise you..”
he still stands there, he’s in disbelief and he’s a little hesitant to go near you
so you have to go up to him and give him a big hug to let him know that you are indeed real and that he wasn’t dreaming
the days after that though, he’s still in disbelief
often asking people if he was dreaming and that if they could see you
to which they all replied yes, they could see you
so after that confirmation, he takes the time to do everything with you
he’s worried that you might die for real anytime soon
so he makes sure that you have a lot of fun with him and that he wouldn’t have any regrets if you actually go
he’s also bolder than usual
being the one to hold your hand and not hesitating to put his arm around your waist
you definitely could tell that he was afraid to lose you for real 
hakkai will also tell you how much he loves you more often
the both of you would be sitting together and he’ll just bring you into his lap
nuzzling his face into your neck and tell you just how much you mean to him and the amount he loves you
d r a k e n
oh man, he’s gonna seem as if he’s doing okay when really he misses you so bad
he kinda blames your death on himself
he sometimes wonders if he could’ve been there to help you or save you
when he sees you at his doorstep, in your pose, he’s actually dumbfounded
sure he’s happy that you were right there in front of him, breathing and living
but at the same time he’s like ‘what the fuck’
still, he would definitely run up to you to hug you, to make sure that you are indeed living
pressing his ear up against your chest to listen to your heartbeat
he’s gonna be clingy
which is not usual for draken so you’re kind of confused
you didn’t expect him to act this way
“baby, why’re you more affectionate than usual?”
you’d ask him when he has his body clung onto your side
“what do you mean, you were dead for a few months babe, let me be.”
you can’t help but to laugh at how adorable he sounded then
“aww, kenny~~ aren’t you adorable~~”
he buries his face harder into your arm, trying to hide his red face
usually he would detach himself from you and hide his face that way
but he really can’t bear leaving your side at the moment
“how are you even alive anyway?”
“oh, i was revived right after my death and sensei told me to keep it a secret.”
draken has never detached himself so fast from you IDWHWPI
he’s gonna be salty about that but he can’t possibly stay mad at you forever
so he’s still gonna be as affectionate with you but he’s thinking about how he was going to get back at you
p e h y a n
he’s gonna be much more quiet than usual
pehyan will zone out more often 
and he’ll also be much more aggressive 
he sees you as someone who has taught him and loved him unconditionally
so with you gone, he feels empty
when you show up surprising him though, he’s also gonna stand there, frozen to the ground
you would call out to him after all he had done was just stand there staring at you
you’re gonna have to go up to him to give him a hug so he knows that you are in fact real
only then will he wrap his arms around you tight 
and he’ll examine your face, cupping your cheeks, tilting your face left and right
“how- why-”
he’ll stutter, confused as to how you’re standing in front of him when you’re supposed to be dead
“i was revived again and i wanted to surprise you!”
he heaves a sigh of relief before hugging you again, this time, leaning his weight on you
he hugs you so tight as if you’re gonna leave him again
so from then on, he’s never gonna let you go out alone
if you’re out on a date with him, he’s gonna hold onto your hand or waist so tight
even if you’re going to get groceries, he insists on following you so that you’ll be safe
if you have missions, he makes sure that he follows along
he’ll wait for you at a distance because you’re worried that he might get hurt if any curses make their way out of the barrier
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❥ masterlist
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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